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#265825 09/02/15 11:57 AM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Thus endith the plot arc "Covering the Bases". I'll be taking another posting hiatus to finish up the next plot arc (currently untitled). Feel free to let me know what you thought of this (mostly) A-Plot free distraction.

Thank you for reading.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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He tried to sit up, but Lois’s arm slid over his back in a manner that if he sat up, so would she. Moreover, she wasn’t wearing a top.
[Linked Image]
CLARK: If I *wanted* to see her naked, I’d watch her with my x-ray vision while she’s taking a shower.
LOIS: cat

Lois’s fingers stopped at his waist again. “Lose the shirt, Chuck.”


She started to lift his shirt. “We have an inequality of clothing here, Clark. Lose the shirt.”
laugh *Now* she’s for equal opportunities?

He set his hand on top of hers. “Hey, I didn’t tell you to lose your shirt the other morning when mine was off and, if I recall properly, I told you to wear a shirt for the massage.”
And his point being?
LOIS: huh

“What’s the matter? Afraid I might drool?” she asked dryly.
To quote the EW about Lois when she first saw Clark in spandex: [Linked Image]

Clark closed his eyes and whispered the word, “Please.”

Lois dropped her hand and returned it back to its previous position under her jaw. “Then, again, who am I to refuse a free back massage?”

that she wasn’t lying exact center of his bed.
There’s something missing there. ‘in the’ or the likes…

Also, what if he fell? He knew from experience that wasn’t a good thing.
Because Lois would take it as an invitation?
CLARK: Lois. Yes. Let’s stick with that one.

Lois opened her eyes and turned her head to look at him, hovering undecidedly above her.
I do have an idea.

“Why don’t you sit on my seat?”
Seat? Does she mean…/points at above idea/

Then, he did as she recommended; only, after his words, it felt more like his decision.

He positioned himself more over her upper thighs rather than on her bottom. For some reason, he considered this more proper and less sexual.
Yes. Right. Until…

That was when he discovered the error in his logic. This more proper spot was actually just as intimate as if he had been sitting on her bottom, if not more so.

He bolted upright
[Linked Image]

“Global warming and its impact on Earth’s iceberg population,” he replied.

“Keep this up and I’m going to fall asleep on you,” she murmured.
Awww…he’s boring her to death wink

She reached back and swatted him with her right hand. “Well, I wanted to sleep with him, so same thing.”

“They’re shorts.” Underwear doesn’t have a belt.
At least that’s what the *other* Lois said?

“We can, Mr. Picky-Pants, but for your information, nobody is calling them that.”

“The more we do, the more it will catch on,” he said.
Maybe the Daily Planet could call attention to Superman’s shorts in each of the articles they write about him?

“Ooooh,” Lois moaned. “Keep that up and I might let you have your way with me.”
Unfortunately, he’d rather sleep with Cat than have his way with Lois.

Lois moaned again. “Keep that up, and I won’t need sex.”
TEMPUS: [Linked Image]

“Shhhh,” he hushed. He didn’t want to have to think about politics and golf again.
Maybe a naked Ralph?

“Lois! I’m at your hips.”

“So?” she panted.

He resisted the urge to spank her, and started working back up her spine again.
CLARK: What? She wanted them to…well…

Clark’s cells were telling him to roll her onto her back, so that he could lie on top of her. His brain rebutted that bad idea.
And his body believes that that’s a *bad* idea?

His body was the strongest in the world, yet in the battle for control, it was evenly matched with his brain.
LOIS: Wait, so his body’s weaker than my brain? [Linked Image]

He felt the bed dip under Lois’s weight as she too sat up. The pillow brushed against him as she tossed it to the head of the bed.

He doubled his efforts not to see her bare chest by covering his eyes with his hands.
LOIS: Very funny…

He had no idea how he could go on. His usually rocket-fast mind was still stuck on that image of Lois dressed in white, walking down the aisle of a church towards him.
With her bodice open in the front?

“Hmmmm. And what do you call the back massage you just gave me?” she asked.

Heavenly. “Medical attention.”
LOIS: What? I just want a happy ending as it was promised in the ad flier.

“You’re making it difficult.”
No, she’s making it hard and he’s making it complicated.

“So, you don’t want to see me naked until… unless we’re married?” Lois asked.

“Given our history, it’s probably for the best.”

She didn’t say anything for a moment. “Okay. How about a compromise? I want you to kiss me with your shirt off, but you don’t have to open your eyes.”

“How is that a compromise?”
She gets what she wants and he agrees.

“Clark, look at the evidence… well, not actually look at it… with your eyes. I mean examine it…” She gasped. “In your mind. Not physically handle the evidence before…”
Yes, Clark handling the physical evidence of how he views the current situation would be…inappropriate.

If you didn’t want me to…to stop… you wouldn’t be.”
didn’t want to stop?
CLARK: What? I’m currently working on reduced brain oxygen.

Would his aura protect her from the curse?
Only one way to find out?

kissing him dead center of between
An extra ‘of’?

Lois took hold of the hem and pulled off his t-shirt. “See, that wasn’t too ha...”

He grabbed her and laid her against his bed, covering her body with his and pressing a kiss to her lips.
Sounds like he’s horny.

“Wet,” he replied, brushing her belly button with his thumb. “Blustery.”
Like a little tornado?

“I will never have sex with you, Lois.”


“When you’re ready and when I’m ready,” he said. “And by ‘this’ I meant this!” He cupped Lois’s chest on the outside of her shirt with both of his hands. His eyes widened as they both stared at what he had just done. Instantly, he pulled his hands away. “Oh, gosh. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean… well, I did mean, but I shouldn’t have…”

“Minx! You’re going to be the death of me; you know that, don’t you?”
I just realized. If Mazic does happen and Clark would freeze Lois, it’s very likely they’d well…consummate first and then when he tries to revive her…things could get awkward for a little while evil

Clark took hold of her hand and waved a naughty finger at her. “This morning isn’t about me,” he whispered, running his free hand around her chest. “It’s about you and your pleasure.”
Yes. Right.
CLARK: huh It always worked with the sorority girls…

“Just kiss me!” she demanded.

He happily obliged.

Lois’s head fell back. “I meant my lips,” she said, once she could speak again.
He’s cheeky, isn’t he?

Clark’s face rose from her chest to grin at her. His eyes were still fully closed.

Thank goodness neither of them was working this morning.
Until at least 8 o’clock?

Thus endith the plot arc "Covering the Bases". I'll be taking another posting hiatus to finish up the next plot arc (currently untitled).

Feel free to let me know what you thought of this (mostly) A-Plot free distraction.

wave Michael

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Darth Michael: Thank you for your patience. I’m almost caught up! hyper Well, with FDK, that is.
ER: /Thinks that Clark should go for it!/
CLARK: If I *wanted* to see her naked, I’d watch her with my x-ray vision while she’s taking a shower.
LOIS: /doesn’t like this answer/
Actually, Lois understands what most women do. The more a man watches from afar, the more up-close he’ll want to get.

*Now* she’s for equal opportunities?
She’s always been for equality, as long as anyone else is more than equal to her. If she’s the one who is more than equal that’s another thing entirely.
LOIS: That's equality!

And his point being?
LOIS: /huh/
CLARK: If I distract Lois long enough, she’ll forget what we’re talking about.
LOIS: So, why haven’t you lost your shirt already?

To quote the EW about Lois when she first saw Clark in spandex: /she drooled enough for three women/
Yes, but Lois would never admit to that.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 217
Clark closed his eyes and whispered the word, “Please.”

Lois dropped her hand and returned it back to its previous position under her jaw. “Then, again, who am I to refuse a free back massage?”
ER: /passes out from the shock that Lois gave up so easily/
The war isn’t over, Michael.

There’s something missing there. ‘in the’ or the likes…
Last minute edits. My bad. Thanks. blush

Because Lois would take it as an invitation?
CLARK: Lois. Yes. Let’s stick with that one.
Well, it’s just another way to prove to Clark how unlike Lana Lois is.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 217
Lois opened her eyes and turned her head to look at him, hovering undecidedly above her.
I do have an idea.
You think she should roll over?

Seat? Does she mean…/points at above idea/
Her bottom? Um… ooops. I thought you meant lap.

Yes. Right. Until…

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 217
He bolted upright
ER: /picturing something a little more NFIC/
I meant his torso.

Awww…he’s boring her to death
Relaxing her.
LOIS: To death.
CLARK: That’s what I’m afraid of.
LOIS: The ‘death do us part’ section? I thought that was just me.

At least that’s what the *other* Lois said?
Would she have been able to sell them to him otherwise?

Maybe the Daily Planet could call attention to Superman’s shorts in each of the articles they write about him?
PERRY: Kent, I’ve been wanting to talk to you about your sudden obsession with Superman’s uniform and how you’re constantly mentioning his… uh… crotch in your articles.

Unfortunately, he’d rather sleep with Cat than have his way with Lois.
CAT: Unfortunately?! Oh, right. I’m out of commission right now. [Linked Image]
PHIL: And married.
CAT: That too.

TEMPUS: /excited that Lois is finally exploring the Sleeper / Barbarella futuristic sex method./
CLARK: Hey, if it means she doesn’t die, I’m willing to make that sacrifice.

Maybe a naked Ralph?
CLARK: Thanks, Michael. That was just what I needed.
LOIS: Thanks, Michael. You’ve broken him for good now.

CLARK: What? She wanted them to…well…
Be warm?

And his body believes that that’s a *bad* idea?
Bodies don’t usually think logically when they’re turned on, only instinctually.

LOIS: Wait, so his body’s weaker than my brain? /tries to figure that one out/
CLARK: For some reason, my brain used to work better before I met you.

LOIS: Very funny…
He just doesn’t want to look at temptation straight on.

With her bodice open in the front?
Not while in the church.

LOIS: What? I just want a happy ending as it was promised in the ad flier.
I believe that “You’ll always be a winner!” referred to the games that they played. /i.e. board and card games/

No, she’s making it hard and he’s making it complicated.
[Linked Image]
You’ve made it difficult for me to use the word “hard” in any of my stories. clap

She gets what she wants and he agrees.

Yes, Clark handling the physical evidence of how he views the current situation would be…inappropriate.
LOIS: Unless he really wants to… then we can discuss it… over breakfast.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 217
If you didn’t want me to…to stop… you wouldn’t be.”
didn’t want to stop?
Good catch. I did add that at the last moment. Originally, this line read: “If you didn’t want me to…to… you wouldn’t be.” Stop is definitely the wrong word here. Hmmm. I think I’ll leave it with Clark unable to voice what she wants him to continue doing.

CLARK: What? I’m currently working on reduced brain oxygen.
LOIS: And here I thought he could hold his breath for 20 minutes.

Only one way to find out?
True. But it’s not a risk he’s willing to take.
LOIS: Risk it, already! /brow furrows/ Risk what exactly?

An extra ‘of’?
I’ve really got to stop reading my stories before I post them. Then I wouldn’t do last minute, post-beta, edits like this. Thanks. Fixed.

Sounds like he’s horny.
CLARK: Why does everyone expect me to always be super human? Oh, right. Never mind.

Like a little tornado?
No, like a hurricane.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 217
“I will never have sex with you, Lois.”

ER: /enjoys evilness like this/
Thank you.

I just realized. If Mazic does happen and Clark would freeze Lois, it’s very likely they’d well…consummate first and then when he tries to revive her…things could get awkward for a little while /evil/
Whom exactly would Mazic kidnap to entice Clark into freezing Lois? I’ve already established that these Kents don’t travel to Metropolis.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 217
Clark took hold of her hand and waved a naughty finger at her. “This morning isn’t about me,” he whispered, running his free hand around her chest. “It’s about you and your pleasure.”
Yes. Right.
CLARK: /huh/ It always worked with the sorority girls…
See, this is the error of his logic happens. He’s assuming that only if HE has pleasure does the curse come into effect.

He’s cheeky, isn’t he?
What? He’s just giving her what she asked for.

Until at least 8 o’clock?
But they worked late into the night working on the bombing of Snell.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by EW
Feel free to let me know what you thought of this (mostly) A-Plot free distraction.
Glad you enjoyed it, Michael. We’ll be returning to the plot of our story when I return.
L&C: We will? frown
EW: Well, somewhat. [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Thank you for your patience. I’m almost caught up!
hyper So, speaking about catching up…? grovel

Actually, Lois understands what most women do. The more a man watches from afar, the more up-close he’ll want to get.
LEX: wave I even made a copy of her to get *really* close and personal with smile1

On a related subject, I just figured Lois has had enough of creepy dudes watching her take a shower to last a lifetime or so.
LORI: Clark! Stop watching me shower. It’s just…creepy.

She’s always been for equality, as long as anyone else is more than equal to her. If she’s the one who is more than equal that’s another thing entirely.
LOIS: That's equality!

CLARK: If I distract Lois long enough, she’ll forget what we’re talking about.
LOIS: So, why haven’t you lost your shirt already?
CLARK: [Linked Image] Loispreservation?

Yes, but Lois would never admit to that.
Yes, but Clark might see…

ER: /passes out from the shock that Lois gave up so easily/
EW: The war isn’t over, Michael.
LEX: It usually is when my quarry gives up and lies down.

Lois opened her eyes and turned her head to look at him, hovering undecidedly above her.
ER: I do have an idea.
EW: You think she should roll over?
Oh. Right. No. I was thinking…

I meant his torso.

Relaxing her.
LOIS: To death.
CLARK: That’s what I’m afraid of.
LOIS: The ‘death do us part’ section? I thought that was just me.
No, it’s a constant fear of his. To be fair, though, he does have a date lined up with Mayson for the day after their wedding.

ER: At least that’s what the *other* Lois said?
EW: Would she have been able to sell them to him otherwise?

CAT: Unfortunately?! Oh, right. I’m out of commission right now. /timing sucks/
PHIL: And married.
CAT: That too.
Not thought about the free-pass list enough, has she?

Maybe a naked Ralph?
CLARK: Thanks, Michael. That was just what I needed.
LOIS: Thanks, Michael. You’ve broken him for good now.
[Linked Image]

And his body believes that that’s a *bad* idea?
EW: Bodies don’t usually think logically when they’re turned on, only instinctually.
Getting back to the bad-idea part…

CLARK: For some reason, my brain used to work better before I met you.
Got more oxygen way back when…

ER: With her bodice open in the front?
EW: Not while in the church.
They *could* be alone in there.

EW: I believe that “You’ll always be a winner!” referred to the games that they played. /i.e. board and card games/
LOIS: Card games. Yes. I can work with those…

EW: You’ve made it difficult for me to use the word “hard” in any of my stories. clap
[Linked Image]

LOIS: Unless he really wants to… then we can discuss it… over breakfast.
She certainly sounds hard up…
LOIS: /does math/ I really feel like I should be on my honeymoon by now…I think…

LOIS: And here I thought he could hold his breath for 20 minutes.
That only works in space, when it’s cold outside and he doesn’t have to take deep breaths to calm himself. Plus, some might say his claim that he can last 20 minutes might be exaggerating it a bit.

ER: Only one way to find out?
EW: True. But it’s not a risk he’s willing to take.
LOIS: Risk it, already! /brow furrows/ Risk what exactly?

ER: Like a little tornado?
EW: No, like a hurricane.
[Linked Image] Say, how are Ultra Woman and Superman these days? Still in Paris?

Whom exactly would Mazic kidnap to entice Clark into freezing Lois? I’ve already established that these Kents don’t travel to Metropolis.
Huh. Right. Maybe…Lex?

ER: Until at least 8 o’clock?
EW: But they worked late into the night working on the bombing of Snell.
So…? It’s called overtime. And I’ve heard that the new owner’s oversight committee is made up of ruthless workaholics.

Glad you enjoyed it, Michael. We’ll be returning to the plot of our story when I return.
L&C: We will? /would very much like to continue toeing the borderline/
EW: Well, somewhat. /thinks them investigating the sandy beaches of the tropical islands is considered ‘working’/

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

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Okay, I thought I'd bump this back up to the top again to announce to anyone who still cares that I'll be starting to post once more soon. I've written approximately 10 more parts (give or take a couple, depending on your POV wink ). I apologize for the long delay. I honestly never believed it would take 6 months to write this story arc.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper

Now, what will be first, WC or Game of Thrones next Sunday? And what will serve up more drama... peep


Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

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Originally Posted by Darth Michael
hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper

Now, what will be first, WC or Game of Thrones next Sunday? And what will serve up more drama... peep

Oh, dear. Me and my bad timing. lol I'm still on GoT S5.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Okay, I thought I'd bump this back up to the top again to announce to anyone who still cares that I'll be starting to post once more soon. I've written approximately 10 more parts (give or take a couple, depending on your POV wink ). I apologize for the long delay. I honestly never believed it would take 6 months to write this story arc.

Yay! I'm glad to hear this!!

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Now, what will be first, WC or Game of Thrones next Sunday? And what will serve up more drama... peep
So, before Sunday. Okay.

Originally Posted by Christina
Yay! I'm glad to hear this!!
Yea! hyper Readers! I guess, I better get posting, now that everyone has had time to catch up. wink

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.

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