Welcome to the boards, Carrie.
Oh, Clark!
You've got to choose Lois sometime or she won't be your fiancee for long. Superman can't handle everything.
Oh, Lois! Have some patience with Clark. He's worth it.
What an ending sentence! Or should I say 'pronouncement'? With whom or ON whom is Bruce planning on getting revenge? What did Lex Luthor do to him? Or is it Superman? He knows about Lois and Clark, does Bruce know about Clark = Superman?
A couple of housekeeping pieces of advice that I was given when I started posting stories on the message boards that make it easier for readers:
1) All stories / story installments are indicated with a blue arrow posting icon. That way readers can find stories / story parts easily. You can find the 'posting icons' listed below the subject line when starting a new thread. Click the circle next to the blue arrow. You can edit your Part One by clicking on the blue "edit" button on the bottom of your post.
2) Post a 'hard return' / extra line / enter between each paragraph will make it easier for the reader to see where one paragraph starts and the next ends. If you're writing in Word, you can do this by using Find/Replace and replacing all ^p with ^p^p . This will add the extra lines into your story for you. (Unfortunately, using double space or "add an extra line between paragraph breaks" doesn't work when copying and pasting onto the boards.)
This is a terrific start and I can't wait to see what happens next.