It’s Who You Know (1/1) (2019 Weekly Kerth Challenge #10 – Word Count Challenge)
By Lynn S. M.

Perry bellowed, “Lanes, Kent. Office. Now!”

Jimmy stage-whispered to his friends, “Good luck.”

When everyone was seated, Clark used his most calming voice to ask, “What is the matter, Chief?”

“Why is Lucy here?”

The woman in question said, “Let me explain.”

“No,” began Lois, when Clark interrupted, “She is helping our investigation.”

Perry leaned back in his chair, glowered at his prize reporters, and commented sardonically, “And Elvis reported news.”

Lucy retorted indignantly, “I know Batman.”

Clark elaborated, “Flight attendants have connections, Perry.”

Everyone looked at Clark and groaned at his unwitting word play. Then Perry made shooing motions. “You win. Now go.”