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#261219 02/09/15 04:53 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

I apologize that my hiatus has gone on much longer than anticipated. I have now rebuilt my cushion to 12 Parts. As I’ve just taken a part-time job, which will cut into my writing time, I wanted to have enough cushion so that parts will keep coming every week. I will try to continue to post once a week in order to keep my cushion around 10 parts. The last Section of my story (The Investigation, roughly parts 98-193) was much longer and much more dark than I wanted it to be. Be reassured that the Investigation is over and our favorite couple will now be dusting off the debris and getting back to where they had been before Lex Luthor had tried to kill Clark during Nightfall… if they can.

I will attempt to have Lois and Clark at least talking, usually face to face, in every part (after this one) from here on out. Also, expect more lovely dovey kissy stuff than canon as well. wink

How long did you think I would force Lois to stay in space? Was I close? Hey, she spent less time in space than I took rebuilding my cushion! ( peep Got it. Not helping, huh?) Thanks for continuing to read my crazy long story. Post your comments here.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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jawdrop thud

SECTION III: Grabbing the Gold Ring
[Linked Image]

Woman from Outer Space

[Linked Image]

wave Michael

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Oh, Michael. lol I should've known you'd make that ring connection. clap notworthy Glad you'll be back for Section III.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I should've known you'd make that ring connection.
[Linked Image] BTW, doesn’t Lois look adorable in that picture?

Glad you'll be back for Section III.
Of course!

Sheldon Bender has simply disappeared.
Did they find any traces of nutmeg scent in the air? Oh, right. You haven’t had a chance yet to watch Elementary, Season 3.

Henderson refused to comment on whether he was presumed dead or in hiding,
If someone hid his body, towards which does it count?

“Bender’s daughter is holding a press conference this afternoon.
jawdrop Someone was willing to shag that guy?

It’s assumed she’s going public with the story that her father negotiated with the men who supposedly kidnapped her to trade himself for her safety.”
Huh. Yes. Now that you mention it, there might have been such an incident…

Inspector Henderson had been skeptical about her story, but Clark knew people reacted in different ways to stress.
To be fair, Lois would have done the same thing. Minus paying for dinner. That’s what she’s got a Clark for.

and that ‘the government is railroading’ him,
The government tied him to the railway tracks just before the 10:15 from Philly was about to arrive? Is that safe?

Give Luthor the benefit of the doubt. He may be innocent.”
They managed to replace Ralph?

“Sure. Sure, Morton,” Perry said, starting casually.
Funny how you used the redshirt to remind the readers of the first two sections of the story, while conveniently not mentioning Lois’s pregnancy from when she (supposedly not) boinked Clark in his hospital room.

“Then he had his secretary plant a bomb in our print department,
BETSY: Excuse *ME*! *SECRETARY*? That’s *PERSONAL ASSISTANT* if you please.
LEX: Yes, she did please me. On numerous occasions.

Yet, the body’s height was two inches shorter than the doctor’s was.
Couldn’t that be explained by the way the two women wore different hair styles? Maybe no one ever accurately measured Brandy’s height?

As the apartment where the woman’s body had been found had also been used as the place the Luckies went to get ‘lucky’ it had not been too surprising multiple fingerprints were found there.
clap laugh Also, a comma after ‘lucky’?

Dr. Heller, the plastic surgeon to whom Luthor had taken Lois after being injured during the abduction attempt back in April, disappeared a week before Lois and Luthor’s wedding was supposed to have taken place. It was too much of a coincidence in Clark’s books.
[Linked Image] What if Lex shot Lois to get her under the care of Dr. Heller so he could measure and duplicate all her features, even those not normally visible when wearing way-wear?

Although, Clark knew in his heart that the dead body wasn’t Lois, he requested that the ankle of the body be double-checked for the healed fracture
Wouldn’t it have been fortunate if Lex had the double’s ankle broken, too, to make her indistinguishable from the real deal?0

The viciousness Luthor had shown in beating the woman to death after sexually assaulting her, and then setting her body on fire to further hinder identification of the remains was more than enough justification for Clark to agree with Henderson’s safe-house plan for Lois.
Lex doesn’t sound like a very nice person. [Linked Image] Maybe they should isolate him from further contact with any female population?

The only question Clark had was why Luthor had set the fire in Lois’s duplicate apartment instead of tossing the body in the incinerator as had been done with Kirk Devlin, the physicist whom Nigel St. John had allegedly shot.
Because he didn’t have time.
LEX: That and normally I have a butler to do the house cleaning.

Some of us have already had it proven without a shadow of a doubt that he’s a – to put it nicely – liar, cheater, swindler, and corrupt psychopath.” He turned back to Clark.
So, in short, a politician?

Clark gave his boss a loaded look. “As I’ve said before, Lex Luthor being in jail won’t remove his influence outside of it.”
Maybe if they blinded him, plucked his eardrums, removed his tongue, crushed his voice box, cut off his hands? That way, Lex would be stuck in a mental prison with no contact to the outside world? Would that sufficiently dampen his influence for Lois to come out of hiding?

He didn’t even want to think of the time in early July when Lois turned off the video feed from the Space Station after Clark had informed her that he refused to ask Superman to bring her back, and that she would have to wait for the next available transport.
Aww, she threw the door in his face smile1

but that didn’t make it Superman’s problem either.
Also, how would he have gotten her home? Would putting her in a space suit work?

Captain Martin only received a censure for his behavior.
You know, considering the cost per kilo to be in the lower 5 digit figures, 50 extra days would mean a 100 liters of water plus at least 20 kilos of dried food? That’s north of two million bucks of cost the good captain caused. Is EPRAD going to charge him for those?

one weekly phone call with Lois to make sure, as their boss delicately put it, “she hadn’t killed anyone.”

The lead lining of the Space Station, to protect the colonists from solar flares and other cosmic radiation, made it difficult for Superman to check on Lois’s sanity as well.
Like he does on his nightly flybys of her apartment.

He loved her, but knew that one often needed invulnerable skin to spend hours, let alone days or weeks, with an irritated Lois.
Isn’t that what they have the quarantine station for?

to see what had been found at LexLabs’ unauthorized laboratories.
Nuclear materials. Frog DNA. Amber. Plans for giant cages, with 10 meter high fences.

O…kay. Jimbo looked at him skeptically. That request came out of left field. He hadn’t known that CK was covering the Japanese space program.
It’s important.

CK had been unusually serious. One might even hazard a description of quiet or contemplative.
How’s that different from his normal demeanor?

Jimbo was still T-ed that he hadn’t received an invite to the wedding, but evidently, it was a spur of the moment decision.
So, he got her pregnant and her father owns a gun collection?

Mr. White had gotten him a job down in the Daily Planet mailroom.
Isn’t that how things got started the first time?

Jimmy had once told Jimbo it was because CK was worried about Lois, always worried about Lois, obsessively worried. Of course, with her track record for getting into trouble, fearing for Lois’s safety made total sense.

Mr. White had given Jimbo a desk between Lois and CK’s, which meant he worked directly for the two of them and acted unofficially as their buffer.
Is that safe?

He was thrilled by the vote of confidence Mr. White had given him by letting him have Jimmy’s old job. He would do everything in his power not to let any of them down.
Also, institutionalized Jimmy Interuptus.
LOIS: What do you mean we can’t go at it like bunnies in the middle of the newsroom anymore?

“Inspector Henderson just went on vacation to Alice Springs,” CK replied as if that explained anything.

Despite EPRAD only having slapped Captain Martin’s wrist for what they called his practical joke, Commander Norton lodged a formal complaint barring Captain Martin from ever visiting the Space Station in the future.
Wouldn’t it have been…unfortunate…if word had leaked out and Lex had managed to shoot the shuttle down upon reentry?

Sadly, the only politics and gossip most of them were interested in happened aboard the Space Station
Hey! It’s just like in the L.U.C.!

Her anger had lasted only until she discovered that he had tucked a Superman figurine sculpted out of chocolate into her duffle bag as a going away gift.
rotflol She is quite easy to distract, isn’t she?

Lois had even shared some of the cape with Captain Angelo, being that the red and yellow parts of Superman’s uniform had been made with dyed white chocolate.

She had decided to save Superman’s shorts to stuff in his mouth the next time he did something lunkheaded, such as volunteer her to be the first reporter in space.
huh He had done that? I thought that had been her idea…

Twenty-two was a nice day? Right. Celsius. She wondered if he knew what that translated into in Fahrenheit. Probably not.
Now, but he could tell her that it’s 295°K.

If this was winter, what did summers feel like here?
Umm…I’ll go with ‘hot’.

All she had to do was not get lost.
So, a challenge?

Lois had no idea what privacy felt like anymore.
So, Ms. Lane, what are you going to do next?
LOIS: Visit Big Brother.

He held a Daily Planet newspaper and beamed at her.

Inspector Henderson, her jailer, had come to fetch her.

So much for privacy.
Great. She’s in a prickly mood.

How long did you think I would force Lois to stay in space? Was I close?
Hmmm…/checks part 192 FDK/ I went with 3-4 weeks, considering your hiatus plans. Turns out, it wasn’t actually real time after all, or she’d have been gone for four months instead of two. Now, that would have been fun. But I guess she’d be showing by then had you put her up there for so long. And then she’d not have fitted into her space suit.

wave Michael

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Darth Michael: Thanks for coming back to comment. smile
BTW, doesn’t Lois look adorable in that picture?

Sheldon Bender has simply disappeared.
Did they find any traces of nutmeg scent in the air? Oh, right. You haven’t had a chance yet to watch Elementary, Season 3.
Or seasons 1-2. I'm not familiar with this show, unless this is some kind of code I've missed.

If someone hid his body, towards which does it count?

Someone was willing to shag that guy?
I'm amazed what some women will do to snag a rich husband.

Huh. Yes. Now that you mention it, there might have been such an incident…
Is this supposed to be Shelly's reaction?

To be fair, Lois would have done the same thing. Minus paying for dinner. That’s what she’s got a Clark for.
LOIS: But that's only because I'm... *we* are better investigators than the police.

The government tied him to the railway tracks just before the 10:15 from Philly was about to arrive? Is that safe?
LOIS: hyper
CLARK: No, the other meaning.
LOIS: Darn.

They managed to replace Ralph?
2 points.

Funny how you used the redshirt to remind the readers of the first two sections of the story, while conveniently not mentioning Lois’s pregnancy from when she (supposedly not) boinked Clark in his hospital room.
Thank you. How would Perry or Clark know about that? wink I wonder what Clark would do if the next time he saw Lois she had an obvious baby bump?

BETSY: Excuse *ME*! *SECRETARY*? That’s *PERSONAL ASSISTANT* if you please.
LEX: Yes, she did please me. On numerous occasions.

Couldn’t that be explained by the way the two women wore different hair styles? Maybe no one ever accurately measured Brandy’s height?
Yes, I think so. And Brenda usually wore her hair in a tight school-marm bun, being a professional woman.
LEX: /bouncing eyebrows/ She was a the most professional doctor of my acquaintance.

Also, a comma after ‘lucky’?

What if Lex shot Lois to get her under the care of Dr. Heller so he could measure and duplicate all her features, even those not normally visible when wearing way-wear?
Anything is possible.
LEX: It was an *accident!* Geeze, people. I wanted to shag her and I hear shooting them is a big turnoff.

Wouldn’t it have been fortunate if Lex had the double’s ankle broken, too, to make her indistinguishable from the real deal?
CLARK: That's not funny.
LEX: /shakes his head sadly/ Missed opportunities.

Maybe they should isolate him from further contact with any female population?
Lex's in jail. Isn't that enough?

The only question Clark had was why Luthor had set the fire in Lois’s duplicate apartment instead of tossing the body in the incinerator as had been done with Kirk Devlin, the physicist whom Nigel St. John had allegedly shot.
Because he didn’t have time.
He was down in the LUC for several days before the raid.
LEX: That and normally I have a butler to do the house cleaning.
That too.
LEX: See, it wasn't me! I always have Asabi or Nigel clean up my messes!

So, in short, a politician?

Maybe if they blinded him, plucked his eardrums, removed his tongue, crushed his voice box, cut off his hands? That way, Lex would be stuck in a mental prison with no contact to the outside world? Would that sufficiently dampen his influence for Lois to come out of hiding?
You mean "to the pain"? Sounds like a good plan.

Aww, she threw the door in his face
The only way she could.

Also, how would he have gotten her home? Would putting her in a space suit work?
That was one of the problems he had with Lois's "plan", yes. /don't worry this will be covered/

You know, considering the cost per kilo to be in the lower 5 digit figures, 50 extra days would mean a 100 liters of water plus at least 20 kilos of dried food? That’s north of two million bucks of cost the good captain caused. Is EPRAD going to charge him for those?
Nope. Capt Martin said that it was a practical joke and they bought it.

Like he does on his nightly flybys of her apartment.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

Isn’t that what they have the quarantine station for?
Is it wise to constantly quarantine a person without reason?

Nuclear materials. Frog DNA. Amber. Plans for giant cages, with 10 meter high fences.
So, Luthor was working with Hammond at InGen?

O…kay. Jimbo looked at him skeptically. That request came out of left field. He hadn’t known that CK was covering the Japanese space program.
It’s important.
Yes, but not his usual subject matter.

CK had been unusually serious. One might even hazard a description of quiet or contemplative.
How’s that different from his normal demeanor?
He smiled less.

So, he got her pregnant and her father owns a gun collection?
JIMMY: [Linked Image] I... I... I love her.

Isn’t that how things got started the first time?
Kinda. Only Jack was more in the newsroom, somehow. By making him more Jimbo's friend than Clark's, I don't have make him a cast regular.

Mr. White had given Jimbo a desk between Lois and CK’s, which meant he worked directly for the two of them and acted unofficially as their buffer.
Is that safe?
/After the third time Jimbo had come between Lois and Clark/ Really, guys. I don't appreciate you making a Jimmy sandwich with me all the time.

Also, institutionalized Jimmy Interuptus.
Do you mean by making it part of his job description?

LOIS: What do you mean we can’t go at it like bunnies in the middle of the newsroom anymore?
/points to store room/ They haven't come out to the newsroom as an official couple yet.

Wouldn’t it have been…unfortunate…if word had leaked out and Lex had managed to shoot the shuttle down upon reentry?
LOIS: Yes, unfortunate. Then there might be something about Lex I liked.

Hey! It’s just like in the L.U.C.!
[Linked Image]

She is quite easy to distract, isn’t she?
She was in quarantine. What else was there for her to do? And punching holes in the walls was really frowned upon.

She had decided to save Superman’s shorts to stuff in his mouth the next time he did something lunkheaded, such as volunteer her to be the first reporter in space.
He had done that? I thought that had been her idea…
THIS scene was from Lois's very angry POV. I believe it has been pointed out on several occasions that she's not a very reliable narrator.

Now, but he could tell her that it’s 295°K.
Really? And here I thought Kalvin was hotter.

Umm…I’ll go with ‘hot’.
[Linked Image]

So, a challenge?

So, Ms. Lane, what are you going to do next?
LOIS: Visit Big Brother.

Great. She’s in a prickly mood.
What? Staying mad is her super power. Did you think she'd be in a good mood after 2 months trapped in space?

Hmmm…/checks part 192 FDK/ I went with 3-4 weeks, considering your hiatus plans. Turns out, it wasn’t actually real time after all, or she’d have been gone for four months instead of two. Now, that would have been fun. But I guess she’d be showing by then had you put her up there for so long. And then she’d not have fitted into her space suit.
Yes, sorry. It took me longer to add fluff to my cushion than I thought. I did post several other stories in the meantime.

Thanks for commenting, Michael. Hopefully, I'll be able to coax a few more people out of lurkerville soon enough.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Thanks for coming back to comment.
Always! smile1

Or seasons 1-2. I'm not familiar with this show, unless this is some kind of code I've missed.
Nope, not code. Just Sherlock Holmes and Joan Watson investigating stuff in early 21st Century NYC.

I'm amazed what some women will do to snag a rich husband.
LINDA: It’s better than bank robbery.
MINDY: Well…it certainly is much less messy, what with there not being any hostages you have to kill and no vault doors you have to blow open.

Is this supposed to be Shelly's reaction?
Nope. Mine. You did mention her getting kidnapped back in October, right?

They managed to replace Ralph?
2 points.

How would Perry or Clark know about that?

I wonder what Clark would do if the next time he saw Lois she had an obvious baby bump?
CLARK: Lois! Did you get impregnated by aliens?
LOIS: [Linked Image]

Yes, I think so. And Brenda usually wore her hair in a tight school-marm bun, being a professional woman.
LEX: /bouncing eyebrows/ She was a the most professional doctor of my acquaintance.
GRETCHEN: <distraught that Lex didn’t think her to be a hooker, too>

LEX: It was an *accident!* Geeze, people. I wanted to shag her and I hear shooting them is a big turnoff.
LFI - Lois Lane:
Turn-ons include men wearing their underwear on the outside, getting shot at, and Clark Bars.
Turn-offs include billionaires, getting actually shot, and men stealing her stories.

CLARK: That's not funny.
LEX: /shakes his head sadly/ Missed opportunities.
See? Lex thinks it’d have been a good idea, too.
CLARK /to EW/: he does know Lex is currently awaiting trial, right?

Maybe they should isolate him from further contact with any female population?
Lex's in jail. Isn't that enough?
He still breathes the same air. There might also be female physicians and psychiatrists in the joint.
ARI: wave

Because he didn’t have time.
He was down in the LUC for several days before the raid.
Oh. And here I thought it was a quick kill before the police came.

You mean "to the pain"? Sounds like a good plan.
Huh. Really? /watches clip/ I’ve heard about the Princess Bride on numerous occasions, including LnC fanfic and HIMYM. Funny how it eluded me to this day. Will have to rectify this soonish…

Nope. Capt Martin said that it was a practical joke and they bought it.
The reason EPRAD filed for Chapter 11 some years later.

Is it wise to constantly quarantine a person without reason?
Yes, if you manage to also avoid her once you actually let her back out, it’s perfectly safe for you.

So, Luthor was working with Hammond at InGen?
[Linked Image]

How’s that different from his normal demeanor?
He smiled less.

By making him more Jimbo's friend than Clark's, I don't have make him a cast regular.
clap And then he’d also end up with a romantic side plot you’d have to plan out and set up and show, and so on…

/After the third time Jimbo had come between Lois and Clark/ Really, guys. I don't appreciate you making a Jimmy sandwich with me all the time.

Quote: Also, institutionalized Jimmy Interuptus.
Do you mean by making it part of his job description?
[Linked Image]
PERRY: You wouldn’t believe what this little trick did for the newsrooms productivity.

LOIS: Yes, unfortunate. Then there might be something about Lex I liked.

She was in quarantine. What else was there for her to do? And punching holes in the walls was really frowned upon.
You, had she punched a hole, that would really have sucked.

THIS scene was from Lois's very angry POV. I believe it has been pointed out on several occasions that she's not a very reliable narrator.
Kinda, yeah… clap

Really? And here I thought Kalvin was hotter.
Nope, water boils at 373 °Kelvin (at 1013 hPa aka 1.013 bar)

Did you think she'd be in a good mood after 2 months trapped in space?
So, it’s a good thing Lex didn’t lock her in the L.U.C. for 6 months like he had planned?

I did post several other stories in the meantime.
Yes…Umm…I caught all but the Ultra Woman one, right? Which is still on the todo list. /eyes work suspiciously but refrains from pulling the stick back out of the globby mass/

Hopefully, I'll be able to coax a few more people out of lurkerville soon enough.
[Linked Image] I just realized…Viewers attention span is often quoted why there are so few highly serialized TV shows. Maybe a recap-special one-parter might help to set up this new section and get people on board to who missed the first 2 seasons?

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

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Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Always! smile1
Hey. Are you trying to butter me up? I've already extended this story to over 200 parts because of you. wink

Nope, not code. Just Sherlock Holmes and Joan Watson investigating stuff in early 21st Century NYC.
Oh. I've heard that show was awful, especially in comparison to Sherlock (which I love!).

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
I'm amazed what some women will do to snag a rich husband.
LINDA: It’s better than bank robbery.
MINDY: Well…it certainly is much less messy, what with there not being any hostages you have to kill and no vault doors you have to blow open.
I don't know about that. The Mindy in this story might like the quickness with which one might be able to conduct a heist over convincing a multi-billionaire to marry her.
MINDY: That's only because of the clone factor. Usually, it's much easier.
Actually, it was because of her experience with Luthor (and his clone) that Brenda (aka Mindy) turned into the woman we knew and loved to hate as Mrs. Church.

Nope. Mine. You did mention her getting kidnapped back in October, right?
This is the first mention of Shelly Bender (Sheldon Bender's daughter).

CLARK: Lois! Did you get impregnated by aliens?
LOIS: /whistles innocently as she reminds herself of his abs/

LFI - Lois Lane:
Turn-ons include men wearing their underwear on the outside, getting shot at, and Clark Bars.
Turn-offs include billionaires, getting actually shot, and men stealing her stories.
clap I thought it was Double Fudge Crunch Bars.

Lex thinks it’d have been a good idea, too.
CLARK /to EW/: he does know Lex is currently awaiting trial, right?
Clark, I'm sure Michael won't believe that Lex will actually go to trial until he sees it with his own eyes.

He still breathes the same air. There might also be female physicians and psychiatrists in the joint.
GRETCHEN: /wave/
ARI: /wave/
That's true. /takes a peek into Lois and Clark's future/ That issue may be addressed in a soon-to-be released (before Fall 2015) Part. [Linked Image]

Oh. And here I thought it was a quick kill before the police came.
No, several days passed between the wedding that wasn't and the raid. Remember Clark was already back to full power and returned from LV.

Huh. Really? /watches clip/ I’ve heard about the Princess Bride on numerous occasions, including LnC fanfic and HIMYM. Funny how it eluded me to this day. Will have to rectify this soonish…
jawdrop You haven't SEEN Princess Bride? Oh, you've got to watch that movie! It's like GoT, only funnier.

The reason EPRAD filed for Chapter 11 some years later.
NASA: [Linked Image]

Yes, if you manage to also avoid her once you actually let her back out, it’s perfectly safe for you.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
So, Luthor was working with Hammond at InGen?
/Michael nods 'yes'/
I'm so psyched for the new movie. I just showed the original JP to my kids and they loved it! Amazing how this movie was consider so violent back 20 years ago that they were warning parents not to bring their dinosaur loving kids into the theatre. I'm thinking the newest one will be a little be more so.

And then he’d also end up with a romantic side plot you’d have to plan out and set up and show, and so on…
JACK: Hey, wait a gosh darn minute, EW! Does that me I don't get a hot babe, too?
JIMBO: Do I? hyper
EW: [Linked Image]

PERRY: You wouldn’t believe what this little trick did for the newsrooms productivity.
Less productivity if Lois and Clark share a desk or have their desks butt up against one another?

You, had she punched a hole, that would really have sucked.

So, it’s a good thing Lex didn’t lock her in the L.U.C. for 6 months like he had planned?
LEX: Uh... No!
LOIS: You're still alive, aren't you?

[Linked Image] I'm wonder if kneeing a man in the crotch in space would have the same result as it does back on Earth? Time for a new space station experiment!
ASTRONAUTS: [Linked Image]

Yes…Umm…I caught all but the Ultra Woman one, right? Which is still on the todo list. /eyes work suspiciously but refrains from pulling the stick back out of the globby mass/
Ultra Woman story is a bit of a mess. It needs a proper ending (or epilogue) I've been told, but my muse has moved on. /sighed/

I just realized…Viewers attention span is often quoted why there are so few highly serialized TV shows. Maybe a recap-special one-parter might help to set up this new section and get people on board to who missed the first 2 seasons?
I'll be doing some re-capping in this Section (III) of the story. I also did a recap at the beginning of this Part. Perhaps I should just finish my edit on Section I & II and get those to Labby at the Archives. Apparently, Wednesday is a better day for posting (and people to comment), so I'll be posting on Wednesdays from now on (or late Tuesday night -- my time). Thanks for still reading. smile

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hey. Are you trying to butter me up?
[Linked Image]

I've already extended this story to over 200 parts because of you.
[Linked Image]

Oh. I've heard that show was awful, especially in comparison to Sherlock (which I love!).
It’s different from Sherlock. Personally, I find it entertaining, especially the way they alter and remix the works and characters of ACDoyle. Plus, the Sherlock and Joan are some very flawed and weird characters.

The Mindy in this story might like the quickness with which one might be able to conduct a heist over convincing a multi-billionaire to marry her.
Mindy: You’re surprised that I’m fast?

This is the first mention of Shelly Bender (Sheldon Bender's daughter).

I thought it was Double Fudge Crunch Bars.
Nope. You’ve got to read Nibbling at… by TLT over yonder.

Clark, I'm sure Michael won't believe that Lex will actually go to trial until he sees it with his own eyes.
And I’m so wrong in that assumption because?

That issue may be addressed in a soon-to-be released (before Fall 2015) Part.
rotflol That definition of ‘soon’ rotflol

<EW can’t believe the lack of education in some readers> You haven't SEEN Princess Bride?
[Linked Image]

It's like GoT, only funnier.
Oh, in there, it’s clowns who throw little boys out of tower windows?

Amazing how this movie was consider so violent back 20 years ago that they were warning parents not to bring their dinosaur loving kids into the theatre.
Really? I guess, elementary school kids who are not yet used to playing shooter computer games back in the day… Over here, it came out when I was 13 and it was actually a biology class school trip to the cinema laugh

JACK: Hey, wait a gosh darn minute, EW! Does that me I don't get a hot babe, too?
JIMBO: Do I? <is very excited that the EW reserved all hot babes for him instead of the ex-homeless boy>
EW: <can’t believe the two boys are so blind they don’t see that they’re set up to be each other’s romantic subplots>

Less productivity if Lois and Clark share a desk or have their desks butt up against one another?
Yeah. That way, Lois and Clark are forced to work instead of flirt all day while the rest of the news crew has to scramble to bring in the stories.

I'm wonder if kneeing a man in the crotch in space would have the same result as it does back on Earth?
Actually, yeah. Except that they’d probably both start spinning backwards after it and maybe they end up like cogwheels with the kicker being able to issue a new kick once every rotation.
ASTRONAUTS: <are very much opposed to this idea>
What? Sounds like a valid scientific experiment.

Ultra Woman story is a bit of a mess. It needs a proper ending (or epilogue) I've been told, but my muse has moved on. /sighed/
Oh no! You get right back here, Missy, or no more Lexy for you to play with!

Apparently, Wednesday is a better day for posting (and people to comment),
[Linked Image] I’m an equal opportunity poster. I post when work allows some time for it no matter the day of the week. Speaking of…

wave Michael

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Originally Posted by Darth Michael
It’s different from Sherlock. Personally, I find it entertaining, especially the way they alter and remix the works and characters of ACDoyle. Plus, the Sherlock and Joan are some very flawed and weird characters.
Yes, weird characters are more entertaining.

Mindy: You’re surprised that I’m fast?
Well, she is an expert. wink

Nope. You’ve got to read Nibbling at… by TLT over yonder.
Adds to list.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by EW
Clark, I'm sure Michael won't believe that Lex will actually go to trial until he sees it with his own eyes.
And I’m so wrong in that assumption because?
EW: huh Did someone say you were wrong?

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
That issue may be addressed in a soon-to-be released (before Fall 2015) Part.
rotflol That definition of ‘soon’ rotflol
What? More detail than that and it might count as a spoiler. Also, it requires math and I don't do math at this hour of the night.

Oh, in there, it’s clowns who throw little boys out of tower windows?
No, more like giants and princes, but potato / tomato.

Really? I guess, elementary school kids who are not yet used to playing shooter computer games back in the day… Over here, it came out when I was 13 and it was actually a biology class school trip to the cinema laugh
Now, THAT sounds like a cool teacher!

JACK: Hey, wait a gosh darn minute, EW! Does that me I don't get a hot babe, too?
JIMBO: Do I? <is very excited that the EW reserved all hot babes for him instead of the ex-homeless boy>
EW: <can’t believe the two boys are so blind they don’t see that they’re set up to be each other’s romantic subplots>
EW: [Linked Image]

Yeah. That way, Lois and Clark are forced to work instead of flirt all day while the rest of the news crew has to scramble to bring in the stories.
Yeah. Where's the fun in that?
PERRY: Fun? This is a business. You WORK here. You're not supposed to have fun.
CLARK: Oh, right. Sorry.
LOIS: /scoffs/ There's people out there who don't think investigating stories is fun?

Actually, yeah. Except that they’d probably both start spinning backwards after it and maybe they end up like cogwheels with the kicker being able to issue a new kick once every rotation.
LOIS: And the drawback is?

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
ASTRONAUTS: <are very much opposed to this idea>
What? Sounds like a valid scientific experiment.
Exactly! There's a lot less valid experiments going on in science that sure cost a lot more money to test. /I mean, we ALREADY have men in space.../

Oh no! You get right back here, Missy, or no more Lexy for you to play with!
Um... Lexy isn't in UW. And he's in jail in this story, so... You're right no more Lexy! dance My muse is concentrating on ways to build angst in this story's B plot with as little A plot as possible. /shrugs/

I’m an equal opportunity poster. I post when work allows some time for it no matter the day of the week. Speaking of…
I won't tell, if you don't. smile

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Yes, weird characters are more entertaining.
/points at Lois/
LOIS: [Linked Image]

Nope. You’ve got to read Nibbling at… by TLT over yonder.
Adds to list.
It’s very short (no, that doesn’t mean just under 20 parts wink )

EW: /innocent about her storytelling ways/ Did someone say you were wrong?
Not in so many words, no.

Also, it requires math and I don't do math at this hour of the night.

Now, THAT sounds like a cool teacher!
Yes, it does. Then again, we went to quite a couple of movies. Watches Schindler’s List during history class. What else..

PERRY: Fun? This is a business. You WORK here. You're not supposed to have fun.
CAT: I’m not? confused

LOIS: /scoffs/ There's people out there who don't think investigating stories is fun?
LEX: wave
BCJr: wave
MINDY: clap I do like guessing games!

LOIS: And the drawback is?
Motion sickness?

Exactly! There's a lot less valid experiments going on in science that sure cost a lot more money to test. /I mean, we ALREADY have men in space.../

My muse is concentrating on ways to build angst in this story's B plot with as little A plot as possible.
confused Are you all right, Muse? Did the greeneyed monster get to you, again? Although, this explains what happened in 199… But not the six-months situation you alluded to in FDK 197(?)

wave Michael

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Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Yes, weird characters are more entertaining.
/points at Lois/
LOIS: [Linked Image]
LOIS: My boyfriend flies and *I'm* the weird one?

It’s very short (no, that doesn’t mean just under 20 parts wink )
Hey, I can write short! /points to nomination in the "Short Story" category. I didn't even submit a Long Story this year... Okay, that had more to do with the fact that I'm still editing Section I of Wrong Clark and, well, never mind.

Not in so many words, no.
I've learned a lot from Obi Wan, Yoda, and Clark Kent over the years.

Yes, it does. Then again, we went to quite a couple of movies. Watches Schindler’s List during history class. What else..
We watched "To the Limit" (??) I think it was called in Calculus.

CAT: I’m not? /confused/
Nah. Cat doesn't listen to Perry anyway.

LOIS: /scoffs/ There's people out there who don't think investigating stories is fun?
LEX: /wave/
BCJr: /wave/
MINDY: /clap/ I do like guessing games!

Motion sickness?
Actually the inner ear can't tell up from down in space, so I don't know if motion sickness applies on the space station. Going up and coming down, yes, but once you're there? I don't think so.

EW: My muse is concentrating on ways to build angst in this story's B plot with as little A plot as possible.
ER: /confused/ Are you all right, Muse? Did the greeneyed monster get to you, again? Although, this explains what happened in 199… But not the six-months situation you alluded to in FDK 197(?)
So, you want me to concentrate on A-plots? huh
For the last year all I've heard is "they need to talk". Now you want them to stop?
Wait. What part FDK is this? /checks subject line/ Oopps. /goes back to add spoilage markers./ If you've already read ahead a couple of parts, it isn't that much of a spoiler. smile

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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LOIS: My boyfriend flies and *I'm* the weird one?
ZARA: [Linked Image]
CHING: [Linked Image]

Hey, I can write short! /points to nomination in the "Short Story" category.
That true. /makes note for nominating ‘Cabbie’ next year/

I didn't even submit a Long Story this year... Okay, that had more to do with the fact that I'm still editing Section I of Wrong Clark and, well, never mind.

We watched "To the Limit" (??) I think it was called in Calculus.
Huh. I never heard…/googles/ huh…I never heard of that one.

Actually the inner ear can't tell up from down in space, so I don't know if motion sickness applies on the space station. Going up and coming down, yes, but once you're there? I don't think so.
I thought…huh I could google that one, too, now, but it’s late and there’s more FDK to go through tonight.

So, you want me to concentrate on A-plots?
Since Lois isn’t getting any action anyhow…
LOIS: What does he mean by that? I have plenty of run-ins with crooks. I’ve even been shot at. And shot.
CLARK: dizzy

wave Michael

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Oh, dear, I've fallen behind in answering FDK recently. I've got tons of excuses (so many in fact, Clark keeps trying to borrow my book). Let's just say, I'm working to remedy that at the moment.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
LOIS: My boyfriend flies and *I'm* the weird one?
ZARA: /Waves Hi/
CHING: /waves in agreement/
CLARK: /shrugs/ I don't know those people, Lois.

That true. /makes note for nominating ‘Cabbie’ next year/
Awww. Shucks, Michael. Thank you. smile

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by EW
We watched "To the Limit" (??) I think it was called in Calculus.
Huh. I never heard…/googles/ huh…I never heard of that one.
Sorry, they sing that song Take it to the Limit in the movie. It's actually called Stand and Deliver. Sorry about the mix-up. It's been a quarter of a... let's just say a LOOOOOONG time since I took calculus. (Still not missing it -- although if my math teacher had told me how much people with engineering degrees made, I might have considered it.)

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by EW
So, you want me to concentrate on A-plots?
Since Lois isn’t getting any action anyhow…
LOIS: What does he mean by that? I have plenty of run-ins with crooks. I’ve even been shot at. And shot.
CLARK: /worried by what Lois means by "run-ins with criminals" Pictures Luthor and is suddenly feeling sick to his stomach/
LOIS: You said that you had a cast iron stomach. So, you better not be blaming me for any food poisoning you might have gotten, Chuck!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Oh, dear, I've fallen behind in answering FDK recently.
[Linked Image]

I've got tons of excuses (so many in fact, Clark keeps trying to borrow my book).
LOIS: /eyeing 207/ Don’t you dare let him! mad

It's actually called Stand and Deliver.
Ah, yes. Still not seen it, though blush

although if my math teacher had told me how much people with engineering degrees made, I might have considered it.)
laugh OTOH, people with engineering degrees have an abdominal lack of time for writing LnC fics that have been lounging around half finished for over half a…let’s just say a LOOOOONG time.

LOIS: You said that you had a cast iron stomach. So, you better not be blaming me for any food poisoning you might have gotten, Chuck!

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

I go by Michael on the Archives.

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