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Very nice, BP. (I hope you don't mind the nickname even though we don't know each other well.) I really liked this. I think it is a very good peek into Mayson's mind and how it works. You also explained very well why she distrusts Superman - it's not him, it's his lack of legal authority, a subject the comics ignored back in 1938. Her arguments were logical and reasonable, and Clark - er, Superman - listened to her and thought about what she said. He also gave her some points to chew on later. If this had happened in the show, she might have gotten along better with Lois. Or not. She ended the vignette still inclined to romance with Clark, although here she was thinking that maybe it was a one-way relationship. And we all know how frustrating that can be for a lawyer. I do have one question, though. I don't understand this sentence. It had been a long and tiring day for her and she was served. I can't figure out what that means. Usually when someone is "served," at least in a legal context, that someone has received a summons or a subpoena to appear before a judge or a grand jury. But it's probably my lack. It's obvious she wasn't at a restaurant. As I said, I really like this short tale. I hope you gift us with more snippets of your take on Lois and Clark.
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Hey Terry, Thanks for reading and giving some of your thoughts about this. It's always good to see what other think both to motivate and to improve writing. Don't mind the nickname, no problem. :-) I'm glad you liked the tale. I know that Mayson is one of this characters on the show most people on the boards seem to dislike because she tries to pull Clak away from Lois, though I don't think that is exactly justified, especially with Clark showing little to no interest in her. I do believe that she is a good person in general and I didn't like that they just killed her off. That's a rather poor way to write someone out, it would have been better IMO if they had talked it out... I always felt the show never explained what exactly were the reasons for Mayson's constantly Superman bashing so I tried to give her some character depth here. I do believe that some of the problems she noted here could be difficult in a "realistic" world featuring superheroes. Some of the inspiration for that, I believe, comes from a Supergirl Episode where Kara and Detective Maggie are arguing about same issue. About the sentence:
It had been a long and tiring day for her and she was served. Well, I think that's a classic case of a saying that can't be translated that well. I just wanted to point out that it was a long day and she just has enough and wants to end it, I'll change that sentence to make it hopefully ore understandable.
It had been a long and tiring day for her and she was done.
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In German, the expression „to be served“ is often used ironically, meaning "I've had enough,“
I liked this story, Blindpassenger. I never wondered, what kind of legal implications Superman's actions would have. But it seems obvious, now that you've mentioned it.
Great story!
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Delightful story, BlindPassenger. Thanks for adding Mayson's character depth. I'm glad you emphasized Superman's lack of both legal authority and responsibility, two points that I also have thought about. And even have an unfinished story that touches on them. If the show had pointed that out, not only could Lois and Mayson perhaps become more friendly, but it could also have changed Superman's actions in interesting ways. Thanks for sharing this wonderfully insightful story. Looking forward to more stories from you.
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Hey Bakasi, Yup, that's exactly what I meant to say! And yes, if we don't Count "Man of Steel Bars" then the Show failed in covering this Point, though I think given the premise and nature of the Show I can live with that. Still, this idea popped into my head and combinating it with the Mayson issue, I decided to run with it.
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Hey Cuidadora, Thanks for your kind feedback! Giving characters more depth than they have on a show is always something I enjoy in reading fanfic. It's fascinating how the same character, for instance, can be interpreted very differently by various authors. So, some characters are good people in author A's story while they are bad guys in author B's work, and so on... Yes, the topic is quite interesitng. The show writers and maybe the fanfic readers and writers too, forgot often that not everyone gets this deep look into Clark/Superman's perosnality we have, and thus, don't know how his mind works and what possible motives he could have. The world has a lot of cynical and mistrusting people, so it's just relaistic to think about that stuff. I hope you'll finish your story some day in the future so we can read your thoughts on the topic. About Lois and Mayson - well, I believe the main point of their rivalry is Clark, but sure, it could have erased at least one argument between them.
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Interesting take on things. I always chalked up Mayson's dislike for Superman for exactly the same reasons you gave her in the story - it wasn't a personal grudge but a legal one. Though, I have to admit, I didn't picture her cozying up to Superman even if he had done everything 100% by the books. Still, it was refreshing to see them hashing it out. Thanks for the story!
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Hey DC, glad you like the Story. Of course it's not sure Mayson and Supes would have get along if he did everything by the books, though I'm not sure whether this is possible because he is just a Special case not included in ordinary books.:-)
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Hi! I’m doing some Kerth reading and trying to get through as many stories as possible. Just wanted to pop in and say that I enjoyed this take on Mayson! Yeah, we all love to hate her, but she didn’t always get a fair shake…at least as far as the Superman thing went. Very clever way to bring out her “confession” of why she really dislikes Superman. Sara 
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Hey Sara,
yeah, I'll do my own Kerth reading process soon. Gladly, I catched up with most (but by far not all) stories that were released last year.
Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, I always felt Mayson gets a bit mistreated in fanfic here and there for "stealing" Clark from Lois (or trying to do so). But unlike other "rivals" I always thought her to be a good person inside who just has a problem with Superman's way to do stuff. Since the source of her anger about him was never really explained in the show, I decided to think about something reasonable. I still believe just killing her off the way they did was a very lazy and cheap way to get rid of her character. I actually thought a bit about how Superman would work in a legal frame, that he technically isn't working for the state or the police and therefore not allowed to take care of criminals and that, if he intervenes to early, the consequence could be those criminals would be released since they didn't came to commit their crime, actually. Now, to be fair, "this" Clark is IMO the version who is most willing to work together with police, firefighters etc. in their work unlike other versions of the character.
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Hi BlindPassenger! Mayson Drake sighed in frustration as she entered her flat late that evening. I know, it’s the wrong universe, but given that She Hulk – Attorney at Law just started, I immediately went to “What if Mayson got powers?”  She had lost another case just because the defendant was obscenely rich and his lawyer had hammered him out with a completely moronic but unfortunately seemingly convincing argument. LAYWER: “My defendant cannot be guilty because guilty men would not donate a seven-figure sum to the Jury Support Fund.” She wasn't so sure what it had been for Clark or how he felt about her. CLARK: She’s good people. Likes sport. What do you mean, ‘a woman’?  especially since she had seen the way he acted around his colleague, Louise or something like that. Meow! Especially since in her position she had not infrequently been lured into a trap by criminals to score points against their case. Oh look, something she got in common with Lois. LOIS: Oh please, I usually am able to get trapped without prior arrangements. Or if they need Superman bait. *dreamy sigh* It was a somewhat run-down building, probably a warehouse of some kind, and she was far from sure that coming here was a good idea. LOIS: Sounds like a good idea to me. "That's right. I would like to know why you have such a negative attitude towards him." /squints/ A non-nefarious situation? "No. It's not about that. I may be a lawyer, but I'm not racist or anything like that."  "He can't just fly around and decide he can do whatever he wants. There are laws." Foreign dignitary. Head of State presumptive. Has diplomatic immunity. "Got arrested because Superman says he walked into a bank and had a gun hidden under his clothes."  My point is that he has no authority to pursue and/or arrest criminals, let alone decide their status." Yes, that’s what the judges are for. ![[Linked Image]](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/2c/Judge_Dredd_promo_poster.jpg) Imagine if everyone who felt like it played vigilante and just stopped crime themselves. ![[Linked Image]](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Michael-Keaton-Batman.jpg) "Just think what could happen if some criminal decided to hurt or kill someone Superman cared about. Mayson *has* met Louise (sic), hasn’t she? LOIS: /polishes merit badge/ There is literally nothing and no one on this planet, to my knowledge, that could stop him should he get out of control." Why they invented kryptonite lipstick. "And that has what exactly to do with me? Do you suspect me of working with or for Luthor?" hissed Mayson angrily. No, more like she is a criminal kingpin in her own right. After all, she’s a blonde! I was quite sure - and am now completely so - that you are an honest lawyer. Did he just deny her very existence by using an oxymoron? I began to wonder if you had dangerous plans concerning me. No, she just wants to seduce him on a bear rug in a cabin. LOIS: See, dangerous plans! "And you seriously thought I would commit crimes just because I don't like your attitude?" Sounds reasonable. I was not aware until now that my actions were causing so many bureaucratic loopholes. BRUCE: So, “Criminal Law for Dummies” and “How to Bag and Tag”, why did he think I left those for him with a batstamp on the inside cover? The next few weeks would be interesting. Ends up dating Mayson. Lois arrested for arson and attempted murder of government official. Thanks for sharing! It was a fun read   Michael
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Hi Michael, Thanks for your Feedback. I didn't expect anyone to read this old Thing of mine 1,5 years later, but here we are. Reading your FDK is always fun so I'm honored to get that Treatment too. Hi BlindPassenger! I know, it’s the wrong universe, but given that She Hulk – Attorney at Law just started, I immediately went to “What if Mayson got powers?”  Haha, yah, I still have to watch that Show. I guess I'll wait until it's complete and then watch it in a row. At least it seems to be more than the typical "classic superhero gets female carbon-copy pendant" Thing so I'll definitely give it a try. Mayson with powers... hrm, that's intriguing. MAYSON: Clark rejected me. How dare he? I can't live with that. [goes to cemetary] SUPERMAN: You really don't wanna do that, Ms. Drake. [Lightning strikes] MAYSON: Hrm, I'm Feeling a bit funny now... especially since she had seen the way he acted around his colleague, Louise or something like that. Meow! I once used a translator for reading fanfic here before deciding that improving my English is likely the better Option to go, and for some reason the translator constantly messed up with Lois' Name and gave me all sorts of results like Louise, Louis, Luis, etc. So, yeah... LOIS: Hey, you're stuck with me in the Club for odd names, woman named Mayson! "No. It's not about that. I may be a lawyer, but I'm not racist or anything like that."  Well, given we have people like Trask, that *could* be an issue for people. Just saying. "He can't just fly around and decide he can do whatever he wants. There are laws." Foreign dignitary. Head of State presumptive. Has diplomatic immunity. Sure, but New Krypton doesn't get thrown into the mix until Season 4. ZARA: Pointless. He's already married to me and therefore sovereign ruler of our planet, he just doesn't know yet. Minor obstacle. "Got arrested because Superman says he walked into a bank and had a gun hidden under his clothes."  I mean, I can see Clark being proactive like that... Yes, that’s what the judges are for. ![[Linked Image]](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/2c/Judge_Dredd_promo_poster.jpg) LOIS: Hey, ever heard of civilian Arrest right, Ms. hot-shot attorney? Imagine if everyone who felt like it played vigilante and just stopped crime themselves. ![[Linked Image]](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Michael-Keaton-Batman.jpg) BRUCE-89: Hey, don't compare me to that goody-two-shoes. I mean, he doesn't kill or even really hurt his opponents. He doesn't Count. "Just think what could happen if some criminal decided to hurt or kill someone Superman cared about. Mayson *has* met Louise (sic), hasn’t she? LOIS: /polishes merit badge/ Well, Mayson, given that you are part of this list, eventually, isn't that ironic? Why they invented kryptonite lipstick. MAYSON: Please, kiss me, Clark! [Clarks falls to the ground] MAYSON: I will kill Dr. Klein. He told me that stuff has only effects on Kryptonians. Hrm, now that I think about it... PERRY: No, Ms. Drake, I won't print a Story with the Headline "Clark Kent is Superman. I Need him here to keep Lois safe from dying. No, more like she is a criminal kingpin in her own right. After all, she’s a blonde! SUPERMAN: Well, you were buddies with Bill Church, so there is this... No, she just wants to seduce him on a bear rug in a cabin. Ah, the hate-is-love angle, got it. "And you seriously thought I would commit crimes just because I don't like your attitude?" Sounds reasonable. Especially in the L&C universe, doesn't it? LEX: Hey, don't Point on me. It's not my fault that Supes decided to choose my town for his shennanigans. Ends up dating Mayson. Lois arrested for arson and attempted murder of government official. INVESTIGATOR: Hey Ms. Lane, I'm the officer who is responsible for your case. Please call me Daniel! Thanks for sharing! It was a fun read  It was a pleasure to write, no doubt. Nick
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Hi Nick! I didn't expect anyone to read this old Thing of mine 1,5 years later, but here we are. Yeah, am working through 2021 and 2022 right now  Reading your FDK is always fun so I'm honored to get that Treatment too.  I guess I'll wait until it's complete and then watch it in a row. I sure can understand that. It’s gonna be five more weeks. At least it seems to be more than the typical "classic superhero gets female carbon-copy pendant" Thing so I'll definitely give it a try. They’re doing the fourth-wall-breaking thing and highlight that it’s a lawyer show with superheroes, not superheroes who are lawyers (like Daredevil was). I once used a translator for reading fanfic here before deciding that improving my English is likely the better Option to go, Indeed! Google Translate did get a lot better over the years, but there’s such subtlety that gets lost along the way. Glad you made the jump  On a funny aside: way back when (school) I read the translated version of the Star Wars novelizations and they had in Jedi “Luke, es gibt noch einen anderen Himmel… Himmel… Skywalker”. For our English speakers: they did a literal translation of “Sky…” when it was meant to be a interrupted version of “Skywalker”. That’s just…wrong. LOIS: Hey, you're stuck with me in the Club for odd names, woman named Mayson!  on a possibly interesting note: “Lois” is actually straight out of the New Testament (there as a treatise on Lois and Clark’s names somewhere and this popped up. It’s also on Wikipedia for those interested in such bits). But before I started reading LnC, I never realized that Lois and Clark would be uncommon names. After all, there’s so many English-sounding firstnames in the English language  ZARA: Pointless. He's already married to me and therefore sovereign ruler of our planet, he just doesn't know yet. Minor obstacle. /nods/ You will also get another giggle from it when you watch the 3rd episode of She Hulk. LOIS: Hey, ever heard of civilian Arrest right, Ms. hot-shot attorney? /refrains from going down that Internet rabbit hole before being able to give an informed answer/ I do believe I remember that there’s a fine line between a Civilian Arrest and kidnapping, probably depending on the US State we’re talking about. BRUCE-89: Hey, don't compare me to that goody-two-shoes. I mean, he doesn't kill or even really hurt his opponents. He doesn't Count. Yeah, the Michael Keaton one was lots of broody fun! Well, Mayson, given that you are part of this list, eventually, isn't that ironic? TEMPUS: She’s not the All-Mother of Superman’s descendants. “Irony” doesn’t apply to her. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/e045.gif) TEMPUS: Her death still hurt Superman? Okay, cool. So, the irony is that she died because of her job and not because she was targeted as Superman’s girlfriend? PERRY: No, Ms. Drake, I won't print a Story with the Headline "Clark Kent is Superman. I Need him here to keep Lois safe from dying.  Ah, the hate-is-love angle, got it. Clark’s got a complicated love live? INVESTIGATOR: Hey Ms. Lane, I'm the officer who is responsible for your case. Please call me Daniel! Oh, that’s mean. She can use her feminine wiles to get out of that pickle!  Michael
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Yeah, am working through 2021 and 2022 right now  Yeah, I totally get that. There's still some stuff I hate to catch up with. [/quote] I sure can understand that. It’s gonna be five more weeks. It's not a big deal, I've way enough on my watchlist... [/quote]They’re doing the fourth-wall-breaking thing and highlight that it’s a lawyer show with superheroes, not superheroes who are lawyers (like Daredevil was). As a Person who actually knows what's like to be blind, I can't take the Daredevil Show seriously. It just...doesn't work. I would lean a bit out of the window here and Claim that Lois & Clark also is a Show about two Reporters first and a superhero second. LOIS: And my Reporter self is able to carry my character alone, while That Hack form Nowheresville Needs the super suit additionally to be interesting. And that's why I will always be the Top Banana! CLARK: Hey, I like my bananas! They're yummy... [Fade to Black] [/quote]Indeed! Google Translate did get a lot better over the years, but there’s such subtlety that gets lost along the way. Glad you made the jump  On a funny aside: way back when (school) I read the translated version of the Star Wars novelizations and they had in Jedi “Luke, es gibt noch einen anderen Himmel… Himmel… Skywalker”. For our English speakers: they did a literal translation of “Sky…” when it was meant to be a interrupted version of “Skywalker”. That’s just…wrong. That's...hilarious! Well, had that movie been dubbed 10-15 years Prior, I've no doubt the audience here would know this guy under a more translated Name as that was quite usual back then... ANAKIN: Luke, ich bin dein Vadder. Dein Darth-Vadder.  on a possibly interesting note: “Lois” is actually straight out of the New Testament (there as a treatise on Lois and Clark’s names somewhere and this popped up. It’s also on Wikipedia for those interested in such bits). But before I started reading LnC, I never realized that Lois and Clark would be uncommon names. After all, there’s so many English-sounding firstnames in the English language  Frankly enough, you can't make too wrong when trying to pronounce that names correctly. That Counts for something. Also, you get These kinds of issues when you have characters who don't Age from 1938-present and still are stuck with the same names... LOIS: Well, I'm 84 years old and still look like 30-something. Try do reach that, Linda! /refrains from going down that Internet rabbit hole before being able to give an informed answer/ I do believe I remember that there’s a fine line between a Civilian Arrest and kidnapping, probably depending on the US State we’re talking about. Well, who said Lois' Argumentation is always Logical when it Comes to Superman? LOIS: Hey, I know all the laws, I'm just...making creative use of them, occasionally. TEMPUS: Her death still hurt Superman? Okay, cool. So, the irony is that she died because of her job and not because she was targeted as Superman’s girlfriend? Well, sure, Clark murned her death...for one Episode! Afterwards, she was never murned or mentioned again. Now that I think about it, that was right after the first Tempus Episode. WELLS: No sir, I didn't accidentally erased Mr. Kent's memories of Ms. Drake to bring him together with Ms. Lane sooner, most definitely not. [runs off to his time machine] Oh, that’s mean. She can use her feminine wiles to get out of that pickle! LOIS: I always get my way, don't you know? [/quote]
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