I'm reading. I'm reading. I'm just slow on FDKing.
Clark had his back to the cabin door: something he never let happen, and for the first time since he came on board he slept without his finger poised on the trigger of his pistol. Instead he held tight to the woman sleeping in his arms.
Well, good thing he's super powered. Ooops. Never mind.
A self-preservation instinct, which he had ignored last night, had him peering over his shoulder to the cabin door.
Some could argue that the survival of the species is also a self-preservation instinct, but that's what he's referring to, is it?
Clark never put his back to the door, and he never left his pistol on the table: out of reach.
Don't worry. It's later on in your relationship with Lois, Kal, that you automatically think "need gun" when you think of Lois.
He would, once more, attempt to garner the location of the Pirate King's island and then he would find a way to leave the ship sooner and take Lois with him.
And they would buy a house on the ocean, where she'd be the perfect housewife, while he sailed away with the navy, never knowing when he would return, just happy that he had. And they would live happily ever after. Sigh.
He must be new to this 'love' thing, right? He has no idea who Lois is, does he? He's in for a rude awakening.
she melted, parting her lips to allow his tongue entrance. Her embarrassment disappeared and she reached for him, sliding her hands up his thigh and under his shirt. She encountered his desire immediately and he moaned into her mouth then began lowering her back down to the bed.
Okay, maybe that rude awakening won't happen *today* but soon. You know, if I got woken up like this more often, I might be more of a morning person.
As he became more used to the persona of 'Kal' he'd easily reconciled himself with the conclusion that it was necessary, only to find out that Zor-El wrote all day, only to burn everything at night.
I haven't yet met Zor-El in Smallville, but he's sounding like one for Bellreeve.
And the trip on from there will be simple enough for the two of us."
"Why?" Clark questioned. "Why just the two of us?"
"All the Pirate Captains are to come alone. We have always done it that way."
Um... is Zor-El retiring and making Kal the new captain, because I can't imagine the Pirate King liking the inclusion of the first mate in the 'captains only' party (meet) otherwise.
"Because …" Clark saw the pain in his Captain's eyes. "Because some of the passengers were my family." Clark's heart missed a beat. "Including my … wife, and young daughter … Kara." He choked out the last word then turned to his parchment and began writing.
So... Zod's a dead man. It's only a matter of time. Got it. So, who does Zor-El think Kal is? His long lost daughter?
LOIS: Uh... no.
The boy they all called Sir Lancelot.
Interesting nickname. Is it supposed to be an ye' ol' version of Boy Scout?
"Ollie!" Wide, astonished eyes stared back at him. Chloe dropped the pile of clothing in her arms and stepped forwards.
"Chloe, what in God's name is going on here. Why is this place like a ghost ship?"
CLOE: That's because the new governor foolishly left a woman in charge and she fired all of her servants. Thankfully, you a man, have showed up to tell her that she is compromising her virtue by doing this.
ARROW: So, you're a clone, then. Gotcha.
In fact he had often suggested that I should take over my father's role as Aide to the Governor.

A woman! As aide to the governor, it is almost as foolish as a woman governor! It'll never happen!