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#264955 07/23/15 03:39 AM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

I apologize for the delay of a day. I've been sick.

I hope you enjoyed Lois's further explanation of her motives. Comments always appreciated.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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That was a close circumvention of "The Prankster." In the back of my mind, I recall him breaking out, but I son't remember if it was during the first arc (ep) or the second of his story in the series.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Christina: wave Thanks for reading.

That was a close circumvention of "The Prankster." In the back of my mind, I recall him breaking out, but I son't remember if it was during the first arc (ep) or the second of his story in the series.
When I re-watched the Prankster episode before working on this arc, I recall Kyle telling his minion, Victor, that he *hadn't* been released early for his good behavior. (This line is delivered much better by Bronson Pinchot than by me.) It makes sense that since the Prankster Returns is only 11 episodes later that THAT was when he busted out of jail to get his (second) revenge against Lois, Clark, Superman, etc. I figured the only way Kyle Griffin could have been released from jail (early or not) would be if Lois had been distracted and didn't know it was happening. This is why I had Clark look into it after the terrorists who took them captive during FlyHard mentioned Kyle Griffin by name. He, therefore, heard that Kyle was up for parole and alerted Lois. In canon, Clark doesn't learn of Kyle's existence (surprising that he didn't read all of Lois's career breaking articles) until Kyle starts to stalk her. Glad you liked my take on keeping Kyle Griffin caged, so to speak. wink

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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[Linked Image] Sorry thisn slightly late. Missa have had bombat works again.

Why had Luthor taken Superman to the basement wine cellar if he had Kryptonite manacles waiting in his secret bedroom chamber?
The manacles where in case Ultra Woman showed up?

Had Lex been planning to move Superman back up to his bedroom for a live wedding-night show?
Ding Ding Ding!
LOIS: sick

Had Luthor told Superman what he had planned?
Why would he do such a thing? I mean, that’s sick and disgusting and totally wrong, from a moral POV.
LEX: confused
LOIS: help

The type one saw in old time movies, where the man lied to the woman to protect her, so she wouldn’t be burdened with the truth. Those were tough nuts to crack

and Lois wasn’t even sure she wanted to know the whole truth.
CLARK: See? I manage the truth for her own benefit!

Yeah, she did.
CLARK: confused

It was amazing that he even wanted to be in the same room as her.
Well, he’s still a guy.
CAT: He didn’t want me, so… /returns vote back into purse/

She was also sure that he didn’t blame her one bit for whatever Luthor did to him.

That made one of them.
Oh boy.

The pizza.

Clark had forgotten the reason he was in Europe in the first place.

He sighed. It wasn’t as if she really wanted pizza at two in the morning anyway.
Unless she’s pregnant and the pizza comes covered in Swiss cheese, garlic, and chocolate sauce?

He, then, went into the living room to clean up
/scratches at screen/ Hmm… No…that’s not on the outside… How those fruit flies get inside the screen… wallbash

clean up the tea things, only to see that Lois had already done so.
He domesticated her! jawdrop

She had done so, while waiting for him
/checks air for the smell of dead socks/ No, Miranda wasn’t here so why’s there a fruit fly plague in the city…?

Pulling back the covers, he zapped the sheets with a low beam of heat vision to warm them and then set Lois down, tucking her in.
LOIS: mad That’s not how you keep your woman warm at night!

“Where were you?” she asked, opening her eyes, her voice still groggy from sleep.
CLARK: Umm…returning my elderly neighbor’s video to the store?

I’m sorry I’m late.”
LOIS: I’m sorry I’m late, too.

“Chuck!” she interrupted, flipping back the covers. “I’m freezing here. Into bed!”
See? The woman knows what she wants.

He didn’t know what to say or do. Worse, he feared what she might say or do and what he’d have to say and do in response.
CAT: Phil? Did you remember to put those copies of ‘Female Anatomy for Dummies’ and ‘The Annotated Guide to the Kamasutra’ into the mail?

He stared at her, wishing he could think of something more profound to say other than ‘I love you.’

“I forgot the pizza,” he said instead.
Better than ‘I forgot the chocolate’?

She smiled. “I’ll live.”

“And the cannoli.”

Her smile faded.
laugh See?

She took hold of his hand under the covers. “I’m not kicking you out of this bed, no matter how hard you try. You’re warm and I’m not stupid.

She didn’t even open her eyes. “Don’t try to earn brownie points, Chuck. You did forget my cannoli.”
[Linked Image]

Clark awoke to the scent of lavender and Lois. He smiled and cuddled closer to his pillow.

It made a soft sound of contentment.
Ooooh! How is he lying on Lois?

Her back was pressed against his front.

Where was his hand?
Hmm…[Linked Image]

He couldn’t see it and he was most certainly touching bare skin that didn’t belong to him.
So, somewhere before second base, then?

Nope, it wasn’t at her waist.
Or not.

The angle of his arm was wrong for that.
Did he actually manage to be safe?

He swallowed. Oh, God. It was tucked between her thighs.

Lois was gently pulling up the hem of his shirt. She was so totally absorbed in what she was doing and seeing that she had forgotten what a light sleeper he was.
Oh dear!

“My skin isn’t blue,”
clap Blue Man Group?

startling her so that she jumped backwards, became entangled in the sheets, and almost fell off the far side of the bed.

something she know
There’s an ‘s’ missing smile

He raised his eyebrow. Why else would she want to look at his chest? It was just a male chest, after all. It wasn’t interesting in the way a female chest was.
/points at her password/

If it were, men wouldn’t be allowed to walk around without shirts on.
Or maybe women are just smarter?

He considered how he looked to be about average.
Yes…/takes sample set of 100 Superman clones/ Perfectly average.

Okay, maybe slightly above average, but nothing any woman would write home about.
RACHEL: I certainly wouldn’t tell my mother that I had sex with my highschool best friend before going off to join the army.
LANA: Why would I want *anyone* to know that I had relations with an *alien*?

They were lying on a bed, after all, and that… that… well, it just wasn’t a good idea.
Things could progress and then stop, leaving Lois in a decidedly sour mood?

“Do you get phantom pains?”

“I haven’t lost a limb, Lois,” he said,
I wonder if Lex will get phantom pains when he has to visit the facilities after he sees Lois again…

“Of course, it wasn’t
/swats fruitfly/

She pulled his hand down to where his crest lay on her chest. “Then I could wear this for real.”

She moved his finger resting on her chest so that it traced the entire ‘S’.

Despite that change in his ideology, a part of her hoped that he recognized that he wasn’t just feeling the ‘S’.
CLARK: I wonder if that cotton is from Alabama or Australia…Hmm…

“I mean, ‘yes’ it’s fine. I’m used to it, now.”

He’s used to what? she wondered. Feeling my chest?

Without saying a word, Lois set her hand on his bare chest. His splendid chest. His chest that no other man’s chest compared with.
Funny how the perspectives differ, huh?

The sun was shining. The room was bright. She wasn’t stalking him like a wild cat on the savanna. There wasn’t anything here to scare him.
She sounds wicked. And sort of smart. One does have to wonder if his hand had arrived at its sleep-position on its own volition.

Should she tell him that he had made it to second base?

Maybe later.

Lois had no idea why she was worried about Clark dying.
Probably because her temporal memory of him is reaching its conclusion…

“You ever been to one of these before?” Lois whispered to Clark as they sat in the back of the small room.
A court session where the defendant or prosecutor wasn’t his girlfriend?

angry threatening letters
I think maybe a fruitfly…?

“I need my sleep,” Clark whispered. “Another psycho after you isn’t going to help me get any.”
Because she’d be staying over permanently and then he’d never be able to sleep in his bed knowing there won’t be any accosting going on?

Lois elbowed him in the ribs again. Harder.

She must have seen his grin.

“Don’t get cocky, Chuck.”

Yep. She had seen his grin.

Clark covered his mouth to hide his chuckle. He knew that Lois was merely teasing him. If she had really wanted him to cave, she would have tried harder – or at all – when they were snuggling in bed.

Lois held up her file. “Kyle’s a big fan. Writes me almost monthly to tell me how he can’t wait to see me when he’s released. He’s even written vivid descriptions of how we’d spend those last hours of my life,”

“I agree,” stated Judge Laurette McKnight, the only woman on the panel. “Take some credit for yourself, Mr. Griffin. Ms. Lane didn’t put you in prison. Your own actions did that.”
Ooooh! Buuuuurrrrrn!

Kyle Griffin wouldn’t be back up before the parole board again for another twenty-four months.
So…break-out then?

wave Michael

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Darth Michael: wave
Sorry thisn slightly late. Missa have had bombat works again.
I’m sorry. I don’t speak Ghungan. Actually, my hubby made a good point this morning while discussing how to make my son Darth Maul for Halloween. He said, “They should have killed off Jar-Jar, and kept Darth Maul for the 3 (prequel) movies.” Okay, let’s re-write Episodes 3 to have Darth Maul kill all the children and Anakin to get blamed for it. Have Darth Maul and Anakin fight to the death (Darth Maul’s death) on the lava shores, only to have Obi Wan come to rescue Anakin, but then Anakin say he can’t be saved because he killed his brother (ie. Darth Maul). /See, notice the twist?/ Then Anakin pledges to Obi Wan to take care of his wife and children. THAT would’ve been a better film. It would make his “redemption” in RotJ believable. I’m sorry, Anakin isn’t redeemable after what I saw him do in SW3. /steps off soap box/

The manacles where in case Ultra Woman showed up?
Oh, so you think Luthor is psychic too?

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 211
Had Luthor told Superman what he had planned?
Why would he do such a thing? I mean, that’s sick and disgusting and totally wrong, from a moral POV.
LEX: /confused by those big words like “wrong” and “moral”/
LOIS: /realizes that she might be partially right for Lex after all and this makes her sick to her stomach/
LEX: No, darling. Only AFTER the honeymoon.

CLARK: See? I manage the truth for her own benefit!
LOIS: See? I manage the intelligence for both our benefit.

CLARK: /confused/
LOIS: See!

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 211
It was amazing that he even wanted to be in the same room as her.
Well, he’s still a guy.
Good point.

CAT: He didn’t want me, so… /returns vote back into purse/
PHIL: [Linked Image] I knew I liked that Clark Kent fellow.

Unless she’s pregnant and the pizza comes covered in Swiss cheese, garlic, and chocolate sauce?
You do realize that not all pregnant women experience strange food cravings, right?

/scratches at screen/ Hmm… No…that’s not on the outside… How those fruit flies get inside the screen…
wallbash I knew I shouldn’t have done one last read-through after the betas had finished with it. Thanks. Fixed.

He domesticated her! /Surprised that Lois would treat Clark’s apartment as her own/
No, she just took over his castle.

/checks air for the smell of dead socks/ No, Miranda wasn’t here so why’s there a fruit fly plague in the city…?
It’s the dragons. They’re always bringing back dead things. Thanks. I’ll have the servants clean it up right away!

LOIS: /mad/ That’s not how you keep your woman warm at night!
Well, it doesn’t suck.

CLARK: Umm…returning my elderly neighbor’s video to the store?
LOIS: In Italy?

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 211
I’m sorry I’m late.”
LOIS: I’m sorry I’m late, too.
CLARK: It’s been months. Shouldn’t you have said something before now?

See? The woman knows what she wants.
LOIS: Why does he doubt this?

CAT: Phil? Did you remember to put those copies of ‘Female Anatomy for Dummies’ and ‘The Annotated Guide to the Kamasutra’ into the mail?
PHIL: [Linked Image]

Better than ‘I forgot the chocolate’?
Give him a minute.

/laugh/ See?
Sigh. /makes note to stop being so predictable./

ER: /bouncing up and down and refrains from making Nfic joke about Clark having forgotten the cannoli./

Ooooh! How is he lying on Lois?
Not ON, next to.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 211
Her back was pressed against his front.
What? You didn’t know that Lois was a Wildling?

So, somewhere before second base, then?
Let’s just say “yes”.

Or not.
Isn’t waist before 2nd base?

Did he actually manage to be safe?
CLARK: Of course I was safe. I’m Superman.
BATMAN: [Linked Image]

Blue Man Group?
Color of his uniform.

There’s an ‘s’ missing
Knew has an ‘s’?
Superman: Everything has an “s” in it. It’s very fashionable.
MAYSON: Please call me Mayon from now on.

/points at her password/
Well, yes. But he hasn’t read any fanfiction on himself. That was canon Clark.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 211
If it were, men wouldn’t be allowed to walk around without shirts on.
Or maybe women are just smarter?
LOIS: I’ll take $5 on the latter, please!

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 211
He considered how he looked to be about average.
Yes…/takes sample set of 100 Superman clones/ Perfectly average.
With his clothes on, he figures his body is just as good as Jimmy’s.
LOIS: /pockets $5 after winning bet/ Thank you!

RACHEL: I certainly wouldn’t tell my mother that I had sex with my highschool best friend before going off to join the army.
LANA: Why would I want *anyone* to know that I had relations with an *alien*?
Sounds about right.

Things could progress and then stop, leaving Lois in a decidedly sour mood?
Or they could start, progress, and Clark might not be able to stop himself; therefore, leaving Lois dead.
LOIS: Don’t be silly, Clark. Women rarely die from childbirth anymore.

I wonder if Lex will get phantom pains when he has to visit the facilities after he sees Lois again…
There’s a reason they put a sheet of Plexiglas between the prisoners and their guests.

/swats fruitfly/
Sorry, it’s the heat. It brings out the flies.

CLARK: I wonder if that cotton is from Alabama or Australia…Hmm…

Funny how the perspectives differ, huh?
Isn’t it, though?

She sounds wicked. And sort of smart. One does have to wonder if his hand had arrived at its sleep-position on its own volition.
When he’s asleep, perhaps he lets down all that fear enforced by his control.

Probably because her temporal memory of him is reaching its conclusion…

A court session where the defendant or prosecutor wasn’t his girlfriend?

I think maybe a fruitfly…?
Just swallowed my comma? Don’t worry. I’ll get him another one. Thanks!

Because she’d be staying over permanently and then he’d never be able to sleep in his bed knowing there won’t be any accosting going on?
If Lois stayed over often, don’t you think she’d accost him at some point?

Ooooh! Buuuuurrrrrn!
Because it was true or just funny?

So…break-out then?
Oh, would you rather I concentrate more on A-Plot? I can just delete all this B-Plot non-sense and go back to A-Plot if you prefer. No? I thought not.

Thanks for reading and commenting, Michael. smile

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I’m sorry. I don’t speak Ghungan.

I’m sorry, Anakin isn’t redeemable after what I saw him do in SW3.
But…but…he also tortured people and blew up a planet in Star Wars. That whole redemption thing had always been a bit iffy from the get-go. I guess it’s much easier with clear cut good and bad guys, like you find in Game of Thrones, huh?

Oh, so you think Luthor is psychic too?
Who knows. He might have just tried to see what happens when he infused Lois with Superman’s DNA so he can have a more…interesting…challenge.

CLARK: See? I manage the truth for her own benefit!
LOIS: See? I manage the intelligence for both our benefit.

You do realize that not all pregnant women experience strange food cravings, right?
Yes, but it’s much more fun to use such tropes in interactive media. It’s like with the cake flying into the clown’s face.

He domesticated her! /Surprised that Lois would treat Clark’s apartment as her own/
EW: No, she just took over his castle.

It’s the dragons. They’re always bringing back dead things.
You’re in…Season 2? Or is it a Season 3 reference. There’re so many dead things roving around.

LOIS: /mad/ That’s not how you keep your woman warm at night!
EW: Well, it doesn’t suck.
But only if you don’t consider the intended alternative, right?

CLARK: Umm…returning my elderly neighbor’s video to the store?
LOIS: In Italy?
CLARK: [Linked Image] Signora Carola emigrated from Napoli just after the War and she likes her Italian movies.

LOIS: I’m sorry I’m late, too.
EW: /does enjoy the occasional Lois-is-pregnant joke/
CLARK: It’s been months. Shouldn’t you have said something before now?
LOIS: [Linked Image]

CAT: Phil? Did you remember to put those copies of ‘Female Anatomy for Dummies’ and ‘The Annotated Guide to the Kamasutra’ into the mail?
PHIL: /has not been very helpful to his bro/

Sigh. /makes note to stop being so predictable./
laugh [Linked Image] Evil minds…?

What? You didn’t know that Lois was a Wildling?
CLARK: What do you mean by ‘I know nothing’? /points at base #3/ See?

Or not.
EW: Isn’t waist before 2nd base?
Yes. Provided that his hand did stop there.

CLARK: Of course I was safe. I’m Superman.
BATMAN: /isn’t into baseball metaphers/

Superman: Everything has an “s” in it. It’s very fashionable.
MAYSON: Please call me Mayon from now on.
clap Or, just ‘Mayo’?

Or they could start, progress, and Clark might not be able to stop himself; therefore, leaving Lois dead.
LOIS: Don’t be silly, Clark. Women rarely die from childbirth anymore.

When he’s asleep, perhaps he lets down all that fear enforced by his control.
LOIS: He does! I swear it.

If Lois stayed over often, don’t you think she’d accost him at some point?
But he’s fast!

Ooooh! Buuuuurrrrrn!
Because it was true or just funny?
Funny truth?

I can just delete all this B-Plot non-sense and go back to A-Plot if you prefer.

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

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