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#89519 09/08/12 08:20 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here


Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/23/14 03:33 PM. Reason: Fixed broken Links

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Well, well! Superman has come back out of retirement? Or is it hiding? Lois, for all her being able to read situations and minds, sure has messed up this relationshipe stuff.

Something is going to have to change soon, cause Superman is wearing out his welcome on this planet.

Give the boy a break, Virginia. He's confused, Lois-less, and without a family to go home and cry on their shoulder when it is all going bad. Kat is just not much of a playmate. I know that you have good things planned for them in the future, but he is in need of something to happen right away, so he doesn't have to leave the planet. So can I petition you to give the poor boy a break. Lois will appreciate it in the long run. lol


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Clark took a teapot with freshly heat-visioned water back to his dining table.

“I still do major events, natural and manmade disasters with potential for lots of victims or damage, but I’m leaving the smaller day to day stuff to emergency personnel.”
hyper Wait, Lois wasn’t in the saddle before, either.

“I’m the reason Superman has cut back his rescues. He doesn’t want to do anything with Metropolis anymore. I pushed too hard,” she said.
Oh dear. Wouldn’t that be a fun story in the Star? Linda writing on how Lois cheated on Superman with both Lex and her writing partner. And possibly her sister and her lovers? And now Superman is moping with a broken heart, hoping to find a new love?

“He started pulling back, limiting his rescues because of me. I just know it. I just don’t know why he’s punishing me.”
Because he wouldn’t put out for her and then she went and went all Cat on Clark.

She could say that again. Superman had no reason to ‘punish’ Lois like some errant child. She had done nothing wrong.
He really can’t find fault, can he?

“He wants what you want, Lois,
So, Superman wants Clark, too?

“No, don’t repeat it, Chuck. You can tell that flying lunkhead, that he better not be sitting around moping instead of doing his job.
clap But his happy thought’s gone.

“He’s stubborn. You know for someone with super hearing, he’s deaf and dumb! You tell him, because he seems to listen to you, me getting shot wasn’t his fault!”
clap What Clark hears: “He’s a dumb oaf. You just tell him that. Getting shot was his fault. Getting spied at was his fault. Getting my period this morning was his fault.”

“You know, now that I think about it, it is all his fault,” Lois said, her voice so calm it was almost eerie.

This could be a test. What would it take to push him too far? Did he truly love her? Or was he lying?
What is it that they call women who pay these sort of games?

“Am I interrupting anything?” he asked politely, given the hour and the fact he had called her at home.
/imagines Cat answering the phone while someone’s doing unspeakable things to her/

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“Trust me, Clark, when I say no phone call, even one from you, would ever interrupt me.

wave Michael

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Despite talking to Lois every night before bed, he still had the nightmares. Last night he heard the explosion of a gun and arrived in the Super suit to the alley where she had been shot before becoming fully awake enough to realize that Luthor’s maniacal laughter had all been in his head.
Whoah, that really is frightening. Poor Clark. OTOH, won't that be a bit stifling for Lois?

A couple of days before, he and Lois had been walking to lunch when a car backfired. Normally, Clark could tell the difference, but he almost blasted with her into the sky instead. He caught himself at the last second and ended up moving her against a wall and covering her with his body.
drool love Must have been nice for Lois.

“She’s obsessed with Superman, but not like those starry-eyed groupies from back home. Maybe there was a little of that at the beginning, but after she realized that I was in love with her as she was with me…” He saw that Wells was looking at him with astonishment. “Yes, I know that by allowing my true feelings for her to shine through while I was in the Suit was wrong, but I was unable to hide them from her, no matter how much I tried. I don’t know how that other Clark from your dimension was able to keep it secret from her for so long.”
My Wells muse deigned to make an appearance (he's shown up in a conceptual story that is nowhere near ready): Oh dear me. Oh my. Well that is problematic.

“Are you planning on informing her?”

“Someday,” Clark admitted, burying his face in his hands. “She loves Superman, but I’ve refused to move that relationship forward for her own safety. I don’t want what happened to Lana to happen to Lois. Fortunately, Lois’s and mine – Clark me – friendship is growing closer every day.”
Clark, the reason Lana was in danger was because they knew Clark Kent was Superman. If you told her you are Superman all your issues would be solved (I've always believed her issues with Clark being Superman stemmed from "Barbarians and the Planet/House of Luthor" where he is somewhat crass and cuts of the romantic potential.

“I don’t understand how you can lie to the woman you love, but I cannot fault you for it as the Clark from my dimension acted in the same manner,” Wells said.
Oh Wells, you should remember something another English writer once wrote: "The course of love never did run smooth."

Although I'd say that for these two it's a veritable rapids!

“But who is ‘Chuck’? Who is this man she confused you for?” Wells asked.

“I have a crazy theory for that actually. The other day we were talking about her novel, and I think my nickname came from the hero,” Clark said with laughter. He loved the idea that upon meeting him, Lois had considered him romantic hero material.
It is really kind of endearing that she would place him in the relationship role right out of the gate (even though she's still fighting it.)

“No, Lola Dane was an alias that Lois used on an undercover assignment,” Wells explained. “And Clark had used the name…” He paused as his eyes widened. “You mentioned that you two worked together on the Messenger explosion, and that Superman made his debut when Ms. Lane found a bomb on the Prometheus. That there is a rogue group of paramilitary men hunting Superman by the name of Bureau 39, which happens to have this dimension’s Kal-El’s spaceship. You and Ms. Lane also worked together on the invisible man story and her father not only built cyborgs, but cyborg boxers. This incident led to Ms. Lane being kidnapped by Max Menken and subsequently being shot by Lex Luthor as he tried to rescue her.”
Ooooohhh... he's putting the 2(.5) and the 2(.5) together to get the 5 that's needed her!

“Other than the ‘Chuck’ incident, did Ms. Lane display other unusual facets to her personality?” Wells asked.

“Well, Lois is a bit of an oddball. I believe that’s what makes her and I such a great match, and such great reporters. Her semi-psychic hunches and my abilities…” Clark said before Wells interrupted.

“Psychic hunches?”

“She’s really great at guessing people’s names, and when she walked into Bureau 39’s warehouse, she wanted to call Perry in right away as if she knew that everything was going to disappear,” Clark explained with a shrug.
Wells, I hope you're seeing that this is a case of double deja-vu and I'm sure you're aware deja-vu in time travel is significant.

“I already know the answer to the question, but I feel I must ask it. Clark, are you ready to go home?” Wells asked.

“No,” Clark replied, surprised that Wells would even ask. “This Lois and I have a connection. I feel it and I believe she does too. I need more time.” He wondered if Wells could tell he was just being polite. Clark could see no reason to ever return to his home dimension. This new dimension had a living breathing Lois, and he was able to have a private life, and it needed him as much as his home dimension did. A pang of regret filled him as he realized that both dimensions needed a full time Superman, not just a part-time one. He frowned.
All things told, he does have a better life overall as compared to his previous universe, even without Lois. I'd say it's a step up.

Wells set down his mug with a nod. “Thank you for the tea, Clark. I would like to do a little more checking on this psychic power of Ms. Lane’s. I wonder if it has anything to do with… um, no point in biasing my research,” he said, standing up. “That is an interesting development.” He thought for a moment. “Three months from now will be… November 1993.” He nodded. “Yes, I’ll revisit you then to check on your progress.”
I bet he's picking up on the elements of deja-vu and going to do some historical research of the baseline universe and compare it to the current future of this one.

Clark stood up. He doubted anything would happen between then and November that would convince him to return to his home dimension, and he almost said as much to his time-traveling friend, but he decided against it. He was curious whether Wells would learn anything about Lois’s psychic tendencies. He held out his hand. “I’ll look forward to seeing you then, Herb. I hope by then to report happy news to you.”

The expression in the older man’s eyes as they shook hands might have been doubt but Clark couldn’t fathom why.
I'm guessing he believes that Clark is basically making the same mistakes the canon one did and will find himself in a green K cage like the canon one did.

“I’m the reason Superman has cut back his rescues. He doesn’t want to do anything with Metropolis anymore. I pushed too hard,” she said.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Lois,” Clark said, even though she was right, like always.
Oh Lois, you're wrong but as usual, you are right.

And now both my LnC and Reeveverse muses are both saying: Of course I'm right, when am I not?

Her faith in Superman after weeks of sour moods, after all he had said and done to her pierced his soul painfully. “No, Lois, there can only be this way. Like you, he’s mourning the end of your relationship.”

“He’s what?” Lois growled. “No, don’t repeat it, Chuck. You can tell that flying lunkhead, that he better not be sitting around moping instead of doing his job. I haven’t given up being a journalist because of this. I’m not sitting at home going through a box of tissue every night instead of trying to track down the men who spied on me and Lucy.”
You tell him, Lois!

He knew that Lois didn’t really feel that way. In his heart of hearts, he knew that she was still Superman’s biggest cheerleader, but he hadn’t known she could also be his harshest critic. Since their meeting in the woods, she had been colder, harsher, and more blunt. Everyone at the Daily Planet, Perry included, was more than happy to have Clark as their buffer. He had overheard more than a couple of people who had questioned his sanity for agreeing to be her partner, and that had been the kindest rumor being spread about why he didn’t ask for a reassignment.
That's the better thing about Lois. While she may adore the lug she isn't above telling it like it is.

It might have had to do with his confession of his true feelings. By telling her that he wouldn’t make love with her until she loved him as he loved her, she felt like she had power or control over him. This could be a test. What would it take to push him too far? Did he truly love her? Or was he lying?
I kind of think you're reading too much into this, Clark. Sometimes a spade is just a spade.

Superman raised an eyebrow and focused his gaze in the direction the tomato had come. “Mr. Nunk, did you bring enough lunch for everyone, or was that tomato and those two others you brought just for me, yourself, and your photographer? While I do enjoy the different flavors of many foods, rotten tomatoes are not among them, nor is it not necessary for me to consume food to survive on your planet as I get my energy from sunlight.” He glanced back at the stain on the curtain. “I’ll be sure to inform S.T.A.R. Labs where to send the bill for soiling their nice fabric.”

She looked at Superman and pictured him peeling down his blue suit, exposing his chest for the examination. Her eyes flashed back up to his in a silent inquiry.

“And before you ask, Ms. Lane. No reporters will be present during my examination. I doubt you’d want any at your next doctor’s appointment either,” Superman said, causing the male reporters to laugh, the female ones to groan in disappointment, and her to flush.

She hated it when he went off, and she didn’t know where he was. It was one of those personality traits about him that drove her nuts. She abhorred the thought that there might be a part of his life that he didn’t share with her, when she shared everything from her life with him. He had said that he was keeping stuff from her. She had thought he had been mostly joking; now she wasn’t quite so sure.
You're the one that told him to get back on the saddle, now you'll just have to deal without your Clarkie-bear (was going to write "Chuckie-bear" but it was giving me vibes of the "Chuckie" doll and didn't like that.)

“Because by the time you type it up, it will be old news,” Cat returned. She leaned toward Lois, and lowered her voice, “You never did take my advice about Clark, did you?” She shook her head. “Of course, you didn’t. You’re more tense than ever before. Lois, you need some release, and you need it now. Clark loves you, and would do anything to make you happy. If you don’t want to do it for yourself, could you please put the rest of us out of your misery?
She wasn’t quite sure what Cat meant by ‘release’, but she was smart enough not to ask. It probably had something to do with releasing pressure from the sexual tension between her and Clark. She had tried to let off steam between her and Clark, thank you very much, but Clark had turned her down. Twice. She swore, if he turned her down a third time, she would most likely kill him.
Lois is right and I'm sure if Cat knew that Clark had turned down Lois like that you can be sure he'd be getting an earful.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Things are getting pretty tense. I'm afraid our Clark has waited too long to tell Lois the truth and that it will back fire big time. That she won't be able to forgive him.

I'm curious about H.G.Well's thoughts. Did he honestly believe that Clark was going to be able to leave Lois once he found her?


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Hi Virginia,

“If I may be so bold, what is your relationship with Ms. Lane?” Wells asked,
Very good question, Herb! Is it anyone who knows the answer?

“It’s complicated,” Clark explained.
Precisely! VERY complicated. And more complicated each day!

“Three months from now will be… November 1993.”
Is it some important event in the show in November 1993? I do not remember. Nightfall, may be?

Cat giggled. “Of course you are, baby cakes, but only to those of us in the know.”
Baby cakes? I love the nickname! Clark, you should try it with Lois.... No, just kidding. laugh



Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile !
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Pat: You mean, Lois was good at relationships in canon? confused

Well, well! Superman has come back out of retirement? Or is it hiding?
Let's just say his Superman side was taking a break. laugh Healing from Lois being shot?

Something is going to have to change soon, cause Superman is wearing out his welcome on this planet.
But he BACK! He's talking to the press. He's doing rescues again. Kind of, sort of, maybe a little more. Nah! People still love him (tabloid reporters not withstanding).

Give the boy a break, Virginia. He's confused, Lois-less, and without a family to go home and cry on their shoulder when it is all going bad.
Okay. I believe that break is coming up... grumble You can say that again.

Precisely! VERY complicated. And more complicated each day!
Predictable is so boring.

Is it some important event in the show in November 1993? I do not remember. Nightfall, may be?
Hmmm. Let's see. Thanksgiving (but they didn't mention that on screen). Lex opens up his new nuclear power plant. Hmmm. Air conditioning sales were on the upswing?

Baby cakes? I love the nickname! Clark, you should try it with Lois.... No, just kidding.
CLARK: I may not good at relationships, but I'm smart enough not to call Lois any nickname that Cat calls me, aren't I?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Michael: You've caught up! smile1

He can’t stay away!
He tried quitting cold turkey, but helping is just in his blood.

/recommends arctic palace once more/
Keeping Lois away from the real world and investigating it would not make for a happy captive.

Maybe he should start seeing a therapist about those issues. I hear Dr. Carlin is looking for a new boyfriend to make Lex jealous with.
CLARK: But I'm not available, remember?

So, the honeymoons over and now they’re slowly drifting apart until Lois starts stepping out with Dan and Clark tries to not have meaningless cabin sex with Mayson and then they get a divorce?
Shall we just say, they are treading water until the next big wave comes along?


Maybe a spaceship Superman will use to return to his home planet?
He's found B39's new hideout? His spaceship? But it's kind of a tight squeeze at the moment.

Oh? He got a Clark-transplant?
Cat suggested Superman be more friendly after being so unpersonable recently.

Nunk? Oh, right. So he can later write about how Superman was hit in the face with a tomato by a disgruntled Metropolitan.
2 Points!

Yes, but if he’s not being observed, he could be. Oh, right, he’s always being observed.
Which is why he could go and beat up that jerk Tommy Garrison, because he was busy holding Lois's hand.

Wouldn’t it have been fun if the ball had hit about a foot and a bit lower?
CLARK: I'm thinking "no."

Maybe Clark? When they’re going to go for a sonogram?
She still sees a doctor to check up on her arm every once in a while.

/grades Lois with an ‘F’ in science/
Journalism is a humanities major.

I’ll bet. That’s the wrong setup.
LOIS: <<turns over new diagram>> Oh! No, that's not... on the other hand... whinging

So, damned if he does her during PML and damned if he doesn’t? Also, it’s still three more months till November? And then *another* three months? We’re dying down here. Then again, a hundred, two-hundred more parts!
200 more parts? [Linked Image] No, no. My goal is to keep Book 2 under ML's length. That being said, GEM was only supposed to be 10 parts, so... blush

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Christina: What nice lengthy FDK I have today. smile1

Whoah, that really is frightening. Poor Clark. OTOH, won't that be a bit stifling for Lois?
Talking to Clark on the phone? It's less stifling than having him float above her apartment all the time.

Must have been nice for Lois.
Almost like being pushed onto a bed during HiM.

LOIS: I wasn't complaining. Teasing, yes, complaining, no.

Oh dear me. Oh my. Well that is problematic.
A bit. wink

Clark, the reason Lana was in danger was because they knew Clark Kent was Superman. If you told her you are Superman all your issues would be solved (I've always believed her issues with Clark being Superman stemmed from "Barbarians and the Planet/House of Luthor" where he is somewhat crass and cuts of the romantic potential.
CANON CLARK: She rejected me first!

Alt-CLARK: Well, yes, Christina, you do have a point there, but everyone in my dimension knows I'm Superman. Can't a guy want the woman he loves to like him without having to wear a skin-tight suit?

Oh Wells, you should remember something another English writer once wrote: "The course of love never did run smooth."

Although I'd say that for these two it's a veritable rapids!
Wells is starting to think that it's just one of those built in personality traits, like all the soul mates doning some sort of disguise.

And it's more like one of those old wooden roller coasters that shake all the time, and we're about to go over a few more bumps.

It is really kind of endearing that she would place him in the relationship role right out of the gate (even though she's still fighting it.)
Right out the gate, she was confusing him with her former (alt-future)pseudo relationship with old Clark.

Ooooohhh... he's putting the 2(.5) and the 2(.5) together to get the 5 that's needed her!
Possibly. [Linked Image]

Wells, I hope you're seeing that this is a case of double deja-vu and I'm sure you're aware deja-vu in time travel is significant.
He might have some inkling about it.

All things told, he does have a better life overall as compared to his previous universe, even without Lois. I'd say it's a step up.
True, but Wells didn't want to leave that alt-dimension completely unprotected.

I bet he's picking up on the elements of deja-vu and going to do some historical research of the baseline universe and compare it to the current future of this one.
[Linked Image]

I'm guessing he believes that Clark is basically making the same mistakes the canon one did and will find himself in a green K cage like the canon one did.
Canon Dimension's green cage was in June 1994, not November 1993, but, yes, Wells is guessing that might be a possiblity if he remains on this current path.

Oh Lois, you're wrong but as usual, you are right.

And now both my LnC and Reeveverse muses are both saying: Of course I'm right, when am I not?
Technically she's right, but in a completely wrong way.

LOIS: See, I knew I was right! Wait. How was I wrong?

You tell him, Lois!
LOIS: How dare he go off and mope, while I still have to go out and face people every day? That's not fair!

DP Co-Workers: We'd be happy if you stayed home until you got over... whatever, Lois.

That's the better thing about Lois. While she may adore the lug she isn't above telling it like it is.
CLARK: Another reason I love her. clap Nobody's allowed to throw tomatoes while Superman is speaking.

Oh, dear, too much?

You're the one that told him to get back on the saddle, now you'll just have to deal without your Clarkie-bear
But she doesn't know that! (I agree with you about the Chuckie reference. shock )

Lois is right and I'm sure if Cat knew that Clark had turned down Lois like that you can be sure he'd be getting an earful.
You might be right about that. Luckily Clark has been smart enough not to discuss the intimate details of his relationship (non-relationships) with Cat.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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You've caught up!
Yeah, right now there’s only a couple of not-started multiparts that I haven’t checked out yet.

He tried quitting cold turkey, but helping is just in his blood.
Addicted to the panties in the fanmail, huh?

Keeping Lois away from the real world and investigating it would not make for a happy captive.
I’m sure he could…umm…distract her for a while?

CLARK: But I'm not available, remember?
But it might distract Lex away from Lois?

Shall we just say, they are treading water until the next big wave comes along?
Huh, look at that tiny bump about a mile out. It’s coming to shore fast. Let’s hope it’s not a biiiig tsunami.

CLARK: I find "defining" our relationship gives Lois the opportunity to ax it completely.

quote: That can’t be healthy.

For Lex? Or for Clark? Luckily, Clark is invulnerable or has super healing powers then, huh?
Clark’s obsessive waiting. He really needs to visit Ari.

CLARK: I meant in my facial expressions.

And this one is only Earthly stupid?

LOIS: <<turns over new diagram>> Oh! No, that's not... on the other hand...
wave Michael

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Yeah, right now there’s only a couple of not-started multiparts that I haven’t checked out yet.
Let's see, I finally caught up with Ken's story today, Pat's story finished, still waiting for the next part of Amberlea's baseball and Sue's honeymoon stories, and so I just need to FDK on Sue's Summer Fic, and respond to my own FDK... Then get to work on Part 53 and try to get that finished before my houseguests arrive this weekend and take up my writing time. My cushion is painfully thin at 11 parts at the moment. I'm hoping with my son heading off to Preschool again next week, I'll free up another 4 hours of writing time, per week. We'll see.

Addicted to the panties in the fanmail, huh?
CLARK: blush I have no idea what you're talking about.

I’m sure he could…umm…distract her for a while?
LOIS: Okay. Fine. Ravish me!

CLARK: shock Lois might not forgive me?

Yeah, he will so dead.
Maybe he should stop mentioning about his hometown of Smallville about now.

Possibly? I definitely remember a ‘My dear’ from when they were sitting in his limo IIRC.
Hmmmm. I definitely remember a "Darling" when she walked into Perry's office at BatP.

Maybe if we tell him he won’t have to go back there when they get a clone?
CLARK: Who said I have to go back?

Not cowgirl, then?
CLARK: Been there, done that.

ER 2 LOIS: Is there a difference?
LOIS: Yeah, the Star uses much softer but sturdier paper. Much better for personal hygiene during a camping trip in Centennial Park.
Plus, the National Whisper sometimes have staples.

There there, Lex would enjoy to have you once.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

Yes, but he only managed to rise a couple of inches because of those. They have been much too heavinly (sic).
LOIS: Well, if he stopped wearing so many layers of clothing...

It struck in the middle of Nowwhere, Kansas.
Oh, right, THAT meteor.

Also, he can now use the women’s dressing room.
CLARK: I can always kick his other side, if you like?

New spaceship. Built by STAR Labs.
CLARK: It needs to be test run first. I vote sending Lex, Dan, and Max on that mission.

Not hard enough. Best results are achieved with white dress-shirt, partially unbuttoned. No leg-wear.
LOIS: Give me time, and a bottle of perfume.

Oh dear. So, bottled up much much longer. Poor Lois. Poor Clark. She’ll break him.
CLARK: I'm invulnerable, remember, so I'll risk it.

Actually, that would be a funny (okay, maybe more ironic than funny) fic, that if while recovering green K exposure, Lois actually broke Clark.

But Cat will put 2 and 2 together. Either Clark's terribly bad in the sack or they haven't consummated yet. Otherwise, Lois wouldn't be this...tense.
Do you really think that Lois is that much of a priority in Cat's life?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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My cushion is painfully thin at 11 parts at the moment.
Oh dear. /imagines Virginia teetering on the edge of hair-pulling/

I'm hoping with my son heading off to Preschool again next week, I'll free up another 4 hours of writing time, per week. We'll see.
wave Michael

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Oh dear. /imagines Virginia teetering on the edge of hair-pulling/
A bit. But luckily you're saved by the fact that I'm terribly addicted to FDK, so I have to keep posting those parts on a regular basis.

ER: Clark hasn’t had any ‘contact’ for many many moons. It’s now enough to simply mention stuff for certain things to happen.
LOIS: I hope not!

Lois isn’t good. She’s naughty.
CLARK: I have no idea what you're talking about. Lois is a good girl. Cat is naughty. Lois can only be considered naughty if she's fed pasta to more than one man recently, which she hasn't, so I'm going to go with 'good'. Hence 'all good things come to those who wait.'

LOIS: I'm tired of waiting, can I be naughty now?

CLARK: No! I mean, yes! No! Yes! Argh!

LOIS: laugh

H.G. Wells. The soon deceased again writer.
CLARK: I'd like to see him try and take me without my say-so. Oh, wait, *that's* what you meant. clap

/thought ‘Lois’ first, but wait, how does Rachel appreciate being called a ‘cowgirl’? Or was that Lana?
[Linked Image]

There has been an unfortunate incident with Jimmy getting something stuck on the last camping trip.

So, three monkeys in a rocket ship?
If the rocket doesn't kill them, they'll end up killing each other.

Indirectly? She likes Clark. She must notice bitca Lois. She’s bound to figure it out.
Maybe. Do you think she'll mention it to Clark?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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A bit. But luckily you're saved by the fact that I'm terribly addicted to FDK, so I have to keep posting those parts on a regular basis.

LOIS: I hope not!
/CLARK looks sheepish/

Lois can only be considered naughty if she's fed pasta to more than one man recently, which she hasn't, so I'm going to go with 'good'.
What if she fed it to Clark and then Superman?

LOIS: I'm tired of waiting, can I be naughty now?

CLARK: No! I mean, yes! No! Yes! Argh!

LOIS: [Big Grin]
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Is it some important event in the show in November 1993? I do not remember. Nightfall, may be?
The only episode that was explicitly set in November was Man of Steel Bars, where Clark believs the claim that Superfeets are causing the increase in heat, at least until Lois Lane digs up the evidence to prove the claim false.

It would seem alternate-universe Clark would know that this claim is rubbish. He has a whole year of lots of Super-feats under his belt, and he knows that canon Clark did lots of Super feets for a long time, and it still snows in Metropolis.

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Michael: wave Tag! I'm caught up! Your turn.

/CLARK looks sheepish/
whinging It's *not* my fault!

EW: hmmmmm. I seem to be channeling Han Solo a lot tonight. Hmmmmm.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by John Lambert:
Is it some important event in the show in November 1993? I do not remember. Nightfall, may be?
The only episode that was explicitly set in November was Man of Steel Bars, where Clark believs the claim that Superfeets are causing the increase in heat, at least until Lois Lane digs up the evidence to prove the claim false.

It would seem alternate-universe Clark would know that this claim is rubbish. He has a whole year of lots of Super-feats under his belt, and he knows that canon Clark did lots of Super feets for a long time, and it still snows in Metropolis.
[Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Tag! I'm caught up! Your turn.
smile1 I know. /gets ready for doing 41/ I’ve got a lot of parts to do this weekend.

LOIS: I'd be one very happy woman. <<hand on hip>> Do I *look* happy to you? Do I?
wave Michael

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I know. /gets ready for doing 41/ I’ve got a lot of parts to do this weekend.
Okay, you win! It'll take me several more days to catch up with all this wonderful FDK that filled my inbox. hyper My apologies. I would like to get a least a few pages into Part 54 tonight.

So, if the guy goes for it with all guns blazin’, it’s his fault for only wanting this one particular thing. And if he doesn’t and waits until he’s chased, cornered, and ravished, it’s also his fault for giving her all the space he thinks she needs. This sounds like a no-win scenario. Maybe we should just check the Kryptonian species as extinct once they gave up on concubines.
CAT: There's always me!

So long as you don’t stop believing in all the hokey stuff about a guy flying around in his underwear…
NEVER! I meant with all the "It's NOT my fault" quotes. wink

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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