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#262710 04/22/15 02:28 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Yes, history is a changing. evil

Comments are appreciated and feed my muse.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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“Horribly,” she replied. “Do you want to move in together?”

Part 203

The toast shattered into pieces and went flying into the air, raining down onto Clark’s head.
Oops? So, did it explode or did he fold it up with his fingers?

She patted it down, but it was being as stubborn as a Kryptonian.
clap Also, aren’t Kryptonian females rather pliable? /points at the professional caregivers/

Perhaps this conversation should have waited until after she had showered. She put a hand to her mouth. And brushed her teeth. Too late now.
laugh Sounds like she failed Marketing 101. This way, Clark will know exactly what to expect instead of having the brushed-up version of a roommate to make the offer more attractive.
CLARK: confused It’s a Lois volunteering to share my bed. What’s the ER talking about? huh

“You know sharing an apartment.
Ooooh! I found the place where you took the comma from, three parts ago or so.

You. Me. Living together,” she said.
ELLEN: In sin.
GRAMS: Oh, shut it. She’s a grown girl and he’s man-pretty.

He was going to make her spell it out, wasn’t it?
Maybe ‘he’? Also, yes. After all, he’s a Kryptonian. They’re rather dense.

“No,” he replied. “This is about your fear of being alone. You’re worried that Luthor is after you, and you could very well be right, especially after everything that has…”

“This isn’t about me being afraid,” she growled.

She rolled her eyes. “Do you want to move in together?”

“What? Here?” he asked.
No. Not *here*. He really *is* stupid. She’s afraid of her place.

Here would give him the option to think that she meant as roommates. Her in her room. Him in Lucy’s old room.
[Linked Image]

. “No, Chuck. Your place.” It only had the one bedroom.

Lifting his buttery fingers to her lips, she stuck one into her mouth to lick it clean.

A shudder passed through him. It was the good type of shudder, more of a tremble, as if he were losing control, which meant he was only acting dense.
No, he’s very…dense at the moment.

Lois moved closer to him. “And I wouldn’t have to call you to say ‘goodnight’.” She placed a different finger into her mouth.
/scratches head/ Is ‘tripping the patented Clark Kent overload switch’ your invention or was it some other author?

“It’s a little soon to be talking about moving in together, though, don’t you think?
But that way she’d be repeating the previous action 9 more times?

“I think that you’re trying to find a plausible reason to move out of your apartment and you’ve latched onto me as a good excuse,” he replied
So, he’s telling her that she’s acting like a golddigger trying to find a nice pad to stay at? Hmm…considering his place, actually, just a stereotypical ‘60s woman trying to snag a reasonably well-situated husband. Does he really think this is a wise insinuation to make?

She crossed her arms. “Oh, really? Because you’re making me sound needy and desperately chasing after you.”

“Even after I confessed traveling back in time to have a second chance with you? Nope, sorry, Lois. I have already claimed the needy, desperate chaser role in this relationship, and I refuse to hand it over,”
Actually, he’s more the ‘creepy, stalker guy’.
LEX: Hey! What about me?

“I’m worried that you’re moving too fast for you. I don’t want you to rush our relationship… before you’re ready… and later on, have you feel as if you’re stuck or pressured or…”
Wouldn’t it be awkward if she broke up with him in a couple of months because of this?

Her gaze narrowed. “I said share an apartment, not a bed.”
shock But…but…but…she…earlier…she…what?
LOIS: Just because I want him to take me to bed once we move in together doesn’t mean he gets to spell it out first.

His responding gaze let her know that he didn’t believe her.
jawdrop Is that his ‘your robe should be made of lead’ gaze?

Okay, she had meant that, but after what he said, she would never admit to it. Even if on the off-chance he could get her to admit to meaning it, he just lost out that ‘sharing a bed’ meant ‘sharing their bodies’ instead of ‘sharing a sleeping spot’ with that look.
Right. Because she’s going to not be all over him when he sleeps next to her.
CLARK: *Over* the covers.
LOIS: Makes him easier accessible…

Unless, of course, he kissed her while lying in that sleeping spot… or came to bed naked.
See? So, basically, any sort of ‘I’m available sign’ above his head.

Oh, hell. How did I become so easy? Lois thought, frowning.
Friends with Cat? Not having gotten any for several years of knowing Clark?

She was plenty ready to move to the next level of their relationship, especially if it meant leaving this apartment.
Yeah, sounds like she’s trading sex for a place to sleep.

Crap, I’m still going to have to be patient, aren’t I? I’m going have to ease him into this.
laugh Afraid he’s going to fly off to an emergency as soon as she shuts off the light in the bathroom?

“I know you like to jump into things with both feet, but with this… with us…
He’d prefer her not jumping into things with both feet? Kryptonian physiology this, invulnerability that.

Every step? She didn’t want to be fifty before she got him naked.

“Sometimes ripping off the bandage quickly is the best way,” she countered.
She wants to rip his clothes off?

She leaned back so she could look him in the eye. “Do you regularly hover around your apartment?” she asked.
He kinda does. For instance, he sleep floats.

“Oh.” She watched him butter toast and wondered if he recalled that she always played to win. “We’ve slept together before, you know,”
shock What?

she said as he snapped another piece of toast into smithereens.

“And as I recollect, it was quite nice… sleeping together, that is.”
Oh, when she was shot. You evil, evil writer. [Linked Image]

“Do you want to go out for breakfast?”


Lois slid her fork through the last bite of Uncle Mike’s fudge raspberry torte.
Breakfast, huh?
LOIS: confused huh

It had been just what she needed to take the edge off being patient with her dear, sweet, ever-annoying Chuck.
She going to spend her days on a treadmill if she moves in with him, huh?
LOIS: The reason why I lobbied for sharing the space underneath the covers. Also great for taking the edge off, plus, extra bonus calories burner, too!

It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Perry had announced that Clark had garnered a Kerth Award nomination for Investigating Excellence, while none of her stories over the last year had.
Oh, it wasn’t actually breakfast. Also, she a bit jealous that Clark’s a better reporter than she is?

Not a single one.
LOIS: No, I’m not jealous. But I will be starting an investigation into the malpractices of the Kerth board’s members.

or that there was a secret government agency trying to kill Superman and willing to kill innocent Kansans in the process.
Can someone hiding an alien invader be considered ‘innocent’?

No, Clark Kent had been nominated for some boring story having to do with conditions at retirement homes, or some other rot.
Ooooh! It’s from canon! clap Also, why she’s stuffing herself at Mike’s!

Just before Perry’s announcement, her illustrious partner had rushed off on some emergency and told her just to not expect him for lunch because he had to meet a source afterwards.
Maybe he scanned the envelope and realized he’d have to make like a tree and leave?

Was Superman so busy that he was scheduling his rescues in advance?
Maybe it’s a prearranged meeting that combines companionship with a blonde with food and some legal exchanges?

She also didn’t have to worry that she would jump her partner’s bones out here on the sidewalk.
laugh What if he showed up dressed as Superman?
LOIS: [Linked Image]

She placed the last bite into her mouth and sighed, picturing equally delightful but entirely different sins in her mind.
Lois! Not out here n the open.

Clark is standing up at the Kerth Award podium announcing to everyone, as he accepts his award – because of course, he’d win – that he wants to share his award with his partner Lois Lane and that she should join him on the dais.
Oh, those kind of sins. Envy. Not Lust.

Then he hands over his crystal teardrop trophy and insists that she take it, saying he could never have earned it without her love, assistance, and journalistic mentoring.
Oh, look, it’s gluttony that combines envy with lust :p

He pleads with Lois,
Hmmm… ‘her’ instead of ‘Lois’ since it’s present tense imagination?

professing that he will never be able to be happy until he makes love to her so thoroughly that she passes out from exhaustion and pleasure every night for the rest of her life.
BARON TEMPOS: So, just once, then?

When she reluctantly agrees, as she would never show eagerness in her fantasy,
Yes, it’s a fantasy that she’s modest and possessed by a modicum of decorum instead of wanting to jump him right then and there.

“I don’t know. Gerald’s still waiting for them to show up.”

Lois sat up straighter. “What?”
Well…that means he still has hope they will show up eventually. Isn’t that worth something?

She wouldn’t put it beside Clark to have placed a tracer on her.
[Linked Image]

She craned her neck around her uncle and saw that Clark wasn’t alone. He had just exited a cab with…

Lois stood up. “Mayson Drake, how good to see you,” she said through a forced smile and gritted teeth.
Ooooh! I was right about the blonde coming earlier!
LOIS: mad

“Mayson and I met this summer. She was helping the team working to put Luthor away,” Clark replied. “She’s been very helpful.”
Didn’t you say they hadn’t met yet? [Linked Image]

Maybe his denseness wasn’t an act. Couldn’t he see how bad this looked? Especially how much Mayson looked at him?
CLARK: confused But Kryptonian lord are entitled to multiple professional caregivers… huh

you off, because you
Not sure about that bit of lint there… /tries to clean screen/

you didn’t believe me when I told you he was a criminal mastermind?” Lois said.

“I didn’t think it was relevant to bring that up,” Mayson replied.
It is so Clark knows that his new professional caregiver doesn’t believe his other professional caregiver.
JIMBO: Cat fight! hyper
CLARK: confused help

“I thought you hated her because she convicted you on that Eugene Laderman thing.
Uuuu… ‘convicted’? Wouldn’t she have to be a judge for that?

“I saved this country because I helped Eugene and the thanks I got was a felony conviction!” Lois returned.
Well…given how Ms Lane here is a professed carrier of a scarlet ‘A’, maybe Mayson is a tad touchy about Ms. Lane here touching her boyfriend.

Lois set her hands on her hips and waited. That had to have gotten through even Clark’s skull.
CLARK: Lois doesn’t like my other friend. Maybe Lois isn’t such a nice person after all? Plus, Mayson won’t die of some horrible 24-hour bug when we consummate our marriage. Also, blonde, so bonus!

Clark took Mayson’s hand off his arm, patted it, and turned her towards Lois’s uncle. “But the reason… Mayson, this is Mike Lane. Mike, this is Mayson Drake. Mayson works for the District Attorney’s office.”
Awww, he’s trying to play matchmaker. Isn’t he adorable?

“Clark, why are we here?” Mayson asked under her breath, yet they all heard her.
Threesome with Lois?

“It’s not a date, if that’s what you were thinking,” Lois said, stating the obvious to all but clearly Mayson.
Apparently, Lois doesn’t know about it yet, either.

“Of course not, Lois,” Clark said, his eyes widening at her words.
CLARK: help She knows how to get Kryptonite. I really have to tread carefully now if I want to live past tomorrow morning.

“What?” This time Mayson’s question was a bit sharper. “What do you mean ‘this isn’t a date’?”

Lois set a hand on Clark’s arm. “Clark,” she said firmly, interrupting him. “Mayson thought you two were on a date.”
She really has to put it into small words for him, huh?

Clark’s cheeks went redder than rosy this time. “Oh, gosh, Mayson, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to… I never…” He cleared his throat. “I thought everyone knew.” He glanced at his partner. “I’m in love with Lois.”
MAYSON: So? Doesn’t mean she reciprocates. Or has the emotional competence to do so in the first place. Did you know that I have a cabin in the woods with a big bed?

“Our first official date was for your birthday last September,” Clark rebutted and then gasped. “Why, Lois, it’s almost been a year.”

“Thank you for reminding me,” Lois grumbled.
Doesn’t like to be reminded that she’s almost a year older? Or that it’s been a year and they still haven’t moved to the ‘third-date’ stage of their relationship?
LOIS: Yes.

“Mike, Death by Chocolate is my favorite cake, but really, I don’t celebrate it.”
Not ‘uncle Mike’?

“You’re dating Lois Lane?” Mayson repeated, apparently having still not moved on from that point.
To be fair, it *is* a bit unexpected.

“But… but… she’s a convicted felon!” Mayson said. “She was engaged to marry Lex Luthor!”
rotflol That second one really did almost wreck things.
CLARK: Cooties!

Clark glanced at Lois and raised a seductive eyebrow. “Oh, really?”
Sounds like he’s hoping for a threesome.
LOIS: Fine by me.

Lois gave Clark a look that read, 'Hey! She said it, not me.'

“You’re very pretty, Mayson, and if I...” Clark started before choosing very wisely not to continue that train of thought. “Maybe Lois knows a nice man she can introduce you to.”
How about Superman?

“Nope. Sorry, Chuck.” Lois shrugged. “You’re the nicest man in Metropolis and even you’re a horrible liar.”

“That’s not true!” he snapped.
It is. He can’t lie to keep Superman’s identity a secret.

“He’s a vigilante. He struts around town, thinking because he’s got all these powers that laws don’t apply to him.”
GRAVITY: I’d like to file a civilian suit for that, too.

“Clark is Superman’s best friend,” Lois said with a grin.

“I am not!” Clark retorted.

Lois placed a finger to her lips. “That’s right. He’s not.” Then she winked.
He’s probably his worst enemy.
LEX: Hey!

“I know you’re not, Chuck,” she replied, pulling him closer. “Just do me a favor and stop asking women out without me.”
jawdrop She really does want to go and pick up a nice blonde in a bar together with Clark! dizzy

“Never again,” he promised, and this time she believed him.

So, will the blonde make a second appearance with a vengeance?
MINDY: wave
ER: No, you’re scheduled not before part…350?

wave Michael

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Darth Michael: Thank you for continuing to read and comment. smile You brighten my day.

Oops? So, did it explode or did he fold it up with his fingers?
It was crisp toast. His fingers shattered it with too much force.

Also, aren’t Kryptonian females rather pliable? /points at the professional caregivers/
Lois only knows of one Kryptonian at the moment.

Sounds like she failed Marketing 101.
I was going for "jumped in without thinking first".

This way, Clark will know exactly what to expect instead of having the brushed-up version of a roommate to make the offer more attractive.

CLARK: /confused/ It’s a Lois volunteering to share my bed. What’s the ER talking about? /huh/
Do you mean that she could show up like she just went in search of the Super-Godzilla and he's say "okay"? Except for one little, tiny, flaw... His fear of killing her.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 203
“You know sharing an apartment.
Ooooh! I found the place where you took the comma from, three parts ago or so.
Um...Oooookay? After the "know" then? dizzy

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 203
You. Me. Living together,” she said.
ELLEN: In sin.
GRAMS: Oh, shut it. She’s a grown girl and he’s man-pretty.

Maybe ‘he’?
CLARK: /shifts uncomfortably/ Yes, I'm a HE.
Oooops. blush Sorry. Fixed.

Also, yes. After all, he’s a Kryptonian. They’re rather dense.
[Linked Image]

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 203
“This isn’t about me being afraid,” she growled.
Haven't we established that Lois has a vision problem? i.e. that she can't see what's right before her eyes.

No. Not *here*. He really *is* stupid. She’s afraid of her place.
Perhaps he's proving a point. wink

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 203
Here would give him the option to think that she meant as roommates. Her in her room. Him in Lucy’s old room.
ER: /reads between the lines = "Lois wants to jump Clark's bones!"/
There is a reason that this story arc is called "between the lines". smile

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 203
Lifting his buttery fingers to her lips, she stuck one into her mouth to lick it clean.
ER: /Surprised that EW would distract the reader in the middle of this important conversation./
CLARK: [Linked Image] The reader?

No, he’s very…dense at the moment.
[Linked Image] Gfic. [Linked Image]

/scratches head/ Is ‘tripping the patented Clark Kent overload switch’ your invention or was it some other author?
Points to over younder where little Michael dealt some cards.

But that way she’d be repeating the previous action 9 more times?
So, she'd skip his toes?

So, he’s telling her that she’s acting like a golddigger trying to find a nice pad to stay at? Hmm…considering his place, actually, just a stereotypical ‘60s woman trying to snag a reasonably well-situated husband. Does he really think this is a wise insinuation to make?
CLARK: /holding now empty bucket of ice water/ Nope, that worked just as it was supposed to.
LOIS: mad

Actually, he’s more the ‘creepy, stalker guy’.
LEX: Hey! What about me?
CLARK: Yeah, I look good next to that guy!
LOIS: [Linked Image] Is Jimbo still available?

Wouldn’t it be awkward if she broke up with him in a couple of months because of this?
Because he wouldn't move in with her NOW? Or do what he feared?
DAN: Meet me and move on? hyper

ER: /shocked that he forgot that a woman is allowed to change her mind at any time/ But…but…but…she…earlier…she…what?
LOIS: Just because I want him to take me to bed once we move in together doesn’t mean he gets to spell it out first.
She didn't say anything about sleeping together. She was just hungry for butterfingers.

Is that his ‘your robe should be made of lead’ gaze?
No, that was his dense act slipping.

Right. Because she’s going to not be all over him when he sleeps next to her.
CLARK: *Over* the covers.
LOIS: Makes him easier accessible…
LOIS: Hey! No sleeping on the ceiling! Get back down here!

So, basically, any sort of ‘I’m available sign’ above his head.
CLARK: [Linked Image] Ooops. Broken.

Friends with Cat? Not having gotten any for several years of knowing Clark?
Ding! Ding! Ding!
CAT: The latter. We've known each other for years.

Yeah, sounds like she’s trading sex for a place to sleep.
LOIS: shock When you put it that way... My place doesn't seem so bad.

Afraid he’s going to fly off to an emergency as soon as she shuts off the light in the bathroom?
CLARK: Really, someone was calling for help. I promise, Lois!

He’d prefer her not jumping into things with both feet? Kryptonian physiology this, invulnerability that.
Not literally jumping on things with both feet.
CLARK: Can we just not experiment in that department, please?

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 203
“Sometimes ripping off the bandage quickly is the best way,” she countered.
She wants to rip his clothes off?
CLARK: [Linked Image]
LOIS: I didn't *say* that!
CLARK: /gives Michael a 'can you believe her' look./

He kinda does. For instance, he sleep floats.
Only when female guests stay over.
JIMBO: Sooooo, never?

ER: /shock/ What?
I believe she said, “We’ve slept together before, you know,” evil

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 203
“And as I recollect, it was quite nice… sleeping together, that is.”
Oh, when she was shot.
Also when that crazy non-environmental woman was after her.
CLARK: I don't know what she's talking about. I didn't sleep.

You evil, evil writer. /that's not allowed!/
What? /adds some buffer to my EW badge/ Why not?

Breakfast, huh?
You've met Lois, right?

She going to spend her days on a treadmill if she moves in with him, huh?
Why would Clark move the treadmill that Lex gave Lois to HIS apartment?
CLARK: Nope, that sucker is toast.

LOIS: The reason why I lobbied for sharing the space underneath the covers. Also great for taking the edge off, plus, extra bonus calories burner, too!
CLARK: Right. I've never had a need for a treadmill at my... oh. blush

Oh, it wasn’t actually breakfast. Also, she a bit jealous that Clark’s a better reporter than she is?
Not jealous. Envious.
LOIS: He is so NOT the better reporter. The better reporter doesn't have super powers!

LOIS: No, I’m not jealous. But I will be starting an investigation into the malpractices of the Kerth board’s members.
Don't spread that around, Lois, or someone might steal that article idea.

Can someone hiding an alien invader be considered ‘innocent’?
Who are you? Trask? Wayne Irig wasn't innocent?

Ooooh! It’s from canon! /clap/
I made reference to it oh... um... way back... um... in Section I. If anyone recalls.

Also, why she’s stuffing herself at Mike’s!
Why not? Best cake in town.

Maybe he scanned the envelope and realized he’d have to make like a tree and leave?
Good guess. But it was actually an emergency. Sorry.

Maybe it’s a prearranged meeting that combines companionship with a blonde with food and some legal exchanges?
Hey! That's my story! I mean. I don't have any idea to what you could be referring.

What if he showed up dressed as Superman?
LOIS: /damned if I do. Damned if I don't./
Well, they are trying not to associate Lois with Superman much, because otherwise he'll be accused of stealing Clark's girl.

Lois! Not out here n the open.
She's picturing them in her MIND. Not out in the open.

Oh, those kind of sins. Envy. Not Lust.
Give her a minute.

Oh, look, it’s gluttony that combines envy with lust
Okay, another minute.

FDK response to be continued...

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Continuation of response to Darth Michael's FDK

Hmmm… ‘her’ instead of ‘Lois’ since it’s present tense imagination?
That makes sense. Thanks.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 203
professing that he will never be able to be happy until he makes love to her so thoroughly that she passes out from exhaustion and pleasure every night for the rest of her life.
BARON TEMPOS: So, just once, then?
LOIS: No, the rest of my life. What is he talking about Clark?
CLARK: [Linked Image][Linked Image]

Yes, it’s a fantasy that she’s modest and possessed by a modicum of decorum instead of wanting to jump him right then and there.
Her fantasy. Not her dreams.
LOIS: Or my reality. Oh. Did I say that aloud?

Well…that means he still has hope they will show up eventually. Isn’t that worth something?
Optimistic florist?

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 203
She wouldn’t put it beside Clark to have placed a tracer on her.
ER: /suggests the magical kind/
CLARK: I don't do so well with magic.

Ooooh! I was right about the blonde coming earlier!
LOIS: /mad/
Sooner she comes, the sooner she...
LOIS: Blows up?
Things are changing because this universe is starting to move further from canon. Is that okay?
ALT-CLARK: But canon Clark and canon Lois got married. shock

Didn’t you say they hadn’t met yet? /ER doesn't like subterfuge/
That you knew of. evil

CLARK: /confused/ But Kryptonian lord are entitled to multiple professional caregivers… /huh/
Well, since he can't have sex with the woman he loves, he might as well curb the urges he has with... No, I wouldn't write that story. Lois would kill him.
MAYSON: She wouldn't be the only one.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 203
you off, because you
Not sure about that bit of lint there… /tries to clean screen/
Not sure. I was taught that a comma always goes before "because". If not, it's just tooooooooo confusing.

It is so Clark knows that his new professional caregiver doesn’t believe his other professional caregiver.
He already known (thought he knew) that they don't get along.

JIMBO: Cat fight! /hyper/
CLARK: /confused/ /help/
I don't know what you mean. Cat is in Houston.

Uuuu… ‘convicted’? Wouldn’t she have to be a judge for that?
But it's much easier to spell than "prosecuted". Fine! I'll be correct. Geeze. wink

Well…given how Ms Lane here is a professed carrier of a scarlet ‘A’, maybe Mayson is a tad touchy about Ms. Lane here touching her boyfriend.
Makes sense. thumbsup
LOIS: Hey!

CLARK: Lois doesn’t like my other friend. Maybe Lois isn’t such a nice person after all? Plus, Mayson won’t die of some horrible 24-hour bug when we consummate our marriage. Also, blonde, so bonus!
On the negative side, Lois knows his secret and where the Kryptonite is kept.

Awww, he’s trying to play matchmaker. Isn’t he adorable?
Uh... yeah. Sure. That's what he's doing.

Threesome with Lois?
Lois only does threesomes with Superman.
MAYSON: Then I'm out!

Apparently, Lois doesn’t know about it yet, either.
The date? No, she know Clark didn't make a date with Mayson. He's not THAT stupid.

CLARK: /help/ She knows how to get Kryptonite. I really have to tread carefully now if I want to live past tomorrow morning.
Yes, Clark. There's only a 50% chance she'll be the one to die from the curse.

She really has to put it into small words for him, huh?
I know Clark seems denser than usual here, but his POV will prove he's just an innocent guy.
CLARK: /points upward/ See my halo?

MAYSON: So? Doesn’t mean she reciprocates. Or has the emotional competence to do so in the first place. Did you know that I have a cabin in the woods with a big bed?
CLARK: Can I keep your number, in case she dumps me down the road?

Doesn’t like to be reminded that she’s almost a year older? Or that it’s been a year and they still haven’t moved to the ‘third-date’ stage of their relationship?
LOIS: Yes.
She's not a big fan of her birthday.

Not ‘uncle Mike’?
I guess that makes sense.

To be fair, it *is* a bit unexpected.
Especially for Clark.

That second one really did almost wreck things.
CLARK: Cooties!
LEX: Na-uh. My mom had me tested.

Sounds like he’s hoping for a threesome.
LOIS: Fine by me.
See, only with Superman.
CLARK: About that...

How about Superman?
Mayson doesn't like men who strut.

It is. He can’t lie to keep Superman’s identity a secret.
He does a worse job of it than canon Clark.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 203
“He’s a vigilante. He struts around town, thinking because he’s got all these powers that laws don’t apply to him.”
GRAVITY: I’d like to file a civilian suit for that, too.
clap Brilliant!

He’s probably his worst enemy.
LEX: Hey!

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 203
“I know you’re not, Chuck,” she replied, pulling him closer. “Just do me a favor and stop asking women out without me.”
She really does want to go and pick up a nice blonde in a bar together with Clark!
Perhaps that should read "without informing me first"?

So, will the blonde make a second appearance with a vengeance?
MINDY: /wave/
ER: No, you’re scheduled not before part…350?
thud Don't you want to see what I have planned for Book 3?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Thank you for continuing to read and comment. smile You brighten my day.
You’re welcome!

Continuation of response to Darth Michael's FDK
Oh dear. Sorry that it went a tad long blush

Lois only knows of one Kryptonian at the moment.
Maybe he should tell her about that time-honored tradition? That way, he wouldn’t have to worry about her sharing his bed…

Do you mean that she could show up like she just went in search of the Super-Godzilla and he's say "okay"?
Yes. He *might* suggest a sharing a shower first, though.

Um...Oooookay? After the "know" then? /stupid comma rules/
Yeah. It’s an introductory clause or whatever you call those, not one big happy sentence with two verbs huh

CLARK: /shifts uncomfortably/ Yes, I'm a HE.
EW: Oooops. /confused about Clark’s gender situation/ Sorry. Fixed.
laugh No wonder he got issues!

Haven't we established that Lois has a vision problem? i.e. that she can't see what's right before her eyes.
True. Maybe if she got glasses for her farsightedness?

Perhaps he's proving a point.
You think he’s smart enough?
LOIS: mad Or brave enough?

ER: /reads between the lines = "Lois wants to jump Clark's bones!"/
EW: There is a reason that this story arc is called "between the lines".

ER: /scratches head/ Is ‘tripping the patented Clark Kent overload switch’ your invention or was it some other author?
EW: Points to over younder where little Michael dealt some cards.
Oops, yeah, I might have *done* that. But the phrase isn’t in there. I think. No, that was someone else. Sue. Kathy. Wendy. Labby. huh

But that way she’d be repeating the previous action 9 more times?
So, she'd skip his toes?
huh I’d guess.

CLARK: /holding now empty bucket of ice water/ Nope, that worked just as it was supposed to.
LOIS: /has boiled off all the ice water/
Does he really think it’s wise to poke the bear in its new cave?

LOIS: /can’t believe she’s going to make a man out of Jimbo/ Is Jimbo still available?
JIMBO: hyper

Because he wouldn't move in with her NOW? Or do what he feared?
Yes. The sharing a bed and stuff…

She didn't say anything about sleeping together. She was just hungry for butterfingers.
[Linked Image] She really should consider that he might try to find some blonde and just keep things professional between them if she keeps that up…

LOIS: Hey! No sleeping on the ceiling! Get back down here!
laugh Maybe she could pull him down?

LOIS: /has just realized something/ When you put it that way... My place doesn't seem so bad.
CLARK: Thanks. Thanks a lot.
ER: You’re welcome!

CLARK: Really, someone was calling for help. I promise, Lois!
He put a tape machine in an abandoned warehouse with him screaming for help on it?

Not literally jumping on things with both feet.
CLARK: Can we just not experiment in that department, please?
laugh He’s adorable, isn’t he?

LOIS: I didn't *say* that!
CLARK: /gives Michael a 'can you believe her' look./
[Linked Image]

EW: I believe she said, “We’ve slept together before, you know,” /is deliberately obtuse. Like Clark/
LOIS: Hey!
ER: Hey!

ER: You evil, evil writer. /that's not allowed!/
EW: What? /adds some buffer to my EW badge/ Why not?

Why would Clark move the treadmill that Lex gave Lois to HIS apartment?
CLARK: Nope, that sucker is toast.
New one?

ER: Can someone hiding an alien invader be considered ‘innocent’?
EW: Who are you? Trask? Wayne Irig wasn't innocent?
[Linked Image] Also, I was talking about the Kents.

I made reference to it oh... um... way back... um... in Section I. If anyone recalls.

Well, they are trying not to associate Lois with Superman much, because otherwise he'll be accused of stealing Clark's girl.
MAYSON: See? Also, Clarkie, now that you know that your girlfriend’s a hussie, how about you trade up?

LOIS: No, the rest of my life. What is he talking about Clark?
CLARK: /does not believe in actually explaining that tidbit to her/

ER: /suggests the magical kind/
CLARK: I don't do so well with magic.
clap Also, that’s a heart. I was thinking given how he has super hearing…

Sooner she comes, the sooner she...
LOIS: Blows up?

Things are changing because this universe is starting to move further from canon. Is that okay?
ALT-CLARK: But canon Clark and canon Lois got married. /does not like things to change/

Didn’t you say they hadn’t met yet? /ER doesn't like subterfuge/
EW: That you knew of. /is not the most reliable of narrators/

Not sure. I was taught that a comma always goes before "because". If not, it's just tooooooooo confusing.
[Linked Image] Yeah, actually I thought so, too. Until I googled for the exception case right now. Anyhow, this time the because clarifies that that was the reason why they wanted her off.

I don't know what you mean. Cat is in Houston.

On the negative side, Lois knows his secret and where the Kryptonite is kept.
So, trump card?

Lois only does threesomes with Superman.
MAYSON: Then I'm out!

The date? No, she know Clark didn't make a date with Mayson. He's not THAT stupid.
He’s not?

CLARK: /points upward/ See my halo?
[Linked Image] ? But to be fair, he’s not smart enough to try and make Lois jealous on purpose.
CLARK: confused Why would I try to trick her into wanting me? I already have trouble keeping her virtue intact until after our honeymoon.

See, only with Superman.
CLARK: About that...
Wouldn’t it be fun if one of the alternate Clarks where to show up?

GRAVITY: I’d like to file a civilian suit for that, too.
EW: /approves/ Brilliant!
Thank you blush

She really does want to go and pick up a nice blonde in a bar together with Clark!
Perhaps that should read "without informing me first"?

ER: No, you’re scheduled not before part…350?
EW: /scared by that prospect/ Don't you want to see what I have planned for Book 3?
Oh, I do. And the sequel to the one where Lois and Clark met at splash mountain. And the one for Missing Lois. And… and… and… hyper Oh, I guess I see your point blush

wave Michael

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I feel like it's been a really long time and I don't remember where I left off. frown

*Scared to start at the beginning again*

Glad to see it still going!

Last edited by MrsLuthor; 05/03/15 10:59 PM.

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MrsLuthor: hyper I'm so glad to hear from you on the boards again! I hope this means you're a proud owner of a bright shiny diploma. smile

Um... yeah. [Linked Image]

I feel like it's been a really long time and I don't remember where I left off. frown
Uh... if memory serves me right, it was a couple of years ago, putting you... uh... somewhere before Part 100. thud You know, where it gets really Luthor heavy... (Oh, wait, you wouldn't know. /scratch that/ )... let's just call it "deep".

*Scared to start at the beginning again*
lol Just what every writer wants to hear in the comment section of their overly-long story they hope everyone is sitting on the edge of their seats reading. Oh, wait. Just me again. Sorry.

Glad to see it still going!
Like a bedraggled Energizer Bunny!

Hope you'll be able to drop by more often! I miss your spicy comments! wave

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/04/15 01:39 AM. Reason: clarification

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally Posted by VirginiaR
MrsLuthor: hyper I'm so glad to hear from you on the boards again! I hope this means you're a proud owner of a bright shiny diploma. smile

You bet! wink Just waiting on University decisions for September now (it's endless -- like your epic story :P)

Uh... if memory serves me right, it was a couple of years ago, putting you... uh... somewhere before Part 100. thud You know, where it gets really Luthor heavy... (Oh, wait, you wouldn't know. /scratch that/ )... let's just call it "deep".

Gahhhh you torture me so.

lol Just what every writer wants to hear in the comment section of their overly-long story they hope everyone is sitting on the edge of their seats reading. Oh, wait. Just me again. Sorry.

For all of the right reasons, I assure you!

Like a bedraggled Energizer Bunny!

Hope you'll be able to drop by more often! I miss your spicy comments! wave

Most likely! No job for the holiday! Let me do a recap and then I'll get back to ya!

.talk nerdy to me.
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Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by EW
Continuation of response to Darth Michael's FDK
Oh dear. Sorry that it went a tad long
No such thing!

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
Lois only knows of one Kryptonian at the moment.
Maybe he should tell her about that time-honored tradition? That way, he wouldn’t have to worry about her sharing his bed…
Well, he would, but he doesn't know about them either.
CANON LOIS & CLARK: Oooops. Our bad.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
Do you mean that she could show up like she just went in search of the Super-Godzilla and he's say "okay"?
Yes. He *might* suggest a sharing a shower first, though.
I just had a crazy idea. What if Clark misinterprets the curse into thinking that if he "sleeps" (literally sleeps) with Lois then she'll die, but sex and other fun stuff isn't sleeping so it's okay. Sounds like a good story for you or Groobie to tackle on the other boards.

LOIS: Come on, Clark! Why won't you stay the night?
CLARK: I just can't. Okay. Just deal, Lois. It doesn't mean I don't love you.
LOIS: It means that you're still looking for someone else. It means you have a fear of commitment.
CLARK: No, Lois, it doesn't! I love you and only you!
LOIS: Right. You love me, but you can't fall asleep with me.
CLARK: Exactly! /kisses her cheek/ Thanks for understanding!

[Linked Image], well, it's an idea. Don't know if it's a good one, yet.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
Haven't we established that Lois has a vision problem? i.e. that she can't see what's right before her eyes.
True. Maybe if she got glasses for her farsightedness?
I gave her glasses in Missing Lois. peep Well, not her, her. Her secret identity her.

ER: /scratches head/ Is ‘tripping the patented Clark Kent overload switch’ your invention or was it some other author?
EW: Points to over younder where little Michael dealt some cards.
ER: Oops, yeah, I might have *done* that. But the phrase isn’t in there. I think. No, that was someone else. Sue. Kathy. Wendy. Labby.
Maybe so. I think it's been used a fair bit, or at least the concept.
LOIS: Who needs Kryptonite, when there's me?!
CAT: This is soooo unfair!

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
CLARK: /holding now empty bucket of ice water/ Nope, that worked just as it was supposed to.
LOIS: /has boiled off all the ice water/
Does he really think it’s wise to poke the bear in its new cave?
Um... no?

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
She didn't say anything about sleeping together. She was just hungry for butterfingers.
/nuh-uh/ She really should consider that he might try to find some blonde and just keep things professional between them if she keeps that up…
LOIS: He won't stray. I know where the Kryptonite is buried.
CLARK: Maaaaaaaaaaaa!
MARTHA: What? She asked.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
CLARK: Really, someone was calling for help. I promise, Lois!
He put a tape machine in an abandoned warehouse with him screaming for help on it?
lol I could picture that!

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
Why would Clark move the treadmill that Lex gave Lois to HIS apartment?
CLARK: Nope, that sucker is toast.
New one?
Why would Clark need a treadmill?

ER: Can someone hiding an alien invader be considered ‘innocent’?
EW: Who are you? Trask? Wayne Irig wasn't innocent?
ER: /whistles innocently/ Also, I was talking about the Kents.
Oh. They were just naive, not innocent. He was the first alien baby they came across.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
Well, they are trying not to associate Lois with Superman much, because otherwise he'll be accused of stealing Clark's girl.
MAYSON: See? Also, Clarkie, now that you know that your girlfriend’s a hussie, how about you trade up?
CLARK: I hear Ultra Woman's available.
MAYSON: wallbash

EW: Not sure. I was taught that a comma always goes before "because". If not, it's just tooooooooo confusing.
ER: [Linked Image] Yeah, actually I thought so, too. Until I googled for the exception case right now. Anyhow, this time the because clarifies that that was the reason why they wanted her off.
[Linked Image] I hate loopholes. It makes grammatical law too confusing for us beat writers.

EW: On the negative side, Lois knows his secret and where the Kryptonite is kept.
ER: So, trump card?
LOIS: How did you know it was on his pinky ring?
EW: peep /will try not to compare real to fictional economic dictators, here/

EW: The date? No, she know Clark didn't make a date with Mayson. He's not THAT stupid.
ER: He’s not?
CLARK: Why does everyone think I stupid?
LOIS: Right. Clark's a lunkhead. Not a stupid lunkhead.
CLARK: Thanks...[Linked Image] I think.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
CLARK: /points upward/ See my halo?
But to be fair, he’s not smart enough to try and make Lois jealous on purpose.
CLARK: /confused/ Why would I try to trick her into wanting me? I already have trouble keeping her virtue intact until after our honeymoon.
If she doesn't want him, will there ever be a honeymoon?
CLARK: Good point.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
See, only with Superman.
CLARK: About that...
Wouldn’t it be fun if one of the alternate Clarks where to show up?
clap It would, wouldn't it? [Linked Image]

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
ER: No, you’re scheduled not before part…350?
EW: /scared by that prospect/ Don't you want to see what I have planned for Book 3?
Oh, I do. And the sequel to the one where Lois and Clark met at splash mountain. And the one for Missing Lois. And… and… and… hyper Oh, I guess I see your point blush
Thank you. I'm trying to move the plot forward as fast as possible without bringing in the Flash.

BTW: Flash and Gotham just were added to Netflix Instant list, so I'm easily distracted nowadays. [Linked Image] My apologies. I'm still writing WC (just sent a new part to Beta) and I'm also working on a new short(er) story. I tried to keep it under 3 parts, and FAILED. /hangs head in shame/

Thanks for not giving up on me!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally Posted by MrsLuthor
You bet! wink Just waiting on University decisions for September now (it's endless -- like your epic story :P)
There's a ending to my story. It's just a fair bit...uh... in the future?

Gahhhh you torture me so.
Hey, you were the one who thought her education was more important that my silly little Luthor plot! wink

Originally Posted by Mrs. Luthor
Originally Posted by EW
Hope you'll be able to drop by more often! I miss your spicy comments!
Most likely! No job for the holiday! Let me do a recap and then I'll get back to ya!
[Linked Image] Oh, dear. I guess I should answer my FDK more quickly. blush

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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ER: Oh dear. Sorry that it went a tad long
EW: No such thing!
Funny how that works for stories *and* FDK laugh

Well, he would, but he doesn't know about them either.
CANON LOIS & CLARK: Oooops. Our bad.
laugh Told him about their Lord & Concubine games when he visited the last time?

LOIS: Right. You love me, but you can't fall asleep with me.
CLARK: Exactly! /kisses her cheek/ Thanks for understanding!

I gave her glasses in Missing Lois. peep Well, not her, her. Her secret identity her.
[Linked Image]

LOIS: Who needs Kryptonite, when there's me?!
CAT: This is soooo unfair!
That Lois is a *real* woman? peep

LOIS: He won't stray. I know where the Kryptonite is buried.
CLARK: Maaaaaaaaaaaa!
MARTHA: What? She asked.

Why would Clark need a treadmill?
For Lois. To burn off the chocolate she is eating to compensate for lack of nookie. Incidentally, also to compensate for the lack of nookie.

MAYSON: See? Also, Clarkie, now that you know that your girlfriend’s a hussie, how about you trade up?
CLARK: I hear Ultra Woman's available.
MAYSON: /didn’t expect him to trade up to royalty/

I hate loopholes. It makes grammatical law too confusing for us beat writers.
laugh Which would make the editors the writers’ lawyers?

LOIS: Right. Clark's a lunkhead. Not a stupid lunkhead.
CLARK: Thanks... /isn’t sure if he’s smart enough to recognize a backhanded insult/ I think.

ER: Wouldn’t it be fun if one of the alternate Clarks where to show up?
ER: /likes the idea/ It would, wouldn't it? /thinks this has potential/

BTW: Flash and Gotham just were added to Netflix Instant list, so I'm easily distracted nowadays.
laugh Have fun!

I'm also working on a new short(er) story. I tried to keep it under 3 parts, and FAILED. /hangs head in shame/
[Linked Image]

Thanks for not giving up on me!
Never! Although I did notice just how much more time I have had to work overtime over the past couple of weeks. confused

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

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