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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereHmmmm. I wonder what was going through Lois' mind. Comments? Next Part posting by Wed. August 1st. *** EDIT: BTW, I added back in the missing phone call scene from Part 24 after reviewing it, if you're interesting in reading it. (It come in after Superman discovers Lois sitting on Clark's bed). Please keep in mind it does now make Part 24 longer than most of my Parts (which is why I cut it). My apologies for keeping this scene from you before. Also, it hasn't been Beta'd. Part 24 with new scene added back in.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/27/14 01:52 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Oooooh! I'm first! Umm... “This is punishment for taking all your money at poker last night,” Lois retorted, pointing at him. Is that new? He grinned. “Don’t you know, Lois, when I want to punish you, I partner you with Kent?” She pressed her lips together, not appreciating his joke. Partner up with Chuck or cover a sporting event, this sporting event, it seemed like a draw torture-wise. Different types of torture, but still painful. How about partnering with Chuck at a nudist beach volleyball tournament? He chuckled. “You guys make quite a team. I’ve always thought so. Prometheus…”
“Messenger,” Lois mumbled. “It could have been nominated for a Kerth if it hadn’t missed the July 1st cut off. Well, there’s always next year.” Lois looked at the ceiling. Like the Kerth committee will remember the nursing home series a year from now when many of my stories are going to bury it. Was there anything that man couldn’t do? Get her to lay with him as a woman while he’s not wearing a cape. “That wasn’t intentional,” Lois defended.
Perry raised a brow as if to say ‘was it ever?’ I’m sure it’s sometimes? “He never would have been able to infiltrate the Roller Derby Girls theft ring that had stymied the feds for months,” True. she argued with a smile, trying and failing to picture Clark in roller derby drag. How was she supposed to argue against that? With the help of green rocks? Lois could fashion a necklace of them? Like they do with a cross in vampire movies? and when she got angry at Superman, she would accept another date with Lex to punish him. Yeah. That’s healthy. Okay, it wasn’t that often. In the past two months, she and Lex had eaten lunch or dinner together a couple of times, attended some musical choral thing at the Luthor Opera house, and gone to some charity art exhibit opening at a museum. Sounds like a weekly affair? Maybe bi-weekly, after each resuce?
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She had told him that Lex introduced her to people who never would have returned her phone calls otherwise, /imagines Lois unknowingly snapping her fingers and making them jump like anyone with a direct line to the capo is able to/ She would not cheat on Superman, and Clark was too much of a temptation for her. He was an enigma, and that in itself made him irresistible. Yes, she’s going to unravel that enigma, denim and fine-rib and all… If Lucy thought she had been miserable before, HA! That was nothing compared to how she felt now. Ha! That will show her little sister! Umm… Oh… Towards the end of their preparations for the wedding Lana started to care, very much so. That was when she realized that Clark being unable to eat sweets would totally ruin the whole cake cutting ceremony. Oh. That final week, before he met that Lois who made him Superman, Lana had been on a mission to find a cake that he could eat. How about a spelt-cabbage cake? “It’s not poison, Clark, just eat it! If you truly loved me, you would eat it!” she had finally screamed at him. I’m not so sure. Those little green crystals, that giver it that eerie spark, they make me feel kind of funny.
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If she truly loved me, she wouldn’t demand that I eat it, Clark had told himself and then had instantly felt guilty. If you truly loved her, you would have eaten it without a word of complaint and asked for seconds. If she hadn’t loved him, she would never have agreed, insisted, that they get married, and she would never have allowed their relationship to become more intimate. Right. Instead of tasting good, the cake smelled like charred flesh and tasted like ash upon his tongue. Is it a non-sweet cake? Something made from tofu? You don’t like the cake, fine, I don’t care, but you’re eating it. I’m going to pick out a cake I like, and you’re going to pretend it’s the best thing you’ve ever tasted in your life. You will not throw up in front of our guests. You won’t do that to me at our wedding. It’s my day and I won’t have you ruin it!”  Michael
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Michael: Yep, you're the first, and only. I guess, I can't compete with the Olympics.  / Um Lois…? She does know that it’s not cheating if the other one has not agreed to be in the relationship, right? They’re perfect for each other. One’s a stalker. The other’s bat-guano crazy. Oh, you're going to be technical, huh? If she can't be loyal when they aren't in an offical relationship, would she be able to do be so, if they were - is the dilemma. No, Batman hasn't been introduced into this story.  No, more of "if I hurt my Doctor's daughter I'll never get more cyborg juice," and plus, she's a girl. What if she got a good jab in? Umm…she does realize that boxers usually don’t wear protective gear on their torsos, right? And? They could also just cut out on the red meat and battery fluid. And hurt his boxers? NEVER! It could be worse. His sternum could be shattered and pieces driven into his heart. I wasn't planning on having Tommy kill him. I wanted this Jimmy around for a while. Hey, it’s just like drei-fighting. Only without the drei. Or the Kryptonian. Yeah. Loads of fun. Oh boy. Clark really does have a hang-up, there. And Lois doesn’t even remember she quipped it. May I suggest therapy? I’ve heard the Larry Smiley Institute has a new program for newlyweds… But he'd have to get married first. And Lois isn't really talking to him and Cat doesn't want to get married. I guess, Perry could send them in undercover. How about a spelt-cabbage cake? LANA: Ewww. I was so not going to serve spelt-cabbage cake to my guests. I’m not so sure. Those little green crystals, that giver it that eerie spark, they make me feel kind of funny. LANA: Oh, Clark. Stop being a big baby. It's pretty. If you truly loved her, you would have eaten it without a word of complaint and asked for seconds. Er... Is it a non-sweet cake? Something made from tofu? Reminded him of the death of his parents? It’s only his first wedding. Don’t worry, it’ll get worse. You know, clone brides. Frog kisses. Dead brides. Cursed brides. Birth wives. Green cages. Am I missing something? Wedding destroyer? Angels? Let me guess “Lois said that even if he were the last man on the planet would she consider even touching him, let alone engage in a lifelong commitment”? Instead of “she won’t live with a guy who doesn’t eat sweet stuff”? Only if he were the last man on the planet. Hey, he could work with that. three times twenty-three? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e010.gif) / ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/c050.gif) I was trying to avoid numbers. Betas were worried that one might be too much. Were they right?/ /pst/ Clark’s already married. What?! Oh, right, Zara. He doesn't know about her. Lip-reading? Finger-pointing? He’s really getting paranoid with that sugar-free diet of his. Yes, he told her that he can lip read. /cough/ super stalker /cough/ He's just checking to make sure she's okay. <<bats eyelashes innocently>> Okay, so he's slightly biased. Cat just isn't blind. I’m sure he wouldn’t care if there was actually nookie involved. You think he'd cave for nookie? /ignores talking and concentrates on the fact that Lois is glued to Clark/ Gee, that's what Clark was thinking too. What does this “August 1st" mean? It means I'm posting again late tomorrow night which is August first where you are.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I guess, I can't compete with the Olympics. Am not really a sports buff. Actually, I’ll much rather read fic on Clark and Lana shacking up than watching sports. It *might* be a tie on Lois and Lex and sports. I’d probably go and write own fic in that case, though lucky people who are able to watch it - it's blocked in the US unless you are a cable or satallite subscriber - "Let Freedom Ring"/ Huh. Over here, it’s on public television. RFAS is the one where the gang plays poker. Yeah. I know. I was going specifically on that like. Lois would quit before covering that. Or was it the male team? and plus, she's a girl. What if she got a good jab in? quote: Umm…she does realize that boxers usually don’t wear protective gear on their torsos, right?
And? Tommy didn’t hit Jimmy anywhere protective gear would be applied. Thus he played extremely fair. I guess, Perry could send them in undercover.  Michael
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hi Virginia, I'm back from vacation and trying to catch up on my reading (and on my job!). I just finished Parts 23-24-25-26 and I loved them. 
Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile ! (Edmond Rostand)
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Michael: We're not really a sports family either (which is why we can usually live without cable or satellite), and they discontinued the rabbit ears so no picking up local channels without it. We figured we could watch the Olympics (I like Gymnastics, and my daughter loves swimming and track & field, and we're hoping we can interest my son into something...), but you can't watch the Olympics online in the US without subscribing to Cable or Satellite <<yes, I notice this was another decision made by an oxymoron>>, since NBC who has the rights won't let us and the IOC blocks all other internet feeds, we can't even pick up the BBC.  But I guess it's a good thing that our nation is one dedicated to sport with an only 1% body fat in our nation's children. (Yes, I am blaming NBC for our nation's obesity problem; let them prove me wrong by showing how much they are trying to interest our children in sport by BLOCKING them from watching it!) <<steps off soapbox>> (And, yes, I did write the Obamas with my complaints, I was that mad, not that it will do any good.) Huh. Over here, it’s on public television. We don't even get that. We have something called the "Roku" box which lets us stream our Netflix instant list directly to the TV, so I kids and I can watch whatever we want (available on Netflix's instant list) with no commercials. The one drawback is that the news service sucks and there's no Olympics. I was thinking about the audience, in particular... Nah, I can't see either of them going to watch beach volleyball. It's a boring sport, anyway. Just an excuse for a bunch of pretty people to bounce around in bikinis and be told what they're doing is sport. If they wanted to get naked, better to do indoors, where Lois won't sunburn. I’m sure there’s some situations where that would be beneficial to the story. Well, okay, I'll give you that point. /nods/ Chocolate has to be filled with nougat. Or chocolate. Chocolate and nougat? Or caramels or coconut. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Storyline wise, hopefully not writing wise. We're currently in -- which part was this again? -- Early August. PML happens in the new year (in my plotlines - since I can't see fruit fly spraying in December anywhere outside of LA). Tommy didn’t hit Jimmy anywhere protective gear would be applied. Thus he played extremely fair. He wasn't supposed to punch at all. But…But…But it’s *organic*. (I think) Gluten free, I think. cont. “Clark? Clark? Clark Jerome Kent, get up right *now*!” Nah, I don’t think so. There’s a lot of things you can figure out if you know what might be implied. And if not, it’s really just random crazy talk. Who? Me? Crazy talk? Never. Yes, but if you shoot somebody dead and later say you didn’t know it wasn’t exactly legal to shoot people dead, you can still go to court. I’m sure the same goes for bigamy. Only if infant brides are accepted as a real bride here in the US or a Concubine bride is accepted as a true bride on New Krypton. What if Lois wore a whipped-cream bikini? He's got x-ray vision, if he wanted to look, he could. Ah, yes. I thought so. Unless it’s after I’m already at work instead of still eating breakfast. Plus…That’s at least 36 more hours Oh well, I won’t get to do a lot of FDK tomorrow night, or Wednesday night, possibly neither Thursday night. Hmm…Friday doesn’t look too peachy, either. Still might be able to squeeze something in on any of those days. Or not Sorry if I'm ruining your holiday, but I've been working one of my summer ficathon stories today, so I'm sticking with the 3 day posting schedule for the foreseeable future.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by Sydney: Hi Virginia,
I'm back from vacation and trying to catch up on my reading (and on my job!).
I just finished Parts 23-24-25-26 and I loved them. Hi, Sydney! Welcome back! I'm glad you liked this "summer arc". I know they're a bit darker than the earlier parts. Glad Clark's phobia works for everyone. More on Jimmys coming up. Posting again in about an hour. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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(And, yes, I did write the Obamas with my complaints, I was that mad, not that it will do any good.) Nah, I can't see either of them going to watch beach volleyball. It's a boring sport, anyway. Yes. But a nudist event would give them the chance to naked around each other without all the usual awkwardness of being naked in a social situation. Just an excuse for a bunch of pretty people to bounce around in bikinis and be told what they're doing is sport. But…But…it’s an Olympic discipline! The one with the best bounce wins. If they wanted to get naked, better to do indoors, where Lois won't sunburn. The problem is, that they don’t *want* to get naked. So Perry has to command them to without it touching sexual harassment issues. Nah. She might notice a mole or something and start comparing, and then he'd be in big trouble. Then he isn’t doing…it(?) right? He wasn't supposed to punch at all. Why? He’s a boxer. It’s his chosen profession. Jimmy. Lucy. And Jimmy? Only if infant brides are accepted as a real bride here in the US or a Concubine bride is accepted as a true bride on New Krypton. I’m not up to speed on my US laws, but I think some federal laws frown upon the first one and the second one, well, I believe there’s been a strong tradition against it ever since that muck up with the concubine being called ‘wife’ and the wife only having her husband’s name. He's got x-ray vision, if he wanted to look, he could. Looking? Who said anything about looking? Such an apparel is *not* intended as an aesthetic choice but as…well… I’m sure Clark will figure it out. Either that or half-breed Kryptonian’s will die out before they’re born. Sorry if I'm ruining your holiday, but I've been working one of my summer ficathon stories today, so I'm sticking with the 3 day posting schedule for the foreseeable future. I’m actually happy (erm… content) about that. While there’s a been *lot* of complaining, in ye olden days, the norm for posting was considered to be 10 pages in Word once a week. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/verschiedene/s050.gif) Michael
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You need to channel that rant into Lois  I've been told I'm bottling again. Don't worry, my Loises have always been good at letting off my... er... her steam. Yes. But a nudist event would give them the chance to naked around each other without all the usual awkwardness of being naked in a social situation.  Naked in a social setting is less embarrassing than naked in a private setting? But…But…it’s an Olympic discipline! The one with the best bounce wins. I won't accept Beach Volleyball as an Olympic sport until they include Frizbee Tag (with and without dogs). The problem is, that they don’t *want* to get naked. Actually, they *do* want to, they just don't want to admit it. So Perry has to command them to without it touching sexual harassment issues. I'm thinking they'd comp the tickets to Jimmy. Then he isn’t doing…it(?) right? If she opens her eyes? Why? He’s a boxer. It’s his chosen profession. But it's not Jimmy's. I’m not up to speed on my US laws, but I think some federal laws frown upon the first one and the second one, well, I believe there’s been a strong tradition against it ever since that muck up with the concubine being called ‘wife’ and the wife only having her husband’s name. Yes, both "infant marriage" and "concubines" are illegal in the US, which is why they wouldn't accept it the first as a valid marriage. The second example is from the Kryptonians' POV (Kal-El marrying a human is equivalent to him marrying a concubine, therefore, not accepted as a true marriage by their laws.) Looking? Who said anything about looking? Such an apparel is *not* intended as an aesthetic choice but as…well… I’m sure Clark will figure it out. Either that or half-breed Kryptonian’s will die out before they’re born. What?! You *want* Clark to touch someone covered with whipped cream? :p Unsweetened maybe, yogert might have more appeal. I’m actually happy (erm… content) about that. While there’s a been *lot* of complaining, in ye olden days, the norm for posting was considered to be 10 pages in Word once a week. There must have been much more stories posting at that time. I don't know if I could wait that long between postings. I went through serious FDK withdraw during my vacation, and even every three days is hard for me. Maybe when my kids both go to school full time and I have to start earning a paycheck again, my posting will slow down to that, but until then (2014) you'll just have to suffer through my more often posting schedule.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Don't worry, my Loises have always been good at letting off my... er... her steam. Fanfic writing Lois. Better’n… uuummm… Naked in a social setting is less embarrassing than naked in a private setting? Social setting being meant as euphemism for LnC alone at home and naked and not knowing what to say and do. I won't accept Beach Volleyball as an Olympic sport until they include Frizbee Tag (with and without dogs). , but until then (2014) you'll just have to suffer through my more often posting schedule. I guess, I’ll somehow manage?  Michael
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Fanfic writing Lois. Better’n… uuummm… Therapy? Social setting being meant as euphemism for LnC alone at home and naked and not knowing what to say and do. See, this is when the diagram comes in handy. There was actually a short news report where they’ve been worried about the weather during the Olympics and how having to wear more clothes instead of the official bikinis would hurt the competition’s ratings. :rolleyes: Time? Yes, but he might take Lucy. Unless they comp it to Jimmy, who will then take Jimmy since he doesn’t have a girlfriend he can take. Hmm…Hey, Perry wants an article on the event. They’d *have* to go, wouldn’t they? Yes, but if Jimmy goes they'd have pictures. And in some cases a picture is worth a thousand words. Sigh. Dune reference apparently got lost completely. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. There was a Dune reference? You keep forgetting that's it's been 20 years since I read Dune. It might be cathartic for him? Or it could push him in the opposite direction. I guess, I’ll somehow manage? I'm sure you will.  I'll probably be posting my Summer ficathon story some time this week. I'm letting it age at the moment (and trying to decide if it really needs the Epilogue or if that's just my usual overkill).
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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See, this is when the diagram comes in handy. Duh! quote:So, hypnosis?
Time? Mine's faster and allows for more angst and conflict after the event? Yes, but if Jimmy goes they'd have pictures. And in some cases a picture is worth a thousand words.  Michael
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Mine's faster and allows for more angst and conflict after the event? After? There's more story after? The Daily Planet would sell like the National Whisper! And this would be a bad thing? It would be harder for Lex to run out of business. They, too, have concubines. Main protagonist fell in love but couldn't marry her since she wasn't the Emperor's daughter. So, he married the Emperor's daughter, never touched her, and considered his concubine his monogamous relationship. Was the Emperor's daughter called Lana? Let me guess, physical therapy? /interprets 'epilogue' as chapters 2-103/  Actually the Epilogue for "Fireworks" is short enough I've given it a ".5" number. Although, one of my Betas suggested another epic. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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After? There's more story after? /nods emphatically and points to archive/ And this would be a bad thing? It would be harder for Lex to run out of business.  Michael
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/nods emphatically and points to archive/ Oh, you mean that's what others have done. Got it! Iru-lan, hummmm. Sounds like the daughter that Ellen gave up for adoption. They know you well, don't they?  Oh, dear, am I getting predictable again?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Oh, you mean that's what others have done. Got it! Iru-lan, hummmm. Sounds like the daughter that Ellen gave up for adoption. /nods/ Irulan was quite bitchy in Season (Book) 1 and especially Season (Book) 2 and mellowed out in Season (Book) 3. Oh, dear, am I getting predictable again? Only in good ways...  Michael
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Hey! I've been watching the Olympics so I haven't had time to post. Then I was invited to go with my friend and her husband and 3 kids to DC. But I'm back! “This is punishment for taking all your money at poker last night,” Lois retorted, pointing at him.
He grinned. “Don’t you know, Lois, when I want to punish you, I partner you with Kent?” Lois looked at the ceiling. Like the Kerth committee will remember the nursing home series a year from now when many of my stories are going to bury it. Won't she be surprised... He never would have been able to infiltrate the Roller Derby Girls theft ring that had stymied the feds for months,” she argued with a smile, No...probably not. With Superman, she had all the gooey fruit-flavored center of an overprotective boyfriend without all the chocolaty goodness that was an actual boyfriend  Lois! That's not a good reason She would not cheat on Superman Is it cheating if you're not actually together...? She harrumphed and turned to leave when another thought struck her. “This wouldn’t have anything to do with my connections, would it?”
“Oh?” Perry put on the worst innocent expression she had ever seen. “You have a connection to boxing?”
“You know I do,” she snapped.
“Oh, that’s right,” he said with a gloating smile and a snap of his fingers. “How is your father, Lois?”  Nice, Perry. Lois reached into the ring to grab Jimmy’s shirt and pull him out, but Jimmy turned at the last second and threw the worst punch she had ever seen a grown man throw. Two seconds and three lightning fast jabs of Tommy’s gloves to Jimmy’s midsection later, Jimmy was face down on the mat, groaning in pain. Oh, no! “There’s a reason this gym is closed to the press before a fight. You guys mess with their heads.”
“There was something wrong with his head before we came in here,” Lois retorted Definitely The ultimate street fight. The most spectacular night of boxing there ever was, and the winner is going to fight Superman Ummm...Does Superman know about that? Lois looked at Menken skeptically. Superman? Really? “Superman has agreed to this?”
Menken shrugged noncommittally. Yeah, that's what I thought. Murray, you're in trouble when Lois finds you! And/or Clark as well. “Are they gone, Lois?” Jimmy whispered.
“Just us,” she said.
“Help.” Poor Jimmy Cat had been sympathetic and hadn’t even tried to seduce him. “You!” she said, and then moved her finger towards the conference room. “Conference room. Now!” Now what did he do? “Well, you’re the one who got him in with Murray Brown. He must have set it up!” Oh, right. Against Tommy Garrison?” ... “Tommy never would have known what hit him.” Clark’s gaze followed her leave, wondering what had just happened and wanting very much for it to happen again. 
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X-Phile:  Hey, I never turn down a free trip to DC either. There are some great museums there. Won't she be surprised... I'm thinking her reaction for not winning her 4th consecutive Kerth is well documented. Lois! That's not a good reason But...but... but... he's the only guy who makes Superman jump when I mention his name... <<a year from now Lois: Isn't he, though? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/c050.gif) /canon dialogue/. Ummm...Does Superman know about that? Again canon dialgoue. I always wondered about that, did canon Clark know that Menken was promoting a fight that Superman hadn't signed up to do, or did he? Clark doesn't seem that surprised by Menken's news; did canon Superman agree to the fight? I address alt-Clark's reaction to the news in more detail than we ever got in Requiem. Yeah, that's what I thought. Murray, you're in trouble when Lois finds you! And/or Clark as well. Does she need a reason to yell at him?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.