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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereThis is one of my favorite parts that I've written lately. I hope you enjoyed it, too. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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I love the teasing flirting between the two of them! It felt so organic.
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Christina:  Thanks for coming by to comment.  I love the teasing flirting between the two of them! It felt so organic. Thank you. Banter is the funnest stuff to write. I never know where my characters will take me. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Great… ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/muede/s010.gif) Lois couldn’t believe he had wanted them to go horseback riding. Was he insane?  CLARK: What? I always thought Lois preferred to be on top. Plus, something tells me she’d be a good cowgirl. , Lois wondered what else she would discover she was wrong about. Maybe Lex Luthor was actually a kind and gentle soul and it was all Nigel’s doing? Perhaps Lois was even wrong that she was big news.  She admits to being wrong! And to being no news.  LOIS: Ribbit? asking her stupid questions they had to know she would never answer. Like how Lex is in bed? You’re only as good as your last story, and her last story had been a bust. PERRY: So, Ms. … Lane, is it? I see that you have worked in news media before. Television, was it? … Well, well, well… you would like to be the Daily Planet’s star reporter. Yes, I can help with that. Olsen! Olsen! JIMBO: Yes, Chief? PERRY: Olsen, this is Ms. Lane, out new hire. Please get her forms processed by H.R. and set her up at the astrology desk. Ever since we had to close Cat’s Corner, the entertainment section was missing some zing. Maybe ‘The Zodiac Lane’ will spiff things up a bit. She hoped to make up some career cred with her series on the Space Station. NERD CROWD: No tech details. And no bikini shots of the reporter. SUBWAY READERS: Yes, the Earth looks blue from space. I’ve seen that in the last Asteroid movie, too. SHELDON COOPER: Can you believe how this ‘reporter’ mixed up metric and imperial units? Apparently the Space Station goes through more weight shifts than Howard’s mother when she comes off a diet. Ralph had stolen that thunder by leaking it to LNN before she could report it. Is he now living in some remote shack in the woods, praying that Lois won’t ever find him? No, wait, he got blown up, didn’t he? While he might never say so aloud, she knew he hated it when she used colorful language. The true reason why he doesn’t want to have sex with her? and returned her thoughts to what might await her at her apartment. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/boese/e015.gif) ? That was probably why she had fantasized about someone having bombed it. She could do it herself? She could say she had tried to make a bombe glacée. No matter how nasty she had been to him over the last year, he had remained steadfastly there for her. He was right. He had proven himself tenfold that his love wouldn’t disappear. Plus, her feet fit perfectly in the groves on his back. Still, Lois hated how easily Clark could relax her. She shouldn’t need a man to tell her everything would be all right, any more than she needed a man to protect her. Well, actually… LOIS: Oh, shut up! Moreover, she would tell Clark that, as soon as his kisses stopped turning her legs to Jell-O and her insides to molten lava. So, never? It had been a long six months and she needed her feet under her again before moving their relationship into the bedroom. Maybe if she didn’t try to be on top…? He crossed his arms across that glorious chest of his and grinned. “You never said ‘octopus’.”  How dare he? He had always hated that she made him use a code word before rescuing her. Now, he was using it against her, making it her fault that he hadn’t saved her from months up in space. The little missus doesn’t like her own medicine? Lois picked up the duffle bag and hobbled down the hall to her bedroom, throwing it on her bed. Suddenly, she froze.
She was alone in her apartment. /imagines deer-in-headlight look/ Lois smiled weakly. That was easy for him to say. He hadn’t had someone watching his every move for the last six months. TABLOID REPORTERS:  “But I was with Clark, and it would’ve attracted attention if he carried me everywhere.” CLARK: Hodor? He started to take off her left sock. “No, it isn’t. Believe you me, minha, if I knew a way to share my powers with you, I would.” ![[Linked Image]](http://previews.nvtech.com/100/tf05206/NVTech_vc022528.jpg) She nudged his shoulder. “You’re saying that because you’d sleep better at night knowing that bullets could bounce off my chest.” ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/b075.gif) He stood up and took a couple of steps backwards. “Get undressed.”  Had he just said what she thought he had said? Had Superman just told her to strip? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif) Lois crossed her arms. “I’m going to get you to apologize.”
“I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you. I can hold mine longer,” Maybe if she told him that he’d have to apologize before she’d be willing to engage in carnal activities with him? “Why did you laugh when I mentioned bullets bouncing off my chest?” she asked.
Clark swallowed.
That was right, Clarkie boy. Two could play that game. She’s naughty! He paused, leaning against the doorframe and smiling seductively. “Thinking about your chest never makes it easier for me to sleep, Lois. Good night,” he said, shutting the door. And he’s naughty, too! She would get him to apologize for not picking her up from the Space Station, if she had to withhold kisses from him to get it. She was right and she was going to make him admit it. The game is on, then! This is one of favorite parts I've written lately. I hope you enjoyed it. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/c050.gif)  Michael
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Darth Michael: And he's caught up! Oh, wait... Great… /cough, cough, sneeze, sneeze/ I hope you feel better soon. I was wondering who I gave my head cold to. Who knew it could travel through cyberspace? My apologies.  CLARK: What? I always thought Lois preferred to be on top. Plus, something tells me she’d be a good cowgirl. Not when she just returned from space and her bone density is low and she hasn't rebuilt her calluses. Maybe Lex Luthor was actually a kind and gentle soul and it was all Nigel’s doing? LEX: /checks to see if Michael has passed the bar/ By jove, I think he's got it! ER: /surprised/ She admits to being wrong! And to being no news. /passes out/ LOIS: Ribbit? I'm not planning any surprise visits from Clois. Let's just say that Lois had a bad day. Her romantic investigative weekend was cut short due to exhaustion. LOIS:  Horrible! He lasted 2.5 seconds and fell asleep directly afterwards. I had to find another way to satisfy myself. PERRY: So, Ms. … Lane, is it? I see that you have worked in news media before. Television, was it? … Well, well, well… you would like to be the Daily Planet’s star reporter. Yes, I can help with that. Olsen! Olsen! JIMBO: Yes, Chief? PERRY: Olsen, this is Ms. Lane, out new hire. Please get her forms processed by H.R. and set her up at the astrology desk. Ever since we had to close Cat’s Corner, the entertainment section was missing some zing. Maybe ‘The Zodiac Lane’ will spiff things up a bit.  Terrific! I wish I had thought of that. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e030.gif) NERD CROWD: No tech details. And no bikini shots of the reporter. SUBWAY READERS: Yes, the Earth looks blue from space. I’ve seen that in the last Asteroid movie, too. SHELDON COOPER: Can you believe how this ‘reporter’ mixed up metric and imperial units? Apparently the Space Station goes through more weight shifts than Howard’s mother when she comes off a diet.  You forgot: FRAT BOYS: So, what's sex like in space? Ralph had stolen that thunder by leaking it to LNN before she could report it. Is he now living in some remote shack in the woods, praying that Lois won’t ever find him? No, wait, he got blown up, didn’t he? The shack idea seems like a good one. He didn't blow up during the D.P. bombing, that was Chip Peterson, Lex's replacement Editor. The true reason why he doesn’t want to have sex with her? CLARK: Um... no. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e010.gif) I do make some exceptions to my swearing rule. and returned her thoughts to what might await her at her apartment. ER: /bad guys with guns?/ Sadly, only in her dreams. CLARK: She has weird dreams. She should have some of mine. LOIS: I die in those too. CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) Ooops. But not from gunfire! She could do it herself? She could say she had tried to make a bombe glacée.  No, sadly, that would only explode in Clark's stomach. CLARK: Another good reason not to eat sweets /lowers voice/ or Lois's cooking. Plus, her feet fit perfectly in the groves on his back. Yes, why have to start over with another man who doesn't have built in grooves? Still, Lois hated how easily Clark could relax her. She shouldn’t need a man to tell her everything would be all right, any more than she needed a man to protect her. Well, actually… LOIS: Oh, shut up! ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/o025.gif) LOIS: I'm never going to live this down, am I? CLARK: /shrugs/ I'll make sure you don't die. LOIS: Of embarrassment? CLARK: um... no? Moreover, she would tell Clark that, as soon as his kisses stopped turning her legs to Jell-O and her insides to molten lava. So, never? Well, she is her mother's daughter, so a part of her is worried that someday he'll turn into a schmuck all men seem to be. So, it would take forever to prove her wrong. CLARK: I've got time. Maybe if she didn’t try to be on top…? True, a weaker woman would get to the bedroom sooner. CLARK: Um... no. He crossed his arms across that glorious chest of his and grinned. “You never said ‘octopus’.” ER: /he didn't just go there!/  Yep. The little missus doesn’t like her own medicine? Nope. /imagines deer-in-headlight look/ That's the one. TABLOID REPORTERS: /wave/ LOIS: I meant Clark! LEX's MINIONS:  “But I was with Clark, and it would’ve attracted attention if he carried me everywhere.” CLARK: Hodor? Yes, Hodor riding isn't in fashion for another 20 years. He started to take off her left sock. “No, it isn’t. Believe you me, minha, if I knew a way to share my powers with you, I would.” ER: /suggests plugging her in/ EW & CLARK & LOIS:  ER: /gets excited when anyone mentions chest and sleeping in the same sentence/ CLARK: No, I don't think I'd sleep better if Lois was invulnerable either. He stood up and took a couple of steps backwards. “Get undressed.” ER: /What's Clark doing?!/  ER: /dirty mind cannot think of another reason for Superman to have Lois get undressed/ It won't be that easy. LOIS: Why not? EW: The story would end too soon. Maybe if she told him that he’d have to apologize before she’d be willing to engage in carnal activities with him? Since he's not rushing into said activities, I doubt that would work. Although, it might get them talking more. Oh, sorry. Did you want angsty instead? /looks at the next few parts/ ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a015.gif) Well, I guess I could change some things and make her anger last longer... if you would prefer. But it would take a LOT of work and delays. Perhaps we should just see what happens. Again, too strong? Should I make Super Wimpy Lunkhead reappear? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/g025.gif) Sorry, that's not really in my plans. Let's see who can resist longer?  This is one of favorite parts I've written lately. I hope you enjoyed it. ER: /It was okay, but don't tell anyone else or they might want to read it too./ Um... okay?... I mean, no. I mean, what? Thanks for feeding my muse! 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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And he's caught up! Oh, wait...  I hope you feel better soon. I was wondering who I gave my head cold to. Who knew it could travel through cyberspace? My apologies. Thanks, I am. Yeah, viruses travel via electronic media. Also, once I was better again, I went ahead and caught a bad case of work. Am hoping it will get better soon. I'm not planning any surprise visits from Clois. Let's just say that Lois had a bad day. Her romantic investigative weekend was cut short due to exhaustion.  LOIS: wink wink Horrible! He lasted 2.5 seconds and fell asleep directly afterwards. I had to find another way to satisfy myself. CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a045.gif) EW: /enjoys little quips by ER/ Terrific! I wish I had thought of that. Thanks. It just came to me while reading this. FRAT BOYS: So, what's sex like in space?  LOIS: Bumpy. CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c035.gif) He didn't blow up during the D.P. bombing, that was Chip Peterson, Lex's replacement Editor. Oh, right. It *is* hard to track the fatalities. Almost as bloody as things are in Westeros. CLARK: She has weird dreams. She should have some of mine. LOIS: I die in those too. CLARK: Ooops. /guilty of having naughty thoughts/ But not from gunfire!  Yes, why have to start over with another man who doesn't have built in grooves?  CLARK: Not funny. True. But not funny. EW: /tickled beyond measure over little quip/ LOIS: I'm never going to live this down, am I? CLARK: /shrugs/ I'll make sure you don't die. LOIS: Of embarrassment? CLARK: um... no? He’s soooo adorable! LOIS:  And I’m not? ER: /shrugs/ EW: So, it would take forever to prove her wrong. CLARK: I've got time. Poor guy. Suffering like that. True, a weaker woman would get to the bedroom sooner. CLARK: Um... no.  ER: /suggests plugging her in/ EW & CLARK & LOIS: /having forgotten how a surge of electricity (1.21GW according to the Doc) would make Lois into a super reporter/  ER: /dirty mind cannot think of another reason for Superman to have Lois get undressed/ EW: It won't be that easy. LOIS: Why not? EW: The story would end too soon.  But since Lois would die, the story would merely reset and we’d get another 200 parts before Lois ends up pregnant. But it would take a LOT of work and delays. Perhaps we should just see what happens. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c075.gif) Again, too strong? Should I make Super Wimpy Lunkhead reappear? It was just an observation! ER: The game is on, then! EW: Let's see who can resist longer? I just realized that I’ve played this game before. Took about 17 parts or so, I think? Um... okay?... I mean, no. I mean, what? Thanks for feeding my muse!   Michael
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EW: I hope you feel better soon. I was wondering who I gave my head cold to. Who knew it could travel through cyberspace? My apologies.
ER: Thanks, I am. Yeah, viruses travel via electronic media. Also, once I was better again, I went ahead and caught a bad case of work. Am hoping it will get better soon. Nothing like a shot of FDK to relieve the system of a bad case of work.  LOIS: wink wink Horrible! He (Lex) lasted 2.5 seconds and fell asleep directly afterwards. I had to find another way to satisfy myself. CLARK: /Thank you for putting that image in my head. I'm going to expose myself to another asteroid in hopes it will remove that image./ LOIS: I was only joking! FRAT BOYS: So, what's sex like in space?  LOIS: Bumpy. CLARK: /Did we? No, wait, we didn't. Then who did Lois.../ CLARK:  LOIS: He who waits loses the girl. And anyway, it's not like cheating, because we weren't on Earth. CAT: That works for me. Oh, right. It *is* hard to track the fatalities. Almost as bloody as things are in Westeros. My stories is less bloody than GoT. Another Lois on the other hand... Well, maybe. EW: /tickled beyond measure over little quip/ LOIS: I'm never going to live this down, am I? CLARK: /shrugs/ I'll make sure you don't die. LOIS: Of embarrassment? CLARK: um... no? ER: He’s soooo adorable! LOIS: /mad/ And I’m not? ER: /shrugs/ You're too Mad Dog to be adorable, Lois. Sorry. Poor guy. Suffering like that. LOIS: And I had thought I had found Mr. Perfect. ER: /suggests plugging her in/ EW & CLARK & LOIS: /having forgotten how a surge of electricity (1.21GW according to the Doc) would make Lois into a super reporter/ ER: /Channeling his inner Tempus, wants to pull the lever./ PLEASE! I believe it was more than a regular jolt, because she kept having to adjust it to get the right amount. ER: /dirty mind cannot think of another reason for Superman to have Lois get undressed/ EW: It won't be that easy. LOIS: Why not? EW: The story would end too soon. ER: But since Lois would die, the story would merely reset and we’d get another 200 parts before Lois ends up pregnant. No comment on future parts. EW: But it would take a LOT of work and delays. Perhaps we should just see what happens. ER: /Doesn't like the idea of delays/ Well, I've started a new way to posting. When I finish the current arc (Part 209), then I'll take a hiatus until the next arc is completed (don't know which that number will be). That way, I can keep writing without my buffer shrinking too much and I don't take a hiatus during the posting of a story arc. ER: The game is on, then! EW: Let's see who can resist longer? ER: I just realized that I’ve played this game before. Took about 17 parts or so, I think? Since this is the Gfic boards, it might take a little (eyes number count on WC) uh-hem... longer. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Nothing like a shot of FDK to relieve the system of a bad case of work. wink  Just the symptoms, but you often still stay covered in work from head to toe. Oooh! Considering 206/207, I think she shouldn’t discount asteroid amnesia so quickly. LOIS: He who waits loses the girl. And anyway, it's not like cheating, because we weren't on Earth.  NOR:  My stories is less bloody than GoT. Another Lois on the other hand... Well, maybe. See? Told ya! I believe it was more than a regular jolt, because she kept having to adjust it to get the right amount.  Well, I've started a new way to posting. When I finish the current arc (Part 209), then I'll take a hiatus until the next arc is completed (don't know which that number will be). That way, I can keep writing without my buffer shrinking too much and I don't take a hiatus during the posting of a story arc.  Is this like GoT or British television, where you only get 6-10 parts a season? EW: Since this is the Gfic boards, it might take a little (eyes number count on WC) uh-hem... longer. /embarrassed how Lois won’t be able to use the less subtle means of seduction/  CAT: I never had any problems getting a man to do my bidding.  Michael