Give me feedback to push me to finish!

I need a kick in the pants! Don't worry -- the plot is all there, I just need to get it on paper, er the computer!

Random word question... I think Kryptonite should be capitalized when referring to Superman's K, since it references the planet Krypton. But I think when using it as a metaphor, it shouldn't be capitalized (or at least, the computer doesn't think it should be). Thoughts?
Also, I think in the Smallville universe, how much and exactly how Clark is affected by meteor rock often changes. Quite often, it is removed and he suddenly has his powers back -- unlike some episodes of LnC Clark. At the end of this chapter, Slade steps in out of sunlight -- therefore giving Clark just enough power to use his x-ray vision, though unfortunately not enough to fully recover his strength. At least, that's how I justified it.

And lastly -- How is the angst meter? Joel is safe, but now Clark is not... do you think Lois should have tried harder to fight Slade? Or was she right to just get Joel out of there?