Egos Bruise Easily
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He needed to tell Lois the truth… or as close to the truth as he dared to get.
Oh my. He’s going to tell her that she’s just a poor imitation of the glorious reporter he fell in love with. And her defective clone.
CLARK: You weren’t hot for me on our wedding night while the real Lois would have been…
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LOIS: And you think that’s a *bad* idea?

ANOTHER LOIS: Want some Kryptonite, sister?
Enough to make her understand the risks of going forward with a relationship with him, but not enough that she would leave him forever. She deserved that much.
So: ‘I can’t do a homerun with you but we can still play with third base and make you win’?
She deserved much better than him, his provisional truths, and his apparent naiveté when it came to women,
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but Clark was afraid that if he handled this wrongly – phrased the truth badly – he would lose her completely.
For instance: I have a wife. Had a fiancée. Hooked up with my highschool buddy. And well in love with at least one other Lois.
but he wanted to delay the inevitable for as long as possible
Couldn’t he lock her up on an isolated island fortress?
well, Clark feared she would end up with someone who would hurt her more than he could and he would be unable to intercede.
Couldn’t he hover close and intercede when the creep tries something?
Although, he still didn’t understand how Mayson had thought he had asked her out on a date.
CLARK: Mayson, would you go out to lunch with me tomorrow?
In his old dimension, Clark hadn’t been an active dater, having been in a relationship with Lana for so long
Yeah, I guess picking out basically random women who send him panties via e-mail for a complimentary dinner and some calories burning afterwards wouldn’t be called dating.
He didn’t know all the ins and outs and, shamefully, all the lingo and code words one used in dating
Like ‘want to come in for coffee’ means ‘let’s get naked’ or ‘I want to move in with you’ means ‘let’s get naked. Often.’.
CLARK: That’s confusing. Why would I want to be naked with a roommate or while sharing a coffee? Besides, I prefer fruit tea.

Actually, Lois had gone out of her way to clarify that every meal be counted as a working lunch or dinner, and not a date.
That was just for tax purposes or to be able to charge it to the expense account.
CLARK: I was?

Linda King had hinted that she wanted to be more than just colleagues too, but he had always chalked that up to her rivalry with Lois.
No, that’s because she’s easy.
Since Lois hadn’t jumped to the wrong conclusion that he had invited Mayson out on a date, Clark took it to mean that Lois had trusted enough in his love to know that he didn’t want to date anyone else.
Or it’s that she knows he’s terrible at keeping a secret and how much Mayson detests men who defy every law known to women of science.
Just having those thoughts while she sat next to him, while they were out in public, was somewhat embarrassing.
I hear that’s why the highschool boys carry their books in front of them.
Sure, sometimes, Lois died in his arms at the end of their lovemaking

He really thinks he can last a day?
Sometimes, Lois rejected him completely or said something along the lines of how she wished he were more like Luthor in some way.
Like possessing a forked tongue?
When they kissed, Clark allowed himself to hold Lois, but didn’t allow his hands to wander.
Must be doing wonders for her selfesteem…
LOIS: Maybe I should not have had Clark remove the treadmill. Let’s see, the closest Fudgecastle is at…
Thankfully, she hadn’t put any pressure on him until she had invited him to share her bed by rubbing her bedspread the other night
Oh, look! He had noticed.
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The lack of her pleasure still didn’t make sense to him. She should be hovering out of her seat with excitement.
Right. He really is a naïve idiot.
“Which of our stories was nominated?”
Oh. That’s why.

Lois had her hands folded together in her lap and she was staring at her fingers as she rubbed her thumb. Her knuckles were turning white.
Don’t cha worry, dear. He’ll take you with him to the awards ceremony if you promise to kiss him afterwards.
Lois leapt onto his praise with enthusiasm. “Aren’t I? What’s the matter with the Kerth Committee this year? All my stories, even the ones we worked on together, are better than some lame, boring…”
It’s because they think she’s a bad person for trying to marry Lex. Plus, her investigation is to blame for the sudden lack in personal funding of the Kerth Committee members.
I had been eyeing a new gown for when I was nominated, but now it doesn’t matter what I wear.
Maybe something low cut, so he will get an idea about what’s on her mind for when they get back home?
“I’d much rather share the evening with you, but since you clearly don’t want to go, maybe Mayson would be inter…”
Brave. Foolish but very brave.
and worship the ground that you walk upon.”
He should have Superman ask out Lois?
“I’m sure she’ll forgive you. I always do for some reason,” Lois retorted. “And after the Kerth Committee snubbed me, I’m considering a boycott.”
Maybe someone should tell her that there’s only one submission per publication and category? So, that means Perry selected Clark’s story as the strongest prospect.


“Then why did he act as if his folks had just died when I asked him about it?” he probed.
Maybe he just found out that the two people who got medically experimented on in the retirement home where Jor-El and Lara?
“Even though it wasn’t you who was singled out, Lois, it’s still an honor for the Daily Planet. We’re a team. When one of us is nominated, we all are.”
So, Lois won Ralph three Kerth Awards and a fourth one for Claude?
“No idea,” she scoffed. “Even he said that I’m twice the writer that he is and should have been nominated. Although, in all fairness, that isn’t quite accurate, being that it’s more like five times better than him, but that’s beside the point,” Lois went on.
She’s quite gracious, isn’t she?
LOIS: Why? He got x-ray vision. Super-hearing. Super-speed. And he’s years from the future. And with all those things, I still manage to beat him out on stories, so that makes me /counts with fingers/ yeah, five times better than him.
Additionally, if she didn’t like to boast, then why had she mentioned how many Kerth Awards were gathering dust on her bookshelf?
Three sounds much less boastful than ‘multiple’ or ‘several’?
“Yep, you’re minha, and I’m not sharing,” he said, squeezing her waist. “I saw you first. I’ve got dibs.”
Quite cavemen of him.
Father Carlos: Plus, I’m legally obligated to abstain.
He could feel Lois’s cheeks rise as she smiled. “I’ve got an idea, but you aren’t going to like it.”
Wear something even lower cut than the dress?
Clark looked down at his getup. Nobody in Stoke’s club was going to take him seriously. They were going to fall to the floor and laugh while holding their stomachs. He could not pull off this look.

Clark’s going to go in as cougar bait?
“I’m not wearing this,” he called to Lois, who was changing in her bedroom. “It’s too tight.”
Says the man wearing tights.
“Have you heard something, I haven’t?” he teased.
Umm…some extra print in there.
“Hmmm?” she repeated, her fingers moved down the front of his shirt to his leather pants. Her focus never strayed from her hand as it worked its way down from his hip.

Clark said as his mind went to a horrible spot where an imaginary tabloid headline blared ‘Superman Has Fun in Leather.’

“Tough men with spiky hair who wear leather and sunglasses don’t get bothered,” she explained.
Wanna bet?

Her lips were too red and her hair too big for there not to be a provocative outfit hidden underneath her coat.
Maybe a habit?
Lois slapped his hand away. “No touching the merchan…” She hesitated. “— dise… no.” She appeared to be contemplating something, before saying adamantly, “No.”

Did Lex just sour the idea of naughty roleplay for her?
“Buck up, Chuck. It’s only make believe,” she said, striding out into the hall.
That she looks like that?

So, I apologize if there were more typos and grammatical mistakes than usual.
I am also opening up a third Beta position.
Actually, if work weren't so unpredictable, I might actually... But this way, I get to still enjoy the story and make happy notes along the way
