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#89974 09/29/12 07:09 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

You all knew it was coming eventually, so here it is. dance

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/19/14 02:43 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Jimmy was full of wonder at being at the Kerths.
Ahhh, that’s where we are.

Lois, herself, felt as if something was missing or, someone, to be more accurate.
6’, dark hair, dreamy eyes?

It was all her fault. If she hadn’t let her ego get in the way, she and Clark could be enjoying their second date here at the Kerths.

It had the best view of the ceremony without having to turn around, and it had a clear path to the side of the stage for when she went to claim her award.

Sure, he knew he wasn’t on her boyfriend radar, what with their age difference and all, but it hadn’t mattered to Thomas. One smile and he had been lost forever.
Well…at least he had an idea in his mind for his Thomas-time.

The only reason Walt had invited Rachel to his senior prom, after Lana had dumped him to go with Hank, was because he had discovered that his little brother had a crush on the pretty junior, who could out tush-push anyone in Lawrence County.
[Linked Image]

Thomas buried his face in his hands. “I don’t know what to do. I can’t call Max, and it’s the feds are who are doing this. I didn’t know where to turn.”
Can’t he, I don’t know, take pot shots at the guys who invaded his house?

Lois sat at her desk. She knew she shouldn’t be daydreaming, not here at work, but her fingers glided over her lips where Clark had kissed her on Saturday night after the Kerth awards.
So, second date. And the third will be the corn festival in Smallville. That means they’ll make a superman out of Clark in his counterparts bedroom, yes?

Then he had grabbed Jimmy’s arm and dragged the complaining young man out of the apartment with him.
Clark! What if Jimmy was trying to score with Lois’s younger sister?

Lois had started out by reassuring Lucy that the surveillance hadn’t returned to the apartment.

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“Oh, I know,” Lucy had replied. “Superman double-checked for me after dropping me off.”

Lucy had giggled. “Who do you think my airline pilot was?”
Wonder Woman? Dark Blade? The Caped Crusader?

Lois had been green with envy, actually she still was. Superman had flown her sister across the country.

Her grey mug slipped out of her hand, bounced on her desk before falling to the floor to shatter and splash cold coffee all over her shoes.

Ralph started to clap and cheer.
What’s up with him now? He got a death wish?

that the man actually paled and ran from the bullpen.
Nature called and he missed it?

“I wouldn’t want you cutting your foot or slipping. CK would never forgive me.”
Great. The most-overprotective-pseudo-boyfriend-in-the-world™ has branched out.

“Thanks, Jimmy,” Lois said automatically. The room started to spin, and she could have sworn her desk lurched to the side.
Hey! When did she get knocked up?

Clark lied to you. Clark lied to you about his family. What else did Clark lie to you about? Why?
What did Clark tell Lois about? Or is she just going by the last name? And *that’s* why they’re going to Smallville? Not because of the Environment stuff? Unless that’s the cover to Perry.

“Uh-huh,” he said, and shot her a disappointed expression. She ignored it.

Did she mention why she needed Superman so urgently?” Lois demanded.
Well… Martha’s Clark’s second cousin, by adoption. Hey, it could be!

It was possible that Smallville’s local newspaper wasn’t large enough to have its stories on the internet database yet.
Or have an internet connection. Or a computer. I think they recently got electrical power in the townhall. Half the townies scampered off into their hovel when the mayor turned on the light. The rest started chanting and clasping their crucifixes.

Lois’s fingers drummed on her keyboard again. She turned slightly in her chair to pick up her phone, only to feel a slight squish of coffee in her shoes. She ignored it. Some things were more important than wet feet.
Oh dear.

Clark enjoyed flying over the Atlantic. It was quiet, serene, and he could fly leisurely, lost in his thoughts.
Blissfully unaware of the storm of bantha poodoo brewing back home.

They had waited until after dark in Paris so that nobody would see Cat arrive in the arms of Superman.
That would have been a fun page-one for the Met Star clap

He had clasped Clark on the back and told him ‘well done.’
So, Clark Kent, what are you going to do next?
CK: Go to Disney Land!

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Getting Lucy to Metropolis took a Herculean feat as well. First Clark had to convince Lucy to return to Metropolis and stay with her sister at the Lane house of electronic bugs.

Add to all of those, the light kisses he and Lois had shared after brunch. They had returned to Lois’s apartment and read the Sunday Daily Planet together, while Lois ate a powdered sugar covered croissant.
Did he kiss her before or after?

It had started out with her licking the sugar off her lips before saying, “Clark, I want to try something.”
Ah, yes. After. Let’s hope she goes and brushes her teeth first.

He had glanced up from the sports pages. Apparently, Tommy Garrison had lost some of his strength and vitality due to the lack of the special cyborg vitamin elixir that Dr. Lane had put him on, and he had turned himself in to police in hopes of being put back on it in prison. In his dreams.

Or about Clark's phone message from Martha?
wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.
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I like how Clark handled the date situation at the Kerths. Very classy.

It seems like things are coming to a head for Clark with Lois discovering the Kents. Can't wait to read about that.


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Lois checked her hair in the restroom mirror on more time. It didn’t need it. She looked as good as she ever would. Jimmy was full of wonder at being at the Kerths. Lois, herself, felt as if something was missing or, someone, to be more accurate.
Is it just me or should that be "one more time"?

John Pack Lambert
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She sighed. It was all her fault.
I may have been harsh on Lois after the last two instalments, but it is not all her fault. Clark bears some of the blame. He could have been more patient during the annoucements of the Kerth Awards.

If she hadn’t let her ego get in the way, she and Clark could be enjoying their second date here at the Kerths.
Well, at least she sees this.

So how long has it been since the Kerth Awards were announced, or are you just having us guess. If I followed things right, they were announced on a Monday, and maybe this is the following Friday/Saturday? Well, at least in reality sep. 26, 1993 was a Sunday, and the awards were announcement the next day, so that would be a Monday. I went to the trouble of counting back using this month's calendar to make sure that was right. If I understand later on this is Saturday night, so the 2nd of October. Clark could have asked her out for Friday night, maybe, if he thought they won't work too late, so this is a reasonable worry. Especially since even if he wanted to go slow he could have at least asked her out for sometime next weekend by now, at least some guys would do that.

some strumpet who was sitting in her seat!
It is amazing how quick to judge others Lois is, especially considering who this is. It is also slightly odd she does not recognize her faster, but I guess you do not plan to see people who don't quite belong there.

Is Jimmy that bad that he would pick up a new lady while on a date?

"Clark invited me,” Lucy said.
I have to agree this was the best idea Clark has had so far. I should have thought of that, but I didn't.

“Clark?” Her teeth started to grind. Who invited him?
I though she wanted him there? Also, she knows that sub-letting dates does not work.

“He said that you’d want me here to help you celebrate your third Kerth win,” Lucy gushed, and then blushed. “And James. He said that you had invited James as your date, and me as his so that we could swap once we got here. That was so sweet of you to do that for James, so he could be included.”
She might have gone with this plan if she knew they could pull it off. The fun thing is that Jimmy may well believe it is what really happened.

“How did you get here?” Lois asked.

At first I thought this was a question to Clark, and he was being just obtuse. "How did you get here" could be "how did you get in". It is also possible that he came under whatever pseudonym he used to write under, not that he did, but Lois might think that is why he writes as well as he does without an established trail of publishing.

“No, of course not, Lois. Clark was able to get me a cheap last minute flight,” Lucy said with a giggle. Then she grabbed her sister’s shoulders to whisper in her ears. “He’s amazing! I know you’ve been raving about him since he arrived, but I didn’t realize what you meant until now. He did this for you, you know.”
Half of me wonders if Superman provided Lucy a ride, but on rereadin it, I don't think so. At first I expected her to say something indicating she knew under her breath. Of course, it would seem strange for Clark to tell Lucy ever, and especially before Lois, but the thought did cross my mind.

Lois’s glare at Clark’s shoulders softened. “I should go say ‘hello’ to my new date,” she said. “And move to the other side of Jimmy because that’s my seat.”
Well, I am glad Lois is taking this so well. A little surprised, but only a very little. Jimmy's shock that his cousin thought Lois Lane was hot and not Cat probably makes such a shift in dates easier, but that was long ago enough that it is probably not a very big issue in Lois' mind, if it factors at all.

Clark turned around as she approached. “Congratulations, Lois.”
This is the best way to strat off, period.

“You invited my sister on a date?” she said with her hands on her hips. She had strictly forbidden that.

He grinned. “I did.”

Her lips blossomed into a smile. “Thank you.”
I guess going against Lois' specific orders works. Of course, if he had been planning to treat her sister as his date, and if she had invited Jimmy out of more than spite, things would probably be very different.

I have to say Clark pulled this off in a way that worked. I did not expect that, but of course I had largely forgotten about Lucy and Jimmy dating.

“You’re forgiven,” he replied.
Umm, Clark, I would not have advised saying this. I see danger in even implying there is a reason to forgive her.

She ignored this.
Are we sure this is not a close? OK, I know it isn't. I still am a little shocked that Lois allowed that line at all though.

“So, you thought this was the only way to get a second date with me?”
Careful Clark, you are now on thin ice.

Clark shrugged in that sheepish way he did. “I figured you were worth the extra effort and expense. It’s not every day one gets their third Kerth Award. I wanted to be here for you.”
I guess he really did buy Lucy a plane ticket. I guess bringing her Superman express would not really work, especially since he wants no connection with SM to LL. This is the one answer that worked. It also does not exactly answer the question, but some questions are not meant to be ansered. Clark is learning.

“Then we’ll be okay,” Lois said with a wink.

Clark slid his hand to the curve of her back and guided her back towards their table. “We already are,” he murmured.

She couldn’t agree more.
Oh, can we just end the story here? Everything is well with Lois and Clark, so why develop any more. OK, not everything is well. She does not know the truth. So I guess we can't end here. Still it is a nice place to stop, so I will end this FDK at this point. It was definantly a fun segment.

At first I wondered why you do not tell us more of the evening, but then I realized that anything more would probably be a let down. We do learn a little more from flashbacks, but some things the imagination does better than being told.

John Pack Lambert
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I think this story installment just tied a knot in the pretty bow you are trying to make. Lois is being all "Miss I Can Get Answers By Taking Charge Of This Situation" and she is about to blow everything and get Clark killed. I see storm clouds!

I know you have a plan about this story, and you are aiming at somewhere to end it, but for the life of me, I cannot see where this is going. That either makes a wonderful story, or a frustrating one. I'm still enjoying it even though it frustrates me not to understand where you are taking it. Then again, that sounds like Lois.


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“Urban versus rural is the same story. It’s the same problem,” she said as Clark walked up to them. “Except sometimes it’s easier to understand in a smaller setting, a microcosm, for example.”
This is actually a really good point.

“I will,” she said, turning to Clark with a dazzling smile. “Let’s go pack, Chuck. We’re going on a trip to the farm belt.”
And he still has no clue where they are going.

“Yep, an innocent farmer is being held against his will by federal agents,” she explained. “They told his son that he was thrown off the property, but he saw his dad tied to a chair inside the house. Meanwhile, the feds are tearing up his property with bulldozers looking for pesticides. The son is currently hiding out at the neighbors in fear.”

“Sounds like a job for Superman,” he murmured.
I knew it.

“Funny. That’s just what the neighbor who called in the story said,” Lois replied, patting his arm and heading to her desk to grab her briefcase. “Come on. If we hurry, we can catch the four thirty flight to Topeka.”

Clark froze. “Topeka?”
Lois is very sneeky. How is Clark going to get out of this. He might just have to come clean. I am glad Martha called and finally forced Clark's hand.

Well, he needs to tell her something before she gets to Smallville. I was thinking he could take her as Superman. That would solve the no recognition problem on sight, but not the no one knowing Clark Kent.

He probably would be best off telling her that he is actually from Smallville in a different dimension. OK, I doubt she will believe that at first, but maybe if he waits until they get there, and gives in the indepth run down on the place, she will believe he knows it so well he must have grown up there, and she just might, possibly, maybe believe his story. Not likely even then, but it might possibly work.

On the other hand, does he have time to call and get Martha and other in on a conspiracy to give him a past? I doubt he would even if there was time.

John Pack Lambert
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Jimmy was full of wonder at being at the Kerths. Lois, herself, felt as if something was missing or, someone, to be more accurate.

She sighed. It was all her fault. If she hadn’t let her ego get in the way, she and Clark could be enjoying their second date here at the Kerths. Instead there was a truckload of tension between them.
Probably not as much as you think.

Clark hadn’t mentioned the Kerths again since that day that Perry had announced her nomination, nor had he asked her on a second date. That was her fault as well. Why couldn’t she have just told him the truth about lunching with Lex?
I doubt that's the reason, Lois.

Jimmy was leaning toward and whispering into the ear of some strumpet who was sitting in her seat! She hadn’t spent that much time in the restroom that Jimmy could’ve had enough time to pick up someone, had she?
“Lucy?” she sputtered. “What are you doing here?”

“Clark invited me,” Lucy said.

“Clark?” Her teeth started to grind. Who invited him?

“He said that you’d want me here to help you celebrate your third Kerth win,” Lucy gushed, and then blushed. “And James. He said that you had invited James as your date, and me as his so that we could swap once we got here. That was so sweet of you to do that for James, so he could be included.”
Awww. Giving Lois a family connection she has not had in a long time is a good thing and giving Jimmy a friend (more than a friend?) to be with is an added bonus as well.

“You invited my sister on a date?” she said with her hands on her hips. She had strictly forbidden that.
She did?

He grinned. “I did.”

Her lips blossomed into a smile. “Thank you.”
Sometimes going against Lois's edicts work out better than you expect I guess.

Oh dear, I see us nearing the top of a steep climb. Arms up! Arms up!!

A couple of ‘we loved your story’ or ‘your story moved me to tears’ messages. Her brow furrowed. How come she never got any of those? Her stories were twice as good anything Chuck wrote. She pressed her lips together in annoyance. It probably had to do with the mood factor. Yep, both of those messages were on mood pieces that Clark had written about some historic buildings on the demolition list for the new Lex Towers. She rolled her eyes. Those two men would never get along.
Nope, never will. (Almost) never have.

Her hand paused on the last message. Urgent. Need to reach Superman. Martha. And a phone number. Who in the hell was Martha? And why was she calling Clark to try and reach Superman? Everyone knew that Lois and Superman were best buds… okay, that was part of the problem with their relationship, and one of the reasons he had backed off in recent months, giving other reporters a fair share of stories. She still saw Superman in the course of her work, interviewing him on fires, robberies, muggings, and the like, but people like Cat covered the charity circuit, and Clark the foreign pieces, and even Pete in sports had covered Superman throwing out the first pitch of the last game for the Metropolis Monarchs.
Spreading the wealth around a little better, I suppose?

The area code, 620, wasn’t one that she knew. She sat down at her desk and pulled up her reverse directory on the computer. As the computer searched, she looked at her coffee mug. Her coffee had gone cold, but did she really want to go through the effort of cleaning it to get a fresh cup? Her computer beeped and she glanced up at the screen.

Jonathan and Martha Kent, Smallville, KS.

Her grey mug slipped out of her hand, bounced on her desk before falling to the floor to shatter and splash cold coffee all over her shoes. Lois didn’t notice, her eyes still fixated on the monitor.
Lois: First thought... his parents are still alive in Smallville? Then why did they give him up to the foster system? Clark always talks of them fondly and supposedly they died in a car crash. Then again... that can't be. Clark wouldn't lie about something like that so that means they're not his parents. But how is that possible??

Jonathan and Martha Kent of Smallville, Kansas.

The words danced in front of her as if floating in the air. Swirling around it were her own thoughts written out for all to see.

Clark lied to you. Clark lied to you about his family. What else did Clark lie to you about? Why?
Clark: I didn't lie to you. I just told you something and you assumed these people were my parents. I didn't tell you that I came from a different universe.

Cat: (whispering) You're not helping yourself.

Lois went back to her computer, switched search programs, and typed in the name Martha Kent. Nothing came up; just as nothing had come up about Clark – her Clark, at least – when she had typed in his name. It was possible that Smallville’s local newspaper wasn’t large enough to have its stories on the internet database yet.
Quite probable. I don't think the newspaper around here had theirs online until 2000+ and we're only around 35,000 (probably larger than Smallville but not by much) and there's still local newspapers that don't even HAVE an online presence.

Clark froze. “Topeka?”
Think he knows where this is going? Are things going to get too close for comfort here, Clark?

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Hi Virginia,

“Lucy?” she sputtered. “What are you doing here?”

“Clark invited me,” Lucy said.

“Clark?” Her teeth started to grind. Who invited him?

hyper hyper



Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile !
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My look at all that FDK! hyper <<fans self>> Looks like I've got some catching up to do. First up...

Michael: wave

Ahhh, that’s where we are.
No, the bathroom at Lex's apartment. Give her a little credit.

6’, dark hair, dreamy eyes?
LOIS: Him, too.

There’s still hope for them?
If there wasn't, I'd be running for my life from Wildguys on parade.

My, are we awfully sure of ourselves.
It is Lois, after all.

So, maybe if she doesn’t mention him at all?
PERRY: Now, that would just be petty, since everyone knows he should have been up on that stage with her.

LOIS: Everyone?

CLARK: :rolleyes:

R1: Gee, seen Mad Dog?
R2: yeah. Must be the time of the month again.
R3: Did you hear about the Metropolis Star table?
R4: Yeah, Mad Dog looked over there and the table just blew up.
R3: Must be that time of the month.
R4: evil It hurts more if you were almost where you wanted to be, then WHAMO!

Also, GGGoH time? Well, duh, since you glossed over the Smart Kids.
There will be a few episodes that will get shortened to one liners in this story. Smart Kids was one of them. Sorry, if you disapprove.

Well…it’s made of wood and makes a perfect target for an RPG.
Still feels safer than without it.

So, how *are* LnC going to end up at the Kents’?
[Linked Image]

FA: “Have you been consorting with your life stock?”
HB: “Yup.”
FA: “Have you been consorting with your sisters?”
HB: “Yup.”
FA: “Have you been consorting with your daughters?”
HB: “Yup.”
FA: “Have you been cross-dressing?”
HB: “Yup.”
FA: “Have you been harboring aliens.”
HB: “Yup. Uuu Nay. Huh?”
[Linked Image] This was terrific! notworthy

And Martha is thinking “Clark Kent, Daily Planet. He might want to help us.”

Are federal agents allowed to do that? I mean, *on* US soil?
Usually not.

Wait! They remember that rock from when they found their Clark, don’t they? And had a piece of the rock somewhere as a memento until they realized. No, that last part was in Another Lois, wasn’t it?
Yes and no. Yes, they remember the rock. No, the rock they had in Another Lois was the one that Thomas just brought to them. Without a Superman, B39 had no reason to go searching for the Meteorite.

Huh? Why is he talking about his family in the third person?
[Linked Image] Thanks. I changed it to "us Irigs"

Rachel was the one who did…things to Walt while he was trying to concentrate on driving?
More on what happened later.

Well…at least he had an idea in his mind for his Thomas-time.
[Linked Image]

Can’t he, I don’t know, take pot shots at the guys who invaded his house?
Too many of them? Might miss and hit dad?

So, second date. And the third will be the corn festival in Smallville. That means they’ll make a superman out of Clark in his counterparts bedroom, yes?
CLARK: I'm already a Superman.

EW: And because Kal-El was never officially adopted by the Kents, he didn't have a bedroom of his own.

Clark! What if Jimmy was trying to score with Lois’s younger sister?
LOIS: He probably was.

CLARK: Lois didn't need to hear that on her big night. Anyway, THAT's not why I brought Lucy to town.




Okay, I've got to run. More later.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Huh? Why is he talking about his family in the third person?
[Linked Image] Thanks. I changed it to "us Irigs"
I just assumed he meant his Mom and Dad when he said "the Irigs". However, thinking about it, he would not have said it that way if that is what he meant.

John Pack Lambert
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On the whole my reaction to this section is still dance

I mean let's see

1- Lois is bringing Clark with her to Kansas. It would be worse for him if she went alone.

I am wondering if anyone will recognize Clark as Jerome. Well, I suspect Martha and Jonathan will, but will anyone else. Such as Thomas? My bet is no. Same reason that no one recognizes Clark as Superman. People see what they want to see. In the case of people like Jerome, or Charlie King, barman, people do not see them at all a lot of the time.

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Michael: Part 2 FDK Response. Sorry about the delay but real life came knocking. I have about an hour before it calls again, so let's see what I can accomplished before then. <<stretches fingers and neck>>

Wonder Woman? Dark Blade? The Caped Crusader?
No. No. No.

SUPERMAN: I don't know those people. I've heard of that third one, and that first one sounds intreguing. Do you have a picture?

LOIS: [Linked Image]

SUPERMAN: Never mind.

And date Clark! Hmm…maybe he *did* it for Clark, after all.
You mean Superman did fly Lucy across the country for Lois. Lucy goes on date with Clark freeing Lois up for Superman? [Linked Image]

She taking a private uuuu plane?
CAT: It's the *only* way to fly. <checks item off list> Okay, darlin', there are just a few more things I need you to do.

CLARK: Hey, look! Isn't that guy married to that fameous model. I wonder what he's doing with that football player.

CAT: What? Where?

CLARK: [Linked Image]

CAT: [Linked Image] Celebrity scandle, every time. One of these days, I'm going to stop falling for it.

‘bunking’ huh?
I'm going to leave that up to the individual Reader's interpretation.

Very high places.
CAT: Very nice, indeed.

Yeah. Best not tell her. Ever.
Now, where's the fun in that.

Oh my. Message from Smallville?
[Linked Image]

Specializes in spandex.
I was thinking soy sauce on tie, but that works.

So, she never gets ‘your story made me cry’ messages from little children?
Little children only read the comics page, so 'no'. But she has gotten a few "You sent Mommy and her boyfriend to jail, you mean lady!" notes.

What if Clark asked Lex to walk with him, hand in hand, on the rail tracks? And whoever jumps out of the way first, is a stinking chicken.
CLARK: Can it be an empty cargo train with no passengers, running on autopilot?

LEX: No. I refuse to hold that man's hand.

CLARK: Spoil sport.

Blonde strumpet.

JONATHAN: Say, what?

MARTHA: Nothing, dear. He's referring to a time before we met.

Because his middle name’s Jerome?
Actually, the Kents never gave the baby in the grave a middle name, but that works.

The other’s that Perry ordered her to. Threatening to not publish those stories from her.
PERRY: Come on, Lois. There are other stories to write. Let the other reporters get a little time in your spotlight.

LOIS: No, it's mine, all mine. Precious.

Wild night in Kansas. All of them naked together in a bathtub.
CLARK: Thank you for THOSE nightmares.

/eyes bomb with peculiar interest/
Oh, dear, the computer didn't like that smilie.

What’s up with him now? He got a death wish?
RALPH: What? Who told him?

Nature called and he missed it?

Great. The most-overprotective-pseudo-boyfriend-in-the-world™ has branched out.
I needed Jimmy there to have her probe (no, not that way) about the message, and for some reason, I couldn't see her cleaning up this mess.

Hey! When did she get knocked up?
Wrong kind of dizzyness.

What did Clark tell Lois about? Or is she just going by the last name? And *that’s* why they’re going to Smallville? Not because of the Environment stuff? Unless that’s the cover to Perry.
A little of both. Mostly the former, but a shiney story is always nice too.

Clark told her that he ended up in foster care after his folks died, which implies that there was no immediate family to take care of him. So, who were these Kents living in his hometown? Why didn't they take him in? Were his parents still alive? Did he have aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, etc., that he never told her about?

“Uh-huh,” he said, and shot her a disappointed expression. She ignored it.

That disappointment would be from reading Clark's phone messages. Not surprise, just disappointment.

Well… Martha’s Clark’s second cousin, by adoption. Hey, it could be!
It could. But it isn't.

Or have an internet connection. Or a computer. I think they recently got electrical power in the townhall. Half the townies scampered off into their hovel when the mayor turned on the light. The rest started chanting and clasping their crucifixes.
Those towns usually are up in the mountains and not in the plains.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Michael: Page 3 FDK response...

Blissfully unaware of the storm of bantha poodoo brewing back home.
Yep. hyper What? That was longer than the 4-part FDK for "Fireworks"? jawdrop

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by scifiJoan:
I like how Clark handled the date situation at the Kerths. Very classy.
Thanks. I'm glad my bait and switch worked. laugh

It seems like things are coming to a head for Clark with Lois discovering the Kents. Can't wait to read about that.
Possibly. evil

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by angelsgmaw:
I think this story installment just tied a knot in the pretty bow you are trying to make.
Thanks, Pat. I try my best.

Lois is being all "Miss I Can Get Answers By Taking Charge Of This Situation" and she is about to blow everything and get Clark killed. I see storm clouds!
Only one dead Clark per story, sorry.

I know you have a plan about this story, and you are aiming at somewhere to end it, but for the life of me, I cannot see where this is going.
Forward, for now.

That either makes a wonderful story, or a frustrating one. I'm still enjoying it even though it frustrates me not to understand where you are taking it. Then again, that sounds like Lois.
Um... yeah, this is one of my longer stories. blush So, no, it's not ending yet, or anytime soon. But I promise you I won't go through all four years of the show. laugh How is that for vague? peep Thanks for sticking with it and me.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Thanks for the multitude of FDK! smile1

Is it just me or should that be "one more time"?
[Linked Image] Wow, in the first line, too. That's bad. Would you believe me if I told you that I think my computer deletes words or parts of words when I copy the file from my draft to my prepping to post copy?

I may have been harsh on Lois after the last two instalments, but it is not all her fault. Clark bears some of the blame. He could have been more patient during the annoucements of the Kerth Awards.
CLARK: Paitient? I told her congratulations and the threw it in my face that it was *her* story.

Well, at least she sees this.
LOIS: I may speak without thinking sometimes, but I'm not BLIND. <<brow furrows>> Cat, why are you laughing?

So how long has it been since the Kerth Awards were announced, or are you just having us guess. If I followed things right, they were announced on a Monday, and maybe this is the following Friday/Saturday? Well, at least in reality sep. 26, 1993 was a Sunday, and the awards were announcement the next day, so that would be a Monday. I went to the trouble of counting back using this month's calendar to make sure that was right. If I understand later on this is Saturday night, so the 2nd of October. Clark could have asked her out for Friday night, maybe, if he thought they won't work too late, so this is a reasonable worry. Especially since even if he wanted to go slow he could have at least asked her out for sometime next weekend by now, at least some guys would do that.
He could have, technically, yes. But with them in the middle of a fight, he thought it best to wait and see if his attempt at a big gesture on Kerth night would be accepted and they could move past the fight. I'm assuming a week or two between announcements and awards.

It is amazing how quick to judge others Lois is, especially considering who this is. It is also slightly odd she does not recognize her faster, but I guess you do not plan to see people who don't quite belong there.
It also explains why Lois doesn't see Clark when she looks at Superman.

Is Jimmy that bad that he would pick up a new lady while on a date?
LOIS: No, I guess not, because it's not a date-date, but still... ALL ATTENTION should be ON ME!

I have to agree this was the best idea Clark has had so far. I should have thought of that, but I didn't.
<Phew> I can still be unpredictable. smile1

I mean let's see

1- Lois is bringing Clark with her to Kansas. It would be worse for him if she went alone.
And not as much fun.

I am wondering if anyone will recognize Clark as Jerome. Well, I suspect Martha and Jonathan will, but will anyone else. Such as Thomas? My bet is no. Same reason that no one recognizes Clark as Superman. People see what they want to see. In the case of people like Jerome, or Charlie King, barman, people do not see them at all a lot of the time.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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CLARK: Paitient? I told her congratulations and the threw it in my face that it was *her* story.
True patience is allowing her to brag about a story without reminding her she had any help. On the other hand, this Clark is not a very patient man. dance However, I actually do like where it did end. Hmm, maybe this is because I just dislike Lex that much, at least when Lois is giving him the time of day.

John Pack Lambert
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