So, what do you think? Was this a more satisfactory way of handling the whole Lana fiasco?
A lot more satisfactory way. Wish it had been so well handled in the series.

This is a thing I can't forgive in Smallville. It was worse than the Clone Argh in Lois and Clark.

I could never watch the episodes between Bride and Infamous. I just fast forwarded through them and even then it was nauseous.
I guess Lois's trip to the past will change (changed?) some things. It has stopped Clark (thankfully) from making up (again) with Lana. And when Lois kissed Clark she must have confirmed his suspicions about Joel being his. It must have changed things in some way, but I don't think it will be bad. Just preventing Clark from going back to Lana is already a nice thing.

Now let's see if Lois will get back to the right time.
