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#90252 10/10/12 08:09 PM
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Okay, now you know. Let the Lana bashing begin. I tried to make her sympathetic, but I'll understand if you have no sympathy for her. evil

I posted this part a day early because I'll be away from my main computer for the next several days. I'll try to check and respond to FDK before I return (on the laptop), but no guarantees.

I'll try to have Part 52 be up on time late Sun/ Early Mon, but I'm thinking it might be later on Monday. Anyway, Part 51 is long enough to be a part and a half (24 double spaced pages shock ).

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/19/14 02:31 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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It makes me sad that Clark tolerated such a relationship but I tend to forget that the death of his parents makes him more vulnerable. It sounds like a traumatic experience (with Wayne?) made Lana so afraid. Love the 70s/80s fashion references - you got those right on!

I'm sure hoping that Alt-Clark will learn just how important he is Lois.


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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Clark was frustrated beyond belief at the slow progress they were making, and he was sure it was because of his current lack of powers. Was he a worthless investigator without them?
Yeouch, questioning his own worth as a reporter. whinging

On the other had, it's quite possible he might have just relied on them a little more strongly than in the past. The best way to get past that is to work at being what you are worrying about all the more.

As his gaze lifted to the people in front of them he saw, standing not fifteen feet away, the unmistakable form of Lana Lang. Her blonde hair was swept back off her face, and she was doing something he hadn’t seen Lana do in years. She was laughing with joy. In her arms, she held a baby. Not only that, she held it tenderly, as if she loved the child with all of her heart.
Lana, his Lana had probably found the right person for her in the end after moving on from Clark.

Lana hated children. She hadn’t babysat in high school. Clark had lost count on the number of times Lana had told him that she hated the yelling, the crying, nagging, whining, and the smelly diapers. She hadn’t wanted to be around other people’s children, and most certainly hadn’t wanted any of her own.
It's very possible she had resigned herself to never having children considering his unique differences.

It was one of the reasons that she had given Clark for why she wanted to marry him, because being – whatever it was that he was – he couldn’t possibly be able to father children with her. She had liked that about him.
Double yeouch. That had to hit Clark in the gut pretty hard. I know he wanted a family even if he couldn't father one. That she accepted in part because she wouldn't have to deal with children had to have been a bit of a rattler for him.

Luckily, they had been the only two people in the office at the time. Lucky, because the engagement wasn’t announced for another three years due to their disastrous first time that night, and the whole “floating incident”
Remind me again, did he tell her before they slept together?

Whoah, so Lana was one of the people Walt had raped or attempted to rape(at least in his world)? I'm guessing Lana decided that a personal protector was what she wanted in life. It's sad that she felt like she needed to KEEP him her (singularly) personal hero.

Whenever another guy asked her to dance, she’d point over her shoulder with her thumb to where Clark was standing against the wall, observing, and advise the man, “I’ve got a boyfriend, and he doesn’t like it when other guys touch me; so buzz off.”
I'm guessing the Walt thing did a bigger number on her than Clark ever realized. Clark doesn't sound like he was ever jealous of the other people out there that she could dance with. I'm guessing she's just using him as an excuse at that point.

“I’d rather have a kiss,” he replied after she turned away. He had liked his ties.

She had stiffened and glanced over her shoulder at him. “Don’t press your luck, Clark.”

“It wouldn’t be good to have our first kiss under the mistletoe with your whole family watching, now would it?” he said, feeling more confident than he ever had in her presence. “Especially if we’ve been going steady for a while now.”
Sounds like he's starting to toe that line she seems to have laid out there for NO ONE (not even Clark) to pass. I'm also guessing she's willing to (for her "guardian angel") carefully slide the line back just a little bit.

“How about this?” he suggested, leaning against the doorway. “Next Friday night, I take you out to dinner on a real date. I’ll tell you about my hopes and dreams, and you’ll tell me about yours. We get to know each other, and if you’re still interested, you kiss me at the end of the evening, and we go from there.”
And finally trying to actually DATE her and not simply be a chauffeur.

He had kissed her after the second date. It was a soft kiss and lasted longer than the one she had given him after their first date.
Showing much more affection in his kiss than the one from Lana.

His fascination with Lana though, had been completely different than his attraction to Lois. In hindsight, during months of aloneness after he first became Superman, Clark realized he had considered Lana beautiful, and therefore thought that he was in love. He felt an instantaneous connection and bond with Lois, and consequently thought only of her. Naturally, he always thought Lois was alluring, even in baggy sweats and no makeup.
Lois is a kindred spirit in the sense of what she believes in and does and that makes her attractive in a way that Lana never would be able to attain.

There was nothing really in his hometown to draw him back, but he didn’t know where else to go and Lana’s father had offered her a job at his bank.
Ah, so she's the banker's daughter. That actually makes a lot more sense on the financial questioning. I do think that telling Clark he wouldn't amount to much is rather cynical though, even with the fact he couldn't seem to hold a foster family. Not much hope for humankind in general and it seems like it might have carried over to Lana.

“It’s cold outside, baby. Stay,” he whispered, coming to her side. He kissed her lips gently. “Stay.” He kissed her again.

“I thought you didn’t want a physical relationship,” she had murmured, leaning against his chest. She had sounded tempted.
Lana: I like his kisses a lot and he's so kind and understanding with me. Maybe...

She grabbed onto the wrought iron railing, and turned to wave at him, but her high heeled boots slipped on the icy steps and she fell backwards over the railing, disappearing into the dark.

Working on autopilot, Clark caught her before she hit the ground. “Lana, are you all right?”

“You were there, and then you were here,” she sputtered in disbelief, her heart racing. She pointed at him and then back up at his open door.
I'm guessing he should have waited a day and then told her letting her have time acclimate to the "how did he do that?"-edness of his abilities. Both Canon and Alt-Clark were past that when he told Lois (or when Alt-Clark tells Lois in this case.)

“I know, but I’m not limited by that.” He zipped up the stairs with her in his arms, and set her down on the sofa. “I’ll be right back.”

Less than five minutes later, he returned with a bottle of bourbon. She hadn’t moved. At his entrance, she gasped and pointed at him. “When did you put on your shoes and jacket?”
*facepalm* I know you're about to tell her but doing too much of that at one time it going to scare her.

She took another sip, and then another, before swallowing. “You’re really an angel then, aren’t you?” she asked, looking at him hopefully.
Of course are angels (stereotypically) asexual and not interested in physical intimacy?

He told her about having to hide each new development and ability from his foster parents, and about the one family who had thought he was the devil incarnate because of his heat vision.
Ouch, I'm guessing they attempted some sort of prayer/exorcism for him or something like that. Poor Clark. whinging whinging *to Clark*

c'mere. sloppy

Clark: thanks but -no offense, Christina- but I would rather have that kiss from Lois.

Lois: Not yet bud.

He had wanted children and a family so desperately. A family of his own would make him feel like he belonged somewhere, like he had roots. He had known early on that Lana hadn’t wanted children. She repeated this fact often enough, it was almost a mantra. Now, he was beginning to wonder if it was just his children she hadn’t wanted to have.
Yep, I figured this would be universal.

I love Gunne Sax dresses. I have two of them in my personal costume collection (neither of them fit anymore sadly) and they're both of the square low-cut variety with poofy sleeves (one of them looks almost identical to the blue dress that Giselle wears in "Enchanted" except it's denim.)

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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We always like long parts. You never have to apologize for them. smile

John Pack Lambert
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Clark was frustrated beyond belief at the slow progress they were making, and he was sure it was because of his current lack of powers. Was he a worthless investigator without them?
I don;t think he is. He is being too hard on himself. Poor, poor, Clark. dance

John Pack Lambert
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She had still never recovered her bounce that she had once had, but the mood from that night reminded him of the darkness she had developed after prom.
So she had recoved somewhat, but not all the way.

She never said a word about what might have happened while he was out of town the previous weekend with the team, and, frankly, he hadn’t trusted himself with the information. Had some guy done something to Lana back then, he doubted he could have controlled his anger as well as he could these days.
Because he was so calm and serene after Luthor shot Lois? whinging Lois at least will give Clark the time of day when things are good. Lana seems only to really do that when she is down and out.

John Pack Lambert
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At the end of the night, when everyone else had stumbled off to their beds, Lana had looked him square in the eyes and said, “You’re not like other guys, are you, Clark?”
This is true at hundreds of levels. Only some of them have anything to do with him being from another planet, and being Super.

“What do you mean, Lana?” he had asked nervously, wondering if her anxiety had been because she had discovered his secret.
Oh, Clark, you are so much more "not like other guys" than just your secret. Hopefully Lois will help you see that while you are suffering from Kryptonite poisoning.

“I mean, do you like me like other guys like me?” she asked, clarifying.
help This sounds like a trick question. The proper response is "no, I like you a lot more than any other guy does."

He hadn’t been quite sure what she was driving at, and her subterfuge had made his heart race. “I’m not like those other guys, Lana, but if you mean, do I like you like a man is supposed to like a woman, then yes.”
I still think my idea was a more honest response, but this probably works.

Lana had nodded as if this was an acceptable answer. “Good. If anyone asks, you’re my boyfriend now,” she announced, then turned and left the room.
shock This does not seem to be a very promising way to start a dating relationship.

Clark had been floored. What had she meant by that? He wanted to call out to her or follow her and ask, but he had been afraid that it would have turned that fantasy into a nightmare.
Clark has come a long way from that to the point where he would arrange a way to turn Lois into his date at the Kerths without her pre-approval. Of course, having a woman he had never met before come up to him and kiss him like canon-Lois did was probably a helpful turn of events.

Luckily, none of the men tested this theory.
Yes, could Clark really be that much of the jealous boyfriend type?

Lana came up to him after Thanksgiving break, crossed her arms, and said, “Clark, you’re coming home with me for Christmas holidays. My mother heard that you were the Kent orphan and insisted I invite you. She wants to meet you.”
Hmm, not even that he was Lana's boyfriend. I was at least expecting Lana would say "my mother heard you were my boyfriend, and wanted to meet my boyfriend."

Lana also does not seem to believe in talking things over with people. No wonder Clark told Lois "stay". His experience is people who are dating give commands to each other, and they get listened to.

“She does, Lana?” he had sputtered his reply, not wishing to remind Lana that Mrs. Lang had already met him. He had interviewed her as PTA President for the Smallville High newspaper during their senior year.
Being interviewed by someone is not really meeting them. Also, her mother may have forgotten that, she does not have an eidetic memory and it has been 3 years or so.

“You mentioned me?” That fact itself had amazed him immensely.
Or she heard from Maisie that Lana was dating "the Kent orphan" or something like that.

“Of course, I mentioned you, Clark,” she had said bitterly. “You’re my boyfriend. We’ve been going steady for over a month now.”
I guess Lana did mention him. Still, maybe they should go on real dates, it does not sound like they really have. Parties are all well and good (or not, if they are filled with smashed people), but one-on-one dates might be better.

“Here are the ground rules. You will continue to be your usual unassuming self. You won’t tell anyone here, especially any buddies on the team, about this. You will bring a gift for every member of my family. I’ll supply you with a list. You will refer any questions regarding our relationship for me to answer. You will not embarrass me in any way, shape, or form. You’ll be staying in the guest room, and not in my room,” she told him.
Humm, if he is not "allowed to tell his buddies", I really do not see how she can be so angry at his surprise that she told her mother. Of course this is Lana. Hmm, actually, why does he ever complain about Lois' ability to hold a grudge after what he has put up with with Lana.

“Of course!” he said, flushing. “I wouldn’t dare presume that… that…” Especially since they had never even kissed.
He was more likely wondering if he would have to ask the Irigs if he could stay in their barn over break.

Lana had smiled at his innocent response. “That’s why I like you, Clark. You let me make all the decisions in our relationship.”
Yes, but she might start loving him if he stood up to her for once.

“I’ll supply you with a list,” Lana said. “I’ll buy you a tie, something simple and conservative. Yours are atrocious.”
So Lois really was right that his ties were all wrong.

“It wouldn’t be good to have our first kiss under the mistletoe with your whole family watching, now would it?” he said, feeling more confident than he ever had in her presence. “Especially if we’ve been going steady for a while now.”
Well, at least he is standing up to her a little.

“Saturday is game night, Lana,” Clark reminded her. No matter how much he liked Lana he refused to sacrifice his scholarship for her. “You could always come to the game and watch me play. We could then go out afterwards.”

“That’s acceptable,” she agreed.
That way she does not have to spend nearly as much time talking to him. Clark should be really worried.

Their first date had been successful in the fact that Lana accepted a second date and had kissed him goodnight. He had wished to make this first move, but had given it up in negotiations. It was a nothing of a kiss, really, but it was more of a kiss than the one she had planted on his cheek on prom night. At least, this one was on his mouth. There had been no fireworks
He should have run for the hills, or better yet gone on a long trip to Congo. Maybe transfered to the University of Brazaville and watched to protect American journalists in the area for the next few years.

Dinner was catered.
How do they afford such a thing for Christmas. What type of people cater Christmas?

Mr. and Mrs. Lang were determined to see if Lana’s beau would be a good (or financially successful) match for their daughter.
Or should it say good (that is financially successful)?

That Lana seemed to like him made no difference whatsoever with them. They disliked him from before their re-introduction, since they had forgotten that he had met both of them before, and tried to dissuade him from having any hope of a serious relationship with their daughter.
He wants to be a rabble rousing journalist, not a respectable business owner. Also, he is the son of those Kent radicals who marched for civil rights and who knows what else. I guess in that dimension they were part of the re-earth movement too. Radical, unrespectable types and such.

but he did receive a kiss from her every night before bed and every morning before breakfast.
Very telling that he recieved a kiss from her, as opposed to kissed her. It is clearly shown to be an act of deigning to give him that connection, not a mutal connection like kissing Lois always is.

Truthfully, he would have much rather spent the holidays as a department store Santa again. At least the children had been happy to see him.
Lana really is not living up to her role as his girlfriend.

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Lana wasn’t a big touchy-feely type person, except when she had been drinking,
Or is it just that she does not like touching and feeling Clark? Maybe she is like Clois and turned off by guys who are too muscular.

continued to make plans with him,
Or is that make plans for him?

Maybe it was because he had been attracted to Lana since the first moment he had seen her.
Like another LL he knows?

His fascination with Lana though, had been completely different than his attraction to Lois.
She did not kiss him at first sight for one thing.

Naturally, he always thought Lois was alluring, even in baggy sweats and no makeup.
Does this mean he did not find makeupless Lana was alluring? laugh

and moved back to Smallville together after graduation. Well, not together together, but at the same time.
Yes, I was going to say, I didn't think they were living together at that point.

Luckily, there had been an opening at the Smallville Post-Gazette, so had followed her back.[Quote]

I think that should be "so he had followed her back".

[Quote]He hadn’t meant to reveal his secret to Lana in the way he did.
Does Clark ever reveal his relationship in the way he actually plans to?

They had been watching movie at his apartment one night,
I think one normally says "watching a movie" or "watching movies", don't ask me why you don;t need an article with the plural but do with the singular, but the current way grates on the ear.

“It’s cold outside, baby. Stay,” he whispered, coming to her side. He kissed her lips gently. “Stay.” He kissed her again.
At least when he told Lois to stay, he did not call her baby.

“You were there, and then you were here,” she sputtered in disbelief, her heart racing. She pointed at him and then back up at his open door.

He smiled sheepishly. “There’s something you should know about me.”
Well, at least she did not find out when they started floating while making love. Hmm, does Rachel know?

“I’m thinking you’re right,” she muttered, moving her hand to her head. “Got any bourbon?”

“No, but I can get you whatever you want,” Clark replied.

“Everything’s closed in Smallville,” Lana said.

“I know, but I’m not limited by that.” He zipped up the stairs with her in his arms, and set her down on the sofa. “I’ll be right back.”

Less than five minutes later, he returned with a bottle of bourbon. She hadn’t moved. At his entrance, she gasped and pointed at him. “When did you put on your shoes and jacket?”

Clark wiped the fresh snow off his sleeve. “Before I left, Lana,” he explained, going into the kitchen and getting her a glass with ice.

“You move so quick,” Lana said, taking the glass from his hand. “Where…?”

“There was a shop open outside of Topeka,” he replied, sitting down next to her on the sofa.
If your going to go all out, might as well fly to Paris.

Lana’s eyes widened and she pointed out the closed door and up into the sky. “Flew?”

He nodded.
However he tells Lois, it won't be as shocking for her. Lois has known for months there is a man who can fly, thus learning Clark can do it will be less shocking.

This is an issue not really well explored in some fan-fics that have Lois learning about Clark's special abilities before he goes public.

She took another sip, and then another, before swallowing. “You’re really an angel then, aren’t you?” she asked, looking at him hopefully.
Because presumably angels don't have sexual relations with humans? Well, given what he had asked earlier, that would not really make sense.

about the one family who had thought he was the devil incarnate because of his heat vision.
That would have been horrible. grumble

It was the first time she had told him that she loved him. Lana loved him.
Of course she uses her love to seek to get him to reject who he really is.

Has Lois yet told Clark she loves him? I think she did at least once. Even if she has not said it in words, her actions on their date suggested some level of love, even if she does not fully trust him.

“I love you, too, Lana,” Clark had repeated back to her, before he kissed her. He really had thought they would be together forever.
He should have known that her failure to accept who he truly was was a bad sign. whinging for Clark. It is so hard without his parents. Hopefully he can open up with Lois soon. At least he has Cat, even though I do not really like Cat. She still is not as bad or manipulative as Lana. I never thought I would say such a thing, but it is true.

Now, he was beginning to wonder if it was just his children she hadn’t wanted to have.
Considering she thinks he is a freak, quite possible.

This Lana had the one thing he had never been able to give her. This Lana, who had never known a Clark, still had her bounce.
This is not at all Clark's fault. Not at all.

“No,” he replied curtly, turning away. “She reminds me of someone I used to know.”
True, so very true.

He couldn’t even look at this Lana; all he saw in her was his failure in ever making his Lana happy.
No, it is not his fault. He tried as hard as he could. He protected her as much as he could.

“Jerome,” Clark reminded her.
I don't see why he is even trying to hide his identity here. No one really would know one way or the other.

Lois’s scowling glare, showed she had misinterpreted his universal ‘you’ as ‘her’. “You lied to me, Jer…” she growled.
I still really do not see how Lois had misunderstood his question, missed the very deep hurt he is in at this moment.

“No, Lois,” he interrupted gently. “The world would be better without me.”
That is a total lie.

Lana’s life seemed to be the ideal he had always wanted to give her. How much better would this Lois’s life be, if she didn’t have to deal with a commitment phobic superhero, and a partner who couldn’t be honest with her?[/Quotes]

She might be dead.

[Quote]you’re the reason Jimmy and I survived Dr. Baines’s death trap at the Messenger hanger. I may be angry at you, but I’m glad you were born.”
This is what he needed to hear.

Of course, Lois hadn’t forgiven him. How could she when he couldn’t even forgive himself?
I think he is being too harsh on himself.

Hmm, I am still waiting to see Clark's reaction to learning Rachel is dead. We really did not even get bach to where we were at the end of part 50, we are at least 5 minutes earlier in time.

John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by scifiJoan:
It makes me sad that Clark tolerated such a relationship but I tend to forget that the death of his parents makes him more vulnerable. It sounds like a traumatic experience (with Wayne?) made Lana so afraid. Love the 70s/80s fashion references - you got those right on!

I'm sure hoping that Alt-Clark will learn just how important he is Lois.

It was Walt, not Wayne.

Well, I think Lois helped a little by mentioning his saving her at EPRAD. Still, it would be nice if she would have brought up how he helped her after she was shot as well. It would have helped if he had told her a little more. It would have been hard, but I think he could have done it.

He should have said "That lady looks eactly like a woman I knew who had an expeirnece that I got her out of, but not soon enough. We dated for a long time, but I never was able to make her happy like that lady was." OK, then he would have had to say the other lady was named Lana, and with Lois in her investigative phase who knows what she would do.

Hmm, I wonder if he will react to what he learns about what it is said Walt did to Rachel by saying "Where I came from it was Lana who Walt tried to rape" or something else equally as outlandish sounding.

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Remind me again, did he tell her before they slept together?
Yes, I think maybe a year or so before that. Maybe not quite that long, but clearly before that.

John Pack Lambert
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Lois is a kindred spirit in the sense of what she believes in and does and that makes her attractive in a way that Lana never would be able to attain.
The first time he met Lois she walked up to him and planted a kiss on his lips that was probably more passionate than any kiss Lana had ever given him. Of course, it was not this Lois, but canon-Lois, but it was a Lois.

When This Lois was introduced to his abilities for the first time, she tried to get him into her bed, or at least her bathroom. Well, at least that is what it seemed like to him.

Heck, with this Lois she is trying to get him into her bed the day he rejects her in his alternate persona. Nothing at all like Lana.

It sounds to me like there was a second incident, after the one with Walt, that really hurt Clark's Lana as well.

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hi Virginia,

This part is much longer than my other posting parts,



Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile !
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“Clark,” Lana had said, standing up and moving to put on her coat.

“It’s cold outside, baby. Stay,” he whispered, coming to her side. He kissed her lips gently. “Stay.” He kissed her again.
Baby, It\'s Cold Outside The dialogue from the night when he tries to convince Lana to stay was inspired by this song, music and lyrics by Frank Loesser.

I'm sorry, I forgot to acknowledge this initially. I fixed that. I'm sure this was especially confusing for those of you who know I HATE the nickname "baby" for a grown woman. laugh

I'll try to get to responding to all this wonderful FDK either later tomorrow, but probably on Monday. Thank you. smile1

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Poor Clark. Regardless of which universe he is in, he's held at an arm's length away. One day he needs to be loved for being "Clark."

Lana is such a sad sack. Poor girl just is such a bigger-than-life personality, that when she likes kids she seems softened.

Like this story.

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This part is much longer than my other posting parts, because I wanted to go full circle within one part.
razz Also, wouldn’t *that* have been a fun surprise?

just as he had finished typing up an article on the rising price of corn,
LOIS: [Linked Image]

and said, “Clark, you and I are getting married next year. Take me to Kansas City for a romantic weekend, propose, and buy me a ring.”

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

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Starting quarterback, Hank, had broken his leg cow-tipping with Walt.

Lana had then looked him up and down like a prize piece of meat, and announced, “You’re taking me to Homecoming.” Then she had bounced away.
[Linked Image]

It had taken a pinch from Rachel Harris to remind him to head to his next class.
Wait, Rachel was standing right next to him? What if she was his girlfriend? Why *wasn’t* she his girlfriend? Is that like one of those teen movies? You know, like Teenwolf?

Then four days before the dance, Lana had bounced back in front of him. “Clark, I’ve decided that Walt is a much better candidate for Homecoming King, so he’s taking me to the dance. No hard feelings.”

“None,” Clark had sputtered, still in awe whenever Lana spoke to him. “Walt is much more likely to win.”

“Super-duper, Clark. You’re the greatest,” Lana had announced and bounced away, no harm, no foul.

“I’m sorry, Clark,” Rachel had sympathized with him.

“I’m not,” he had replied with a grin. “She knows who I am now.”
Ugh. But hey, it could be worse. It could be Dan and Lois.

Six months later, while at senior prom with Rachel, Clark could have sworn he heard Lana scream.
Oh boy. What’s Walt up to?

“Walt! Stop it! I told you, I don’t want to tonight,” Lana had yelled at her on-again-off-again boyfriend.
[Linked Image] Also, she sounded like she already bounced on (sic) guy to guy. He particular drunk?

“You’re such a tease, Lana,” Walt had insisted. “I know you want this as much as I do.”
So, she still un-plucked after all?

“No, Walt! We need to talk,” Lana had said.
WALT: Fine. You on the pill or shall I…?

Upon hearing the tearing of fabric and another scream, Clark had gone outside to see if he could find Lana and Walt.
[Linked Image]

He whisked open the door of Walt’s truck, and pulled Lana out.
Ooooh! Just like Back to the Future. Also, I doubt Walt actually got to do more than grab her and rip her clothes. Otherwise, he’s pants would still be kinda down at his ankles and stuff. Removal of body parts is still an option.

“Kent, you freak, leave us alone!” Walt had roared, charging at him like a bull. “Lana’s my girl, and I can do to her what I want!”
[Linked Image]

Clark had hit him in the jaw, knocking him back against the truck with that one strike.

Her eyes had lit up at this news. “Kansas State? Me, too,” she had said as he had pulled the grumbling, rumbling truck up outside of her house.
So, she gets deposited back home by the town ne’er-do-well in a battered truck, her dress looking really worse for the wear. Do they really think that’s a good idea?

Her twin brother, Max, and her father, Mr. Harris, hadn’t been thrilled at their late arrival though.
Yeah, and you can’t tell the Sheriff about breaking up an attempted date-rape.

he had found himself airborne. For the first time in his life, he had felt free.

At least, that was what Walt had always said.
Yeah. And since Lana kept shut up…

Lana cut off her Farrah Fawcett locks into something more conservative, stopped wearing tube tops, and clothes that were so tight, toned down her make-up, and stopped hanging out with the party crowd.
Oh dear. Sounds about right.

Clark had known the truth. Lana had lost her bounce.

At Kansas State that fall, the coach moved Clark from quarterback to defensive back. It was nice to be out of the spotlight and protecting the goal, instead of attacking someone else’s.
Oh Clark.

They hadn’t become friends, by any means, but she greeted him by name whenever they passed, much to the chagrin of her sorority sisters and fraternity admirers.
Alpha Sister: What’s she doing again, greeting that foureyed nerd?
Beta Sister: I have *no* idea. But he does have a nice behind.

Lana had even sought Clark out, on occasion, at parties. Not so much by name, or voice, but with her eyes. He had seen tension in Lana at these events until she noticed him.
Awwwww, she’s such a lovely contradiction.

but just to give her peace of mind.

Other girls started flirting with Clark at these parties, but he wasn’t interested in drunk girls.
Poor guy. Got no idea how this works.

He often walked them back to their dorms, but he wasn’t interested in doing more with them. They hadn’t made him feel like Lana did when she smiled at him.
Yeah, I guess the scent of cheap cola-vodka and barely held back vomit really isn’t on his list of favorite things to put his tongue into.

Lana had been the one distraction he allowed himself from his studies, the Kansas State Collegian student newspaper, and Wildcats football.
A guilty pleasure! Like Lois and chocolate.

He and Rachel had hung out during his free time, laughing and talking about his college experiences and what hers might be like.
Oh, she’s a year his junior?

All in all, they had made love four times before Clark returned to college a few days later.
Awwwww and four times, even.

If he wasn’t willing to share his secret with that person, he shouldn’t be willing to share his body either.
So, Rach knew?

The next time he made love, he had vowed to himself, it would be to the woman he would marry… unless he happened to bump into Rachel Harris again before then.

After the break, he started hanging out once more at Lana’s sorority house, so much so that Lana’s sorority sisters designated him as house puppy.

They even had a contest on who in the house could tempt the cute defensive end into their bed first,
[Linked Image]

If they had only known, he had already lost his virginity the summer before with Rachel.
They’d would instead bet on who would succeed with him the most often in a single night?

None of those girls could hold a candle to her, and his intense feelings of love, respect, and friendship that he had for his best friend.
He really doesn’t get how cheap, meaningless college-sex works, does he? Maybe they should offer a course on this subject during freshman year.

and had been about to move on with his life, letting Lana move on with hers, when he heard Lana speak up in his defense.
Drat. Almost.

When Clark returned to Smallville at Christmas, he learned from the Harris family that Rachel had dropped out of U of K after one semester and joined the Army.
Is that like back when, when a young woman went to a convent for a year? The timing sure fits. He probably also shouldn’t come close to Sheriff Harris’s gun collection.

Because alcohol never seemed to affect him, so he found it pointless to drink, he became the sorority’s designated driver (or home walker, as the case may be), the safe date, the house protector, and on rare occasion, house bouncer.

He went from being the sorority house’s joke to being house bodyguard in the space of a few months.
So, Cat joined the sorority as house mother and cleaned up the mess?

Even though Lana didn’t consider Clark boyfriend material for herself, her sorority sisters did and often tried to interest him in fooling around.
Oh boy. cat

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While his experience with Rachel had made him more comfortable with his body, and gave him a deeper love of a woman’s, and he occasionally dated or kissed the girls he met, he still felt he could only share total intimacy with someone he would reveal his deepest secret to.
No wonder Lana thought he’s safe.

When erroneous rumors started to spread around the sorority house that Clark was saving himself for marriage, he became an honoree sorority “big brother”,

and Lana’s sorority sisters, noticing this, started asking him to screen potential dates and boyfriends for them.

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She lifted her jaw to accept his kiss, and pulled him closer. “Soon,” she moaned. “You keep kissing me like that, and it’ll be soon.”
[Linked Image]
She grabbed onto the wrought iron railing, and turned to wave at him, but her high heeled boots slipped on the icy steps and she fell backwards over the railing, disappearing into the dark.
Oh my. /goes and picks out nice headstone/

Working on autopilot, Clark caught her before she hit the ground. “Lana, are you all right?”
wave Michael

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Originally posted by scifiJoan:
It makes me sad that Clark tolerated such a relationship but I tend to forget that the death of his parents makes him more vulnerable.
Clark tolerated Lana's treatment of him, first because he was moonstruck, and then -- sadly -- it was still better than others had treated him. He figured it was the best he deserved and/or would get. Then came along canon Lois and hit him upside the head with how good he could be and deserved to be treated.

Clark has a lot to overcome. He didn't do much in the way of healing while with Lana and (unbeknowst to him) has been working on it since they broke up.

It sounds like a traumatic experience (with Wayne?) made Lana so afraid.
Walt. I was worried about putting in two W Irigs. clap Don't even try to get me to try and remember what was popular in the last twenty years though. << :rolleyes: at myself>>

I'm sure hoping that Alt-Clark will learn just how important he is Lois.
Smallville is more about hitting Clark upside the head with his past, than his and Lois's relationship. Sometimes people have to hit rock bottom to find the hidden treasure.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
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Christina: Thank you for the FDK! smile1

Yeouch, questioning his own worth as a reporter.

On the other hand, it's quite possible he might have just relied on them a little more strongly than in the past. The best way to get past that is to work at being what you are worrying about all the more.
The first time he lost his powers, he basically was doing Superman PR stuff and not doing any investigating. Although a good reporter in his own right, he has fully blossomed under Lois’s tutelage. He isn’t thinking clearly that even when he has his powers investigations like this take legwork and time.

Lana, his Lana had probably found the right person for her in the end after moving on from Clark.
Actually, not. Alt-Lana is currently alone and in hiding. After she was kidnapped in October of 1996, she sued Clark (Superman Foundation) for coming out as a super powered alien superhero and therefore putting her (as his ex-finance) in jeopardy from criminals, bad-guys, and paparazzi. Despite the case having no merit (being that Tempus outed Clark, not Clark himself), Clark settled out of court, because he did feel to blame for Lana being kidnapped.

It's very possible she had resigned herself to never having children considering his unique differences.

Double yeouch. That had to hit Clark in the gut pretty hard. I know he wanted a family even if he couldn't father one. That she accepted in part because she wouldn't have to deal with children had to have been a bit of a rattler for him.
He figured two things could happen. A) Lana could be right and they would be childless, but he’d rather have her than nobody. Or B) Surprise, surprise, they were compatible and could have children. He always hoped that he could change and soften her opinions of him and children (as canon Clark does with canon Lois).

Remind me again, did he tell her before they slept together?
Yes. They didn’t sleep together until the night of the first proposal. (or demanded proposal).

Whoah, so Lana was one of the people Walt had raped or attempted to rape(at least in his world)?
Yes. Walt attempted date-raped Lana during prom. They had been dating on-again-off-again for most of senior year though. He figured she had put out before, so she should do so whenever he wanted.

I'm guessing Lana decided that a personal protector was what she wanted in life. It's sad that she felt like she needed to KEEP him her (singularly) personal hero.
She knew she was safe with Clark, and even though she grew to care for him… and told him it was love, it was more of a master /servant or master / pet relationship. <<ducking, for that last analogy >>
I'm guessing the Walt thing did a bigger number on her than Clark ever realized.
At this point, something else happened while Clark was out of town. He doesn’t know what and he never felt comfortable enough in their relationship to ask. He just hoped he would be able to love her enough to heal her wounds.
Clark doesn't sound like he was ever jealous of the other people out there that she could dance with. I'm guessing she's just using him as an excuse at that point.
At this point, he’s used to his “body guard” role. He’s always watched Lana with other guys, and hasn’t been jealous, because he never had a right to be. She was like a goddess who he worshipped, but whose behavior he didn’t find himself worthy to comment on. Yes, she’s using him.
Sounds like he's starting to toe that line she seems to have laid out there for NO ONE (not even Clark) to pass. I'm also guessing she's willing to (for her "guardian angel") carefully slide the line back just a little bit.
Yes, after the last “event” happened, she doesn’t want any man to touch her, even Clark. She sees Clark as the palace eunuch there to guard her.
And finally trying to actually DATE her and not simply be a chauffeur.
If she’s been telling everyone that they’ve been going steady all this time, but taking him home as her pretend boyfriend and treating him as a servant who obeys her every command was the last straw. He figures if they’re going to date, they should actually date.
Showing much more affection in his kiss than the one from Lana.
Well, that’s probably because he likes her more than she likes him.
Lois is a kindred spirit in the sense of what she believes in and does and that makes her attractive in a way that Lana never would be able to attain.
He was beguiled by Lois at first, but fell in love with her take-no-prisoners attitude. Plus, Lois thinking there were no bounds on what he could accomplish and loving her Clark more for who he was instead of less, helped a lot too. [Linked Image]

Ah, so she's the banker's daughter. That actually makes a lot more sense on the financial questioning. I do think that telling Clark he wouldn't amount to much is rather cynical though, even with the fact he couldn't seem to hold a foster family. Not much hope for humankind in general and it seems like it might have carried over to Lana.
I see Lana more as the hottest daughter of the richest family in town. They always gave her whatever she wanted. They looked down on Kent (and Irigs) because they were farmers. (Not that the Langs would ever say so publicly). They expected such a prize jewel to end up with the likes of a Luthor and not a Kent.
Lana: I like his kisses a lot and he's so kind and understanding with me. Maybe...
Yep, he’s starting to finally break down the barriers she put up after dealing with the other scum out there.
I'm guessing he should have waited a day and then told her letting her have time acclimate to the "how did he do that?"-edness of his abilities. Both Canon and Alt-Clark were past that when he told Lois (or when Alt-Clark tells Lois in this case.)
Yep, it was forced reveal. Although, because he asked her to “stay” there is a chance he had already been planning on telling her the truth about himself that night.
*facepalm* I know you're about to tell her but doing too much of that at one time it going to scare her.
He’s TRYING to show her the positives of his abilities, in a very lunkheaded manner.
Of course are angels (stereotypically) asexual and not interested in physical intimacy?
Are they? Hmmmm. Well, that would explain a lot.
Ouch, I'm guessing they attempted some sort of prayer/exorcism for him or something like that. Poor Clark.
*to Clark* c'mere.
Clark: thanks but -no offense, Christina- but I would rather have that kiss from Lois.
Lois: Not yet bud.
CLARK: As long as it’s a kiss on the cheek, then, Christina. [Linked Image]
LOIS: Hey! Wait a minute!
CLARK: Lois, you can’t have it both ways. Either I’m yours to kiss or I’m free to kiss whoever I please.
LOIS: Give me a minute to think about this…
Yep, I figured this would be universal.
LOIS: That Lana needed to be hit over the head by a 2x4? I can help with that. Can I? hyper Please?
I love Gunne Sax dresses. I have two of them in my personal costume collection (neither of them fit anymore sadly) and they're both of the square low-cut variety with poofy sleeves (one of them looks almost identical to the blue dress that Giselle wears in "Enchanted" except it's denim.)
Oh, I loved Enchanted. (Really, I need to break down and finally buy myself a copy of that movie, since nobody else has gotten it for me.) Yes, I remember Gunne Sax as being all the rage in the mid-1980s. Although, the alternative would be Laura Ashley, but I think that’s a bit later in the 80s. (Sadly, I could never fit into her dresses, they were so misshapened to a woman’s body. I did love them though… At the time. I've come to discover that flowerprint is definately NOT my style. laugh )

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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