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#269907 04/20/16 07:22 PM
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[i]Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark[/i] TOC

I apologize for the long delay in posting. This new story arc is 8 parts long (give or take) and I'm almost done with the one after that. I'll post once every week.

Many thanks to IolantheAlias and John for sticking with me as Betas. Thanks to their nudges to make sure I haven't given up (I hadn't) and their enthusiastic comments I was able to push through my muse's dry spell.

Please leave comments here. Thank you for reading!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Oh boy, she's having some "flashbacks" to TOGOM (the original). Don't discount the idea, Clark. You really do need to consider this. I did notice that they didn't have a chance to look at the refrigerator... or was that later in the episode?

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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I missed this story so much! I'm really happy to see a new part smile

I'm interested to see where you will go with these new flashbacks. It's definitely a great premise.

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Christina: Thanks for reading!

Oh boy, she's having some "flashbacks" to TOGOM (the original). Don't discount the idea, Clark. You really do need to consider this.
You've got to remember that not all of Lois's flashbacks panned out. There was no Vatman (well, not in the form of SuperDud) in this universe. In Clark's opinion, wearing a bulletproof vest is akin to walking around wearing a motorcycle helmet, just in case she has a vision of him getting on a motorcycle. Oooooh. Clark in leathers on a motorcycle? Hmmmm. Why can I just picture that? wink

I did notice that they didn't have a chance to look at the refrigerator... or was that later in the episode?
In canon, they looked in the refrigerator later on when they revisited Molly's store. Happy to have you thinking about this.

datasprite12: wave Hello! Glad to see another friendly commenter.

I missed this story so much! I'm really happy to see a new part smile
I'll try my best to keep on plugging away until this ends.

I'm interested to see where you will go with these new flashbacks. It's definitely a great premise.
Thanks. Sometimes my characters whisper ideas into my head, I had never considered before. This was one of them. Lois said, "At least, Clark never faked his death and..." [Linked Image] I hope you're pleased with how it plays out.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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[Linked Image]
If you need to refresh your memory on what happen in Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark the TOC can be found Here
/goes back to re-reading/
/time passes/
/dragons fly over Westeros to land on the DP globe/
JIMMY: So, CK, you going to date the blonde princess?

Lois eyed the hard wooden boards of the press bleachers at Fort Truman with disdain.
Where are we?

“A billion dollars on some new weapon and they couldn’t spend a little of that bringing their grandstand into the twentieth century?”
The blackout one? /scratches head/ did they have robots? Short Circuit?
[Linked Image]

“Actually, it was closer to a million and a half,”
That’s awfully cheap. I think a basic Humvee costs more.

“Teacher’s pet, weren’t you?” Lois griped, sitting down. She hated it when Clark was an insufferable know-it-all.

“Actually,” he started to say, but she interrupted him by raising her hand.

“Don’t tell me, Chuck. I don’t want to know.”
Worried that his teacher was blonde and there was some inappropriate stuff happening?

“My stomach doesn’t feel well. Go get me a soda, will you?”
Worried she’s preggers? How long’s it been since their ‘massage’ sessions in his apartment started?

Clark held out his hand towards General Ralph Marshall standing near the podium. “Can it wait? The demonstration is about to begin.”
No. Little superheroes can’t wait for soda.

“I’m sure,” Lois said. “No one’s faster than you.”

Clark stood up and kissed Lois’s cheek as he passed down the aisle.

“Superman is,” Jimbo corrected.
No, I’m sure Superman won’t be able to do things in less time than Clark when it comes to Lois.

“I guess CK’s not as fast as you thought.”
LOIS: Huh, looks like he can’t do everything in less than three minutes…

“Were you trying to lose him so you’d get the scoop on this story?” he asked.
Sounds reasonable.
CLARK: I’ve heard the mosquitos just had a mating cycle in the sewage treatment plant.

“You mean before you two were serious,” he teased back.

Lois rolled her eyes. That too.

“What you’re about to witness is a demonstration of the ‘ATAS’.
[Linked Image]

“Clark’s probably getting the human interest angle. Talking to servicemen and women who’ve been testing the ATAS,” she went on. “That sort of thing. It’s what he’s good at.”
“…really impressed by the accuracy with which the ATAS managed to clear protest rallies in the mock-up city square. I’m certain that by the time they go into mass production, there will be there will be overwhelming support for Senator Palpatine’s run for Supreme President.”
CLARK: cat

“Hey!” he yelled, rolling to knock her off. “I can’t see.”

Bullets passed over their heads.

“That’s okay. I don’t need to see,” Jimbo amended.

Lois ran forward down the seats towards the podium just as Superman bent the ATAS’s main gun out of commission. She knew the exact moment Superman saw her as he turned around, because his lips pressed into an even flatter line.

“ATAS went haywire. Where’s my soda?” she asked, nudging his arm when she got close enough.
Just another day at the office, huh?

“I want those shots on my desk by the time we get back!”

“Yes, Chief!”

Lois grinned. “I like the sound of that.”

“His sarcasm?” Clark replied.

“Oh, shut up!” she grumbled.
Aren’t they adorable?

“It’s unprofessional,” she continued. “And maybe you’re not newsworthy, buster, but I was just shot at!”
That doesn’t make her newsworthy. It’s Metropolis.

“Must be Tuesday,” Clark murmured under his breath.

“Very funny,” she said with an elbow to his ribs. “What if I said it’s distracting?”

“Being shot or kissed?”

Lois stopped and crossed her arms at the top of the ramp by the elevators. “What do you think?”
The kissing part. Being shot at is just a nuisance because every time she gets shot at, they send her on another mandatory safety-at-the-workplace seminar and have her psych-evaluated.

“I know. It focuses you into a laser pointer. If criminals knew that, I’m betting they would stop doing it,” Clark said, nudging her to continue walking.

“It’s not going to work.”

“I wasn’t planning on starting the rumor,” he said.
laugh Worried that a General Tarkin would kidnap her and start using her for target practice?

“I mean using flattery to win,” she said, pointing at him.

Clark’s eyes widened with his smile. “I’m winning?”

“No! Did you miss all that ‘it’s not going to work’ part?”
You could just hug them all the time. So adorable.
CLARK: My feeling exactly.

She lowered the sheet, pointing at one photo, “Is that my chest?”

Clark glanced over her shoulder and spoke at the same time as Jimmy, “Yes.”

“You tackled me!” Jimbo exclaimed, and then gazed over at Clark. “It is?” He tried to pull the sheet from Lois’s hand, but she slapped him away.
Down, boy.

Jimbo saluted her and grabbed the shot sheet out of her hand. “Awww. You crossed it out!”
He still got the negatives!

“Maybe you should’ve let me see them,” Clark said softly enough that they couldn’t be overheard.

“Why?” she scoffed. “You weren’t even there.”
He likes looking at her chest?

“Anyway, you don’t need a photo to know what my chest looks like apparently,” Lois replied under her breath. “Thanks for letting Jimmy know that, too.”
laugh Only, weren’t we talking about the strategically places bulges of her blouse? confused It’s on display all the time in the office, isn’t it?

“If I didn’t recognize your chest, he’d think something was up.”
Like Lois being his beard while he dates Superman?

“No, Sherlock. Linda stopped being my best friend when she slept with my boyfriend… and stole my article. Not necessarily in that order.
So, Lois first broke off her friendship with Linda to get better ahead in the news business and then Linda decided to pay her back in kind by handing in their joint article under her single byline and not rebuff the advances of Lois’s crush?

She hung up the phone. “That’s strange. Disconnected,” she murmured more to herself than to him.

As Clark backed towards his desk, he watched Lois do a database search on Molly Flynn.

Some best friends from college they were.
LOIS: What? It’s not like Clark would have known my new address or telephone number after Lex kidnapped me and he would still claim to be my best friend.

“Molly’s a computer engineer. What’s she doing running a flaky place like this?”
Burned out?

“You hang this in the corners of your room and they act like a spiritual air cleaner.”

“Does that mean they mess up security cameras and bugs?” Lois murmured under her breath to Clark. “Because if they do, I could’ve used some of those earlier this year.”
rotflol No, for those, you hang a superhero in your apartment. He usually removes those devices and prevents new ones from cropping up. Plus, he’s usually quite cheap on the upkeep. Mostly, you can pay him in kind.

“You look terrific.” Despite the complimentary words, Molly’s tone seemed more surprised that Lois looked good.
Considering Lois getting shot, her fiancée committing suicide and getting arrested, necessarily in this order, and other calamities?

“I gave up that Type-A personality because it wasn’t working for me.”

“Burned out?” Lois hypothesized with a nod. “I hear that happens to some people.”
Huh, so Lois and Clark haven’t yet consummated? Not that she’d burn out. But Superman often soft of cracks the Type-A personality a bit.

“No,” Molly returned sharply. “After Ryan died last year, I realized that I had given up all my human connections for computers. Computers can’t replace human interactions, so I gave them up.”
GENERATION Y: confused Siri? Is that true?

“There was an accident on the Hawkeye project we were working on at Fort Truman and he was vaporized,” Molly said.
Vaporized? Convenient.

“You were going to marry a man who not only is the biggest criminal mastermind in Metropolis history, but who also shot you?
Sounds like Lois does have a type. Would also explain why she then married another man who physically hurt her on multiple occasions both before and after they were married, and on several occasions even almost killed her. And that’s before all the lying and sneaking around. I’m guessing that because of her bad upbringing. Maybe she should start seeing a therapist.
DETER: wave

And you have the nerve not to come here to apologize for calling Ryan a lousy boyfriend?”
So, two pees in a pot?

Clark gave Lois an ‘I have to agree with Molly’ shrug. The jerk.
Not going to be scoring with her that night, huh?

“Congratulations,” Molly said flatly to Clark as if Lois had won first prize in an ugly contest.

Lois pointed back at Molly. “At least, Clark doesn’t fake his death only to rise again…”
/clears throat/

Inside her head, Lois heard the crack of gunfire and saw Clark collapse dead to the ground in front of her.

“You’re going to die.”
Ooooh! She thinks it’s for real evil

“Are you okay, Lois?” Molly asked. “Because you freaked out my customers.”
Just pregnancy spells.

Molly nodded. “Oh, please, Lois, reassure me that you aren’t still crash dieting. That’s so bad for you.”

Molly quickly shook her head and backed up until she hit the wall of her little behind-the-shop apartment. “Ryan’s dead.”
What about Star?

Molly’s face went pale. “Photographic…? He was vaporized at Fort Truman, Lois. You must’ve seen his ghost,” she said, her voice cracking.
[Linked Image]

“There weren’t any remains,” he finished.

She threw her pencil onto her desk and turned her full attention on her partner. “There are always remains, Clark, even when someone is cremated.”
No, actually, I’m pretty sure when you have a really hot, really powerful explosion which destroys the entire building around you and you’re standing right next to the source of the explosion, things like recovering bits of your body might be quite…difficult? But it does help when you’re not there to being with.

“But how would Clark Kent survive if a roomful of witnesses see you get shot in the chest?”
Huh. That. She a smart cookie?

“I know that!” she snapped. “But I don’t want a covert relationship with a dead guy.”
That’d be so 1990?

“I don’t actively ask guys to shoot me, you know,” he said.
Then why is he prancing around with a target on his chest?

“Lois, you’re being ridiculous. You don’t even know when or if this event will ever happen. We can’t live in fear of the unknown.”

She placed her hands on her hips. “Truer words have never been spoken.”

“But I won’t die if I get shot,” he hissed for her ears only. “You still could.”
Not helping himself there…

“Fine, if you won’t wear a bulletproof vest to protect the man I love, then if someone aims a gun at you, I’ll dive between you so you won’t die.”
That…that…*backfired*! jawdrop

“You’ll never let me win, will you?” he called down after her.

“Not when you’re always wrong!”
Did I already mention them being adorable?

wave Michael

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Darth Michael: Thank you for squeezing my story in within your pre-S6 GoT marathon. I feel honored.

/goes back to re-reading/
/time passes/
/dragons fly over Westeros to land on the DP globe/
JIMMY: So, CK, you going to date the blonde princess?
Hmmmm. Strange, when I re-read Part 217, I didn't get that whole blonde princesses with dragons vibe. Either that or I REALLY need to finish S5 of GoT, because it's about it get killer awesome/crossover time!

Originally Posted by WC Part 218
Lois eyed the hard wooden boards of the press bleachers at Fort Truman with disdain.
Originally Posted by Michael
Where are we?
Um. [Linked Image] Thought it was quite clear. Fort Truman.

The blackout one?
/scratches head/ did they have robots? Short Circuit?
Yes, the one where Short Circuit kills the general and Jimmy cops a feel.
LOIS: Say, what?
JIMMY: Nothing. She said NOTHING. *glares at EW*

That’s awfully cheap. I think a basic Humvee costs more.
1994 dollars. Everything was cheap back then.

Worried that his teacher was blonde and there was some inappropriate stuff happening?
[Linked Image] EW worried that Lois might get a clue that Clark actually grew up on Earth, so I had Lois interrupt him.

Worried she’s preggers? How long’s it been since their ‘massage’ sessions in his apartment started?
No. And a couple of days.
LOIS: And I can't get pregnant from massage.
CLARK: It really depends on how the massage is done.
LOIS: *glares at Clark*
CLARK: So, no.

No. Little superheroes can’t wait for soda.
Why not? This big one can.

No, I’m sure Superman won’t be able to do things in less time than Clark when it comes to Lois.
Or when it comes to anything, not just Lois.
LOIS: *crosses off making out with Superman from her to-do list*

LOIS: Huh, looks like he can’t do everything in less than three minutes…
CLARK: jawdrop What do you mean 3 minutes? That wasn't 3 minutes! Was it?

Sounds reasonable.
CLARK: I’ve heard the mosquitos just had a mating cycle in the sewage treatment plant.
So, I wonder if the mosquitos from the sewage treatment plant mated with those who bit Clark back in Smallville when he didn't have powers, what those baby mosquitos would be like? Would it be as if they had bitten Lois and Clark's child?

Originally Posted by WC Part 218
“What you’re about to witness is a demonstration of the ‘ATAS’.
Originally Posted by Michael
*confuses ATAS with ATAT*
SW:AFA Trivia: In what kind of vehicle did Rey live before meeting Finn?

“…really impressed by the accuracy with which the ATAS managed to clear protest rallies in the mock-up city square. I’m certain that by the time they go into mass production, there will be there will be overwhelming support for Senator Palpatine’s run for Supreme President.”
CLARK: /cat/
LOIS: *Looking around at all the dead spectators* What happened to Clark and my soda?

Just another day at the office, huh?
Well, technically, out of the office... but yes.

Aren’t they adorable?
Sorry, they're in their adorable stage. Just wait, I'm sure they'll be back to arguing before you know it.

That doesn’t make her newsworthy. It’s Metropolis.

The kissing part. Being shot at is just a nuisance because every time she gets shot at, they send her on another mandatory safety-at-the-workplace seminar and have her psych-evaluated.
lol That sounds like a great plot-bunny for next year's Comedy award.

Worried that a General Tarkin would kidnap her and start using her for target practice?
LOIS: See! Told you I was newsworthy!

You could just hug them all the time. So adorable.
CLARK: My feeling exactly.
Thanks. That was my goal.

Down, boy.
You mean, Jimmy should know it's not smart to talk about Lois's chest while standing between Clark and Lois?

He still got the negatives!
JIMMY: [Linked Image]

He likes looking at her chest?
He doesn't need negatives to do so.

Only, weren’t we talking about the strategically places bulges of her blouse? confused It’s on display all the time in the office, isn’t it?
lol Yep.

Like Lois being his beard while he dates Superman?
CLARK: [Linked Image]

So, Lois first broke off her friendship with Linda to get better ahead in the news business and then Linda decided to pay her back in kind by handing in their joint article under her single byline and not rebuff the advances of Lois’s crush?
No, she meant it was possible that Linda stole her story first in order to sleep with Paul, instead of it coming after she slept with Paul.

LOIS: What? It’s not like Clark would have known my new address or telephone number after Lex kidnapped me and he would still claim to be my best friend.
CLARK: Well, actually...

Burned out?

No, for those, you hang a superhero in your apartment. He usually removes those devices and prevents new ones from cropping up. Plus, he’s usually quite cheap on the upkeep. Mostly, you can pay him in kind.
I thought only Batman hung from the ceiling.

Considering Lois getting shot, her fiancée committing suicide and getting arrested, necessarily in this order, and other calamities?
Among other calamities.

Huh, so Lois and Clark haven’t yet consummated? Not that she’d burn out. But Superman often soft of cracks the Type-A personality a bit.
No recent consummation.

GENERATION Y: /confused/ Siri? Is that true?

Vaporized? Convenient.
Yep. That's what Lois thought.

Sounds like Lois does have a type. Would also explain why she then married another man who physically hurt her on multiple occasions both before and after they were married, and on several occasions even almost killed her. And that’s before all the lying and sneaking around. I’m guessing that because of her bad upbringing. Maybe she should start seeing a therapist.
DETER: /wave/
I recommend a female therapist.

So, two pees in a pot?
See, best friends! I believe the saying is 2 peas in a pod, Ziva.

Not going to be scoring with her that night, huh?
*Thinks about future parts* Future seems fuzzy. Please try again later.

Ooooh! She thinks it’s for real /evil/
Of course, it's real! His death, not so much.

Just pregnancy spells.
Sooo, THAT'S why Lois came to the new age store. [Linked Image] Duh!

What about Star?
Star channels dead people, she doesn't project them.

Michael: *Suggests hiring Ghostbusters instead of calling for Superman next time.*

No, actually, I’m pretty sure when you have a really hot, really powerful explosion which destroys the entire building around you and you’re standing right next to the source of the explosion, things like recovering bits of your body might be quite…difficult? But it does help when you’re not there to being with.
It does help. Also, Lois is exaggerating.

Huh. That. She a smart cookie?
CLARK: I'm attracted to smart women.
LANA: wave
CLARK: It's a new fetish with me.

That’d be so 1990?
1995, I believe.

Then why is he prancing around with a target on his chest?
CLARK: It's my family chest, thank you very much!

Not helping himself there…
Yep, he's still Clark.

That…that…*backfired*! /jawdrop/
See! Told ya!

Did I already mention them being adorable?
You did, but that's okay. Isn't it better than them bashing each other?

Thanks for reading and commenting! Enjoy S6 of GoT!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Glad to see this story is back! party

Love the way you write the banter back and forth.

Lois's premonition/flashback from TGOM is inspired. Looking forward to seeing how that plays out.


"Honey, we didn't care if you were a Russian or a Martian... You were ours... and we weren't giving you to anybody." ~ Martha in Strange Visitor

"A love that risks nothing is worth nothing." ~ Jonathan in Big Girls Don't Fly

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cuidadora: wave

Glad to see this story is back! /party/
Thanks for reading and commenting. I'm glad to be posting again. I'm still working on Wrong Clark even if I tend to get.... Ooooh! Shiny! [Linked Image]

Love the way you write the banter back and forth.
Thank you. Banter is part of the fun.

Lois's premonition/flashback from TGOM is inspired. Looking forward to seeing how that plays out.
I hope I don't disappoint. [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Thank you for squeezing my story in within your pre-S6 GoT marathon. I feel honored.
blush That’s one’s already been over. It was more a hyper for the premiere.

Hmmmm. Strange, when I re-read Part 217, I didn't get that whole blonde princesses with dragons vibe. Either that or I REALLY need to finish S5 of GoT, because it's about it get killer awesome/crossover time!
laugh What about that blonde D.A.?
LOIS: Yep, she’s a dragon, all right.

Yes, the one where Short Circuit kills the general and Jimmy cops a feel.
LOIS: Say, what?
JIMMY: Nothing. She said NOTHING. *glares at EW*

Everything was cheap back then.
Even the society columnists and the top reporters of most of the news paper publications in the city.

EW worried that Lois might get a clue that Clark actually grew up on Earth, so I had Lois interrupt him.

LOIS: And I can't get pregnant from massage.
CLARK: It really depends on how the massage is done.
LOIS: *glares at Clark*
CLARK: So, no.
Still adorable!

Why not? This big one can.
[Linked Image]

LOIS: *crosses off making out with Superman from her to-do list*
CLARK: Thank you. Thank you very much…

CLARK: /worried he’s getting slow on his old days/ What do you mean 3 minutes? That wasn't 3 minutes! Was it?

So, I wonder if the mosquitos from the sewage treatment plant mated with those who bit Clark back in Smallville when he didn't have powers, what those baby mosquitos would be like? Would it be as if they had bitten Lois and Clark's child?
Sounds like something a mad scientist would try to find out via experiment?

SW:AFA Trivia: In what kind of vehicle did Rey live before meeting Finn?
laugh And the answer is All Terrain Armored Home, AT-AH for short.

Sorry, they're in their adorable stage. Just wait, I'm sure they'll be back to arguing before you know it.
AKA – the *other* adorable stage.

That sounds like a great plot-bunny for next year's Comedy award.

You mean, Jimmy should know it's not smart to talk about Lois's chest while standing between Clark and Lois?
Yes. He might get slapped by Lois and hurt the other side of his face on Clark’s chin.

He doesn't need negatives to do so.
Yes, but it’s less creepy that way than hovering outside her apartment building while she’s taking a shower.

ER: Like Lois being his beard while he dates Superman?
EW: Awkward.
CLARK: /thinks so, too, and would like to keep it out of the press/

No, she meant it was possible that Linda stole her story first in order to sleep with Paul, instead of it coming after she slept with Paul.
Yeah, right. It’s *not* Lois’s fault. Uh-huh.

I thought only Batman hung from the ceiling.
/points at opening act from Brutal Youth/

I recommend a female therapist.
ARI: wave

See, best friends! I believe the saying is 2 peas in a pod, Ziva.

*Thinks about future parts* Future seems fuzzy. Please try again later.

CLARK: I'm attracted to smart women.
LANA: /then why did you date me?/
CLARK: It's a new fetish with me.

That’d be so 1990?
1995, I believe.
[Linked Image]
Nope, 1990.
You did, but that's okay. Isn't it better than them bashing each other?
Depends. They flare up hotter when they’re fighting.

Thanks for reading and commenting! Enjoy S6 of GoT!
Thanks. Also, laugh

wave Michael

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Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by EW
Thank you for squeezing my story in within your pre-S6 GoT marathon. I feel honored.
That’s one’s already been over. It was more a /hyper excitement/ for the premiere.
Okay, need to work on my procrastination a bit. So, how's the season progressing (without spoilers)? Everyone living happily ever after as usual?

What about that blonde D.A.?
LOIS: Yep, she’s a dragon, all right.
That explains a lot.

Even the society columnists and the top reporters of most of the news paper publications in the city.
PERRY: How about we say that Elvis has already left the building on that question?
JIMMY: With Cat's phone number?
PERRY: [Linked Image]

Sounds like something a mad scientist would try to find out via experiment?
LEX: devil

Yes. He might get slapped by Lois and hurt the other side of his face on Clark’s chin.
JIMMY: [Linked Image] My, CK, what soft skin you have...

Yes, but it’s less creepy that way than hovering outside her apartment building while she’s taking a shower.
LOIS: He's always been welcome to come inside. Wait. We're talking about Superman, right?

ER: That’d be so 1990?
EW: 1995, I believe.
ER: /making a more Ghost-like reference/ Nope, 1990.
Oh. I thought you couldn't recall in which year this story was set. My bad.

Depends. They flare up hotter when they’re fighting.
Oh. Make-up sex. Their relationship hasn't progressed to that point.
LOIS: mecry

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Okay, need to work on my procrastination a bit. So, how's the season progressing (without spoilers)? Everyone living happily ever after as usual?
Yes. Well…there *is* the odd death in the family happening. But nothing *too* extreme. After all, in the years leading up to GoT, the Mad King burned a father and son with wildfire. Or, ages ago, the first king burned entire armies with dragon fire. So, I guess nothing that’s happening these days really *is* all that extreme, right?

Sounds like something a mad scientist would try to find out via experiment?
LEX: /thinks this experiment merits additional funding/

LOIS: He's always been welcome to come inside. Wait. We're talking about Superman, right?
rotflol Funny how she has trouble keeping her stalkers straight.

Oh. I thought you couldn't recall in which year this story was set. My bad.
[Linked Image] Although, it *is* always annoying when there’s the perfect movie reference and you find out, it’s just a year or so off.

Oh. Make-up sex. Their relationship hasn't progressed to that point.
LOIS: /is considerably distraught that all her quarrelling with Clark still won’t result in happy times/
Maybe if she quarreled in less concealing apparel?

wave Michael

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