Not sure what to think about this part.
Why did Lois appear in this time and place? And for what purpose in the story? I didn't like Lois reliving these feelings for oliver and I felt like she was cheating on Clark, too.
Oliver didn't know who she was, but she knew it was wrong. She could have turned the face to the side and he would have kissed her on the cheek.
And I think she has messed things telling Oliver too much about the future. I understood she telling Past!Clark the truth because she wanted his help to go back to the right time, but Oliver...?
He can't help her. And she has now told him (while he still has a relationship with Past!Lois) that they will break up and she will have a son with Clark. It can make Oliver tell Past!Lois the truth about him, hoping to avoid a break-up. If he had told her the truth, maybe they wouldn't have broken up and she and Clark wouldn't have had a chance.
And knowing that Lois will fall in love with Clark will make Oliver so much more jealous about Past!Lois and Past!Clark, making things more difficult for them. I think Lois has made a big, big mess.
I keep hoping that Clark will have a memory of meeting Lois and Joel in the past, but nothing so far!
Why is that? Will Lois's travel to the past be erased from their memories in some way to avoid paradoxes and disruptions in the timeline?
Surely she has already caused a lot of ripples in time.
More, please!