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#265072 07/29/15 02:48 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Yes, I went there. Forgive me, but I couldn't resist. evil

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Covering the Bases
Ooooooh! [Linked Image]

“So, there I was wavering between hesitation and temptation to make a run from second to third base,” Clark went on.
Naughty writer!
LOIS: mad

“By the time I made up my mind, the game was called due to a sudden shower. I swear I was this close to making a run for it, too.”
LOIS: splat

Jimbo stiffened. “Hi, Lois,” his said, his voice raising an octave as he backed towards his desk. “I better get…” He ran off.
Very naughty writer!

“The Daily Planet staff’s game against the Planet’s Little League team this past summer, minha,” he replied
/scratches head/ I only know about baseball/softball what you get from TV shows, but isn’t little league for kids?

“Right. Baseball. Of course. What else could you possibly have been discussing?” Lois said dryly.
Well…obviously the base jumping Clark did earlier this morning under her tutelage.

Clark stood up erect. “The Kyle Griffin hearing?” he said hesitantly.
Is it possible that he’s actually this dense or is he hoping that Lois will just how much she misjudged the situation and just switch subjects without losing face. Could he really be this much of a diplomat?
CANON CLARK: I was asked to negotiate a peace treaty between mortal enemies. And it only fell apart after they caught Superman doing the dirty with the wife of his best friend.

“What else happened this morning that you think I’d discuss with Jimmy?” he asked.
He’s a dude. Jimmy’s a dude. What does he think she’s thinking?

Clark lowered his voice just as much as she had raised hers. “Nothing happened this morning, Lois.”
That might have been unwise.

“Nothing? You call that nothing?” she was practically yelling now.
He’s a guy. She wasn’t naked?

Clark’s brow softened from confusion to wary understanding. “I would never talk about us to Jimmy,” he reassured her.
jawdrop He really *is* this dense. Oh boy. Lois is going to have to *work* in this marriage. Plus, thanks to her genes, at least the little ones won’t be just jumping around the room like a Roomba on 400V.

“The baseball game…” He sighed and pulled her into his embrace before whispering in her ear, “Lois, we didn’t get to second base this morning.”
[Linked Image] He’s not familiar with bases from back home, is he? What was it they where using?

“Because I’m not a clueless idiot,” he replied.
JURY: [Linked Image]

“And you think I am?” she scoffed, starting to tick off her fingers. “First base is French kissing. Second base is touching chests. Third base is…” She waved her hand. “Below the belt. And home run is…”

“First of all, I’d never refer to our relationship in baseball terms.
But it’s such an established tradition!

Secondly, that’s not second base.”

Her brow furrowed. “It’s not?”
It’s not?

He shrugged. “Not above clothing, and touching my bare chest doesn’t count as second base.”
rotflol He *is* a stickler for details!

There, he whispered another definition of second base.
[Linked Image]

Lois swallowed, heat rising to her cheeks. “Oh.” She lowered her face away from his. “Really?” She practically panted the word.
You really are enjoying the medium, aren’t you?

He shrugged again as if he didn’t know it from personal experience. “That’s what I’ve heard.”

“Isn’t that third?” she replied.

Now, Clark appeared apprehensive and unsure. “It’s that and… um… more.” He gave her a knowing look. “But not home run more.”

“Oh,” Lois murmured, burying her face in the nape of his neck. A giggle rose out of her chest. “Well, aren’t we pathetically ignorant?”
Either that or he’s trying to push the boundaries before the homerun so they can better progress, given how completive she is at sports.

She could feel Clark’s smile against her cheek. “I’m okay with that, minha. As long as we’re ignorant about this together.”
They’ll never get preggers that way…OTOH, didn’t the kids from The Blue Lagoon manage a baby on their own, too?

The door from Perry’s office slammed open. “What is this? Behind the bleachers at the big game?” their boss yelled, pointing back to the bullpen. “News! Now!”
rotflol No wonder Lois doesn’t like baseball metaphors. It’s Claude, all over again.

Lois ran the point of her index fingernail down Clark’s chest. “So, slugger, shall we round second tonight?

Lois heard Clark exhale in relief behind her. She grinned.

They’d get there soon enough.
Right. Probably when he has to sacrifice a born-again virgin to keep Lois from losing her mind.

“But at least I didn’t dump her for a wrongly convicted, yet fully pardoned criminal.”
No, but it’s what she did to Clark.

Clark brushed her thumb with his. “You’re not a criminal, Lois. You were trying to save an innocent man from going to jail. Your intentions were honorable.”
Says the vigilante.

“He expected his slimy lawyer to get me off.
shock Really? I would have thought that would be a fireable offense?

I believe it simpler than that.
“it’s” ?

Clark’s jaw dropped open. “He had the governor pardon you because he wanted to take you to dinner?”
LEX: Why does he say it like it’s unreasonable?

Lois shrugged. “Lex doesn’t like being inconvenienced or told that he can’t do something.”
And yet, he still liked Lois, despite her inconveniencing him by telling him he can’t do her before the wedding.

It certainly would have put a crimp in his lifestyle as well. Taking Lois out to dinner in Hong Kong or to Mexico for a day in the sun would have been out of the question.
It would? I mean, it’s not like she’d be taking her passport, leave or enter the country at customs, etc.

He needed to change the subject. “Phil called. He and Cat are now the proud parents of a healthy baby boy. Clark Joseph.”
Awww…He’s named after his father! clap

“I heard a couple of new mothers, once, complaining about people dropping by unannounced.
Channeling, aren’t we? clap

Clark didn’t know if Lois being overly considerate of Cat and Phil’s feelings or whether she was afraid he would volunteer them to babysit the baby.

She was quiet for a minute before saying, “Clark, you’ve told me numerous times that I wasn’t your first.”
*Numerous* times? Really? He thought emphasizing his previous conquests would be a wise thing to do?

He started to lift up his finger to contradict her wording. He was one-hundred percent certain that those words had never in his entire life come out of his mouth.
Too much of a survivalist?

“It was a good thing, too, because he dumped me for Linda because she put out.”
To be fair, he was a hotshot college boy with an attorney as his father/uncle.

Okay. He might have deserved that response. He was beginning to wonder why Lois wasn’t the one asking them to wait until marriage. Not only had she dated some very untrustworthy men, but her father had cheated on her mother as well.
And yet he’s wondering why she’s not adamant about waiting for marriage.

“Rachel?” she asked, stiffening. “Her name was Rachel?”
Love the emphasis. In German pronunciation, it’s even funnier because the ‘el’ is much more pronounced. Anyhow…
LOIS: “Rach-El? Her name was Rach-El? You lost your virginity to your *sister*?”
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

He squeezed his eyes shut. Lois recognized the name.

“You know, I won’t hold you to that,” he murmured between kisses. “I’ll understand if you change your mind, someday, and feel the need to leave.”

“Thanks,” she said flatly, stopping her kisses and curling back against his chest.
He’s really good at making women want to leave him, huh?

Okay, Clark had to admit a part of him was ready to be furious with Herb if it turned out he had led Clark astray.
A very small part?
CLARK: Not *that* small a part.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

Dear God, was he as bad as Claude?
Well…unlike Claude, he never even acted like something that even happened, so, I’m guessing that must be way worse.

Lois tossed and turned in her bed, unable to sleep. She just couldn’t get it out of her head that Clark had been married before. Rach and Kal-El. She wasn’t sure how marriage worked on Krypton, but it seemed slightly different than it was here.
Oh. *That’s* what she thought! rotflol

Moreover, she had left him, just as his fiancée had. What was wrong with Kryptonian women?
[Linked Image] It’s why the men of Kryptonian society invented the golden leash!

Lois guessed that making love next to an open flame must have been part of the Kryptonian marriage ceremony.

On the other hand, Clark had said it was a planned departure. That didn’t sound like a rescue. Nor would he take time away from saving someone to get married and to consummate his marriage. No, that didn’t make sense.
Maybe he got married several hours before the asteroid was bound to strike the other side of Krypton and there wasn’t anything left to do before the impact?

Had Rach-El died while Clark had been away on his journey? Was that why he didn’t hold her in contempt for leaving him? Did he blame himself for her death?
Maybe it was in childbirth?

Had that contributed to why he had been engaged for so long without getting married to that other woman? Was he afraid that she would’ve died if they had married?
[Linked Image] Maybe it’s Kryptonian custom for the wife not to survive the wedding night? huh I know, it sounds grisly, but it would make perfect sense in the scenario. It’s just like with the praying mantis!

Lois-El first

even if you choose not to marry him and bear his sons,” announced the silver-haired elder.
rotflol Even in her dreams she’s still asserting her independence. But it *is* fun that she chose quite the public setting for their consummation. She’s a bit of an exhibitionist, that one, isn’t she?

Lois awoke with a gasp, panting for breath, almost as if her heart had been ripped out of her chest. She kicked off her covers, wishing she hadn’t switched to her winter pajamas, and reached over to pick up the phone next to her bed, dialing the number she had memorized.
Hmm…hot and bothered. Or thinking she had a telepathic vision?

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

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Darth Michael: I thought you might have fun with this plot arc. evil

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 212
Covering the Bases
Ooooooh! /starts bouncing before reading the first line.
EW: /points to note that ‘yes, I went there’ note/

Naughty writer!
LOIS: /mad that once again EW is making miscommunication key to the humor of a part/
EW: /bats eyelashes innocently/

Very naughty writer!

/scratches head/ I only know about baseball/softball what you get from TV shows, but isn’t little league for kids?
It was only for fun. The adults (DP staff) vs. the kids (DP Little League team).

Well…obviously the base jumping Clark did earlier this morning under her tutelage.
LOIS: Base jumping? No, no. That’s not allowed. /points to chapter title again./

Is it possible that he’s actually this dense or is he hoping that Lois will just how much she misjudged the situation and just switch subjects without losing face. Could he really be this much of a diplomat?
CLARK: Um… I plead the 5th?

CANON CLARK: I was asked to negotiate a peace treaty between mortal enemies. And it only fell apart after they caught Superman doing the dirty with the wife of his best friend.
They must have been jealous that the negotiator was having fun while they were playing war.

He’s a dude. Jimmy’s a dude. What does he think she’s thinking?
That he’s a gentleman and doesn’t kiss and tell.

That might have been unwise.
LOIS: Might have? [Linked Image]

He’s a guy. She wasn’t naked?
[Linked Image]
CLARK: /checks Herb’s manual/ Yep, that was nothing, because if it was something then one of us would have to die.

/surprised that Clark is once more lying to Lois/ He really *is* this dense. Oh boy. Lois is going to have to *work* in this marriage. Plus, thanks to her genes, at least the little ones won’t be just jumping around the room like a Roomba on 400V.
CLARK: confused Lois doesn’t seem to be the stay-at-home type, Michael.

ER: /Confused at where Clark is going with this reassurance/ He’s not familiar with bases from back home, is he? What was it they where using?
Perhaps they either went with Soccer or (American) Football Terms. So, either there was just GOAL! Or 50 yards to conquer… um… run?... before the Touchdown!
CAT: Personally, I always use Tennis terms, myself.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 212
“Because I’m not a clueless idiot,” he replied.
JURY: /undecided/
And here I thought people would be happy to see Clark defending himself. Silly me.

But it’s such an established tradition!
In THIS dimension.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 212
Secondly, that’s not second base.”
Her brow furrowed. “It’s not?”
It’s not?
Again, in Clark’s defense, he kind of skipped some bases with Rachel and Lana. Didn’t I mention that?
RACHEL: /scoffing/ And he wonders why I never returned his calls? [Linked Image]

He *is* a stickler for details!
This is not always a BAD thing.
JURY of 12 LOISES: /still waiting for it to be a good thing/
CANON LOIS: [Linked Image]

ER: /tries with difficulty to read between the lines to hear what Clark says/
It’s interesting what comes up when you Google “bases”. Apparently, there are multiple definitions.

You really are enjoying the medium, aren’t you?
The whispered Nfic sections that the Reader can’t read? [Linked Image]

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 212
“Isn’t that third?” she replied.
ER: /shocked at how different alt-dimension is from canon or alt-canon dimension/

Either that or he’s trying to push the boundaries before the homerun so they can better progress, given how completive she is at sports.
Well, what he basically said is that 2nd base is different for men than it is for women, since touching a man’s bare chest isn’t that big a deal. Since Clark didn’t touch Lois’s bare chest, he didn’t get to 2nd base. And since Lois only touched his bare chest, neither did she.
LOIS: /cracks knuckles/ So, basically, what he’s saying is that I need to try harder.
CLARK: [Linked Image] I didn’t say that.

They’ll never get preggers that way…OTOH, didn’t the kids from The Blue Lagoon manage a baby on their own, too?
Apparently, it’s instinctual. Also, it’s neither of theirs first time.

No wonder Lois doesn’t like baseball metaphors. It’s Claude, all over again.
LOIS: But Claude and I never did anything at work?

Right. Probably when he has to sacrifice a born-again virgin to keep Lois from losing her mind.
EW: Born-again virgin?
DAN: wave

No, but it’s what she did to Clark.
MAYSON: huh Are you saying I dumped Clark for Lex Luthor?

Says the vigilante.
So he knows about honorable intentions.

Really? I would have thought that would be a fireable offense?
As in “get the charges dropped” not the other definition.

“it’s” ?
Yes. Thank you. Again, another change made after Beta. wallbash My betas are wonderful to put up with me! notworthy

LEX: Why does he say it like it’s unreasonable?
MAYSON: [Linked Image]

And yet, he still liked Lois, despite her inconveniencing him by telling him he can’t do her before the wedding.
She’s a bit of a challenge. Most women he met, weren’t.
LEX: Why are you speaking in the past tense? Are more women challenging or you implying I won’t ever meet any women again? /shakes head/ Apparently, EW forgets I’m the second richest man in the world; therefore, I'll never be convicted.

It would? I mean, it’s not like she’d be taking her passport, leave or enter the country at customs, etc.
It’s more that Clark is more law-abiding. If it were illegal to remove Lois from the country, he wouldn’t do it, even if he could do so easily without being caught.

Awww…He’s named after his father!
Nope. Best friend and Cat’s father.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 212
“I heard a couple of new mothers, once, complaining about people dropping by unannounced.
Channeling, aren’t we?
Nope. I rarely got visitors when I was a new mom. This is more from complaints read on parenting websites. /shrugs/ I personally would have loved the break to talk to adults and not cared what I and/or my house looked like.

*Numerous* times? Really? He thought emphasizing his previous conquests would be a wise thing to do?
LOIS: He said more than once that he wasn’t a virgin.

Too much of a survivalist?

To be fair, he was a hotshot college boy with an attorney as his father/uncle.
LOIS: And you expect me to accept that excuse?! Ha!

And yet he’s wondering why she’s not adamant about waiting for marriage.
Well, it is a catch 22, choosing between never wanting to get married and waiting until marriage for intimacy. She chose the path less traveled this time… less traveled by other Loises.
ALT-LOIS: Are you *sure* about that?

Love the emphasis. In German pronunciation, it’s even funnier because the ‘el’ is much more pronounced. Anyhow…
LOIS: “Rach-El? Her name was Rach-El? You lost your virginity to your *sister*?”
Ewww. [Linked Image] No. Lois didn’t go there.
And it’s a good thing that Leia preferred scruffy-looking nerf-herders.

He’s really good at making women want to leave him, huh?
It’s an art.

A very small part?
CLARK: Not *that* small a part.
LOIS: /Agrees. Not small./
Um… “small” wasn’t mentioned, just “part”.

Well…unlike Claude, he never even acted like something that even happened, so, I’m guessing that must be way worse.
LOIS: Well, that was afterwards. During he was much better. Afterwards, he was more Angel than Claude.

Oh. *That’s* what she thought!
Yep. I went there. evil

It’s why the men of Kryptonian society invented the golden leash!
Interesting theory. Which came first? The concubine or the picky noblewomen?

Maybe he got married several hours before the asteroid was bound to strike the other side of Krypton and there wasn’t anything left to do before the impact?
LOIS: No, no. If that were the case, we would’ve had a different evening before Nightfall.

Maybe it was in childbirth?
Then what happened to the baby?

Maybe it’s Kryptonian custom for the wife not to survive the wedding night? huh I know, it sounds grisly, but it would make perfect sense in the scenario. It’s just like with the praying mantis!
Doesn’t explain why Kryptonian women would ever get married at all.

Sure. Why not?! laugh

Even in her dreams she’s still asserting her independence. But it *is* fun that she chose quite the public setting for their consummation. She’s a bit of an exhibitionist, that one, isn’t she?
Her subconscious is wondering why Clark didn’t describe what went on in more detail, therefore filling in the holes with something… else. And as she’s a replacement for Rach-El it’s more of an assertment of Rachel’s independence than Lois’s.

Hmm…hot and bothered. Or thinking she had a telepathic vision?
The first one. It’s hard to go back into the past and re-do something that’s already happened.
HERB: /holds up finger/ Actually… It's more "not recommended" than "difficult".

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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I thought you might have fun with this plot arc.
[Linked Image]

EW: /points to note that ‘yes, I went there’ note/
LOIS: I sorely hope he’ll keeping trying to go there till I’ve won…[Linked Image]

It was only for fun. The adults (DP staff) vs. the kids (DP Little League team).
Oh. Duh!
RALPH: What do you mean that I shouldn’t have shot that one kid with the ball into the head? He was aiming for my *base*!

LOIS: Base jumping? No, no. That’s not allowed. /points to chapter title again./

ER: Is it possible that he’s actually this dense[…]
CLARK: Um… I plead the 5th?
You know, objects of great density do pull in even light waves, so maybe the whole heatwave thing really did might have had to do with Superman…

They must have been jealous that the negotiator was having fun while they were playing war.

That he’s a gentleman and doesn’t kiss and tell.
Poor guy doesn’t have met Lois before, did he?

ER: That might have been unwise.
LOIS: Might have? <wants to show Clark her new batting equipment she bought at Smallville’s Softball Stuff>

CLARK: /checks Herb’s manual/ Yep, that was nothing, because if it was something then one of us would have to die.
LOIS: *That* can be arranged…

ER: Plus, thanks to her genes, at least the little ones won’t be just jumping around the room like a Roomba on 400V.
CLARK: confused Lois doesn’t seem to be the stay-at-home type, Michael.
wallbash That should have read ‘bouncing around the room’. I was referring to Clark’s offspring likely behaving like flies. You know, zipping around the room and not finding the window or door to get out. That is, unless Lois supplies the intelligence.

So, either there was just GOAL! Or 50 yards to conquer… um… run?... before the Touchdown!

CAT: Personally, I always use Tennis terms, myself.
Enjoys playing doubles and one usually plays matches that take more than one game and there’s servicing involved?

And here I thought people would be happy to see Clark defending himself. Silly me.
[Linked Image]

ER: But it’s such an established tradition!
EW: In THIS dimension.
But isn’t this *this* dimension, except in an alternate timeline? And they have a Metropolis and a Gotham City and a Batman and space stations that are big and criminal politicians and stuff like that.

Again, in Clark’s defense, he kind of skipped some bases with Rachel and Lana. Didn’t I mention that?
RACHEL: /scoffing/ And he wonders why I never returned his calls? /really would have preferred it if Lana had taken the time to educate poor Clarkie-boy before dumping him on prom-night/

ER: He *is* a stickler for details!
EW: This is not always a BAD thing.
JURY of 12 LOISES: /still waiting for it to be a good thing/
CANON LOIS: /those 12 Loises apparently haven’t enjoyed their Clark yet in a more floational manner/

It’s interesting what comes up when you Google “bases”. Apparently, there are multiple definitions.
PRESIDENT: I did not run home with this woman!

ER: You really are enjoying the medium, aren’t you?
EW: The whispered Nfic sections that the Reader can’t read? /Yes. Yes I do, very much so./
/points at label/

LOIS: /cracks knuckles/ So, basically, what he’s saying is that I need to try harder.
CLARK: /is very worried about making it hard for Lois/ I didn’t say that.

Apparently, it’s instinctual. Also, it’s neither of theirs first time.
True. But then again, their previous encounters weren’t very successful and lead to break up, heart break and total memory loss.

LOIS: But Claude and I never did anything at work?
/points to previous remark about total memory loss.

ER: Right. Probably when he has to sacrifice a born-again virgin to keep Lois from losing her mind.
EW: Born-again virgin?
Yeah, those who pledge some vow of chastity and get themselves accepted as virgins again after turning their lives around. According to TV, it was all the rage during the turn of the century.

No, but it’s what she did to Clark.
EW: /enjoys the repartee/
MAYSON: /is feeling very entitled/ Are you saying I dumped Clark for Lex Luthor?
No, I was thinking about how Lois dumping Clark for a recently pardoned Lex on her wedding day.

So he knows about honorable intentions.
Since he’s painfully avoiding sexual interactions with Lois, huh?

LEX: Why does he say it like it’s unreasonable?
MAYSON: /can’t believe she didn’t offer jumping into bed with Bill Church for him using his influence to have those parking tickets vanished/

LEX: Why are you speaking in the past tense? Are more women challenging or you implying I won’t ever meet any women again? /shakes head/ Apparently, EW forgets I’m the second richest man in the world; therefore, I'll never be convicted.
BENDER: …32 billion and 999 millions. 33 billion dollars moved to the Cayman Bank of Zurich.

It’s more that Clark is more law-abiding. If it were illegal to remove Lois from the country, he wouldn’t do it, even if he could do so easily without being caught.
LOIS: /dialing/ Daniel? Yes, about that date you offered…

I personally would have loved the break to talk to adults and not cared what I and/or my house looked like.
laugh clap

ER: *Numerous* times? Really? He thought emphasizing his previous conquests would be a wise thing to do?
LOIS: He said more than once that he wasn’t a virgin.
Yes, but that didn’t imply he was having sex with women. It’s more of an abstract concept.
LOIS: No, it’s not.
CLARK: So, when you are telling me that you’re not a virgin either, that means you and Claude…shock
LOIS: [Linked Image]

ER: To be fair, he was a hotshot college boy with an attorney as his father/uncle.
LOIS: And you expect me to accept that excuse?! Ha!
LINDA: confused

EW: She chose the path less traveled this time… less traveled by other Loises.
ALT-LOIS: Are you *sure* about that?
laugh Which reminds me, she and Superman where last seen playing catch around the tip of the Eiffel Tower, weren’t they?

And it’s a good thing that Leia preferred scruffy-looking nerf-herders.
Could have been awkward, huh? Can you imagine if there actually had been a tie-in novel that went there before Empire was released? Splinter of the Mind’s Eye did go a long way, though. Not that the book was anything too great. Something one learns only after reading it…

He’s really good at making women want to leave him, huh?
It’s an art.
CLARK: Some men are pick-up artists. I’m following a different school.

A very small part?
CLARK: Not *that* small a part.
LOIS: /Agrees. Not small./
EW: Um… “small” wasn’t mentioned, just “part”.
laugh There! Don’t you see? Those small specks between the lines?

Afterwards, he was more Angel than Claude.
Turned into a soulless creature that would love nothing more than drain the blood from your relatives while you watch?

Interesting theory. Which came first? The concubine or the picky noblewomen?
laugh Depends on who you ask?

LOIS: No, no. If that were the case, we would’ve had a different evening before Nightfall.
laugh Unless Clark blamed himself for not being fast enough to stop the asteroid and wanting to avoid said happening on Earth?

Then what happened to the baby?
/points at Family Hour/

Doesn’t explain why Kryptonian women would ever get married at all.
It would, if the male carries the child to term?

And as she’s a replacement for Rach-El it’s more of an assertment of Rachel’s independence than Lois’s.
Sure wink

It’s hard to go back into the past and re-do something that’s already happened.
HERB: /holds up finger/ Actually… It's more "not recommended" than "difficult".
LOIS: /points at broken timeline with a dead Tempus/[Linked Image]
HERB: [Linked Image] I *could* fix that but it would have unfortunate side effects?

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

I go by Michael on the Archives.

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