Darth Michael: I appreciate you taking time from your GoT watching to comment on my story.

Part 201
The Truth is in the Details
Part 202
/confused/ Were there parts omitted between pt 201 and 202?
What you didn't see that fantasy piece over yonder: 201B?

Of course it refers to omissions in the Clark's version of the truth.
CLARK: Yeah, I studied under the tutelage of Obi Wan, why?
EW: Hmmm. I just thought of something. That might not be something to brag about.
They do look like Vader’s helmet does now…/shiny vs. charred/
You referring to the similarities of Clark's version of the truth to the reality of it? Works for me.
Wasn’t that just as important?
LUKE: /much prefers Yoda's teachings to Obi Wan's/
![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a015.gif)
Luke. Leia. Lois. Are we sure that Amidala only had twins? Perhaps Obi Wan dropped off a third baby at the hospital where the Lanes had just given birth.
Been stuck longer in front of Lois’s apartment than he had thought? Also, fun thought, considering he checked his suit for spots.
It's been a while since he's cleaned Lois's roof?
Provided she’d figure out the temporal grammar. Otherwise, she might get really ticked off sometime during her walk down the isle.
She's a smart cookie. She just might.
LOIS: /Clark has only seen the tip of Lois's anger/


Well, to be fair, she’s the wrong Lois.
LOIS: No, I’m right. He’s the wrong *Clark*!

That's true.
Depends whether he brings it up during the curse visiting her? /peep/
CLARK: So, I should wait a week after she binges on Chocolate?
/A Month Later.../
CLARK: Okay, second theory... maybe when she's more even-keeled.
/Another month passes.../
![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/boese/e035.gif)
CLARK: /holds up hands in self-defense/ I tried to tell you earlier, I just couldn't figure out the right time.
Because he senses that he’ll soon meet Mayson and fall hopelessly in lust with her, given that she’s not cursed and a blonde?
She's a good fallback candidate.
MAYSON: I think we've both just been insulted.
Unfortunately, this Clark didn't get a copy of the rule book.
CLARK: There's a manual? Aw, shucks! Why didn't someone tell me?
She wrote him a *note* explaining it!
Informing someone after the fact doesn't excuse the behavior.
![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif)
It doesn't?
He referring to the interview a ‘Lois Lane’ has given to LFI about Superman’s prowess in bed?
Depends on how long he holds out informing her of other pertinent details regarding their relationship.
Also, unhealthy. Particularly if she ever gets hold of some Kryptonite.
Well, if she gets hold of Kryptonite, he'd be lucky to get away using baby steps.
Couldn’t he live with two Loises? Wouldn’t that be fairer than leaving one Lois dead and the other without her Clark?
I wrote a story where Alt-Clark had to deal with 2 Loises. Things didn't work out so well with him (at least at first). Thought I'd try a different tactic here.
He could bring her chocolate? Or dip himself in chocolate before he wakes her up.
He doesn't really care for chocolate. Plus, bringing Lois chocolate every time he screws up could have disastrous results.
LOIS: You mean, me getting wise and starting to pelt him with chocolate, because I associated chocolate with Clark lying? It could happen.
No more lies. Clark decided that he would tell Lois his full life story, edited for graphic content.
So, no details about how he and Lana consummated or what he thought while sleeping downstairs from the other Lois?
Yes, those would be the edits.
CLARK: And there was that night with Rachel.
I’m thinking he means that quite literally.
He does.
That can’t be healthy. But to be fair, he said he’d be ‘right there’ and yet, he walked over. That had to have taken *minutes*!
He was RIGHT there, spotted nothing wrong, so came in as Clark as so not to burst any more windows. They are getting quite expensive to replace.
Dr. DETER: Yes. She will need treatment in my bedroom. Erm…institution.
LOIS: My memory is just fine. Thank you very much.
“What did it sound like?” he asked.
Like Lex using her bathroom?
CLARK: How does she know what that sounds like?
LEX: Right. I am not so base as to do those things.
Lex is in jail, so not.
Awwww! Is /call me Daniel/ showing up already?
Nah. He showed up in Another Lois. I wasn't... Well, never say never, right?

“I meant some bad man,” Lois sniped, but he noticed the glimmer in her eye.
Couldn’t it also be a bad woman?
Yes, but Clark's hoping that Lois is more attractive to him acting bad than him acting as a bad woman.
LOIS: I plead the 5th.
Would it help to know that she’s bound to die if they *are* together, too?
![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a045.gif)
Ah, no.
Ooooh! There’s several stories out there where he does sort of exactly that! /hyper/
I agree. Good time to promote MLT's
The Time Traveler's Wife, the first LnC fanfic story I ever read.

I have no plans to take this Clark back to Lois's college days though. Sorry.
TEMPUS: With friends like Herb, who needs enemies?
To be fair, most circles of friends are made up of persons with a similar intellect. /points at college fraternities/
Then it doesn't explain why ditsy blondes get men of all intelligences following them, does it?
LANA: I wouldn't say that Clark and I were friends, per se. Wait, what?
“How about I just keep the smartest one I have?”
She smiled. “You aren’t losing me that easily, Chuck. You’re too handy to have around.”
He was talking about Jimbo.
Hence "Omissions".

But he’d like to be upgraded to ‘handsy’?
Baby steps.
CLARK: Isn't Handsy just Handy with an S added?
![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/g042.gif)
He’ll have to make an appointment and pay 1000 bucks, like every other john does.
Other women would sleep with Superman for free.
LOIS: I'm not just any woman. Wait, what?
come into my bedroom…” She moved her hands slowly up his chest to his shoulders. “— and strip for me?”
Michael: /shocked that Lois has fantasies and might want to act on them/
Don't you beta for Sue?
She wouldn’t do that. She might use a wee bit of Kryptonite though to disable his powers, use his belt to tie him to the headboard, and then…umm…proceed to be naughty.
Well, Clark does tend to like bad women... er... naughty women.
Also, did he just out himself as being from another dimension?
CLARK: I’m Kryptonian. That could also explain things.
Nope. And yep.
/shock/ He’s…he’s…he’s…*staying*? /thud/

She really thinks he’s *that* stupid?
LOIS: He better not be so stupid as to reject me yet ANOTHER time.
LOIS: No. But he’d have to be pretty not-attracted to me to not take what is offered. And I *am* more attractive than that.
Maybe if she…went all Revenge on him?
Revenge doesn't work on Clark.
Actually /belly dancing/ might help.
CLARK: It couldn't hurt... much, right?
CLARK: Okay. I underestimated how much her dancing for me could hurt.
She could ‘slip’ in the shower?
How would going into the... oh, you mean literally "slipping" in the shower? That would be evil.


Why didn't I think of that?
/jawdrop/ That’s…that’s… /shocking!/ /thud/
Hee hee. /rubs hands with glee/ Well, we do know that Lois has a habit of jumping into plans without the...uh... planning stage.