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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here You knew we couldn't come to Smallville without running into Lana, now didn't you? Comments? *** I won't be able to post Part 51 on the regular posting date (Thursday / Friday) due to a RL conflict. I can either post it one day early, or push it back to the next posting spot which will be next Sunday / Monday. My apologies for any confusion this might cause.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/19/14 03:35 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Lois pressed a damp washcloth to Clark’s eyebrow. “Oh, stop being such a baby, Chuck. It’s just a scratch,” she told him. Well, it could be worse. Maybe. Still I think  is what we should have. “A scratch I wouldn’t have if you hadn’t let go of that branch, flinging it in my face,” he retorted. Clark, that is not fair. You wouldn't have the scatch if Martha had not opened the box. That is not Lois' fault. Or maybe if you had been wise and asked Martha to describe what was in the box first. But no, you just had to go and let her open it, without thinking. “I thought you had it,” she lied, hiding a small satisfied smile. “I told you to stay here.” It sounds to me like she intentionally got him scatched. Clark you should be yelling “Stop it, Jerome,” she scolded, using his pathetic undercover name. “You’re only making it worse.” Well, at least she is cooperating with his undercover identity. “Why do you love this town so much, again?” she asked, setting her hand on his. Well, at least now she is asking questions that cut to the core of the issue. He shrugged. “It’s the closest place to a home that I have.” He was 100% truthful. This is more of a home to him than his deminsions Smallville. In part because this Smallville did not reject him. Lois thought about his apartment back in Metropolis, and how it had hardly any personal touches. “Who are the Kents to you? How are you related?” He is making a little progress. “It’s hard to explain,” he murmured, his thumb moving back and forth across the back of her hand. Well, things could be worse. Still, why does he hold back so. I guess I know but still. “Officially, you’re as related to them as I am. I was a foundling, remember. My folks took me in, loved me, and cared for me as if I was their own, but I wasn’t. I don’t have any real relatives of my own,” Clark said quietly. “The only family I have are those who accept me, and love me by choice.” The frustrating thing is that no matter how much Clark tells her truths, they do not add up. “And the Kents didn’t do that? Why?” Lois pressed. They didn't know he existed. Clark: How can I tell her without maligning good people like the Kents. This is so hard.  Clark has lost her. Except I don't believe it. I don't believe it at all. Clark nodded. “And that’s why I can’t tell you everything,” he replied, picking up his valise and exiting the bedroom. I think it is the reverse. Regaining her needs to be built on trusting and telling her. I was hoping that Lois would not let him go there, but I guess she did. I think they both need time to think about what was said, although I really wonder if they will.
John Pack Lambert
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Nice to see the interaction between Clark and Jonathan. I wish Clark would come clean with Lois. He's in danger of pushing things way too far.
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He knew it was more the argument between him and Lois from the night before than the couch or his continued lack of powers that had caused his ill-night’s sleep. Well, maybe he will come around to saying more. At least no one saw him float in his sleep. Whoop-de-dah. I am not even sure that would have been a postive at all. Even Lois seeing him floating could not have made her more angry at him. “Even Lois?” Clark asked in surprise. She is not a prima donna, will not ever help on the farm type like Lana. Clark ran a hand over his jaw, trying not to show how much that little endearment meant to him. “No, thank you, sir,” he replied, clearing his throat, wishing he had the guts to jokingly call him ‘Dad’. “I’m running behind as it is, and it’s not like anyone will be kissing me.” I think there is ways to tell Lois. “Not with me,” Clark told him. He had his ‘Charlie’ pair back at his apartment, but it wasn’t like he could fly back and retrieve them. He really should get another pair of glasses. “Martha and I were wondering if she knew and was a darn good actress or…” Jonathan said, his voice fading with the other unspoken option. He opened a drawer with miscellaneous items in it. She would not be playing the role of estranged wife. She also would not have been so calm when Clark was hurt. She would have gone totally and completely balistic on Martha if she knew the truth. “I doubt I’d be on the couch if she knew,”  However not exactly why Clark says that. He needs to see that Lois would love him for him, not for his abilities. Clark grumbled as another tendril of jealousy for his missing alter-ego rose. It had reared its ugly head again yesterday at her sigh from the Tahiti article. She still preferred the Man of Steel, not cut, scraped, and mosquito-bitten Clark Kent. If Clark would tell her the truth, she would love him cuts and all. “Don’t you think that’s something your wife should be appraised of, son, especially in light of the recent developments? If you can’t be honest with the woman you love…” Clark needs to hear this. Hopefully he will act on it. “It’s more for her protection that I haven’t told her. If it ever got out about me, the people after me would come after her.” This does not make sense. I never understood this theory at all. She would be the best protector ever. I never understand this theory. “All the more reason she should know,” Jonathan rebutted. Well, it does make sense. If she knew that CK=SM, than she would believe all sorts of things, like that he had a reason to mistrust Luthor. “I appreciate the advice, all the same, Jonathan. With Lois, I could use all the help I can get,” At least he knows he needs help. This is a good first step. “Yeah, sorry, Jimmy,” Lois replied vaguely. Her mind was still on the conversation she had just overheard in the kitchen. I was hoping she had heard all the conversation, especially the in bed if she knew part. Lois had only caught the tail end of Clark and Jonathan’s conversation. Something about how Clark wasn’t telling her about some guys who were after him. Well, at least she knows that much. Not enough to really help, but still. It would also explain Wayne Irig’s strange abduction by EPA agents. I guess Bureau 39 is big enough they did not recognize any operative at the farm. Superman! Of course. Why hadn’t she thought of this earlier? She’d ask Superman about Clark’s past. Surely he wouldn’t have chosen Clark at random to be the man to protect the woman that he loved, right? Okay, as soon as they were back in Metropolis, she’d talk to Superman about Clark. How is Clark going to get out of that one? How, of how? I am hoping she goes through with it. “So, get a move on, Norm,” Oh, another nickname. Fun. “Uh, Lois? What are we doing here?” Clark asked, almost as if he was on edge. Good. Well, he can't hide forever. She stared at a brown dress with small pink and white flowers. She could just picture putting on such a dress, and hanging out with Clark. If they could just forget all this lying business, they could eat some hot dogs, and maybe a caramel apple, do some country line dancing, and perhaps Clark could even win her a stuffed bear by ringing the bell with the strong man hammer. She remembers. Clark threw his hands up in aggravation. “I swear, Lois, nobody can hold a grudge like you.” It is a pretty big lie. I do not really see this as holding a grudege at all. He has not in any way resolved the issue. She turned back to see him a few paces further along, staring at a pretty, blonde woman. I knew this was Lana from the first time I saw that line. Or at least was 90% sure. “No,” he replied curtly, turning away. “She reminds me of someone I used to know.” Totally true. “Have you ever felt the world would be a better place if only you hadn’t been born?” he asked.
Lois couldn’t believe him. “You lied to me, Jer…” she growled. It took me a bit to realize that Lois had misunderstood his line. I totally understood he meant himself. “No, Lois,” he interrupted gently. “The world would be better without me.” Um, Clark get out of your pity party. “Don’t be ridiculous, Smallville. You’ve stopped me from killing Ralph twice this month alone, And this is a good thing, how? not to mention you’re the reason Jimmy and I survived Dr. Baines’s death trap at the Messenger hanger. I may be angry at you, but I’m glad you were born.” I am a bit surprised she dod not mention how he had helped her when she was shot. His sorrowful gaze turned to the loving one she was used to seeing there.
As he leaned in to kiss her, she stepped away, pointing at him. “Still mad, here, Chuck.” Oh, I was so hoping. The blonde woman shook her head. “No, the Kents never had any kids, and they’re the only Kents I know.” Well, she muight not have known everyone in town before she turned 10. Walt was Wayne Irig’s oldest son. He died on prom night. According to Sheriff Max Harris, it happened right after he raped the sheriff’s twin sister Rachel Harris. Now they know why the Kents did not call the sherrif. I am wondering how Clark will react to news that Rachel is dead.
John Pack Lambert
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Clark reached up and scratched his neck, and not for the first time. She slapped his hand away. “Stop it, Jerome,” she scolded, using his pathetic undercover name. “You’re only making it worse.”
“I can’t help it. They itch,” he said, his tired voice to the point of whining. *holds laughter in until she's red in the face* “Of course they itch, they’re mosquito bites. 
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Well I still can't for the life of me figure out how you are going to fix this but I will be hanging around to see. Laura
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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John: Wow! This FDK is almost as long as this part. Thanks for the feedback! Well, it could be worse. Maybe. Still I think <sad> is what we should have. Yep, they could have been shot and/or captured by the people over at the Irig farm. This is not the worst case scenario. Clark, that is not fair. You wouldn't have the scatch if Martha had not opened the box. That is not Lois' fault. Or maybe if you had been wise and asked Martha to describe what was in the box first. But no, you just had to go and let her open it, without thinking. Hindsight is always 20/20. Anyway, if it had been Thomas who got hit in the face with the branch (let's say by accident), you wouldn't be faulting him, now would you? It sounds to me like she intentionally got him scatched. Clark you should be yelling You don't go on many hikes do you? Getting slapped in the face with a branch is a right of passage.  True, she probably let go of it to ease some of her annoyance at Clark, but it isn't as if she put his eye out. (Good thing he was wearing glasses.) Well, at least she is cooperating with his undercover identity. She kinda hoping it will blow up in his face, but yeah she's going along for the ride to see where they're headed. OK, we are desperate to not be overwhelemed with the negative. No, sorry, this will not be sweet and fluffy canon GGGoH. Is this sarcasim? Much more difficult than a paper cut. Things are just way worse for this Clark than in canon. Yep, alt-Clark has different foes in Smallville to content with. Canon Clark had the menu, alt-Clark has mosquitoes. See, he is giving Lois more information a chunk at a time. CLARK: I always TRY to be honest, and only lie when the truth would give too much away. Clark: How am I going to tell her it is a different Smallville. Why didn't I get back sooner from Paris, so I could take that call. Yes, pretty much. Of course, wouldn't dealing with Trask on his own be worse than having back up? Well, things are looking a little better for Clark, but not really. I promise that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Well, he did actually tell you Lois, just in a way you did not really believe it.
Lois: If he tells me not seriously than he might as well have not told me at all. CLARK: But... but... you wanted the TRUTH! Well, at least now she is asking questions that cut to the core of the issue. LOIS: I have had some training in the art of the interview. He was 100% truthful. This is more of a home to him than his deminsions Smallville. In part because this Smallville did not reject him. Yes, but his Smallville did accept him back later on (when he was 16). Well, things could be worse. Still, why does he hold back so. I guess I know but still. CLARK: Well, I could tell her that I'm a stranger from another planet as well as from another dimension, but I hear Dr. Carlin's Home for the Mentally Unbalanced is still in the permit stages. The frustrating thing is that no matter how much Clark tells her truths, they do not add up. Does he get points for trying? They didn't know he existed. Yep. Clark: How can I tell her without maligning good people like the Kents. This is so hard. So, he doesn't answer at all. Well, he has started with the truth. Still, he needs to trust her. I guess I know why it is so hard, she is not the trusting, loving, Lois he first met. Yes, well, the Trusting, loving Lois who made him Superman had 2.5 years with her Clark adapting from Mad Dog into the woman she was. The point would be if he tells the truth he does not have to build a set of lies. He IS telling her the truth, just not the full truth. It's this full truth he doesn't believe she'll accept. CLARK: Also, I'm vulnerable now, so she might actually be able to remove my spleen with her bare hand. To me the question is, does he say this because she would not believe he is Superman as he sits there in his current conditions, or because she would not believe the trans-dimensional thing. At the moment, he doesn't think she'd believe either. To believe the second she needs to accept the first (otherwise she'd just think he was crazy, because he has no proof of it). How would she believe he's Superman with all his injuries? "Uh... Lois, really, I'm Superman, but there's this rock that can take away my abilities and... Lois?" Why *would* she believe him? And the only real way to get her to believe him would be to show her the Kryptonite and re-expose himself to it, and he doesn't really want to do that. Yes, he is still suffering from Lana. It's interesting that everyone thought this line refers to Lana. Clark's been in foster care since he was 10. He froze fish tanks, and set furnature on fire, he damaged stuff with his strength before he was able to get control of these abilities. Most everyone he knew while he was in foster homes, from foster parents, to teachers, to counselors have given him a disappointed expression at least once. He'd give a good first impression, because at heart he was really a good kid, but then something would happen and there would be the look. If she only knew, if she only knew.  Wow! I earned a point? Now she is allowing him to speak the truth. It's easier not to be defensive if one doesn't feel like one is being attacked. Yes, why didn't he do this. I believe he explained his reasoning quite well. Of course she didn't tell him this much at the rental lot. Nope, she was in attack and keep her prey unbalanced mode. Well, it is a bit more than just "every once in a while". CLARK: That's the great thing about vague statements like that. They can mean almost anything. The leap is figurative. The power and strength are figurative. Until she sees Clark's devotion to her, she will not be ready for him to tell her. Well, at least that is one way to view things. I am not 100% sure that I buy it, but maybe.  Very well put! Clark has lost her. Except I don't believe it. I don't believe it at all. There was a "maybe" in that conditional statement. I think it is the reverse. Regaining her needs to be built on trusting and telling her. I was hoping that Lois would not let him go there, but I guess she did. I think they both need time to think about what was said, although I really wonder if they will. It's been a long day for both of them. Yep, time and space can heal a lot.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: FDK - Part 2 - Well, maybe he will come around to saying more. Possibly. I believe he's in "avoid the topic" mode. I am not even sure that would have been a postive at all. Even Lois seeing him floating could not have made her more angry at him. While knowing that CK=SM will solve the why he lied problem, it doesn't solve the way he treated her bouncing her between CK and SM problem or the fact that he KEPT ON lying to her, instead of telling her the truth. She'd still be angry, but it would be a different kind of anger. She is not a prima donna, will not ever help on the farm type like Lana. Neither woman is a prima donna, per se, but I'd say that Lana HAS more experience with farms and animals than Lois has had. I think there is ways to tell Lois. CLARK: See, Lois, I don't know how to use a razor, so I MUST be Superman on green rocks. LOIS: :rolleyes: CLARK: Nah, I don't think she'd buy it. He really should get another pair of glasses. He will. He never had this problem in alt-dimension, because if he didn't wear his glasses it wasn't like he was revealing another side of himself (pre-coming out at Superman, post- Tempus outed him). She would not be playing the role of estranged wife. She also would not have been so calm when Clark was hurt. She would have gone totally and completely balistic on Martha if she knew the truth. Maybe, maybe not. She did accuse Martha "What did you do to him?" but Clark reassured her that he was fine. However not exactly why Clark says that. He needs to see that Lois would love him for him, not for his abilities. Joke. If Clark would tell her the truth, she would love him cuts and all. Maybe. Maybe not. Superman did break her heart after all. Clark needs to hear this. Hopefully he will act on it. He needs to hear it, but he doesn't know how to act on it. This does not make sense. I never understood this theory at all. She would be the best protector ever. I never understand this theory. Yep, another one of Clark's flawed reasonings. Well, it does make sense. If she knew that CK=SM, than she would believe all sorts of things, like that he had a reason to mistrust Luthor. Even canon Clark did not see these truths. At least he knows he needs help. This is a good first step. Clark isn't so blind to know when he's waist deep in manure. I was hoping she had heard all the conversation, especially the in bed if she knew part. Nope. Conviently only part of the conversation. You'd think these people would learn not to trust eavesdropped conversations by now. I guess Bureau 39 is big enough they did not recognize any operative at the farm. At this point, she's not thinking B39. That was just a wild leap of logic, when she mentioned it the day before (or possibly a bit of memory recall). How is Clark going to get out of that one? How, of how? I am hoping she goes through with it. Oh, another nickname. Fun. I thought it was funny. Don't worry, this one won't stick. Well, he can't hide forever. CLARK: I can try. It is a pretty big lie. I do not really see this as holding a grudege at all. He has not in any way resolved the issue. True. Basically, he's saying "yes, I lied. You don't have to keep throwing it in my face." I knew this was Lana from the first time I saw that line. Or at least was 90% sure. LANA: Thank you. I consider myself more than pretty, but I'll accept that. It took me a bit to realize that Lois had misunderstood his line. I totally understood he meant himself. Lois doesn't know what this Clark has gone through, and has NEVER felt this way (well, since she got off on her own away from her folks.) Um, Clark get out of your pity party. He explains his motivation later. And this is a good thing, how? HENDERSON: Murder in the first degree charges mean jail time. Even if it's justifiable. I am a bit surprised she dod not mention how he had helped her when she was shot. Thank you. I knew there was some other thing I was missing. It's good to keep hope alive. Well, she muight not have known everyone in town before she turned 10. It's not that big of a town, but you're right. Now they know why the Kents did not call the sherrif. I am wondering how Clark will react to news that Rachel is dead. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e020.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by scifiJoan: Nice to see the interaction between Clark and Jonathan.  Thank you. I wish Clark would come clean with Lois. He's in danger of pushing things way too far. Yep, he's in danger of swallowing that whole leg of his. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Christina: Thank you for such indepth FDK! *holds laughter in until she's red in the face* Oh, dear. Clark: (sardonically) Thanks, Christina. Thanks a lot.
Me: I'm sorry, Clark. I can't help it if I find it a bit ironic. *thinks about what she just wrote* And don't think of Tempus!! I see you and I have the same sense of humor.  I felt he needed a different trial than that of the papercut. Probably true? Or is he that much better of a liar than Canon Clark? Martha said in GGGoH that her son had never been sick. I'm assuming the aura / invulnerablity worked from an early age. I never believed the line that Clark only became invulnerable in teenagehood with his other abilities. Yes, it's difficult to think someone in journalism has never gotten a papercut until so late in life. Lois, you probably do need to tip your hand here if you want him to come clean. Then again, if he's been lieing to you since the beginning I'd wonder about that as well. You think she should lie and tell him that she loves him to hear the truth? Clark (who's somehow on a truth serum): They are identical in nearly every way to the people who found me. LOIS: But you said your parents died? So no actual foster parents? I mean I know there's not in this universe but in the other too? Foster parent, not second adoptive parents. They may have taken him into their homes, and helped raise him, but that does not make them family. Then again, the fact that biologically he's the last of his kind does mean that the "adopted" family's the only thing he has to work with. True. A lie by omission. In this case probably the most non-obvious lie. Any other falsehood would immediately be called out. He doesn't want to speak badly of the Kents. He doesn't want to lie. So he remains quiet. As the truth is unbelievable. The question I have for you Clark is, is her skin more or less soft to you now you don't have them? CLARK: Different. Her skin feels the same, how he feels it (perceives it) is different. Clark: The truth is that I am from a different universe from your own and these Kents never had the opportunity to take me in because the Kents I knew died when I was ten years old. Everything else is also true but it all happened in a different world.
Lois: Clark, quit joking! See. Unbelieveable. He did lose something vital to him. He'd finally fully accepted who he was and what he could do. Unlike Canon-Clark who had just been able to start being who he was born to be and then have it "fade away" (not the best phrase but I couldn't think of another beside "taken away" and that didn't look right either) so that he was just like anyone else. He could feel "relaxed" for the first time. The first time alt-Clark lost his powers he probably felt extremely vulnerable and powerLESS for the first time in his life. Different first experiences different reactions. This is his Second time, but yes, pretty much. As I mentioned to John above. The disappointed expressions predate Lana. So, no. He was tossed from household to household from 10 to 18. During that time he lost control of his abilities from time to time. And every time he thought he was making inroads with trust with a family, something would happen, and he'd get "the look". After a time, he just stopped trying and just tried to fade into the background. If they didn't notice him, they were less likely to be disappointed in him. Sadly this is one of those cases where it's a legitimate concern that Clark isn't doing what he "should" do. And I recognize that what he "should" do is fairly subjective. He's kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment. The truth is the last thing that would sound believable at the moment. One problem. Lois is all about the evidence when possible. When you don't have a physical paper trail of history it limits how much she can trust you. And trust really IS needed for a true, complete love. Pretty much. Not in this case. In this case he's feeling jealous of a man who had never had the opportunity to live and grow up to be the man she loves. Yes, but she doesn't know that. Anyway, who do you think "Superman" represents for her? Her one "true love" whom she'll never be able to be with?  Well, his go-to nickname "honey" has already been veto'd by Lois (because it's what ghost Clark called her). And while she wouldn't accept as sarcastic one I'm sure Clark would be willing to admit it was more than just sarcastic. True. Actually "sweet thing" is a hold-over from the Metro Club. Ah that deja vu again. Somehow I get the feeling that if things had gone "according to script" they might be a lot further along. If only Clark had gotten the phone message. The thing is this Clark is a different one and thus his "connection" is no longer Smallville but another world altogether. The only thing really holding him here is Lois, and she can't see that. I thought you might. Hit over the head with a 2 by 4 is more like it. And Lois would know (well, feel in her gut anyway) that this wouldn't actually be true. If only she could get past her historical past (as opposed to her cosmological past.) She doesn't agree with him. I don't know why but the conversation about Tommy Irig and Walt Irig with Hank and Lana doesn't ring true to me. Wouldn't they know what Tommy looks like these days? The only reason they might not is because they no longer live in Smallville (you don't say where they live so I can't tell on that count.) After Walt and Rachel died the Irigs were persicuted (ostrocized), so Thomas didn't spend much time in town. He moved to Wichita upon graduation and only returned to Smallville a year before, staying out of town as much as possible. Hank and Lana also no longer live in town and haven't really seen Thomas since he was in high school. They remembered that he was tall and dark (like Clark), plus he's a distance and has his back to them. Oh dear. are these guys going to think he's WALT??? Uh... no. Walt's dead. Plus, Walt was short and stocky with red hair, like his mother (Barbara Irig). I ran out of quote blocks! I usually bring up 25 or so to work with and I blew through them! You really got me thinking here.  Thank you.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by Laurach: Well I still can't for the life of me figure out how you are going to fix this but I will be hanging around to see. Laura Glad you're still here for the ride, Laura. Per the fixing it, let's just say the road will get rockier before it smooths out for a while. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Anyway, if it had been Thomas who got hit in the face with the branch (let's say by accident), you wouldn't be faulting him, now would you? Lois:Thomas has never claimed to love me. Clark has, therefore he should be more tolerant of me and my actions, and forgive me more. She kinda hoping it will blow up in his face, but yeah she's going along for the ride to see where they're headed. I think it already blew up in his face, but maybe I am just being too pesimistic. No, sorry, this will not be sweet and fluffy canon GGGoH.  we are. Hmm, I am just hoping there is some redemption somewhere. Maybe I shouln't be though. This is called "wrong Clark". Hmm, maybe I should just give up all hope. However I can't. I am still hoping we will somehow get Clarkie bear out of it. I am not giving up on the hope for Clarkie bear yet.
John Pack Lambert
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Yep, alt-Clark has different foes in Smallville to content with. Canon Clark had the menu, alt-Clark has mosquitoes. Mosquitoes and branches. Yes, pretty much. Of course, wouldn't dealing with Trask on his own be worse than having back up? Clark:Trask, what Trask. We have not yet met Trask. Reader:Trust us Clark, you will. Clark:Humm, well Martha and Jonathan could have helped me, why do I need Lois. Reader:Lois is your partner and friend. She can't let you die, then she would never know your secret. Clark:OK, so maybe, eventually, I will be glad that Lois came. Not yet though. So far, she has not been a vital help. Yes, she helped them bring me back into the house after Kryptonite exposure, but she made me sleep on the couch while ill. OK, I was not really thinking of getting sex out of claiming she was my wife, well, I wasn;t thinking that far ahead. Lois:Yeah, right, Jerome. Clark:Married couples don't have sex every night. Lois:Try, not ever unless you stop lieing to me. Clark:I was not born in Kansas. Lois:Where were you born than. Clark:I stopped lieing to you, that was the requirement. Lois:No that was the minimum, you have to tell me the full truth. Clark:Now you make it much harder. I promise that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Oh, so Trask won't manage to kill him? Or Lois will kiss him somewhere in Smallville? Wait, in canon they didn't kiss in Smallville. We will accept Lois hugging Clark before they return to Metropolis, but will not hold our breaths for even that much. CLARK: But... but... you wanted the TRUTH! Lois:All the turth. No more avoid or obscuring names or anything like that. LOIS: I have had some training in the art of the interview. Clark:Could have fooled me with some of you impossible questions so far. Lois:I give you the glare of death. He was 100% truthful. This is more of a home to him than his deminsions Smallville. In part because this Smallville did not reject him. Yes, but his Smallville did accept him back later on (when he was 16). Well, he has started with the truth. Still, he needs to trust her. I guess I know why it is so hard, she is not the trusting, loving, Lois he first met. Yes, well, the Trusting, loving Lois who made him Superman had 2.5 years with her Clark adapting from Mad Dog into the woman she was. Plus, she had worked througgh the anger of learning Clark had been lieing to her about his Super side twice, and she had just remembered saving him as an infant before meeting him again. She also had an almost wedding and his death to shock her into seeing she really did love Clark, and Linda and Mayson working to steal him from her, and her expeirence as Ultra Women and saving blind Superman, and chosing him over Dan, and lots of other things. The point would be if he tells the truth he does not have to build a set of lies. He IS telling her the truth, just not the full truth. It's this full truth he doesn't believe she'll accept. CLARK: Also, I'm vulnerable now, so she might actually be able to remove my spleen with her bare hand. At least if she slapped him and said "don't pretend that didn't hurt, Superman" he could say "it really did hurt". I think at some level if he could get her to believe he was Superman right now, which I am sure he could, she would be most accpeting while he is vulnerable. Why do I say he could convince her he is Superman? Because he could tell her about things they did together in a feeling way that only Superman could do. Come to think of it, I think he could tell her he is Superman and that he only recently came to earth from a different planet. He maybe should hold off on explaining that it was a parelel earth and not Krypton he left most recently. Well, just tell her, he stopped somewhere else for a while after leaving Krypton. Avoid explaining the parellel earth for a bit more. Hmm, it would less the shock at least.
John Pack Lambert
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Yes, he is still suffering from Lana. It's interesting that everyone thought this line refers to Lana. Clark's been in foster care since he was 10. He froze fish tanks, and set furnature on fire, he damaged stuff with his strength before he was able to get control of these abilities. Most everyone he knew while he was in foster homes, from foster parents, to teachers, to counselors have given him a disappointed expression at least once. He'd give a good first impression, because at heart he was really a good kid, but then something would happen and there would be the look. I still stand by suffering from Lana. She is the one who constantly told him he had to hide, had to try to pretend to fit in. Maybe others hurt him as well, but Lana hurt him for much longer and rammed it into him much deeper.
John Pack Lambert
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hi Virginia, Finally, time to catch up! “Of course they itch, they’re mosquito bites. Poor Clark! A bleeding brow AND mosquito bites! I'm with you, Clark, I hate mosquito bites! LOIS: CLARK: “When my folks died, I was shipped off to Wichita, because no one in Smallville would take me in.” His voice sounded soft and low as if this memory of rejection still stung.
Lois sat down on the bed next to him, and placed the bandage over his still bleeding brow. “Even the Kents?” CLARK: Well, the Kents ARE my parents, but they died , you know, in another dimension and.... LOIS: CAT: No, Lois, he's not crazy. “Who are the Kents to you? How are you related?”
“It’s hard to explain,” CAT: Yes, it is! But tell her the truth, Clark. Anyway, you're an horrible liar. Why would the mob be in Smallville? Because Jonathan is a new Al Capone? No, just kidding. She’d ask Superman about Clark’s past. CLARK: Lois grinned. “I guess you’re sweeter.” CAT: Well, for once, you're right, Lois. She turned back to see him a few paces further along, staring at a pretty, blonde woman. Please, not Lana! “Nah. Last time I saw Tommy Irig he was still a twig and taller, I think, Lana. IT IS Lana. Now, you didn't expect us to come all the way to Smallville without having Clark run into Lana, did you? Well... 
Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile ! (Edmond Rostand)
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So is it possible for this Martha and Jonathan to rmember Lois and Clark visiting them. From reading "Another Lois" I am thinking yes, but I am not sure.
Even if it is, it makes 100% sense why they would not. You don't expect to see people looking the same as they did back in the mid-1960s in the mid-1990s, especially when based on their current age they just might have been infants by then.
I was also wondering if people would remember the odd couple renting a car, and if there might be some sort of record of it that Lois might find. However, even if Lois did find a record of Clark Kent renting a car in 1966 she would never think it connected with this Clark Kent.
John Pack Lambert
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John: Thanks for the indepth FDK. Lois:Thomas has never claimed to love me. Clark has, therefore he should be more tolerant of me and my actions, and forgive me more. Oh, so he should be a pushover like he was with Lana?  I cannot comment on when, where, or how the revelation will come about due to the rules of spoilage. I still stand by suffering from Lana. She is the one who constantly told him he had to hide, had to try to pretend to fit in.
Maybe others hurt him as well, but Lana hurt him for much longer and rammed it into him much deeper. Okay, Lana DID give Clark the “disappointed expression” but he was already well familiar with it before they started dating.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Sydney: Hi! Finally, time to catch up! Always good to hear from my readers. Poor Clark! A bleeding brow AND mosquito bites! I'm with you, Clark, I hate mosquito bites! Yep, I do love to torture my characters. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by John Lambert: So is it possible for this Martha and Jonathan to remember Lois and Clark visiting them. From reading "Another Lois" I am thinking yes, but I am not sure. But that was *after* she reminded them of her and Clark's visit. Even if it is, it makes 100% sense why they would not. You don't expect to see people looking the same as they did back in the mid-1960s in the mid-1990s, especially when based on their current age they just might have been infants by then. Exactly. Unless you know to compare them, people wouldn't automatically assume this is the same people, especially since they haven't aged in almost 30 years. Unless, of course, they were looking at Dick Clark or Ralph Machicho (1st Karate Kid). I was also wondering if people would remember the odd couple renting a car, and if there might be some sort of record of it that Lois might find. However, even if Lois did find a record of Clark Kent renting a car in 1966 she would never think it connected with this Clark Kent. Lois would have to remember herself that she had been in this universe back in 1966, which she doesn't. I'm guessing the rental car guy is probably dead by now, so no chance of him remembering. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Lois pressed a damp washcloth to Clark’s eyebrow. “Oh, stop being such a baby, Chuck. It’s just a scratch,” she told him. But water *stings* on open wounds. Especially small scratches. “I thought you had it,” she lied, hiding a small satisfied smile. Lois! The tents, and mounds of dirt moved by the bulldozers, now surrounded the Irig house, making it impossible to sneak inside the same way Thomas had gone the day before. Sounds like a Roman encampment. Clark reached up and scratched his neck, and not for the first time. She slapped his hand away. He fell into some bushes? “Of course they itch, they’re mosquito bites. “Frankly, Lois, I doubt you’d believe the truth right now, so what would be the point?” Oh my. He could still dress as Superman. Carry her like Superman. Until he stumbles and she falls. Make love to her like Superman – superquick and only once. It was like he had lost something vital and he no longer knew how to act. Duh! His wife kicked him out. “I thought you were different,” she said. No, he’s just a regular guy. Lying. Cheating. And Cat’s the only woman he won’t touch. But that’s more because of a personal challenge. “You’re disappointed in me, I can see that. It’s okay, Lois, I understand. Trust me, that’s a look I know, and I know it well.” He foster parents “I’m never going to be the man that you want with all of your heart. I knew that coming in, that this man…” Right Clark. He tapped himself on the chest. “— isn’t who you want, but this is the person you’re stuck with. Wrong Clark. I hoped that I could be enough for you as you were more than enough for me.” Translation: My true love’s dead so I’ll settle for you. Who was he comparing himself to? Superman? Because that was a losing battle, always would be. Lois! She’s a bit of a Lana, isn’t she? “Do what? Tell me the truth? Or lie to me some more?” Good questions. “Fine,” she spat out. “Just tell me one thing: who are you?” A mirror image. Clark said, and then sighed at her skeptical expression. “But that’s not what you want to hear, is it?” Isn’t that Cat’s signature endearment? That man, who I thought you were, he isn’t here. He wouldn’t have lied to my face.” Eeeeeeeeehhh… Secondly, you’re going have to face the fact that there’s stuff about me that you will probably never know. He’s really making a case for himself, isn’t he? “And, thirdly, I’m about to pass out on my feet. So, unless you’re offering me a place to sleep…” Her eyes narrowed. “You’re not leaving here until you give me some answers.”
“Thanks, Lois,” he said, He cradled a pillow so that he hugged it to his chest and closed his eyes.
“Clark!” Lois crossed her arms. “Get up!” Looks like you were right about her not appreciating a squatter. Plus, she didn’t want him to panic again. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/e045.gif) Don’t worry. He isn’t able to run very fast right now. “Yes, of course, maybe someday…”
“Maybe?” Clark raised his gaze from the floor to her eyes. “Because I’m afraid that if I tell you everything without your love, I’ll lose you forever.” Oh boy. Only Clark wasn’t Superman. He couldn’t whisk them off to safety after such a leap of trust. Oh boy. “Maybe you already have.” Oh dear. Clark nodded. “And that’s why I can’t tell you everything,” he replied, picking up his valise and exiting the bedroom. Oh my. He sat up and rubbed his face, trying to find something positive about his current condition. At least no one saw him float in his sleep. Whoop-de-dah. I’ve never seen anyone kiss a fax machine before.” Jonathan chuckled. That’s nothing. You she have seen what she’d do to a computer “I gave her the ‘everyone helps’ speech yesterday, so she volunteered to feed the chickens, but knowing Martha, she’ll probably have Lois gathering eggs, too.” LOIS: Ewww. Do you have any idea were those come from?