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#263410 05/20/15 01:19 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Thank you for reading. Feel free to toss chocolate at my muse or throw tomatoes at my characters here.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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You have both my Evil!Writer (for a different story but you know which one) and my Margot!Lois poking up their heads as I'm reading this chapter. They'll come out to express their opinions once I have enough time to write them up.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Christina: wave How great it is to hear from you!

You have both my Evil!Writer (for a different story but you know which one) and my Margot!Lois poking up their heads as I'm reading this chapter. They'll come out to express their opinions once I have enough time to write them up.
peep I have a strange feeling I know what each of them will say, too. lol I'm nervous with anticipation, because they'll probably be spot on.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Oh dear, just 2 more parts till the summer hiatus peep
Lois stopped. What? Clark did what? She pointed at him.
And is a vow made to another person even binding?

“Isn’t that making decisions about our relationship without consulting me?” she asked.
laugh To be fair, he made that one when he broke up with his fiancée and decided to become a born-again virgin.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

“No. It’s making decisions about my life, and what’s right for me,”
Yes, but in this case, it also affects other people’s lives.

“And what’s right for Superman.”
Oh, he did it so there wouldn’t be any little Superboys and Supergirls flitting around.
LOIS: dizzy

“No, no, no, no!” Lois demanded, waving her finger. “He doesn’t exist. He has no part in this conversation. This is between you and me, bub. What’s right for me and you!”
Aww…did she just realize that Superman is what’s standing between her and sexual satisfaction?

“If we have…” He lowered his voice again. “Pre-marital relations… and then, if somehow my cover is blown,
So, if Lois blows his cover? [Linked Image]

it will be discovered that so did Superman. He’s a role model for millions of people. He needs to live to a higher standard.”
Millions of people happily consenting to enormous amounts of premarital sex: That ship has sailed.

Lois’s lips pinched into a knot. “And I’m not a high enough standard for Superman?”
CLAKR: Well…I guess…I mean, I can barely afford the 1000 bucks a night, so…I guess…but… huh

“So,” she said, holding up her hand to keep him from interrupting. “What you’re saying is that you’ve made this decision about your life, because of Superman, in the off-chance that your cover is ever blown?” Skepticism dripped from her tone.
Isn’t it funny that the actual scandal will be when his cover is blown *while* Superman has marital relations with Lois Lane?

I don’t want it to. It ruined my old life. It’s why I left there and came here to start anew.”
That’s a lie. He left because his future didn’t contain a Lois.
CLARK: No, not exactly. I left because my cover was blown and there was an available Lois over here. That’s not the same thing as leaving because there is no Lois back home.
LOIS: dizzy mad

“Oh,” she whispered. That made sense. “Your secret was revealed and then we were separated?”

He’s pretty good at this lying while not telling a falsehood.

She stopped a few yards down the path and took both his hands in hers. “Did we…” She glanced away, not knowing why this was so embarrassing.
No, otherwise he wouldn’t have vowed to stay abstinent.
LOIS: razz He should have vowed not to stay obstinate instead.

“So, you’re saying that in the future, we never…”
Hooked up? Made like Cat and Phil in the copyroom? Danced the horizontal tango? Cleaned the ceiling? Made Wink Wink Honk Honk?

“Gosh, Lois, no!” he gasped. “We’d only been together a few days.”
CAT: confused

Actually, what he was saying now was almost completely contradictory to what he had told her before.
She does realize that most liars get caught because they’re not able to tell their lie consistently?

So, maybe she had known Clark Kent, or however he called himself in this now-lost future, but it was only after he confessed that he had these abilities with her that she suggested the whole disguise for going out and helping people. Yes, that did make sense.
How about, the Lois he is talking about arrived from a parallel universe, thought he was her own Clark, tried to boink him, and when that didn’t work, convinced him to dump his fiancée and don some fancy skisuit and a blanket and go out to assassinate the mayoral candidate during a rally?
LOIS: rotflollollaughconfusedrazzmad

She needed to distract him from these negative thoughts, though. “How familiar are you with bases, Clark?”
CLARK: There’s Area 51. The EPRAD launch pad. That B39 warehouse. The army base up north…

“It’s a great game. Too bad the Monarchs won’t make it into the Series this year.”
Aww…he just told her that they won’t be Wink Wink Honk Honk this year.

She looked into the grey sky and hoped he wasn’t going to make her spell it out. “Not baseball, Chuck. Just the bases.”

He looked completely lost.
CLARK: Crises averted.

“Can you define ‘abstinent’?”
Like ‘you’re being abstinent if you manage to sneak nookie without her parents knowing’?

Tripping over a dust particle, he hissed, “Lois!”

“How will you ever get better enough to be ready, if you… we don’t work on it?” she inquired.
[Linked Image] They could play cards?

“I’m sure it’s like riding a bicycle…”
shock Did he just admit that he…?

“It’s nothing like riding a bicycle,” she interrupted.
[Linked Image] Corrina’s Aussie Rules! He just called her the town bike!

“And unlike a car, you don’t get to test drive it first,” she mumbled,

and then recalled that she already had.
So she did *not* lie, apparently. jawdrop thud

“Clark, how will anyone know that he… that you, Clark Kent, are being intimate with your girlfriend?
She does realize the amount of electronic vermin her apartment over the last couple of months, right?

I wasn’t planning on bragging… or talking about it with anyone.” Okay, maybe Lucy.
LUCY: No *way*! You’re doing *Superman*?

“And why would they believe you?” Lois asked.

“Because Superman doesn’t lie.”

She rested her cheek on her palm and looked at him. Except for the lie of omission, she thought.
Like ‘Lois and I were not consummating our marriage’? Or ‘I was not trying to make a Kryptonian/human hybrid with my girlfriend in an attempt to establish a dynasty and rule the entire world’?

“Couldn’t you just say instead, that you refuse to discuss your relationship as it’s private?” she asked.
PRESS: Superman confirmed today that he is having premarital relations with his favorite rescue target.

He frowned. “Try as we might, Lois, you know as well as I do that the media doesn’t allow celebrities a fully private life.”
Couldn’t he burn those reporters and publishers to a crisp who dare to invade his privacy? I’m sure they’d stop after the first dozen or so attempts?

“But it’s not as if they would know what we do in the privacy of our homes. Only Superman has x-ray vision.”
What about telescope lenses?

How much time we spent together in the privacy of each other’s homes would be timed and debated,
He could stay for no more than 5 minutes a pop?
RALPH: [Linked Image]

I wouldn’t even put it past some tabloid reporters from breaking in to see what they could discover.”
Maybe if they broke into both their homes *and* her doctor’s office and they find no hints or records of them owning any form of birth control?
TRASK: wave

He had replaced the glass-paneled front doors shortly after he had moved in with heavy solid wood doors and installed a top-of-the-line dead bolt lock.
Over here, you can buy doors that have a steel plate inside, use more than a dozen deadbolts, a magnetic key, steel door frame. Basically, you need heavy machinery and an hour to break in.

“Okay, let’s talk about our future. How slow is ‘slow’? How far is ‘too far’?”

Clark groaned. “I would fall in love with a woman with unquenchable curiosity.”
Actually, unquenchable hornieness.

“But I could do with a little less pressure.”
They’ve no gotten pills for that?

“Right. Sorry. It’s dropped. I can do that. Easy going. That’s me. Live one day at a time. Light as a feather. No pressure whatsoever.” They walked on in silence for a whole six point two seconds. “Why exactly did you make this oath again?”
clap Adorable!

“I promised God that I’d behave until marriage if the life of a friend of mine could be spared,” he replied.
To be fair, he made that one in bad faith.

into fast lane,

It’s not as if I had been stuck on a space station for eight weeks with nothing better to do than twiddle my thumbs and use my imagination daydreaming of what we could be doing if I were on Earth…
[Linked Image]

“Promised God.” Oh, great. How am I supposed to compete with that without looking like the devil incarnate?
[Linked Image]

“I don’t know if I…”

She felt his hands cover hers. “Sure you can. Lois Lane can do anything she sets her heart to.”
She should take the edge off with [Linked Image]

Lois stepped back into his embrace and shrugged against his chest. “I had been thinking about giving you that other gift I had bought for your birthday,” she said.
A little black number?

and refused to let him coerce her into marriage before she was ready.
laugh Somehow, this is *so* wrong. clap

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She would come out on top, or die trying.
Funny, how that could both be true.
CLARK: help

Clark couldn’t fathom how he could’ve been. Wells had gone into the future, seen that Lois had died from the curse, and come back to warn Clark.
WELLS: confused
MXY: [Linked Image]

No. Lois would never have forgiven Clark had he taken advantage of her in that way.
Funny, him bringing this up now, considering what they talked about earlier.
LOIS: It’s called #66.

Then again, if Lois’s newest hospital adventure tale was indeed the truth, Clark certainly forgave her instantly. However, Clark wasn’t Lois.
See example A: Horny Male.
See example B: Bashful Maid.
I just realized something but wasn’t this story the one where Lois refrained from Claude because of her past memories? So, in the hospital, wouldn’t there have been blood?

No. Clark could never picture Lois forgiving him for making love to her while a love drug inebriated her.
LOIS: Well…I wouldn’t say that it would have been ‘making love’…

Could they have been blissfully making love all these months, if Herb hadn’t come back to warn him?
[Linked Image]
HERB: [Linked Image]

On the other hand, could the curse just not have affected Lois because Clark had amnesia at the time and didn’t know to whom he was making love? Would the results be different if he made love to her now, with all his facilities and powers intact?
Now, that would be awkward. Also, wouldn’t the curse be even more effective if it caused Lois and their child to die in childbirth instead? That way, yes, they’d have a bit of happiness before but even greater misery would befall him in the process? And the added bonus would be that Herb wouldn’t figure out that there’s a curse because childbirth has always been dangerous and bloody business.

But Clark had broken too many promises over the last year. He was determined he would keep this one.
LOIS: Really? *That’s* where he draws the line? [Linked Image]

Could Clark live with himself or with this fear? Was there any way for Clark to know the truth without risking Lois’s life or waiting for Herb to magically reappear and give his blessing?
Couldn’t he expose himself to Kryptonite, have Lois hit him over the head and then have her way with him? That way he’d be having amnesia every time and Lois would still get satisfied.
LOIS: Meh. It was more satisfying because I thought it was Clark than anything else, really.

He couldn’t imagine loving any other woman – even the Lois from his own dimension – more.
Wouldn’t that be awkward if he met the real deal instead of the cheap copy?
LOIS: Cheap? *Cheap*? I go for a 1000 bucks a night. That’s not *cheap*!

Clark swallowed, his entire body tensing.

Not just the hint of mustard and pastrami, but her. Salty sweat. Her perfume. Her…

“Kent!” Perry’s voice intruded at the worst possible moment, causing Clark to wince.

“Yes, sir?” he tried to respond without a quiver to his voice, but he doubted he succeeded.

“My office! Pronto!”

He swore under his breath using words that wouldn’t make a Girl Scout blush.
‘Oh boy. This is not good. Not good at all.’

Perry stood up and walked around the desk as he spoke, “And you’ve put off getting her a gift until the last minute? Kent, that’s unlike you.”
It’s just that she wants a very special gift. One that he’s not willing to give to her.

“I was just working on it,” Clark lied… well, more like exaggerated. He had meant to be working on it. His notes were sitting open on his desk near his computer. That counted as working on it, right?
Oooh! This is just like writing, isn’t it?

The junior reporter blushed,
Junior? He won a Kerth. He got years of experience. He is a valuable contribution to Team Lois Lane.
PERRY: You mean the one that wasted a year on the Luthor story? A story my former *society* reporter managed to rope in on her *spare* time?

Clark’s eyes widened. Had he gotten Lois a good gift? He remembered all too well Lois’s giddiness in telling Cat about his purchase of a lamp for her birthday the previously year. A lamp that Lois had erroneously thought Clark had wanted to use as mood lighting for their first time together. Okay, it hadn’t been a completely erroneous theory. Was that why she had been giddy?
Maybe if he got her a ring with a solitaire diamond on it?
LOIS: razz

He sat down. “Café Americana? Didn’t your uncle say something about making you a special cake?”

The joy fell from Lois’s face. “You better not have planned a surprise party.”
hyper He even invited Mayson!

“Do I look stupid to you?” he asked, and then went on before she could answer. “You hate surprises.”

“That I do, Chuck. That I do,” she said, leaning back in her chair. “Sooooo, what’d ya get me?” She grinned.

“Tonight,” he replied, and turned back to his computer screen.

wave Michael

PS: I think you sort of skipped 205 [Linked Image]

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Darth Michael: Hi Michael. I'm going to try to keep on top of things and try to respond to your FDK before posting the next part. Let's see how long this New Year's (Spring's) Resolution lasts. wink

Oh dear, just 2 more parts till the summer hiatus /peep/
Not necessarily so. I might be finished with the next story arc in the next two weeks. evil If RL gives me the time to write, that is.

And is a vow made to another person even binding?
Clark made that vow to God about another person. OTOH, Carlos did ask him not to keep it on his account (i.e. or worry that Carlos would die if Clark couldn't keep it.)

To be fair, he made that one when he broke up with his fiancée and decided to become a born-again virgin.
LOIS: /doesn't like it when her actions are used against her/
Actually, Clark made it when he thought Lois was engaged to Luthor and Carlos was lying in the the hospital. He thought if he couldn't have Lois, he might as well make Carlos better so that HE could ruin Mr. and Mrs. Luthor's relationship. peep Or not.

Yes, but in this case, it also affects other people’s lives.
Many peoples decision affect other peoples lives.

Oh, he did it so there wouldn’t be any little Superboys and Supergirls flitting around.
LOIS: /dizzy/
Clark did not make this vow so he wouldn't cheat on Lois before he could consummate their relationship without killing her.

Aww…did she just realize that Superman is what’s standing between her and sexual satisfaction?
Isn't he usually?
JIMMY: Hey! That's my job!

So, if Lois blows his cover? /huh/
No sex. That's right.
LOIS: But I might get a Pulitzer, right?

Millions of people happily consenting to enormous amounts of premarital sex: That ship has sailed.
Not for future generations.

ER: /shocked that Clark even tries to answer that rhetorical or otherwise deadly question/
CLAKR: Well…I guess…I mean, I can barely afford the 1000 bucks a night, so…I guess…but… /huh/
[Linked Image] That's not what Lois meant by Superman's high standard.

Isn’t it funny that the actual scandal will be when his cover is blown *while* Superman has marital relations with Lois Lane?
Only in canon dimension. That might not happen here.
Canon CLARK: I wish it didn't happen in my dimension either.
Canon LOIS: It was nice to have sex with Superman for a change though.

That’s a lie. He left because his future didn’t contain a Lois.
That's ONE of the reasons he left.

CLARK: No, not exactly. I left because my cover was blown and there was an available Lois over here. That’s not the same thing as leaving because there is no Lois back home.
LOIS: /dizzy/ /mad/

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 207
“Oh,” she whispered. That made sense. “Your secret was revealed and then we were separated?”

He’s pretty good at this lying while not telling a falsehood.
Well, in Clark's defense, he did say "let's just say for this argument that's what happened" when he was telling her about coming from the future. Canon Lois and this Lois are technically the same person, who just happen to have two different futures. So, as Obi Wan likes to say, from a certain point of view...

No, otherwise he wouldn’t have vowed to stay abstinent.
That's very well could have been true.

LOIS: /razz/ He should have vowed not to stay obstinate instead.
CLARK: I will if you will.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 207
“So, you’re saying that in the future, we never…”
Hooked up? Made like Cat and Phil in the copyroom? Danced the horizontal tango? Cleaned the ceiling? Made Wink Wink Honk Honk?
CLARK: That all depends on Herb, if we will in your future, but in my past we didn't.
LOIS: huh

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 207
“Gosh, Lois, no!” he gasped. “We’d only been together a few days.”
CAT: /So, in the future does that mean I got to Clark first?/

She does realize that most liars get caught because they’re not able to tell their lie consistently?
Yes, but this is a flying man from the future. The laws of most men (i.e. nature and physics) don't apply.

How about, the Lois he is talking about arrived from a parallel universe, thought he was her own Clark, tried to boink him, and when that didn’t work, convinced him to dump his fiancée and don some fancy skisuit and a blanket and go out to assassinate the mayoral candidate during a rally?
CLARK: You see my quandary, don't you?
LOIS: /thinks this scenario is riotous until she notices that Clark isn't laughing, so her laughter subsides as she tries to read his facial expression and sees that it's sheepish and then she gets royally mad/
CLARK: I think I'm going to stick with my fuzzy on the truth story instead.

CLARK: There’s Area 51. The EPRAD launch pad. That B39 warehouse. The army base up north…
clap Much better than my baseball scenario!

Aww…he just told her that they won’t be Wink Wink Honk Honk this year.
He doesn't know that for certain.

CLARK: Crises averted.
LOIS (to Lucy later): And then he got that expression on his face. You know the one.
LUCY: The one where he's about to run away?
LOIS: The other one.
LUCY: The one where he's about to make up a stupid excuse and expects you to buy it as the truth?
LOIS: Door #3.
LUCY: Oh, the one where he wants you to think he's a total idiot and can't understand the words coming out of your mouth. I hate it when guys do that.

Like ‘you’re being abstinent if you manage to sneak nookie without her parents knowing’?
That's teenage / Glee abstinent.

ER: /plugs his story over yonder, once more... either that or trying to distract EW from writing and/or posting her story/ They could play cards?
LOIS: Poker?
CLARK: Okay. What are the stakes?
LOIS: Your clothes. When you run out of clothes, we'll improvise.
CLARK: What if you run out of clothes first?
LOIS: Problem diverted.
CLARK: huh
LOIS: My deal.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 207
“I’m sure it’s like riding a bicycle…”
ER: /shock/ Did he just admit that he…?
Yes. Clark Kent knows how to ride a bicycle.

ER: /idea/ Corrina’s Aussie Rules! He just called her the town bike!
I'm still waiting for the Archive version to read that.

So she did *not* lie, apparently. /jawdrop/ /thud/
Nope. One of the two times Lois and Clark discussed that night in the hospital, Lois did not lie.

She does realize the amount of electronic vermin her apartment over the last couple of months, right?
LOIS: And Michael knows that my boyfriend is an electronic bug detector, right?

LUCY: No *way*! You’re doing *Superman*?
LOIS: Um... No! It was all a dream that Superman and I did it on the ceiling.
LUCY: So, who's the father of your baby again?

Like ‘Lois and I were not consummating our marriage’? Or ‘I was not trying to make a Kryptonian/human hybrid with my girlfriend in an attempt to establish a dynasty and rule the entire world’?
CLARK: Well, that last one would be true, because I don't want our children to rule the world.

PRESS: Superman confirmed today that he is having premarital relations with his favorite rescue target.
SUPERMAN: That's not what I said!

Couldn’t he burn those reporters and publishers to a crisp who dare to invade his privacy? I’m sure they’d stop after the first dozen or so attempts?
LOIS: Plan B?
LOIS: Plan C, then?

What about telescope lenses?
LOIS: Curtains.

He could stay for no more than 5 minutes a pop?
RALPH: /Hey, Superman and I have something in Common!/
Because Superman has super speed, it would probably be best if they don't spend any time together without a chaperone.

Maybe if they broke into both their homes *and* her doctor’s office and they find no hints or records of them owning any form of birth control?
TRASK: /Been there. Done that./
TRASK: What do you mean privacy rules? You're the press!

Over here, you can buy doors that have a steel plate inside, use more than a dozen deadbolts, a magnetic key, steel door frame. Basically, you need heavy machinery and an hour to break in.
CLARK: /licks pencil and opens notepad/ And the name of your supplier is...?

Actually, unquenchable hornieness.
LOIS: Potato. Tomato.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 207
“But I could do with a little less pressure.”
They’ve no gotten pills for that?
LOIS: Not bladder control!

LOIS: Which is exactly why this vow will fail. evil
CLARK: help

To be fair, he made that one in bad faith.
Since he thought having sex would kill Lois?
CLARK: Not if I had it with someone other than her.
LOIS: Then, it would kill you.

Thanks. Fixed.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 207
It’s not as if I had been stuck on a space station for eight weeks with nothing better to do than twiddle my thumbs and use my imagination daydreaming of what we could be doing if I were on Earth…
ER: /hubba-hubba/
I wondered if anyone would go there with that wording.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 207
“Promised God.” Oh, great. How am I supposed to compete with that without looking like the devil incarnate?
ER: /suggests that she dress like the devil incarnate/
And how well did that work for The Mummy Hunter's sex life? Brenden Fraiser!

She should take the edge off with /call me Daniel/
LOIS: Thanks. Thinking of Dan usually always puts me off.

A little black number?

Somehow, this is *so* wrong.
That Lois wants sex without marriage and Clark wants marriage without sex? Probably.
CLARK: I don't *want* that. I just might have to settle for it.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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*** Continuation of response to Darth Micheal's FDK ***

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 207
She would come out on top, or die trying.
Funny, how that could both be true.
CLARK: /Not funny!/
I thought it was funny too. evil

WELLS: /Has no idea to what Clark is referring/
MXY: /whistles innocently/
Actually, it was Mrs. Luthor's suggestion that it be Mxy who visited Clark during the Revenge incident which was the germ of that story. notworthy

Funny, him bringing this up now, considering what they talked about earlier.
LOIS: It’s called #66.
Life's funny like that.

See example A: Horny Male.
See example B: Bashful Maid.
I just realized something but wasn’t this story the one where Lois refrained from Claude because of her past memories? So, in the hospital, wouldn’t there have been blood?
No, that was KK's story. /BTW: KK, we're ready for the sequel! grovel /

LOIS: Well…I wouldn’t say that it would have been ‘making love’…
CLARK: That's what you called it when you took advantage... er.. made my dreams true in the hospital.

HERB: /Yes, but we in the 19th century think that sex is the root of all evil anyway./
Didn't you mean: HERB: [Linked Image] ?

Now, that would be awkward. Also, wouldn’t the curse be even more effective if it caused Lois and their child to die in childbirth instead? That way, yes, they’d have a bit of happiness before but even greater misery would befall him in the process?
Didn't I already cover that scenario?

And the added bonus would be that Herb wouldn’t figure out that there’s a curse because childbirth has always been dangerous and bloody business.
Okay. That would've been worse.

LOIS: Really? *That’s* where he draws the line? /adds Call me Daniel to her speed dial/
CLARK: Would you rather end up dead? And what does that DEA schmuck have to do with any of this?

Couldn’t he expose himself to Kryptonite, have Lois hit him over the head and then have her way with him? That way he’d be having amnesia every time and Lois would still get satisfied.
LOIS: Meh. It was more satisfying because I thought it was Clark than anything else, really.
She was a bit excited because Clark would get better, wasn't she?

Wouldn’t that be awkward if he met the real deal instead of the cheap copy?
LOIS: Cheap? *Cheap*? I go for a 1000 bucks a night. That’s not *cheap*!
LEX: It was coupon night.

‘Oh boy. This is not good. Not good at all.’
Yep. That's Clark's level of swearing.
CLARK: That's a load of crap!
MARTHA: [Linked Image]

It’s just that she wants a very special gift. One that he’s not willing to give to her.
PERRY: confused A ring?
CLARK: Well, a ring is kind of implied...

Oooh! This is just like writing, isn’t it?
I'm going to go with "yes!"

Junior? He won a Kerth. He got years of experience. He is a valuable contribution to Team Lois Lane.
PERRY: You mean the one that wasted a year on the Luthor story? A story my former *society* reporter managed to rope in on her *spare* time?
Clark is the junior reporter between him and Perry. Also, Clark didn't win a Kerth in his old dimension.

Maybe if he got her a ring with a solitaire diamond on it?
LOIS: /hopes Clark recalls how well that went over last time/

He even invited Mayson!
We've covered Mayson already, didn't we?

PS: I think you sort of skipped 205
Sorry. That has been fixed. [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I'm going to try to keep on top of things and try to respond to your FDK before posting the next part. Let's see how long this New Year's (Spring's) Resolution lasts.
laugh Now I know why there’s a break after part 209! wink

I might be finished with the next story arc in the next two weeks.
/see previous comment/

If RL gives me the time to write, that is.
Bad RL! [Linked Image] Bad! On the plus side, I’ve got some vaycay coming up and am planning on actually leaving work at home. So there will be only the final two seasons of a TNG rewatch or a rewatch of LnC to distract me from thinking about TNNAoLnC [Linked Image] Let’s see how that goes.

Many peoples decision affect other peoples lives.
You mean like the one about putting lots of dino DNA into a blender and making an Indominous Rex?

Clark did not make this vow so he wouldn't cheat on Lois before he could consummate their relationship without killing her.
I did not specify not cheating. I specified ensuring there’s no chance for offspring.

ER: Aww…did she just realize that Superman is what’s standing between her and sexual satisfaction?
EW: Isn't he usually?
JIMMY: Hey! That's my job!
PENNY: Superman! [Linked Image]

ER: So, if Lois blows his cover? /huh/
EW: No sex. That's right.
LOIS: But I might get a Pulitzer, right?
CAT: They don’t give away Pulitzers for that one!
PHIL: They should, though.

ER: Millions of people happily consenting to enormous amounts of premarital sex: That ship has sailed.
EW: Not for future generations.
So that’s how Earth’s population almost died out in Nan’s Home Series. laugh

EW: /can’t believe the low track count on the ER’s mind/ That's not what Lois meant by Superman's high standard.
[Linked Image]

So, as Obi Wan likes to say, from a certain point of view...
LOIS: …he was lying.
LUKE: [Linked Image]

LOIS: /razz/ He should have vowed not to stay obstinate instead.
CLARK: I will if you will.
LOIS: Rule #66.

CLARK: That all depends on Herb, if we will in your future, but in my past we didn't.
LOIS: /is looking for a good book on temporal machanics/
[Linked Image]

CLARK: I think I'm going to stick with my fuzzy on the truth story instead.
LOIS: mad Wise choice.

EW: /is quite tickled/ Much better than my baseball scenario!
Thank you smile1

LUCY: Oh, the one where he wants you to think he's a total idiot and can't understand the words coming out of your mouth. I hate it when guys do that.
[Linked Image]

ER: /plugs his story over yonder, once more... either that or trying to distract EW from writing and/or posting her story/ They could play cards?
[Linked Image]

CLARK: What if you run out of clothes first?
LOIS: Problem diverted.
CLARK: /is not sure what’s going on but Lois will know what’s best/
LOIS: My deal.

ER: /idea/ Corrina’s Aussie Rules! He just called her the town bike!
EW: I'm still waiting for the Archive version to read that.
[Linked Image] Also, in case it’s not obvious, it’s because everyone gets a ride.

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LOIS: And Michael knows that my boyfriend is an electronic bug detector, right?
jawdrop Lois got an electronic boyfriend!
CLARK: confused
LOIS: [Linked Image] Daddy made him. I’m calling him Daniel.

LOIS: Um... No! It was all a dream that Superman and I did it on the ceiling.
LUCY: So, who's the father of your baby again?
Let’s see… Jimmy. Jimbo. Lex. Call-Me-Daniel. Lenny. Kyle. Hmm…

PRESS: Superman confirmed today that he is having premarital relations with his favorite rescue target.
SUPERMAN: That's not what I said!
PRESS: Superman is calling the 4th Estate liars.

LOIS: Plan B?
LOIS: Plan C, then?

What about telescope lenses?
LOIS: Curtains.
Infrared cameras?

TRASK: What do you mean privacy rules? You're the press!

CLARK: /licks pencil and opens notepad/ And the name of your supplier is...?
This one here: http://www.zabransky.at/wohnungs-eingangstueren
Sadly, no English version available. Probably since they’re not marketing outside of a 200km range or so…

LOIS: Which is exactly why this vow will fail. /is planning on conquering her hero/
CLARK: /is looking into rules of engagement and surrender/

Since he thought having sex would kill Lois?
CLARK: Not if I had it with someone other than her.
LOIS: Then, it would kill you.
She got an interesting point there.

I wondered if anyone would go there with that wording.
TEMPUS: [Linked Image]

And how well did that work for The Mummy Hunter's sex life? Brenden Fraiser!

Actually, it was Mrs. Luthor's suggestion that it be Mxy who visited Clark during the Revenge incident which was the germ of that story. notworthy

Didn't you mean: HERB: /the imp/

ER: And the added bonus would be that Herb wouldn’t figure out that there’s a curse because childbirth has always been dangerous and bloody business.
EW: Okay. That would've been worse.
Thank you smile

CLARK: Would you rather end up dead? And what does that DEA schmuck have to do with any of this?
I believe, Lois.

LOIS: Cheap? *Cheap*? I go for a 1000 bucks a night. That’s not *cheap*!
LEX: It was coupon night.

Yep. That's Clark's level of swearing.
CLARK: That's a load of crap!
MARTHA: /has taught him better than that/

Clark is the junior reporter between him and Perry. Also, Clark didn't win a Kerth in his old dimension.
But in this one. The Kerths where way back when (part 205 or so, right? During the Stoke thing?)

We've covered Mayson already, didn't we?
Yes…and your point being?

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

I go by Michael on the Archives.

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