while others just had vague designations such as B1, AMSC-2, and one door that simply had a bio-hazard symbol with no other explanation.
Which means, she will pick the most ominous door to examining first?

How could I have known that you would classify man-sized flesh-eating bacteria as a ‘biohazzard’?
She doubted Clark had ever seen a diagram of his insides compared side-by-side with those of a normal man, let alone as a manipulable 3D hologram.

I wonder what he’d say when he sees just how much less space there is inside a male Kryptonian’s skull, given the bone is about 3 inches thick.
For a moment, the young man she'd accosted squinted at her as if trying to figure out where he'd seen her before. Finally, he shrugged and pointed down the hallway.
A relative?
As she headed off, the young man squinted again, then shook his head and caught up with the departing group.
Or maybe it’s because of the giant statue of her down in Bicentennial Park.
A placard on the side of the machine held the completely useless instructions of “Scan and Enjoy!”.
Sounds like they have personalized coffee — complete with tracking of the consumer who bought it.
The man stared at her as though she were an idiot. “It's a scanning dispenser,” he said simply.
You know, I do wonder how a Kryptonian would know all that.
He cocked his head at her, frowning. “I see.” His eyes narrowed. “And where are you *really* from?”

Because even in Nowheresville, Kansas, they have TV sets that show the less civilized population how the other half lives?
Lois deflated. “Fine. I'm a time-traveler from the Metropolis of 1996. Are you happy?”
The man tilted his head at her again, his eyes widened in surprise.

“Huh,” he said at last. “I was not aware that this hospital had a psychiatric ward.”
Because that way she’d believe that she’s telling the truth while still being completely fabricated.
“First of all,” he said, “I am not one of the half-race. I am a New-Kryptonian.
Oops? Also, sounds like he’s a bit racist as far as the mongrels are concerned.
![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif)
But their women do make good personal caregivers.
Did that change? Is the war over? Who won?”
Considering the hospital now as a NK watchdog assigned, like they did in the good old USSR, I’d say the NKers?
“I came as part of a political envoy to renegotiate the terms of the armistice.”
NKers would like to expand the deliveries of professional caregiver trainees while the human population would like to reduce the amount of tribute they have to offer?
“It's my daughter, all right?” he snapped, shoving the uneaten sandwich off to the side.
“She came with me to Earth, and shortly after our arrival, she contracted a mysterious illness.
That sounds familiar. Either that or it’s a political assassination attempt by the human government.
“Are you suggesting that Earth's doctors are incompetent?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
Well, they still *cut* patients open, don’t they?
BONES: Barbarians.
“You still haven't answered my question, Mr. 'Smith',” she said, locking her gaze with his.
“What question?” he asked with an air of innocence.
She leaned forward so that they were almost nose-to-nose. “How do I get coffee?!”
