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#88241 07/22/12 08:05 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Oh, dear. I posted 3 minutes early. My apologies. wink

I'm back. I'm posting again. I don't know how regularly as I haven't typed into my computer anything I wrote during my vacation. Right now, it's a mess of scenes within scenes which started out as flashbacks and aren't anymore because I went overboard with them. Anyway, it's a mess and needs some organization. Let's just say Part 25 will post by Wednesday the 25th by which time (if I can sneak onto my computer) I'll know how well I'm doing with my cushion.

There was a phone call scene between Lois and Clark (after she stole the invisible suit) in which Lois and Clark discussed invisiblity vs. flying. I really wanted to get this last scene into this part, so it got deleted (as it was very similar to the one in canon). It will reappear in the Archive version, for you die-hard fans out there.

Please comment now!

EDIT: After careful review I have decided to add the phone call between Clark and Lois back in. My apologies if it makes Part 24 extra long.

Part 24 with new scene added back in.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/27/14 01:55 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Nice to have you back. Love Jimmy two timing himself! That was funny. For a moment, I thought you were spilling the beans that CK=SM, but it was just a dream. I still think this Clark won't be able to resist Lois much longer and might settle for a relationship with Lois with him as Superman.


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Sheesh I want more but I am very confused.What a twisted tale! More soon. Thanks. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

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You're back! hyper I missed you! I hope your vacation was great! laugh

“She’ll never put a good word in for me with Lucy now,” James went on with disappointment.

“Now?” Clark repeated. Didn’t Jimmy just go out with Lucy the night before?

“What? I know it was a stretch to hope she’d put in a good word before, but now…” James shrugged.
Uh oh. Did the other Jimmy go out with Lucy? Bad Jimmy! Didn't you know Jimmy liked her!?
(Too many Jimmys confused )

With a slight wince, Clark realized what happened and felt bad for his friend. “I’m sure it’s all a misunderstanding, Jimmy. By the way, did you ever tell your cousin about your interest in Lois’ sister?”

“Gosh, no,” his friend said with a surprised laugh. “You couldn’t tell by looking at him, but Jimbo actually does better with the ladies than I do.” He shook his head. “Although, I cannot fathom why. Do you know he was out half the night on date last night? He convinced some girl he met yesterday to go to the Godfather Trilogy they were showing at the Metropolis Bijou all night. I’ll have a better shot with Lucy if he never finds out about her.”

Clark wasn’t familiar with the films. “He wouldn’t ask out someone you were interested in, would he?” he inquired casually, slowly sorting through the files that James had brought him.

“Never! But it would best never to put him on Lucy’s radar. With my luck she’d prefer his lackadaisical style to my classic one,” James replied, tugging on the collar of his oxford shirt.
...Oh, maybe he didn't know...

“Jimmy, where in tarnation…” Perry started and then he saw the box. “What’s that?”

“Well, I rode the elevator down with a guy from maintenance and I asked him if it was possible to get you a mini-fridge for your office to keep a couple dozen sodas in. I figured that was a better use of my time than making a run whenever you got an urge for caffeine. As it happens, one of the suits upstairs had rejected this one for being too small. I’m sorry it took so long, but they had me fill out a requisition form. Then they wouldn’t approve it because I’m just a summer intern, so I hit on the idea of borrowing James’ employee number. Sorry, cuz,” Jimbo said with a glance to James. “I figured that would be faster than coming back here and starting the process over again.”
Nice, Jimbo. You should've thought of that James!

“Never mind, Jimmy, Jimmy found it for me,” Lois said over her shoulder as she quickly scanned the article on Golden Boy Barnes. As the words left her mouth, she realized the mistake she had made. “Jimmy?” She turned and glowered at the young man in the doorway. “Were you the one out with my sister last night?”

Jimbo looked like a deer caught in a hunter’s sights. “Yeah,” he answered slowly. “We got to talking yesterday when she stopped by the office. She said that you’d said good things about me, so I assumed…”

Lois shot a thumb out to his cousin. “Him! I had said good things about him. I don’t know you.”
I liked this part smile

She glanced up from where her hand was rubbing circles on Clark’s comforter and saw Superman standing on Clark’s balcony staring at her through his bedroom windows.

They stared at one another for a couple of seconds before he took off into the air. Oh, God! What had she done? What must Superman think? Of this situation? Of her? Of her and Clark?
How is she going to explain that?

With her eyes closed, Lois wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head upon his shoulder. “I love you,” she murmured.

“Lois, I…” he began to respond, just as a spattering of gunfire cut him off. “I should go.”

“No! You can’t see them,” she reminded him, holding tightly to his neck. “They’ll shoot you.”

Superman smiled at her and with a tender caress, tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear, before gently removing her arms from his neck. “I’ll be okay, Lois. Bullets don’t hurt me.”

“We got interrupted before I could respond,” he murmured. “I wanted to tell you that…”

Lois turned away from him. “I know. You’re flattered. You’re honored. But that you don’t feel that way for me. Or you can’t feel that way about me, because of your whole oath thing. You just want to be friends. I know, you don’t need to tell me. That still doesn’t change the way I feel about you.” She couldn’t face him while he was rejecting her, once again.

“No, Lois,” he said softly. “I wanted to tell you that I feel the same way.”
Please don't be a dream, please don't be a dream...

Her brow furrowed in confusion as he stepped out of her window and for a brief moment she lost sight of him. Then he stepped back inside; only now, he was Clark Kent.

“But you can kiss me instead,” Clark said, holding out his arms.
Oh, no! It's going to be a dream isn't it?!

Oh, Lex. Now it could be a nightmare lol

She had just made out with Superman in her dreams and now he was there in person. She was alone in her living room with Superman. Alone in the privacy of her apartment, because Lucy was not yet back from her waitressing job. Alone with Superman.
Alright. Take two. Maybe this one will go better.

“I would rather that we both suffer a lifetime of friendship, than to ever risk your life even once because of me,” Superman replied softly.

“How noble of you, but it’s my life, and if I want to risk it by being with whomever I choose to be with, that’s my right and my decision,” Lois told him. “And I won’t let you, or anyone else, take that away from me.”

“You’re angry,” Superman said. He hadn’t asked; he was stating the obvious fact.

To cement the fact of how extremely angry she was, Lois made her voice calm and said, “No, I’m not mad; I’m hurt.”

He flinched
This isn't going any better...

“No,” he said, stepping away, back towards the windows. His longing gaze never left hers as he stepped onto the window frame. “If I allow…”

Allow? There was that word again, just like in her dream. Lois rushed up to the window to watch him go. “You better not send Clark Kent back to kiss me instead,” she murmured under her breath as he zipped into the sky.

A moment later, Superman returned. Confusion, but not jealousy, covered his face as he hovered once more at her window. “Excuse me?”

“You wanted to kiss me, but ‘it wasn’t allowed’,” she said impersonating his deep timbre. “So, you sent Clark to kiss me in your place.”

Superman stared at her as his eyes widened. “You dreamed about kissing Clark?” A smile burst across his face as he laughed.

“It isn’t that funny. Clark happens to be quite the kisser,” Lois scolded, a part of her still hoping to make him jealous enough to kiss her to prove himself the superior kisser, but her defense of Clark only made him laugh harder. She pressed her lips together in annoyance as she leaned against the window frame.

So, Superman didn’t want her dating Lex Luthor. She could work with that.

I LOVED this last part with Lois and Superman, pay no attention to my earlier complainants about being a dream. What do I know anyway? Can't wait to see what you come up with next!


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Joan: Thank you. It's good (VERY GOOD) to be back. (We almost kissed the ground after disembarking from that last flight). laugh

Love Jimmy two timing himself! That was funny.
Technically, in this story, they are two separate people. And, yes, comic relief. I enjoyed their little story arc, hopefully you will too.

For a moment, I thought you were spilling the beans that CK=SM, but it was just a dream.
I'm horrible that way. This isn't even the worst one I've ever done. evil (Not in this story.)

I still think this Clark won't be able to resist Lois much longer and might settle for a relationship with Lois with him as Superman.
More on Clark/Superman's motivation in the next part... I believe it's called "The Non-Relationship". I hope that's not a spoiler! laugh (I hope. grovel ) More twists coming up in the next part.

X Phile: Make it to work on time today? laugh

You're back! I missed you! I hope your vacation was great!
I had lots of fun, I was inspired. I had very little time to write. I'm glad to be home.

Uh oh. Did the other Jimmy go out with Lucy? Bad Jimmy! Didn't you know Jimmy liked her!?
(Too many Jimmys confused )
James = S1 Jimmy. Dark hair, 6 months older.
Jimbo = S2-S4 Jimmy. Blonder, takes more risks.

...Oh, maybe he didn't know...
Nope, Jimbo didn't know he was stepping on his cousin's toes.

Nice, Jimbo. You should've thought of that James!
Being how close Perry and Jimmy are in S2, I needed them to bond a bit during this introduction. wink Perry kind of takes Jimbo under his wing after this... but sadly off page.

I liked this part
See, both Lucy and Lois are confused by the Jimmys too.

How is she going to explain that?
By not mentioning it and hoping he doesn't bring it up.

Please don't be a dream, please don't be a dream...

Oh, no! It's going to be a dream isn't it?!

Oh, Lex. Now it could be a nightmare lol
Actually, it's a flashback to PML.

Alright. Take two. Maybe this one will go better.
Um... Define "better".

This isn't going any better...
Yep, our definitions match.

I LOVED this last part with Lois and Superman, pay no attention to my earlier complainants about being a dream. What do I know anyway? Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Well, let’s see. Part 25 is kind of a bonus part in that it started out as a flashback during the first scene of Part 26, but then my characters insisted I draw it out and, well, it turned into an entire part. Oh! This is where Clark reveals a part of himself that I referred to earlier in FDK. laugh How are them vague spoilers? wink

Thanks for reading!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Let's just say Part 25 will post by Wednesday the 25th by which time (if I can sneak onto my computer) I'll know how well I'm doing with my cushion.
Oh, dear, I meant the 26th as my cushion isn't there. peep Need time to write.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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eek [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] Posting tonight, I promise...

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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not to mention her being angry as heck at James for keeping her sister out half the night,

Oh, God! What had she done? What must Superman think? Of this situation? Of her? Of her and Clark?
laugh “Lois. Apartment. Mine.”

“I’m missing a suit. I had two when I got here the other night. I don’t know what could have happened…”

“Superman? I don’t know if you can hear me,” he heard Lois murmuring breathlessly. “I’m sorry.” It sounded like she couldn’t catch her breath.
Awww. Is it because she feels guilty of her petting Clark’s apartment?

“No! You can’t see them,” she reminded him, holding tightly to his neck. “They’ll shoot you.”
That’s not an issue.

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“How will you stop them if you can’t see them?” Lois asked.
The bullets? Oh, the perps.

“I wouldn’t want you struck by a stray bullet,”
That would be a bummer… /points at Iolanthe’s Pie Isn't All That Easy/

“Thank you. I will replace this,” Superman guaranteed the man, returning to the sky.
He should set up a fund with the foundation? Or ma e a deal with the city? Also, yes, Cronus Fertilizers is owned by LexTemp, Inc.

“Please, stop that,” he told the man. When Barnes continued to shoot him, Superman grabbed the gun away from him, bent it in half, and tossed it away. “I said, ‘please’.”

when she should have been thinking only of her one true love, her mind, in her weakness, had started to montage images of her and Clark and what might have been?

He cupped her jaw in the palm of his hand and then brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear.
That’s new.

“We got interrupted before I could respond,” he murmured. “I wanted to tell you that…”

“No, Lois,” he said softly. “I wanted to tell you that I feel the same way.”

“Clark did, did he?” Lois grumbled. Why didn’t that surprise her? “Did he tell you about me getting drunk and throwing myself at him? Because I promise you, that will never happen again.” Men, they were all the same. They just couldn’t keep their mouths shut.
Actually, it keeps being Lois who’s blabbing all over the place.

“You shouldn’t feel the need to bid for my attention, Lois.”

“No, I shouldn’t,” Lois replied, more sharply than she had meant to.

“But keeping us apart will never change how I feel about you. I will always love you. I will never be able to love another man the way I love you. By denying me this relationship, even one we keep secret, you are cursing my life.”
Better cursed and alive than having the curse realized and be dead.

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To cement the fact of how extremely angry she was, Lois made her voice calm and said, “No, I’m not mad; I’m hurt.”
Twist! You bent the timeline around again!

Can’t you see what a precious person you are?
I do tend to stick a double meaning of ‘capricious’ to ‘precious’.

He ran his hand over her hair once more and smiled weakly. “One that keeps on giving.”
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Michael's caught up! smile1 Now, I have to...

Shouldn’t that get them down to…one?
It really is only "one" they want, isn't it? (Canon dialogue)

Lois’s Previledge?
Well, she is the top reporter!

That’s because of the grunt work with Lucy.
Could be.

Lucy, Perry, sounds like the new model is much superior. Now he only needs to tap Cat. Wait, cousin? Could be be closer related to Cat than James?
Possibly. The two Jimmys are first cousins. Maybe that's why Jimbo crushed on Lois, while James crushed on Cat... although James' feelings weren't exactly a "crush" more of a curiosity of how different models functioned and felt. Like car shopping.

No wonder Lucy has such a reputation if Lois takes care of her as well as of herself.
Well, Lucy hasn't spent much time trying to impress Daddy like other people.

“No, it was just smoother.”
evil And if her flashbacks become real, will she realize that they are flashbacks or just think they are psychic visions of the future?

Lois’s Priviledge.
Lois doesn't like other people making Rules for her.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Michael's caught up!
I even have a shot at staying caught up with the three-day posting schedule. Also, vacation starts in a week. So, a three-part schedule might help me get other stuff done in between the shakes and the shivers.

It really is only "one" they want, isn't it?
True. Although, one never knows with those crazies in Metropolis. Half of them also want to kill Lois. The other half wants to have some form of physical relationship with her. And then maybe kill her. Funny, that the pure-gold variety of a nutcase is much less common.

although James' feelings weren't exactly a "crush" more of a curiosity of how different models functioned and felt. Like car shopping.
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I even have a shot at staying caught up with the three-day posting schedule. Also, vacation starts in a week. So, a three-part schedule might help me get other stuff done in between the shakes and the shivers.
I understand that feeling. I get them everytime I check the boards and see that Sue is still absent. I hope she's okay. frown

Like, how smooth the stick shifts? How soft the leather is? How fast it can go?
Yep. clap

Hmm…unless it’s a time loop. Uh-huh.
Gee, good thing there isn't any time travel in this... oh. Never mind. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I've found watching women fight over Jimmy (or Jimmys fight over a woman) isn't as popular with the readers as anything I toss LnC's way. Hence why the Jimmys are a sub-plot.
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confused Micahel, you WANT the Jimmys plot to take up space from Lois and Clark???

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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While reviewing the deleted telephone scene from this part to re-add it in to my Archive version, I realized that there are points covered in it that may be considered important to the story. So, I've added back in the missing phone call scene (it comes after Superman flies off after spotting Lois sitting on Clark's bed).

Please keep in mind it does now make Part 24 longer than most of my Parts. My apologies for keeping this scene from you before.

Part 24 with new scene added back in.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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No, he couldn’t risk her safety, tempting though that option might be.
Hey, he could be in and out of there before anyone (including Lois) even knew he was there. And nine months later Lois is gives birth to a beautiful, floating baby girl.

as Henry Barnes escape
/whispers/ apostrophe

It looked like their double partnership was about to become a trio as Henry Barnes escape was Friaz’s story, but Clark didn’t want to the be one who reminded Lois of that fact.

Micahel, you WANT the Jimmys plot to take up space from Lois and Clark???
Nonono, just extra space. /hands Virginia permits and wood for an extension to her story/

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Hey, he could be in and out of there before anyone (including Lois) even knew he was there. And nine months later Lois is gives birth to a beautiful, floating baby girl.
Who do you think he is, Michael, Zeus?

/whispers/ apostrophe
[Linked Image] Thank you. This scene had been cut before I got Part 24 to Beta.

I’m sure Lois would disagree.
Yes, Lois would consider it all his fault.

What curfew? And under which circumstances are curfews even allowed?
In ILTY, the mayor issues a curfew after the Invisible Man breaks his croonies out of jail; for the safety of the citizens of Metropolis no one is allowed out after 10pm (unless they're working, I assume). This is why canon Lois wakes up on Clark's coffee table the next morning (to find Superman staring down at her), because she wasn't allowed out after 10pm to return to her own apartment. (FYI: If you look at Cat during while the DP staff is watching the announcement unfold on TV, she glances at Clark after someone -- possibly Lois -- mentions Superman having his hands full. Another reason I believe Cat knew his secret in canon as well.)

Oooh! Ooooh! Just, where is she going to sleep with the couch occupied. Oooh! Oooh! Oh, wait. Can Alan take the couch and move it over to Mrs. Creadie?
Um... Don't know Mrs. Creadie. They were talking about Clark coming to Lois' apartment, not her to his again. And though uncomfortable, her sofas are currently free. (See above reference on where Lois slept during the curfew in canon.)

“Uh-huh. It was just darn super. I loved him. It! I meant ‘it’!”
LOIS: Is that why Superman says he isn't interested in a relationship with me? Nah, no, I know he loves me.

So, that’s why she wants to find out what Superman’s hiding underneath his red shorts.
[Linked Image]

Give it time until she had her fill of exciting, rich, older men.

Nonono, just extra space. /hands Virginia permits and wood for an extension to her story/

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Who do you think he is, Michael, Zeus?
No, but there was a joke about Wonder Woman, the Invisible Man, and Superman. You'd need to google it though. It's not really appropriate for this board.

In ILTY, the mayor issues a curfew after the Invisible Man breaks his croonies out of jail; for the safety of the citizens of Metropolis no one is allowed out after 10pm (unless they're working, I assume).
Isn't that what the members of the NRA are for? wink

Um... Don't know Mrs. Creadie.
/points at Corrina's story/

LOIS: Is that why Superman says he isn't interested in a relationship with me? Nah, no, I know he loves me.
Isn't in-denial Lois adorable?

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