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#270338 05/25/16 08:35 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

New Wednesday. New Part. Old questions re-surfing. Comments welcome.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/25/16 08:36 PM. Reason: Typo

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Despite that, Lois and Clark have still not consummated their relationship.
[Linked Image]
CLARK: She’s not dead so we haven’t consummated.
LOIS: That’s right! I didn’t die even a little bit, so there was no consummation involved.

His deep breathing suggested that he was still asleep.
Poor guy. All tuckered out from taking a shower.

Personally, she didn’t want him within twenty yards of Capone or Clyde Barrow.
She could wait until her sister’s latest conquest gets turned into a killer cyborg, then sic *him* onto the Capone gang?

Yet, the last thing she wanted to do was let this big knucklehead out of her sight.
Couldn’t she tie him to the bed?

If it weren’t for her, Clark would be dead right now. Literally, and in all other forms of the definition, dead
True, but if she weren’t there, it wouldn’t matter to him anyway.

She rubbed her throbbing head with her thumb. Frankly, she could more easily believe in a flying man from another planet coming to Metropolis to be a hero than in time-travel.
I guess she’d not last long in Central City, huh?

Let alone a man loving her so much that he would travel back in time in order to save her life;
Well, she always contended that she wasn’t born yesterday, and yet, that’s the premise on which Clark chose to meet her.

Clark was one walking, talking, flying, loving, time-traveling anomaly.
Our very own little black hole. Only much more dense…

Unfortunately, his story made some kind of logical sense as to why she had visions.
The other explanation being she has a brain tumor.

What didn’t make any sense was how she could know that Clark would be shot by these cloned gangsters, even before she knew they existed, but he didn’t.
Cray-Cray stuff only starts to happen once a Lois gets involved?

So, if she had lived this life previously, and this was an echo of that life, how did she know specifically that Clark would be shot – not with Kryptonite, merely shot – and he had no idea it would happen?
Maybe she saw it on some TV show about an intrepid reporter and her sidekick?

Unless, he had the future wiped from his memory when he traveled into the past with the exception of wanting and needing to save her.
He could also be a mentally unstable escapee from Fort Roz and fixated on her when he saw her. He then started to spin an elaborate tale to explain his prison jumpsuit and why he was wearing diapers and his blanket on his shoulders.

That didn’t make much sense either, being that he would need to know the event that claimed her life in order to stop it.
Them consummating their relationship is the current theory.

Clark stole the opportunity to kiss her lips. “Oh. I only dreamed about you threatening to kill me, once or twice, last night?”
I believe it might have been three times. The last one, he’d have died with a smile on his face.

“I almost lost you. I don’t want you dead.”
[Linked Image] He just won a Kerth Award without her.
LOIS: mad He’s *so* dead!

His top hand dropped to her thigh and started work itself up and under her nightshirt.
jawdrop Considering what she’s wearing…

“Then, for Christmas, I promise to start something I can finish.”
But he’s still strong and she’s still cursed?

She tried to shake off this feeling and the one that told her to forget Christmas and just to take her gift now!
That’s why you don’t buy the gifts until the day before Christmas…

Another thought tickled her mind. She turned around to face him with a grin. “We’ll be in Smallville for Christmas.”

He both blanched and blushed at the same time. “Um… well… I’ll figure something out. Get up early or…”
But don’t the Kents rent rooms as a B&B? I’m sure they’re aware what the couples doing up there when they’re alone.

“A promise is a promise.” He drew her to his chest and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “A night to remember.”
I’m sure she’ll remember the night he proposed. Again. Nothings been said about actual consummation.

“Christmas is still several weeks away,” she said,
/does math/ So, Christmas story for Christmas?

Instead, she shifted to behind his chair to look over his shoulder, hoping nobody noticed her raging hormones.
Good thing Cat has moved to Houston?
CAT: Phil? Did you feel that, too?

Perry’s office door slammed open. “Lane!” he yelled. “How come one of my reporters was shot last night and the first I’m hearing about it is from the Star calling me for a comment?”
It wasn’t really that much. Just hit the vest. Plus, a good reporter doesn’t involve himself in his story.

The Chief shook his head. “Well, then you’re damn lucky Barrow shot your partner instead of you.”
DILLINGER: Back in the day, you didn’t shoot no dames. There’s much better use for them than target practice. [Linked Image]
LOIS: sick Shoot me!

Her mind had slipped back to Clark’s promise of giving her a night to remember.

Oh, my.

She picked up her mug and headed for the coffee machine.

How was she going to accomplish anything with that thought to distract her?
Maybe he’ll just leave her at the Metropolis Sewage Reclamation Facility all night? I’m sure she’d never forget that night.

After they disposed of Clark’s body, Capone let Clyde Barrow have it and then Bonnie retaliated, killing Capone and all of his men. I never knew she was such a good shot.”
shock She should have kept the others around, after Dillinger and Capone.

“He could’ve.” Lois smiled with a wink. “Just say the words and make me an honest woman.”

Clark’s mouth dropped open. She didn’t mean that in the way it sounded, did she?
He could ask her. When she imitates the roadrunner, he knows that she didn’t.

“Just some woman?” Clark asked. That was vague even for Bobby.

Lois shrugged. Something didn’t feel right.

“Lo-is,” he hissed.

She rocked her head back in defeat. “That tiramisu smelled soooo good.”

Clark pressed his lips together. He knew it had been a bad idea to have Lois meet Bobby without him there.
He could hint that she’s getting a little…heavy the next time they meet Bobby. That way, she won’t go for the sweets.

“Or it could be any woman wearing a wig,” Lois countered. “Even if she wasn’t, there were plenty of other blondes in Lex’s life.”
Dr. Bainses.

The more he knew Lois spoke the truth about that night at the hospital.
Hmm…something’s off there.

This wasn’t Clark’s true dimension. Technically, this Lois wasn’t his actual soul mate, nor was he hers: ninety-nine point nine nine percent but not one-hundred percent.
So, what if that causes Lois to not actually die but fall into a permanent coma?

He wanted nothing more than to fly her off for a quickie wedding and a very long, slow honeymoon.
Considering his jumpiness, the honeymoon won’t last very long evil

“That’s not how you spell ‘destruction’, by the way.”

“Clearly, it is. Apparently, it’s not how everyone else does,” she grumbled, changing the ‘i’ after the ‘d’ to an ‘e’. “There. Better?”
rotflol To be fair, it comes from ‘Clark dies and she’s destroyed’, so the ‘i’ sounds reasonable.

Yes, I know, I’ll be bored stiff, even if Mother Arnold says she’s going to take me to her Club’s Christmas and New Year Eve’s parties,
She might always meet a waiter or two at the parties and meet them for an afterparty?

But after Johnny, well, that might be a good thing.

PS: I’m not joking about the DETAILS. Also, a new CD player would be nice.

What would Lucy do if Lois told her that Clark… that they were waiting until marriage until they…?
thud ?

No, she and Clark weren’t engaged to be married, even if they occasionally slept together. Getting a good night’s sleep together might be a better way to put it.
Like an old married couple, huh?

He did mean sex, didn’t he? With Clark one never knew how to take a vague statement such as “a night to remember”.

Her brow furrowed.

Oh, God. He didn’t mean a Christmas party, did he? He didn’t mean sitting around and singing Christmas carols while drinking hot cider or decorating a Christmas tree after playing in the snow? That did sound like something he would like, didn’t it?
Ooooooh! Ding Ding Ding!

He had invited her to Smallville for their ‘night to remember.’ It could be an entirely innocent evening of romantic bliss ending in two separate bedrooms.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

That Evil “M” word that had ruined more than one woman’s life. It was so barbaric.

But Clark wasn’t like that.
Christmas Eve:
CLARK: Lois! I’ve just concluded the negotiations with your father. I only had to offer him my globe in exchange for your hand in marriage. Now all we need is a minister to pronounce us husband and wife. Isn’t this great?

How could she say ‘no’ to that?
By starting with pressed together teeth, then opening them and her lips while breathing out.

Well, of course, he would. He was in love with her and he wanted to make love to her, but he had made a vow to himself that he wouldn’t make love to her until they were married, so it was only a matter of time before he popped the question.
Or maybe not.

What would Lois say if he did ask her?

Yes or no?
She could agree to be his concubine instead while he goes and marries the Lady Zara?

wave Michael

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Darth Michael: Sorry about the delay. Crazy week here with the end of the school year. My apologies. I'll try to get the new part posted tomorrow.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 223
Despite that, Lois and Clark have still not consummated their relationship.
ER: /uh/
CLARK: She’s not dead so we haven’t consummated.
LOIS: That’s right! I didn’t die even a little bit, so there was no consummation involved.
Well, okay, but those of you who've been reading from the beginning know what I mean. Consummation without amnesia involved.

Poor guy. All tuckered out from taking a shower.
Being shot and lying in garbage in pain is tiring too, I hear.
CLARK: [Linked Image]Sure. Let's go with that.

She could wait until her sister’s latest conquest gets turned into a killer cyborg, then sic *him* onto the Capone gang?
The Magic 8 ball says that the forecast is cloudy and to try again later.

Couldn’t she tie him to the bed?

True, but if she weren’t there, it wouldn’t matter to him anyway.
That, too.

I guess she’d not last long in Central City, huh?
Not in this story.

Well, she always contended that she wasn’t born yesterday, and yet, that’s the premise on which Clark chose to meet her.
LOIS: Hmmmm. That is true. But that would mean that Clark was being logical, and... phishaw!
TEMPUS: Nope. Worst planner I've ever met. /holds out bag to Lois/ Popcorn?

Our very own little black hole. Only much more dense…
CLARK: [Linked Image] I can't help how I was born.

The other explanation being she has a brain tumor.
You mean the one they discover after the honeymoon? peep

Cray-Cray stuff only starts to happen once a Lois gets involved?
No, only once she meets Chuck.

Maybe she saw it on some TV show about an intrepid reporter and her sidekick?
LOIS: Perhaps it was covered on an episode of Baywatch watched by my new Friends.

He could also be a mentally unstable escapee from Fort Roz and fixated on her when he saw her. He then started to spin an elaborate tale to explain his prison jumpsuit and why he was wearing diapers and his blanket on his shoulders.
Not familiar with Fort Roz, but surrrrrrreeee. That's a possibility.

Them consummating their relationship is the current theory.
He already told Lois that they had only confessed their mutual love before she died in the alternate future and that they hadn't done anything about it.

I believe it might have been three times. The last one, he’d have died with a smile on his face.
I believe that was the 2nd time. (once in the Gfic version, once in the Nfic).

/whispering/ He just won a Kerth Award without her.
LOIS: /mad/ He’s *so* dead!
Actually, that was Cat Grant. This Clark has never won one. frown

Considering what she’s wearing…
Are you saying that men's pajama tops aren't known for their.. ahem... length?

But he’s still strong and she’s still cursed?
Perhaps "finish" means something different to these two people.

That’s why you don’t buy the gifts until the day before Christmas…
Thank you for explaining my husband's shopping habits.

But don’t the Kents rent rooms as a B&B? I’m sure they’re aware what the couples doing up there when they’re alone.
In another future, they were just starting to when Lois came to Smallville. Here, they have a little extra help around the farm.

I’m sure she’ll remember the night he proposed. Again. Nothings been said about actual consummation.
Theories abound!

/does math/ So, Christmas story for Christmas?
If you want...
Or I can start posting it tomorrow.
I was going to wait to be further along in my betaing process before starting to post my short (for me) Nfic story, but if you'd rather I post that first...

Good thing Cat has moved to Houston?
CAT: Phil? Did you feel that, too?

It wasn’t really that much. Just hit the vest. Plus, a good reporter doesn’t involve himself in his story.
CLARK: Great. So, another story that my partner gets to write. /throws his hands up in annoyance/ No wonder I can't win a Kerth!

DILLINGER: Back in the day, you didn’t shoot no dames. There’s much better use for them than target practice.
LOIS: /sick/ Shoot me!

Maybe he’ll just leave her at the Metropolis Sewage Reclamation Facility all night? I’m sure she’d never forget that night.
In the dead of winter? Yeah, she definitely won't sleep with him after that.

She should have kept the others around, after Dillinger and Capone.
Passion shooting. She wasn't thinking.

He could ask her. When she imitates the roadrunner, he knows that she didn’t.
CLARK: That's strange. /tilts head and looks at Lois shaped hole in wall/ I didn't know Lois could fly. [Linked Image] Coming, Lois! /jumps through wall/

He could hint that she’s getting a little…heavy the next time they meet Bobby. That way, she won’t go for the sweets.
Or she might throw it in his face.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 223
“Or it could be any woman wearing a wig,” Lois countered. “Even if she wasn’t, there were plenty of other blondes in Lex’s life.”
Dr. Bainses.
Yes. Did I? Hmmm. I meant to. Yes. Possibly.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 223
The more he knew Lois spoke the truth about that night at the hospital.
Hmm…something’s off there.
It's actually another reaction to the line prior to that. Grammatically, it's not a complete sentence I know. Here's the complete section:

Originally Posted by WC 223
With every little relationship barrier he and Lois broke through, the more he doubted the accuracy of Herb’s prediction. The more he knew Lois spoke the truth about that night at the hospital.
Does that make it more clear?

So, what if that causes Lois to not actually die but fall into a permanent coma?
That would be darn inconvenient.

Considering his jumpiness, the honeymoon won’t last very long /evil/
Well, unless he wants to drag it out.

To be fair, it comes from ‘Clark dies and she’s destroyed’, so the ‘i’ sounds reasonable.
Sadly, it comes from me being from the first spell-checker generation.

She might always meet a waiter or two at the parties and meet them for an afterparty?
It wouldn't be polite to ditch her gran like that. Oh, right. Lucy.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 223
But after Johnny, well, that might be a good thing.
ER: /jawdrop/
Oh, that's right. You wanted him join the gangsters. Yeah. That won't be happening.

Like an old married couple, huh?
LOIS: mecry Why again would anyone want to get married?
CLARK: Gee, thanks, Michael. Thanks a lot. Oh, wait. laugh I really DO appreciate it!

Ooooooh! Ding Ding Ding!

Christmas Eve:
CLARK: Lois! I’ve just concluded the negotiations with your father. I only had to offer him my globe in exchange for your hand in marriage. Now all we need is a minister to pronounce us husband and wife. Isn’t this great?
LOIS: Daddy! mad

By starting with pressed together teeth, then opening them and her lips while breathing out.
So, quite easily then?

Or maybe not.
True. This story is already 223 Parts long.

She could agree to be his concubine instead while he goes and marries the Lady Zara?
LOIS: /contemplates this/ I see. So, there are worse things than being a wife.

Thanks for reading my stories in such depth, Michael! wave

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Sorry about the delay. Crazy week here with the end of the school year. My apologies. I'll try to get the new part posted tomorrow.

Well, okay, but those of you who've been reading from the beginning know what I mean. Consummation without amnesia involved.
Umm… /points at la petit mort/ It was a wordplay… [Linked Image]

Being shot and lying in garbage in pain is tiring too, I hear.
CLARK: /doesn’t like to tell about how he’s been kissed/ Sure. Let's go with that.

LOIS: Hmmmm. That is true. But that would mean that Clark was being logical, and... phishaw!
TEMPUS: Nope. Worst planner I've ever met. /holds out bag to Lois/ Popcorn?
[Linked Image]

The other explanation being she has a brain tumor.
You mean the one they discover after the honeymoon? /EW is warming up to this idea/
evil It *would* be awkward if Lois suddenly keeled over and died with Clark watching helplessly right before *The End*.

LOIS: Perhaps it was covered on an episode of Baywatch watched by my new Friends.
Nah… Although she and Clark are about as good being in a relationship as Ross and Rachel.

Not familiar with Fort Roz, but surrrrrrreeee. That's a possibility.
Prison space station Kara Zor El knocks out of the Phantom Zone in the first few minutes of Supergirl. Coming also to The CW for Season 2 this fall to live happily ever after with the Arrow and The Flash and the Legends of Tomorrow. Hmm…I’m not sure there’s still a timeslot left on The CW that’s not filled with Supers.

Actually, that was Cat Grant. This Clark has never won one. /EW is sorry about that/
CLARK: At least, Lois wasn’t mad at *me*!

Are you saying that men's pajama tops aren't known for their.. ahem... length?
[Linked Image]

Perhaps "finish" means something different to these two people.

Thank you for explaining my husband's shopping habits.

In another future, they were just starting to when Lois came to Smallville. Here, they have a little extra help around the farm.
So, Lois and Clark can happily not share a room, then?
LOIS: shock Martha? It’s Lois. I’ve got a business proposition for you…

Or I can start posting it tomorrow.

I was going to wait to be further along in my betaing process before starting to post my short (for me) Nfic story, but if you'd rather I post that first...

CLARK: Great. So, another story that my partner gets to write. /throws his hands up in annoyance/ No wonder I can't win a Kerth!
LOIS: That, and I’m a much better journalist!

DILLINGER: Back in the day, you didn’t shoot no dames. There’s much better use for them than target practice.
LOIS: /sick/ Shoot me!
What can I say…? /points at There’s No Place Like Home/

In the dead of winter? Yeah, she definitely won't sleep with him after that.
But on the plus side, I’m sure that the pulled-out-of-the-water garbage is nice and warm from rotting so she won’t have to freeze to death if she buries herself in it.

CLARK: That's strange. /tilts head and looks at Lois shaped hole in wall/ I didn't know Lois could fly. /Ooops! A Cephalopoda!/ Coming, Lois! /jumps through wall/

Or she might throw it in his face.
On the plus side, she’d not ask for consummation, either.

With every little relationship barrier he and Lois broke through, the more he doubted the accuracy of Herb’s prediction. The more he knew Lois spoke the truth about that night at the hospital.
Does that make it more clear?
Hmm…yeah. But I’d make it one long sentence. Works better, I think.

So, what if that causes Lois to not actually die but fall into a permanent coma?
That would be darn inconvenient.
[Linked Image]

Considering his jumpiness, the honeymoon won’t last very long /evil/
Well, unless he wants to drag it out.
LOIS: Clark Jerome Kent! You come back here into this marital bed right this instance. Clark! I *know* you can hear me even from Mt. Kilauea.

Sadly, it comes from me being from the first spell-checker generation.

Oh, that's right. You wanted him join the gangsters. Yeah. That won't be happening.
Feeling evil, huh?

LOIS: /is *really* hard up/ Why again would anyone want to get married?
CLARK: Gee, thanks, Michael. Thanks a lot. Oh, wait. /found a loop hole/ I really DO appreciate it!
CAT: confused

LOIS: Daddy! /doesn’t feel very generous about her virtue getting exchanged for a ball of alien glass/

By starting with pressed together teeth, then opening them and her lips while breathing out.
So, quite easily then?
[Linked Image]

She could agree to be his concubine instead while he goes and marries the Lady Zara?
LOIS: /contemplates this/ I see. So, there are worse things than being a wife.

Thanks for reading my stories in such depth, Michael!
Well…it’s fun!

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

I go by Michael on the Archives.

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