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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereAgain, sorry for the delay in posting. I've finished my first draft of my auction story, which I hope to post to keep you entertained during those weeks my office will be painted.  That will happen sometime between this story Section (The Investigation) and the next (title TBA). In the meantime, now that I'm back from my road trip, I should be posting regularly once weekly again. My apologizes for the delays. Many thanks to KenJ for helping me out of the realm of implausible and back into the land of realistic. Trust me, this scene of Clark escaping the wine cellar is much better than the first draft. Who knew how safe wine cellars actually are? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) One of these days I'll write a story where Lex has a brandy cellar, and we'll have a great fire... Again, thank you for reading. Comments will be accepted at any time.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Even if I don't like violence, Luthor's death makes me feel hap... er, relieved. Finally! He's gone.... right?... RIGHT???
Anyway, I hope Lois doesn't suffer of posttraumatic stress after witness that horrible death.
I'm so happy that Cat remains next to Clark, but what worries me is that she believes Lois was "involved" with Lex... wac! And who can blame her?, after watching those horrible videos and all. I hope she won't jeopardize the reconciliation between Lois and CK
Clark: "So what are you saying? I should go crawling back on my hands and knees?" Martha: "No, honey. Fly back. It's faster!!"
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chelo: Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment.  Even if I don't like violence, Luthor's death makes me feel hap... er, relieved. Finally! He's gone.... right?... RIGHT??? Of course. Whenever you kill off Lex Luthor he's always dead as a doornail, right? RIGHT?!! /turns to my muse/ Right?  Anyway, I hope Lois doesn't suffer of posttraumatic stress after witness that horrible death. Yes, that would be bad. Luckily for her, but unluckily for Ellen, Lois's mother got the brunt of the splatter. I'm so happy that Cat remains next to Clark, but what worries me is that she believes Lois was "involved" with Lex... wac! And who can blame her?, after watching those horrible videos and all. I hope she won't jeopardize the reconciliation between Lois and CK Cat come between Lois and Clark? Never! ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e025.gif) Thanks for reading.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Oh my gosh, that was so much worse than the show. Lois is going to have nightmares for the rest of her life after that. And if her mother didn't need rehab before, she will soon. Of course. Whenever you kill off Lex Luthor he's always dead as a doornail, right? RIGHT?!! /turns to my muse/ Right?  Well, there is Lex-C still hanging around underground. He just needs to steal the remains from the morgue, hook up with Tasha Yar, and wait a respectable amount of time for him to "recover" from being dead before returning. So, was Lex getting rid of evidence of his ark? Who else knows about it that's topside? I guess Mrs. Cox would know. Nigel? Asabi is still in the ark, right?
"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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mrsMxyzptlk: Oooh! Great questions. I'll see if I can answer any of them without giving anything away. Oh my gosh, that was so much worse than the show. Lois is going to have nightmares for the rest of her life after that. Yeah. I did that. I went there. Yes, nightmares. As if Lois's dreams weren't full of scarey stuff already. And if her mother didn't need rehab before, she will soon. This will be addressed in the next part. Well, there is Lex-C still hanging around underground. He just needs to steal the remains from the morgue, hook up with Tasha Yar, and wait a respectable amount of time for him to "recover" from being dead before returning.  Tasha Yar.  I think you mean Gretchen Kelly, MD. Clearly, whoever cast this show also did casting for Star Trek. Let's just say, she doesn't feature prominently in this story. So, was Lex getting rid of evidence of his ark? Who else knows about it that's topside? I guess Mrs. Cox would know. Nigel? Asabi is still in the ark, right? Did Lex-C survive his surgery from being shot twice? Mrs. Cox doesn't know about the Ark. Would Nigel or Asabi tell? Arianna also knows about it, but she'd have to forgive Lex first for his attempted bigamy with Lois.  Thanks for you comments.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 07/18/14 12:02 AM. Reason: Fixed Typo
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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************** The After Party ************** Is this where Lex wakes up with a split head erm splitting headache? LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/verschiedene/d055.gif) What was the point of bribing people to inform him of his imminent arrest if they failed to do so? Charity? Lex pushed a side-table in front of the door so that the police couldn't get through. So… ‘safeguard’ huh? LOIS: I use locks on my door for that. By the time the police made it to this hall, Lex would have simply vanished. SUPERMAN: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/g042.gif) If Lois wasn’t going to stick by him in his darkest hour, then he would make sure that she couldn’t have her happily-ever-after with Superman, either. So, had Lois decided to go all Bonnie to his Clyde, he’d have let Superman live? At the end of the hall, he shoved the corner of the wall, which gave way under his hand. Very shoddy workmanship. He should have his contractor shot. He double-checked the rear bumper of the car the door had nudged, but didn’t see a scratch. All was as it should be. Wouldn’t it be awkward had he scratched it and then broken down in a nervous crying fit over the damage? Lex had dismissed his guard at the elevator when he had come down earlier for his tête-a-tête with Superman… Sounds naughty! or to choose a vintage champagne for him and Lois to share later, as he had told the guard. Awww, he wanted to get a 1966 Kryptonian Blue for their wedding night. I’m sure Lois would have enjoyed it. Or, at least, that was the way the history books would remember the event… if it were an event at all. Yeah…he does realize it’s the reporter chick who would be forming popular opinion and thus history, right? Nothing, absolutely nothing, was going right for him today! Maybe he should have stayed in bed, then? He had no one to blame for this failure other than himself. At least he wasn’t bested by a better man? Lex doubted that even Superman would be so forgiving of Lex’s transgressions, at least, not initially. Well…he might hand him over to Lois and then leave… “It wasn’t her,” he reminded himself softly. He had no proof of her innocence other than his belief in her love. “It was a lie.” There’s a lot of stories out there with women going to work on their backs for their lovers. As he was having difficulty catching his breath, let alone standing, and he realized that it wasn’t only his shoulder that was throbbing in pain, he knew Superman wouldn’t be available to hero anytime soon. That’s why lawmen often carry guns. They only have to be strong enough to hold it up, aim, and pull the trigger. He didn’t want Cat to fall down the stairs in the darkness. CAT:  He thinks I’m so fat that I no longer have a regular center of gravity? At the stairs, Clark collapsed again, pulling his cape around him in a futile attempt to block out the Kryptonite’s hold on him. Should have gone with the leaded suit. He had neither the emotional nor the physical strength to deal with Luthor as he ought. Dangle him over the balcony railing but not let him go? Lois would understand and might even be too busy to give his absence more than a passing thought. LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/traurig/a050.gif) “Do you still want to see her?” Cat asked softly. “What she did…” Nothing several dozen other women didn’t do for money that year alone. “You deserve to be treated so much better than… You do so much… Luthor should be shot.”
“Violence cannot beget more violence or it will never end.” Actually, if you took out Lex really good, he shouldn’t come back himself. There would be Ari to content with and the Church Group. Lex-C. Some minor gangwars, maybe…but still… I can fold it and place it under my shirt,” she said, pulling out her baggy maternity blouse. “Room to grow.”  At the sight of his naked chest, Cat swallowed and set her hand down between his pecs. Then, she muttered something that sounded like ‘such a waste’ and the word ‘stupid’ LOIS:  I’m *trying* to get into his pants. It’s not *my* fault he’s shyer than…than…Canon Lois. There was a slight hopeful glint to her gaze as she paused long enough for it to move from his chest to his eyes and back again, and down lower. Her tongue slowly licked her lips before she exhaled, “— assistance.” So…pregnancy hormones making her horny? “I may be married, sugar boots, but I’m not dead,” she replied, sauntering up the stairs. “There’s no harm in looking.”
He doubted Phil would see that statement in quite the same light. PHIL: I think it best if I never visit a strip joint. “But D.A. Clemmons wanted something big and flashy, which would deny Luthor bail and freeze his assets, while they continued to investigate him. It’s why this place is crawling with Feds, along with Metropolis’s finest.” Look who’s trying to earn some clout. CLEMMONS: It’s either this or trying his ex-fiancée for murder. The windows rose upwards behind him to allow the suspect access to the balcony. He ran outside and looked over the railing. Awww…Henderson’s still politically correct. Also, rigging the window to come down guillotine-style on the next person through would also be a nice touch. “It’s over, Luthor. Give up,” Bill said, joining him outside and knowing the man had nowhere else he could flee to unless a helicopter descended from the sky. ![[Linked Image]](http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070111084328/bttf/images/8/82/1985_delorean_c.jpg) Lex Luthor has lost his marbles, Bill thought. Maybe they should take him in and put him under psychiatric observation? Maybe Lex had gobbled up Superman’s essence and is now able to fly himself. Lois looked around the plaza once more, this time seeing someone who looked like Clark hanging off Cat’s arm.  On the other hand, Cat saw her and glared at Lois as if she had pledged her life to Lex Luthor just because she was still wearing her wedding dress. No, it’s because she was whoring around with her fiancée on the vid-wall. “Worried?” Ellen Lane repeated. “Why should you be worried, dear? I’m here now. What’s with all the police? Has something happened, or is it just security for your wedding?” So…still drunk, huh? “Yes, Lois. Where’s that fiancée of yours? Over there. 2 inch in the ground. “Who is it?” her mother asked. “Do you know that man, Lois?” Her hubby. ELLEN: Typical. At least, *I* only drove him into other women. My daughter has to drive them into the ground. “It’s Lex.” Lois pulled her eyes away from his descent to scan the plaza once more for Clark. He had to… had to… “Where’s Superman?” she mumbled. She is *hoping* that he lives? Clark couldn’t let their investigation go up in smoke like this, not after all they had put into it. If he died, Lex could only be tried in the press and not in a real court. Oh. She felt someone grab hold of her arm and jerk her backwards. She turned to see her mother. “Oh, honey, no! You can’t save him now.”
“Mom, I’ve got to…”
Spray from Lex’s impact with the ground directly in front of them,  That could have gotten awkward had Lex actually managed to hit her. but her mother had gotten the brunt of the debris.  So much for her rehab. Ellen Lane screamed as only someone drenched in someone else’s bodily fluids could scream. She never changed Lois’s diapers, did she? Lois was silent. She stood there in shock, her hands extended as she gazed at the blood dripping off her. So, Lex made a bigger splat than on the show, did he? Blew up like an overripe melon? Had he not known about Luthor? She blinked Luthor’s blood out of her eyes, and realized the man wasn’t Clark at all.
Where in the hell had Clark Kent gone?   Michael
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The main way this is worse than the show is Clark not having Lois in his arms at her hour of need. I wish we could have had that.
OK, Luthor had a much more sinister and evil plan of what to do with Superman while the wedding was in preparation than in the show.
Last edited by John Lambert; 07/19/14 10:18 PM.
John Pack Lambert
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Oh my gosh, that was so much worse than the show. Lois is going to have nightmares for the rest of her life after that. And if her mother didn't need rehab before, she will soon. Of course. Whenever you kill off Lex Luthor he's always dead as a doornail, right? RIGHT?!! /turns to my muse/ Right?  Well, there is Lex-C still hanging around underground. He just needs to steal the remains from the morgue, hook up with Tasha Yar, and wait a respectable amount of time for him to "recover" from being dead before returning. So, was Lex getting rid of evidence of his ark? Who else knows about it that's topside? I guess Mrs. Cox would know. Nigel? Asabi is still in the ark, right? Lois knows about the arc, although not much. If Nigel is top-side I think he knows about it. Lois did tell Cat about it, although not much. Those three may be the only ones. I do not believe Lois ever told Clark anything of it.
John Pack Lambert
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Darth Michael:  ************** The After Party ************** Is this where Lex wakes up with a split head erm splitting headache? I have no idea to what you might be referring. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif) LOIS: /points to picture of woman riding horse and beating him with a stick?/ LEX: I'll accept that. LOIS: I meant the other end. CLARK: And she calls ME a lunkhead? LEX:  So… ‘safeguard’ huh? LOIS: I use locks on my door for that. I went back and forth between Lex having a skeleton key for every room in Lex Tower and this. I'm sorry, this won. I can't always choose correctly. By the time the police made it to this hall, Lex would have simply vanished. SUPERMAN: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/g042.gif) METROPOLIS STAR: Reports surfaced yesterday of an small oval asteroid projected from Metropolis towards the direction of the sun at a high velocity. They have largely been discounted by EPRAD as hooey. So, had Lois decided to go all Bonnie to his Clyde, he’d have let Superman live? LEX: Yes, as the main attraction at my zoo. Very shoddy workmanship. He should have his contractor shot. LEX: Already done. Wouldn’t it be awkward had he scratched it and then broken down in a nervous crying fit over the damage?  Lex had dismissed his guard at the elevator when he had come down earlier for his tête-a-tête with Superman… Sounds naughty! As do most things said in French to people who don't speak it. It's why it's referred to as the language of love, is it not? Awww, he wanted to get a 1966 Kryptonian Blue for their wedding night. I’m sure Lois would have enjoyed it. Bashing Lex over the head with it? Yeah…he does realize it’s the reporter chick who would be forming popular opinion and thus history, right? I'm sorry, do you think Lex is going to let Lois live too? Maybe he should have stayed in bed, then? BED BUNNY STRIPPER HE HAD BOUGHT FOR HIMSELF FOR HIS BACHELOR PARTY: Definitely. It's a Saturday and I wanted to sleep in. At least he wasn’t bested by a better man? LOIS: No, by a better woman. Well…he might hand him over to Lois and then leave… SUPERMAN: Here, Lois, can you hold Lex's leash while I go find Henderson via Helsinki. Oh, and feel free to enjoy the in-home movie. There’s a lot of stories out there with women going to work on their backs for their lovers. LOIS: /Eyes Michael warily/ And WHAT does that have to do with me? That’s why lawmen often carry guns. They only have to be strong enough to hold it up, aim, and pull the trigger. SUPERMAN: I don't kill people. That's what sidewalks are for. CAT:  He thinks I’m so fat that I no longer have a regular center of gravity? CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) It's only because she's not wearing her usual heels and she's not used to walking in flats. Should have gone with the leaded suit. Although, he wouldn't have had the strength to crawl across the floor with it on though. Dangle him over the balcony railing but not let him go? Not squeeze while he had his hands around his neck? LOIS: /crying at her missing Clarkie bear/ CLARK: So, that one I got wrong? Nothing several dozen other women didn’t do for money that year alone. LEX: The year isn't over yet. Actually, if you took out Lex really good, he shouldn’t come back himself. There would be Ari to content with and the Church Group. Lex-C. Some minor gangwars, maybe…but still… So, Superman should rule Earth with an iron fist? LOIS: I’m *trying* to get into his pants. It’s not *my* fault he’s shyer than…than…Canon Lois. Did you mean Lois here or Cat? So…pregnancy hormones making her horny? No, she's usually this horny. Why? PHIL: I think it best if I never visit a strip joint. PHIL:  I'm married to Cat. Who needs a strip joint? Look who’s trying to earn some clout. CLEMMONS: It’s either this or trying his ex-fiancée for murder. It's still early in the day. Awww…Henderson’s still politically correct. Also, rigging the window to come down guillotine-style on the next person through would also be a nice touch. HENDERSON: Hey, you! With the red shirt. You first! /Back to the Future suggestion/ LEX: I knew I should have invested when Dr. Brown requested money and plutonium. Maybe they should take him in and put him under psychiatric observation? ARI: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif) Maybe Lex had gobbled up Superman’s essence and is now able to fly himself. SUPERMAN: Kill me. Kill me now. I'm not sure what Michael means, but if what my imagination says that is... well, I'd rather die than remember that. LOIS: Don't be silly. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/k015.gif) That doesn't make you fly or I'd be buzzing the skies. CLARK:  Say what? No, it’s because she was whoring around with her fiancée on the vid-wall. LOIS: But... but... but he gave me a ring, so it was okay, right? No. Just clueless. Over there. 2 inch in the ground. Actually, according to Mythbusters a penny dropped from the Empire State hardly will scratch the surface of the sidewalk, so I doubt Lex would break it. Her hubby. ELLEN: Typical. At least, *I* only drove him into other women. My daughter has to drive them into the ground. ELLEN: Well, at least she married him first, right? Right? RIGHT?! She is *hoping* that he lives?  She's been hanging around Superman too much. CLARK: I never said I wanted him to live... recently. That could have gotten awkward had Lex actually managed to hit her. So, it's good her mom grabbed her arm and stopped her?  She never changed Lois’s diapers, did she? ELLEN: Don't be ridiculous. That's what the nanny was for. So, Lex made a bigger splat than on the show, did he? Blew up like an overripe melon? I cannot see how he couldn't have made a big splat on the show. They just didn't show it. But being a CSI junkie at one time, I know that if you get hit with a bat there will be splatter; it only makes sense the same is true with the sidewalk. /Michael wonders where Clark went too/ CAT: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/verschiedene/h030.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Yea! Back from the wilds of real life!  The main way this is worse than the show is Clark not having Lois in his arms at her hour of need. I wish we could have had that. I'm never going to live that down, am I? This isn't canon. It's supposed to be different. Things will get better... uh... soon. Soonish? /Points to Avatar, see!/ OK, Luthor had a much more sinister and evil plan of what to do with Superman while the wedding was in preparation than in the show. That was because he had more concrete proof that Superman was in love with Lois than in canon. Lois knows about the arc, although not much. If Nigel is top-side I think he knows about it. Lois did tell Cat about it, although not much. Those three may be the only ones. I do not believe Lois ever told Clark anything of it. Actually, she did mention it to Clark the day she accidentally exposed him to Kryptonite prior to the DP being bombed. I mean she told him afterwards, but exposed him before. This just sounds worse the more I try to clarify. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d015.gif) You know what I mean, right? Lois also mentioned it in passing to Cat, but not in detail. Ari also knows because it was her psychological experiment. Dr. Leek knew about Lex-C but not about the bunker. (Did I kill him off? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/s045.gif) No, I don't think so.) Asabi knows but he lives down there (punishment for letting Lex-C get shot). Nigel knows as he's "Head of Security" for the LUC. All trustworthy people, right?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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LEX: I'll accept that. LOIS: I meant the other end. CLARK: And she calls ME a lunkhead?  I went back and forth between Lex having a skeleton key for every room in Lex Tower and this. I'm sorry, this won. I can't always choose correctly. Nah, that’s fun. Makes Lex much more Sherriff of Rottingham Quote: So, had Lois decided to go all Bonnie to his Clyde, he’d have let Superman live? LEX: Yes, as the main attraction at my zoo. LOIS: Is it a petting zoo? As do most things said in French to people who don't speak it. It's why it's referred to as the language of love, is it not?  Quote: Awww, he wanted to get a 1966 Kryptonian Blue for their wedding night. I’m sure Lois would have enjoyed it. Bashing Lex over the head with it? Actually, I was euphemizing to someone born in 1966, always wearing blue, and being from Krypton. Quote: Yeah…he does realize it’s the reporter chick who would be forming popular opinion and thus history, right? I'm sorry, do you think Lex is going to let Lois live too? LOIS: Oh course he would. I’m to be his bride! Quote: Maybe he should have stayed in bed, then? BED BUNNY STRIPPER HE HAD BOUGHT FOR HIMSELF FOR HIS BACHELOR PARTY: Definitely. It's a Saturday and I wanted to sleep in.  Quote: At least he wasn’t bested by a better man? LOIS: No, by a better woman. Not the same. LEX:  SUPERMAN: Here, Lois, can you hold Lex's leash while I go find Henderson via Helsinki. Oh, and feel free to enjoy the in-home movie. LEX:  Quote: There’s a lot of stories out there with women going to work on their backs for their lovers. LOIS: /Eyes Michael warily/ And WHAT does that have to do with me? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/teufel/d050.gif) SUPERMAN: I don't kill people. That's what sidewalks are for.  It’s the sidewalk that kills them, not the drop, huh? CLARK: [afraid of Cat in his current delicate state] It's only because she's not wearing her usual heels and she's not used to walking in flats. CAT: *squints* Quote: Should have gone with the leaded suit. Although, he wouldn't have had the strength to crawl across the floor with it on though. The idea would be that the lead protects him from the radiation. Quote: Dangle him over the balcony railing but not let him go? Not squeeze while he had his hands around his neck? That would be murder. The other an accident. Quote: LOIS: /crying at her missing Clarkie bear/ CLARK: So, that one I got wrong? ONE? *ONE*? Quote: Nothing several dozen other women didn’t do for money that year alone. LEX: The year isn't over yet. It is for him? So, Superman should rule Earth with an iron fist? Well…it would at least keep Lois safe? Quote: LOIS: I’m *trying* to get into his pants. It’s not *my* fault he’s shyer than…than…Canon Lois. Did you mean Lois here or Cat? Nope, the names correct  Quote: PHIL: I think it best if I never visit a strip joint. PHIL: lol I'm married to Cat. Who needs a strip joint?  RALPH: He just called his wife her a stripper!  HENDERSON: Hey, you! With the red shirt. You first! Why the police started to update their cadet uniforms… SUPERMAN: Kill me. Kill me now. I'm not sure what Michael means, but if what my imagination says that is... well, I'd rather die than remember that. LOIS: Don't be silly. That doesn't make you fly or I'd be buzzing the skies. CLARK: shock Say what?  Quote: No, it’s because she was whoring around with her fiancée on the vid-wall. LOIS: But... but... but he gave me a ring, so it was okay, right? Well, at least that’s the argument Hero’s father used in Much Ado. Actually, according to Mythbusters a penny dropped from the Empire State hardly will scratch the surface of the sidewalk, so I doubt Lex would break it.  But didn’t Jack Nicholson’s Joker ruin the sidewalk in Batman? ELLEN: Well, at least she married him first, right? Right? RIGHT?! LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) Quote: That could have gotten awkward had Lex actually managed to hit her. So, it's good her mom grabbed her arm and stopped her? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif) Otherwise it would be reset. Again. And I doubt the EW would think that funny very much. CAT: <has taken Clark on a joy-ride with her fancy scooter>  Michael
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So, had Lois decided to go all Bonnie to his Clyde, he’d have let Superman live? LEX: Yes, as the main attraction at my zoo. LOIS: Is it a petting zoo? Only if you want this story to go to the dark side. ER: Awww, he wanted to get a 1966 Kryptonian Blue for their wedding night. I’m sure Lois would have enjoyed it. EW: Bashing Lex over the head with it? ER: Actually, I was euphemizing to someone born in 1966, always wearing blue, and being from Krypton. /points to my answer to the previous quote/ Hmmmm. It seems I could have gone in several different directions from here. ER: Yeah…he does realize it’s the reporter chick who would be forming popular opinion and thus history, right? EW: I'm sorry, do you think Lex is going to let Lois live too? LOIS: Oh course he would. I’m to be his bride! /points to Lex Jr.'s mom/ SUPERMAN: I don't kill people. That's what sidewalks are for. ER: It’s the sidewalk that kills them, not the drop, huh? MAYSON: I don't think so, Vigilante! The idea would be that the lead protects him from the radiation. But he doesn't wear a mask, so it would cause him migraines. LOIS: /crying at her missing Clarkie bear/ CLARK: So, that one I got wrong? ER: ONE? *ONE*? Touche!  CLARK: It was more than one? EW: So, Superman should rule Earth with an iron fist? ER: Well…it would at least keep Lois safe? But Lois wouldn't want him if that was his personality. LOIS: I’m *trying* to get into his pants. It’s not *my* fault he’s shyer than…than…Canon Lois. EW: Did you mean Lois here or Cat? ER: Nope, the names correct  ALT-CLARK: Actually, I've found that after a glass of wine or two... CANON CLARK: What?! ALT-CLARK: She puts on her iron maiden. PHIL: I think it best if I never visit a strip joint. PHIL: lol I'm married to Cat. Who needs a strip joint? RALPH: He just called his wife her a stripper!  PHIL: And she strips for nobody but me. I have no problem with the analogy. RALPH:  Well, at least that’s the argument Hero’s father used in Much Ado. I tried to watch the Joss Wedon version the other night and couldn't get a half-hour into it before becoming bored.  Which is too bad, because the Kenneth Branagh was very entertaining. EW: Actually, according to Mythbusters a penny dropped from the Empire State hardly will scratch the surface of the sidewalk, so I doubt Lex would break it. ER: But didn’t Jack Nicholson’s Joker ruin the sidewalk in Batman? That's only because he's hard headed (and it was Hollywood). Otherwise it would be reset. Again. And I doubt the EW would think that funny very much. After this many parts do you think I want to time-travel back to the beginning AGAIN?!
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Only if you want this story to go to the dark side. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/g015.gif) /points to Lex Jr.'s mom/ LOIS: Who? LEX: Exactly. But he doesn't wear a mask, so it would cause him migraines. Those real ones. That make you feel like you’re dying. Or the softer kind, that makes you feel like hurting the next person you meet. Like the guy holding that shiny green rock. CLARK: It was more than one? He likes to get bashed by a Lois, huh? But Lois wouldn't want him if that was his personality. Yeah…maybe if he kept her locked up without any news from the outside world, she wouldn’t notice? ALT-CLARK: She puts on her iron maiden. Iron Maiden? Or did you mean a chastity belt? I tried to watch the Joss Wedon version the other night and couldn't get a half-hour into it before becoming bored. frown Which is too bad, because the Kenneth Branagh was very entertaining. Yes, the KB is quite great. I tried to find some additional adaption by him, but there weren’t that many comedies  JW was mainly for the JW actors  I think he had Buffy, Angel, and Firefly in there. After this many parts do you think I want to time-travel back to the beginning AGAIN?!  *You* mentioned the Muse suggesting fun twists… And it would be *evil*…?   Michael
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EW: Only if you want this story to go to the dark side. ER: /keeps looking for it to pop up there/ Sorry, I meant the Star Wars' "dark side", Michael, not this boards. EW: But he doesn't wear a mask, so it would cause him migraines. ER: Those real ones. That make you feel like you’re dying. Or the softer kind, that makes you feel like hurting the next person you meet. Like the guy holding that shiny green rock. I meant the first kind, sorry. CLARK: It was more than one? ER: He likes to get bashed by a Lois, huh? Well, normally he's invulnerable, so it doesn't hurt... LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/o050.gif) CLARK: /giggles/ You're touching me. /tee-hee/ You're touching me again. EW: But Lois wouldn't want him if that was his personality. ER: Yeah…maybe if he (Clark) kept her locked up without any news from the outside world, she wouldn’t notice? LEX: Um... when has that ever worked for me? ALT-CLARK: She puts on her iron maiden. ER: Iron Maiden? Or did you mean a chastity belt? ALT-CLARK:  Um... Well, you see, in my home dimension they both refer to the same thing. What you know as a chastity belt, that is. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) WELLS: Didn't you say that your home dimension only diverged from my home dimension (and this one) about the 1850s? That would have been centuries after these devices were used. ALT-CLARK: Oh, shut up! Yes, the KB is quite great. I tried to find some additional adaption by him, but there weren’t that many comedies  JW was mainly for the JW actors  I think he had Buffy, Angel, and Firefly in there. Kenneth Branagh also adapted Henry V and Hamlet, I believe. According to IMDb, he also did Love's Labour's Lost. I'll have to look for that one. AND Othello. Kenneth really loves his Shakespeare. EW: After this many parts do you think I want to time-travel back to the beginning AGAIN?! ER: /doesn't believe the innocent-sounding rambling of an EW/ *You* mentioned the Muse suggesting fun twists… And it would be *evil*…? It would be, wouldn't it? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/teufel/d020.gif)
Last edited by VirginiaR; 09/19/14 12:32 AM. Reason: clarification
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Sorry, I meant the Star Wars' "dark side", Michael, not this boards. Oh dear, oh dear! LOIS: <tickling him> CLARK: /giggles/ You're touching me. /tee-hee/ You're touching me again.  LEX: Um... when has that ever worked for me? He’d be able to also distract her in a sexual manner? WELLS: Didn't you say that your home dimension only diverged from my home dimension (and this one) about the 1850s? That would have been centuries after these devices were used. ALT-CLARK: Oh, shut up!   Michael
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LEX: Um... when has that ever worked for me? ER: He’d be able to also distract her in a sexual manner? /Lois imagines "he" doing a sexy striptease for her/ LOIS: /if "he" means Clark/  LOIS: /if "he" means Lex/  No.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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/Lois imagines "he" doing a sexy striptease for her/ LOIS: /if "he" means Clark/ <is very enthusiastic about this> Yes, it was Clark.  Michael