Hi Mary!
So far, all he'd learned was that he didn't have a maid.
“The floor used to be Jurassic limestone from Caen,” she continued, and a smile bloomed across her face. “We laughed so hard when they replaced it with marble!”
His brow furrowed. “Um, why?”
He frowned. “I...guess. But we are friends, right?”
She stopped, and he nearly collided into her. “Er...” Susanne turned and looked him in the eyes, a curiously panicked expression lurking in her own. She stared at him for what seemed like a long time before a smile finally forced its way onto her face. “...Sure! Of course we are friends, Michel!”
She must be so confused, what with him suddenly noticing that his lab partner is female.
He opened his mouth to ask more, but was cut off by a loud, high “Buongiorno!” that rang down the hallway and echoed off the walls. Startled, he looked up to see a tall, tan brunette striding quickly towards them.
Oh, look! They have a resident cat, too. Only their Lois would actually go for her work colleague. I mean, even without having her inhibitions lowered by pheromones. Or spandex.
LOIS: What?
The strange woman released him and waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, I am just here for a fossil.”
A male virgin?
“Nobody!” Susanne spat out. She looked up at him, her eyes still dark with rage. “Michel, while you are recovering, be sure to do everything in your power to not remember anything at all about that woman!”
Someone’s a little bit jealous.
LOIS: No, I don’t see it.
CLARK: Funny, you behave just like Susanne did when Cat’s here.
They’re adorable!