Darth Michael: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/k020.gif)
Michael? Already? I feel so missed.

Part 201
The Truth is in the Details
That’s well timed!
LOIS: /razz/ What’s well timed about the truth taking 200 parts to come out?
CLARK: I'm not coming out! I mean, I like girls. That's what you meant, right?
Alternative title for this chapter: "Degrees of Truth".
To be fair, the other reporters have relationships
Lois is IN a relationship.
CAT: /wave/
CAT: /wave/
It hasn't been that long. Cat is still pregnant.
or sexual harassment suits
RALPH: /wave/
to deal with.
PERRY: Ralph is no longer with the Daily Planet. Sadly, he is with the National Whisper.
Lois now has access to superpowers 24/7 and Clark still gets to think he’s in a committed relationship with Lois?

So, win-win?
I’m not sure that’s healthy. And it also can’t be healthy that she spends the nights alone at her apartment, trying to get a good night’s rest in a place that is giving her the creeps. Probably why they sedated her at the Luthor House the last time ‘round.
a-hem. This part was from Lois's POV. It's very possible that Lois's apartment was watched from bedtime until sunrise by a man in a red cape.
So, just what, six months since Cat’s gone and the place is no longer able to deal with a coworker jumping another coworker on the copy-machine?
PERRY: No. No. Not at all. Only out in public. Supply closet and copy room are still fair... wait! Get back here! I still need someone to cover the news!
Tough to date a foreign prince who still holds to those…hmm…middle-ages…nah…that’s right! ‘50s movie morals!
In his defense, he was born to people who were young in the 50s.
And if it doesn’t help, I’m sure /call me Denial/ would be willing to help out.
LOIS: Great! Will you tell my boyfriend it is unlawful not to sleep with his gorgeous girlfriend. Thanks.
Maybe because of the chocolate sauce Clark has supplied instead of the balsamic vinegar?
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LOIS: Are you sure you don't want any of this salad dressing? It's fab!
CLARK: W.R.O.N.G. 9 points.
LOIS: Right. Wrong’s not a word. Try again, buddy.

Someone has to put that in a HiM rewrite.
I think there might be some extraneous punctuation in there.
Oh, dear. Did I fall off the comma wagon again.

Right. Illogical.
LOIS: What?
That's what she said. Illogical.
LOIS: I know. What's his point?
![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif)
“Oh?” she coaxed. She knew he was Kal-El, Superman, from Krypton. What else could he reveal?
ER suggests: /that he's been a naughty, naughty superhero/
You know that didn't even occur to me.
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ER: /suggests that Clark might be channeling his inner Emmett Brown/
Ooops. Not again. Actually, before it was Marty's dad, but that's not important. Look! More FDK.
![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e010.gif)
CLARA: Why I was so ticked off at Emmett.
Was that AFTERWARDS? It's been a while since I saw BttF 3
Maybe a semicolon instead of the comma?
You're right again! /slides over 2 points and a thank you./
She *knows* that they will become intimate in the next couple of months?
LOIS: Duh! Wait, what’s that got to do with anything?
Yeah, that stumped Clark too.
“But if you met me in the future and then came back into the past prior to when we met, that me, that future me could no longer exist. That future me who didn’t fall in love with you as I have wouldn’t exist as I do now.”
ER: /wishing EW had passed out anti-nausea time-traveling pills before this part/
Ooops. Sorry.
HERB (from another dimension): Let me guess… ‘The Time Machine’? That was written by a total quack.
TEMPUS: /from every dimension in which he exists/ Yes, he was.
“And this future you made me the man I am today.”
There’s an ‘in’ missing
There is?

Perhaps a hyphen between future and you "And this future-you made me the man I am today."
On the plus side, that way he at least wasn’t completely turned off by her brash demeanor and penchant for pilfering her colleagues’ stories.
Except Future-Lois wasn't like that. /ducking/
But it's sooooo pretty, Michael! Okay, fine. For clarity's sake, I guess I'll remove it. But don't be surprised, if it shows up elsewhere.
Pssst. Thanks.
So, will this not-from-Krypton/his-ex-fiancce-is-actually-right-here-next-door situation dawn on her?
That might be telling, wouldn't it?
She was right.
LOIS: Duh!
Bonkers. Completely bonkers.
LOIS: Hey!
Why is Lois bonkers thinking that she's loveable? Oh, Clark. Never mind.
LOIS: Hey!
She married another Clark. The one from her own dimension.
WRONG CLARK: /suddenly has somewhere else he needs to be/
LOIS: Typical.
Hey, but at least she's a Lois and not a Mayson.
So, he’s telling her that she’s a bad person instead of him replacing the first Lois with an imitation. Just like Lex did, come to think of it.
Nah, he's just telling her that everyone else here treated them horribly.
There’s actually stories that some people joke will end that way.
Joke? No, Another Lois wasn't a joke. Oh, wait, do you meant other stories?
LEX: It was a science experiment, people! They signed disclaimers.
He’s a numbskull, so…a lot?

Like a creepy stalker in the night, following her into her building?
Like a bat hovering outside of a building.
BRUCE: That's not creepy. It's cool.
TEMPUS: Even I know the answer to that one. Duh!
ER: So, make up /noogie/?
CLARK: Ew! Michael, she's cursed.
LOIS: /deadpan/ *I'm* WHAT?
CLARK: Hold on. Let me re-phrase...
EW: I'm going to go with "no" for an answer.
Lois raised her index finger again and panted as she searched for air. “Don’t think this means we’re okay.”
CLARK: /confused/
PERRY: Don't worry son. It has nothing to do with you. ALL women act like this.
CLARK: But it doesn't make sense.
PERRY: /shrugs/ And?
It would be way too boring a world otherwise?
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“Because nobody likes to be a consolation prize.”
But she’s not. She really is the best option available to him after Loises #1 and #2 got married or vanished in the Kongo.
i.e. she's 3rd runner up.
Oh. Right. Look, Lois! A Fudge Castle!


LOIS: /shrugs demurely/ It wouldn't hurt.
Just wait till he starts sniffing after that blonde ADA in a couple of weeks.
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Well…half the truth. Kinda. Sorta.
Just so that we're clear.
Actually, he fell in love with the future version of this Lois, well…this Lois when she was still a cub reporter before she got older…err…
He fell in love with a S3 Lois and this is a S2 Lois, but Clark doesn't know it's the same woman, just us.