What is Lois thinking? Of course, there was a Superman in this dimension when she arrived, right? Only he had retired due to the death of his child? It's been so long since I read that part, it's kind of fuzzy in my memory.
I'm not sure about this future you've come up with, it seems pretty far from Utopia, especially for the Kent family. Or is that the premise, that Utopia for Earth isn't Utopia for anyone who is part-Kryptonian? Or am I just reading too much into it again? Will Lois flash to another dimension, leaving a group of Kryptonians passed out from Kryptonite poisoning in her wake? Will she be the villain of the future? Actually, I find that idea intriguing. Would Lois's meddling to help her future generations turn into what that society considers a super villain?
You really know how to make a reader sit at the edge of her seat with your action sequences. Post again soon!