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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereHere's where yell at the characters and / or praise them. Thank you.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/23/14 02:18 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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How very Lois and Clark. Both have their relationship worked out inside their heads, but outwardly they can't agree if it's tuesday or noday. It doesn't seem to matter which dimension this Clark came from, he's still the enemy when Lois thinks she needs one. And for some reason, Lex is a friend when she needs one.
I'm glad Cat is Clark's friend. He'd really be up a creek if she wasn't. She is giving him good advice, even though she'd like to be the female in his life.
Enjoying. Pat
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I like the hitting them both with a wet fish option! But if it were easy, it wouldn't be Lois & Clark.
I'm curious what will happen with this journalism professor when Lois follows up.
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Lex shut the file that his very personal executive assistant had prepared for him. “This will do, Mrs. Cox.” This is why Lois should not have given Luthor any indication of what she was interested in learning. Mrs. Cox set her hand on his. “Lex, I usually have lunch with you at The Top of the Towers.” I am surprised she can expect this consistency considering how many women Lex has lunch with. “This is strictly business, my dear. A means to an end, I assure you,” he said. What he didn’t mention was that she was also that – strictly business. All his liaisons were, only Mrs. Cox didn’t know that he had lumped her in with the others. Why his failure to tell Mrs. Cox matter is hard to say. Doen't she see that he treats everybody as a way to advance his own goals. He glanced up to see Lois Lane being led towards him. Case in point. Superman’s emotional connection to this woman was his weakness. If Clark knew this would he just go all the way as Superman. Since the most evil person on earth already thinks Lois has a connection with Superman, he is not protecting her by trying to prevent it from happening. Mrs. Cox stood up and let go of his hand, letting it linger there long enough for Lois to catch sight of it. At first I wondered why Lois does not clue into this fact. However by the end of this section I knew why. She feels no romantic attachment to Luthor, and assumes that he is just friendly, so she is not watching for signs of cheating. Lex stood up and held out a hand to Lois. “Hello, Lois,” he said, remembering what she had said to him about endearments. I hate Lex more because he remembers such things. On the other hand, why does not Lois clue into the fact that if he can remember to not use endearments, he knew what was implied by his flowers, and she should not accept any claim of ignorance from him. “Thank you, Lex,” Lois replied, stiffening a bit at his kiss, before sitting down. Well she should, since she just kissed Clark last night. Clark has every right to feel cheated by her having this romatic lunch with Luthor, a lunch he could never afford to give her. “I appreciate you meeting with me,” she said. Sometimes Lois seems to naive to live. This is not a meeting, it is a date. “Please…” She paused a moment as if making a decision. “No matter how many red roses you send me, Lex, you’ll never be able to buy my affection.” Why is she so polite to Luthor. She always seems very rude to Clark. OK, maybe not that rude, but it still seems she shows patience with Luthor that he in no way deserves. Clark cares for her, Luthor shoots her, but Clark is the only one who is ever the victim of her rage. It just seems so unfair. “Oh, how gauche of me, Lois. I didn’t realize…” Why she does not see he is lieing through his teeth is beyond me. Luthor is sophiticated and well versed in the ways of the world. She should never accept these claims of ignorance of implication from him, ever. “That’s not necessary, Lex,” Lois reassured him. “I’ve moved forward, past it. I hope we can remain friends, though.” Why does she even want to be his friend? What she should have said is "No, that is not happening. If I ever get another rose from you, ever, I will never speak with you again." It is not like he ever tells her anything useful in the attempted interviews, just manipulates her. [Qupte]Ah, he had made progress since he shot her.[/Quote] Actually, no. She has always been a defender of Lex and him being the good guy. It still does not make sense that she ever does good as a reporter when she is so willing to assume good intent on the part of people who refuse to repsect the fact that some people prefer some things to dates with suave billionares. Lois nodded, accepting this explanation. Why is Lois so believing. How did she ever get anywhere as a hjournalist if she believes every word fed to her. OK, maybe I am giving her too little slack. However she seems awfully willing to not try to get to the bottom of who was spying on her. Clark was in a near panic when he had returned to the office to find that Lois had gone off without even leaving him a note as to where. When will he learn that he can't put her on a leash. Their first date had gone well, so he had thought. Why was she now simpering for Luthor again? Considering all her previous dates with Luthor were to make him jealous this is a perfectly good question. OK, at some level I just hate Luthor that much. Still, Lois is the one being cruel, while Clark is sinerely trying to protect her. His methods might not be the best, but his intentions are in the right place, which I can not say for Lois. The fact that she does not admit to going to lunch with Luthor upfront shows she knows that it was not consistent with her relationship with Clark. Actually, considering that she had admitted that she thought the murder was connected to her stalkers, she should have given Clark a note to let him know where she was. To not do so was rude and cruel, even if she does not understand why he is so afrai of her dieing. “You told Lois to ‘stay’?” his boss asked with a slight chuckle. “Kent, Mad Dogs don’t ‘stay’. Ever. And they most certainly don’t ‘stay’ when they’re feeling vulnerable, they attack, and then they run!” Perry actually does give very good advice here. “A credit that I earned!” Clark said, pointing at the Chief. He skipped the details about how he had earned the award by saving both Lois and Jimmy from the hanger. “She should’ve asked me to be her date for the awards. Was that too much to ask? To at least attend the ceremony?” I think he is 100% correct. Perry set his jaw in the palm of his hand. “Actually, I believe she made a very valid point, even if it was poorly executed. Jimmy worked hard on the Messenger story too. You should be happy for the kid that Lois remembered his contribution at all.” Rubbish, Lois only remembered that as a way to further marginalize and denigrate Clark. The way she did it was cruel to both Clark and Jimmy, especially since it worked to potentially undermine their ability to be friends. “I agree that all three of us should go,” Clark conceded. pleading his case with Lois would be like arguing with a brick wall. Clark should realize this is not true. She does listen to him. “Do you think you could find someone willing to help celebrate this honor for the Daily Planet with you?” If Clark brings Cat this will be worse than not going to the Kerth ceremony at all. More on this latter on, but I tink Clark should decline the tickets. Maybe I underestimate the value of the Kerth ceremony, but going and not with Lois just seems worse than not going at all. “I happen to know just the person to invite,” Clark said with a sly smile, sliding the tickets into his inside breast pocket. “Thank you, sir.” I think this is Clark's stupidest move yet. Cat came up to his desk. “What’s the matter, honey. Mad Dog got you down?” she asked. Perosnally I think Clark would be better off refusing to talk to Cat at all about this. He needs to listen to Perry more and see the more he interacts with Cat the more he turns off Lois. If he had half a brain he would have told Cat "on second thought, I am not talking to you at all, until you learn to act like an adult and treat me as an intelligent person and not just a potential conquest." He pressed his lips together. Very funny. “They weren’t kissing,” he snapped. This is the one worthwhile thing Clark actually got out of the discussion with Cat, the admission to himself that Lois and Luthor were not kissing. Still, I think he would have been better off not talking to her. Cat applauded, kissing his cheek. “About time! That man deserves to be smeared on a wall.” “Asked? You didn’t ask, you demanded, ordered me like a dog. I’m no dog, Chuck. One date doesn’t make you my master, and doesn’t give you the right to tell me what to do!” I would agree with her here, and that Clark did not even try to phrase his statment in a respectful manner. I ssked you to stay here for your protection,”[Quote]
No, I think he should have tried a diffrerent tack. He should have said "I had a friend who reminds me of you die on an investigation, whenever we get close to something that is threatening, I get really scared. I know it is irrational, but I get scared a lot". OK, maybe thinking he would even try saying this, especially if he thinks Lois was turned off by his crying is a bit much, but I still think he should at least try to bring up this issue.
[Quote]“Protection?!” she snarled. “My stalker was over last month, Clark. I’m fine. I walk around town all the time by myself. Nobody is after me anymore.” I think that she got over the stalker thing unreasonably fast. “We don’t know that,” he countered. “According to Brigitte Kahn, her sister was dating someone high up at LexCorp.” The words slipped out before he could stop them. This was probably the worst point to bring it up. It is so frustrating that Clark is speaking the truth, but Lois refuses to believe him. She is so pig headed. I can understand why she is not going to accept this assement of Lex, still I wish he would have waited on the issue. I also wish that Lois would at least acknowledge that he is being consistent. Also, since she has read how bruttaly Monique was murdered, she should be willing to accept that there is some thgreat to her. She scoffed with a shake of her head. “Well, it wasn’t him. He’s never met Ms. Kahn.” Why is she so willing to believe what Luthor says? She knows Luthor tried to coax her into his apartments, she knows that she is being less than truthful to Clark about his full intentions in buying her off, and she knows she lies all the time, so why does she accept every claim of Luthor at face value. “Our story, Chuck!” Lois said, Which still means he has a right to know the way she gets her information. “What’s with the third degree, Clark?” He asked if they could go some place together, that does not sound like the third degree to me. “I thought we were done playing games,” he said. He is 100% right. Lois is intentionally trying to make him jealous at this point, he is not. “We’re only friends. We’ll only ever be friends. I’m not going to give up my friendship with Cat because it makes you uncomfortable. Either you trust me, or you don’t.” Perosnally I think that Lois should say either here or a bit later "Clark, I trust you, I don't trust Cat. So either you stop hanging around with her, or we end our relationship." I do not think she should trust him around Cat, Cat is not trustable. He turned on his heel and left the office, his aloofness used up for the day. At some level I am most frustrated with this instalment because we stopped with Clark at this point. Even though Lois does seem to come to be at least a little better disposed for him, Clark is still quite anquished, and I was wanting to move forward with the L and C relationship, and that meant seeing both of them. They spent all their time interacting fighting. Before she had left the restaurant, Lex had asked how her investigation on Clark’s past was going. I still do not see why Lois accepts that Luthor has any right to investigate Clark Kent. He is not an employee of LexCopr, he is a private citizen. She should be much more suspicious of this action on Luthor's part than she is. He is a businessman, not an investigative reporter. His total lack of respect for others privacy should be raising all sorts of red flags. “You aren’t acting like partners. You threw it in his face that he wasn’t nominated for a Kerth, when you were,” Perry explained. “And then refused to even let him share in your glory as your date.” I am glad Perry called Lois on her rude behavior. Clark thought Lex was her stalker? Well, that explained his paranoia. At least she is begging to understand. Perry is very good at drilling sense into people's heads. I like working with Clark, Well, it is good that Lois can admit this to herself. Maybe things are looking up more than I think. Lois exhaled in relief. Clark did exist. I shocked she does not consider that maybe the professor is in on some grand scam. “Clark trusts me enough for the both of us,” she replied with a grin. Well, at least she 100% accepts that Clark believes her statments about what was going on between her and Luthor. I am hoping that the next installment will have at least a few scenes of Clark and Lois interacting in a way that is not argument. I am not holding my breath though.
John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by scifiJoan: I like the hitting them both with a wet fish option! But if it were easy, it wouldn't be Lois & Clark.
I'm curious what will happen with this journalism professor when Lois follows up.
Joan I actually do not expect her to follow up. Even if she did, she would not learn much. Clark called him up and made sure he was remembered, and thus the guy remembers Clark as much or more than the students he really had, so Lois would not learn anything. If she confronted Clark about the MidWest State U vs. Kansas State U discrebancy, he could just claim that they are the same school, and one name is just a nickname, and I am sure she would believe him.
John Pack Lambert
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wow! Some strong feelings about this part. Hmmm. So, all of you STILL think that Cat's seriously pursuing Clark, and not just teasing him in a friendly manner all her own? Is she or isn't she? I guess we'll have to wait and see on that, won't we?  Poor sluts. Once a slut, always one. It doesn't seem to matter which dimension this Clark came from, he's still the enemy when Lois thinks she needs one. And for some reason, Lex is a friend when she needs one. Why does Lois beat up on Clark? Because he's safe. She knows that she can tell him her honest opinion, and yell and scream at him to her heart's content, and disagree with him from here until Tuesday, but in the end he'll still be there for her. And unlike Perry (who she also does this to but to a small degree) Clark's not her boss. It's the same reason my children are angels when they go to school and other people's houses and monsters at home. They know that no matter what they do, I'll still love them... the other people, they need to impress. As for Lex: he's rich, he's powerful, he's got friends in high places, he can get her information no one else can. That's not a good bridge to burn. So, it's best to be polite. Joan: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/tiere/c055.gif) Here's your fish! But if it were easy, it wouldn't be Lois & Clark.  It would also be much shorter. I'm curious what will happen with this journalism professor when Lois follows up. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif) Right now she has the answer she sought. If she digs too deeply, she might find out something she doesn't want to know and lose her safety net.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Have some strong feelings about how I portrayed Lois in this part, didn't you?  Just one question, how is this Lois any different from how canon Lois acted in S1? Or in S2 when she played Clark and Scardino off one another? Okay, that was 2 questions. This is why Lois should not have given Luthor any indication of what she was interested in learning. She asked him over the phone about Ms. Kahn, and then Lex invited her to lunch by saying "Why don't I check with human resources and see what my people say? Why don't we meet for lunch at the Top of the Towers and I'll tell you what I found out?" What reporter can resist that? Lunch at an VERY expensive restaurant and information to boot. At this point, she doesn't have any reason not to trust Luthor. As far as she knows he's always been on the up and up with her. I am surprised she can expect this consistency considering how many women Lex has lunch with. Every women thinks she's the one he'll change for. That's why he's always so successful with women. Why his failure to tell Mrs. Cox matter is hard to say. Doesn’t she see that he treats everybody as a way to advance his own goals. MRS. COX: But the other ladies come and go. I'm always the one he comes back to. If Clark knew this would he just go all the way as Superman. Since the most evil person on earth already thinks Lois has a connection with Superman, he is not protecting her by trying to prevent it from happening. Yes, but Clark doesn't know. CLARK: It would also be nice if she liked me for me and not my abilities. At first I wondered why Lois does not clue into this fact. However by the end of this section I knew why. She feels no romantic attachment to Luthor, and assumes that he is just friendly, so she is not watching for signs of cheating. 2 points. Lois really doesn't care about Lex and Mrs. Cox. I hate Lex more because he remembers such things. LEX: Why, thank you. On the other hand, why does not Lois clue into the fact that if he can remember to not use endearments, he knew what was implied by his flowers, and she should not accept any claim of ignorance from him. He doesn't say the thing about endearments out loud, it's only a thought. Plus, he broke the 'no endearments' rule after she got into the limo, so though he didn't call her 'darling' or 'my dear' at that moment, doesn't mean he won't again later. Well she should, since she just kissed Clark last night. Clark has every right to feel cheated by her having this romantic lunch with Luthor, a lunch he could never afford to give her. Lois has no romantic attachment to Lex. The kiss was to her cheek, not her lips, and many friends kiss each other's cheeks. She considers this a lunch meeting, not a date because she has no romantic feelings for Lex. LOIS: Hello? One date doesn't make us girlfriend and boyfriend! Technically, it's not cheating. Sometimes Lois seems to naive to live. This is not a meeting, it is a date. LOIS: How is this a date? Because we're eating lunch? He's giving me information on Monique Kahn. It's business. Why is she so polite to Luthor. She always seems very rude to Clark. OK, maybe not that rude, but it still seems she shows patience with Luthor that he in no way deserves. Clark cares for her, Luthor shoots her, but Clark is the only one who is ever the victim of her rage. It just seems so unfair. With Clark she can be herself, with Lex she is on her best behavior. Yes, it is unfair, but that's life. Why she does not see he is lying through his teeth is beyond me. Luthor is sophisticated and well versed in the ways of the world. She should never accept these claims of ignorance of implication from him, ever. The veil of charm. Why does she even want to be his friend? What she should have said is "No, that is not happening. If I ever get another rose from you, ever, I will never speak with you again." It is not like he ever tells her anything useful in the attempted interviews, just manipulates her. It's not a good bridge to burn in her business. Her told her about Toni Taylor (supposedly) and now he's giving her information on Monique Kahn (fake, but enough truth to it to seem real). Actually, no. She has always been a defender of Lex and him being the good guy. It still does not make sense that she ever does good as a reporter when she is so willing to assume good intent on the part of people who refuse to respect the fact that some people prefer some things to dates with suave billionaires. Ah, there are none who are so blind as those who will not see. She's still less blind than canon Lois. Lois nodded, accepting this explanation.
Why is Lois so believing. Why wouldn't Monique Kahn fall in love with Superman? Lois did. Why wouldn't she be bereft at his spurning her desires? Lois was. She accepts this explanation because she's been there. How did she ever get anywhere as a journalist if she believes every word fed to her. OK, maybe I am giving her too little slack. However she seems awfully willing to not try to get to the bottom of who was spying on her. LOIS: What reason would Lex Luthor have for spying on me? I'm a journalist. I'm not investigating him. I mean, I would if something fell in my lap... CLARK: <<coughing>> :rolleyes: Right. LOIS: Did you say something? CLARK: You're always right, Lois. When will he learn that he can't put her on a leash. Someday? Considering all her previous dates with Luthor were to make him jealous this is a perfectly good question. Actually, they were to make Superman jealous, but Clark isn't drawing that line, Lois is. OK, at some level I just hate Luthor that much. LEX: Thank you. Still, Lois is the one being cruel, while Clark is sincerely trying to protect her. LOIS: By telling me what to do? His methods might not be the best, but his intentions are in the right place, which I can not say for Lois. The fact that she does not admit to going to lunch with Luthor upfront shows she knows that it was not consistent with her relationship with Clark. LOIS: Well, I know that Clark will always see fault with Lex, and has from day one. I find it best to always tell him when I speak with Lex to avoid the inevitable argument. Actually, considering that she had admitted that she thought the murder was connected to her stalkers, she should have given Clark a note to let him know where she was. To not do so was rude and cruel, even if she does not understand why he is so afraid of her dying. LOIS: I was angry for him telling me what I should do. He didn't tell me to "stay because I think someone wants to kill you". He said "Stay here!" like I was some dog or child or servant or something. I'm a grown woman, not someone for him to order about. Perry actually does give very good advice here. PERRY: <<in a Memphis drawl>> Thank you. Thank you, very much. I think he is 100% correct. CLARK:  You've earn a double-FDK-FDK.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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FDK - Part 2 - Personally I think Clark would be better off refusing to talk to Cat at all about this. He needs to listen to Perry more and see the more he interacts with Cat the more he turns off Lois. But Cat is the only person Clark has the freedom to talk to about *everything*. He doesn't tell her *everything* though. CAT: Shucky-darn. If he had half a brain he would have told Cat "on second thought, I am not talking to you at all, until you learn to act like an adult and treat me as an intelligent person and not just a potential conquest." They both know that he'll never accept Cat's flirtation, but he's learning that one can't change others. Others can only change for themselves. This is the one worthwhile thing Clark actually got out of the discussion with Cat, the admission to himself that Lois and Luthor were not kissing. Still, I think he would have been better off not talking to her. So, you think the advice about "being aloof" and making him laugh and relax about his troubles were bad things? I would agree with her here, and that Clark did not even try to phrase his statement in a respectful manner. CLARK: But... But... But... You're right. No, I think he should have tried a different tack. He should have said "I had a friend who reminds me of you die on an investigation, whenever we get close to something that is threatening, I get really scared. I know it is irrational, but I get scared a lot". OK, maybe thinking he would even try saying this, especially if he thinks Lois was turned off by his crying is a bit much, but I still think he should at least try to bring up this issue. CLARK: <<taking notes>> Thanks. I'll consider logic in the future. I think that she got over the stalker thing unreasonably fast. LOIS: I haven't. But if I become paranoid at every little thing <<cough>> like Clark <<cough>> then the stalker wins and I have no life. I can't let fear be the over-riding concern in my life or I'll not have a life at all... I just realized that's sort of ironic, but I didn't mean it literally, *really*. This was probably the worst point to bring it up. It is so frustrating that Clark is speaking the truth, but Lois refuses to believe him. She is so pig headed. CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a050.gif) Tell me about it! I handled that badly. I can understand why she is not going to accept this assessment of Lex, still I wish he would have waited on the issue. I also wish that Lois would at least acknowledge that he is being consistent. Also, since she has read how brutally Monique was murdered, she should be willing to accept that there is some threat to her. LOIS: Different day, another death threat. I have a circular file full of them. Why is she so willing to believe what Luthor says? She knows Luthor tried to coax her into his apartments, she knows that she is being less than truthful to Clark about his full intentions in buying her off, and she knows she lies all the time, so why does she accept every claim of Luthor at face value. LOIS: That's not true! I didn't believe his report that Clark has no past until I investigated it for myself. I didn't believe that his intentions were honorable when he invited me to his apartments. But why should he know everyone who works at LexCorp. There's like a million of them. EW: Lois goes to Lex for information about Henry Harrison in "Ides of Metropolis" as well. Therefore, this scene about going to Lex to ask about a former employee was also done in canon in a different manner - being that she brought Clark with her then. But I believe Lex asks her out in front of Clark if I remember correctly, so... Which still means he has a right to know the way she gets her information. LOIS: He doesn't tell me the name of all his sources. He asked if they could go some place together, that does not sound like the third degree to me. He's hitting too close to home and making her feel guilty and nervous so she's becoming defensive. He is 100% right. Lois is intentionally trying to make him jealous at this point, he is not. They've been on one date, not going steady. She's doesn't have to tell him about every gift she receives from someone else. She wasn't trying to make him jealous, she was trying to protect his feelings, because she knows how much he despises Lex. Personally I think that Lois should say either here or a bit later "Clark, I trust you, I don't trust Cat. So either you stop hanging around with her, or we end our relationship." I do not think she should trust him around Cat, Cat is not trustable. How? Because she's flirtatious? That's just who she is. It's not like either of them ever expect Clark to take her up on it. She's pushed Lois towards Clark for months. I think she's been very supportive of Lois and Clark's relationship. At some level I am most frustrated with this installment because we stopped with Clark at this point. Even though Lois does seem to come to be at least a little better disposed for him, Clark is still quite anguished, and I was wanting to move forward with the L and C relationship, and that meant seeing both of them. They spent all their time interacting fighting. CLARK:  Does that mean we get to make up in the next part? Does it? Does it? EW: I still do not see why Lois accepts that Luthor has any right to investigate Clark Kent. He is not an employee of LexCorp, he is a private citizen. She should be much more suspicious of this action on Luthor's part than she is. He is a businessman, not an investigative reporter. His total lack of respect for others privacy should be raising all sorts of red flags. She doesn't think it is any of Lex's business, which is why she didn't tell him anything. She figures he's just trying to be a friend and protect her, in his own way. And, yes, that red flag is still flying above Lex Tower. I am glad Perry called Lois on her rude behavior. You mean someone other than Clark? At least she is begging to understand. Perry is very good at drilling sense into people's heads. Perry's an innocent party in this mess, so his words don't seem so biased. PERRY: YES! Finally! Well, it is good that Lois can admit this to herself. Maybe things are looking up more than I think. It's always darkest before the dawn. I shocked she does not consider that maybe the professor is in on some grand scam. LOIS: Did you ever think that maybe I WANT Clark to exist? So I don't think he's this guy who's been lying to me all this time. Great, now you have me actually thinking about my motives. Well, at least she 100% accepts that Clark believes her statements about what was going on between her and Luthor. LOIS: He doesn't? CLARK: I am hoping that the next installment will have at least a few scenes of Clark and Lois interacting in a way that is not argument. I am not holding my breath though. It's been a while since I, myself, have read Part 57, so I can't even give you a hint... Ooops. I meant 47.  I haven't written 57 yet. I've only just finished (I think) 56. I actually do not expect her to follow up. Even if she did, she would not learn much. Clark called him up and made sure he was remembered, and thus the guy remembers Clark as much or more than the students he really had, so Lois would not learn anything. Interesting theory. If she confronted Clark about the MidWest State U vs. Kansas State U discrepancy, he could just claim that they are the same school, and one name is just a nickname, and I am sure she would believe him. LOIS: I thought he said something about Kansas State. I'm not 100% sure though. CLARK: I'm sooooo glad I'm the one with the eidetic memory. LOIS: What's that? CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/e045.gif) And the super hearing. Anyway, that would totally backfire on me if she knew that they were two different schools. BTW: I was doing some research on Kansas State and U of Kansas recently, so I plugged in MidWest State to see if anything popped up. Something did!  It's a religious school with basically only seminary or religious degrees. I don't *think* THAT's the school Clark went to. No journalism majors there and no football team.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hi Virginia, He had specifically told her to ‘stay there’. That woman never listened. LOIS: And you didn't know that, Clark? Who do you think you are? My boss? PERRY:You know, Clark, I am her boss and she NEVER listens when I tell her to do something! LOIS: It's because I 'm always right! CAT: No, Lois. It's because YOU think that you're always right. Behind closed doors, Clark explained briefly and without much specific detail about how he had gone on a date with Lois the night before, including a first date kiss or two, Telling everything to Perry? I'm not sure that Lois will be very happy... LOIS: I'm FURIOUS! “I happen to know just the person to invite,” CAT: “I hope not. He knows that I care for Lois.”
“Clark, everybody and their infant cousins know that,” she replied dryly. ALL THE STAFF (chorus) : But your name is MAD DOG!!! These acts, no matter how poorly thought out, showed that Lex had her best interests at heart LEX: 
Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile ! (Edmond Rostand)
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Sydney: Didn't Perry tell her to "stay" in the pilot and that was how she ended up on the Prometheus transport? CAT: No, Lois. It's because YOU think that you're always right. LOIS: And the difference is? Telling everything to Perry? I'm not sure that Lois will be very happy... PERRY: In confidence. I'm good at protecting my sources. How do you think I learned to yodel so well? Here is Clark: </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">CAT: Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, Cat, you say that to all the guys. ALL THE STAFF (chorus) : But your name is MAD DOG!!! Yes, I did realize the irony of that line. But...the Clark of this dimension is dead! Before *this* Clark went to interview with Perry, he called Prof. Carlton at MidWest U. and asked him if he could use him as a referral, saying that he had been in the guy's class and talked about how much he enjoyed him as a Professor (all true, for the Prof. Carlton back in alt-dimension), mentioning specific stories the man had told in class (which happened to be the same in both dimensions). To save face, and not let anyone know he had forgotten a student who clearly knew what a genius he is, Prof. Carlton went along, thinking for some reason he must have blanked on Clark Kent. Technically, Alt-Clark and this Prof. Carlton never met.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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mmmm. I think Sydney thinks Clark should invite Cat. I think Sydney wants Clark to dump Lois and go for Cat. CAT: Why not? CAT: Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, Cat, you say that to all the guys. CAT : No, only when they are cute! Before *this* Clark went to interview with Perry, he called Prof. Carlton at MidWest U. and asked him if he could use him as a referral, saying that he had been in the guy's class and talked about how much he enjoyed him as a Professor (all true, for the Prof. Carlton back in alt-dimension), mentioning specific stories the man had told in class (which happened to be the same in both dimensions). To save face, and not let anyone know he had forgotten a student who clearly knew what a genius he is, Prof. Carlton went along, thinking for some reason he must have blanked on Clark Kent. Technically, Alt-Clark and this Prof. Carlton never met. Of course! I forgot that. 
Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile ! (Edmond Rostand)
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Lex shut the file that his very personal executive assistant had prepared for him. He smiled indulgently at her. “This is strictly business, my dear. A means to an end, I assure you,” *That’s* why he wanted to pay for Lois. Duh! Also, ‘means to an end’ What he didn’t mention was that she was also that – strictly business. Well, he does pay for her services. He had learned that lesson with Arianna, and he was still paying for it. Never again would he allow himself to become emotionally involved; it was a weakness. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/traurig/k055.gif) That’s where paid assassins come in. Mrs. Cox stood up and let go of his hand, letting it linger there long enough for Lois to catch sight of it. Perhaps she was beginning to like his punishments. Time to tweak it up a notch, he thought as he smiled at her. Mrs. Cox returned his smile with one of her own. Oh, yes, she was definitely game. Umm…no? “Oh, how gauche of me, Lois. I didn’t realize…” Of course, he had. He had sent those on purpose We wouldn’t want the criminal element to get wind of it.” He can charge more if they don’t know where the bullets come from? Yes, of course she had. It would be a waste of money to kill someone off before they finished what they were hired to do. “Sadly, no. It seemed we’re still quite a ways away from even the testing phase,” Lex told her. So, no green crystals, yet? The waiter returned and slipped a bowl of cream soup in front of each of them. Another waiter arrived with a huge pepper mill. Lex waved him away. “I told Chef Andre, if it needed pepper then he should include it in the kitchen. At these prices, guests shouldn’t have to season their own food at the table.” Oh Lex. It’s a fancy gesture. Like when you don’t have to order ketchup to your beuf stronagoff but the waiter already puts it on the table with the rest of the food. The waiter gulped and disappeared again. He’ll be termininated? “I own this restaurant, Lois,” he explained. “I come in for lunch on the last Monday of every month, when the restaurant is normally closed, to give my opinion on the next month’s new menu.” There was Lois demurely blushing as Lex Luthor leaned towards her. Clark hadn’t heard the conversation; he hadn’t needed to. An image was worth a thousand words. ‘Two lovers, sharing a meal in between courses’? Luthor raised his gaze and smirked in his direction.
The armored car guards were waiting, so Clark flew off. So, two to three severely injured criminals? The man had shot her, for goodness sake, and bought her as if she was for sale. At that price? No, that wasn’t a fire sale.
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Was it because Clark had cried? Hadn’t it only been the night before that Lois had been in his arms, kissing him? She’s always been a bit of a cat? How had he screwed up their relationship already? It’s hereditary? Perry walked by, and then turned around and walked back. “Kent? Are you okay?”
Clark raised his eyes to Perry, and shook his head. “Colonel, I need some advice,” he mumbled. It’s going to get back to him that you’ve been poking your nose about and you’re going to end up like Monique Kahn,” Clark growled. Hmmm…I’m thinking cat ladies have a higher-than-average life expectancy in Gotham Forrest. “Do you have a photo of her?” Cat asked.
“My story!” he repeated for what felt like the tenth time that day. Clark! That boy really doesn’t give a woman even his small finger, does he? CAT: 
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She rolled her eyes. “To make Lois jealous, not to be jealous.”  Michael
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Just one question, how is this Lois any different from how canon Lois acted in S1? Or in S2 when she played Clark and Scardino off one another? Okay, that was 2 questions. Well, there is a reason why I skipped through most of Barbarian at the Planet/Fall of the House of Luthor when I first watched the series, and I have never had the patience to actually watch the Lois gets engaged to Lex scenes. I have also never managed to watch Whine, Whine, Whine without fast forwarding through parts, and I fast forwarded through big chunks of Individual Resposibility on my first go around. So, I have to say I was very frustrated with Lois in the show. I had a hard time with "Fly Hard" as well. On the other hand, Lois did not go on a date with Clark in season 1, so my complaints would have not been as pointed. Actually, I have to say that this Lois is more honest with herself. She actually is suspecting Luthor's motives. True, Lois only suspects Luthor of being jealous of Clark, but at least she does not assume Clark is the only jealous person around, which at times seemed to be her theory in the show.
John Pack Lambert
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At this point, she doesn't have any reason not to trust Luthor. Well, other than that he shot her and turned her into a whore, but I guess she has figured out ways to explain away both these occurances. Since in the show Luthor never shot her and never turned her into a whore, she had not explained away such egregious actions against her on his part so at least she was not proactively excussing very obvious hurt to her from Luthor. Of course, she is not willing to actually consider Luthor more than a friend, so maybe I am being a little harsh on her.
John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by Sydney: mmmm. I think Sydney thinks Clark should invite Cat. I think Sydney wants Clark to dump Lois and go for Cat.
CAT: Why not? EW: Um... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/e045.gif) See other readers above notes for such reasons. CAT: Yes! Yes! Yes!
EW: Oh, Cat, you say that to all the guys.
CAT : No, only when they are cute! 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Michael: A 3-part FDK for this part?  No! Umm…no. Lois is only being civil. 2 points. She’s had her monthly rabies shot since the last time they met.  Not yet. ‘Two lovers, sharing a meal in between courses’? CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/c030.gif) Great, now I won't be able to get *that* image out of my head. So, two to three severely injured criminals? CLARK: What? I didn't throw them THAT hard. At that price? No, that wasn’t a fire sale. "For Sale" Michael. Not "on sale". She’s always been a bit of a cat? CAT: My right pinkie toe? CLARK: Since when? /nods and waits for Clark to hunt him down and make him ‘go away’. No, they hadn’t any endorphins. It was more a case of frustrations. EW: See! He didn't share ALL the details from their date with Perry. *That’s* why she’s so against the whole professional escort business. Stripping, sure. That’s predicable. She calls the shots. Lapdances, too, in a controlled environment. But escorting? One never knows what’s going to be ordered off the menu. LOIS: That's ONE of the reasons. The other is that's it's demeaning to women to be bought and sold. CAT: Especially if there's a man pocketing the cash.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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And on the *first* date. Tsk Tsk Tsk. That’s something you might hint at. After you’ve seen a movie and she expresses interest. And even then, it’s best to let her take the initiative and choose. Yeah. *You* certainly wouldn’t have shelled out a grand and a half for a night with Lois. CLARK: That's only because I want her for more than one night. And nobody told me I could. LOIS: Hey! CAT: LOIS: /picks up phone/ Hi, Lexy! Yes, I’m free this weekend for that trip to Milano. I’ve got that wonderful lingerie that I can’t wait to break in. So, you think Lois doesn't believe him? Even though Cat has done nothing recently but told Lois and Clark to go find a room ALREADY! Eeeeeeeehhhh… /waves hand in so-so gesture/ Uuuuu /checks guidebook/ Yes. LOIS: But I'm a reporter! Seeking out the truth is part of my job description! Well, he’s the guy and someone has to stay at home and order food and watch the brood and clean and stuff. LOIS: <screaming at Michael on Mute> So, that’s a No, then? LOIS: NO! EW: Please don't kill me. just ‘rules’ not ‘her rules’ with implied her rules, but not all of them, yet. She put a crimp in it just in time. LOIS: I, technically, haven't slept with Clark... well, slept in the biblical sense. I did sleep in the sleeping sense. CLARK: Really? I didn't sleep that night. /points at Clark’s tie and the unoccupied supply closet/ CLARK: You want her to cut off my tie in the supply closet? Ummm… That’s perfectly acceptable in creepville. It’s also known as ‘locking her up in a cabin in the woods’. But he's trying to make her happy, not make himself happy. Unless that guy has an implanted memory and only thinks he remembers it like that. And how would Prof. Carlton know the difference? You did mention that as a caveat early in the story, didn’t you? More on this later. But, yes, Alt-Clark went to Kansas State. Canon Clark to MidWest U. /nods/ Then they’re all fish smelly and need to share a shower to get clean again. LOIS: Can we just skip to the shower, because I'd rather not be hit with a fish. CLARK: It doesn't hurt. CAT: You both are just plain weird.  Thank you.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by John Lambert: Well, there is a reason why I skipped through most of Barbarian at the Planet/Fall of the House of Luthor when I first watched the series, and I have never had the patience to actually watch the Lois gets engaged to Lex scenes. I have also never managed to watch Whine, Whine, Whine without fast forwarding through parts, and I fast forwarded through big chunks of Individual Resposibility on my first go around. I find those scenes heart-wrenching as well to watch. So, I have to say I was very frustrated with Lois in the show. I had a hard time with "Fly Hard" as well. EW: <Hands John a wet fish and a green studded two-by-four to hit her characters with to relieve some of the stress.> On the other hand, Lois did not go on a date with Clark in season 1, so my complaints would have not been as pointed. Not officially, no. They did get un-officially married though. Actually, I have to say that this Lois is more honest with herself. She actually is suspecting Luthor's motives. True, Lois only suspects Luthor of being jealous of Clark, but at least she does not assume Clark is the only jealous person around, which at times seemed to be her theory in the show. This Lois has been around the block a few times. Well, other than that he shot her and turned her into a whore, but I guess she has figured out ways to explain away both these occurances. LEX: Charm and a reputation for good philanthropy does wonders. Since in the show Luthor never shot her and never turned her into a whore, she had not explained away such egregious actions against her on his part so at least she was not proactively excussing very obvious hurt to her from Luthor. Of course, she is not willing to actually consider Luthor more than a friend, so maybe I am being a little harsh on her. At least she's not running up to Lex and embracing him and calling him "her hero" like another Lois did. Canon Clark: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/c030.gif) Don't remind me.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.