Slave Race: 17/?
by Nan Smith and Linda Garrick

The aircar was gaining altitude. His companions released him, their hands carefully covering their own weapons. "Take it easy, Cor," said Don. "And don't try nothin'."

"I'm not, dammit! Will you listen to me... ?"

"We know where she lives. Take it easy. We'll head back to the ship and get Blashvor's okay. Then we can come back..."

Cory turned in the seat, trying frantically to catch a last glimpse of Loreen. The aircar gained altitude and speed, accelerating across the city.

Distracted by the unbelievable thing he had just seen, Cory had ignored the prickle of warning. Now it caught at him suddenly and he started violently. "No! Look out!"

The blast caught them on the echo--not a killing blast or they would have all been dead, but a disabling shot, meant to take them down, but not to kill. Joe swore as the car tilted hard forward and began to spiral down. Don hit their weapons computer with his fist. "Damn! Knocked out the whole, stinkin' thing! Get your head down, Cor!"

Cory obeyed, arms over his face to protect himself. Their car pancaked to the street, skidded forward and slammed nose first into a disintegrating building. The impact was apparently the deciding factor, for the structure trembled and then, slowly and majestically began to collapse. Debris rained down.

Cory kept his head down, arms linked over the back of his neck. Something struck the top of the aircar, crushing it inward, driving him down. The door buckled outward from the pressure on the roof.

Somehow Cory found himself on the floor of the aircar, the small warped opening of the mangled door before him. Pale light shone through, and dust motes danced frantically in a beam of sunlight. From somewhere came the sound of more crashes. Good grief! It sounded like the entire building was coming down!

"Joe!" It was hardly more than a croak. He couldn't see either of his companions. They must be trapped on the seat under the crushed roof of the aircar. If he hadn't somehow made it to the floor, he would now be keeping them company.

An ominous crackle of flames sounded from somewhere forward. Cory wiggled sideways, squeezing through the hole. Feet touched him, and he caught two ankles, pulling.

The crackle of flames was louder. Cory wiggled through the hole, reached back, caught the man's ankles again and managed to drag him through the hole after him. All around him was debris, some still falling from the roof overhead. The engine of the mangled aircar was burning cheerfully, the orange flames lighting up the dusty air around them. Cory caught the unconscious man by the wrists and dragged him from the danger area. Turning, he ran back to the car. The driver was still in his seat. Cory wrenched uselessly at the warped door. It was immobile, but, peering in, he realized that his rescue mission was futile. Don was dead.

He ran back to Joe and knelt beside him. "Joe, wake up!"

The man groaned faintly. Somewhere nearby came the sound of voices. A mind touched his.


His shields snapped up at the sensation. He straightened up and ran, limping, toward what appeared to be a steep, dim flight of stairs. Behind him, the aircar exploded.

The concussion sent him stumbling forward. He landed hard on hands and knees in the rubble, feeling rocks jab him painfully. More of the roof came down in a thunderous avalanche right behind him. A stone stung his cheek.

He had to get out of here! Comishvor was after him. Panic nearly choked him, and he forced the sensation back. Now, of all times, he must keep his head!

A second explosion rocked him. He glanced back and saw that the fire was spreading to the building. He caught a glimpse of Joe, rising to his knees, shaking his head.

He dared not wait. Joe would have to fend for himself, somehow. Cory reached the stairs, saw they must lead to an upper floor, but that they were unclimbable--ruined, rotten. He turned frantically and saw the tall form of the Jilectan enter the room behind him. Accompanying him were several smaller figures.

He looked desperately around, saw a doorway beneath the stairs, and plunged into it. A long corridor, filled with debris stretched before him. He ran, stumbling, along it, his spine tingling. The Jil would be here within minutes.

Smoke wafted down the corridor behind him. He reached the end of the hall and entered another room. Condemned buildings, all of them long since vacated, but never demolished. They were crumbling, falling apart. Rats, trenchcrawlers and various other vermin scuttled away from his feet.

The room in which he stood was large and in a disastrous state of ruin. A window opened off of it, and sunlight streamed through. The sound of sirens reached him.

He ran to the window, kicked the few remaining shards of glass away and peered out. He faced a littered alley bordered by another building. No sign of the Jil.

He climbed through, alert for any warnings. A trenchcrawler ran, squealing, and dove into a heaped pile of trash.

An aircar roared past overhead. Cory ran down the alley, reached a turn and dodged left. Behind him flames billowed from the roof of the condemned building.

He slowed to a walk and reached a sidewalk, crowded with spectators, watching the blaze. Cory snaked his way through them, alert for any threat.

Loreen! The memory of her came back to him now. She was alive! There could be no doubt. He had seen her. She had changed very little over the years, tall, perfect figure, lovely face. He had been in love with her, or perhaps it had been more like an infatuation. She had fascinated him. He had been drawn to her, in a very minor way, in the same manner that Ed had. He understood Ed's love for her perfectly. She was beautiful--utterly divine.

And she was alive! She had survived in spite of everything. And that boy, her son, so like Ed...

Ed's child? A child he had never known, conceived the day of their wedding, hours before they had been separated.

He must find out! How far away had they been? Comishvor was still after him--had tracked him somehow. Ed? Was Ed still with him, being forced somehow to obey the Jilectan? Impossible! Cory's shields had been wide open, scanning for his friend just moments before Comishvor had appeared.

The other psychic, perhaps? That little orphan boy? Possible...

He must get away. He must get back to Loreen and tell her that Edwin was still alive. Blashvor would be here soon, looking for him. Jason would find him. Jason was an excellent tracker. He just had to stay ahead of Comishvor until then.

Rapidly he wormed his way through the crowd, heading back the way he had come.


Chapter 22
Late September, 2185

Edwin opened his eyes, blinking dimly at the soft radiance. He lay quiet, listening to the silence around him. He felt very weak and light headed. How much time had passed?

Quiet--very quiet, save for the hum of repulsers somewhere deep within the ship. He tried to move, and managed to turn his head.

The effort left him exhausted and trembling. His ears rang thinly, and for an instant the room grayed out.

He had been hurt. Gradually memory began to return--confused dreams of Dr. Jocki bending over him, of terrible pain in his head, of Miriam holding his hand and crying. Comishvor! Comishvor had hit him and he had fallen.

He closed his eyes and tried to flex his arms. Yes, they moved, and his legs, too. Everything responded. He just felt so terribly weak!

A bottle hung above his head, and a tube ran from it into his arm. The sight of his arm shocked him. It was thin and wasted in appearance, the bones sharp at the elbow. How long had he been lying here?

Dr. Jocki appeared from somewhere to his left, paused beside the bed, checked the tube, and started to turn away.

"Dr. Jocki?" Ed whispered.

The man's face jerked around and their eyes locked. "Ed!" he gasped. "You're awake at last!" He sat down, taking the patient's hand and holding it firmly. "My God! I thought you'd never..." he shut his mouth on the last word.

Ed tried to squeeze the doctor's hand. He felt weak as a kitten. "How long?" he whispered.

"You hit your head hard, Ed. I operated three times to relieve the pressure. After the last operation you slipped into a coma."

"How *long*?"

"It's been nearly six months since Cory got away."

"Six months!" His whisper cracked. His surroundings spun away and for an instant darkness threatened again.

"Easy, Ed. Easy there. I told you, you went into a coma. I'd about given up hope that you were ever going to speak to us again."


"No sign of him. He got clean away, the little twerp. Comishvor's been wild to find him; what with you out of commission, Jack was his only psychic."


"That cute little kid you guys picked up on Shallock. He ain't all that Comishvor thought he'd be--not near as good as Cory and you. But he *is* a tracer, and Comishvor's taken him to Corala half a dozen times now to search for Cory."

"He *has*?"

"Yeah. He's there right now, in fact. Don't worry, Ed. I don't think Cory really went to Corala. Comishvor's only going on what he could get out of Miriam. Miriam thought he'd probably go to Corala, but she really didn't know anything." He hesitated. "Miriam's due to have that baby any minute."


"Oh, I forgot you didn't know. Miriam's pregnant."

"Cory--she didn't tell him."

"I diagnosed the pregnancy while you were on Shallock. Look, Ed, you take it easy. The girl's going to be fine. She's healthy and young. You just go back to sleep, now."

Ed closed his eyes and time drifted away once more.

Voices. A hand touched his arm. He opened his eyes.

Dr. Jocki was seated beside him again, and behind him stood Lord Comishvor. The Jilectan came majestically forward.

"How do you feel, Edwin?"

"Better, sir. Thank you."

Comishvor moved another step nearer. "Edwin, where is Cornelius?"

Edwin turned his face away.

"You will answer me, Edwin. I promise you."


Dr. Jocki cleared his throat. "M'lord, please, remember what I said. No excitement."

Lord Comishvor seated himself on the bunk. "I command you, Edwin," his voice was low but menacing. "Drop your shields."

"I won't do it, sir."

"You will, Edwin. You know it is useless to defy me. Always in the past I have triumphed when we have come to conflict. I am the superior being. I will have my way."


"M'lord..." said Jocki warningly.

"Get out."

"M'lord, he. .."

"Get out. Now."

Jocki went. Edwin waited, feeling very frightened. Comishvor leaned forward. "Did you know, my psychic, that Cornelius' child is due to be born very soon?"

Edwin's heart jumped. "M'lord, you wouldn't..."

"You think not, Edwin? Do you believe that your friend would wish you to keep silent when by speaking you would keep his child from harm?"

Edwin didn't reply, but bit his lip, mind racing. He must get away! But how? He was so weak he could hardly move.

Comishvor smiled faintly, rose and left the room.

October 8

Two weeks went by, and gradually his strength returned. He didn't see Comishvor again, but Miriam came to see him several times. Her belly was swollen with Cory's child, and fear lurked in her eyes. She never mentioned that she was afraid for the baby at Comishvor's hands, but Edwin knew she was. Then, a few days later Jocki appeared at his bedside with the news.

"I delivered Miriam's baby last night. A healthy girl."

"Is Miriam okay?"

"Yeah. She's a strong young woman. Did fine."

"Has... has Comishvor been in to see the baby?"

Jocki looked uneasy. "Yeah."

"Did he say anything?"


Ed shifted uneasily. "I wonder..."

He was interrupted. Comishvor appeared in the doorway, smiling, and beside him walked two pirates and Miriam, a small, snugly wrapped bundle in her arms.

Edwin sat up. "No, M'lord! No!"

"And now, Edwin, you will lower your shields."

"M'lord, you wouldn't hurt the child! She's a psychic!" He had detected the aura at once.

Comishvor reached out, and with irresistible strength, took the baby from Miriam's arms. The child whimpered. Comishvor strode forward and placed the baby on Ed's bunk. Roughly he pulled the blanket back, revealing a small, diaper clad form. The baby was tiny, with small, perfect limbs and a round, pretty face. A mop of dark, wavy hair topped her head. Her tiny arms flew out as the blanket was pulled away. Her face crumpled and she began to cry.

Comishvor reached down, picked her up by one leg and drew a knife from his belt. "You will lower your shields now, Edwin, or I will start by removing her toes."

Miriam gave a cry of anguish. Edwin tried to get out of bed, but the pirates accompanying Comishvor pushed him back. Comishvor moved the knife suggestively. Edwin cried out. "No! No, sir!" His shoulders slumped. "I'll tell. Just don't hurt the baby."

Comishvor didn't move the knife back. "Well, Edwin?"

Helplessly, Ed let his shields relax. "He's gone to Corala, sir. We didn't establish a definite meeting place, but he'll probably go to Franik. We spoke of our old haunts. That's probably where he is."

Comishvor smiled fractionally. "Thank you, Edwin." He placed the shrieking infant on the bed again and nodded to his minions. They released Miriam, who rushed forward and snatched up her baby.

Comishvor turned in a swirl of robes. "Bring the woman and child," he commanded, and went out. The pirates followed, Miriam and the baby between them.

Edwin half fell back in bed. His gut roiled with the sickness of defeat. Comishvor would find Cory now. There was nothing he could do to stop him.

Gradually, however, the despair began to fade, and anger took its place. Comishvor thought he had won, and maybe he had, but Edwin no longer cared what happened to him. Comishvor had forfeited any loyalty that Ed had ever held for him when he had threatened Cory's daughter, and through her, Cory, himself. He would be sorry for what he had done.

He waited, scanning. Comishvor was getting farther away, and so was Miriam and the baby. Another psychic mind joined him--the mind of the little boy whom Comishvor and Cory had discovered on Shallock. Gradually the minds moved farther away, then with a sudden rush, they vanished. Comishvor had departed for Corala again, taking his psychic tracer, Miriam and her baby with him.

Dr. Jocki entered the room. "You okay, Ed?"

Ed closed his eyes so the doctor wouldn't see his determination. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"You look like hell."

"I feel like hell. Leave me alone, please."

"Okay." Jocki went out. Edwin opened his eyes, scanning. Silence reigned. Guards stood outside the infirmary door, and in the next room, Jocki moved about. Edwin sat up and swung his feet to the deck. The room around him spun dizzily for a moment, then slowly righted itself. Ed drew a deep breath and stood up.

He was steadier than he thought he'd be. Turning back, he placed a roll of blanket beneath the covers, disconnected his IV tubing and placed it beneath the covers as well. He went quietly to the door, shields wide open and scanning.

Lady Frishville and Lady Gootishville were somewhere below him, but they weren't likely to pick him up.

Dr. Jocki was headed toward Ed's room. Ed formed the illusion easily--the need to go to the bathroom--intense need. Jocki cursed and headed for the latrine at a run. Edwin waited until the sound of the door closing reached him, then went quietly into the next room and over to the bathroom. Jocki had found, upon reaching the john, that his need was not so great as he had imagined. The door to the bathroom opened again.

Edwin was ready. The blaster leaped from Jocki's belt, spun through the space between them, and smacked into Edwin's hands. He flipped the weapon to stun and fired.

Jocki had time for a surprised squawk before crumpling to the deck in the latrine doorway. Panting, head spinning slightly, Edwin pushed him back inside, fastened his hands behind him with his own belt, stunned him a second time, and closed the door on him. Then he crossed silently to the infirmary exit. Yes, two guards stood outside the door. Comishvor didn't trust him, weak as he was, not to try to escape.

With good reason.

His psychic powers weren't functioning as well as he would have liked, but the mind of the guard on the left was a relatively simple one, and the illusion was easy. Edwin concentrated, forming the image of Lord Comishvor striding down the corridor toward the door.

In his mind's eye he saw it--the guard coming to attention, his mouth opening in surprise. But, before he could speak, Ed formed the sound of Lord Comsivhor's voice in his mind.

"Bill, stun Ramon at once! Quickly!"



Bill drew his blaster, flipped the setting and stunned his fellow.

"Now drag him into the infirmary!"

"Yes sir!" Bill stooped, caught Ramon beneath the arms and dragged him into the infirmary. As the door closed, Ed fired a stunbolt from Jocki's blaster and Bill sank to the floor beside his unfortunate comrade.

It took only a moment to fasten both men's hands behind them with their belts and disable the wall communicator with a needle beam. Swiftly he removed wrist communicators from the men and confiscated Ramon's boots and Bill's long, golden furred cloak. Ramon wasn't that much larger than he, and the boots were only about two sizes too large. Bill's cloak came to his heels, but it had a hood on it that would conceal his face. He wrapped it around him, stunned the men a second time, and went to the door, scanning. Plenty of presences out there, but none for the moment within sight of the infirmary door. He opened it, went out, and shut it behind him. Using the blaster's needle beam, he welded the lock into immobility, drew a deep breath, and turned down the corridor toward the lifeboat hangars.

He'd been able to buy a little time. It'd be close to twenty minutes before anyone in the infirmary recovered sufficiently to try to attract attention, and another fifteen minutes, hopefully, before they succeeded in doing so. Perhaps by that time he would be off the ship and away.

He went silently down the corridor, senses scanning like radar for the slightest hint of danger. Pirates passed him, hardly glancing at him. He entered the lift, which was deserted, and signaled for the lifeboat deck. The doors slid open and he faced an Arcturian. Edwin reached frantically for the being's mind.

Always he had experienced trouble reading the natives of Ceregon, and now, weak as he was, his head beginning to spin slightly with his exertions, he was a little slow in enclosing the alien's mind. The Arcturian gave a startled hiss, then a louder, shriller hiss as the image of Lord Comishvor, in place of Edwin, took shape before him. He stepped back, his eyes widening even more.

"My Lord?" His voice was uncertain. "I zought you had gone, sir."

"I have returned, Pinnar."

The crest lifted slowly. "You left only a few minutes ago, sir."

"Stand aside!" Edwin strode forward.

Pinnar obeyed, but his eyes never left Edwin. Ed's spine prickled as he strode away from the alien.

"Stop, please, sir!"

Edwin turned, holding the image with all his remaining strength. The Arcturian was looking around nervously. "Somezing is wrong, sir. I sense a Terran psychic nearby."

Edwin had forgotten about the Arcturian's extra sense, the ability to detect psychics at close range -- and to distinguish the difference between Jilectan and Terran. Any second now the alien would figure out what was amiss.

He drew his blaster and stunned the Arcturian. Pinnar gave a shrill hiss and folded. Edwin ran, stumbling and weaving slightly, toward the lifeboat bays.

There were guards there. He sensed them at once and paused, concentrating. His time was running out, and he felt very weak, his head light and dizzy, his eyes not quite focussing. Two guards. He must get rid of them. How? His strength was almost gone. He wasn't sure of his ability to perform more illusions. Well, he had a blaster. If necessary he'd shoot both of them. No one was stopping him now. He must get to Corala--not only for his own sake, but for Cory's. He must warn him.

He jabbed the button and the door hissed open. Two startled faces turned toward him. His weapon hummed. One guard sank to the deck. The other stared, frozen, as the blaster swung toward him. "Ed!" he squeaked.

"Sorry, Butch." Ed stunned him and half-lurched forward, his legs weaving slightly, toward the nearest lifeboat hangar, which contained Comishvor's personal escape craft. The hatch popped open as he triggered the command sequence with telekinesis, and he went in.

The "Lady Frishville" was motionless in space, awaiting the return of Lord Comishvor. Edwin leaned over the controls and triggered the emergency start sequence. The engine came to life. He entered his destination into the computer and leaned back in the pilot's chair, belatedly fastening the safety webbing. The hangar started to depressurize.

They would see him from the control room when he emerged from the ship, of course, but it might take them a minute to figure out what was going on, especially if he used his wits to confuse things. A minute would be all he would need.

The depressurizing concluded, and the outer hangar doors slid open. The little lifeboat leaped forward.

Ed kept his eyes resolutely on the countdown readout, trying to remember not to hold his breath. Twenty seconds.

"Lifeboat!" A voice burst from the communicator, "we have you in our sights. Identify yourself at once or we open fire!"

Ship to ship illusions? He had been able to do them before at close range, but never when he was as exhausted as he felt now. His head spun dizzily as he located the mind of the being at the control panel. It was a Procyon. He silently thanked whichever Fate it had been that had decreed that the bird-like alien would be in this particular place at this time. Procyons were considerably easier to read than Terrans--and to create illusions for...

He still wasn't sure he could do it. Illusions took a lot of energy, and he was feeling pretty much drained. Summoning all his strength, he formed the illusion in the creature's mind of an image on the screen--the lovely, blond face of Lady Frishville.

"M'lady!" The Procyon's voice squeaked from the com. Behind it, came a babble of other voices.

"Do not fire!" He formed the voice of the Lady for his victim. "I am going after my Lord with an urgent message!"

"Fire, you idiot!" a voice shouted in the background. "You aren't seeing what you think you're seeing! It's that confounded little psychic using an illusion! Fire!"

"No... it ish Lady Frishville!"

"Get him away from there! Jake! Jake, get us a tractor beam..." Edwin lost the mind touch and fell back against the seat, his head spinning.

And, with a jolt, the ship converted to hyperspace. He had made it.

October 9, 2185
1120 Sunday

Six minutes to Corala's system. Edwin had no intention of coming out of hyperspace around the world, itself, however. Comishvor's men would have immediately notified the Jilectan of Ed's escape, and, if the Jil had any sense, which Ed knew he did, he'd be waiting even now for Ed to appear. Somehow, he must outwit the Jilectan and remain free. Cory had managed it, somehow. Perhaps he could, too.

He came out of hyperspace near the orbit of one of the system's gas giants, and headed in slowly, alert for any sign of life on his scanners. Nothing. The screens were clear, but still he felt jumpy. There was a sensation lurking in the background that he was missing something important.

Corala loomed before him, a huge globe, glowing blue and green against the blackness. Both her moons were visible, scarred, pitted satellites, unfit for habitation. Cory are you down there? He opened his screens wide, reaching, scanning...

*Ed!* The contact was faint with distance, but quivering with relief. *At last! Where are you?*

*I'm in a ship, coming in. Where are you?*

*I'm in Franik, and I've got Comishvor after me. Ed, Loreen's alive!*


*I saw her! She came out of an apartment on Forest drive--2100 Forest Drive, here in Franik! If we can't contact earlier, I'll meet you there.*

*You're sure it was her?*

*Yes! She's gorgeous as ever. Whupps! Bye!*

Cory's shields closed, blocking him out. Edwin gripped the controls, his mind whirling. Loreen alive! Wild elation filled him. He would go to her at once, and if Cory wasn't there, they'd find him. If necessary, he'd kill Comishvor. No one would stop them now!

The proximity alarm sounded. Edwin saw the ship on the screens at the same instant--not Comishvor's though. A larger, more formidable vessel. It was coming toward him, and from it came the quiver of psychic energy.

He snapped his shields up. He wouldn't be taken now! Ed had no doubt that the newcomer was another Jil pirate, after a prize. And he was the prize!

A second beeping sounded and he jerked sideways to the other screen. The "Lady Frishville" was coming at him from the opposite direction. So, they had pursued him. Lord Comishvor must have ordered them to rendezvous with him in Corala's system the instant the news of Edwin's escape had reached him.

Suddenly he was angry. He'd had enough of this! He was his own person, and he had his own life to live, and he was sick and tired of being ordered about, owned, and fought over by Jils! Furiously he slapped controls on the panel, setting his communicator on the widest range it would go.

"Viceregal Patrol!" he shouted into the speaker. "Viceregal Patrol, come in! Mayday! Mayday!"

"We read you," a voice responded. "This is the Patrol Battlecruiser, "Sentinel". What's your emergency?"

"I'm under attack by two pirate vessels! Request immediate assistance! Repeat, request immediate..."

The soft hum from his communicator dissolved suddenly into a roar of static. Comishvor's ship, or the other one, or both, had succeeded in jamming his transmissions, but the harm was already done. He'd gotten through. Now, if the Patrol could just arrive in time...

The roar ceased abruptly, and a distinctly Shallockian voice spoke over the unit. "Ed, this is Packer. Don't be a fool. If the Patrol..."

Another voice interrupted him--the shrill, angry voice of a boy. "Stuff it, Packer! Ed, this is Jason, Lord Blashvor's psychic. We have your friend, Cory. Come on board and I promise you'll..."

Edwin jammed down the control, extinguishing both voices. "'Sentinel', help! Please come in!"

The *Sentinel* responded immediately. "We have you pinpointed, Jilectan lifeboat, as well as the two pirate craft. Try to hold out. Three battlecruisers on the way."

"Please hurry! They're both after me! One's Lord Comishvor's ship--the one with the red markings on the hull, and the other..."

The jamming cut in again.

Both pirate vessels were closing in rapidly. A voice spoke suddenly in his mind--the youthful Terran voice he had heard a few moments before on the com. *Ed, please, listen to me. We have your partner...*

*You're lying!* Ed flung the words back at him. *My partner just contacted me a few minutes ago from the planet. He's got Lord Comishvor in person after him! So you go to hell!*

A Jilectan voice intruded suddenly on the communication. *You say your partner contacted you, Terran, and that Comishvor's after him? Did he tell you anything else? Did he say where he was?*

*Stuff it, Jil!* Edwin sent his response back furiously and snapped his shields shut again. Damn them! Damn all of them!

He was almost within range of Blashvor's weapons now, and still five minutes from the planet's gravity well. Comishvor's ship was only a little behind Blashvor's.

Then he saw the cruisers on the screen--three of them, moving in, and ranging themselves in battle formation. The lead cruiser fired at Comishvor's ship, the blue flame expanding rapidly across the darkness. Ed, in his little lifeboat, slid sideways and away. Comishvor's ship turned ponderously back toward its attacker. Blashvor turned hard and accelerated away from the battle. The communicator jamming ceased abruptly. Edwin poured on the power and Corala swelled in the screen before him.

"Take it easy, fella." It was a new voice, carrying the accent of Filora. "We 'ave you. No danger now. 'Ang around and watch the fun."

Edwin didn't reply, eyes on the screens. Corala's gravity well was less than two minutes away now.
One minute.

His ship accelerated as he entered the outer fringes of the well. The Filorian spoke again. "'Ey, you! 'old on! Just wait a minute! 'Ey! You're ordered to stop, mister! Lay to!"

Edwin thumbed the transmit control. "Thanks, you guys! Bye now! Maybe I'll see you around!"

His speed increased and he heard the thin whine as his ship entered the outer fringes of the atmosphere. He didn't think the Patrol ship would follow. They'd have enough to do for a few minutes with two pirate vessels to keep them company.



Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.