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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereWell, there you have it. I toned it down just a bit from the Nfic version (Really, Michael, it was only a line or two and a few words, which is why you won't be seeing it on the Dark Side). Hopefully, that was enough. I also apologize to any of you who thought seeing Clark with another woman (even if it was years before meeting Lois) was TMI (Too Much Information). The other problem it might pose is that might mess up my neat and tidy spaced cliffies. Right now, I have like three (or is it four?) in a row coming up  but if I cut the parts in half, it might double that. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif) As I mentioned to Michael, if my cushion falls to five parts, I will have change my current posting schedule to whenever I send a new part to Beta (or the current every third day posting), whichever is longer. Without too many RL interruptions, I can write a Part in 2 days. I currently just got Part 61 back from Beta, which has my cushion at 7. But, I also, have houseguests coming next weekend for 10 days, which will limit my writing time considerably. I need the minimum 5 part cushion in case I need to change something I missed in an earlier part (I recently had to rewrite the final scene in part I had already sent to Beta, because of this.) Another option would be for me to take another posting holiday (of a week or two) as I done this summer when I went on vacation, to try and allow me time to catch up. Although, for some of you, half-part postings at this current schedule might be more acceptable than no parts for two weeks. So, I pose the same question to you that I posed to John:  What do you think?
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/19/14 03:23 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hi Virginia, Part 54: Actually, she was attracted to him, but without his super metabolism, he’d most likely have ended up either a ninety-eight pound weakling, or a four-hundred pound whale. But this Clark doesn't eat junk food! He had pushed her away with his lies, his secrets, and now he had no idea how to undo this mess without coming clean, all the way clean. Exactly, Clark! LOIS: I'm waiting... 
Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile ! (Edmond Rostand)
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Shorter posts ... Net balance: Hmm. I really am split. I think cutting the posts to a smaller size would be preferable to going to less often posting. So I guess my vote would be to go to the shorter posts, but not strongly. Really, anything works for me.
John Pack Lambert
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Forty-five minutes earlier… One step-forward and two steps back has now gone from describing the LnC relationship to describing the chronilogical flow of this story. Clark was distracted. For some reason, he couldn’t focus, and he thought that reason probably had something to do with his lack of powers. Nah, it is mainly a result of Lois' anger at him. He couldn’t remember if he had been so distracted that first time he’d been exposed. The fact that he couldn’t recall that time clearly was a sign that his eidetic memories were another one of his super abilities. This is one effect of Kryptonite never explored in the show. It makes sense. I mean, Clark can super-speed read and remember afterword, as we saw when he read Molly Flynn's anti-technology screed, so it is clear there is a super componant of his memory. Was this the pathetic man he would have been if he'd been born without powers? Clark, stop the pity party. You have a lot more non-super skills than you give yourself credit for. No wonder Lois wasn’t attracted to him. Actually, she was attracted to him, but without his super metabolism, he’d most likely have ended up either a ninety-eight pound weakling, or a four-hundred pound whale. Well, at least Clark realizes that Lois is attacked to him, not just Superman. Postive reader:now we have a set-up where no Lois is good, and Lois being there is also good, so everything is good. Negative reader:You cheat. On a slightly different note, I could see canon-Clark at 400 lbs. without super-powers, but not this Clark at all. His food regime is too health conscious for that. What he was experiencing currently was the loss of Lois’s trust, of her affection, of her – dare he say it? – love. PR:Why dosn't Clark just tell her the truth. NR:Like she would believe him. PR:At least then he would not have the guilt of lieing waying him down. That was more agony than anything that other Lois had done to him. It is only those who we love who can truly hurt us. She had always been straightforward with the facts. She had told him from moment one that she had been engaged to that other Clark, and that was where her heart lay. NR:He doesn't know that Lois just discovered her real Clark. This is going to be real hard on him. PR:Well, maybe he can now work with Lois to bring back her Clark, and in the process convince Wells to help hom bring back his Lois. NR:  and said "you no good, double crossing partner of mine, why didn;t you tell me sooner, and why didn;t you let me question him directly, you always forget some important detail when interviewing him.  " Clark:Trask is here. PR:We havn't seen him yet. Maybe not in this universe. He needed to work harder as Clark to earn her love, that was, if he hadn’t already lost her completely. PR:She still has feelings for you. NR:Like anger, hate, rage PR:Some of her feelings are postive towards Clark. Clark:I think NR is more correct at the moment. PR:She is more angry at you than at Luthor. Clark:I thought you were our postive reader, what's with the negative fact. PR:Lois really only feels strong feelings for those she likes. She is ambivalent toward Luthor, she has anger at you. It can be turned to your advantage. NR:Not if you keep being a lunkhead. PR:Actually Clark has done nothing negative in interacting with Lois for well over one part. NR:That is because we have had no Lois/Clark interaction for over a part. PR:Sometimes it is best to let Lois work through her rage alone. Clark:But I want to be with Lois. PR:We can always hope that here fear for your death will out wieght her anger when she sees Trask about to shot you. Clark:I prefer to not risk my life on unproven love. Clark finished his circle around the barnyard and still saw no sign of Lois. It is probably could he didn;t find her at this point. Although part of me thinks that it would have been good for him to see her raction to the death of the other Clark, and to try to confort her at this point. On the other hand, maybe that would just make things worse. Hmm, well, I guess I can't see her accepting his attempts to confort her. It was as he had feared. Unable to wait for him to get his slow brain around Rachel’s death in this dimension, Lois had headed off to the Irigs’ without him. PR:Your fears about where Lois has gone are unfounded Clark. NR:Yes, she has gone somewhere where she has learned facts that will make her unwilling to ever believe you grew up in this Smallville. Hmm, I am now really worried she is going to go hunting for him it Italy. Who could give her a ride to Italy.  No, not a ride to Italy from Luthor. Please, please no.
John Pack Lambert
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To me, the most important factor is content. Finding the most logical breaks where sufficient info is given and it builds to a point where you're dying to know what's next is the best. Joan
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His uncontrollable reaction confused even him. He knew that the Rachel Harris in his dimension was still alive and well, but still… But she is on the whole such a good person, and everyone else is more of less the same dimesion to dimension, that this death really does hurt. “Would she do that? Go off on her own into danger, without telling anyone?” Thomas asked. Clark:Lois runs to have lunch with murderers, of course she would go off without telling. “Lois has spunk. She kind of reminds me of Rachel,” Well, there is much truth to this statement. Thomas shrugged. “It was a long time ago.” He said it in the same tone that Clark used when he talked about his life in foster care, and Clark knew immediately that the wound had never healed. This seems to be code for "I am still in denial". It seems to be a favorite line of this Clark. “Ironic,” Thomas scoffed.
“What is?” Clark asked lost on Thomas’s train of thought.
“If Rachel had been alive she would have been the loudest critic of her family’s behavior. Of course, if she had been alive it never would have happened in the first place.” It is good Thomas is facing up to this. On the other hand, I am not sure he is right about what would have happened if she had lived. After going to Prom with Walt would she have anything but negative feelings for him? Why did she agree to go with a jerk like Walt in the first place? I guess I can see lots of reasons, including maybe not knowing how much of a total jerk he is, but still. Thomas shook his head. “They disrespect her memory, who she was, by using her death to attack us.” A small smile came to his face. “Man, nobody could Push Tush like her.” He laughed. Maybe we should send Thomas over to alt-dimension to be with that Rachel. Of wait, there is a Thomas there. That would cause a problem. Hmm, maybe, maybe not. He couldn’t picture her relaxing long enough to country line dance, which was a pity. He bet she’d enjoy it if she gave it a chance. She seemed pretty relaxed at the Kerth ceremony. There is a lot Clark does not know about Lois. He needs to actually communicate with her more. Clark let his mind wander back to dancing with Rachel. She had been so much fun. Maybe the Keth ceremony with Lois was not as good as I thought. Clark:Well, I just learned Rachel died on Prom night. It hurts a lot, and has caused me to think of her. I still like Lois more, but right now my mind is just preoccupied with Rachel. NR:Right. Likely story. She knew what to take, and what not to take, seriously. Well, it is not Lois' fault she gets kidnapped more. And adults have more responsibilities. Anyway, is Rachel still like this, or is this Clark's nostalgic pining for a Rachel who no longer exists and maybe never did. OK, so I really do not like the Clark obsessing over Rachel. It did not seem too bad on the first run through, but on analizing things, I am really worrying about his attachement to Lois. Good thing Rachel is dead. Clark:  Thomas wants a chance with Lois? OK, I think on first reading it I figured he meant Rachel, but still it really does sound like he means Lois. He wondered if Thomas and Rachel were destined for one another like he and Lois were. Destined, schmestined. More reason to write my Rachel H. Kent story. Shame instantly filled him and Clark lowered his head. Now he is planning on abandoning another Lois. Having tasted Lois’s kisses Clark knew he was in this dimension for the long haul. Or maybe not. I guess Clark will be here for a while. 200+ part story here we come. Of course, if he could ever convince Lois to take a chance and love him, he was sure time would pass like the blink of an eye. It was the getting to love that seemed to be dragging its feet. The problem is Clark thinks he can get Lois to love him. He can onlybe the man she can love, he can not change her feelings for him at all. On the other hand, to be that man he has to tell the truth. I really think he needs to take the leap of truth now. Lois may not believe he can survive the crash at the end of the lead, but he is Clark Kent. Clark Kent survives all. When the camouflaged soldiers had jumped out of the trees around him, Clark felt like a fool. PR:Lois gets captures by the bad guys all the time, and no one thinks her a fool. Trask walked out of the tent, and Clark’s stomach sank. Once again, Lois was right. If Bureau 39 had Lois, who knew what they would do to her? NR:See I said Traks was here. PR:At least he does not shot first, ask questions later. “My newspaper sent me to investigate an EPA cleanup,” Clark explained. 100% true. Although his initial information suggested it was very fishy. “Where’s Lois?” Clark demanded, Well, they had talked to Sherman together. Trask’s eyebrows shot up. “Lost your partner, Kent? I’d say ‘girlfriend’ but, come on, none of us really bought that act on the plane. Shows that Trask was not behind the survailance of Lois' apartment. Otherwise he would be more conflicted over whether Lois and Clark have a relationship. Maybe not convinced, but more conflicted. Is she still up close and personal with the Daily Planet’s favorite spy in tights?” More evidence he was not behind the survailance. Had he just alerted Trask’s men to her locale? Nah, you can't do that when you don't know it. no matter how much it pained him to have her be the one rescuing him. Sounds like he has a macho complex issue. He is not ready for a workable relationship with Lois until he fully accepts her as an equal, and not just someone to save. but mostly because she still thought Clark had some way to reach Superman. At this point in time, Lois might be willing to risk Clark’s life, but she wouldn’t risk her hero. On the whole I think this is a very unfair assement. Anyway, she does not know about Kryptonite, so she does not know anything could hirt SM. As the soldiers pulled him into a tent and attached chains to his ankles and wrists, Clark wished that a fraction of her would want to save him for himself or, better yet, save him for her. Well, it is not like things can go down hill from this feeling. No matter what Lois does, it can not make him have less hope. Clark didn’t know if Trask had found Lois or Thomas, and if he had, whether the man had interrogated them before coming to discuss things with him. Have we now reached the point where we don't know. Hmm, if I understood the opening 45 minute statement, I would guess yes. Clark felt like banging his head on the table. Clark:Even if this plan could work, which it obviously can't, I would never turn on anyone like that. PR:Well, Trask would probably never keep his end of the bargain anyway. So it isn;t a real offer. Wasn’t there one person in this dimension who didn’t know he was head over heels in love with Lois? Well, yes, but probably none who had ever seen him and Lois in the same area. “If he had infused me with his power, why I am here? How were your guys able to capture me? Why haven’t I broken free?” Clark retorted. This is a really good question. Considering the circumstances, how did Trask even come up with such a crazy idea. “I’m not related to those Kents,” Clark told them honestly. Yes, but it does not sound like it is honest. Why had he told people in this dimension he was from Smallville, Kansas? He hates lieing. I guess he is also horrible at it. No wonder Lois was angry with him. Yes, but in the long run she will be less angry, at least if he can ever get her to see the truth, which is a big if. It will feel less of a deception if what he was saying about where he grew up was 100% true. At least I think so. OK, it could be argued that when he said Smallville, and Kansas State and such it would be assumed he meant this earth Smallville, and this earth Kansas State, but it will seem less a lie than if he had spun an elaborate story of being raised in Chicago. Trask seems to know a lot more about Clark than does Luthor.
John Pack Lambert
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Sydney: Thank you for pushing on past my super long author notes. One of these days I'll learn to shut up. But <sigh> not today. But this Clark doesn't eat junk food! Yes, but without his super metabolism and super speed, his parents wouldn't have been out of a sugar food run and he wouldn't have witnessed their death. And without the smell of the... you get the picture. He wouldn't have developed his aversion to sweets. Exactly, Clark!
LOIS: I'm waiting... <wild guy>
CLARK: <hiding> CANON CLARK: I was surprised too. Usually, I don't like to see Clark with another woman (Lana or Mayson). But with Rachel, I don't know why, but it's OK for me. Probably because I like Rachel. I liked Rachel too. Too bad I killed her off. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: So, that would be one vote for no more posting vacations, the longer the better, and post more often too. Gotcha!  (hey a 20 page FDK response. A new record!) One step-forward and two steps back has now gone from describing the LnC relationship to describing the chronilogical flow of this story. Well, since this first scene with Thomas (kind-of) takes place before Clark gets captured, I just didn't want anyone to get confused. Nah, it is mainly a result of Lois' anger at him. Lois, more deadly than Kryptonite. This is one effect of Kryptonite never explored in the show. It makes sense. I mean, Clark can super-speed read and remember afterword, as we saw when he read Molly Flynn's anti-technology screed, so it is clear there is a super componant of his memory. Clark raises the possiblity here, but then has vivid memories of both Lana and Rachel, so it's just possible that when he was exposed the first time he had just gone through something traumatic that his memories conveniently blocked out for him. Clark, stop the pity party. You have a lot more non-super skills than you give yourself credit for. Oh, let him wallow in the mud for a while. He deserves it. LOIS: He's at one with himself when he's in the mud! Well, at least Clark realizes that Lois is attacked to him, not just Superman. Clark does have optimism, like Canon Clark, just not as much. we did not get positive interactions out of Clark being powerless as in the original GGGoH He hasn't recovered yet. Positive Reader:Well, Clark's power's arn't back yet. Negative Reader:Its not like he is likely to make it to any more Corn-fest things. Positive Reader:How long does the corn-fest last. There still might be hope. Oh, dear, I've awoken John's split personality. <bites fingernails nervously> I'm guessing the Corn Fest starts Wed and ends Sunday. Negative Reader:Yeah right. With Lois on the war parth. Postive Reader:Hmm, well OK, but at least we will probably see Lois saving Clark. Some positive interaction will happen. Negaitve reader:I'm not holding my breath. With our luck Lois won;t even appear in this installemtn. Postive reader:At least then she can't tear out Clark's spleen. Clark: <help> Exactly! They aren't quite ready to see each other yet. Clark needed to finish mourning for Rachel, Lois needs to work out her anger issues. <Okay, she'll still have anger issues after Smallville, we all know that, but her current anger issues.> On a slightly different note, I could see canon-Clark at 400 lbs. without super-powers, but not this Clark at all. His food regime is too health conscious for that. There is a story about a chunky alt-Lois. It's a WIP though. PR:Why dosn't Clark just tell her the truth. NR:Like she would believe him. PR:At least then he would not have the guilt of lieing waying him down. Everything is weighing Clark down at the moment. <<ducking>> It is only those who we love who can truly hurt us. Yep, that's why Lois never has intense feelings for Lex. NR:He doesn't know that Lois just discovered her real Clark. This is going to be real hard on him. PR:Well, maybe he can now work with Lois to bring back her Clark, and in the process convince Wells to help hom bring back his Lois. NR: You are an undieing optimist. Clark is deader than dead, They are still on a shattered timeline. It would be impossible to save this Clark. PR:Never say impossible. NR:Well, it is not likely with Lois about to tear out Wrong Clark's spleen. So, PR is actually Wells in disguise. And NR has come up with another reason to keep LnC apart. Give Clark a chance to regain his invulnerability. She does not yet even know half of his lies. I still have to say that I find some of his reasons for not telling Lois flawed. I am not buying it keeps her safer, not at all. CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/tiere/c010.gif) He's not only lying to Lois. He's also lying to himself. He has made the first step. Admitting responsibility. CLARK: I'm going to recover? LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/boese/e035.gif) Not if I have anything to do with it. I don;t think he had any other option once Martha called the Planet. In fact, I don;t thing he had any other long term option when he neglected to create a back-history for Clark. Of course, I am not sure how he would have artificially planted Clark at strategic places in the past. Hmm, actually maybe that is what he should have gotten Wells to do first, they do a few short visits to the past, forge some documents and such, so he has a real back story. Nah, that would have come bakc to bite him even worse at some point. He didn't see any reason why his Metropolis life and his Kansan life ever had to meet. He thought he could keep them secret. When he first came to this dimension, he wasn't planning on going back to Smallville and then he had a guilt-attack for not rescuing alt-Lois and went to the one place he had always felt safe (a cluster of trees between the Irig and Kent farms). Then he heard Martha's voice, and that heard that Jonathan had been injured, and knew he he had to help. He realized was getting a second chance at this part of his life too. That's because he is. Lois caught that he has no real background in Smallville. Yes, but this is Lois, not Lana. She is the exact opposite in many ways. Lois isn't a given and she's a bit of a wildcard in that he never knows what's she's going to do. CLARK: Isn't she great?! He's only had two real relationships with women: Rachel and Lana, so all of his decisions are based on what he did or didn't do right in those relationships. (kind of, sort of). I somewhat understand why he thinks this way. No one wants to be loved for superficial reasons. However, I do not think Lois knows the real him unless she knows that he has the abilities. He will come to understand this at some point. If her love is sincere enough it will not matter what exactly she fell in love with. Which is why he wants her to love him before he tells her his secret. LOIS: Hmm, so how will her attachement to dead CK factor into his assesment of her feelings for him. She does not know dead CK=real SM. Hmm, this means right now we have fake SM. Yes, I think I will keep with that. Clark:I am real. NR:You don;t seem to be living up to SM standards in this installment. Clark:What have I done. NR:We will see soon. CLark:Wait, you are going to judge me based on my actions as a 19-year-old. NR:Real SM never did any of those stupid things. Clark:Real SM was not bounced between 10 or more fosters homes, he had the solid support of his parents. PR:Good point. We will retrn to this discussion later on. Clark:At least I have one friend. Um... I'm thinking what NR means is: Rachel. Of course, technically, Clark did Lana too. CLARK: Ew. Don't remind me. And, Rachel, well, it was her idea. LOIS: :rolleyes: Hey, I'm no virgin either, Clark. CLARK: See, Lois understands. TBC...
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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FDK - Continued... NR:Good luck getting her to love you. PR:Well, Clark I don't think she hates you any because you don't have your power right now. Nope, Lois hates him for stuff he did with powers. PR:She still has feelings for you. NR:Like anger, hate, rage PR:Some of her feelings are postive towards Clark. Clark:I think NR is more correct at the moment. PR:She is more angry at you than at Luthor. Clark:I thought you were our postive reader, what's with the negative fact. PR:Lois really only feels strong feelings for those she likes. She is ambivalent toward Luthor, she has anger at you. It can be turned to your advantage. NR:Not if you keep being a lunkhead. /Psst. There's documented proof that Lois actually prefers lunkheads./ CLARK: Documented proof? CANON CLARK: PR:Actually Clark has done nothing negative in interacting with Lois for well over one part. NR:That is because we have had no Lois/Clark interaction for over a part. PR:Sometimes it is best to let Lois work through her rage alone. Clark:But I want to be with Lois. PR:We can always hope that here fear for your death will out wieght her anger when she sees Trask about to shot you. It is probably could he didn;t find her at this point. Although part of me thinks that it would have been good for him to see her raction to the death of the other Clark, and to try to confort her at this point. Actually, this Clark doesn't know what happened (or what the Kents did with baby Kal-El). He doesn't know about the grave with Clark Kent's name and the date his ship landed on it. On the other hand, maybe that would just make things worse. Hmm, well, I guess I can't see her accepting his attempts to confort her. Um... No. PR:Your fears about where Lois has gone are unfounded Clark. NR:Yes, she has gone somewhere where she has learned facts that will make her unwilling to ever believe you grew up in this Smallville. But his hunch was a good one, knowing Lois. She was investigating but not what he thought. Hmm, I am now really worried she is going to go hunting for him it Italy. Who could give her a ride to Italy. No, not a ride to Italy from Luthor. Please, please no. But she is on the whole such a good person, and everyone else is more of less the same dimesion to dimension, that this death really does hurt. Yep. Clark:Lois runs to have lunch with murderers, of course she would go off without telling. LOIS: In my defense, I didn't know he was a murder. <<thinks for minute>> Who are we talking about again? Well, there is much truth to this statement. I figure since Rachel and Clark in alt-dimension were more friends, than canon Rachel, who seemed to have developed a tendre (crush) for canon Clark as the boy who got away, we see a scenario where Rachel has turned herself in the girl who got away. She does have a crush on Clark, always have, but she figured she'd never get more than that one night, which is why when her funds departed, she didn't want to go back home. It made her a stronger character. This seems to be code for "I am still in denial". It seems to be a favorite line of this Clark. Yep. It is good Thomas is facing up to this. On the other hand, I am not sure he is right about what would have happened if she had lived. After going to Prom with Walt would she have anything but negative feelings for him? Why did she agree to go with a jerk like Walt in the first place? I guess I can see lots of reasons, including maybe not knowing how much of a total jerk he is, but still. Happens all the time. Walt was a senior, she was junior. He was popular, she was shy. He asked her out, she was flattered. It wasn't until she went out with him that she saw what a jerk he was. Maybe we should send Thomas over to alt-dimension to be with that Rachel. Of wait, there is a Thomas there. That would cause a problem. Hmm, maybe, maybe not. Alt-Thomas is currently working as a video store clerk in Wichita. Rachel might like this one better. She seemed pretty relaxed at the Kerth ceremony. There is a lot Clark does not know about Lois. He needs to actually communicate with her more. There wasn't dancing at the Kerth's. You must be thinking of Luthor's Orchid ball. Line dancing just doesn't seem like Lois's style. Clark:Well, I just learned Rachel died on Prom night. It hurts a lot, and has caused me to think of her. I still like Lois more, but right now my mind is just preoccupied with Rachel. Let the man grieve. Even canon Clark grieved Mayson at the expense of his relationship with canon Lois. Well, it is not Lois' fault she gets kidnapped more. And adults have more responsibilities. Anyway, is Rachel still like this, or is this Clark's nostalgic pining for a Rachel who no longer exists and maybe never did.
OK, so I really do not like the Clark obsessing over Rachel. It did not seem too bad on the first run through, but on analizing things, I am really worrying about his attachement to Lois. Good thing Rachel is dead. Originally, this scene was written when I wrote the Lana memory part, but it seemed odd to have 9 pages of Rachel while he was thinking about his relationship with Lana, so I moved it. I guess, I could have kept this part for when Clark was alone. The other spots I considered would have been when he was talking to Lana and Hank (which would have been a weird time for Clark to be thinking about *why* this person was important to his life). I guess I could have put this scene in during the car ride back to the Kents, but that scene was from Lois's POV, and I also thought it tacky for Clark to be thinking of Rachel while sitting next to Lois. I love the sweetness of this scene I wanted to include it, but I didn't want to wait until after Lois and Clark had met up again, because I wanted Clark to be done mourning (basically) and back focused on Lois. So, one vote for TMI. Gotcha! Don't worry, I won't describe Lois's time with Claude (or Paul) or any more details with Lana (we've had enough of that, don't you think?) Hmm, maybe it is true. Rachel as a potential rival to Lois forces Lois to play her hand in a way a dead Rachel never can. Rachel is only dead in THIS dimension. Moving on... By essentially going along with her brother's massive stealing from her. Forgiving. She believes her brother meant to pay her back. She likes her life now, and isn't bitter. Can he even say he is friends with Lois? Their relationship seems to be very shallow. NR:yes, my voice is expanding. PR:No, Clark was a good friend to Lois on her birthday. And Lois has listened to Clark's pain of his time in foster care in a way Rachel never has. Clark:True, but how could I tell Rachel of the horror of foster care without sounding like I was trying to guilt her or something. Rachel knows about some of Clark's trials in fostercare, as he was also lived with the Harrises for 6 months. My issue with this section is not so much that it exists, but that I think we get way too much information. Way, way too much information. My apologies. I was going for sweet. Maybe it is just me, but I would have thought it would be "Old Man Shuster", not just "Old Shuster". Good point. Maybe I just obtusse, but I am not really sure how he knew what she was talking about. Tone. TBC...
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Continued... I can see canon-Clark having the conversation up to the "No, but..." part, and coming up with a convincing and workable reason to bakc out of this. Hmmmm. So, why didn't alt-Clark? Considering they arn't even really dating, they are going awfully fast. That's not what she meant. See, I still stand be my view that Clark was stupid to wait until Thanksgiving to try and find Rachel. He was at school. She was at school. They both had busy schedules. It wasn't until he had been back at school a while that he realized how good he had it with Rachel. They grew up at a time and community where if something happens, you got married. Neither of them really thinks anything is going to happen, because they are naive teenagers after all, so it's more of a joke about "being his wife". She likes him a whole lot more than she is admitting. Maybe I should go ahead and write the Rachel H. Kent, Sherrif of Smallville story. Sounds interesting. Give it a shot. I wonder how you'd bring Lois into it though. Texas? Why not just Wichita, Topkea or Kansas City? Certainly in KC he would not see anyone who recognizes him. He likes to fly. Clark:She forgot me kissing her. This is bad. They didn't make out. It was more of a 'thank you for a nice evening' kiss. This is even more of a chear reveal than the one to Lois that he is from another dimension. Wrong Clark seems to really like cheat reveals. The cheat reveal about the other dimension was because Lois wanted to hear his darkest secret, and he decided to actually tell her. In the context is she going to believe it is his first time? Why would Clark lie? Wouldn't this cause her fingernails to break? Possibly, but it isn't as though his skin has no give to it. She's not doing any damage to him though. Well, I have to say that I find his actions at least as stupid as he does. I do find it encoraging that he sees that they were stupid. I guess with the pain and rejection of 10+ foster families and no one liking him, I can sort of see why he did such a stupid thing, but still. Actually this sounds basically all truthful. Well, except her main anger is that he just does not tell her much of anything. Clark is trying to be more truthful. Thomas wants a chance with Lois? OK, I think on first reading it I figured he meant Rachel, but still it really does sound like he means Lois. No, Thomas really means Rachel. He feels guilty for her death, in a similar way that Clark does. Destined, schmestined. More reason to write my Rachel H. Kent story. Write away! Now he is planning on abandoning another Lois. Nope. Or maybe not. I guess Clark will be here for a while. 200+ part story here we come. Oh, please, let's hope it doesn't make it to 200+ parts. The problem is Clark thinks he can get Lois to love him. He can onlybe the man she can love, he can not change her feelings for him at all.
On the other hand, to be that man he has to tell the truth. I really think he needs to take the leap of truth now. Lois may not believe he can survive the crash at the end of the lead, but he is Clark Kent. Clark Kent survives all. Crash at the end of the lead?  Yes, Clark hasn't become the man he needs to be to earn Lois's happily ever after love. PR:Lois gets captures by the bad guys all the time, and no one thinks her a fool. Lois sometimes thinks herself a fool. NR:See I said Traks was here. PR:At least he does not shot first, ask questions later. Where's the fun in that? Anyway, he doesn't know that CK=SM, or that SM is currently vulnerable. Shows that Trask was not behind the survailance of Lois' apartment. Otherwise he would be more conflicted over whether Lois and Clark have a relationship. Maybe not convinced, but more conflicted. Clark never fully believed it was B39. That was all Lois in her denial over Luthor. Sounds like he has a macho complex issue. He is not ready for a workable relationship with Lois until he fully accepts her as an equal, and not just someone to save. As I said, he has some issues to work through. Anyway, that was HIS role with his relationship with Lana. It's a role he understands: rescurer and protector. On the whole I think this is a very unfair assement. Nah, it's more about Clark's self-pity than his actual belief of Lois's motives. Well, it is not like things can go down hill from this feeling. No matter what Lois does, it can not make him have less hope. Lois could let B39 have him. Have we now reached the point where we don't know. Hmm, if I understood the opening 45 minute statement, I would guess yes. Actually, the 45 minutes ended a while back, several hours in fact. Several hours have passed between when he got captured at this point. Well, yes, but probably none who had ever seen him and Lois in the same area. This is a really good question. Considering the circumstances, how did Trask even come up with such a crazy idea. I have no idea, which is why I have Clark retort with this answer, I'm surprised canon Clark didn't come up with. Yes, but it does not sound like it is honest. TRASK: Nothing this man tells me sounds honest. LOIS: I know that feeling. He hates lieing. I guess he is also horrible at it. Pretty much. And he never thought the two aspects of his life would meet up. Yes, but in the long run she will be less angry, at least if he can ever get her to see the truth, which is a big if. It will feel less of a deception if what he was saying about where he grew up was 100% true. At least I think so. OK, it could be argued that when he said Smallville, and Kansas State and such it would be assumed he meant this earth Smallville, and this earth Kansas State, but it will seem less a lie than if he had spun an elaborate story of being raised in Chicago.
Trask seems to know a lot more about Clark than does Luthor. Trask learned things while at the Daily Planet.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by scifiJoan: To me, the most important factor is content. Finding the most logical breaks where sufficient info is given and it builds to a point where you're dying to know what's next is the best.So, Joan doesn't care how often I post as long as I have a cliffy.  Gotcha! (Lots of those coming up. Speaking of which, I better start prepping 55. Alas, it's too late, tomorrow then...)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I am reading I am just not must of a poster. I am still wondering how you will twist this so that all is right with both worlds.
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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Originally posted by Laurach: I am reading I am just not must of a poster. I am still wondering how you will twist this so that all is right with both worlds. Glad to have you along for the ride. About other stuff: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Well, at least Clark realizes that Lois is attacked to him, not just Superman. Clark does have optimism, like Canon Clark, just not as much. I should proof read my FDKs. I am surprised you were able to figure out what I meant there. I don't know. This Clark has actually gone on dates with Lois, which at least if we assume the show shows all, is more than canon Clark had done with canon Lois at this point. Well, at least pre-GGGoH. In GGGoH what with Lois dancing with Clark an all, especially if you go with the additions in the script, with Lois deliberately asking him to dance and all, it is harder to say. Of course, then there is Superman's line about "We will go flying" in "All Shock Up". Canon Clark seems never to have been as standoffish as Superman, at least until BatP. He hasn't recovered yet. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif) Postive Reader:Yes, there is still hope. Negaitve Reader:For Lois to ripe out his spleen. Positve Reader:No for Lois to show Clark she truly loves him, and not just his powers. Negative Reader:Not likely with her so mad.
John Pack Lambert
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I'm guessing the Corn Fest starts Wed and ends Sunday. But didn't Clark take Cat to France on Sunday, making it also Sunday when they arrived in Smallville. Then when they went to the Corn fest it would have been Monday, right? Or did I get confused about the timing somewhere? So, PR is actually Wells in disguise. And NR has come up with another reason to keep LnC apart. Give Clark a chance to regain his invulnerability.  PR:They do not have that much time. Clark will need Lois' help before he is fully recovered. CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/tiere/c010.gif) He's not only lying to Lois. He's also lying to himself. Both Lois and Clark seem to be very good at that. Yes, but this is Lois, not Lana. She is the exact opposite in many ways. Lois isn't a given and she's a bit of a wildcard in that he never knows what's she's going to do. Still, she is clearly OK with flying in Superman's arms. Shouldn't this clue him into the fact she is definantly not Lana. I somewhat understand why he thinks this way. No one wants to be loved for superficial reasons. However, I do not think Lois knows the real him unless she knows that he has the abilities. He will come to understand this at some point. PR:There is hope for Clark, he is not a total Lunkhead. NR:At some point may mean "after Lois dies", and certainly "after he has suffered a lot from making assumptions that boil down to thinking Lois is extremely shallow".
John Pack Lambert
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I'm thinking what NR means is: Rachel. Of course, technically, Clark did Lana too.
CLARK: Ew. Don't remind me. And, Rachel, well, it was her idea.
LOIS: :rolleyes: Hey, I'm no virgin either, Clark.
CLARK: See, Lois understands. NR:But how would Lois feel about guys who do one night stands. Clark:I did try to build a more permanent relationship with Rachel later on. It's not my fault she ran away. NR:Well you still agreed to it being a one time thing. PR:That was all Rachel's idea. What, are you trying to turn Clark into some kind of Claude or Paul. They have nothing in common. NR:I am just trying to point out how Lois will react to this information. Clark:Good thing I did not tell Lois everything about my relationship with Rachel. Probably not going to happen, but definantly after I tell her about being from another demension if I ever do, and that will be after I tell her CK=SM. NR:See, he won't come totally clean during this century.
John Pack Lambert
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Actually, this Clark doesn't know what happened (or what the Kents did with baby Kal-El). He doesn't know about the grave with Clark Kent's name and the date his ship landed on it. All the more good for him to find her at the grave. Clark:I don't know if I could be good at conforting her. I might be in too much shock at seeing the grave, and she might take it the wrong way. PR:Good point. She would assume the shock was from her discovering your "secret". Of coruse the secret is not what she thinks it is. Lois:Than what is it. PR:  there is nothing I can say.
John Pack Lambert
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I guess I could have put this scene in during the car ride back to the Kents, but that scene was from Lois's POV, and I also thought it tacky for Clark to be thinking of Rachel while sitting next to Lois. Yes, that would have been extremely tacky. So, one vote for TMI. Gotcha! Don't worry, I won't describe Lois's time with Claude (or Paul) or any more details with Lana (we've had enough of that, don't you think?) No more Lana flash-backs.  No indepth description of his first time with Lana.  That would by way, way to much TMI. This was TIM, that would have been torture. No Claude and Lois description.  Claude is just way too creepy, and if he does not come off as super creepy things will be worse. I prefer to think of Claude as the 100% jerk we saw in GEM.
John Pack Lambert
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I can see canon-Clark having the conversation up to the "No, but..." part, and coming up with a convincing and workable reason to bakc out of this. Hmmmm. So, why didn't alt-Clark? I am guessing because he has not had the influence of M&J in his life, and he heavily lacks the confidence that having kind and loving parents gave canon Clark. He was at school. She was at school. They both had busy schedules. It wasn't until he had been back at school a while that he realized how good he had it with Rachel. That last part makes the most sense. Still, since Clark can get to where Rachel is in virtually no time at any point, I still think his busy is not a good excuse. Proably the real reason is he is afraid that he would find out that it did not mean to Rachel what it meant to him.
John Pack Lambert
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PR:Lois gets captures by the bad guys all the time, and no one thinks her a fool. Lois sometimes thinks herself a fool. Good point. Clark:See I am not alone in finding being captured a result of foolishness. Lois:Are you saying I am a fool. Clark:No honey, Never. Lois:  Stop calling me honey. Shows that Trask was not behind the survailance of Lois' apartment. Otherwise he would be more conflicted over whether Lois and Clark have a relationship. Maybe not convinced, but more conflicted. Clark never fully believed it was B39. That was all Lois in her denial over Luthor. Which is why it would be very helpful if Lois was here right now, to learn the truth. As I said, he has some issues to work through. Anyway, that was HIS role with his relationship with Lana. It's a role he understands: rescurer and protector. Which is why things never worked with Lana. Well in part. They both treated the other in some ways as someone to boss around. Hmm, hopefully this experience will cause him to trust Lois more.
John Pack Lambert