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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HerePlease post your comments here. Thank you.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Yikes! So Superman's not going to have access to her for a MONTH!! Poor Clark. I wonder if he (as Clark) will be allowed personal access to her via radio/video contact? They wouldn't be allowed to talk about her fudging on Superman's "offer" to fly the shuttle up. I do wonder whether they might consider letting him fly the shuttle down himself though (with that said, I could see Captain Martin being none-to-pleased with that).
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Yikes! So Superman's not going to have access to her for a MONTH!! Poor Clark. I wonder if he (as Clark) will be allowed personal access to her via radio/video contact? They wouldn't be allowed to talk about her fudging on Superman's "offer" to fly the shuttle up. I do wonder whether they might consider letting him fly the shuttle down himself though (with that said, I could see Captain Martin being none-to-pleased with that). Worse than that (or maybe just as bad), I wonder when Clark will actually FIND and read Lois's letter to him that Jimmy opened, read and then tossed on his bed without the envelope that tells Clark that it is for him even if he sees it. My guess it will not be until Lois returns and tells him about it which will leave him second guessing Lois's motives even more without the letter to help explain them. Clark will be once again wondering why he did not leave Jimmy in Las Vegas with Jenny. One more reason to not have roommates!!! Mike
Create all the happiness you are able to create. Remove all the misery you are able to remove.
Jeremy Bentham
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Christina: Thank you for you comments. Yikes! So Superman's not going to have access to her for a MONTH!! A month? I don't think I wrote "month". Nope. She was supposed to be up in the Space Station for a week, and there's now another week's delay. It's also possible that the colonists can give Superman the Key to the Station in that second week, should he decide to show up then instead of that first week. Nope. Nobody said *anything* about a month.  Poor Clark. I wonder if he (as Clark) will be allowed personal access to her via radio/video contact? They wouldn't be allowed to talk about her fudging on Superman's "offer" to fly the shuttle up. I do wonder whether they might consider letting him fly the shuttle down himself though (with that said, I could see Captain Martin being none-to-pleased with that). No, I can't see Superman volunteering to do that after her volunteering him to fly them up, nor could I see Captain Martin liking that (then, again, he's a big sour puss). Reap what one sows, I believe is what Clark was taught. Will Lois and Clark be able to communicate while she's on the space station? Well, that all depends on whether Henderson and Director Avery know that he knows she's there and give him permission, doesn't it? Mike M: Glad you found it thought provoking. (commenting on Christina's thoughts) Worse than that (or maybe just as bad), I wonder when Clark will actually FIND and read Lois's letter to him that Jimmy opened, read and then tossed on his bed without the envelope that tells Clark that it is for him even if he sees it. My guess it will not be until Lois returns and tells him about it which will leave him second guessing Lois's motives even more without the letter to help explain them. Clark will be once again wondering why he did not leave Jimmy in Las Vegas with Jenny. One more reason to not have roommates!!! So, my readers believe that Jimmy left Metropolis, not because of Jenny but because Lois and Clark both (individually) placed a hit on him?  Hmmmm. Did I mention that the letter was placed on the bed without the envelope? Nope. I don't think I wrote that. Gee, I have Lois write ONE note to Clark which he doesn't get for WEEKS (or was it over a month?) and you all expect that it's going to happen every time? What do you think I am? Out to drive my character batty? Don't answer that! This will also be answered after my hiatus, which will happen after the posting of Part 193. THIS as in when Clark read the note (and how long Lois will stay up in space) not THIS as in if I'm trying to drive my characters insane. On that second point, I plead the Fifth.  Thank you both for reading and commenting. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Christina: Thank you for you comments. Yikes! So Superman's not going to have access to her for a MONTH!! A month? I don't think I wrote "month". Nope. She was supposed to be up in the Space Station for a week, and there's now another week's delay. It's also possible that the colonists can give Superman the Key to the Station in that second week, should he decide to show up then instead of that first week. Nope. Nobody said *anything* about a month.  Ok, so I'm going back to re-read and double-check the time-frame. I thought it sounded like there would be a 3-4 week delay on her return because of the quarantine not allowing the shuttle to return to earth and be prepped for it's next mission. *scurries off to re-read*
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Ok so on the second read I get to pick up on things I like that are not related to my question/check above.... It felt weird not having her feet automatically move towards the floor. “Not quite like flying with Superman, but a close second,” Lois murmured.
Angelo raised a skeptical brow. “It’s better to fly under a man’s control than under your own?”
Lois lowered her head, so her blushing smile wouldn’t be so noticeable. “Not just any man’s,” she replied.
“Trust me. Once you get used to flying under your own power, you’ll hate to be grounded again,” Captain Angelo said, pointing in the direction Captain Martin had left. “We’ll be heading out this way.” Really find this interesting. Flying with a man (well, with Superman specifically) is considered (at least at this point in time) more enjoyable than flying with Superman. Sounds so "unfeminist" at first glance but quite understandable. I bet by the end of this she'll be craving a chance to be UltraWoman. The commander turned and floated away without responding. Angelo glanced at Lois and Lois saw a flash of concern for this breach of etiquette in her expression. Sounds like things will not go well for Lois on this trip. Captain Martin waved for the women to follow him through the hatch. “Commander Norton asked that I show you the viewing room as he made plans for your sleep chamber. Director Avery must have failed to mention in his latest communication your addition to our happy crew,” he said. “Commander Norton asked me to assure you that he will greet you personally later on, Ms. Lane, after you’ve had a chance to rest.” If I'm not mistaken, I bet the reason it wasn't communicated was because of her desire to stay under the wire. Who knows if a crony of Luthor's happened to be in the know and get word to Luthor where Lois was. Superman rolled his eyes and tapped his ear with a shake of his head. Other than that, his expression didn’t change one jot.
Oh. Apparently, nobody can hear you out in space. Wait a minute. Couldn’t that lunkhead read lips or was that just another convenient lie? Ok, so "reading lips" is a lie, but couldn't he still have been able to hear her? You'll have to explain the why to me there. How dare he! Lois huffed to herself, placing her hands on her hips. Nobody flies off on Lois Lane! He just did. “Yes, Captain Angelo, since you’ve had more exposure to Ms. Lane than I have, you’ll be in charge of her training,” Captain Martin said with a little wave as he floated out the hatch. “See you in a week!” he called and shut the hatch door. OOOOOooooooohhhhh... Here's hoping that EPRAD (I think it's this uni's NASA if I recall) never gets on the bad side of Lois Lane when it comes to the shuttle program. Something tells me there could be an editorial that could come out of this experience. “When Commander Norton heard of you being sprayed by Lex Luthor’s blood a few days ago, he insisted that you go through the maximum quarantine period to make sure that you are completely healthy before exposing your germs to the colonists.” Maximum quarantine. That's likely three weeks (or at least I'm going by the recent Ebola quarantine measures which have things at about 22 days or a little over three weeks). “Excuse me!” Lois growled. “S.T.A.R. Labs cleared me as being illness-free! How am I supposed to interview people and see how life is onboard the Space Station if I’m locked in this twenty foot room? How can I write my article?” Perry: I know it's not your usual style, but you could write on the experience of weightlessness. The sense of solitude. etc. I bet you'd be in the mood. Angelo shrugged, and said, “Only if we can find a landing window in Nevada at that time. It might end up being three or four weeks due to weather or atmospheric conditions or delays. There’s a reason EPRAD doesn’t like changes to the schedule.”
One week away from Clark and her life was doable, but three to four weeks in this sardine can? Lois gulped. If she had wanted to live like this, she could have taken Luthor up on his bunker offer during Nightfall. So yes, you did say up to a month away. Can't fudge on that one! Ok, ok, so I'm clarifying my first comment. I'm expecting Clark to stay away as Superman after his disapproval of her Superman-propelled launch. I can't imagine him coming up with a plausible reason (short of EPRAD deciding they want that shuttle back earlier than the landing window).
Last edited by Christina; 10/14/14 08:54 AM. Reason: to clarify
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Ok, so I'm going back to re-read and double-check the time-frame. I thought it sounded like there would be a 3-4 week delay on her return because of the quarantine not allowing the shuttle to return to earth and be prepped for it's next mission. *scurries off to re-read* ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif) Ok so on the second read I get to pick up on things I like that are not related to my question/check above....  Second read comments. Really find this interesting. Flying with a man (well, with Superman specifically) is considered (at least at this point in time) more enjoyable than flying with Superman. Sounds so "unfeminist" at first glance but quite understandable. I bet by the end of this she'll be craving a chance to be UltraWoman. Being that she doesn't know that becoming UW is possible, who knows. She might want to fly more often with Clark after this, or she might become even more envious of his power of flight and floating than ever before. We shall have to wait and see what develops. Yes, Captain Angelo is challenging Lois on her feminism, telling her that flying without a man is better than flying with Superman. (Not that Capt. Angelo has first hand experience of the latter.) Sounds like things will not go well for Lois on this trip. Oh, sorry. Were you thinking that someone *other* than Lois went into space?  Of course things won't go as planned. THAT'S HER LIFE. If I'm not mistaken, I bet the reason it wasn't communicated was because of her desire to stay under the wire. Who knows if a crony of Luthor's happened to be in the know and get word to Luthor where Lois was. Yes, her trip to space was all hush-hush. It was coordinated with Henderson. The inspector wanted her to be locked up for her protection into a safe house. She wanted to be in control, so she chose her own safe house. Lois told Clark that he wasn't to tell anyone for this reason. Ok, so "reading lips" is a lie, but couldn't he still have been able to hear her? You'll have to explain the why to me there. He could read her lips, but he was reminding her that he couldn't hear her. Apparently, sound doesn't travel in space (as several commenters told me after I have Clark's screams of frustration in space cause dust to lift off the moon. Too bad, I liked that imagery.) So, it isn't just the catch phrase promo for Alien. (FYI: "In Space No One Can Hear You Scream".) How dare he! Lois huffed to herself, placing her hands on her hips. Nobody flies off on Lois Lane! He just did.  That he did, which was her point. He wasn't allowed to. OOOOOooooooohhhhh... Here's hoping that EPRAD (I think it's this uni's NASA if I recall) never gets on the bad side of Lois Lane when it comes to the shuttle program. Something tells me there could be an editorial that could come out of this experience. Actually, there is both an EPRAD and a NASA in this dimension. EPRAD was mentioned in ASU and NASA mentioned in WoS (by the drunk former NASA engineer). Also, Phil's back story is that he worked for NASA until they lost the Space Station project to EPRAD. He's just been rehired back to work on the Mars Rover missions, which is why he and Cat are moving to Houston.  There could be an editorial about Captain Martin's behavior, if Perry allows it, but I doubt he'd let Lois use his editorial page for a personal rant. Maximum quarantine. That's likely three weeks (or at least I'm going by the recent Ebola quarantine measures which have things at about 22 days or a little over three weeks). True, but this was 1994, so they weren't worried that Luthor had Ebola. Most common colds and such probably would have surfaced within that week. Captain Martin and Captain Angelo only had a 48 hour quarantine before their flight. Perry: I know it's not your usual style, but you could write on the experience of weightlessness. The sense of solitude. etc. I bet you'd be in the mood. Yes, well, those were things Lois was planning on writing about. But it's my opinion that despite Lois not liking people, doesn't like to be forced to be on her own or involuntary solitude. Mainly, she was planning on interviewing the colonists, which she can't do while locked up in quarantine, but she can work on articles about what it's like adjusting to life in space and doing everyday activities in space. She mentioned in her letter to Clark that she also planned on writing articles from her POV on her investigation of Luthor during her "free time" in space, so she has plenty of stuff to keep her busy. She's just griping about her lack of freedom. (From one cell and into another.) Angelo shrugged, and said, “Only if we can find a landing window in Nevada at that time. It might end up being three or four weeks due to weather or atmospheric conditions or delays. There’s a reason EPRAD doesn’t like changes to the schedule.”
One week away from Clark and her life was doable, but three to four weeks in this sardine can? Lois gulped. If she had wanted to live like this, she could have taken Luthor up on his bunker offer during Nightfall. So yes, you did say up to a month away. Can't fudge on that one! Nuh-uh. Captain Angelo said it *might* end up taking 3-4 weeks. At this point and time, the return has only been delayed a week. That's my story and I'm stick with it.  Ok, ok, so I'm clarifying my first comment. I'm expecting Clark to stay away as Superman after his disapproval of her Superman-propelled launch. I can't imagine him coming up with a plausible reason (short of EPRAD deciding they want that shuttle back earlier than the landing window). Hmmmm. We'll have to see how long Clark can stay mad at Lois. It is HER super power to stay mad, not his.  Thanks for your extra comments.  I have Part 193 ready for posting and will probably post it sometime tonight. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Apparently, she could get Kent to do anything. CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) I do have ‘Welcome’ stamped on my cape… Good thing she was on the side of justice…Well, usually. But Superman would never do anything illegal with Lois. Well…unless there’s certain…dark-side activities that are still illegal in some of less adventurous states. CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/boese/a045.gif) I would never do those things with Lois, either. Too dangerous. Perhaps Kent had somehow bamboozled Ms. Lane to go into space to keep her safe from Luthor, and he only made her think it was her idea ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/k025.gif) when she turned the wrong knob and opened the space hatch  LOIS: I resent that. I am *no* accident waiting to happen. I’m a *crime scene* waiting to happen. Bill scowled. He knew Lane would do something to gum up the works. She only wrote a note for *Clark*! How could she know that her photo-journalist, junior grade, would snoop. She just couldn’t give him one day off from her meddling, could she? Maybe when she goes on her honeymoon? How do you know about that? Bill wanted to ask, knowing Lane’s tight lips. However, with her off planet, maybe she had passed the exclusive to Olsen here. Oh, look! A pig just flew by. That seemed more likely than her actually passing the lead to a competent reporter. Did he just insult Jimmy? At least, he hadn’t seen Catherine Grant nosing around. She had asked to be present at the opening of Luthor’s bunker as well and, oopsy-daisy, Bill had forgotten to call her. Oops? When had his law enforcement job been turned into one in media relations? When he started to think about having relations with the media? CAT: Married. With a bun in the oven. Henderson’s material witness (currently safely being launched into space by her boyfriend)  It gave him faith that law enforcement could do covert raids without the media getting wind of it. Well, media outside of what was left of the Daily Planet staff, that was. Well…it helps if the media was the one to inform the police of said nefarious activities in the first place. The elevator doors opened to Luthor’s parking garage and, lo and behold, standing right outside of them was one Catherine Grant, holding a cup of hot tea.  Bill had to admit that her compliancy was a bit disconcerting. He decided to double check that he heard her correctly. Too much exposure to Lois to trust women? BILL: No, that one’s credited to the ex. He pointed to the floor beneath their feet. “Here?”
“Yes,” Catherine repeated.
“Why?” Olsen asked, taking the question out of Bill’s mouth.
“Because, unlike Lois, I’m not willing to risk my life catapulting five hundred meters down an elevator shaft,” she replied. “Anyway, you’ll be bringing everyone up through this door, won’t you?”  LOIS: Why I get the Kerths. CAT: Posthumously. Cat nudged Jimmy and nodded for him to follow the Inspector. “Better get going,” she said.
“But you said we’d be staying here,” Jimmy replied.
“We as in me. Oh. Right. ‘We’ as in her and her bun. At least, CK had called to let the guys know he was spending the morning with Lois and would return sometime during the afternoon. That’s not even a lie. If he could get the writing part down, he might have another job under his belt. Sounds like he got Lois’s story and he didn’t even have to sleep with her. Good thing Jimmy always kept his camera bag stocked while at the Planet. He hoped Jimbo hadn’t used his camera while he was in jail. Otherwise they’ll also have found some local college girls down in the bunker doing…dark-side stuff with Jimbo? He understood why she, in her delicate condition, decided to remain in the parking garage. More like, the novelty had already worn off. Jimmy realized that the floor was sticky. His shoes made a noise similar to that of a loud tape gun whenever he took a step. What if the green fog got also into the sticky slime on the floor and will then be dragged outside by the cops and Jimmy who would then deliver it back home to Lois’s place? Maybe it wouldn’t be Luthor they’d find down the elevator shaft, but some gorilla. ![[Linked Image]](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorilla_Grodd#mediaviewer/File:Cartoon_grodd.jpg) Maybe the guy hadn’t said ‘insane’, but Miss Lane. Yeah. That made more sense. Rrrrrrright… The team entered the elevator shaft. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/froehlich/c036.gif)
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He didn’t want to listen to her excuses, or lack thereof. He was tired of her lies. Aww…he’s finally waking up to the truth and going to dump her for that blonde ADA  However, his explanation for not telling Lois the truth about Superman had been a noble reason; /passes failing grade in Social Behavior 101/ He couldn’t fathom one justifiable or honorable reason she would use Superman as EPRAD’s rockets without telling him. So he wouldn’t say no and because he produces less environmentally harmful gas than the engines of the shuttle. Why wait for the morning of? Is there something missing? On the other hand, perhaps she had just been distracted.
They had done more kissing than talking the night before. Oh, look! Someone’s blaming the victim, again. True, he had experienced a minor setback, but he now had confidence that in time he would be able to beat back this foe and progress his relationship with Lois. CURSE:  LOIS: Maybe let’s wait for…two more days? Ooooh! Chocolates! He knew it would be for a long time to come a sore point between them, since Lois didn’t like being told she was wrong, ever, and he was tired of people he cared about disrespecting him.  Maybe if he asked her whether she thought that he liked being disrespected? Then he could tell her that she’s right when she says ‘no’. Unfortunately, one of the biggest hurdles in their relationship so far had been finding the time to discuss important matters thoroughly. That’s why in ye olden days, the hanky-panky didn’t start until after Carlos got involved and pronounced the happy couple to be safe. How was he supposed to know that her previous behavior towards him was going to escalate within twenty-four hours? Like ‘how was I supposed that by ripping apart one atom, things might end up really bad’? He wondered if he should go and hover outside the viewing room, letting her know by his expression and body language how disappointed he was by her actions. The small chamber with windows, allowing one to look back at Earth, he assumed was a popular spot with everyone when they first arrived on the Station. Ooooh! Is he going to show her the moon? With space at a minimum on the Station, there was hardly an empty spot on a wall for something as luxurious as a window, so the viewing room was essentially the only location to look outside. So, you’re not going with the bigger space station from Through a Glass, Darkly? On the other hand, would she be simply too in awe of the sight of the green, blue, and tan marble stretched out before her to notice him?  His behind not yet healed from the beating Luthor gave him? He would be adult and honor his promises. ‘an adult’?  Perhaps she would be influenced by his good behavior. Oooh! Like in Season’s Greedings? And maybe hippos would start to fly on their own. Did he touch a zoo animal during a thunderstorm, again? Also… http://cdn.zocoi.com/187/03.jpg Last panel. Clark finally decided that it wouldn’t be good for any future relationship between them should he let her assume that what she had done was acceptable or would be tolerated by him in the future. What if she’s naked while doing so? CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) Since he was her ticket home, she would try her utmost to be polite. So, she’ll soon start to scream and curse? Two minutes later, Lois gave up on that idea and started pulling on her harness.  She knew she should have had them show her how it worked before she sat down. Didn’t they by telling her to wait until someone shows up with the key to release her? Therefore, all four sides of the Space Station were used. CLARK: Funny, just like in my bedroom! Colonists didn’t sleep in beds, but in special sleep compartments in the residential wing. Which could literally be a wing on the space station. The doors to these compartments were located on all four sides of the station, Like with a bee-hive. Or a concubine storage facility. Waste wasn’t acceptable, because there just wasn’t room to store it. So, when a meal packet was opened, everything inside it must be consumed. What if the meal isn’t to Lois’s liking? Since nobody walked in space, it must be easy to sneak up on people.  Someone’s already planning ahead, huh? The shortness of her new do meant she probably resembled a puffball more than anything else.  Angelo raised a skeptical brow. “It’s better to fly under a man’s control than under your own?” Well, what if she’s using the joystick to control the flight? Isn’t that just like controlling the shuttle? “Trust me. Once you get used to flying under your own power, you’ll hate to be grounded again,” Hence the judicious use of lightning back on Earth/ The commander turned and floated away without responding. Angelo glanced at Lois and Lois saw a flash of concern for this breach of etiquette in her expression. Maybe if Lois explained to the good Commander that her boyfriend could dismantle this station with his bare hands, so he’d better treat her like a queen? Oh. Apparently, nobody can hear you out in space. Wait a minute. Couldn’t that lunkhead read lips or was that just another convenient lie? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/c050.gif) Before she could do so, Superman pointed at her, waving his finger back and forth as if she had been one very naughty girl. Then, he turned toward Earth disappearing from her view in a split second. Her hand fell. Oooooh!  How dare he! Lois huffed to herself, placing her hands on her hips. Nobody flies off on Lois Lane! Apparently, someone just did. Maybe she should have worn a suit that’s more…flattering to her female physique while talking to her boyfriend? Lois decided then and there, she never wanted to be on this side of Superman’s scolding finger ever again. It felt worse than years of her father’s disappointment had. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a015.gif) Did she learn a lesson? Or is she just going to avoid Superman and only tick off Clark? “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Lois snapped. It was less than tiny; it was teeny-tiny. How in the world… or off the world, did they expect her to sleep in that hole? It sounds about the size of the Japanese sleep slots on airports and such. ![[Linked Image]](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/69/CapsuleHotelCapsule.jpg/360px-CapsuleHotelCapsule.jpg) “All the sleep compartments are this size, Ms… Lois. Otherwise there wouldn’t be room for the hundred colonists and any guests, such as Captain Martin, you, and myself,” Isn’t that the same story Lex told his Luckies? the “table” for placing her laptop… at least they weren’t completely uncivilized on board the Space Station. Does the table use strong magnets to hold up to the wall? Yes, they did use that on a train’s fold-out table once. “I’ll show you how to use the lavatory later as well as review personal hygiene guidelines,” Like, don’t just do your business down at the bottom of the sink hole? “Yes, Captain Angelo, since you’ve had more exposure to Ms. Lane than I have, you’ll be in charge of her training,” Ooooh! Training the Mad Dog  How can I write my article?” Like Linda does? By making something up? Captain Angelo’s anger quickly dissipated and she sighed. “Commander Norton may have granted us access to this hospital ward, since he figured you would need access to medical care should you become sick,” she explained. “But, yes, this little hiccup means that our shuttle cannot officially arrive at the Space Station for a week.” You know, I wonder how this is going to work in terms of exercise. There’s no gym in this dorm, is there? What about the toilet? Shower? Kitchen? And wouldn’t Lois already have communicated her numerous deceases by talking to Amy and the Commander and breathing into the air vents? On the other hand, in his current ticked-off state, would he just let her sit and stew? See what happens when a Lois is chained up for a week? Should be fun to watch. From a safe distance, that is. Angelo shrugged, and said, “Only if we can find a landing window in Nevada at that time. It might end up being three or four weeks due to weather or atmospheric conditions or delays. There’s a reason EPRAD doesn’t like changes to the schedule.” You know, considering the next part, this so sounds like the 3-4 weeks you are planning to taking a break from the story. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c070.gif) One week away from Clark and her life was doable, but three to four weeks in this sardine can? Lois gulped. If she had wanted to live like this, she could have taken Luthor up on his bunker offer during Nightfall. Yes, but on the plus side, she at least won’t be servicing the man in charge of the operation? CMDR: Well…she *was* brought on board as a concubine… ER: I *did* see this in a story I once read by SQD…  Michael
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Darth Michael:  Oh, boy! Another 2 fer. Thanks for reading. CLARK: /blushing/ I do have ‘Welcome’ stamped on my cape… CAT: That's from the time you stopped the fire at the doormat factory, Clarkie boy. But Superman would never do anything illegal with Lois. Like B&E or theft or impersonating an officer or anything like that? Of course not! CLARK: Superman didn't do any of those things. I did.  Well…unless there’s certain…dark-side activities that are still illegal in some of less adventurous states. CLARK: /unt-uh/ I would never do those things with Lois, either. Too dangerous. LOIS: That's because I know where Mrs. Kent keeps the Kryptonite. CLARK: You do?  Perhaps Kent had somehow bamboozled Ms. Lane to go into space to keep her safe from Luthor, and he only made her think it was her idea ER: /shocked that Henderson thinks that Kent has the brains in him, thinks it over, and decides if Kent ever tried it that would be really funny/ Well, it had been Clark's idea for Lois go into space... LOIS: I resent that. I am *no* accident waiting to happen. I’m a *crime scene* waiting to happen. HENDERSON: Outside of my jurisdiction, boys. Send Superman. She only wrote a note for *Clark*! How could she know that her photo-journalist, junior grade, would snoop. PERRY: Well, she did go work at LNN for a while, so it's possible she could have forgotten that I only hire the sneakiest people in the business. Maybe when she goes on her honeymoon? HENDERSON: No, Lois, please. Take a week! Two, even. A month! Hell, take the whole year in Hawaii. I won't mind. Oh, look! A pig just flew by. Possibly. Or maybe Bill thought Lois would pass the lead on to someone she could control (Olsen) as opposed to anyone else (i.e. Cat). Did he just insult Jimmy?  Technically, yes. But Olsen isn't a real reporter, he's a sometime photographer, most-time researcher. Why would Bill see him as competent? When he started to think about having relations with the media? CAT: Married. With a bun in the oven. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/c050.gif) Bill hasn't figured out that second part yet. BILL: I think I've just been insulted. Wait. Figured out what? Well…it helps if the media was the one to inform the police of said nefarious activities in the first place. BILL: They may have started us down the right path, but we finished it! The elevator doors opened to Luthor’s parking garage and, lo and behold, standing right outside of them was one Catherine Grant, holding a cup of hot tea. ER: /surprised that Cat still snuck into the raid/ CAT: Now, I think it's my turn to be insulted. Too much exposure to Lois to trust women? BILL: No, that one’s credited to the ex. Maybe a bit of both. LOIS: Why I get the Kerths. CAT: Posthumously. CLARK: That's not funny. LOIS: I still get them. Oh. Right. ‘We’ as in her and her bun. I was going more for a royal 'we', but that works too. CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) Sounds like he got Lois’s story and he didn’t even have to sleep with her. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/c050.gif) JIMMY: Well, I did sleep in her apartment... Otherwise they’ll also have found some local college girls down in the bunker doing…dark-side stuff with Jimbo? Actually, Jimbo did use Jimmy's camera while his cuz was in the clink. He took photos of that DP Board member cheating on his wife. JIMBO: So, how do I sign up for the dark side stuff? More like, the novelty had already worn off. She's been in the wine cellar. She knows what's down there. Saw the green gas, and actually took Clark's advice that it might not be healthy for the baby and decided to stay in the parking garage where all that clean air /cough, cough/ is much better for her. What if the green fog got also into the sticky slime on the floor and will then be dragged outside by the cops and Jimmy who would then deliver it back home to Lois’s place? Green fog rose and is hanging above their heads. Maybe it wouldn’t be Luthor they’d find down the elevator shaft, but some gorilla. ER: /points to Gorilla Grod/ You know I didn't even think of him.  Now, THAT'd be an unexpected twist, now wouldn't it. LOIS: What do you mean everyone in Metropolis turned into a bunch of apes while I was in space? Maybe the guy hadn’t said ‘insane’, but Miss Lane. Yeah. That made more sense. Rrrrrrright… In the first draft, Jimmy figured out Forest was talking about Lois, but then I noticed how 'insane' and 'Miss Lane' kinda rhymed.  LOIS: Again. Not funny. CAT:  Speak for yourself, honey. ER: /waves team of law enforcement bye-bye/ Oh, did you want me to write something from their POV? Ooops.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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*** Continuation of Response to Darth Michael's FDK ***Aww…he’s finally waking up to the truth and going to dump her for that blonde ADA LOIS: Say what? GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE! /passes failing grade in Social Behavior 101/ How does one pass a failing grade? Is it like a kidney stone? So he wouldn’t say no and because he produces less environmentally harmful gas than the engines of the shuttle. CLARK: Nope, still can't see Lois using that as a reason. If it were chocolate gas on the other hand... Why wait for the morning of? Is there something missing? Um... No?... But I could probably remove that dangling 'of' there. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) On the other hand, perhaps she had just been distracted.
They had done more kissing than talking the night before. Oh, look! Someone’s blaming the victim, again. CLARK: You're right. I shouldn't blame myself. LOIS: How, exactly, did *you* become the victim in this scenario, again? CURSE: /wave/ LOIS: Maybe let’s wait for…two more days? Ooooh! Chocolates! CLARK: Well, I meant progress to a normal (non-sexual) relationship. You know dating. LOIS: What planet are you from again? Maybe if he asked her whether she thought that he liked being disrespected? Then he could tell her that she’s right when she says ‘no’.  I wish I had thought of that. Brilliant!  That’s why in ye olden days, the hanky-panky didn’t start until after Carlos got involved and pronounced the happy couple to be safe. CLARK: But Lois and I haven't... we've been totally dating like the ye old days. LOIS: My, is that the time? Like ‘how was I supposed that by ripping apart one atom, things might end up really bad’? LOIS: Now, I think I've been insulted. Ooooh! Is he going to show her the moon? Um... no. The Earth. So, you’re not going with the bigger space station from Through a Glass, Darkly? 100 people wouldn't fit in the current ISS, so it would have to be bigger. I don't recall how big the one from TaGD is, though, so it could be it. His behind not yet healed from the beating Luthor gave him? CLARK: My behind isn't a green, blue, and tan marble! LOIS: Actually, from what I've seen, it's quite red. CLARK: Those are Superman's shorts. LOIS: Is that MY fault? I meant 'adult' in a verb fashion, but I'll change it if it makes it clearer. Oooh! Like in Season’s Greedings? Isn't that the one where Martha needs to tan his hide? Did he touch a zoo animal during a thunderstorm, again? Also… /Inventors love flying pigs./ Um... No. There are no flying hippos actually in this story. What if she’s naked while doing so? I believe Clark is referring to the naughtiness that Lois already did, not the stuff she will do. LOIS: EXcuse me! CLARK: /has no problem with EW re-writing this section so that the curse isn't enacted and falls to the dark side of the boards/ I'll consider it, Clark. So, she’ll soon start to scream and curse? Only in the second draft. The Betas thought it strange that Lois was waiting so paitently. Didn’t they by telling her to wait until someone shows up with the key to release her? Capt. Martin: I knew she wasn't listening to my instructions. CLARK: Funny, just like in my bedroom! So, it WAS Clark's plan for Lois to get used to living with him. Which could literally be a wing on the space station. It has wings? Like with a bee-hive. Or a concubine storage facility. CLARK: Bee-hive. LOIS: Bee-hive. NOR: Nope looks like where I keep my harem. What if the meal isn’t to Lois’s liking? I'm guessing she either finds someone who will eat it for her, or she doesn't try new foods on the space station. Someone’s already planning ahead, huh? It's in her nature. Well, what if she’s using the joystick to control the flight? Isn’t that just like controlling the shuttle? LOIS: Normally, I just let Superman pilot, but this joystick idea of yours is growing on me. SUPERMAN: Pardon me. /ducks to cold side of the moon for a minute before returning/ I don't think that's a good idea. Hence the judicious use of lightning back on Earth/ CLARK:  Maybe if Lois explained to the good Commander that her boyfriend could dismantle this station with his bare hands, so he’d better treat her like a queen? CLARK: Lo-is! No. ER: /thinks Clark was lying about the lip reading/ No, he can lip read, but he didn't say he didn't understand her, only that he couldn't hear her. Apparently, someone just did. Maybe she should have worn a suit that’s more…flattering to her female physique while talking to her boyfriend? Her point was that he wasn't allowed to. LOIS: He has x-ray vision. It doesn't matter what I'm wearing. ER: /hmmmm/ Did she learn a lesson? Or is she just going to avoid Superman and only tick off Clark? Let's see what's behind door number 2? A very angry man wearing glasses!  Bravo! It sounds about the size of the Japanese sleep slots on airports and such. That's about right, only not so big. When I was starting my research, silly me, I was thinking Star Trek sized quarters.  I should have known better. Chris Hadfield explains Sleeping on the Space Station Warning these videos can become very addicting to watch. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d060.gif) I love research! Isn’t that the same story Lex told his Luckies? Yes, but in space it's true. Does the table use strong magnets to hold up to the wall? Yes, they did use that on a train’s fold-out table once.  Oh, that's genius! No, luckily for Lois, people have been aboard the Space Station for over a year, so kinks such as that would have already been taken care of. Like, don’t just do your business down at the bottom of the sink hole? Um... no. In case you're wondering... Sunny the Astronaut explains all (roughly 4:45 minutes in). Ooooh! Training the Mad Dog LOIS: I heard that! Like Linda does? By making something up? She's just grousing. She'll learn enough even in quarantine to write about. You know, I wonder how this is going to work in terms of exercise. There’s no gym in this dorm, is there? What about the toilet? Shower? Kitchen? And wouldn’t Lois already have communicated her numerous deceases by talking to Amy and the Commander and breathing into the air vents? Although, it's described as the quarantine / medical wing, it's actually the "guest quarters" for the Space Station, so all those things are available on a smaller scale. Picture this as the original space station, (i.e. the old wing) which the colonists only use in case of emergency or guests. See what happens when a Lois is chained up for a week? Should be fun to watch. From a safe distance, that is. Captain ANGELO: I don't recommend it. You know, considering the next part, this so sounds like the 3-4 weeks you are planning to taking a break from the story. /ER wonders exactly where EW is spending her hiatus/ Sadly, not aboard the International Space Station. At home. Looking for a job. Still trying to get over this dang cough. The inhaler my doctor prescribed didn't really cure me.  Yes, but on the plus side, she at least won’t be servicing the man in charge of the operation? CMDR: Well…she *was* brought on board as a concubine… ER: I *did* see this in a story I once read by SQD… I missed that story. SQD really knows how to think out side the box. Thanks for the comments, Michael! They always brighten my day. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Oh, boy! Another 2 fer. Thanks for reading.  CAT: That's from the time you stopped the fire at the doormat factory, Clarkie boy.  And Lois suggested he keep it? Like B&E or theft or impersonating an officer or anything like that? Of course not! CLARK: Superman didn't do any of those things. I did. smile Actually, Clark was acting as Superman when he dressed up as an officer. LOIS: That's because I know where Mrs. Kent keeps the Kryptonite. CLARK: You do? Umm…Why would Lois get out the Kryptonite when Clark ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/e045.gif) Lois or the other way around? PERRY: Well, she did go work at LNN for a while, so it's possible she could have forgotten that I only hire the sneakiest people in the business.  HENDERSON: No, Lois, please. Take a week! Two, even. A month! Hell, take the whole year in Hawaii. I won't mind. MET STAR (six months later): B&Es in the greater Metropolitan area at an all-time low. MET STAR (seven months later): Reports of government corruption down to pre-war times. Possibly. Or maybe Bill thought Lois would pass the lead on to someone she could control (Olsen) as opposed to anyone else (i.e. Cat). JIMMY: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) Does that mean that I shouldn’t have sold that story to the Vegan Tribune? Technically, yes. But Olsen isn't a real reporter, he's a sometime photographer, most-time researcher. Why would Bill see him as competent? JIMMY: I’m the star of the Luthor investigation. Chips in the Morning said so! <EW wants to keep Cat eligible> Bill hasn't figured out that second part yet. BILL: I think I've just been insulted. Wait. Figured out what?  BILL: They may have started us down the right path, but we finished it! Only because Lois was afraid Lex might kill Clark. ER: /surprised that Cat still snuck into the raid/ CAT: Now, I think it's my turn to be insulted. But…but…but the evil writer just said that Cat wouldn’t show up! Plus, she’s in a delicate state!  CLARK: That's not funny. LOIS: I still get them. Maybe Clark should talk about with Lois about her priorities, now that she’s bearing the fruit of the future First Lord of Krypton? JIMMY: Well, I did sleep in her apartment... He does realize what happened to the last dude Clark thought had intimate relations with his girlfriend, right? Quote: What if the green fog got also into the sticky slime on the floor and will then be dragged outside by the cops and Jimmy who would then deliver it back home to Lois’s place? Green fog rose and is hanging above their heads. Drat. Too bad. Also, green fog creeping over the floor would have been much creepier. And much more dangerous due to the reduced visibility of floor hazards such as axes left lying around in the open. ER: /points to Gorilla Grod/ EW: You know I didn't even think of him. Yeah. I only thought of it because there was a throw-away scene in The Flash series premier of a busted open cage with a ‘Grod’ nameplate stuck to it. In the first draft, Jimmy figured out Forest was talking about Lois, but then I noticed how 'insane' and 'Miss Lane' kinda rhymed. evil LOIS: Again. Not funny. CAT: lol Speak for yourself, honey. Yes, very inspired. Not healthy to mention, but very inspired. Quote: ER: /waves team of law enforcement bye-bye/ Oh, did you want me to write something from their POV? Ooops. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) Originally Posted By: Darth Michael Aww…he’s finally waking up to the truth and going to dump her for that blonde ADA LOIS: Say what? GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE! Not happy about the competition she’s going to come back down to? Also, on second thought, that’s a very probably scenario. With Lois gone, the blonde ADA is going to come knocking on Clark’s door to find her lead witness in the newly re-surfaced Luthor case. And with Lois gone for weeks and having ticked off Clark to the point of him being mad at her, yeah, I can so see them ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/liebe/d025.gif) Quote: /passes failing grade in Social Behavior 101/ How does one pass a failing grade? Is it like a kidney stone? Oops? ‘awards’? ‘assigns’? Quote: So he wouldn’t say no and because he produces less environmentally harmful gas than the engines of the shuttle. CLARK: Nope, still can't see Lois using that as a reason. If it were chocolate gas on the other hand... Only the first one was for Lois. The second one with the gas, that’s just because he’s a boyscout who got his environment education from the Jaguar. Oh, look! Someone’s blaming the victim, again. CLARK: You're right. I shouldn't blame myself. LOIS: How, exactly, did *you* become the victim in this scenario, again? Didn’t Lois jump him in the car? CLARK: Well, I meant progress to a normal (non-sexual) relationship. You know dating. LOIS: What planet are you from again? CLARK: Alt-Krypton? Funny aside, in German ‘alt’ is ‘old’ so that works both ways  Quote: Maybe if he asked her whether she thought that he liked being disrespected? Then he could tell her that she’s right when she says ‘no’. <EW thinks ER should get out the keyboard more often in creative endeavous> I wish I had thought of that. Brilliant! Thank you  CLARK: But Lois and I haven't... we've been totally dating like the ye old days. LOIS: My, is that the time? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/boese/a045.gif) You do love your red fish, don’t you? Quote: Like ‘how was I supposed that by ripping apart one atom, things might end up really bad’? LOIS: Now, I think I've been insulted. Because of comparing the way she handles her relationship to Clark with a nuclear device with a bad fuse?
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Quote: Ooooh! Is he going to show her the moon? Um... no. The Earth. So… ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/g020.gif) is a ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/g025.gif) then? Too bad. Would have been fun. And Superman’s the only one who could pull that one off. LOIS: I could totally pull off Superman’s briefs. 100 people wouldn't fit in the current ISS, so it would have to be bigger. I don't recall how big the one from TaGD is, though, so it could be it. Huh… Apparently they actually shoed the Prometheus station in the Pilot. ![[Linked Image]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-E2XJtQMoYTs/UbNnc9hyZdI/AAAAAAAAfH0/5OJ32J_K40c/s1600/loisandclark7.png) Here’s the big one. And I just figured out it's called the UN Space Station. It's probably 50 stories tall. And no, that's not a moon. ![[Linked Image]](http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080824053608/superman/images/c/ce/321-throughaglassdarkly.jpg) Superman should be that dark speck right below the protruding ring around the middle of the station. CLARK: My behind isn't a green, blue, and tan marble! LOIS: Actually, from what I've seen, it's quite red. CLARK: Those are Superman's shorts. LOIS: Is that MY fault?  Quote: ‘an adult’? I meant 'adult' in a verb fashion, but I'll change it if it makes it clearer. No idea if ‘adult’ should be used as an adjective  Quote: Oooh! Like in Season’s Greedings? Isn't that the one where Martha needs to tan his hide? Aaaand? I believe Clark is referring to the naughtiness that Lois already did, not the stuff she will do. LOIS: EXcuse me! But he said that he wouldn’t stand for future acts of naughtiness from her. Actually…now that I’m reading this… ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/g042.gif) LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) Only in the second draft. The Betas thought it strange that Lois was waiting so paitently. Pregnancy hormones playing havoc with her psyche? Quote: CLARK: Funny, just like in my bedroom! So, it WAS Clark's plan for Lois to get used to living with him.  Quote: Which could literally be a wing on the space station. It has wings? No. But it would be fun if it had. Quote: Like with a bee-hive. Or a concubine storage facility. CLARK: Bee-hive. LOIS: Bee-hive. NOR: Nope looks like where I keep my harem.  I'm guessing she either finds someone who will eat it for her, or she doesn't try new foods on the space station. LOIS:  How did they manage to mess up *chocolate*? LOIS: Normally, I just let Superman pilot, but this joystick idea of yours is growing on me. SUPERMAN: Pardon me. /ducks to cold side of the moon for a minute before returning/ I don't think that's a good idea.  LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/a020.gif) Quote: Hence the judicious use of lightning back on Earth/ CLARK: <has no idea how to make his girlfriend happy> LOIS: I frequently have this problem with men. Quote: Maybe if Lois explained to the good Commander that her boyfriend could dismantle this station with his bare hands, so he’d better treat her like a queen? CLARK: Lo-is! No. LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/figuren/h020.gif) What? No, he can lip read, but he didn't say he didn't understand her, only that he couldn't hear her. So, it’s wasn’t technically a lie? Quote: Apparently, someone just did. Maybe she should have worn a suit that’s more…flattering to her female physique while talking to her boyfriend? Her point was that he wasn't allowed to. LOIS: He has x-ray vision. It doesn't matter what I'm wearing. Yes, but considering all the radiation in space, maybe the windows are hardened against x-rays? CLARK: Also, I take offense to the notion that Superman would peep at women using his x-ray vision. LOIS:  EW: When I was starting my research, silly me, I was thinking Star Trek sized quarters. <realizes how adorable that sounds>  Yes, same with FDK. You tend to go down a whole mineshaft of rabbit holes when you research and follow links and stuff. Quote: Isn’t that the same story Lex told his Luckies? Yes, but in space it's true. LEX: Not on Space Station Luthor, it is not. No, luckily for Lois, people have been aboard the Space Station for over a year, so kinks such as that would have already been taken care of. Even in the old visitor quarters? Wouldn’t it be fun if Lois had to fall back on pen & paper? Quote: Ooooh! Training the Mad Dog LOIS: I heard that! Aaaand that doesn’t make it any less true? Picture this as the original space station, (i.e. the old wing) which the colonists only use in case of emergency or guests. Ooooh! The one with the leaky toilet, faucet, and air lock. Quote: See what happens when a Lois is chained up for a week? Should be fun to watch. From a safe distance, that is. Captain ANGELO: I don't recommend it. Because one sinkhole over isn’t what one would consider ‘a safe distance’? Still trying to get over this dang cough. The inhaler my doctor prescribed didn't really cure me. Oh dear. I once had a cold a bit shy of a bronchitis and kept coughing for 2 or 3 months  I missed that story. SQD really knows how to think out side the box. I don’t think anyone’s told her that there is a box. Also ‘When Galaxies Divide’ is the one you’re looking for. Thanks for the comments, Michael! They always brighten my day. You’re welcome. It’s the only way one can repay for the fun of reading the story   Michael
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Features Writer
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Well has Lois made a record for annoying so many powerful folks at once? It's nice to see Clark has reached the point where he can express his anger at Lois. And she's learning the hard way she CAN push him too far. Lois is going to have an interesting couple of weeks. And your research is impressive.  Very well done!
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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cuidadora: Yea!  More comments!  Well has Lois made a record for annoying so many powerful folks at once? LOIS: /glances down at to-do list and makes a check mark/ I guess that means I'm doing my job as a reporter. It's nice to see Clark has reached the point where he can express his anger at Lois. And she's learning the hard way she CAN push him too far. Yes, wimpy Clark has just been pushed a bit toooooooo far. Let's see how much we'll see of him in the coming parts.  Lois is going to have an interesting couple of weeks. And your research is impressive.  Very well done! Thank you. It was sheer torture *forcing* myself to watch all those YouTube videos on the International Space Station. Over and over and over.  So sad about the supply rocket that blew up though.  At least when your supply shuttle is... ahem... super powered that isn't a problem. Thank you for reading and commenting. It's always good to know that my story isn't disappearing into the vacuum of cyberspace.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Oh, boy! Another 2 fer. Thanks for reading.  This FDK-FDK is still a 2-fer. I'm really behind.  Sorry. Trying to catch up. CAT: That's from the time you stopped the fire at the doormat factory, Clarkie boy. ER: And Lois suggested he keep it? LOIS: It's addressed to me, isn't it? ER: Like B&E or theft or impersonating an officer or anything like that? Of course not! CLARK: Superman didn't do any of those things. I did. ER: Actually, Clark was acting as Superman when he dressed up as an officer. Sorry, I was thinking of Operation Blackout. HENDERSON: No, Lois, please. Take a week! Two, even. A month! Hell, take the whole year in Hawaii. I won't mind. MET STAR (six months later): B&Es in the greater Metropolitan area at an all-time low. MET STAR (seven months later): Reports of government corruption down to pre-war times. Because Lois isn't there to discover it, huh?  Terrific. LOIS: See, I play an important role in the city of Metropolis. Possibly. Or maybe Bill thought Lois would pass the lead on to someone she could control (Olsen) as opposed to anyone else (i.e. Cat). JIMMY: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) Does that mean that I shouldn’t have sold that story to the Vegan Tribune? Was Lex force-feeding people meat in his ark? Technically, yes. But Olsen isn't a real reporter, he's a sometime photographer, most-time researcher. Why would Bill see him as competent? JIMMY: I’m the star of the Luthor investigation. Chips in the Morning said so! And that would be the morning DJ from the radio? BILL: They may have started us down the right path, but we finished it! ER: Only because Lois was afraid Lex might kill Clark. BILL: Too bad the Daily Planet isn't around to get that into mainstream public knowledge. All the people of Metropolis know is that the police brought down a very bad man. ER: /surprised that Cat still snuck into the raid/ CAT: Now, I think it's my turn to be insulted. ER: But…but…but the evil writer just said that Cat wouldn’t show up! Plus, she’s in a delicate state!  I'm sorry, I said what? No. Don't remember saying that Cat wouldn't be there. Sorry. LOIS: So, you don't think that pregnant women can be competent at their jobs? Want to go on the record with that sexist attitude, buddy? CLARK: That's not funny. LOIS: I still get them. ER: Maybe Clark should talk about with Lois about her priorities, now that she’s bearing the fruit of the future First Lord of Krypton? I'm sorry. Did I miss something? When did Lois get pregnant? JIMMY: Well, I did sleep in her apartment... ER: He does realize what happened to the last dude Clark thought had intimate relations with his girlfriend, right? I'm sorry, you *expected* Jimmy supposed to figure out that logic on his own? THE true reason S1 Jimmy disappeared from Metropolis. ER: What if the green fog got also into the sticky slime on the floor and will then be dragged outside by the cops and Jimmy who would then deliver it back home to Lois’s place? EW: Green fog rose and is hanging above their heads. ER: Drat. Too bad. Also, green fog creeping over the floor would have been much creepier. And much more dangerous due to the reduced visibility of floor hazards such as axes left lying around in the open. True, but I wanted to take the story in a different type of angsty direction. ER: /points to Gorilla Grod/ EW: You know I didn't even think of him. ER: Yeah. I only thought of it because there was a throw-away scene in The Flash series premier of a busted open cage with a ‘Grod’ nameplate stuck to it. Bet some screenwriter is wishing that they hadn't done that, because now they'll have to address it sometime in the series' future. In the first draft, Jimmy figured out Forest was talking about Lois, but then I noticed how 'insane' and 'Miss Lane' kinda rhymed. evil LOIS: Again. Not funny. CAT: Speak for yourself, honey. ER: Yes, very inspired. Not healthy to mention, but very inspired. /points to Lois's current location/ ER: /waves team of law enforcement bye-bye/ Oh, did you want me to write something from their POV? Ooops. ER: /yes, please/ I considered it, but then I figure it might be more fun to let the Readers use their imaginations.  ER: Aww…he’s finally waking up to the truth and going to dump her for that blonde ADA LOIS: Say what? GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE! ER: Not happy about the competition she’s going to come back down to? Also, on second thought, that’s a very probably scenario. With Lois gone, the blonde ADA is going to come knocking on Clark’s door to find her lead witness in the newly re-surfaced Luthor case. And with Lois gone for weeks and having ticked off Clark to the point of him being mad at her, yeah, I can so see them /making Lois VERY VERY mad/ Hmmmm. Why would I ever go in that direction? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif) ER: Oh, look! Someone’s blaming the victim, again. CLARK: You're right. I shouldn't blame myself. LOIS: How, exactly, did *you* become the victim in this scenario, again? ER: Didn’t Lois jump him in the car? I was thinking using Superman to get her way. CLARK: Well, I meant progress to a normal (non-sexual) relationship. You know dating. LOIS: What planet are you from again? CLARK: Alt-Krypton? ER: Funny aside, in German ‘alt’ is ‘old’ so that works both ways  It explains why in Earth 2 (alt-dimension in the comics) Lois and Clark get married and live happily ever after. CLARK: But Lois and I haven't... we've been totally dating like the ye old days. LOIS: My, is that the time? ER: You do love your red fish, don’t you? Only in my stories. Like ‘how was I supposed that by ripping apart one atom, things might end up really bad’? LOIS: Now, I think I've been insulted. ER: Because of comparing the way she handles her relationship to Clark with a nuclear device with a bad fuse? LOIS: I was protecting him! ER; Ooooh! Is he going to show her the moon? EW: Um... no. The Earth. ER: So… /no flashing her some views of under the cape/ then? Too bad. Would have been fun. And Superman’s the only one who could pull that one off. LOIS: I could totally pull off Superman’s briefs. Maybe a little of that. ER: 100 people wouldn't fit in the current [RL] ISS, so it would have to be bigger. I don't recall how big the one from TaGD is, though, so it could be it. ER: Huh… Apparently they actually shoed the Prometheus station in the Pilot. ![[Linked Image]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-E2XJtQMoYTs/UbNnc9hyZdI/AAAAAAAAfH0/5OJ32J_K40c/s1600/loisandclark7.png) Here’s the big one. And I just figured out it's called the UN Space Station. It's probably 50 stories tall. And no, that's not a moon. ![[Linked Image]](http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080824053608/superman/images/c/ce/321-throughaglassdarkly.jpg) Superman should be that dark speck right below the protruding ring around the middle of the station. I was picturing the first one when writing this. I believe Clark is referring to the naughtiness that Lois already did, not the stuff she will do. LOIS: EXcuse me! ER: But he said that he wouldn’t stand for future acts of naughtiness from her. Actually…now that I’m reading this…/has naughty thoughts about naughtiness/ LOIS: /blushing/ Yes, she can be quite naughty. EW: Only in the second draft. The Betas thought it strange that Lois was waiting so paitently. ER: Pregnancy hormones playing havoc with her psyche? LOis. Cat is the pregnant character. Maybe if Lois explained to the good Commander that her boyfriend could dismantle this station with his bare hands, so he’d better treat her like a queen? CLARK: Lo-is! No. LOIS: /s her powers of persuasion/ What? CLARK: Huh. What? Right. You're dating me and not Superman. *I* don't have those powers. EW: No, he can lip read, but he didn't say he didn't understand her, only that he couldn't hear her. ER: So, it’s wasn’t technically a lie? Of course not.  ER: Apparently, someone just did. Maybe she should have worn a suit that’s more…flattering to her female physique while talking to her boyfriend? EW: Her point was that he wasn't allowed to. LOIS: He has x-ray vision. It doesn't matter what I'm wearing. ER: Yes, but considering all the radiation in space, maybe the windows are hardened against x-rays? CLARK: Also, I take offense to the notion that Superman would peep at women using his x-ray vision. LOIS: /mecry/ CLARK: Wait. Does this mean I'm allowed to x-ray through your clothes when you come back to earth? ER: Isn’t that the same story Lex told his Luckies? EW: Yes, but in space it's true. LEX: Not on Space Station Luthor, it is not. Yes, but on Space Station Luthor, they had beds and no anti-gravity device. EW: No, luckily for Lois, people have been aboard the Space Station for over a year, so kinks such as that would have already been taken care of. ER: Even in the old visitor quarters? Wouldn’t it be fun if Lois had to fall back on pen & paper? LOIS: I knew I should have kept that space pen I gave Clark for his birthday for myself. EW: Picture this as the original space station, (i.e. the old wing) which the colonists only use in case of emergency or guests. ER: Ooooh! The one with the leaky toilet, faucet, and air lock. No, more like not as high tech. Oh dear. I once had a cold a bit shy of a bronchitis and kept coughing for 2 or 3 months Sounds like what I had last summer. Finally got rid of that cough.  Just in time for flu season. I don’t think anyone’s told her that there is a box. Also ‘When Galaxies Divide’ is the one you’re looking for. Thanks. One of these days I'll write an entirely original story not based on canon at all... Nah. Where's the fun in that? You’re welcome. It’s the only way one can repay for the fun of reading the story  Aren't you sweet? I just might have to post the next part for you... or something like that. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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You are!  ER: And Lois suggested he keep it? LOIS: It's addressed to me, isn't it?  She’s quite self-assured, isn’t she? ER: Actually, Clark was acting as Superman when he dressed up as an officer. Sorry, I was thinking of Operation Blackout.  Clark was an officer, too, in Blackout? Not just an NCO in charge of carrying Col. Lane’s briefcase and massaging her feet, and driving the car? Because Lois isn't there to discover it, huh? clap Terrific. Thank you. LOIS: See, I play an important role in the city of Metropolis. POLITICIANS: Maybe we can revoke her citizenship? JIMMY: Does that mean that I shouldn’t have sold that story to the Vegan Tribune? Was Lex force-feeding people meat in his ark? Huh? I was thinking Jimmy, after he went to Las Vegas. Chips in the Morning said so! EW: And that would be the morning DJ from the radio?  That’s been way too long since I garbled that one up  BILL: Too bad the Daily Planet isn't around to get that into mainstream public knowledge. All the people of Metropolis know is that the police brought down a very bad man. Makes one wonder about the police/insurance investigation into the Daily Planet’s blow up. I'm sorry, I said what? No. Don't remember saying that Cat wouldn't be there. Sorry. You did! Bill told Cat to not be there. Or Cat said she’d be waiting outside. Or some such thing… LOIS: So, you don't think that pregnant women can be competent at their jobs? Want to go on the record with that sexist attitude, buddy? Well, with a displaced center of gravity and the increased sensitivity of her stomach area, I believe the middle of a police raid into an underground bunker filled with sectoid gunfanatics isn’t really a safe place for an unborn child. CAT: I stayed in the *GARAGE*! So, noxious fumes of carbon monoxide, plus, the danger of booby traps and gunslingers who might escape out of secret tunnels? Plus, I’m sure Clark wouldn’t want Lois there if she were pregnant. CLARK: No. I even let Lois go up on the space station. Wait. Pregnant? ER: Maybe Clark should talk about with Lois about her priorities, now that she’s bearing the fruit of the future First Lord of Krypton? EW: I'm sorry. Did I miss something? When did Lois get pregnant? At the hospital. When she faked not having had sex with Clark. I'm sorry, you *expected* Jimmy supposed to figure out that logic on his own? THE true reason S1 Jimmy disappeared from Metropolis.  Bet some screenwriter is wishing that they hadn't done that, because now they'll have to address it sometime in the series' future. Yes. ER: Yes, very inspired. Not healthy to mention, but very inspired. EW: /points to Lois's current location/ Oh, you sent her away to cool her heels, huh? LOIS: Apparently, the EW forgot about my superpower. EW: Hmmmm. Why would I ever go in that direction? /is totally innocent of any future mischief/ Uh-huh… It explains why in Earth 2 (alt-dimension in the comics) Lois and Clark get married and live happily ever after.  LOis. Cat is the pregnant character. And it’s like with the Highlander. NIGEL: You have to cut off the head to kill them? Hmm…this last bit actually explains why Nigel tried to take out Lex when he attempted to take over LexCorp’s leftovers in Phoenix. CLARK: Huh. What? Right. You're dating me and not Superman. *I* don't have those powers. LOIS: And I can’t have a Kryptonian on the side?  CLARK: Wait. Does this mean I'm allowed to x-ray through your clothes when you come back to earth? LOIS:  No. That was a one-time offer since I needed something from you. Yes, but on Space Station Luthor, they had beds and no anti-gravity device.  Lex wouldn’t spring for Anti-Grav? Finally got rid of that cough. dance Just in time for flu season.  Nothing beats good timing! Thanks. One of these days I'll write an entirely original story not based on canon at all... Nah. Where's the fun in that? Yep. Twisting canon is it’s very own brand of fun! Aren't you sweet? I just might have to post the next part for you... or something like that.   Michael