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#263769 06/03/15 11:59 AM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

This last scene is dedicated to Darth Michael who always hopes for the impossible dream. wink

Please post your comments here.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Even though Lois wasn’t its star attraction, it was nice to be at an event with the best of her profession.
Ooooh! I totally forgot that we haven’t seen that one yet dizzy

This year, however, she was here to support Clark, hang off his arm decoratively, laugh at his jokes
clap Awww, she really does love him.

and try not to rip out his spleen for being nominated.
Or not.

She knew it wasn’t Clark’s fault that he was nominated instead of her.
Right. It’s not his fault for being the better reporter. Give me a break!

It was the fault of the Kerth Nomination Committee.

Lois turned to look at her date. He appeared nervous. It was strange that a journalism award meant so much to him when people, charities, and governments offered Superman awards every week or so.
It’s because he’s not sure whether it’d be better to win or lose, given that Lois isn’t nominated. Which one will him rather land in the sack with her?

Now, if Lois had been nominated, it would have been an entirely different scenario.
And can you imagine if she’d then lost to him? evil

“For her investigations of Lex Luthor’s dating habits and the disappearance of Dr. Brenda Muldoon that combined to lead her to the discovery of Lex Luthor’s secret underground bunker full of people missing since Nightfall, Catherine Grant from the Houston Chronicle.”
eek help peep

There it was, right where Lois’s name usually appeared. Catherine Grant. Appalling!
Well, that’s what Lois gets for slipping into the spot on the society page usually taken up by Cat Grant, or rather her interview victims.

Now, Lois had proof positive that the Kerth Committee had been drunk when they picked the nominees. Cat Grant nominated for a Kerth Award?
She’s a good reporter? Some might even say, Lois’s equal?

This was an outrage!
Jealous that Clark is only associating with women who excel in their respective professions?
MASYON: He’s not associating with me, so that’s not right.

Crossing her arms with a loud harrumph, Lois forced herself not to make a scene that would surely ruin Clark’s winning moment.
Actually, Cat will take care of that one.

“And the winner for the Kerth Award in Investigative Journalism goes to…” the emcee said, causing Lois to return her focus to the dais. “Catherine Grant!”
TEMPUS: Let’s say it together, shall we?

“Highway robbery!” Lois said once again, much to Clark’s chagrin.
laugh But there have been several movies where lightly dressed or slightly undressed female desperados took advantage of the men riding or driving up and down some highway, alleviating them of their worldly possessions and maybe worldly existence.

Clark set his hand in the small of Lois’s back in hopes of reminding her to keep a civil tongue as they wended their way through the crowd to congratulate Cat.

Duct tape across Lois’s lips probably would’ve worked better.

Clark knew that if he let it, his mind would dwell on the not-so-hidden implication of her words. Then, his conscious and subconscious would let this wound fester as it endlessly debated whether it was something he had done differently than Lois’s true Clark in order not to have left tonight’s ceremony with an award.
Actually, the real Clark’s just a better journalist. More cultured. More experienced. Better with touchy-feely-stuff.

“If you knew, then why did you give me such a hard time when you weren’t nominated?” he asked, crossing his arms.
Because that’s how she was supposed to behave? Plus, leopards and spots.

“Knowing something isn’t an exact science,” she snapped before continuing across the banquet hall.

Unfortunately, Cat’s acceptance speech did all but flat-out admit to everyone in the upper echelons of the newspaper business that the gossip columnist had started looking into Lex’s sex life because she knew Lois wasn’t giving the billionaire any and Cat had wondered who was.

Not to mention, bringing up Lois’s sex life, and/or the lack thereof, in such public forums.
But it’s already the primary topic of discussion at every news gathering in Metropolis, ever since the Claude incident huh

. He sighed, resigned that the two women he loved most would never see eye-to-eye
Maybe he shouldn’t mention that out loud to Lois.

and hurried to catch up with Lois before she stuck her foot into her mouth or, worse, her fist into Cat’s jaw.
[Linked Image] No hitting the pregnant lady.

“She saved my life,” he murmured. Lois stopped and turned to stare at him. He lowered his voice even quieter before continuing, “Superman’s life.”

There was no way she was going to carry both that heavy glass sculpture and her belly without dropping one of them.

Regrettably, she saw that he was deep into a conversation with Jimmy and Jenny Olsen.
Awww, they flew up clap

Like Clark, Jimmy didn’t win, though.
Who did? Wally, for snapping those pics of the senator and two underage hookers in the Lexor’s indoor pool?

Barely in time, Cat stopped herself from exhaling with relief. Not a wise move in her current condition.

Lois rolled her eyes and stated in a complete monotone as if Clark was feeding her lines she didn’t want to say, “Congratulations, Cat.”
He’s like a puppet master, controlling his little ventriloquist doll with his hand on her backside?

“Why don’t you just tell people the truth?” Lois asked her. “Stating the obvious always was your forté.”

Lois was right. Why hadn’t Cat just told that annoying yap-a-doodle from the New York Times that she needed to use the little girl's room?
Looky there, Lois is smart!

Cat wanted to slug them all. The ones who treated her with kid gloves and the ones who thought it was funny to make obnoxious, usually lewd, comments about her being pregnant.
It’s surprising the one about her knowing who the father is didn’t come up, though.

Cat hadn’t lost her mind and still wanted to discuss topics completely unrelated to her fertility, but apparently, nobody else thought she was able to do so.
But isn’t that because before she got pregnant, the topic of procreation was her main forte?

“Three, but Clark doesn’t have any, thanks to you,” Lois replied.

“Oh, boo-hoo. If you wanted him to have one so badly you should’ve added his name to your award-winning Prometheus story last year,

The biggest night of her career and she was going to end up wetting herself.
Could have been worse. Could have been during her speech. Just imagine if the Prankster had shown up with his freezing ray, and either then or when she came to, well… She did get lucky there.

“It’ll be in bookstores next spring.”

“What? Couldn’t make the Christmas rush? Too bad,” Cat jabbed back.
Actually, next spring could mean right on time for Valentine’s day. That way, the story about the greatest aborted romance of the century could be bought, gifted, and enjoyed by all the couples to be.

“I… I was… I didn’t know he’d be there. I was looking for a way to contact you, because Clark had disappeared, but security wouldn’t let me in,” she said. “What’s up with that? I invited you to my wedding.”

“It wasn’t as if I could invite the Lois Lane. She might’ve brought Lex Luthor, and he certainly wasn’t welcome.”
But on the plus side, someone could have used the opportunity to slip a steak knife into his back. If properly done, it might nick his abdominal aorta and thirty seconds later, et voila, no more Luthor troubles.

Instead of looking more reassured by her words, Lois appeared sickened by them. Her face seemed to turn green. “It wasn’t me?” she echoed back, almost to herself, yet in a horrified tone.
Aww…she remembering the home video she and Lex made some time this spring, huh?

One of the women who interrupted them, said, “Congratulations on winning, Cat. So, how far along are you?” She reached out to touch Cat’s stomach.

Lois slapped the woman’s hand away. “She’s not Buddha. How’d you like it if she touched your body uninvited?”
But doesn’t it bring seven years of luck to rub a pregnant woman’s belly? And 77 if she’s carrying Superman’s child?

Clark rushed up. “Everything all right? I heard someone mention breaking waters.”

“Don’t you two jinx me now,” Cat scolded.
To be fair, pregnant women attending the Kerth ceremony usually go into labor during it. /points at Kerth archives and the Kerth Curse™/

“Cat admitted that you deserved to have her award as much as she does,” Lois replied.

Before Cat could correct her, Clark said, “Liar.”
I wonder how he detects it when Lois is lying…

She decided to blame the baby for making risky sex less alluring. Another benefit of pregnancy. Someone else to blame for things.
laugh Also, mood swings. And midnight snacks. Which reminds me…

“That Cat and Jimmy had both gotten married? Not me,” Lois chuckled, hugging his arm. “I never would’ve bet on that.”
Too bad that Jimmy and Lucy are missing evil

“And expecting.”

Lois froze. “And what?”
Er what now? Also, wouldn’t that be just great, Lucy expecting from Jimmy? Lois would have a fit!

“I didn’t say that.” Clark cleared his throat, feeling guilty for implying that. Even more so, for believing it, too. “He said it was love at first sight.”
Well…at least, the blue lines?

“But that’s what you meant, isn’t it?” Lois prodded. “Cat and Phil had a one night stand…”
Strangely enough, that didn’t happen for Lois and Clark, though.

“Yes. It is strange that both of our friends had what were essentially one-night stands with people they had fallen in love with at first sight. They both ended up pregnant and married,” Lois concurred. “And yet it didn’t happen to us. Very strange, indeed.”
Maybe it’s the universe trying to compensate left and right?

“Do you wish that…?” His voice cracked as a tightness engulfed his chest. Did he really want to know the answer to that question?
She had proof that she had sex?

He had to agree, exhaling. These things seemed to happen in threes.
Maybe Lucy is pregnant after all?

“The one that reads ‘Once great reporter, now a wife and mother.’ No thanks,” she replied.
Clark could stay at home? Or maybe they could hire a professional caregiver when the New Krytponians show up?

Herb had said that Utopia had been founded by their descendants. That, therefore, implied that Clark could father children... should the fates allow them a curse-free existence.
Or maybe it’s the children begotten by the union of Clark and Mayson and the union of Lois and Call-Me-Daniel who when themselves forged a union?

They’re dirty, smelly, money sucking, noise making, time hogging, sleep-depriving, career-killing creatures.

Anyway, I was sure I’d be a train wreck as a mom.”
But Clark’s good at stopping, or at least, cleaning up, train wrecks.

Another strange thought crossed his mind. If Cat made one, and Jimmy made two, which one of his friends would be the third to fall in love at first sight, get married, and begin starting a family… not necessarily in that order?

Lois’s loving gaze brushed that conundrum away. Perhaps it was merely a coincidence, after all.
Which brings up… http://www.mgonta.co.uk/comics/shorts/chekhovs-gun/

Yes, this dimension is moving further away from canon with every part.
/checks watch/ Yes, Buffy should show up any minute now…

This last scene is dedicated to Darth Michael who always hopes for the impossible dream. wink
Aww… laugh blush

wave Michael

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I was listening to the radio yesterday and heard this song from Katy Perry (yes, I know, I'm about a decade behind others), but it reminded me of Lois and Wrong Clark's relationship: Hot N Cold. [Linked Image]

I won't be posting today as usual. As I mentioned before I'm trying to post the mini-story arcs as group and I haven't had a chance to finish my next arc. Hopefully, I'll be able to catch up in about 2 weeks. I'll post sooner, if I finish up these last couple of parts on the next arc earlier than that. Sorry about any inconvenience.

Michael, Thank you for FDK. I'll get to it after I do Part 208's. peep I'm sorry I'm so behind.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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peep The EW did not notice that fdk for 208 is just 3 dass old... wink

wave Michael

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Originally Posted by Darth Michael
peep The EW did not notice that fdk for 208 is just 3 dass old... wink

wave Michael
I did. I was being polite.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Darth Michael: Sorry this took me so long. RL gives me very little home computer time lately.

Ooooh! I totally forgot that we haven’t seen that one yet /dizzy/
I know I'm jumping around more than in the first two sections, but I'm still trying to allude to important ground (A-plot wise).

Awww, she really does love him.
Oh, sorry. That was sarcasm.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 209
and try not to rip out his spleen for being nominated.
Or not.
Oh, good. He figured it out.

Right. It’s not his fault for being the better reporter. Give me a break!
Lois would never think that.
CLARK: Tell me about it.

It’s because he’s not sure whether it’d be better to win or lose, given that Lois isn’t nominated. Which one will him rather land in the sack with her?
LOIS A: Clark, I'm so sorry you lost. I'll stay over and comfort you.
LOIS B: Yea! Clark, you won! Let's celebrate!

CLARK: I can never win, can I?
HERB: Nope, that would be consummating.
LOIS: Nobody said anything about me winning though.

And can you imagine if she’d then lost to him? /evil/
lol clap Love that idea!

Well, that’s what Lois gets for slipping into the spot on the society page usually taken up by Cat Grant, or rather her interview victims.
LOIS: This Luthor investigation really was the pits for me, wasn't it?

She’s a good reporter? Some might even say, Lois’s equal?
CAT: Yes.
CLARK: Not aloud.

Jealous that Clark is only associating with women who excel in their respective professions?
MASYON: He’s not associating with me, so that’s not right.
Lois has 3 Kerth awards, hence excelling at her job.
LOIS: I don't think arresting me counts as excelling at one's profession.

Actually, Cat will take care of that one.

TEMPUS: Let’s say it together, shall we?

But there have been several movies where lightly dressed or slightly undressed female desperados took advantage of the men riding or driving up and down some highway, alleviating them of their worldly possessions and maybe worldly existence.
Well, that's one explanation on how Cat left the banquet with an award.
CAT: I won!

Actually, the real Clark’s just a better journalist. More cultured. More experienced. Better with touchy-feely-stuff.
Also, canon Cat didn't write this article.

Because that’s how she was supposed to behave? Plus, leopards and spots.
Riiiight. Rule 66 isn't it? Double standards.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 209
“Knowing something isn’t an exact science,” she snapped before continuing across the banquet hall.
She meant psychically knowing something.
STAR: Actually...

But it’s already the primary topic of discussion at every news gathering in Metropolis, ever since the Claude incident /huh/
Lois's sex life or the lack thereof?
LOIS: mad I hate my co-workers.

Maybe he shouldn’t mention that out loud to Lois.
Clark doesn't love Cat and Lois in the same way.

/nuh-uh/ No hitting the pregnant lady.
LOIS: Oh, so SHE get's special treatment just because she wasn't cautious! Typical!
CAT: Superman rescues you when you're not cautious. Isn't that special treatment?
LOIS: I wish!

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 209
Regrettably, she saw that he was deep into a conversation with Jimmy and Jenny Olsen.
Awww, they flew up /clap/
Just a cameo, so I didn't have to dedicate an entire scene to them. [Linked Image] Trying to conserve scenes, so more are dedicated to Lois and Clark.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 209
Like Clark, Jimmy didn’t win, though.
Who did? Wally, for snapping those pics of the senator and two underage hookers in the Lexor’s indoor pool?
No. Wally's not that good of a reporter.
JIMMY: Some guy who got a shot of a murderer as it happened. Politics!

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 209
Lois rolled her eyes and stated in a complete monotone as if Clark was feeding her lines she didn’t want to say, “Congratulations, Cat.”
He’s like a puppet master, controlling his little ventriloquist doll with his hand on her backside?
That's not why Clark puts his hand at the base of Lois's back!
CLARK: No. Darn.

Looky there, Lois is smart!
LOIS: Sarcasm. Why is always my intelligence spoken of in jest?
CLARK: Tell me about it!

It’s surprising the one about her knowing who the father is didn’t come up, though.
CAT: After I killed the first few, people stopped asking.
Either that or all the men were afraid it might be them.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 209
Cat hadn’t lost her mind and still wanted to discuss topics completely unrelated to her fertility, but apparently, nobody else thought she was able to do so.
But isn’t that because before she got pregnant, the topic of procreation was her main forte?
So, the irony is only lost on Cat? wink

CAT: [Linked Image] I'm good, aren't I?

Could have been worse. Could have been during her speech. Just imagine if the Prankster had shown up with his freezing ray, and either then or when she came to, well… She did get lucky there.
Um... does the Prankster's freezing ray actually make people wet when they're thawed?

Actually, next spring could mean right on time for Valentine’s day. That way, the story about the greatest aborted romance of the century could be bought, gifted, and enjoyed by all the couples to be.
Just in time for his trial!

But on the plus side, someone could have used the opportunity to slip a steak knife into his back. If properly done, it might nick his abdominal aorta and thirty seconds later, et voila, no more Luthor troubles.
CAT: Nobody wants to have a dead body at their wedding reception.

Aww…she remembering the home video she and Lex made some time this spring, huh?
LOIS: Um... no. I have no idea to what this man is referring.

But doesn’t it bring seven years of luck to rub a pregnant woman’s belly? And 77 if she’s carrying Superman’s child?
I always found it rude, especially by strangers.

To be fair, pregnant women attending the Kerth ceremony usually go into labor during it. /points at Kerth archives and the Kerth Curse™/
Well, truthfully, Michael, you did want someone to have a baby in this story. Why not Cat?

I wonder how he detects it when Lois is lying…
CLARK: She opens her mouth.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

Also, mood swings. And midnight snacks. Which reminds me…
Yes, very much enjoying it.

Too bad that Jimmy and Lucy are missing /evil/
You mean Jimbo and Lucy?

Er what now? Also, wouldn’t that be just great, Lucy expecting from Jimmy? Lois would have a fit!
Well, it has been how long since Lois has seen her sister?
CLARK: I was keeping an eye on her over the summer. She wasn't pregnant. Carrying around a infant car seat though... oh. Ooops.

Well…at least, the blue lines?
That's not nice! Jimmy loved Jenny at first sight. He married her at blue lines. peep

Strangely enough, that didn’t happen for Lois and Clark, though.

Maybe it’s the universe trying to compensate left and right?
Perhaps. [Linked Image]

She had proof that she had sex?
But only until the kid is a teenager does she have proof of his father.

Maybe Lucy is pregnant after all?
Wouldn't she have already had the baby by now?

Clark could stay at home? Or maybe they could hire a professional caregiver when the New Krytponians show up?
All possibilities.

Or maybe it’s the children begotten by the union of Clark and Mayson and the union of Lois and Call-Me-Daniel who when themselves forged a union?
CLARK: Now, he's just being cruel.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 209
Anyway, I was sure I’d be a train wreck as a mom.”
But Clark’s good at stopping, or at least, cleaning up, train wrecks.
Good point. thumbsup

[Linked Image] Chekhov's gun. Good one.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 209
Yes, this dimension is moving further away from canon with every part.
/checks watch/ Yes, Buffy should show up any minute now…
The funny thing is the day I read this I had been thinking about a subplot where Clark meets Buffy... It didn't pan out though. Still funny thought.

Thanks for reading and commenting. smile1

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I did. I was being polite.
[Linked Image]

RL gives me very little home computer time lately.
[Linked Image]
LOIS: dizzy Does this mean Clark will have a new excuse on why not to consummate?
CLARK: [Linked Image]

Lois would never think that.
CLARK: Tell me about it.

LOIS A: Clark, I'm so sorry you lost. I'll stay over and comfort you.
LOIS B: Yea! Clark, you won! Let's celebrate!
So, basically she’s Cat in heat by now?

CLARK: I can never win, can I?
HERB: Nope, that would be consummating.
LOIS: Nobody said anything about me winning though.
/points at above comment/

EW: /tickled by the potential for evilness and long, curvaceous B-plotting triggered by the A-plot/ Love that idea!
Thanks smile

LOIS: This Luthor investigation really was the pits for me, wasn't it?
Yep. And [Linked Image] could ruin what little support she’s gotten left.
CLARK: I’m not little!

CAT: Yes.
CLARK: Not aloud.
Concerned about his health? Or just the potential for nookie?

LOIS: I don't think arresting me counts as excelling at one's profession.
Because every crook from here to the Arkham Asylum has managed to detain her in the past?

TEMPUS: Let’s say it together, shall we?
EW: Hip-hip-horray?

Well, that's one explanation on how Cat left the banquet with an award.
CAT: I won!
Sore point?
CAT: No, but every time a liberated woman wins, people make fun of it razz
LOIS: I won three times in a row!
CAT: So?

Also, canon Cat didn't write this article.

Riiiight. Rule 66 isn't it? Double standards.
[Linked Image]

ER: Actually…
EW: She meant psychically knowing something.
STAR: Actually...

Lois's sex life or the lack thereof?
LOIS: /would like to distribute coffee mugs via air delivery service/ I hate my co-workers.
Yes. And clap

Clark doesn't love Cat and Lois in the same way.
LOIS: He still loves her.
And he’s platonic with Lois.

LOIS: Oh, so SHE get's special treatment just because she wasn't cautious! Typical!
CAT: Superman rescues you when you're not cautious. Isn't that special treatment?
LOIS: I wish!
rotflol So, Lois thinks her boyfriend’s a bit of a rescue slut?

ust a cameo, so I didn't have to dedicate an entire scene to them. Trying to conserve scenes, so more are dedicated to Lois and Clark.
laugh I’m not sure people would mind the extra scenes. Doesn’t have to mess up the number of Lois and Clark scenes in the post.

JIMMY: Some guy who got a shot of a murderer as it happened. Politics!
And this year’s award for the most outstanding photograph go posthumously to Wallace Wysel for the first-person shot of getting shot. You can even see the bullet streaking past the camera.

ER: He’s like a puppet master, controlling his little ventriloquist doll with his hand on her backside?
EW: That's not why Clark puts his hand at the base of Lois's back!
CLARK: No. Darn.

LOIS: Sarcasm. Why is always my intelligence spoken of in jest?
Because of a little naming incident a year ago. And another little engagement incident two lives ago?

CLARK: Tell me about it!
Because of his lying to Lois for two years?

CAT: After I killed the first few, people stopped asking.
Either that or all the men were afraid it might be them.

EW: So, the irony is only lost on Cat? /loves her irony/
[Linked Image]

Um... does the Prankster's freezing ray actually make people wet when they're thawed?
Apparently, not most of the time. But it got to cause muscle contractions or muscle relaxations. Either way, if Cat got to have to concentrate to keep things contained, the freeze ray would easily be able to mess things up. Or the little one simply kicks when it wakes up again. Actually, the little one can’t freeze since the freezing ray went via the eyes so it might keep kicking when mommy’s all frozen up.

CAT: Nobody wants to have a dead body at their wedding reception.
A wedding with at least three dead is considered a very dull affair.
LEX: Why my weddings are always so much fun to be around at!

LOIS: Um... no. I have no idea to what this man is referring.
clap She’s so adorable with her faux-inncence.

ER: But doesn’t it bring seven years of luck to rub a pregnant woman’s belly? And 77 if she’s carrying Superman’s child?
EW: I always found it rude, especially by strangers.
One couldn’t tell from the telling wink

Well, truthfully, Michael, you did want someone to have a baby in this story. Why not Cat?

ER: I wonder how he detects it when Lois is lying…
CLARK: She opens her mouth.
LOIS: /there will be no nookie tonight/
She seems displeased laugh

You mean Jimbo and Lucy?

Well, it has been how long since Lois has seen her sister?
CLARK: I was keeping an eye on her over the summer. She wasn't pregnant. Carrying around a infant car seat though... oh. Ooops.
Oops, indeed. Maybe she was buying that one to mail to her sister?

EW: That's not nice! Jimmy loved Jenny at first sight. He married her at blue lines. /is being her usual self/

But only until the kid is a teenager does she have proof of his father.
Actually, the little one should be quite resilient before that, no? Since Clark was.

ER: Maybe Lucy is pregnant after all?
EW: Wouldn't she have already had the baby by now?
Did she leave before Lois got not knocked up when she played Naughty Nurse?

CLARK: Now, he's just being cruel.
[Linked Image] It would be a very unexpected and fun monkeywrench?

EW: /is tickled beyond all measure at the idea of/ Chekhov's gun. Good one.
Hmm… Suddenly I’m wondering if the EW is actually laughing about the notion of *using* the gun hanging there just because it’s hanging there.

The funny thing is the day I read this I had been thinking about a subplot where Clark meets Buffy... It didn't pan out though. Still funny thought.

Thanks for reading and commenting.
It’s a pleasure (cruise…to Mars…and back)

wave Michael

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I would like to apologize to my readers for not posting lately. RL and health problems (my fault for crowing that I was pain free, at last -- the fates heard me) have caused endless delays to my writing. I'm feeling better (currently) and am hoping to finish up Part 217 this weekend (fingers crossed / knocking on wood) and to start posting the next story arc come Wednesday 7/15/15. Thank you all for your patience and for your continued readership of my story. smile

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Joined: Apr 2007
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RL and health problems (my fault for crowing that I was pain free, at last -- the fates heard me)
[Linked Image]

have caused endless delays to my writing.
[Linked Image]

and am hoping to finish up Part 217 this weekend
[Linked Image]

(fingers crossed / knocking on wood)
[Linked Image]

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.

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