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#270246 05/19/16 02:37 AM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

EW: Did I ever mention that 2 is my lucky number?

CLARK: Hey! Mine, too!

LOIS: [Linked Image]


"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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No, I haven't been kidnapped by dragons, but RL has been more...distracting than I'd like. Will returned to regular scheduled FDK further down this thread some time...uh...this week?

wave Michael

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Darth Michael: I'm sorry to hear that no dragons have kidnapped you in the last few weeks. How disappointing that must be for you! I wish you better luck next week in having the Mother of Dragons to whisk you away to parts unknown or that RL allows you time to read my story and catch up. (cough, cough, including my detour over to the dark side that follows this part. wink wink )

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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[Linked Image] /punches RL in the face/
“Ms. Lane,” Wolfe said calmly, resting a hand on her arm, which she shook off. “The other witnesses saw Clyde Barrow shoot Mr. Kent twice in the chest. More than one person said that he was unresponsive when Capone and his men dragged his body out of here.”
Why’s she not telling Wolfe about the bp vest?

“Stop calling Clark a body!”
How about ‘carcass’ or ‘the deceased’?

“Do you know anything about these green bullets that Capone mentioned he had bought to use on Superman?”

Lois stiffened. “He didn’t say they were for Superman. He said the ‘Man in Blue’. He could have been referring to the Chief of Police for all we know. As a cop, you should know not to jump to any conclusions without corroborating evidence.”

Would you know, as an expert on Superman, what substance they could have been made out of and whether they would be harmful to humans?”
Well, they’re *bullets* and likely not those you put into a paintball gun…

“A bullet is a bullet, no matter what it’s made out of and so, of course, it would be harmful to Clark, especially if it pierced his bulletproof vest,” she said.
Yes, they could be armor piercing. Clark could be dead already, his chest shredded by the shards.

He had no idea how long he had been lying in the pile of trash bags Capone’s men had dumped him in when they rolled him out the door of their getaway car. On the bright side, it had been a softer landing than it would’ve been had he struck a wall.
Wouldn’t it be awkward if there had been a broken bottle in one of the trash bags and he had rolled onto it, tearing up his intestines?

Lois probably thought he was dead.

He needed to live to prove her wrong.
She might then kill him just to prove that she’s always right?

Only two more tabs to go.

On the right side.

In one pocket, his hand brushed against something hard and plastic.

Lois’s mobile phone!
Clever author!

Lois wouldn’t be at home. She would’ve gone to the Daily Planet.
/points to above/ She already called it a night, being annoyed and tuckered out after dealing with the police all night long.

“That’s what is written on the street signs.”
Maybe some kids stole them and put them up somewhere else? Actually, that could be interesting—how long does it take for someone to notice and fix the signs? Especially if they started to mix them up in Suicide Slum?

She was in such a rush she only turned two of her five locks.
Huh. One wonders how many criminals will have broken in by the time she returns. After all, her apartment isn’t exactly located in the safest of neighborhoods. Just a few days ago, there was a murder attempt right on her floor. A woman got thrown out of the window when she surprised a burglar.

In the dimness of the streetlight, she could see his brow crinkle. “Um… No. Pulling off my jacket…earlier… my shoulder…”

“You’ll heal,” she reminded him.

“Yes, I will… but it still hurt. A lot.”
He’s quite the cry baby, isn’t he?

“You’ve heard the saying that it’s better to pull off a bandage quickly, as opposed to slowly, right?”

He nodded slowly, almost unsurely.
Or when Lois visits the nice lady with the sticky patches that will remove hair. These are always played to great effect in movies/TV shows.

“You’re not allowed to die!”

He nodded with understanding. “Okay.”

He set his hand back on top of hers again. “You’re my life, minha, and nothing you say or do will ever stop me from coming to your aid.”

“Well, if the bad guy has Kryptonite could you just not?”
Yes, but then he’d have to visit her in prison for exceeding any measure of self defense.

“Do you think I enjoy being shot?”
He does spend a lot of time standing in front of goons with guns while they unload their ammo on him. And he kind of smirks while doing so.

He snuggled back under the blanket, and she could’ve sworn he was grinning. She could wipe that smart aleck expression off his face, except that this probably wasn’t the correct time to tell him that she was going to strip that Suit off him when they got to his apartment.

Either way, Lois said that she would dispose of it in the morning.
Unless someone steals her car during the night.

“If I ever want to come in when you’re not home, I’ll just pick the lock.”

“Oh, no!” Lois said, steering him past his couch and into his bedroom. “You’re getting undressed. Jacket first.”

He tripped and landed face down on his bed. Graceful, he wasn’t.

Not to mention, what he really didn’t want to mention…
That he’s not feeling up to the task and would probably also fall asleep right in the middle of things?

“I don’t know what you were rolling around in out there, but you reek,” she called. “A nice hot shower will do you good.”
Well, the physical abuse, the prying off fingernails, skinning his face, sleeping in the garbage, his performance issues… Capone really did turn him into Reek, didn’t he?

Even if he had somehow been able to convince her that his sex phobia had more to do with him hurting her with his Super strength than some curse she hadn’t yet heard about, which was patently inaccurate, Lois wouldn’t take advantage of him.
Like she hadn’t in the hospital?

“Hello?” she said. “Oh…Oh!...What?...They shouldn’t have. I’m so sorry…No, no. He’s fine… Sure; he’s right here.” She rolled over and held out the phone. “It’s Jonathan.”

“Let Lois nurse you back to health and you’ll be right as rain in no time. Just do whatever she says,” Martha said.
/has coughing fit/

I had been thinking more of Tahiti than Smallville...”
Bikini or less on a private beach?

Lois didn’t respond, merely slid her feet to the floor and held out a hand to him. “Let’s say we get you out of that suit, Superman, and into a hot shower.”

wave Michael

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Darth Michael: wave Happiness is a full inbox! Thank you RL for being kind to Michael this weekend!
/punches RL in the face/
Or not.

Why’s she not telling Wolfe about the bp vest?
Because then he'll ask questions like "Why was Clark wearing a bullet proof vest?"

How about ‘carcass’ or ‘the deceased’?
LOIS: mecry

Well, they’re *bullets* and likely not those you put into a paintball gun…

Yes, they could be armor piercing. Clark could be dead already, his chest shredded by the shards.
[Linked Image] Let's not give the bad guys ideas.
LEX: [Linked Image]

Wouldn’t it be awkward if there had been a broken bottle in one of the trash bags and he had rolled onto it, tearing up his intestines?
Oh, so you think I should have gone that way instead of to the dark side? Interesting. I'll consider that option next time. evil

She might then kill him just to prove that she’s always right?
Metaphorically kill him, yes.

Clever author!
I'm actually surprised nobody caught me placing that cell phone in Clark's pocket in Part 221. Not all herrings are red. [Linked Image]

/points to above/ She already called it a night, being annoyed and tuckered out after dealing with the police all night long.
Well, in Clark's defense, he had just been shot and lay in garbage. So, his minds a bit cloudy.
CLARK: Yeah. Cloudy. Let's go with that. [Linked Image]

Maybe some kids stole them and put them up somewhere else? Actually, that could be interesting—how long does it take for someone to notice and fix the signs? Especially if they started to mix them up in Suicide Slum?
CITY OF METROPOLIS: Well, when street signs go missing, we first have to request the funds from the city council to replace the signs, wait for the funds to be allotted, order the signs, pay bribes to the different departments so that they actually come in, add it to the schedule of projects, hold a lottery to see which city workers will go down to Suicide Slum to put up the signs, wait for a truck to be ready, and get the work done. Then we have to requisition repairs to be done on the truck and disability for the city workers who put up the street signs. We're now looking to make the street signs in that area of town to be holograms so that they can't be stolen, but that's still in the prototype stage.

Huh. One wonders how many criminals will have broken in by the time she returns. After all, her apartment isn’t exactly located in the safest of neighborhoods. Just a few days ago, there was a murder attempt right on her floor. A woman got thrown out of the window when she surprised a burglar.
Good thing she doesn't head straight home with a weakened Clark then, isn't it?

He’s quite the cry baby, isn’t he?
You go most of your life not feeling pain and then you get shot, see if you can hold in the tears.

Or when Lois visits the nice lady with the sticky patches that will remove hair. These are always played to great effect in movies/TV shows.
LOIS: I have no idea what you mean. I'm naturally beautiful.

Yes, but then he’d have to visit her in prison for exceeding any measure of self defense.
JUDGE: We've decided that it's safer for the citizens of Metropolis if Lois Lane doesn't spend any time in prison. She's already started a riot and discovered three people who were innocent of their crimes in the two weeks she was held there.

He does spend a lot of time standing in front of goons with guns while they unload their ammo on him. And he kind of smirks while doing so.
He meant with Kryptonite bullets.

Unless someone steals her car during the night.
That would be bad.

That he’s not feeling up to the task and would probably also fall asleep right in the middle of things?
Well, it is TOGOM.

Well, the physical abuse, the prying off fingernails, skinning his face, sleeping in the garbage, his performance issues… Capone really did turn him into Reek, didn’t he?
CLARK: I don't have performance issues!
LOIS: You don't? hyper Good news!
CLARK: [Linked Image]

Like she hadn’t in the hospital?
He was willing in the hospital. On the other hand, he thought he was fantasizing.

/has coughing fit/
So, Martha shouldn't say things like that to Clark?

Bikini or less on a private beach?
LOIS: [Linked Image] No Comment.

Thanks for commenting!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Thank you RL for being kind to Michael this weekend!
/punches RL in the face/
Or not.
[Linked Image]
RL: [Linked Image]
Well, RL started it! blush

Because then he'll ask questions like "Why was Clark wearing a bullet proof vest?"
LOIS: So he doesn’t die when he inevitably steps in front of a bullet for me. Duh!

How about ‘carcass’ or ‘the deceased’?
LOIS: /doesn’t like it when people talk cold, hard facts and use explicit language to describe those facts/

Yes, they could be armor piercing. Clark could be dead already, his chest shredded by the shards.
EW: /tries to be circumspect with future plot twists/ Let's not give the bad guys ideas.
LEX: /makes careful notes for when he finally gets out of prison via presidential pardon/

Oh, so you think I should have gone that way instead of to the dark side? Interesting. I'll consider that option next time. /EW tries to torture readers/

I'm actually surprised nobody caught me placing that cell phone in Clark's pocket in Part 221. Not all herrings are red. /EW is proud of herself/
Well, to be fair, it felt reasonable and not out of place, Lois mistreating Clark has her personal pack mule.
LOIS: Well, he’s strong and quite mulish, so…

CITY OF METROPOLIS: Well, when street signs go missing, we first have to request the funds from the city council to replace the signs, wait for the funds to be allotted, order the signs, pay bribes to the different departments so that they actually come in, add it to the schedule of projects, hold a lottery to see which city workers will go down to Suicide Slum to put up the signs, wait for a truck to be ready, and get the work done. Then we have to requisition repairs to be done on the truck and disability for the city workers who put up the street signs. We're now looking to make the street signs in that area of town to be holograms so that they can't be stolen, but that's still in the prototype stage.

You go most of your life not feeling pain and then you get shot, see if you can hold in the tears.
LOIS: *I* wasn’t crying when I was shot.
CLARK: Erm…the EW said *not having felt pain before*!

JUDGE: We've decided that it's safer for the citizens of Metropolis if Lois Lane doesn't spend any time in prison. She's already started a riot and discovered three people who were innocent of their crimes in the two weeks she was held there.

That he’s not feeling up to the task and would probably also fall asleep right in the middle of things?
EW: Well, it is TOGOM.
Oooh! What an interesting ToGoM dark side twist!

CLARK: I don't have performance issues!
LOIS: You don't? /happy that there’s still some life’s blood left in him/ Good news!
CLARK: /Let me rephrase that, please/

He was willing in the hospital. On the other hand, he thought he was fantasizing.
See? He was drugged out of his mind. And considering he’s only been on this Earth for a year or two, we should have Lois arrested for what she did to that poor guy.

Bikini or less on a private beach?
LOIS: /prefers to keep her vaycay plans a secret/ No Comment.
CLARK: help

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

I go by Michael on the Archives.

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