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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereSorry about the late posting. I hope it was worth the wait.  As always, Comments welcome. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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It sounds like Superman's cracked. I wonder what's going to happen on that psychological front. I wonder if we'll see Dr. Friskin earlier than in canon?
Treason... I don't know (off the top of my head) which one that would be. I'm looking forward to the next part where that will be revealed. I'm still expecting Lex to toss himself over the edge of the penthouse.
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Christina: Thanks for your comments. It sounds like Superman's cracked. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a015.gif) Maybe. Perhaps it's just a momentary weakness. I wonder what's going to happen on that psychological front. I wonder if we'll see Dr. Friskin earlier than in canon? No, no. He'll bounce back without any psychological problems just like in canon... Oh, wait. This isn't canon and this isn't canon Clark. Well, we'll just have to wait and see. Treason... I don't know (off the top of my head) which one that would be. I'm looking forward to the next part where that will be revealed. I believe that might come up in the next part. I'm still expecting Lex to toss himself over the edge of the penthouse. LEX: I plead the fifth. Thanks for reading. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Ooohhh that was so cruel! I felt my heart shrivel when Clark was in shock  Damn Luthor... you'll really make me happy if you just throw him away from the penthouse  or, maybe ... you may have a better way to give him a proper good-bye, with no chances of clone him..... About the insecurities of... everybody... I wonder how would you solve them... more begging? More misunderstandings? Humm... I really hope they both finally get to understand each other and trust each other (including some confession from CK) so they could be together... sometime....
Last edited by chelo; 07/03/14 09:17 PM.
Clark: "So what are you saying? I should go crawling back on my hands and knees?" Martha: "No, honey. Fly back. It's faster!!"
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/froehlich/a070.gif) Lois gazed at herself in the full-length mirror. She had to admit that she looked beautiful. The backless white lace dress that she had chosen was more tasteful than she had expected. Actually, she had never expected to see herself in it… in any wedding dress or as a bride for that matter. And now she’s going to get to marry *Lex Luthor*! The *most* wanted bachelor in the western hemisphere. She must be so over the top about it! The first gown that Lex had picked… well, it had been hideous. Puffy sleeves, poufy skirt, one-thousand teeny-tiny buttons, and an eight-foot train? CANON LEX:  It’s the same dress Ari wore to our wedding. How can Lois not like it? She wasn’t a princess nor had she ever wanted to be one, no matter what her father had called her. A knight on the other hand…  Is that why she’s putting so much armor around her heart? His oh-so-kissable lips slightly open in awe of how stunningly beautiful she looked.
Of course, with Clark, that was a frequent expression on his face.  Maybe if she dressed a bit more conservatively to the office instead of her string of 50-dollar working girl uniforms? LOIS: Those are for my *undercover* work! ER:  LOIS: Oh, shut up! met. From time to time, she still caught him gazing at her as if he were amazed that she spoke to him, let alone returned his love. CLARK: I do have 50 bucks to my name  To have such a handsome, caring, and sweet man look at her… her, Lois Lane, the gruff career reporter as if she were the goddess Aphrodite herself, had been as much of an ego boost as winning her first Kerth Award. S1 CANON LOIS: Frog alert! How would it feel to have such a man pledge himself to her for better or worse, in sickness and in health, til death did them part? ![[Linked Image]](http://lncphoto.free.fr/LCscreencaps/S4/4x03/imgcol/_00342.jpg) Shocking? Lois might be able to count on Clark for the former, She does own Kryptonite, doesn’t she? Could she ever trust him to stick around through the tough times and be there for her when she really needed him? LOIS: Funny, how he always has a rescue right before CJ starts to cry from a filled up diaper… “You, there!” she said, pointing at the woman, whose name she never had bothered to learn. LEX: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/liebe/k040.gif) “My name is Lois Lane. Not Lois Luthor. Not Mrs. Luthor. Not even Lois Lane-Luthor, but Lois Lane. You aren’t to call me anything other than that, do you understand?” Lois said to the woman. Oh. Right. I completely missed that  LOIS:  “But Mr. Luthor…” the woman started.
“Whose big day is it?” Lois asked. “Mine or his?” ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/s045.gif) His? “That woman was only doing her job. You don’t have to like her or the job for which she was hired, but you shall treat her with respect. It isn’t her fault that you agreed to marry Lex Luthor, now is it?”  “Lois. I happen to know that your mother raised you better than that,” Mother Arnold said with a warning tone to her voice. LOIS: No, she didn’t! and the longer she stayed in this dress the more she wanted to share that stage with Clark… as his wife.
Brainwashing. That was what it was, pure and simple.  “You better not forget to invite me to your next wedding.”  The one with the frog? Lois… and… and…
Ewwww! Cat didn’t even want to think about it, but she couldn’t get the sounds of Lois’s lovemaking out of her head. Apparently, Lois is much better at this under-the-cover work than Cat is. What had Lois been thinking? Nobody had thought she would go that deep undercover… with that… that… sicko!  Here they all were working their tail feathers off to get that man behind bars, and Lois was… was… Frolicking around? Cat shook her head. She couldn’t think about what Lois had done with Luthor, but Cat knew those images wouldn’t leave her for a long, long, long time. Maybe some wine…? Willfully. Wantonly. Stupidly.
What Lois had done was unforgiveable. Isn’t Cat doing a bit of black cattling? . A nice crowbar would work nicely. To insert into Lex’s gut? Clark remained in the fetal position, rocking back and forth with the cummerbund around his neck. Not a good sign. He might go feral on Lex when he’s out. Not good. No squid in sight. ACKBAR: Hey! the air instantly killing Maybe a comma smack in the middle? “It’s a lie. It isn’t Lois. It’s a lie. It isn’t Lois. It’s a…” DETER: Let’s work on this… He slowed his rocking for a second or two, and then continued, his murmuring louder. Oh boy. LEX:  The expression of relief in his eyes told her he had. After what he had witnessed Lois do There there…hookers and Luckies do it all the time… Who was supposed to be the bride here? Him or her? Well…he’s a bit of a drama queen. started to play ‘Here Comes the Bride’ Umm…/points at video from earlier this part/ She was hoping for the former, but after her sleepless night of worrying, she wouldn’t be picky if he showed up in his tights. So, she wants a Superman at her bachelorette event? He doesn’t want to control me as Lex does. LOIS: Why do you have handcuffs, Clark? But what if he didn’t want to be married after all? Well…he did run from two brides. She would rather have him in her life than a gold ring. It wasn’t as if she had ever wanted to be married anyway. So…living in sin and raising a bastard? All-powerful like a genie or some kind of imp, not like Superman, that was. Not that those type of beings really existed. MXY:  God, she hoped that Inspector Henderson interrupted this wedding before she made it up the aisle to that man. Otherwise, he might have two arrests to make. Because she’d drop his heart right there on the floor and that would be littering. A felony (sic) for which she’s already been fined at least once before? Clark loved her, even when she didn’t look her best. She loved Clark, and it wasn’t only because he looked hot and tasty in those tights, and she couldn’t wait to pull them off him and explore every inch of his rock hard body. Lois loved Clark, and would continue to do so even if she had to wait until after they had finally talked to him about his lying and how he should never do it again. Then she would tear off his clothes.  Still, doesn’t sound like love. More like she first once to dominate him before she demands her pound of flesh(sic) from him. “You look…” Lex continued. His voice faltered. “Beautiful?”
Lois smiled smugly at him as he eyed her new short haircut. She told him that she didn’t take orders, even from him. She’s a vixen. CLARK: I forbid you to ravish me. “— to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony,” continued the Archbishop. “If anyone knows why this union should not take place, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”
Octopus. Octopus. Octopus! she screamed in her head.  “Do you, Lex, take this woman to be your wedded bride…?”
The Archbishop paused.
“Excuse me,” Lex murmured, low enough so nobody but the Archbishop and Lois could hear him.
“I said ‘no’,” Lois repeated more loudly.  Not only are you cruel and patronizing, you never listen to me. You discount every opinion I express. LEX: So…shall we continue, then? not to mention attempted to kill the one man I’ve ever loved, you also…” LEX: I did not try to kill Lex-C. Her eyebrows shot up. “Are you admitting to trying to kill more than one man, Lex?”  “Too late. I already have,” she called back to him. She reached back her fist and punched Lex in the jaw.  That’s going to be an assault charge in addition to the civil damages suit. Lex stumbled backwards, hitting a tall vase of flowers, and falling to the ground  They might actually get Lois for man slaughter! Comments feed my muse. My muse also accepts chocolate, but it tends to make her lazy. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/liebe/n020.gif)  Michael
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chelo:  Thanks for sticking with me. Ooohhh that was so cruel! I felt my heart shrivel when Clark was in shock  Damn Luthor... you'll really make me happy if you just throw him away from the penthouse  or, maybe ... you may have a better way to give him a proper good-bye, with no chances of clone him.....  ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a015.gif) I'll consider it. About the insecurities of... everybody... I wonder how would you solve them... more begging? More misunderstandings? Quick fixes. That's what my stories are all about. That's why they're so short. Oh, wait. I must be thinking of someone else.  Humm... I really hope they both finally get to understand each other and trust each other (including some confession from CK) so they could be together... sometime.... CLARK: What'd I do? What do I have to confess? I spent the last 24 hours in the hands of your crazy boyfriend, who locked me in a poisonous cage and showed me horrible home movies. What did he do to you? LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) /remembers day at the spa and beauty make-over from that morning/ Ummm.... Same thing? Thank you for your comments.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Darth Michael: Thank you for the happy smilie that I didn't miss this weeks posting schedule. I apologize for not replying sooner; I was up late last night completing the final touches of Part 182 for betas.  Laptops! And now she’s going to get to marry *Lex Luthor*! The *most* wanted bachelor in the western hemisphere. She must be so over the top about it! CAT: Or out of her mind. CANON LEX:  It’s the same dress Ari wore to our wedding. How can Lois not like it? LOIS: He's been married *before*?  CLARK: But you don't like him and aren't planning on marrying him and are in love with ME, aren't you? LOIS: It's the principle of the thing! He said I was the only woman he's ever loved! CLARK: But you don't love him. YOU said that you'd marry him, when you love me. LOIS: But I was lying. CLARK: And he was lying to you. I'm not seeing the difference, or why you're mad. LOIS: Please, Clark, the differences are huge and clear. I am allowed to lie to everyone, but everyone must be entirely honest with me. CLARK:  Um... sure, Lois. Whatever you say. Is that why she’s putting so much armor around her heart? CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/g060.gif) Maybe if she dressed a bit more conservatively to the office instead of her string of 50-dollar working girl uniforms? LOIS: Those are for my *undercover* work! ER:  LOIS: Oh, shut up! But she said he wore it OFTEN. CLARK: I do have 50 bucks to my name At least, every payday when he first started working at the Daily Planet. Later on, not so much. CLARK: That's when she started giving it to me for free. S1 CANON LOIS: Frog alert! Lois is known not to be a very reliable narrator. ![[Linked Image]](http://lncphoto.free.fr/LCscreencaps/S4/4x03/imgcol/_00342.jpg) Shocking? Is it just me, or does Lois look to have grown back her traditional bob for the wedding? She does own Kryptonite, doesn’t she? She knows where she can lay her hands on some, yes. Why do you ask? LOIS: Funny, how he always has a rescue right before CJ starts to cry from a filled up diaper… CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) “You, there!” she said, pointing at the woman, whose name she never had bothered to learn. LEX: /loves him some dictatorial women/ My betas reassured me Lois's attitude wasn't too much; although, I did have my doubts. Oh. Right. I completely missed that LOIS: /explodes/ Perhaps it was just me, but I thought the knock on the door as a stage manager might do (or did do in Crush), I thought was a bit much. It made the whole wedding seem more of a "performance" that it should. True. The day isn't over yet. Hence Lois's skeptical expression at these words. LEX-C:  Apparently, Lois is much better at this under-the-cover work than Cat is. CAT: But now there's VIDEO Proof of it!  Here they all were working their tail feathers off to get that man behind bars, and Lois was… was… Frolicking around? Well, she HAD been wearing tail feathers shortly before he paid handsomely for the privilege of her. Not until after Thanksgiving. Isn’t Cat doing a bit of black cattling? CAT: I didn't sleep with the nice Congressman Harrington. YOU don't sleep with the story. That was covered in journalism school. LINDA KING: It was?  Oooops. I must have been busy with my Math Professor that day. To insert into Lex’s gut? CAT: Two uses.  He might go feral on Lex when he’s out. Not good. LEX: Good thing I took away his powers then, eh? No squid in sight. ACKBAR: Hey! ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/o025.gif) Maybe a comma smack in the middle? Fixed. Thanks. DETER: Let’s work on this… Superman isn't Deter's type. CLARK: Phew. There there…hookers and Luckies do it all the time… Yes, but Clark doesn't watch them. Well…he’s a bit of a drama queen. Drama King? So, she wants a Superman at her bachelorette event? Don't we all? LOIS: Why do you have handcuffs, Clark? CLARK: Hey, you're the one who suggested it. Well…he did run from two brides. Zara and Lana? Maybe he doesn't like women whose name end in "a". So…living in sin and raising a bastard? LOIS: Um... sure? CLARK: But... but... but... my reputation! Because she’d drop his heart right there on the floor and that would be littering. A felony (sic) for which she’s already been fined at least once before? Misdemeanor, but yes, that's the one. Still, doesn’t sound like love. More like she first once to dominate him before she demands her pound of flesh(sic) from him. That's one vote for Lois and Clark to wait some more time before they get married. She’s a vixen. CLARK: I forbid you to ravish me. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/c041.gif) LEX: So…shall we continue, then? Actually, what he says "Can we talk about this later?" LEX: I did not try to kill Lex-C. Well, he did leave Lex-C with Brenda, so we're not sure he's still alive. DR. Muldoon: After about a month, his heart just gave out. But he did die with a smile on his face. That’s going to be an assault charge in addition to the civil damages suit. LOIS: I told him to get here before I reached to the top of the aisle. HENDERSON: I didn't see nothing. They might actually get Lois for man slaughter! For killing the vase? MUSE: Thank you. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/liebe/k040.gif) Oh, dear. Now, what will I be inspired to write? 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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I was up late last night completing the final touches of Part 182 for betas.  But…But… you require a 5-part buffer for posting!  LOIS: Please, Clark, the differences are huge and clear. I am allowed to lie to everyone, but everyone must be entirely honest with me. CLARK: huh Um... sure, Lois. Whatever you say. He’s not very smart, is he? Quote: Is that why she’s putting so much armor around her heart? CLARK: <has finally realized who the knight in shining armor is in this story and to get a Princess Charming, he must first kiss a frog>  But she said he wore it OFTEN. Both nights at the Metro Club. The one with Winninger. Angel. At least, every payday when he first started working at the Daily Planet. Later on, not so much. CLARK: That's when she started giving it to me for free.  Is it just me, or does Lois look to have grown back her traditional bob for the wedding? Huh! Lois might be able to count on Clark for the former, Quote: She does own Kryptonite, doesn’t she? She knows where she can lay her hands on some, yes. Why do you ask? In case he strays after all? Or she thinks he strays, at least. My betas reassured me Lois's attitude wasn't too much; although, I did have my doubts. Nah… Quote: Apparently, Lois is much better at this under-the-cover work than Cat is. CAT: But now there's VIDEO Proof of it!<doesn’t deal well with competition>  Well, she HAD been wearing tail feathers shortly before he paid handsomely for the privilege of her.  Quote: Maybe some wine…? Not until after Thanksgiving.  CAT: I didn't sleep with the nice Congressman Harrington. YOU don't sleep with the story. That was covered in journalism school. That Lois doesn’t sleep with the story? LOIS: I *have* to sleep with my story. Otherwise, my roommate would steal it out of the typewriter. And even so it was iffy. I swear, she tried to get it even while I was sleeping with it. LINDA KING: It was? blush Oooops. I must have been busy with my Math Professor that day. So…tramp? Quote: He might go feral on Lex when he’s out. Not good. LEX: Good thing I took away his powers then, eh? He got no idea what a guy with a dense molecular structure and good teeth can do to a man, does he? Quote: Well…he’s a bit of a drama queen. Drama King? No, I think Lois wears the knightly armor in this one. CLARK: I’m a man in tights! Quote: Well…he did run from two brides. Zara and Lana? Maybe he doesn't like women whose name end in "a". And Antonia (twice). Miranda. Linda. Arianna. Hmm… Virginia?  Quote: So…living in sin and raising a bastard? LOIS: Um... sure? CLARK: But... but... but... my reputation!  Misdemeanor, but yes, that's the one. Hence the ‘sic’. They are quite stringent against littering ever since Superman cleaned up the streets of bigger crimes. That's one vote for Lois and Clark to wait some more time before they get married. Er…if they do it *after* they’re married, they’d consummate their marriage… Quote: She’s a vixen. CLARK: I forbid you to ravish me. <EW is gently amused by Clark’s naiveté>  LOIS: I told him to get here before I reached to the top of the aisle. HENDERSON: I didn't see nothing.  Quote: They might actually get Lois for man slaughter! For killing the vase? For knocking Lex into the vase. Lex falls to the ground. Heavy vase topples, smashes on top of his, leaves him kind of damaged. DR. KELLY: I got some amps right here! MUSE: Thank you. <does like Anakin in Revenge of the Sith>
Oh, dear. Now, what will I be inspired to write? <is worried about new evil inspirations>   Michael
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I love this passage: What would it be like to walk down the aisle and find Clark Kent waiting for her? His oh-so-kissable lips slightly open in awe of how stunningly beautiful she looked.
Of course, with Clark, that was a frequent expression on his face. She had seen him sport it since that first day they met. From time to time, she still caught him gazing at her as if he were amazed that she spoke to him, let alone returned his love. Did he know how heady such an expression was? Did he realize how it shot straight to her heart like Cupid’s arrow? To have such a handsome, caring, and sweet man look at her… her, Lois Lane, the gruff career reporter as if she were the goddess Aphrodite herself, had been as much of an ego boost as winning her first Kerth Award. It's such a romanticized description of that look on Clark's face. It just goes to show that, no matter what Lois tells herself about despising romance or marriage, she really craves it at heart. “You look…” Lex continued. His voice faltered. “Beautiful?” Real suave there, Lex. ::rolls eyes::
"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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I was up late last night completing the final touches of Part 182 for betas.  But…But… you require a 5-part buffer for posting!  Let's just say Part 183 is written but not in the computer. LOIS: Please, Clark, the differences are huge and clear. I am allowed to lie to everyone, but everyone must be entirely honest with me. CLARK: huh Um... sure, Lois. Whatever you say. He’s not very smart, is he? He's not very smart, because he doesn't want to argue with an admitted liar? Both nights at the Metro Club. The one with Winninger. Angel. Angel was S2. LOIS: And I dressed like an $5000 Hooker at the Metro club, apparently. Is it just me, or does Lois look to have grown back her traditional bob for the wedding? Huh! Um... IN the photo supplied by the ER, doesn't Lois's hair look longer than the short haircut she's supposed to have at this point? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/teufel/d075.gif) What if someone did a mashup between INPY and StGTTWNK (BTW: Worse episode title ever). Wedding Destroyer accidentally kills Clois and it's the only the strange smell of fried frog legs that clues Clark in to the switcheroo. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/s020.gif) In case he strays after all? Or she thinks he strays, at least. So, it's only the assumption of guilt which is allowed to condemn a man nowadays? CLARK: That's NOT justice! That Lois doesn’t sleep with the story? LOIS: I *have* to sleep with my story. Otherwise, my roommate would steal it out of the typewriter. And even so it was iffy. I swear, she tried to get it even while I was sleeping with it.  CLARK: Hey, Lois! ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/g060.gif) See! We can't sleep together. In your three rules, you aren't allowed to sleep with your story. So, either you give up writing about Superman or we can't sleep together. Pick one. LINDA KING: It was? blush Oooops. I must have been busy with my Math Professor that day. So…tramp? LOIS: There was a doubt? He got no idea what a guy with a dense molecular structure and good teeth can do to a man, does he? Spit really good. CLARK: Yeah, I'm not biting THAT.  Who knows what I might catch in my weakened state. No, I think Lois wears the knightly armor in this one. CLARK: I’m a man in tights! Touche! ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d015.gif) Well…he did run from two brides. Zara and Lana? Maybe he doesn't like women whose name end in "a". And Antonia (twice). Miranda. Linda. Arianna. Technically, it was Antoinette (ends with "e"). But you forgot Diana. Maysona. Bonnie(a) Parker. And Mindyia.  Duh! You've read what I've done to him.  So, by "sic" you mean the error is intentional. I always wondered about that. They are quite stringent against littering ever since Superman cleaned up the streets of bigger crimes.  That's one vote for Lois and Clark to wait some more time before they get married. Er…if they do it *after* they’re married, they’d consummate their marriage… Oh! So, you want a traditional modern marriage. Sex beforehand, but not after? They might actually get Lois for man slaughter! For killing the vase? For knocking Lex into the vase. Lex falls to the ground. Heavy vase topples, smashes on top of his, leaves him kind of damaged. The vase missed. BENDER: Destruction of personal property! That vase was worth $425. LOIS: Really? It was hideous. Anyway, I just hit Lex's jaw. HE killed the vase, not me. MUSE: Thank you. <does like Anakin in Revenge of the Sith>
Oh, dear. Now, what will I be inspired to write? <is worried about new evil inspirations>  MUSE: Evil inspiration? But comments are love therefore the more comments the more I'm inspired to give Lois and Clark loving scenes. But if what you guys want it more torture... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/teufel/n050.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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mrsMxyzptlk:  Thank you for your comments. I love this passage:... It's such a romanticized description of that look on Clark's face. It just goes to show that, no matter what Lois tells herself about despising romance or marriage, she really craves it at heart. You had doubts? She loves soap operas (The Ivory Tower from The Pilot). It's hard to read... er... watch soap operas and not be a romantic at heart. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif) “You look…” Lex continued. His voice faltered. “Beautiful?” Real suave there, Lex. ::rolls eyes:: LEX: But I SAID the right thing.  Women!
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I've been hard at work on my auction story for KatherineKent, so I've fallen a bit behind on Wrong Clark. My apologies. I'll try to have another part (Part 179) posted by this weekend.  /Yes, Michael, I've fallen behind my 5 part cushion, because my family keeps pulling me away from the computer... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c075.gif) Here they come again! Superman! Help!... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/verschiedene/f055.gif) /
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Let's just say Part 183 is written but not in the computer. Oh dear… Originally Posted By: Michael Originally Posted By: EW LOIS: Please, Clark, the differences are huge and clear. I am allowed to lie to everyone, but everyone must be entirely honest with me. CLARK: huh Um... sure, Lois. Whatever you say. ER: He’s not very smart, is he? EW: He's not very smart, because he doesn't want to argue with an admitted liar? No, that’s because he sounded like he’s patronizing Lois and not taking her argument seriously. Quote: Both nights at the Metro Club. The one with Winninger. Angel. Angel was S2. LOIS: And I dressed like an $5000 Hooker at the Metro club, apparently. Details? Also, the other one with the yellow feathers? What if someone did a mashup between INPY and StGTTWNK (BTW: Worse episode title ever). Wedding Destroyer accidentally kills Clois and it's the only the strange smell of fried frog legs that clues Clark in to the switcheroo.  Quote: In case he strays after all? Or she thinks he strays, at least. So, it's only the assumption of guilt which is allowed to condemn a man nowadays?
CLARK: That's NOT justice! According to television, that’s the way it is these days. While back in ye olden days, even proven guilt would not condemn a man while even the assumption of guilt could get a woman strangled in her sleeping champers. DESDEMONA: CLARK: Hey, Lois! <thinks he’s finally found Lois after she’s maneuvered herself into a corner> See! We can't sleep together. In your three rules, you aren't allowed to sleep with your story. So, either you give up writing about Superman or we can't sleep together. Pick one. LOIS: Hmm… /knocks head against doorjamb/ But I want to sleep with you, *Clark*! What does Superman have to do with anything? So…tramp? LOIS: There was a doubt?  She didn’t sleep with Ralph, so… CLARK: Yeah, I'm not biting THAT. razz Who knows what I might catch in my weakened state.  Technically, it was Antoinette (ends with "e"). I know. I didn’t care :p True. Maysona. Bonnie(a) Parker. And Mindyia.  Good thing that Lois’s middle name is Joanne and not Joanna, huh? Quote: Hence the ‘sic’. So, by "sic" you mean the error is intentional. I always wondered about that. yeah http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SicOh! So, you want a traditional modern marriage. Sex beforehand, but not after? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/c050.gif) LOIS: I’m *never* getting married. LOIS: Really? It was hideous. Anyway, I just hit Lex's jaw. HE killed the vase, not me. She’s trying to be a lawyer! BENDER: Adorable! MUSE: Evil inspiration? But comments are love therefore the more comments the more I'm inspired to give Lois and Clark loving scenes. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c075.gif) So…only short FDK from now on? MUSE: But if what you guys want it more torture... <puts horns back on so she can put horns on Lex>  Here they come again! Superman! Help!... /EW is taken far far away from the computer/   Michael
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No, that’s because he sounded like he’s patronizing Lois and not taking her argument seriously. CLARK: That was a serious argument? Details? Also, the other one with the yellow feathers? No, she was wearing the beaded dress when Luthor paid $1500 for her (sorry, $5K was the wrong amount). According to television, that’s the way it is these days. While back in ye olden days, even proven guilt would not condemn a man while even the assumption of guilt could get a woman strangled in her sleeping champers. DESDEMONA:  I always found it disturbing that Luthor thought Othello an appropriate play to see the night before getting married. It's kind of like showing "Airplane!", "Airport 66", or "Snakes on a Plane" as an inflight movie. LOIS: Hmm… /knocks head against doorjamb/ But I want to sleep with you, *Clark*! What does Superman have to do with anything? I wonder if anyone has written a story where Clark decides to reveal his secret to Lois because then she would be too close to her story to report it, hence breaking one of her golden rules and maybe be more willing to date Clark (breaking another rule)? Yes, I know logic wise, it doesn't work, but slapstick comedy wise it does. ER: So…tramp? LOIS: There was a doubt? ER:  She didn’t sleep with Ralph, so… LOIS: High priced madame? CAT: I don't charge to sleep with men. That's tacky. LOIS: She said it, not me. Good thing that Lois’s middle name is Joanne and not Joanna, huh? I don't think that's canon, but fandon. I don't like it, so I have never used it. EW: Oh! So, you want a traditional modern marriage. Sex beforehand, but not after? ER: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/c050.gif) LOIS: I’m *never* getting married. CLARK: Thanks. Thanks a lot. MUSE: Evil inspiration? But comments are love therefore the more comments the more I'm inspired to give Lois and Clark loving scenes. ER: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c075.gif) So…only short FDK from now on? Oh, that's one vote for keeping this story from the dark side. EW: Here they come again! Superman! Help!... /EW is taken far far away from the computer/ ER:  Actually, they only dragged me off to the movies. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hey, a good movie can sometimes provide a fresh perspective.
A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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Morgana:  Hey, a good movie can sometimes provide a fresh perspective. That's true. I went to see "How To Train Your Dragon 2", which I thought was good. There was a very LnC moment in it, which if you saw it you'd know what I was talking about.  (No spoilers from me.) Or were you, per chance, referring to West Side Story, which Lex quotes in this part? Good movie, good song, ruined by one villain, making it his own. CLARK: I, on the other hand, think a BAD movie can sometimes give you a perspective you never in your wildest nightmares ever wanted to imagine. LEX: So, what was bad about it? The lighting? The cinematography? The special effects? I agree doing it all in one take was led to a fresh perspective, but when the director is also the film's leading man... what can you do? LOIS: Die. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/boese/u075.gif) Die quickly and painfully, or you shall have to deal with the wrath of Lane. LEX: Well, lookie there. It seems I have a phone call... I need to be... excuse me... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/s015.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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LOIS: Please, Clark, the differences are huge and clear. I am allowed to lie to everyone, but everyone must be entirely honest with me. […] CLARK: That was a serious argument? LOIS: Duh! It's kind of like showing "Airplane!", "Airport 66", or "Snakes on a Plane" as an inflight movie.  How about Fly Hard 2? I wonder if anyone has written a story where Clark decides to reveal his secret to Lois because then she would be too close to her story to report it, hence breaking one of her golden rules and maybe be more willing to date Clark (breaking another rule)? Yes, I know logic wise, it doesn't work, but slapstick comedy wise it does. So, does that mean you’re going to give the sweet little bunny a new home? CAT: I don't charge to sleep with men. That's tacky. LOIS: She said it, not me.  CAT: What? It’s true. Lois on the other hand… Quote: Good thing that Lois’s middle name is Joanne and not Joanna, huh? I don't think that's canon, but fandon. I don't like it, so I have never used it. CLARK: Thanks. Thanks a lot. You’re welcome!  Oh, that's one vote for keeping this story from the dark side.  One can’t win against evil, can one? Actually, they only dragged me off to the movies.  LEX: So, what was bad about it? The lighting? The cinematography? The special effects? I agree doing it all in one take was led to a fresh perspective, but when the director is also the film's leading man... what can you do?   Michael
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EW: It's kind of like showing "Airplane!", "Airport 66", or "Snakes on a Plane" as an inflight movie. ER:  How about Fly Hard 2? oooooh. Yes, that one too. I wonder if anyone has written a story where Clark decides to reveal his secret to Lois because then she would be too close to her story to report it, hence breaking one of her golden rules and maybe be more willing to date Clark (breaking another rule)? Yes, I know logic wise, it doesn't work, but slapstick comedy wise it does. So, does that mean you’re going to give the sweet little bunny a new home? Because my bunny pile isn't growing dust bunnies of it's own? ER: Good thing that Lois’s middle name is Joanne and not Joanna, huh? EW: I don't think that's canon, but fandon. I don't like it, so I have never used it. ER: /doesn't believe it's fandon/ Well, it could be comics canon, but I'm not that familiar with comics. I meant LnC canon. Oh, that's one vote for keeping this story from the dark side.  One can’t win against evil, can one? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/teufel/d020.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Because my bunny pile isn't growing dust bunnies of it's own? ANOTHER LOIS: No, I’m not having a little bunny. Thanks for asking. Well, it could be comics canon, but I'm not that familiar with comics. I meant LnC canon. Me, too. Alas, fanfic and the show have started to blur together, kind of…  Michael