Tess...that's about where I stopped watching Smallville, so I don't know if the scene you wrote about with her is referencing something that happened in the show.
Nothing like that scene ever happened in the show ... although Tess did have the stones in her possession for all of one episode.
Sorry, I'm enjoying your story anyway, I might just not be catching everything that I'm supposed to.
It's okay. You don't have to catch them, they are not important to the story - I just enjoyed putting in little nods to other version here and there ...
Funny that now that Lois is in Smallville, Clark's back in Metropolis. Those two need more than five minutes together so the sparks can fly.

LOL yep. And there will be sparks ... eventually.
And I saw the Flash/Arrow crossover, so at least got a taste of the new Arrow. Sorry, dude, but the Arrow from Smallville was much hotter.

Oh, I like Justin Hartley so much better, too. But I still enjoy Arrow, much more than I thought I would do.