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So, happy with Lois' reaction at Cindy? Happy at how her date with Brian went? And what's Clark going to do about Jenny?

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."
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Brian was a piece of work. But since both of them had lied on their profiles, they both deserve what they got. He should have gotten the hint that Opera wasn't really one of her main loves.

Opera? Traditional woman? Ugh, Lois. That ain't you, girl. Why would you want a man who couldn't love you for who you are, instead of who you think he'd want you to be? Yes, the last thing you want is another Lex Luthor.

Oh, yes. I have this strange feeling that Clark will turn the tables on Lois soon and prove to her that she was wrong. (In wanting him to be with someone else.) I hope he doesn't end up using anyone just to make Lois jealous. I always thought what he had done to Mayson was slightly out of character, leading her on like that. It was understandable only if you consider he's blissfully unaware how much she liked him and that he didn't want to hurt her feelings, just as he did with Cindy. (Well, just the latter part with Cindy. She let him know FULL well that he was welcome to her.)

“Cindy?” he called out carefully. She turned.

“Sorry, Clark. Guess I got my wires crossed. From both of you.” She turned to look at her big cousin just standing in the kitchen area, then she left and shut the door behind her.
I was a tad surprised that he called out to Cindy as she left. I would think he'd be more relieved. But, as always, Clark is a gentleman. Also, did Lois tell Cindy that her behavior towards Clark was unwelcome or that she was coming on too strongly? That's not going to bode well for Lois and Cindy's relationship.

Poor Clark. Poor Jenny. She thinks she has a date with a handsome and kind man who is actually interested in her. I hope Clark will be kind and not tell her that his best friend had set up this date and his profile. His best friend who was acting less and less like a friend should. I hope he has a good time on his date and becomes friends with Jenny just to spite Lois.

Perhaps he should pay her back in kind and set her up with some lousy dates. I hear that Ralph's still available. What about Jimmy? Has he found his special someone yet? Being a good 5+ years younger than Clark, he hasn't even reached 30.

I’m going to have to speak to her about this soon. Need to bring up The Pact. He rested his forehead on his hand. I can’t believe I’m doing this. How did she even get me to agree to The Pact all those years ago? And now I’m the one that’s going to try and enforce it.
BAD idea, Clark. VERY bad idea. If you want Lois, and you do, you need to prove to her that you want her despite the pact. Best thing to do is to cancel it, AND THEN ask her out on a date. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hi Vic!

Lois saw Cindy begin to rise up on her tiptoes and her mouth dropped open when she realised that her baby cousin was about to kiss her best friend.


Clark took it on himself to tidy away.
[Linked Image] Did Cindy kiss so badly that Clark had to block it from his mind?

He glanced to his side and saw Cindy gazing at him, her chin resting on her hand, itself resting on the coffee table.
Oh, you went back in time a bit. Duh!

She’d been making her interest known all evening and Clark had yet to figure out how to gently let her down.
Maybe ‘I’m sorry, but I’m into reporters’?

Shifting forward she came closer, so he shifted backwards.

“Clark?” she said as she tipped her head to the side. She stepped towards him. “I get the feeling you’re uncomfortable.”
Reminds me of Lois during PML. Say, how *did* they manage that one?

I think it’s time to be up front now.
Sounds like she’s trying to get her front up into his face.

We’ve had a fun evening. I’d like to do it again sometime.”
‘Have fun’? Later that night? In his bedroom?

“Don’t fight this. I think we could be good together.
Lois hasn’t killed him yet so he’s likely not a cad. Cindy wants something dependable for a change? Like a Volvo?

I’m attracted to you, and I know you’ve been watching me.”
Yeah, like the doe watches the lion stalking the herd.

Rather he was concerned over her behaviour.
CLAKR: help

As he blinked in shock she tipped her head back and rose up on her toes.

“No!” A crash and a shout from the kitchen had both Clark and Cindy turning to look.

“I, uh ... I, uh ... dropped the popcorn,” she replied but Clark could see the deadly glare that Lois was giving her cousin.
CINDY: huh

“Sorry, Clark. Guess I got my wires crossed. From both of you.” She turned to look at her big cousin just standing in the kitchen area, then she left and shut the door behind her.
So, she won’t be attending the wedding as a bride’s maid?
LOIS: Well, she’s not a maiden, even if she’s presently unwed.

“Cindy made a pass at you and you dealt with it like some virgin schoolboy.”
CLARK: *squeak*
Also, does he need to…umm…spin into his Superman suit for the way home?

“If it wasn’t for the fact that she’s your cousin ... and you’ve been here all night ... and you just stopped her from kissing me I would swear you set me up again,” he challenged.

immediately bending down to start clearing the spilled popcorn from the floor.

Clark groaned in frustration at the sight.
Turning away from him, huh?

He lingered for another moment taking in the sight of the soft, grey material pulled tightly over her behind,

How did she even get me to agree to The Pact all those years ago?
Reasonably good looking. Not completely unreasonably inebriated. And pushy.

You can’t force her into anything; she’s Lois Lane.
No but he can trick her by dating other women in front of her.

And even if she wasn’t Lois Lane it would be unfair to make her stick to The Pact if she no longer wanted to.
[Linked Image]
#16 - A deal is a deal.
#17 - A contract is a contract is a contract ... but only between Ferengi.
LOIS: Fine. But we all know that females aren’t allowed to make deals or engage in contracts.

Another voice joined in. It was deeper, in his head, it was Superman’s. But you cannot afford to be selfish in that way. The world needs you. A hero is not meant to love.
[Linked Image]

“Yes, but how would my heart cope with a lukewarm reception every time I walked, or flew, in the door?”
Yeah, like she’d ever be lukewarm Either, she’d be all horny and happy that he’s back or she’d be mad that he’s stuck her with the kids, again.

He groaned and pinched his nose, adjusting his glasses. I can’t believe I’ve just argued with myself about this. And then changed my own mind, twice. What am I going to do?
[Linked Image]

Maybe he’s just having a bad hair day.
So, head looks like Ralphs?

And a bad clothes day.
Dog mistook him for a fire hydrant while he slept off last night’s cheap booze underneath one of the bridges that span Hobs Bay

And a bad body day.
Waistline like Bill Church?
BRIAN: Looky there! Jackpot!

“So, what Operas have you attended recently?” he asked.
Well…there’s Wrong Clark, which is kind of about soaps and stuff…

I guess it’s been over six months since I last went to the theatre.”
Well…that’s not a lie.

“So, have you ever seen the whole Cycle, or just the separate Operas?”
LOIS: huh

“Oh, sorry. Well, what are your current interests then?”
LOIS: Mel Gibson. And Ivory Tower reruns.

“Well, my career,” Lois answered quickly before remembering that she’d mentioned being a traditional woman, hoping it was more likely to be appealing.
LOIS: Yes. Career. I’m working on being the world’s foremost expert in managing a household for my husband and provider while raising his children.

“Oh!” He went quiet for a moment. “Lois Lane. Journalism. How come I didn’t put it together before?
Because he’s either not very smart or a crook. They usually haven’t heard of Lois Lane before she traps them by letting herself be tied up.

She smiled and left a confused, but possibly relieved, Brian finishing his scone.
Do they have ratings on the dating profile? Will Brian be giving her 2 stars and comment that she was good looking but a terrible date?

Maybe it’s like eavesdropping on someone’s conversation. What’s the moral code for listening to someone’s heart?
ICU nurses: It’s our job.
NIA truth specialist: What’s this ‘moral code’ thing?

Clark fought with his conscience over it then decided that it wasn’t as if he were actually stalking her.

Superman. That would have to be addressed if The Pact ever came to fruition. How will she take it?
His sneaking out at all times of the day, smelling strangely when he gets back and telling obvious fake stories about what he did while away?

“Routine! Kent! There is nothing routine about Superman saving people. He is a miracle. And every life he saves, every disaster he averts is a gift to us all.” Lois spoke passionately.
Really? Even 8 years down the line?
LOIS: [Linked Image]

How do you get those articles, Clark?”
He’s sharing a bedroom with Superman?

Plus she would have had to confess that it had been a terrible failure.
Maybe even that she’d been wrong to specify an incorrect profile?
LOIS: [Linked Image]

She carefully adjusted her responses, taking the time to think about each answer.
Oooooh! Now it will more closely match the woman she’s trying to find for Clark.

“Well, it got me thinking,” she continued in a false bright tone. “Even though your accusations were completely without any basis in truth and I am totally offended that you would think such things of me

“I signed you up to a dating website and you have a date for tonight.”

“You what!” he shouted as he stood up.
evil So, will Clark get her to give up the password? And will he modify the profile to actually match what he wants? And then they’ll have mail?

wave Michael

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Awesome--great part! I can-not-wait to see where this is going, KK smile

Lets see....Lois' reaction to Cindy? Well, I love that Clark and Cindy didn't kiss, thanks to the dropped bowl of popcorn and Lois' scream--but really, I think Clark would have gotten away in the nick of time, regardless. But yes, the fact that Lois intervened--that is GREAT! I really like how Clark is tuning into her--noticing her heartbeat and her breathing--and really, how natural it feels for him to do so.

Favorite line from Cindy:
“Sorry, Clark. Guess I got my wires crossed. From both of you.” She turned to look at her big cousin just standing in the kitchen area, then she left and shut the door behind her.

Think through this Clark...it implies a lot about the feelings of your best friend wink. Lois' interruption, Lois' glare at Cindy, Lois' breathing/heartbeat, the heated debate in the kitchen, Cindy storming out...stating the confusion. It's all right there in front of you (but the story is still young...it'll be awhile, I suppose, till pieces are put together thumbsup ).

So glad that Brian is out of the picture dance. A coffee date based on false pretenses. Opera? Traditional woman? Yikes--yeah Lois, if you are honestly going to try to find someone here (and come on, you have Clark right in front of you, he's perfect for you wink ), do it based on what you really like to do and who you really are. Otherwise....there's just no point. I'm glad that Lois didn't lead Brian on as the date was ending, and honestly ended any possibility of the two of them getting together again.

Jenny. Yeah--I just don't know what's going to happen here. I would not blame Clark for being really (really) mad at Lois for all the meddling. So much awkwardness our poor Clark has been through already in this story--and really, he's handled it all pretty well. Part of me sees him going on the date--since it's planned and so as not to disappoint Jenny--she's done nothing wrong. Part of me sees him meeting up with Jenny, explaining the situation, and just doing a friend thing for the night. I don't at all see him leading Jenny on by getting into a false relationship, it's not his style. And I can't see him actually falling for Jenny, cause that boy is in love with Lois. So again, back to the beginning of my babble--I just don't know what's going to happen dizzy. (But I am dying to find out!!!!! grovel hail clap ).

Loving the story!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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Hey, glad to see this post and hope you continue to grow stronger as each day goes by! Now on to my comments!

“I’ve noticed those eyes glancing at me, those beautiful, brown eyes – hiding behind dull glasses.” Her hands reached up from his chest and he stepped back in momentary terror to keep her from pulling off his glasses.

He couldn’t step very far though as Cindy grabbed his shirt and yanked him back. As he blinked in shock she tipped her head back and rose up on her toes.

'Little, baby cousin Cindy is man eater!

“Sorry, Clark. Guess I got my wires crossed. From both of you.” She turned to look at her big cousin just standing in the kitchen area, then she left and shut the door behind her.

As was previously mentioned, Cindy said wires were crossed from both of them! Shouldn't Clark seriously question that comment? I know if it was me I would want to know exactly what she meant by that remark.

I’m going to have to speak to her about this soon. Need to bring up The Pact. He rested his forehead on his hand. I can’t believe I’m doing this. How did she even get me to agree to The Pact all those years ago? And now I’m the one that’s going to try and enforce it.

Enforce? Don't be silly! Both of you need to sit down and calmly discuss this like a couple of rational thirtysomethings!

She put a bright smile on her face and strode forwards. As she drew closer she found that the smile began to drop so she steeled herself and kept it in place.

Sounds like a blind date I had once. But he turned out to be a pleasant conversationalist. We had a coffee, talked about a lot of interesting subjects and then went our separate ways never to meet again. smile No harm done.

Instead of brushing Brian off like an annoying flea, Lois should have spent a little time with him rather than inhaling her drink and running away. After all, he took time out to see her as well.

Grow up Lois!!! grovel

Great story Victoria! Keep up the good work! But please do not overexert yourself. We can wait.

Last edited by Morgana; 07/26/14 02:52 PM.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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Ouch. I'm glad Lois is finally telling the truth, but poor Clark! There's no way he'll figure out the real reason she is playing Yente. And since they're at work, there's far less chance of an honest conversation ensuing, especially since Clark's shout undoubtedly drew all eyes in the bullpen to him.


p.s., To answer your questions: Yes, yes, and go out on the date with Jenny in an angry reaction to Lois's seeming rejection of him?

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Give in to the Clark side, Lois. It is your… destiny.

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Originally Posted by DebbieG
Give in to the Clark side, Lois. It is your… destiny.

Oh, she will just not for another 10 chapters or so...


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham

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I just caught up with the story and am enjoying it so far. Looking forward to the next part...I bet that date is going to be a disaster! help

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink
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Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Brian was a piece of work. But since both of them had lied on their profiles, they both deserve what they got. He should have gotten the hint that Opera wasn't really one of her main loves.

Opera? Traditional woman? Ugh, Lois. That ain't you, girl. Why would you want a man who couldn't love you for who you are, instead of who you think he'd want you to be? Yes, the last thing you want is another Lex Luthor.
LOL. Yep. Lois really did a number on herself with her profile. And Brian was .... URGH!

Oh, yes. I have this strange feeling that Clark will turn the tables on Lois soon and prove to her that she was wrong. (In wanting him to be with someone else.)

I hope he doesn't end up using anyone just to make Lois jealous.
Clark isn't like that!!!

I always thought what he had done to Mayson was slightly out of character, leading her on like that. It was understandable only if you consider he's blissfully unaware how much she liked him and that he didn't want to hurt her feelings, just as he did with Cindy. (Well, just the latter part with Cindy. She let him know FULL well that he was welcome to her.)
I always thought that Clark 'suspected' Mayson liked him more than he wanted to ... but was hopeing that he was wrong and partly deluding himself.

“Cindy?” he called out carefully. She turned.

“Sorry, Clark. Guess I got my wires crossed. From both of you.” She turned to look at her big cousin just standing in the kitchen area, then she left and shut the door behind her.
I was a tad surprised that he called out to Cindy as she left. I would think he'd be more relieved. But, as always, Clark is a gentleman. Also, did Lois tell Cindy that her behavior towards Clark was unwelcome or that she was coming on too strongly? That's not going to bode well for Lois and Cindy's relationship.
Of course he's a gentleman. And Lois' conversation with Cindy in the kitchen contributed even more to Cindy's confusion. Although you don't see it Lois reverted to matchmaker, but couldn't hide her shock and upset at the almost kiss. Cindy doesn't really believe Lois anymore.

Poor Clark. Poor Jenny. She thinks she has a date with a handsome and kind man who is actually interested in her. I hope Clark will be kind and not tell her that his best friend had set up this date and his profile. His best friend who was acting less and less like a friend should. I hope he has a good time on his date and becomes friends with Jenny just to spite Lois.
Poor Jenny indeed. So close to the perfect man ... and it's just a setup.

Perhaps he should pay her back in kind and set her up with some lousy dates. I hear that Ralph's still available. What about Jimmy? Has he found his special someone yet? Being a good 5+ years younger than Clark, he hasn't even reached 30.

I’m going to have to speak to her about this soon. Need to bring up The Pact. He rested his forehead on his hand. I can’t believe I’m doing this. How did she even get me to agree to The Pact all those years ago? And now I’m the one that’s going to try and enforce it.
BAD idea, Clark. VERY bad idea. If you want Lois, and you do, you need to prove to her that you want her despite the pact. Best thing to do is to cancel it, AND THEN ask her out on a date. laugh
Of course it's a bad idea! Mentioning The Pact at the moment ... *finger slice across neck*

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."
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Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Hi Vic!

Lois saw Cindy begin to rise up on her tiptoes and her mouth dropped open when she realised that her baby cousin was about to kiss her best friend.


Clark took it on himself to tidy away.
[Linked Image] Did Cindy kiss so badly that Clark had to block it from his mind?

He glanced to his side and saw Cindy gazing at him, her chin resting on her hand, itself resting on the coffee table.
Oh, you went back in time a bit. Duh!

She’d been making her interest known all evening and Clark had yet to figure out how to gently let her down.
Maybe ‘I’m sorry, but I’m into reporters’?
Nods. That might do it.

We’ve had a fun evening. I’d like to do it again sometime.”
‘Have fun’? Later that night? In his bedroom?
WHOA! Even that might be too forward for Cindy. *ponders* Naaa.

“Don’t fight this. I think we could be good together.
Lois hasn’t killed him yet so he’s likely not a cad. Cindy wants something dependable for a change? Like a Volvo?
Cindy's realised all her previous husbands/boyfriends were ... dirt. She's found a keeper here.

I’m attracted to you, and I know you’ve been watching me.”
Yeah, like the doe watches the lion stalking the herd.
Spot on.

“I, uh ... I, uh ... dropped the popcorn,” she replied but Clark could see the deadly glare that Lois was giving her cousin.
CINDY: huh
Enter confused Cindy.

“Sorry, Clark. Guess I got my wires crossed. From both of you.” She turned to look at her big cousin just standing in the kitchen area, then she left and shut the door behind her.
So, she won’t be attending the wedding as a bride’s maid?
LOIS: Well, she’s not a maiden, even if she’s presently unwed.
Cindy will be at the wedding. smile

He lingered for another moment taking in the sight of the soft, grey material pulled tightly over her behind,
Oh yeah. He liked that sight.

How did she even get me to agree to The Pact all those years ago?
Reasonably good looking. Not completely unreasonably inebriated. And pushy.

You can’t force her into anything; she’s Lois Lane.
No but he can trick her by dating other women in front of her.
Hmm. The thing is ... Lois thinks that Clark 'dating' is what she wants ... it might not work.

#16 - A deal is a deal.
#17 - A contract is a contract is a contract ... but only between Ferengi.
LOIS: Fine. But we all know that females aren’t allowed to make deals or engage in contracts.
Wow. You got Star Trek into FDK. That's great. Especially as Teri was in a Star Trek episode. Yay.

Maybe he’s just having a bad hair day.
So, head looks like Ralphs?
Maybe it is Ralph? What if his middle name is Brian?

And a bad clothes day.
Dog mistook him for a fire hydrant while he slept off last night’s cheap booze underneath one of the bridges that span Hobs Bay
What an image. LOL. But it was actually more Grandpa/Business/Stuffy.

And a bad body day.
Waistline like Bill Church?
BRIAN: Looky there! Jackpot!

“So, what Operas have you attended recently?” he asked.
Well…there’s Wrong Clark, which is kind of about soaps and stuff…
*falls on the floor laughing*

“Oh, sorry. Well, what are your current interests then?”
LOIS: Mel Gibson. And Ivory Tower reruns.
Maybe you should have filled in Lois' profile for her?

She smiled and left a confused, but possibly relieved, Brian finishing his scone.
Do they have ratings on the dating profile? Will Brian be giving her 2 stars and comment that she was good looking but a terrible date?
Hmm. Rating your dates? Wonder how Jenny will come off...

Maybe it’s like eavesdropping on someone’s conversation. What’s the moral code for listening to someone’s heart?
ICU nurses: It’s our job.
NIA truth specialist: What’s this ‘moral code’ thing?
Wow. Two completely different thoughts on whether this is a good thing. Would Superman fall closer to the ICU job or the NIA? Saving lives or Spy?

“Routine! Kent! There is nothing routine about Superman saving people. He is a miracle. And every life he saves, every disaster he averts is a gift to us all.” Lois spoke passionately.
Really? Even 8 years down the line?
LOIS: [Linked Image]
Of course, even after eight years!!!!!!

How do you get those articles, Clark?”
He’s sharing a bedroom with Superman?
I'm sure that story has been done before!

Plus she would have had to confess that it had been a terrible failure.
Maybe even that she’d been wrong to specify an incorrect profile?
LOIS: [Linked Image]
Lois would never admit that she made any ... mistakes ...

She carefully adjusted her responses, taking the time to think about each answer.
Oooooh! Now it will more closely match the woman she’s trying to find for Clark.

“I signed you up to a dating website and you have a date for tonight.”

“You what!” he shouted as he stood up.
evil So, will Clark get her to give up the password? And will he modify the profile to actually match what he wants? And then they’ll have mail?

wave Michael

Clark will definitely demand his log in details ... but what will he do with them?

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."
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Originally Posted by LMA
Awesome--great part! I can-not-wait to see where this is going, KK smile

Lets see....Lois' reaction to Cindy? Well, I love that Clark and Cindy didn't kiss, thanks to the dropped bowl of popcorn and Lois' scream--but really, I think Clark would have gotten away in the nick of time, regardless. But yes, the fact that Lois intervened--that is GREAT! I really like how Clark is tuning into her--noticing her heartbeat and her breathing--and really, how natural it feels for him to do so.
smile Glad your happy with Lois dropping the popcorn. *grin*

Favorite line from Cindy:
“Sorry, Clark. Guess I got my wires crossed. From both of you.” She turned to look at her big cousin just standing in the kitchen area, then she left and shut the door behind her.

Think through this Clark...it implies a lot about the feelings of your best friend wink. Lois' interruption, Lois' glare at Cindy, Lois' breathing/heartbeat, the heated debate in the kitchen, Cindy storming out...stating the confusion. It's all right there in front of you (but the story is still young...it'll be awhile, I suppose, till pieces are put together thumbsup ).
Yeah. Cindy did kind of give some stuff away ... but it was just a little too vague, and also a little confusing because of Lois' fluctuating behaviour.

So glad that Brian is out of the picture dance. A coffee date based on false pretenses. Opera? Traditional woman? Yikes--yeah Lois, if you are honestly going to try to find someone here (and come on, you have Clark right in front of you, he's perfect for you wink ), do it based on what you really like to do and who you really are. Otherwise....there's just no point. I'm glad that Lois didn't lead Brian on as the date was ending, and honestly ended any possibility of the two of them getting together again.
Yeah. I can't see her being afraid to tell Brian the truth, she's a blunt kind of woman. And, thankfully she realised how badly she filled in her own profile!

Jenny. Yeah--I just don't know what's going to happen here. I would not blame Clark for being really (really) mad at Lois for all the meddling. So much awkwardness our poor Clark has been through already in this story--and really, he's handled it all pretty well. Part of me sees him going on the date--since it's planned and so as not to disappoint Jenny--she's done nothing wrong. Part of me sees him meeting up with Jenny, explaining the situation, and just doing a friend thing for the night. I don't at all see him leading Jenny on by getting into a false relationship, it's not his style. And I can't see him actually falling for Jenny, cause that boy is in love with Lois. So again, back to the beginning of my babble--I just don't know what's going to happen dizzy. (But I am dying to find out!!!!! grovel hail clap ).

Loving the story!
Good thoughts on Clark and how he'll deal with Jenny. You'll see soon enough.

Originally Posted by Morgana
'Little, baby cousin Cindy is man eater!
Well, yep. She's already been married ... a few times ... and she's actually younger than Lois ... but then this is also eight years into the future, though.

Enforce? Don't be silly! Both of you need to sit down and calmly discuss this like a couple of rational thirtysomethings!
BWAHAAHAA!!! Rational? Discuss?

Sounds like a blind date I had once. But he turned out to be a pleasant conversationalist. We had a coffee, talked about a lot of interesting subjects and then went our separate ways never to meet again. smile No harm done.

Instead of brushing Brian off like an annoying flea, Lois should have spent a little time with him rather than inhaling her drink and running away. After all, he took time out to see her as well.

Grow up Lois!!! grovel
Maybe she was too quick to judge! Should I have let her make another date with him? *waits expectantly*

Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
Ouch. I'm glad Lois is finally telling the truth, but poor Clark! There's no way he'll figure out the real reason she is playing Yente. And since they're at work, there's far less chance of an honest conversation ensuing, especially since Clark's shout undoubtedly drew all eyes in the bullpen to him.


p.s., To answer your questions: Yes, yes, and go out on the date with Jenny in an angry reaction to Lois's seeming rejection of him?
Absolutely right. There's no honest conversation coming ... yet. And Clark is about to meet Jenny!

Originally Posted by Mike M
Originally Posted by DebbieG
Give in to the Clark side, Lois. It is your… destiny.

Oh, she will just not for another 10 chapters or so...

Absolutely correct. Well. There's degrees of 'giving in', as you'll see ... but the 'final' giving in is quite a while off!

Originally Posted by groobie
I just caught up with the story and am enjoying it so far. Looking forward to the next part...I bet that date is going to be a disaster! help
Really? You think Clark would ever let a woman have a disaster of a date?

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."
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Okay, now I’m caught up on the FDK-FDK-FDK smile
WHOA! Even that might be too forward for Cindy. *ponders* Naaa.
You had me worried there for a sec.

Cindy's realised all her previous husbands/boyfriends were ... dirt. She's found a keeper here.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

No but he can trick her by dating other women in front of her.

Hmm. The thing is ... Lois thinks that Clark 'dating' is what she wants ... it might not work.

Wow. You got Star Trek into FDK. That's great. Especially as Teri was in a Star Trek episode. Yay.
blush Thank you. I do keep adding cross-over references into my FDK. You should read the ones for Virginia’s stories. Well…the ones that survived the board move mecry

Maybe it is Ralph? What if his middle name is Brian?
LOIS: Clark! I need some clarking!

*falls on the floor laughing*
[Linked Image]

Maybe you should have filled in Lois' profile for her?

Hmm. Rating your dates? Wonder how Jenny will come off...
Good question…Hmm…I think that was a veiled hint at part 7…

Wow. Two completely different thoughts on whether this is a good thing. Would Superman fall closer to the ICU job or the NIA? Saving lives or Spy?
Thank you blush And good question. I’m going with spy, considering how long he’s already been corrupted by his partner in crime.

I'm sure that story has been done before!
How did you know?

Clark will definitely demand his log in details ... but what will he do with them?

wave Michael

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