“They’ve known about you since they first saw you!”
So, Clark’s thinking Lois is mad at herself because she wasn’t right?
Clark sighed. “What would you like me to say? That you aren’t being petty?”
Considering what would happen if he agreed she was…
Injuries to Lois’s ego were never something to ridicule, if one didn’t want to die a painful death.
LEX: The little woman never knew when to shut up and be accommodating in her wifely duties.
“In fact, I’ve been wondering what you were doing investigating under your partner’s shirt while I was asleep,” Clark said, forcing at bay the smile that wanted to rise to his lips.
Considering he never had the urge to do a similar investigation with his own partner, I can see his confusion.
Her eyes narrowed. She didn’t like to be told she was wrong. Proving her wrong took guts, stupidity, or invulnerability. Clark was sure he had two out of the three of those on his side.
Invulnerability and Stupidity?
“So, what you’re telling me was that you told a psychopath that you’re Superman before telling me,” she deadpanned. “That’s the story you’re going with?”
Or perhaps three out of three.
Now he thinks he’s got guts?
Lois pinched her lips together. “So, all I need to do to get you to tell me the truth is to threaten to kill someone? I’ll keep that in mind.”
Didn’t that work for Lex?
“You didn’t tell me that you’re Superman, Clark. You said that you had told Trask that you were Superman. Those are two completely different things,” she said.
Like when she tells him that she will stay at home vs when she will tell him that she won’t do anything dangerous?
He had conveniently forgotten that he wasn’t the only one in this relationship known for omitting important details. Luckily, he had his eidetic memory on his side.
Isn’t he a sweet guy, what his guilt-bank and all?
He could get used to this.
Awwww…he’s found his happy thought.
Instead of crossing it off, she underlined it and made a note in permanent ink to do that again as soon as possible.

When he was being himself, Clark wasn’t as rigid.
CLARK: I was concentrating on holding her in the sky and not falling back to the ground or going above the oxygen boundary and watching for airplanes and not throw up so yeah, I was a bit distracted.
Lois glanced at the alarm clock next to the bed. It was nearing quarter to six. It must still be Saturday.
![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/a030.gif)
She breathed in through her nose and out from her mouth. Hey, if it worked for women in labor…
She’d best start training?
However, when it came to her fate, he thought there were ghosts in every shadow ready to steal her away.
To be fair, it’s not the first time that happened…
Life was so much easier when he just accepted she was right from the very beginning.

As if, Clark would ever peek at her.
Umm…there’s some dirt specks in that sentence.
while Lois was off planet, which would make Lois’s daily life better back on the planet and at the Planet.

Now, if she could only get everyone else to move out of Metropolis...
Wouldn’t it be easier to move to an island with a clothing optional beach?
She was still in the same clothes she had been wearing since leaving Australia, two days earlier. Someone – she guessed Clark – had removed her shoes, at least.
And yet, he felt that she’d like to sleep in her blouse and bra?
Lois poured one pill onto her palm. This would take the edge off, so she could act normally around Clark for a few hours until she could collapse for the night.
Oh look! I’m sure this is how Ellen has started out.
Any reporter worth her mustard had to be looking for her. She was big news.
New girl at the Star: Lois Who? The Daily Whatnow? Yeah, right.
She wondered if Annalee had been killed when debris from Lois’s exploded apartment fell on her.
Getting ahead of herself there, aren’t we?
Anyway, if he did, she would still need a place to stay while her apartment was a giant hole.
![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/b075.gif)
Had Clark been able to save her fish? She wondered.

He could just sleep on his sofa until he admitted to Lois the truth.
Why should he take the sofa?
Would he want them to be married before they moved in together?
Yes. Probably. Better to delay having sex until it goes out of fashion due to them being an old, married couple.
That would wake her up enough for a few more hours and then she would allow herself to crash again.
