Aaaand we continue…
, on a little smudge of green that dangled over Africa, the most beautiful woman in the universe was waiting for him
CLARK: Why’s Lois in France?
for him to come back from a “dental appointment”.
CLARK (scandalized): Not before the secret!
The passive feeling shifted into one of confusion, and suddenly, alarm.
Time zones. Nighty night. Hello?
Clark whispered again. 'Sorry, there was a magician... Um, is it okay to talk?'
Oh. Illusions of Grandeur! So, did Michel break Superman’s hypnosis?
'As I said, it is perfectly fine for you to refuse; I simply told Susanne that I would ask Superman for this favor if I ever had the chance, and now I have!
Not funny! If Clark where to pull that stunt on me…
They’re really cute soundbites! And when you wait a bit, you get to read a nice long chapter, too!