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#264834 07/15/15 06:43 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

More B-Plot with a little smattering of A-Plot. I know that I skipped the Source entirely, but my muse could find no inspiration for that storyline. Also, you've may have noticed, that I'm also trying not to cover -- in depth -- all the episodes of S2 in the attempts to get to the end of Book 2 before next century. laugh

Thanks for reading.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Lois checked how she looked in Clark’s bathroom mirror one last time. Glancing down at her plaid knee-length Superman nightshirt, she was beginning to feel as if she had chosen the wrong pajamas for the occasion. She took a deep breath and exhaled.

She could do this.
[Linked Image] Is she spending the night? Or did she figure out that a red boots and briefs and an S painted on her chest might finally do trick?

“I want to thank you again for letting me stay the night,” she said. “Since you told me that Kyle Griffin was up for parole, I just haven’t felt like being alone.”
Ah, I see. ‘Kyle Griffin’, huh? [Linked Image]
LOIS: It’s not my fault that he escaped from prison after someone sent him a cake with a saw baked into it.
KYLE: There was a saw in it? I just used the piece of concrete to smash in the door…

It was bad enough when one psychopath had it in for her, but add in a second…
…it’s Tuesday?

“Showing up to his parole hearing – and I still cannot believe that I wasn’t alerted – is just what I need to put those demons in their proper place.”
ARI: …and I must say that I believe Mr. Griffin shows wonderful progress in his effort to resume a normal life. If you check out the letters he has written to Ms. Lane over there, emphasize how determined he is to no longer repress his negative emotions, instead expressing them in a healthy and orderly fashion.

That only goaded Lois into recalling her real reason for asking to spend the night at Clark’s apartment.
Her apartment is being fumigated by Griffin Inc?

“I spoke to the parole board. Guess who was in charge of Kyle Griffin’s pysch evaluation this past summer,” he went on.

“Who?” Lois asked.

“Arianna Carlin.”
jawdrop /points to previous remark/

“There is no try with you, Lois, only do,” he replied.
YODA: [Linked Image]

She ran her fingers down the sides of his chest as he shifted her position so that she was lying down on his couch with him on top.
That’s an…unfortunate position?
LOIS: Unfortunate that he is making out with me?
ER: No, unfortunate that he’s on top. Unfortunate that he can jump up and escape if things get too heated up.

“Do you know what seeing you with my family’s crest on your chest does to me?” he continued when she hadn’t vocally responded.
I’m sure she can feel it.
CLARK: Now, were did I leave that golden leash Dad packed into my space capsule…

not to mention both women and men, wearing his family’s crest.
RALPH: What? I hear women like it when men wear it.
CLARK: sick

Lois scooted out from under Clark, landing with a thud on the floor.
Uh oh?

“I didn’t mean anything by it,” she said, grabbing the hem of her nightshirt. “I’ll just…”
[Linked Image] [Linked Image]


“It’s okay,” she reassured him, pulling it over her head.

Clark heard the nightshirt fall to the ground.

“No, it’s not,” he replied from where he was standing in his kitchen.
He seems fast?

He had placed both hands over his eyes.
THE ORDINARY MAN: [Linked Image]

but he also knew what his resistance level would be should he actually see – live and in person – a naked Lois Lane in his apartment.
Ooooooh! I know! I know! /draws elongated circle on the floor/ Also, she might not be nude. She might still be wearing panties. Black ones. With lace.

He was ever so glad that he chose the sweatpants to sleep in tonight, instead of his usual sleep shorts.

How could she be standing so calmly and nakedly in his living room?
/points at her being Lois Lane/

“Chuck, put down your hands.”


“Lois, I… I… can’t.”

“You can.”

Hesitantly, he dropped his hands, but his eyes remained firmly shut.

Grudgingly, he forced the muscles around his eyes to relax and open. “You’re… you’re…” His jaw fell open.

“Wearing a tank top and shorts? Yes,” she replied.
razz /heads over yonder/

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“Wearing a tank top and shorts? Yes,” she replied.
. And those bottoms were to shorts as a necklace was to a shirt. Not even close.
LOIS: What? I call them shorts because they’re short. It’s not a lie or anything…

“I thought that you weren’t… um…” he sputtered, unable to concentrate properly.
CLARK: Yes. I thought you weren’t naked. I mean nude. I mean nine. Erm…dressed. help ?

“Wearing anything under my nightshirt? I got that memo. Thanks,” Lois said wryly.
Also, did he just act like she got the plague or something when he jumped up? He must really not wish to see her naked. Must do wonders for her self-esteem laugh

She bent over and picked up her nightshirt from the floor, giving him a peek-a-boo glance at the area above the top of her thighs from under her boxer shorts.
[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Clark sucked in a deep breath and shifted his gaze upwards towards the ceiling, placing his hands on his knees to stop himself from doing something they both might regret.
Removing said shorts?

“Let’s talk about that,” she said.

“Our love?” he asked with little hope.

Lois leaned back on the couch next to him and took hold of his hand. “You wanting me.”
CAT: I already tried that. Didn’t work…

His spine stiffened and his ears automatically searched the city for rescue calls.

Clark’s gaze returned to Lois and he realized that she had read his body language. He smiled apologetically. “Nothing.” Darn.
Isn’t he adorrrrable?

“Me, too.” That was the truth. He preferred it when people weren’t hurt, especially Lois by his sudden disappearances.
Maybe they shouldn’t make love on the ceiling, then?

“I’m not going anywhere,” she said softly.

In other words, there was nowhere he could run or fly off to. They were having this conversation before Superman was needed or after.

Lois patted his knee. “Well, now that I know, we can work together at showing the world how uninterested Superman is in Lois Lane,” she said.
Superman going to date blonde reporters from now on?

“I don’t know if I’m that good of an actor,” Clark admitted.
Lois going to date Hawaii-shirted federal agents from now on?

“Most everyone you know thinks that you’re two people, Clark. Give yourself some credit.”
And most of those people don’t even know there’s a Clark, so good an actor is he.

“You want this,” she said, almost as if reading his thoughts.

“That has never been at issue, minha.”
LOIS: So you’re stupid.
CLARK: That has never been at issue, minha.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t stop himself, especially if she said ‘no’ at any point.
That’s because he’s well trained. But it’s also the only way to stop him.

Clark recalled Trask implying that Superman could have given Lois, had they been intimate back during that first meeting, some kind of alien sexually transmitted disease. Ironic how close to the truth Trask had been.
Well…it would actually have been more akin to the plague, being rooted in Europe’s Middle Ages and all that. Unless he’d give her the 9 month affliction that would bloat her, make her lose her center of gravity, make her sick, and then, cause years of sleepless nights.

She would think that Clark was the biggest slimeball in this and any other universe and that he had only been yanking her chain for kicks. She would think that he didn’t really love her. Worst of all, she would think that he had broken his pact not to lie to her any longer.
Actually, since there’s been no evidence of his entertaining other women in the year they’ve known each other, it would mean that he’s doing this for kicks while not getting any. That would seem very strange and highly unlikely. Slimeballs aren’t usually the sexually abstinent type.

“The cold concrete floor, huge barrels of wine, and racks of bottles kind of gave it away,” he replied
That an the cage. Crazy billionaires always have cages in their wine cellars.

Lois sighed with relief. She clearly had thought Luthor capable of worse actions than Clark had surmised.
LUTHOR: He’s an *alien*! That’s…icky!

“Of course. Would you like some cannoli?” he asked.

She raised her brow.
[Linked Image]

“With crema or cioccolato?” he asked.

Lois merely shook her head in disbelief that he had to ask.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

Also, you've may have noticed, that I'm also trying not to cover -- in depth -- all the episodes of S2 in the attempts to get to the end of Book 2 before next century.
rotflol Umm…also…You are worried about 2200? /packs for generational story/

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

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Darth Michael: Thank you so much for commenting on my story, Michael (and the cheery smilies). Sorry, I didn't respond sooner (or post the next part). I was trying to get out of bed all weekend; so I'm running behind again. I'm starting to feel as if Anti-K is using me a test dummy for her next torture scene for Clark. Just as soon as I feel it can't get worse, it does.

Is she spending the night?
LOIS: I hope so! I did change into my jammies.

Or did she figure out that a red boots and briefs and an S painted on her chest might finally do trick?
[Linked Image]

Ah, I see. ‘Kyle Griffin’, huh?
I did apologize for skipping The Source!... okay, after the fact.

LOIS: It’s not my fault that he escaped from prison after someone sent him a cake with a saw baked into it.
KYLE: There was a saw in it? I just used the piece of concrete to smash in the door…

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by WC 210
It was bad enough when one psychopath had it in for her, but add in a second…
…it’s Tuesday?
Wednesday actually… Oh, you meant in the story… uh…

ARI: …and I must say that I believe Mr. Griffin shows wonderful progress in his effort to resume a normal life. If you check out the letters he has written to Ms. Lane over there, emphasize how determined he is to no longer repress his negative emotions, instead expressing them in a healthy and orderly fashion.
GRIFFEN: I positively know that Ms. Lane will die!

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by WC 210
That only goaded Lois into recalling her real reason for asking to spend the night at Clark’s apartment.
Her apartment is being fumigated by Griffin Inc?
Not yet.

ER: /After all this time together FDKing, Darth Michael surprised that we’ve started thinking alike /points to previous remark/
/bats eyelashes innocently./

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by WC 210
She ran her fingers down the sides of his chest as he shifted her position so that she was lying down on his couch with him on top.
That’s an…unfortunate position?
Unfortunate for who?

LOIS: Unfortunate that he is making out with me?
ER: No, unfortunate that he’s on top. Unfortunate that he can jump up and escape if things get too heated up.
clap No wonder Lois likes it on top!

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by WC 210
“Do you know what seeing you with my family’s crest on your chest does to me?” he continued when she hadn’t vocally responded.
I’m sure she can feel it.
/coughing/ Gfic.
LOIS: So, no. I don’t *feel* anything.
CLARK: /later to Carlos/: It’s really weird, Padre. It was like I was kissing my sister…
Just kidding.

CLARK: Now, were did I leave that golden leash Dad packed into my space capsule…
[Linked Image]

RALPH: What? I hear women like it when men wear it.
CLARK: /sick/
Yes, WOMEN like it. Clark’s not a woman.
LOIS: Certainly not!

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by WC 210
“I didn’t mean anything by it,” she said, grabbing the hem of her nightshirt. “I’ll just…”
ER: /[Linked Image] over yonder to no avail./
Well, you know how I like to tease...

ER: /you’re evil/
EW: Why thank you. [Linked Image]

He seems fast?
Was there was some question about “faster than a speeding bullet”?

THE ORDINARY MAN: /can’t believe how many women he’s lost to this guy/
Well, you’ve got to recall that Clark has two weaknesses: Kryptonite and Lois. (Lois naked would be = to Kryptonite)
LOIS: I think the EW means Red Kryptonite.
CLARK: No, absolutely not, Lois. You don’t make me apathetic at all.
LOIS: I mean out of control.
CLARK: Oh, that. Yeah, she does.

Ooooooh! I know! I know! /draws elongated circle on the floor/ Also, she might not be nude. She might still be wearing panties. Black ones. With lace.
It makes him so nervous that he pees?

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by WC 210
How could she be standing so calmly and nakedly in his living room?
/points at her being Lois Lane/
That’s true. She’s seen her naked body for years now and is quite used to it.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by WC 210
Grudgingly, he forced the muscles around his eyes to relax and open. “You’re… you’re…” His jaw fell open.

“Wearing a tank top and shorts? Yes,” she replied.
ER: /hates EW first act and heads over yonder in hopes Sue S. has posted the next part of ANY of her WIPs./
[Linked Image]


"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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– Continuation of my Response to Michael’s FDK –

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by WC 210
And those bottoms were to shorts as a necklace was to a shirt. Not even close.
ER: /appreciates my… er… Clark’s anaology/
LOIS: What? I call them shorts because they’re short. It’s not a lie or anything…

CLARK: Yes. I thought you weren’t naked. I mean nude. I mean nine. Erm…dressed. /gives up/ ?
Yes, that sounds about right.

Also, did he just act like she got the plague or something when he jumped up? He must really not wish to see her naked. Must do wonders for her self-esteem.
LOIS: Fortuanately, I know I’m hot, so it didn’t… much.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by WC 210
She bent over and picked up her nightshirt from the floor, giving him a peek-a-boo glance at the area above the top of her thighs from under her boxer shorts.
Clark: /at a loss for words/
CAT: Gluteus Maximus
LOIS: Did Cat just say I have a big butt?
EW: No. Cat’s not in this scene. [Linked Image]
CLARK: That was just Cat’s voice reading the dictionary for me.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by WC 210
Clark sucked in a deep breath and shifted his gaze upwards towards the ceiling, placing his hands on his knees to stop himself from doing something they both might regret.
Removing said shorts?
I was thinking ‘touching’ said shorts, but ‘removing’ works. laugh

CAT: I already tried that. Didn’t work…
LOIS: That’s because Clark didn’t want YOU.

Isn’t he adorrrrable?
His saving grace.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by WC 210
“Me, too.” That was the truth. He preferred it when people weren’t hurt, especially Lois by his sudden disappearances.
Maybe they shouldn’t make love on the ceiling, then?
CLARK: Make love… we don’t… Did you say ceiling?… /his eyes roll upwards again and he swallows nervously/… um… Oh… Oh, my!
LOIS: [Linked Image]
CLARK: help


Superman going to date blonde reporters from now on?
LOIS: Superman doesn’t date.

Lois going to date Hawaii-shirted federal agents from now on?
LOIS: I’m a much better actress.

And most of those people don’t even know there’s a Clark, so good an actor is he.

LOIS: So you’re stupid.
CLARK: That has never been at issue, minha.

That’s because he’s well trained. But it’s also the only way to stop him.
LANA: I don’t understand. I said ‘yes’ and he’d get this glassy look in his eyes and say that he had to work late. Are you saying it was me?

Well…it would actually have been more akin to the plague, being rooted in Europe’s Middle Ages and all that. Unless he’d give her the 9 month affliction that would bloat her, make her lose her center of gravity, make her sick, and then, cause years of sleepless nights.
LOIS: I don’t know what the ER is referring to. We’ve had sex and I didn’t get sick once… except after that one time I had to kiss Lex.

Actually, since there’s been no evidence of his entertaining other women in the year they’ve known each other, it would mean that he’s doing this for kicks while not getting any. That would seem very strange and highly unlikely. Slimeballs aren’t usually the sexually abstinent type.
Or just seeing a bunch of different women all over the world and really good at hiding it.

That an the cage. Crazy billionaires always have cages in their wine cellars.
BRUCE WAYNE: No, cages are so 1992.

LUTHOR: He’s an *alien*! That’s…icky!
/chuckles/ There are *other* worse things.
CLARK: /covering his ears/ numb… numb… numb… I can’t hear you!

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by WC 210
“Of course. Would you like some cannoli?” he asked.

She raised her brow.
ER: /Duh, flyboy. She’s there in your apartment wearing your crest! Of course she wants cannoli!/
Pretty much.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by WC 210
“With crema or cioccolato?” he asked.

Lois merely shook her head in disbelief that he had to ask.
CLARK: /Right! Both/

Umm…also…You are worried about 2200? /packs for generational story/
Don’t want to use up all of my creative juices re-writing plots of episodes unimportant to the grand scheme of things.
Generational? You mean my daughter taking over where I left off? thud

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I was trying to get out of bed all weekend;
[Linked Image]
LOIS: So was I…
CLARK: [Linked Image]

I'm starting to feel as if Anti-K is using me a test dummy for her next torture scene for Clark. Just as soon as I feel it can't get worse, it does.
shock help
ALT-CLARK: But Anti-Clark at least gets to have nookie with his Lois, right? Because I’ve also been tortured but did *not* get nookie with Lois. That I remember.
CLAUDE: Been there. Done that. Nothing to write home about indeed…

LOIS: I hope so! I did change into my jammies.
laugh Wouldn’t that be awkward if invited the neighbors over for some late night BBQ on his patio.

I did apologize for skipping The Source!... okay, after the fact.
Hmm…that’s the one where Lois killed her informant, right?
LOIS: Hey!
Well, she held the gun that fired the bullet, didn’t she?

GRIFFEN: I positively know that Ms. Lane will die!
To be fair, everyone dies.
KYLE: But not in the way I imagine it. [Linked Image]

/After all this time together FDKing, Darth Michael surprised that we’ve started thinking alike
[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

/coughing/ Gfic.
LOIS: So, no. I don’t *feel* anything.

CLARK: /later to Carlos/: It’s really weird, Padre. It was like I was kissing my sister…
Just kidding.
JAMIE: confused

CLARK: Now, were did I leave that golden leash Dad packed into my space capsule… EW: Does like it when people make concubine references
/eyes work calendar/ Sometime. Somehow. /eyes half-finished fic dashing across the room/ No, I don’t have time to play *now*. Go back. And take that leash with you!

Well, you know how I like to tease...
Just like Lois, huh?
CLARK: wallbash cat

Was there was some question about “faster than a speeding bullet”?
Some time later at the Smallville alternative pharmacy…
LOIS: And I’ll take a box of those slow-down pills, too. You say, they’re crystal-based?

LOIS: I think the EW means Red Kryptonite.
CLARK: No, absolutely not, Lois. You don’t make me apathetic at all.
LOIS: I mean out of control.
CLARK: Oh, that. Yeah, she does.

STORY: but he also knew what his resistance level would be should he actually see – live and in person – a naked Lois Lane in his apartment.
ER: Ooooooh! I know! I know! /draws elongated circle on the floor/ Also, she might not be nude. She might still be wearing panties. Black ones. With lace.
EW: It makes him so nervous that he pees?
confused No, I was thinking about this one, here: http://cdn.zocoi.com/184/28.jpg (the last two frames).

/points at her being Lois Lane/
That’s true. She’s seen her naked body for years now and is quite used to it.

ER: /hates EW first act and heads over yonder in hopes Sue S. has posted the next part of ANY of her WIPs./
EW: /does faux-comforting/
laugh And yes, Sue’s been holding out on some poor betas. But it’s my own fault. I didn’t want to get spoilers of half-finished parts ahead, so I’m waiting patiently until I get to polish [Linked Image]

ER: Must do wonders for her self-esteem.
LOIS: Fortuanately, I know I’m hot, so it didn’t… much.
laugh Not very demure, is she?
LOIS: confused De…dem… huh

Clark: /at a loss for words/
CAT: Gluteus Maximus
LOIS: Did Cat just say I have a big butt?
EW: No. Cat’s not in this scene.
CLARK: That was just Cat’s voice reading the dictionary for me.
LOIS: So, Clark thinks I have a big butt?

LOIS: That’s because Clark didn’t want YOU.
CAT: And yet, he’s just sleeping next to you like he’d with his sister.

CLARK: Make love… we don’t… Did you say ceiling?… /his eyes roll upwards again and he swallows nervously/… um… Oh… Oh, my!
LOIS: /got an idea for a new hobby/
CLARK: /isn’t so sure that this hobby is any less dangerous than chasing down armed hitmen who took a contract on Lois Lane/

Superman going to date blonde reporters from now on?
LOIS: Superman doesn’t date.

Lois going to date Hawaii-shirted federal agents from now on?
LOIS: I’m a much better actress.

LANA: I don’t understand. I said ‘yes’ and he’d get this glassy look in his eyes and say that he had to work late. Are you saying it was me?
[Linked Image]

Or just seeing a bunch of different women all over the world and really good at hiding it.
I’m not sure that suggesting this is helpful in this situation.
CLARK: [Linked Image]
LOIS: [Linked Image]

LUTHOR: He’s an *alien*! That’s…icky!
/chuckles/ There are *other* worse things.
CLARK: /covering his ears/ numb… numb… numb… I can’t hear you!
Also, like billionaires, for instance?

Don’t want to use up all of my creative juices re-writing plots of episodes unimportant to the grand scheme of things.

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

I go by Michael on the Archives.

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