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Things are always at least a LITTLE better than they were before...kind of...sort of...right?
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With Lois being so out of it during this part, it's difficult to see exactly what went on. Lois feels like poison (both literally and metaphorically) to Clark and has decided it's best if she lets that poison kill her rather than kill him. I can only assume that Clark's feeling as if a large part of his heart died anyway. His best friend/adopted brother was serious hurt due to their friendship and the woman he cares about most... well, has just gone wacko. First, she was kidnapped (Clark's fault -- well, at least according to him). Secondly, she volunteered to be injected with the only substance that could hurt Superman. Clark either will think that Lois hates him for her being kidnapped or that she's suicidal. (He might be right on that latter one.) He might figure out that Lois was saving Jimmy/James, but in his depression and self-loathing, my guess is his thoughts aren't going to go there first. Thirdly, she doesn't want to have anything more to do with him. She refuses to see him in the hospital and returns to "life" in Metropolis after deemed "cured". Yep, Clark's going to be blaming himself major time for that and thinking that Lois does, too, when the truth is that Lois is blaming herself for Clark's problems. Time for Jimmy and/or Martha to Gibbs slap Clark and set him straight. The question is will Perry be up to the job of Gibbs slapping Lois? How many of us think that maybe Lois isn't exactly cured and might be avoiding Clark out of fear of hurting him more? It was great to finally see the flashback to what happened in Smallville. Lois's self-preserving anger-tude was spot on. It's so hard to look back on one's life and see how one's blind pig-headed stubbornness ruined it. To have it flash back to her at this point when she knows that Trask's treatment literally hurt Clark explains Lois's downward tailspin. So, Trask died in a fiery explosion. Interesting. Did someone... eh-hem... set that Kryptonite juice factory on fire from a safe distance, per chance? Did he really die in the explosion or was it the wall he struck first after flying across the room? Or did he die in another manner? Perhaps getting stabbed by a Kryptonite juice needle to the heart? Sorry to hear that you won't be upping your posting schedule. Congratulations on working so hard on your novel. That must be a terrific writer's group! I hope you let us know when it gets published, so we can tell all our friends to go out and buy it! Can you give us a hint on the genre?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I especially liked this part: She’s Kryptonite, green with bitterness and jealousy and resentment in a Smallville tent. Green with sickness and guilt and regret in a Daily Planet newsroom. Green with the real Kryptonite that will bar her from forever getting close enough to Clark to finish the job she’s been making her life’s work (that will save him from ever having to worry about her ruining his life again). I too loved the flash back to the moment she figured things out about Clark being Superman. I'm a little surprised Lois hasn't been affected more physically by the Krptonite injection. Yet that's not really the focus her, this chapter was all about Lois realizing that she was poisonious for Superman. But we all know that's not true!
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Ahhhh! / / / I'm so relieved--but likewise--so utterly, wonderfully frustrated! . Lois is alive. She isn't poisonous--big plus . James--I'm sure--is ok, finally getting those much-deserved bandages . The Kents should be fine--secure and on the mend. Trash is definitely out of the picture . And Clark. Clark--physically--should be getting back to Super, since it's now been over 12 hours since his Lois-Kryptonite-Poisoning-Encounter...and he's up and around since he tried to go and see Lois at the hospital. We got through all of that. Whoo. That's a lot! But... BUT. BUT. Now the heart of the matter. The Issues: Lack of Trust. Questioning their Friendship, their Motives. Lying to Each Other. Betrayal (For both Lois and Clark). Clark's core issue of creating a third person between them. Lois--acting on pain/disappointment experienced from others, reflecting/acting out on that prematurely towards Clark. She's blaming herself right now--she has never stopped blaming herself since her knee-jerk article reaction. And Clark--he can't help but to blame himself for everything. It's in his personality, engrained in him to his core. They NEED to talk. He needs to follow Lois, go to her apartment. They have to be alone. No distractions. Bare it all. Finally be honest with each other--about all of the hurt...but likewise, about all of what each means to the other. Ack--and now to wait it out till next weekend! Laura
"Where's Clark?" "Right here."
...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.
~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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It's official. You broke me. Wow. And to think that I had thought some of the first parts of this story were depressing. If you were an unknown author, I would have stopped reading long ago -- not because this isn't a powerful story, but precisely because it is so powerful. If I want something depressing, I need only dwell on all of the things my son will never be able to do -- things that most people take for granted. (He's almost fourteen and his school day is filled with trying to learn new skills such as hand-washing and drying, the proper use of toilet paper, and communicating basic needs.) I'll be the first to admit that one of the main reasons I read fanfic is to escape for a brief period into a more pleasant place. This story is NOT such a place -- at least, not yet. But since you are not an unknown author, and since you have a way of turning even the most dismal of situations around so that there is a positive ending, I am continuing to read and to hope. Please, please, please turn the situation around, somehow. You won't make us wait until the weekend for part 21, will you? Joy, Lynn p.s., I just read your post for part 19, as well as the earlier posts on this thread. Bummer about not expediting the posting schedule, but it is for a good cause. Do you plan to try to have your novel officially published? If not, would you consider posting it to our "Original Fiction" folder? Also, I meant to mention that I thought the backstory worked quite well in giving Lois a believable motive for outing Clark.
Last edited by Lynn S. M.; 09/14/15 08:33 PM. Reason: Added p.s.
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She is poison to him. His own personal Kryptonite. <stops reading, runs to Sam's Club to stock up on tissues> “Better to have Kryptonite for blood than the red blood of a traitor,” Trask says, and maybe he says more, but Lois does not bother to listen. <whacks Trask upside the head with a metal baseball bat> The man Lois would do anything to save because Clark needs an ally, a friend, a brother, far more than he needs his betrayer (his Kryptonite). *sigh* Lois, you *REALLY* haven't been paying attention to the way Clark has changed since arrived, have you? “That’s who I am,” he’d said. “Clark.”
And she’d laughed. (Later, she will cry instead.) Oh, man. You're killing me here. “Before Superman went after him and put him into prison, Lex Luthor was quite helpful. Found and donated a large chunk of Kryptonite to the cause. A true patriot.” You know, I've always thought those two working together could make for an awesome (for us, hell for Clark) story. A needle pricks the inside of her elbow, the cold pinch of punctured flesh. Liquid fire spider-webs up and down her arm. Well, there goes the hope that Clark will get there in time to melt the needle... “We saw you!” Trask had hissed in her ear, and the soldier had relayed it. “Last night, your parents showed you a sample of the rock Wayne Irig found on his property, and you were completely incapacitated. Not quite so super anymore, eh, Kent?” Ah, okay, I've been wondering for the entire story how the truth had come out. “Still think he’s a hero?” Trask had demanded of her, pushing her down until she sprawled in the dirt, boneless, still, frozen in disbelief and incomprehension. “Still think he stands for truth and justice? You don’t even know who he is, Ms. Lane. And you never have. And you never will. He’ll always be lying to you, always be using you, laughing at how inferior he thinks you are. He’s no hero, Lois Lane. He’s just a con artist.” I can see Lois feeling exactly this way too. Especially since other men have used her and lied to her before. There is fire inside of her, searing, boiling heat expanding and contracting through her veins until she thinks her skin will explode. She can feel the path it takes, up and down her arm, reaching out, spreading like a contagion, roaring toward her heart where it will be carried to every inch of her body, turning her into a living, breathing radioactive piece of Kryptonite. She can’t open her eyes. Can’t bring herself to push past the blaze of liquid heat still searing inside her Please, please, *PLEASE* tell me Dr. Klein has some kind of Kryptonite removal method/do-hickey. Maybe he can give her regular rounds of dialysis until her blood is clean again? Please? Because she knows this touch. She knows this voice. She knows this care, this attention, this feeling of safety. (joy and fear for Clark, here) He cannot be Superman while she drags him down.
He cannot be Clark while she lifts him up before the whole world. Love this. And Lois had turned away. I do love how you wove in the memories, even if I hated waiting to know what happened. The doctor comes in and tells her that whatever Trask had tried to inject her with has been purified from her system. Hmmm... (And let's hope Trask is well and truly a charcoal briquette now!) Clark comes to visit her, but Lois leaves specific instructions with the nurses that she doesn’t want any visitors at all, When they finally bring her a phone, she buys a single, one-way ticket back to Metropolis. From now on, Lois Lane is just as dead as what-might-have-been, and there is no going back. Except we still have 5 more chapters for Clark to fly through window and rescue her as much as she's tried to rescue him. And...what's this? No more? I don't understand.... Fabulous, as always, my friend! Please give us more soon!
Battle On, Deadly Chakram
"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent
"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon
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I'm sorry I haven't been able to write a comment on any of the previous posts. With the move we had recently, I've only just gotten the laptop out that I can use for typing. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Lois is going to go back to her old life only sadder than before and Clark's going to feel like it's his fault. I'm half-hoping James/Jimmy can reach Lois and help Clark get back to the publicly private life he used to have (hopefully close to Lois).
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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So now we come to understand Lois' state of mind when she wrote her story. She was lied to, but what's worse is how everyone continued to lie to her, even after she had discovered the truth. If only they could have had an honest conversation, where she felt included in their lives rather than excluded, things might have turned out differently. not all poisons are fast-acting. Some are slow and insidious, building up in the bloodstream until the luckless person collapses with a system already too corroded to be healed. Such a great metaphor for the entire story! She is poison to him. His own personal Kryptonite. Yeah...she should feel like this, heartbreaking as it is. He cannot be Superman while she drags him down.
He cannot be Clark while she lifts him up before the whole world. From now on, Lois Lane is just as dead as what-might-have-been, and there is no going back. Such an important decision she's making here, walking away from Clark, doing the right thing for his sake, giving up whatever might have been between them, because it's the right thing to do. Sad, but right.
You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie.
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This is a wonderful story! I am having a hard time waiting for each new part. I check frequently, more soon please!
G. Kuhn
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Thanks, Virginia! You were right on last time about Lois thinking she's poison to Clark -- but, and I'm so excited to finally get to say this about this story: things might be slightly better than you were dreading! I'm relieved the flashbacks worked so well. They felt very in-character to me, but after being immersed in a story so long, I'm probably not the most objective judge! It's an excellent writer's group, and I'm thrilled to finally be getting so much done on this novel! It's a fantasy, and I'll be sure to let you all know when it gets published -- I'll need the early support! Yes, scifiJoan, I was a bit worried about the way all the action plays out in this story -- it's just not the focus, and with this being written so subjectively, even abstractly, I knew we weren't going to get an in-depth action scene like most stories do. Hopefully, it works all right and doesn't leave anyone feeling too let down. That second sentence of yours, LMA, is exactly what I hoped would happen as a result of this chapter! Being relieved and frustrated all at once hopefully helps keep the readers interested! I knew you'd appreciate those bandages (should they ever appear). I absolutely love your recap -- I could have used it myself when coming back to the story! Thank you, Lynn! I'm so sorry to have broken you -- and at the same time that I'm honored to have your trust, I am hoping that the 'good' parts will make up for all the depressing parts. Thanks for letting me know the intent of the story comes through 'powerfully,' though -- great to know! I am trying to get something published; I have several novels completed, but as they say, the first dozen or so are just practice! Hopefully it'll all come to fruition one day, but if not, I'll keep the original fiction folder in mind! So glad that you decided to make the run to Sam's Club early, DC! Don't we all wish we could hit Trask with something hard and painful, him AND Luthor? I like the ideas of Trask and Luthor together -- one cold rationality, the other mad fervor; one envy, the other fanaticism; one intelligence, the other insanity. There's a lot of cool opposites to play around with there. I have actually managed to keep these chapters shorter than my usual long behemoths of chapters, haven't I? It's something of a miracle! No problem, Christina -- I don't envy you the moving! Always an exhausting hassle! It would be nice if Clark and the rest could all go back to a normal life, wouldn't it? Maybe too nice for this story... Thanks for pulling out that line about the poison, groobie -- it really does work as a nutshell line for the story, doesn't it? Lois does think she's making the right decision, and maybe they both really do need space to figure out what they really want and where they want to go from here. So glad you're enjoying, G. Kuhn! I am slowly making my way through the final chapter, so you know, hopefully all the waiting (for me, too) will be over eventually! Thank you, everyone!