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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereAnd now on to Lois's POV and surprise! New character. Tell me what you think of her. Does she remind you of anyone? 
Last edited by VirginiaR; 06/05/14 03:04 AM. Reason: Edited Text
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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*On Lex* Oh that manipulative, abusive SOB. It's fascinating to watch and completely but nevertheless bothers me. I want to punch the guy. It's so utterly in character, though. I'm guessing this sort of manipulation Lex had been holding in reserve for the post-marriage when he wanted Lois off of his trail. What wouldn’t she do for some x-ray vision? Interesting question. I bet canon Lois was regretting every past wish for superpowers during the events of "UltraWoman," though. Ok, uppity doctor from the wrong side of the tracks ?? Doesn't being a doctor "cover all sins" in terms of marriageability, traditionally? It'd be more like the "bad guy made good" sort of thing. Unless her mother noticed there was more wrong with Sam Lane than just "being from the wrong side of the tracks" and Ellen never listened? “I would love to meet her,” he replied. “Why don’t you ladies meet me at the Top of Tower for dinner?”
Lois covered the handset. “He wants us to meet him at the Top of the Tower for dinner.”
“I never dine at tourist traps, Lois. I know what Metropolis looks like; I don’t need to be above it to eat. I always eat at the Champagne Room at the Bristol when I’m in town. Tell him that he can meet us there,” her grandmother replied. Definitely a woman that won't be railroaded and where Lois gets her true stubborness from. Lois couldn’t believe the gall of her grandmother and loved her ten times more for it. Nobody pushed Mother Arnold around. It was one of things that Ellen Lane hated most about her mother. And probably be Lois's saving grace. Lois planned to tell Mother Arnold everything. She wanted her grandmother to know exactly what she was dealing with and why she hadn’t invited her to the wedding. Mother Arnold wasn’t a fool like her mother. I do wonder what she'll think of this. Pretending to marry the richest man (well, one of them) in the world to bring the bad guy down. Hopefully "Mother Arnold" will be understanding and help her plan a way out. Things almost looked their bleakest until her grandmother arrives.
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Christina: Hi, Christina. Thanks for the comments.  *On Lex* Oh that manipulative, abusive SOB. It's fascinating to watch and completely but nevertheless bothers me. I want to punch the guy. It's so utterly in character, though. I'm guessing this sort of manipulation Lex had been holding in reserve for the post-marriage when he wanted Lois off of his trail. Lex is all about the passive aggressiveness. What wouldn’t she do for some x-ray vision? Interesting question. I bet canon Lois was regretting every past wish for superpowers during the events of "UltraWoman," though. This Lois hasn't experienced that much of canon Lois's life though. uppity doctor from the wrong side of the tracks ?? Doesn't being a doctor "cover all sins" in terms of marriageability, traditionally? It'd be more like the "bad guy made good" sort of thing. I've never quite understood that tradition, myself. /shrugs/ Loving someone due to their profession seems about as smart as loving someone just for their looks. "Uppity" went with "wrong side of the tracks". Being a doctor is having a profession, and in some circles of old money, having a trade other than CEO, land owner, or living off your trust fund means you're one of the serfs. I'm not saying that THIS is how Mother Arnold thinks (because it's not -- she married into that culture), but having grown up in that environment, Ellen was rebelling against it when she became a nurse and married Sam. Unless her mother noticed there was more wrong with Sam Lane than just "being from the wrong side of the tracks" and Ellen never listened? There some of that, too. More on Mother Arnold coming up.  Definitely a woman that won't be railroaded and where Lois gets her true stubborness from. Like grandmother like granddaughter?  And probably be Lois's saving grace.  I do wonder what she'll think of this. Pretending to marry the richest man (well, one of them) in the world to bring the bad guy down. Hopefully "Mother Arnold" will be understanding and help her plan a way out. Do you think she'll side with marrying the rich guy no matter what his ethics are? Things almost looked their bleakest until her grandmother arrives. Not all superheroes wear tights. MOTHER ARNOLD: Well, I do prefer stockings to tights... Thanks for reading. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Lois took a deep breath and exhaled. This is it.
She flipped the first and third lock, and opened the door to her apartment. Hmm…are you trying to suggest that Lois and Lex *didn’t* share a romantic tryst on the eve of their wedding?  Also, why did Lois only lock *two* of her locks?  “Lois,” said the man on the other side of the door. There was a pause before he continued. “You look beautiful as always, darling, but you’re not dressed. Have you forgotten about dinner and ‘Othello’?” Oh, she’s not *coming* home. She stepped away from the door to let him enter. “No, Lex. I just decided that I didn’t want to go,” she replied, turning away from him and putting space between them. OTOH, if we hadn’t seen the other Lois smile, one might think this is the scene from Lois’s POV. Although, then it should probably be over yonder, no? LOIS: Yeah, excessive vomiting has no place on these boards. CAT: Isn’t that discrimination against expecting gossip columnists? “I’ll call Chef Andre and have the staff deliver our dinner here. Anything for the future Mrs. Luthor.” I hear sautéed heart of billionaire in a light bouillon is very recommended. “About that, Lex,” she said, opening her hands and running them down the front of her slacks as she turned to face him. “I’m calling off the wedding.”  What?  How?  Impossible! A startled expression came to his eyes as if she had started spouting Latin. No, he’d have understood that. “I cannot go forward, Lex,” Lois said, moving her hands behind her back, because frankly she was afraid what they were capable of if she kept them between her and Luthor. Lois! Not on this side of the boards. And not after you’ve called of the wedding! That’s unseemly.  I did not see that one coming. “But, darling, the wedding is tomorrow morning. We are expecting two hundred guests to the ceremony and three hundred more to the reception,” he said. “We can’t postpone now.” I thought they had no need for a rehearsal? Five hundred people and not one person I know. Isn’t normally the ceremony larger than the reception? He reached over and set his hand on her shoulder, causing her to stiffen. “Oh, darling,” he cooed with pity. “I’ll be there, the man who loves you more than life itself. Won’t that be enough?” CLARK: Funny, I might have said the same thing once or twice… “No,” Lois replied. “Weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions, celebrating one’s new beginning with family and friends. Actually, according to Londo Mollari, that’s not what weddings are. Then again, he’s a Centauri and gotten three wives… Umm…I did once recommend Babylon 5 for your Netflix list, didn’t I? Without anyone from my family there, what’s the point of throwing a party? We might as well have signed the register at City Hall.” LEX: Are you saying that I could have had my way with you months for a token registration fee at City Hall instead of waiting until this whole affair has been set up? Do you have *any* idea what weddings cost? It felt like hugging a crocodile. LEX: Or a frozen fish. “There, there, Lois,” he murmured into her ear as he patted her back. ![[Linked Image]](http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/eoOd9dKsqNo/hqdefault.jpg) “I am dressed,” she insisted, holding out her arms so that he could see her slacks, blouse, and shoes.
“Of course you are, darling. I meant dressed properly for an evening out,” he corrected.  “I’ve known where your mother has been all along,” he admitted. Brave. Stupid. But very brave. “You’ve known, even though I’ve asked you and asked you and asked you if you knew where she was, and your answer always was that you couldn’t tell me?” Oh look! He did not actually lie to her. From a lawyer’s point of view. “After watching you and her at lunch that day, I realized that you had been enabling your mother in her addiction for years. He does realize just how close he’s getting to receiving a knee-jerk reaction. Even if it would been belaying their honeymoon until he’s healed again. If you hadn’t wanted her to drink at lunch, you would have done everything possible to make sure that alcohol wasn’t served. Didn’t she mention no alcohol? You are going to have to admit to the hard truth that you like that your mother is weak, because it makes you feel strong. Look at that. He’s going to have her bawling into his shirt in no time. And then the shirt will be all stained and wet and he’ll have to remove it so she can wash it. And then… Lois’s jaw dropped at the same time her fist landed squarely on his jaw, causing him to stumble backward a few steps.  Lois! Not on the eve of such an important photo-op! Also… ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/boese/k060.gif) “Get out!” she screamed. “Get out of my apartment and my life!” She appears to be ticked off… “No,” he replied, stepping towards her so that he was only a foot away. “You will marry me and be my wife.” ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/boese/k085.gif) “No. It’s a statement of fact, Lois,” he replied, as he started to circle around her. “It’s the only way you’ll finally have the power you crave and have craved all of your life.”  He’s finally gone mad, is he? “It’s why you are attracted to strong, powerful men, like myself and Superman, because you know that being with us, controlling us, makes you more powerful.” Did he rehearse that first with Ari? With me as your husband and the Daily Planet under your control, there would be…” His words emerged slowly in a whisper, “No… stopping… you.” And what if the husband wouldn’t return from their honeymoon? What if he fell into a knife and then overboard? Still… She couldn’t deny that there were some grains of truth to what he said, too. Well…there’s got to be some truth to it for her to become the lady Boss of the underworld as she does in some stories. Well..bunnies, at least. Plus, there’s got to be a reason why Tempus is so sweet on her. She opened the door and stared at the thin, stylishly dressed, white-haired woman on the other side. Huh. Who’d have thunk. LEX: What? Think I want them to reunion during the ceremony? Lois shook herself out of her of shock. “Grand… Mother Arnold,” Lois said, stepping away from the door so her grandmother could enter.  What? “And ‘could I please’ hold your hand to make sure you didn’t get cold feet or anything, until she arrived. I just knew what I would find. Don’t you worry. I’ll take care of everything, Lois. It’s what I do. Clean up your mother’s messes. Come along.” So, does this mean that you’ve just retconned Season One Ellen? As soon as her mother arrived, Superman could whisk the two of them away someplace where Lois could explain what was really going on with Lex. Won’t that be scandal, Superman stealing the illustrious Lois Lane from her groom right at the altar? That way, Lex would know that Lucy knew nothing about Lois’s plans. And that would stop him from selling Lucy to the Russian mob as entertainment provider why…? “I would love to meet her,” he replied. “Why don’t you ladies meet me at the Top of Tower for dinner?”
Lois covered the handset. “He wants us to meet him at the Top of the Tower for dinner.” Isn’t that kind of how Lois got into the previous mess in the first place? A mother. A fiancé. A restaurant. Too much whine and wine? We’re just going to eat at the Champagne Room at the Bristol, and then retire upstairs to her suite.”  “The Lexor’s Empire Steakhouse was voted best steak restaurant in the city by Metropolis Magazine.” Is the MM owned by LexCorp by any chance? “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, darling,” he replied as if making an appointment made to fill four cavities without painkillers. Or maybe a root canal? LOIS: I have just the right drill for it. ![[Linked Image]](http://www.110220volts.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/KD960KCGB.jpg) “Don’t be silly, Lois,” her grandmother responded, but Lois could tell she was pleased as she smiled over at her. “Now, tell me all about your young man.” LOIS: He’s a murdering thief and a natural born psychopathic sociopath who liked to sleep around. Lois planned to tell Mother Arnold everything. She wanted her grandmother to know exactly what she was dealing with and why she hadn’t invited her to the wedding. Mother Arnold wasn’t a fool like her mother. Oh boy. “Um… he didn’t come home last night. I mean, Cat said he came home because his bed had been slept in, but he wasn’t here when I woke up, and I haven’t seen him all day,” Jimbo admitted.
“All day? Wait a minute, what was Cat doing there? No, wait. That doesn’t matter.”
Doesn’t matter? Was this the same woman who had obsessed over CK’s and Cat’s relationship all the previous summer? Well, according to Lucy, at least.  “You first. Why are you going through with it?” he said. No way that he would tell Lois about the Luthor investigation and up-coming warrants if she really was planning to be his Mrs. PEERY: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a050.gif) Cat was investigating Lex’s sex life? No, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.”
“I’m sure most of it was from before you got engaged, Lois,” he said softly. He’s sweet, isn’t he? “Gotcha!” Jimbo said, jotting that down on the notepad next to CK’s bed.
“I’ve got to go. I’ve been in the ladies room much too long already. Good luck!” Lois said and hung up.
They were going to need it. So… another 25 parts till Lois walks down the isle?  Michael
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Darth Michael: I'm all caught up! My cold and re-reading the newly reinstated Ch 7 of Dare, I may not be coherent though. Bare...Bear with me. Hmm…are you trying to suggest that Lois and Lex *didn’t* share a romantic tryst on the eve of their wedding? This is Lois and Lex's Date from Lois's POV, instead of the security cameras. Have we gone back in time? Or not? Also, why did Lois only lock *two* of her locks? Because she's home. Anyway, I was reading in someone else's fic where Lois didn't always lock all of her locks because then the would-be robber would locking some locks while trying to unlock them, and I agreed that did sound like something Lois would enjoy. Torturing a would-be robber. Although, the number of people who easily enter Lois's apartment, we should probably recommend her locking her windows by the fire escape, since they most likely don't enter through the front door. Oh, she’s not *coming* home. Yes, sorry. She's AT home. OTOH, if we hadn’t seen the other Lois smile, one might think this is the scene from Lois’s POV. Although, then it should probably be over yonder, no? LOIS: Yeah, excessive vomiting has no place on these boards. CAT: Isn’t that discrimination against expecting gossip columnists? I have no plans to ever write a Lois and Lex sex scene after reading the one that Mrs. Luthor penned over yonder. (i.e. "Your Worst Nightmare"). I agree with Lois on what my gut's reaction would be. And all... er... most of Cat's pregnancy problems will happen off page. I hear sautéed heart of billionaire in a light bouillon is very recommended. Has anyone seen Bill Church lately? “About that, Lex,” she said, opening her hands and running them down the front of her slacks as she turned to face him. “I’m calling off the wedding.”  What?  How?  Impossible! Gotcha!  A startled expression came to his eyes as if she had started spouting Latin. No, he’d have understood that. Yes, but the surprise is that Lois knows it. Lois! Not on this side of the boards. And not after you’ve called of the wedding! That’s unseemly. Murder is unseemly on the Gfic boards?  I did not see that one coming. Especially with your imagination over yonder. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d015.gif) “But, darling, the wedding is tomorrow morning. We are expecting two hundred guests to the ceremony and three hundred more to the reception,” he said. “We can’t postpone now.” I thought they had no need for a rehearsal? You mean, rehearsing her turning him down at the wedding? Good one! Isn’t normally the ceremony larger than the reception? I've never heard of inviting more people to a wedding than the reception. The wedding is more intimate (usually due to the size of the church), where as the reception can take over several ballrooms of a venue. (I once went to a wedding, where I believe at least 1000 people were invited. It was insanely huge.) I'm actually thinking of upping the guest list for the Archives to 1500, as I don't think all of Lex's business partners and LexCorp's top echelon would be included with only 500 guest list. CLARK: Funny, I might have said the same thing once or twice…  Actually, according to Londo Mollari, that’s not what weddings are. Then again, he’s a Centauri and gotten three wives… Umm…I did once recommend Babylon 5 for your Netflix list, didn’t I? Only to mention that's where Cat Grant moved after leaving Metropolis. LEX: Are you saying that I could have had my way with you months for a token registration fee at City Hall instead of waiting until this whole affair has been set up? Do you have *any* idea what weddings cost? LOIS: /shrugs/ You're the one who wanted the big wedding, not me. Anyway, you're a billionaire. Suck it up. LOIS: Ewww. You have a frozen fish in your pocket. LEX: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/g042.gif) Well, actually... Brave. Stupid. But very brave. LEX: What? She doesn't have a knife in her... Lois! Where did you get that gun? Oh look! He did not actually lie to her. From a lawyer’s point of view. BENDER: Yes, I review all of Lex Luthor's dialogue, why? He does realize just how close he’s getting to receiving a knee-jerk reaction. Even if it would been belaying their honeymoon until he’s healed again. LEX: Exactly why I know it won't happen. Didn’t she mention no alcohol? Why, yes. Yes, she did, but apparently, Lois wasn't adamant enough about it. Look at that. He’s going to have her bawling into his shirt in no time. And then the shirt will be all stained and wet and he’ll have to remove it so she can wash it. And then… LOIS: I may do *my* laundry, but don't even think about suggesting I ever do anyone elses! SUPERMAN: Oh, dear. It seems I got a smudge of dirt on my Blue suit. LOIS: Take it off! I'll wash it, right now. We can't have you flying about dirty, now can we? You can just wait in my bedroom. LEX: Now, that just doesn't seem fair. Lois! Not on the eve of such an important photo-op! LEX: Mrs. Cox! Make-up! She appears to be ticked off… Slightly. ER: /suggests what Lois should do with her knee/ There's a reason he's circling around behind her. He’s finally gone mad, is he? Because he thinks everyone thinks like he does? Did he rehearse that first with Ari? LEX: She doesn't like me talking about the future Mrs. Luthor. I figured this out all on my own. And what if the husband wouldn’t return from their honeymoon? What if he fell into a knife and then overboard? From the plane? LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a050.gif) Why didn't I think of that? Re-write! CLARK: What do you mean, she said 'I do' and went off on the honeymoon with Luthor? Well…there’s got to be some truth to it for her to become the lady Boss of the underworld as she does in some stories. Well..bunnies, at least. Plus, there’s got to be a reason why Tempus is so sweet on her.  We all have the potential to turn bad. Huh. Who’d have thunk. LEX: What? Think I want them to reunion during the ceremony? This isn't Lois's mom.  What?  I can still surprise Michael! So, does this mean that you’ve just retconned Season One Ellen? Yes, this means that the woman who was with Lois at the mirror wasn't Ellen Lane, but Mother Arnold. Two points. It explains why she seemed to get younger over the years. Also... well, you'll see. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d060.gif) Won’t that be scandal, Superman stealing the illustrious Lois Lane from her groom right at the altar? Lois isn't planning on walking down the aisle. And that would stop him from selling Lucy to the Russian mob as entertainment provider why…? LOIS: Because she's innocent? JIMMY(s): ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/c042.gif) LOIS: I meant, she had nothing to do with this. RUSSIAN MOB: I've had her and so has everyone else. Why would I want used goods? Now, if you brought me Cat Grant, I hear she's got talent. LUCY: Hey! Isn’t that kind of how Lois got into the previous mess in the first place? A mother. A fiancé. A restaurant. Too much whine and wine? Mother Arnold doesn't drink. Is the MM owned by LexCorp by any chance? It is located at Lexor, isn't it? Or maybe a root canal? LOIS: I have just the right drill for it. No, Lois doesn't want to be that close to Lex's mouth. LOIS: He’s a murdering thief and a natural born psychopathic sociopath who liked to sleep around. CLARK: You forgot to mention that he isn't a young man. PERRY: /Begs S1 Jimmy not to leave the show./ Yep, this one needs more experience. He doesn't want to hurt her feelings, so yes. So… another 25 parts till Lois walks down the isle? With Lex? With Clark? With Dan? I'm only 5 parts out, so I don't think I can honestly answer where we'll be in 25 parts. I'm hoping sometime in the fall though... in the story, that is. Thanks for inspiring my muse. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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I'm all caught up! My cold and […] Bare...Bear with me. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/muede/p050.gif) Also, unrelated: Mindy Church: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/muede/n032.gif) re-reading the newly reinstated Ch 7 of Dare, I may not be coherent though.  Anyway, I was reading in someone else's fic where Lois didn't always lock all of her locks because then the would-be robber would locking some locks while trying to unlock them, and I agreed that did sound like something Lois would enjoy. Torturing a would-be robber. Yeah…only, I’ve never seen a lock that you would be able to lock by turning the key in the direction  Although, the number of people who easily enter Lois's apartment, we should probably recommend her locking her windows by the fire escape, since they most likely don't enter through the front door. Yes, but then she’d have to give a window-key to Superman… I have no plans to ever write a Lois and Lex sex scene after reading the one that Mrs. Luthor penned over yonder. (i.e. "Your Worst Nightmare"). Umm…I’m backlogged? Yes, but the surprise is that Lois knows it.  LOIS: Is the EW insinuating that I’m not classically educated? Because she’d be right. Quote: Lois! Not on this side of the boards. And not after you’ve called of the wedding! That’s unseemly. Murder is unseemly on the Gfic boards? Oh. No I was going for unseemly touching. I thought they had no need for a rehearsal? You mean, rehearsing her turning him down at the wedding? Good one!  Quote: Isn’t normally the ceremony larger than the reception? I've never heard of inviting more people to a wedding than the reception. Funny, I think over here it’s vice versa.  Only to mention that's where Cat Grant moved after leaving Metropolis.  First reporter in space! LOIS:  Also, if it’s on Netflix, you so need to get it! Quote: LEX: Or a frozen fish. LOIS: Ewww. You have a frozen fish in your pocket. LEX: Well, actually...  Quote: Brave. Stupid. But very brave. LEX: What? She doesn't have a knife in her... Lois! Where did you get that gun? Templeton’s Guns & Ammo? Quote: He does realize just how close he’s getting to receiving a knee-jerk reaction. Even if it would been belaying their honeymoon until he’s healed again. LEX: Exactly why I know it won't happen. Is he implying that Lois would never jeopardize a happy honeymoon after her wedding? Quote: Didn’t she mention no alcohol? Why, yes. Yes, she did, but apparently, Lois wasn't adamant enough about it. So, she should have taken the Champagne bottle and smashed it against Lex’s head until it was no longer viable? LOIS: I may do *my* laundry, but don't even think about suggesting I ever do anyone elses! SUPERMAN: Oh, dear. It seems I got a smudge of dirt on my Blue suit. LOIS: Take it off! I'll wash it, right now. We can't have you flying about dirty, now can we? You can just wait in my bedroom. LEX: Now, that just doesn't seem fair.  Quote: ER: /suggests what Lois should do with her knee/ There's a reason he's circling around behind her. He’s experienced? Quote: He’s finally gone mad, is he? Because he thinks everyone thinks like he does? Yeah. LOIS: Why didn't I think of that? Re-write! CLARK: What do you mean, she said 'I do' and went off on the honeymoon with Luthor?  Quote: shock What? hyper I can still surprise Michael! Well…it’s easy. All you have to do is go off book. It explains why she seemed to get younger over the years. Also... well, you'll see. <EW being E>  RUSSIAN MOB: I've had her and so has everyone else. Why would I want used goods? Now, if you brought me Cat Grant, I hear she's got talent. LUCY: Hey!  Mother Arnold doesn't drink.  Quote: Or maybe a root canal? LOIS: I have just the right drill for it. No, Lois doesn't want to be that close to Lex's mouth. Actually, she could plant one foot on his throat as she’s standing about him, and then plunge the drill straight down. She’d be farther away with her mouth from his then when she snogged him a couple of parts ago. Quote: LOIS: He’s a murdering thief and a natural born psychopathic sociopath who liked to sleep around. CLARK: You forgot to mention that he isn't a young man. Jealous, much? Quote: So… another 25 parts till Lois walks down the isle? With Lex? With Clark? With Dan? I'm only 5 parts out, so I don't think I can honestly answer where we'll be in 25 parts. :Laugh: I'm hoping sometime in the fall though... in the story, that is. Hey! Thanks for inspiring my muse. Always!  Michael
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I'm all caught up! My cold and […] Bare...Bear with me. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/muede/p050.gif) Also, unrelated: Mindy Church: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/muede/n032.gif) You know /cough, cough/ I'm feeling much better now. /sneeze/ Yeah…only, I’ve never seen a lock that you would be able to lock by turning the key in the direction  Some locks unlock by turning to the right, some to the left. Yes, but then she’d have to give a window-key to Superman… LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a050.gif) That's why he never seduced me at night. I have no plans to ever write a Lois and Lex sex scene after reading the one that Mrs. Luthor penned over yonder. (i.e. "Your Worst Nightmare"). Umm…I’m backlogged? Very. It was from several years ago. EW: Yes, but the surprise is that Lois knows it. LOIS: Is the EW insinuating that I’m not classically educated? Because she’d be right. Most publicly educated Americans aren't. Some of us idiots take up learning ancient Greek on our own.  ER: Lois! Not on this side of the boards. And not after you’ve called of the wedding! That’s unseemly. EW: Murder is unseemly on the Gfic boards? ER: Oh. No I was going for unseemly touching. Would you want to see "unseemly touching" by Lex to Lois on the Nfic boards? I could skip it. ER: Isn’t normally the ceremony larger than the reception? EW: I've never heard of inviting more people to a wedding than the reception. ER: Funny, I think over here it’s vice versa.  More economical that way, yes, so of course, us American's got it wrong. Of course, there's a rumor Weddings are just a big party and Americans can't turn down a party. (Just a rumor, mind you. There's no truth to it.) EW Only to mention that's where Cat Grant moved after leaving Metropolis. ER: First reporter in space! LOIS:  Also, if it’s on Netflix, you so need to get it! I have a long list of shows in line before it. I still haven't even gotten to the end of S9 of Smallville, and I OWN it!  In my defense, the A-Plot sucks. Lois and Clark are cute though. ER: Brave. Stupid. But very brave. LEX: What? She doesn't have a knife in her... Lois! Where did you get that gun? ER: Templeton’s Guns & Ammo?  Is he implying that Lois would never jeopardize a happy honeymoon after her wedding? LEX: What would be the point? LOIS: Uh... billions? So, she should have taken the Champagne bottle and smashed it against Lex’s head until it was no longer viable? LOIS: /Sigh/ Lost moments. Well…it’s easy. All you have to do is go off book.  Actually, she could plant one foot on his throat as she’s standing about him, and then plunge the drill straight down. She’d be farther away with her mouth from his then when she snogged him a couple of parts ago.  Thanks for the graphics. LOIS: He’s a murdering thief and a natural born psychopathic sociopath who liked to sleep around. CLARK: You forgot to mention that he isn't a young man. ER: Jealous, much? CLARK: 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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You know /cough, cough/ I'm feeling much better now. /sneeze/  No, I just stumbled across it and it kind of fit, don’t you think? Quote: Yeah…only, I’ve never seen a lock that you would be able to lock by turning the key in the direction huh Some locks unlock by turning to the right, some to the left. Yeah, but only if the deadbolt’s on the right side of the door, too, isn’t it? Quote: Yes, but then she’d have to give a window-key to Superman… LOIS: That's why he never seduced me at night.  CLARK: That’s…right! Yes…that’s what I’m sticking with. Umm…I’m backlogged? Very. It was from several years ago. Hmm…the one with the evil Lois? Was a short one, I think? Most publicly educated Americans aren't. Some of us idiots take up learning ancient Greek on our own. Yeah…over here, you choose between Latin and Geometry in highschool. At least, that was the way it was 20 years ago. Would you want to see "unseemly touching" by Lex to Lois on the Nfic boards? I could skip it. Well…one could always search&replace ‘Lex’ with ‘Clark’? More economical that way, yes, so of course, us American's got it wrong. Of course, there's a rumor Weddings are just a big party and Americans can't turn down a party. (Just a rumor, mind you. There's no truth to it.)  <Festive wedding procession> "So, Doctor, who died?" "What are you talking about?" "Among my people this is how we celebrate state funerals. Our marriage ceremonies are solemn, sober, moments of reflection, also regret, disagreement, argument and mutual recrimination. Once you know it can't get any worse you can relax and enjoy the marriage. But to start with something like this.. No, it is a very bad sign for the future." In my defense, the A-Plot sucks. Lois and Clark are cute though.  Isn’t that the same reason we watched a lot of Lois and Clark?  Quote: Is he implying that Lois would never jeopardize a happy honeymoon after her wedding? LEX: What would be the point? LOIS: Uh... billions? LEX:  But I *have* billions! <EW doesn’t like it when someone talks about demising Lex> Thanks for the graphics. . . . Oh, wait, you were referring to the snogging you wrote about a couple of parts ago, weren’t you?  Michael
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No, I just stumbled across it and it kind of fit, don’t you think? I prefer my doctors to look like this: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/figuren/a110.gif) Yeah, but only if the deadbolt’s on the right side of the door, too, isn’t it? Some deadbolts lock when the handle's vertical, some when its horizontal. CLARK: That’s…right! Yes…that’s what I’m sticking with.  Hmm…the one with the evil Lois? Was a short one, I think? Not evil, just super blind. Yeah…over here, you choose between Latin and Geometry in highschool. At least, that was the way it was 20 years ago. Latin and Geometry?  Latin and Physics I could see. Well…one could always search&replace ‘Lex’ with ‘Clark’? I prefer my touching scenes not to have Lex in them at all. "Among my people this is how we celebrate state funerals. Our marriage ceremonies are solemn, sober, moments of reflection, also regret, disagreement, argument and mutual recrimination. Once you know it can't get any worse you can relax and enjoy the marriage. But to start with something like this.. No, it is a very bad sign for the future."  Isn’t that the same reason we watched a lot of Lois and Clark?  /gasp/ Say it isn't so... Well, okay, maybe in the last year or two. So, you're saying I should have a more open mind and just ignore the A-plot of Smallville? Right now, it's like watching the NK Arc only IT WON'T END.  ER: Is he implying that Lois would never jeopardize a happy honeymoon after her wedding? LEX: What would be the point? LOIS: Uh... billions? LEX:  But I *have* billions! NIGEL: Yes, sir, but she'd have more without you. ARI: That's what she thinks.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally Posted By: Darth Michael No, I just stumbled across it and it kind of fit, don’t you think? I prefer my doctors to look like this: <man wearing a cape> Dr. KARMA: I’m wearing a cape. I meant it fit as a stand-in for Mindy  Some deadbolts lock when the handle's vertical, some when its horizontal. True, I guess? But they all get flipped away from the doorframe to unlock? Latin and Geometry? lol Latin and Physics I could see. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/s045.gif) It goes ‘Geometry’ then ‘Geometry on computer’ then ‘Computer’ then ‘Programming a computer’  I prefer my touching scenes not to have Lex in them at all. LEX:  Say it isn't so... Well, okay, maybe in the last year or two. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/c050.gif) Right now, it's like watching the NK Arc only IT WON'T END.  They do have Spike in there, though, don’t they?  Michael
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ER: No, I just stumbled across it and it kind of fit, don’t you think? EW: I prefer my doctors to look like this: <man wearing a cape> Dr. KARMA: I’m wearing a cape. ER: I meant it fit as a stand-in for Mindy  And *that's* supposed to make me feel better? Some deadbolts lock when the handle's vertical, some when its horizontal. True, I guess? But they all get flipped away from the doorframe to unlock? One would think, wouldn't they?  Then again my sense of direction has always been a bit 180' off, so maybe it's just me. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) EW (about Smallville's S9 A-Plot): Right now, it's like watching the NK Arc only IT WON'T END. ER:  They do have Spike in there, though, don’t they? No, no. I think they killed off Brainiac in an earlier season or two (and I mean two because he's like Lex, he keeps reappearing). Being a big Buffy fan it was fun to see him again. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d060.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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And *that's* supposed to make me feel better? Why, yes of course. Now we have a graemlin when we have to mention her in FDK for some reason or other  Then again my sense of direction has always been a bit 180' off, so maybe it's just me. The main reason for meandering plot paths?   Michael
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Why, yes of course. Now we have a graemlin when we have to mention her in FDK for some reason or other  I think this one ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/teufel/d030.gif) works well for Mindy, too. (When she's not subbing in for me.) EW: Then again my sense of direction has always been a bit 180' off, so maybe it's just me. ER: The main reason for meandering plot paths? Wow. Scientific explanation for my lost plot style of writing. Interesting. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a015.gif) /Don't worry, I've just bought a compass/ MUSE: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/teufel/d100.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I think this one (The EW in all her glory) works well for Mindy, too. (When she's not subbing in for me.)  Wow. Scientific explanation for my lost plot style of writing. Interesting. /Don't worry, I've just bought a compass/ MUSE: /Doesn’t like where this is heading/   Michael