I have often had this same conversation at my house (usually with myself, not Clark). I only wish my troubles could be so easily forgotten. Actually, now that I think about this, Clark doesn't seem to be helping Lois one bit in finding her muse. Naughty, naughty man. He's helping her HIDE from her muse.
Sometimes I wonder if all our muses leave us simultaneously to fly away to some beach in Hawaii and discuss how we could treat them better.
"My writer didn't feed me at ALL this week."
"Oh, I know exactly how you feel."
"Well, MY writer watched a TV show that not only didn't feature my characters, but wasn't even set in the same universe!"
"You think you've got it bad. MY writer was whisked off to the bedroom by her hunky husband and didn't think of me once!"
The muses crowd together. "Oh, really? Tell us more about that."
Happy Belated Birthday, NK. Tell your muse she doesn't have to stress about it again for another year.