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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereMy characters suggested this comedic interlude in their saga. They hope you don't mind that they got a bit distracted from the A-Plot, while they took a leisurely cruise down denial (pun on The Nile). Comments?
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/16/14 01:11 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I have mixed feelings about this whole fiction. Unless Clark can somehow merge with the Clark of this world in a way that merges the two universes, this can not have a happy ending. Either the Clark of this world really stays dead which would be very sad, and the Clark we now love gets Lois or he loses everything for her happiness. I just don't want him to end up miserable. But he is building a love relationship with this Lois. 6 months is more then enough time to fall in love.
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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I can't believe Clark hasn't spilled the beans yet under all that temptation.
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Clark stopped the VCR and went to open the door. So he's watching the video Cat gave him. I wonder what it is, excatly. “Lois!” he said in shock. What was she doing there? “Is everything all right?” Lois: Does something have to be wrong for me to come to your place? “Thanks,” she said, entering. “I just would feel better if I… um… didn’t… uh… have to…” Lois: Readers, remember this is just a cover to my true goal, investigation Clark. PR: Anything you say Lois. Lois: I am not scared. Not at all. I just want to advance my investigation, and this was the perfect cover. That is all that is going on. “You’re always welcome, Lois. You know that,” Clark: You would be welcome if no one had threatened you at all. Actually, he was pleased that she trusted him enough to come to him in her hour of need, PR: True her with your secret. Clark: What's the point, I will be leaving in about two months. She brushed aside her reasons for being there with a wave of her hand. Lois: If I admit Tevino called, I will look too much like a wimp. “Whatcha doing?” she asked, changing the topic. “I thought I heard music.”
Clark blushed. “Nothing.” I think he would be better off just admitting what he is doing. It just looks suspicious to deny it. “Okay, I was watching a movie,” PR: Wis move Clark, Lois would find out anyway. he said, picking up the box the movie Cat had given him earlier as part of her ‘Earth cultural enrichment program’ she had put him on, and hid it behind his back. Apparently, he had made some horrendous faux pas regarding a well-known movie star during one of their conversations, and she deemed it important to keep his cover persona secure. Part and parcel to ‘fitting in here on Earth’, Cat had told him. Some of the films made in his dimension were the same here, but others were not. Lois is not going to give up until he shows her what he is doing.  she used his full name. I can’t believe you’re lying to me,” Lois said, setting her hands on her hips. “Again.” PR: I said this was a bad idea. Lois paled and her jaw dropped. “Is it a…?” she started saying and then glanced surreptitiously at the television. He is going to have to tell her all about it. His eyes widened. “Goodness! I hope not,” he said, contemplating the box. “She said it was about a theft, a court case.” He shook his head, unable to figure out where Cat had come up with that description of this movie. Five minutes in, and he already doubted the validity of Cat’s statement. With a shrug, he tossed Lois the box. Well, at least he has made the wise decision now. He should have just told her what he was doing at the start. Lois set the box down on the coffee table and joined him in the kitchen. “I’m glad it isn’t a porno.” I figured that was Lois' first assumption. “Italian,” she said, and Clark could feel a blush creep up his cheeks.
Oh, please, please, don’t ask for the famous pasta I made that night Superman broke up with you, he begged her with his mind. I was more thinking she was subconsciously trying to send him a message that she wanted an Italian man. Lois: That thought never crossed my mind. I in no way contemplated it, not at all. He had stayed at her place the night before. They had come to his apartment that morning to shower. She had asked to stay over at his place tonight. They had just touched on the topic of pornography, and if she mentioned pasta, there was no way he could possibly make it two more months, let alone two minutes, without kissing her. He should never have kissed her fingers the night before when he had visited her apartment as Superman. He gulped. Just kiss the girl Clark, she will be OK with it. “How about we order some pizza and ‘educate’ you on Marilyn?” Clark: If it is hands on education. Lois: What? Clark: I mean, that sounds good to me. Lois suggested, setting her hand on his chest for a moment. “It’s the perfect movie to get our mind off things.” Clark: Not the things my mind is on right now. Clark glanced down at where her hand had seared his chest with its heat. His mind would be stuck on ‘things’ for the foreseeable future. For the first time in his life, he wished that Lois were mad at him again. Her anger was much easier to deal with than her friendship. I don;t think he will make it through two months.
John Pack Lambert
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“That was different,” Clark said later, switching off the television with the remote and leaning back against the sofa. He rested against one end and Lois against the other, with their knees meeting in the middle. At first I thought this was an "awkward apart pose" but since their knees meet, it isn't that. “I don’t understand the title though. It seemed like Jane Russell was having much more fun than Marilyn was. She’s a bit like you.”
Okay, I’ll bite, Lois decided. “Jane or Marilyn?”
“Jane, of course. A smart, sassy, fiercely loyal, and talented brunette,” he explained. “Someone who was always up for a lark.”[Quote]
I hope Clark can explain this in a postive way. It is dangerously thin ice.
[Quote]Uh-huh. “So, you didn’t mean her assets?” she asked skeptically.
He tossed her a naughty grin that, for once, went straight to his eyes. “I have no idea to what you’re referring,” he replied, clearly knowing exactly what she meant. “I’ve already listed her ‘assets’.” You write such fun Lois/Clark interaction dialogues. Lois guffawed. “You can’t keep going around lying, Clark,” she teased, picking up the pizza box from the coffee table and dumping it into the trash. Besides the obvious reasons that it made her angry and that it went against his personality, he was just plain lousy at it. Although, he had fooled her for months. Or had he? Well, this is not really a lie. It is teasing misdirection. He does not really want anything but her to realize he likes her in all possible ways. Clark popped the movie out of the machine and put it back into its box. “Actually, I don’t lie as much as you do,” he countered. This is extremely thin ice there Clark. “Most everything I say is the truth. Can you say that about yourself?” Clark asked.
“No, but…” Ooooh. She hated when he used her words against her. He actually got her to agree with him. “I’m from Metropolis; you’re from…?” Where was he from? That was her main motivation for coming to his apartment this evening, to find out. Italy? It would also make her argument be total jibberish. He smiled as if he had her. “I’ve told you my secrets, Lois. You’ve chosen not to believe me.” This is technically true, although some were said in a tone where her believing them was not at all expected. “All of them?” she challenged.
He shrugged. “For the most part.” He has not told her he was at one point engaged for one thing. He had hardly touched her, barely brushing her hand once when he handed her a glass of wine, bumping knees when she had kicked off her heels and curled up on the couch. She had only caught him sending her sidelong glances a couple of times during some of Marilyn’s scenes that were more ‘overt’. I guess I understand why Clark is doing this, but I still wish he would flirt with Lois more. As soon as they found Barbara Trevino, their little slumber parties would end, and they could go back to business as usual. She cleared her throat as a pang of disappointment washed over her.  She likes being with Clark. Still, it would have been nice if he had asked her before casting her out to the couch. Clark: No, I prefer not to have Lois go balistic on me. Plus, she might accept, and I really cannot sleep with him in good conscious, not when her Clark will be back soon. No, better not tempt fate. No, it would have been awkward. He was right in not asking her to his bed, especially since their relationship was more friendship and business partners now, than the romance it had once been. Clark: Asking her to bed would just be all wrong. No, I am not going to do it. Even if I thought I could stay here I would not do it. It would be taking advantage of Lois, and more likely cause her to run away than anything else. It is not a good idea. We have not even kissed in months. He hadn’t even tried to kiss her since… since… how long had it been? Since Smallville? No, that couldn’t be right. Certainly, he had tried to kiss her since then, hadn’t he? Clark: Lois, you like being in charge. I am letting you be in control. There was a ever-growing part of her that wanted to say ‘yes’ I believe that should be "an ever-growing". to anything Clark might suggest, so she was glad he wasn’t asking her any ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions at the moment, as in ‘Can I hold your hand?’, ‘May I hold you?’, ‘Can I kiss you?’, or the biggy, ‘May I make love to you?’ Not that she would’ve said ‘yes’ to a kiss, necking, petting, getting naked, taking a long hot steamy shower… I love it when Lois protests too much. Right, his penchant for lying, and the reason someday wasn’t today. “You say so many things, Clark. How am I supposed to know what to take as truth and what’s said in jest to cover up the truth?” This is a good question, although the answer is, most of what he says is truth, even when said in jest.  she is touching Clark. “You keep saying that. Am I that different from other men?” he asked, once more letting go of his self-esteem. The pleasure from her earlier words had already faded from his eyes. How could a man as kind and caring as Clark not know how wonderful a friend he could be? Well, when he wasn’t lying. Because Lois does not tell him how wonderful he is enough. “But this is my bed, Lois, or where I’ll be sleeping. I want you to take my bed,” he insisted. I was hoping this was his plan. “That’s not necessary,” Lois said. Lois: This is going to put a major crimp in my snooping plans. “Not in so many words. It was more implied,” Lois replied with a shiver, glancing away. “I’d rather not be alone.” Clark: So do you want us to sleep together, I mean just sleep in the same place, I did not mean anything else by that suggestion. Not at all. Clark enveloped her in his arms. “As long as I’m around, you’ll never have to be.” Lois: Than hold me. Clark:OK. Lois: Clark, you didn't hear anything. I did not say anything outloud. “You didn’t bring a suitcase,” he murmured into her hair. “Do you want me to swing by your apartment and…?” Lois: Are you deaf, I said I didn't want to be alone. “Okay,” he replied, tightening his embrace slightly.  He is holding her. We are getting more of that than in canon, although since in canon they skipped most of the night, and Clark did hold Lois right when she arrived, maybe there was as much holding and we just did not see it. NR: In canon Clark put his lips to Lois' in this episode. PR: To give her mouth-to-mouth resciciation. It was not a kiss. canon Clark: It felt like a kiss to me. canon Lois: I do not clearly remember it. It did not count as a kiss. Let's try it again Clark. They stood like that for another minute. It felt good to have Clark hold her again as if his arms were a shield of armor to protect her from the evils of the world. Not that she needed protecting, Lois is doing an awful lot of protesting in this section. Lois stepped out of Clark’s embrace, so that her mind could function clearly again. I was hoping this would not happen. “Are you suggesting that we share it?” he asked, his voice deepening, while having a sharp panicked edge to it. Oh, no! That would be a disaster. That wasn’t why she had come to his place. “No, no, no, no, no,” she repeated quickly.
“I agree,” Clark said, exhaling in relief. “I will take the couch.” Clark: See offering to share the bed was not a good idea. “If I can’t find anything, I can always sleep naked.” The words came out of her mouth before she even knew they were forming. Clark: That would be nice. I mean, ah, it is OK by me, I won't be here, so it does not matter to me. That is all I meant, really. Well, so much for the ‘keeping him from checking up on me because he thinks I’m naked’ plan, she thought wryly. Oh, so that was her plan. In an apartment with a half-wall between the living room and the bedroom.
John Pack Lambert
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Lois wondered what that drawer dance had been all about. Was there something he hadn’t wanted her to see in that top drawer? She made a beeline to re-open it. Unfortunately, there was nothing unusual in it. I was hoping he kept the supersuits in that drawer. OK, so I knew he didn't, but it would have been really fun if he did and she found them. Lois touched his chest and smiled.  she touched him again. He was forced to stay here in his apartment with her constantly making innocent-sounding comments, which his mind and body were all too willing to read otherwise. Clark you are not the only one who thinks there are double meanings. Lois leaned against the wall dividing his bedroom from his kitchen, staring at him. Did she really not know how alluring she was, wearing his button down brown silk pajama shirt with the teeny-tiny autumn leaves on it? The shirt clung to her curves more than cotton or polyester. The shirt provocatively revealed her bare legs all the way to her – oh, my! – upper thighs. She really does want to make sure he still likes her. That was a detail she didn’t need to state aloud. For one, he didn’t need it declared so baldly how little she was wearing. For two, he had already noticed. For three, now he had to use all of his strength to pull his eyes from starting at her legs and back to her eyes. Lois: I like it when you look at my legs Clark. What, no, I did not say that. hat shirt, which he had only worn a couple of times, was now his favorite. Those sheets, she was about to bless with her body, with her bare skin, would never… well, okay, he admitted, he would have to wash them at some point, but not until he had seared every aspect of her smell into his memory. Clark, are you sure you will be able to leave this universe when you figure out a way to bring Clark back. Clark wished he had taken the opportunity to zip across the room, take her in his arms, and press to her lips the kiss he so desperately wanted to give her. Moments like this showed him how clearly she was what he needed in life to survive. She was the breath of fresh air for his lungs. She understood him, like nobody else could. She was his soul mate. How could he ever go back to a loisless world? A kiss? Lois wanted to kiss him? He smiled and scooted down into the blankets. She was as miserable as he was. His smile turned into a full-blown grin. I am surprised he has not gone and kissed her. Clark is a stronger man than many. She wanted him, and that was a step towards forgiveness. He didn’t know if it was a first step or a last one, but he knew it was in there somewhere. He started to formulate a plan on how best to tell her the truth about Superman, so that they could finally move on together with their…  he is there for her in reality as well as in her dream. He sat down on the bed next to her, and her hand snaked around his arm. “No, he didn’t, Lois. It was just a dream,” he reassured her. Well, no, and maybe Clark should suspect that it is more. Clark: Why would the right Clark not have protected Lois as well as me? “Okay, I won’t,” he replied, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to his chest. “I’m here. I’m right here. I’m here.”  They are going to sleep together. Lois: Not the way I wa... I mean not the way people normally mean when they use that phrase. Had that just been a nightmare, part and parcel of her really bad week? Or was that a memory? A memory of her Clark saving her from the fake Tracewski?
He closed his eyes as he held Lois close to his chest. I guess this makes sense. It is not like she would believe that this memory is really real if he told her, and she might get scared if he started believing.
John Pack Lambert
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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“Okay, I was watching a movie,” he said, picking up the box the movie Cat had given him earlier as part of her ‘Earth cultural enrichment program’ she had put him on, and hid it behind his back. Apparently, he had made some horrendous faux pas regarding a well-known movie star during one of their conversations, and she deemed it important to keep his cover persona secure. Part and parcel to ‘fitting in here on Earth’, Cat had told him. Some of the films made in his dimension were the same here, but others were not.
“What are you hiding, Clark?” Lois asked, dropping her coat and briefcase next to his sofa.
“Nothing,” he said, turning around quickly to enter his kitchen. “Would you like something to drink?” He had stocked up on cream soda, just in case Lois ever came by. “Or eat?”
“Clark Jerome Kent, I can’t believe you’re lying to me,” Lois said, setting her hands on her hips. “Again.”
He winced. She would pick up on that one measly detail. “Fine,” he retorted. “Not that it’s important, but Cat lent me a movie to watch.”
Lois paled and her jaw dropped. “Is it a…?” she started saying and then glanced surreptitiously at the television. "...Adult video?" Lois set the box down on the coffee table and joined him in the kitchen. “I’m glad it isn’t a porno.”
“Me, too,” he said, and then couldn’t help chuckling at the thought of Lois walking in on him accidentally watching one of those. Not that he ever would on purpose, because he didn’t. Not anymore. Not for many years. He decided to get his mind off that topic. “So, what are you feeling hungry for?” So no Marilyn Monroe in his universe I guess? Clark glanced down at where her hand had seared his chest with its heat. His mind would be stuck on ‘things’ for the foreseeable future. For the first time in his life, he wished that Lois were mad at him again. Her anger was much easier to deal with than her friendship. Waggles eyebrows. I'd say it is sweet torture but considering he thinks he'll never have that opportunity then it's probably more along the lines of terrible torture. Okay, I’ll bite, Lois decided. “Jane or Marilyn?”
“Jane, of course. A smart, sassy, fiercely loyal, and talented brunette,” he explained. “Someone who was always up for a lark.” Fun, loving and intelligent. He hadn’t even tried to kiss her since… since… how long had it been? Since Smallville? No, that couldn’t be right. Certainly, he had tried to kiss her since then, hadn’t he? Missing his kisses, Lois? Lois: *muttering* No comment. Not that she would’ve said ‘yes’ to a kiss, necking, petting, getting naked, taking a long hot steamy shower… I can just imagine Lois beginning to physically melt into a sigh on this. Clark enveloped her in his arms. “As long as I’m around, you’ll never have to be.”
She melted into his chest. There was just something about Clark that was so solid and made her feel safe. I can just imagine Clark breathing in her scent and memorizing it in an attempt to hold onto every possible memory available to him. Love that Lois is relaxing into him too... It probably had something to do with his ability to call Superman. ...aaand she burst that bubble. “If I can’t find anything, I can always sleep naked.” The words came out of her mouth before she even knew they were forming. *choking on a laugh* I can just imagine Clark imagining just that. Beet. Red. His body reached towards her, each hair standing on end to be that much closer to her. He felt as if something from deep inside him could feel her, even if his actual self could not. Ah, that irritable soulmate bond going "mine, mine MINE!" Oh the poor souls calling out for each other but no longer allowing themselves to match up. You've really really got me wondering whether they are denying themselves for naught or if Wells will legitimately figure out a way for Canon Clark to be saved.
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Laura: I'm glad I haven't scared you off. Thanks for sticking with me and my story. I can reassure you that Lois and Clark are both married satisfactorially (to a Clark and a Lois) by the end of the story, but I cannot be more clear on which one they will each end up with.  Hold on! Another twist coming up. Joan: Let's just say his resistance is weakening.  Thanks for reading.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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John: Thanks for the indepth FDK. So he's watching the video Cat gave him. I wonder what it is, excatly.  That's exactly what I wanted you to be thinking at this point. Lois: Does something have to be wrong for me to come to your place? CLARK: Um... yes. After you practically pushed me out of the newsroom earlier. Lois: Readers, remember this is just a cover to my true goal, investigation Clark.
PR: Anything you say Lois.
Lois: I am not scared. Not at all. I just want to advance my investigation, and this was the perfect cover. That is all that is going on. Clark: You would be welcome if no one had threatened you at all. PR: True her with your secret.
Clark: What's the point, I will be leaving in about two months. Pretty much. Lois: If I admit Tevino called, I will look too much like a wimp. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif) And, frankly, she doesn't want to think about it too much. I think he would be better off just admitting what he is doing. It just looks suspicious to deny it. He was embarrassed, and it was a naturral response. Unfortunately, he's used up with 'white lie' points with Lois. PR: Wis move Clark, Lois would find out anyway. Not worth the fight. PR: I said this was a bad idea. CLARK: Geez, aren't I allowed *any* secrets anymore? LOIS: CLARK: Guess not. Well, at least he has made the wise decision now. He should have just told her what he was doing at the start. It wasn't that important. I figured that was Lois' first assumption. CAT: I watch other types of movies. I was more thinking she was subconsciously trying to send him a message that she wanted an Italian man.
Lois: That thought never crossed my mind. I in no way contemplated it, not at all. It possibly crossed her mind once. Just kiss the girl Clark, she will be OK with it. Her feelings about him aren't what's stopping him. Clark: If it is hands on education.
Lois: What?
Clark: I mean, that sounds good to me. Hands on education about Marilyn? I don;t think he will make it through two months. At first I thought this was an "awkward apart pose" but since their knees meet, it isn't that. Slightly awkward. I hope Clark can explain this in a postive way. It is dangerously thin ice. Didn't he? You write such fun Lois/Clark interaction dialogues. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c050.gif) Thank you. Well, this is not really a lie. It is teasing misdirection. He does not really want anything but her to realize he likes her in all possible ways. It's very hard to say the right thing when you have a crush and you don't think the other person recipercates. Especially, when he believes she belongs to someone else. This is extremely thin ice there Clark. He did mention he preferred mad Lois to flirting Lois. He actually got her to agree with him. Semi-canon from 'Foundling'. It would also make her argument be total jibberish. Probably. This is technically true, although some were said in a tone where her believing them was not at all expected. LOIS: Sory. Nope. I'm not going to accept "technically true", I want bald faced truth! He has not told her he was at one point engaged for one thing. Hence "for the most part". I guess I understand why Clark is doing this, but I still wish he would flirt with Lois more. LOIS: So would I. I mean, we're just friends. She likes being with Clark. LOIS: Well, being with Clark is better than being alone. I mean... Clark: No, I prefer not to have Lois go balistic on me. Plus, she might accept, and I really cannot sleep with him in good conscious, not when her Clark will be back soon. No, better not tempt fate. They haven't kissed in months. There was no reason for him to ask her to sleep with him. Clark: Asking her to bed would just be all wrong. No, I am not going to do it. Even if I thought I could stay here I would not do it. It would be taking advantage of Lois, and more likely cause her to run away than anything else. It is not a good idea. We have not even kissed in months. LOIS: Still, it would have been nice to be asked. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a050.gif) What am I saying? No, it wouldn't. I mean... I want him to want me, but I want to also tell him no. CLARK: Good thing I didn't ask. Clark: Lois, you like being in charge. I am letting you be in control. She might like being in charge with Clark, but she likes being swept off her feet by Superman, and romances (where that's more than often the norm). I believe that should be "an ever-growing". Thanks. I love it when Lois protests too much. LOIS: I didn't say any of that outloud, did I? Phew. This is a good question, although the answer is, most of what he says is truth, even when said in jest. LOIS: I just want a straight answer. CLARK: You wouldn't believe it. LOIS: Because Lois does not tell him how wonderful he is enough. And he doesn't have parents who tell him all the time. He's still working on that self-esteem. LOIS: I *think* it. Doesn't that count for something? I was hoping this was his plan. You can take Clark from another dimension, but he'll still be Clark. Lois: This is going to put a major crimp in my snooping plans. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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- Response to John’s FDK – Cont. Clark: So do you want us to sleep together, I mean just sleep in the same place, I did not mean anything else by that suggestion. Not at all. LOIS:  Tripping over your tongue a bit there, Clark? Lois: Than hold me.
Lois: Clark, you didn't hear anything. I did not say anything outloud. He IS holding her. Lois: Are you deaf, I said I didn't want to be alone. CLARK: But I need some fresh air, maybe a dip in some Arctic waters, do a quick patrol, I could swing by your apartment on the way back. LOIS: What? CLARK: Fine, I'll stay. Mind if I take a cold shower? LOIS: Can I join you? CLARK: Clark: See offering to share the bed was not a good idea. Clark: That would be nice. I mean, ah, it is OK by me, I won't be here, so it does not matter to me. That is all I meant, really.  In other words, if she sleeps naked, there will be a Clark sized hole in the wall? Oh, so that was her plan. In an apartment with a half-wall between the living room and the bedroom. Well, techinically, it was the plan that was formed while she was speaking. Darn, leap before she thinks attitude. I was hoping he kept the supersuits in that drawer. OK, so I knew he didn't, but it would have been really fun if he did and she found them. He keeps them in a secret compartment behind his armoire. So, the cabinet needs to be pulled out for anyone to find them. Clark you are not the only one who thinks there are double meanings. CLARK: What? The Readers think so too? She really does want to make sure he still likes her. Well, he hasn't acted on his liking her in months. Lois: I like it when you look at my legs Clark. What, no, I did not say that. CLARK: The problem isn't the looking, but what the looking makes me want to do. Clark, are you sure you will be able to leave this universe when you figure out a way to bring Clark back. How could he ever go back to a loisless world? Because it's the right thing to do? <<ducking>> I am surprised he has not gone and kissed her. Clark is a stronger man than many. Just the knowing makes him happy at the moment. Plus, her admitting it to herself, and her admitting it to him, two very different things. Plan: Go back to my 5 Point Plan. <<ducking>> I was so hoping he would not remember this. I guess no such luck. Darn eidetic memory. Even though this is a memory she will just assume it was a nightmare. Yep. How she was feeling in the moment (in the dream). <<John's excited>> he is there for her in reality as well as in her dream. Actually this dream sequence was taken pretty much vertabim from "Another Lois", but she wakes up and she's alone, no Clark. This time, he's there. Well, no, and maybe Clark should suspect that it is more.
Clark: Why would the right Clark not have protected Lois as well as me? Good question. CANON CLARK: Differently. Not worse. ALT-CLARK: Yeah, buddy. You keep telling yourself that. They are going to sleep together.
Lois: Not the way I wa... I mean not the way people normally mean when they use that phrase. Yes, well, she's going to sleep. I guess this makes sense. It is not like she would believe that this memory is really real if he told her, and she might get scared if he started believing. Telling her that she might have known him, only not him, in a previous telling of her life might get him a one-way ticket to Luthor House for the Mentally Insane.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Christina:  Hi, there! So no Marilyn Monroe in his universe I guess? Back when Clark went to Cat's apartment the first time, he found a biography on the actress and didn't recognize her name, so he sped read the book. Waggles eyebrows. I'd say it is sweet torture but considering he thinks he'll never have that opportunity then it's probably more along the lines of terrible torture. Sweet in as its real, not imaginary, and live, not memory. The terrible torture would come when he recalls this evening in the future and realizes he should have kissed her and didn't. Fun, loving and intelligent. Isn't that Lois? Missing his kisses, Lois?
Lois: *muttering* No comment. Oh the poor souls calling out for each other but no longer allowing themselves to match up. You've really really got me wondering whether they are denying themselves for naught or if Wells will legitimately figure out a way for Canon Clark to be saved. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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 That's exactly what I wanted you to be thinking at this point. For the record I was sure it was not a pornographic film. Cat knows that Clark would not stay her friend if she tried schenanigans like that. CLARK: Um... yes. After you practically pushed me out of the newsroom earlier. Lois: Just because I don't want you hovering like a bodygaurd on my walk home does not mean I don't want to see you.
John Pack Lambert
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Clark: If it is hands on education.
Lois: What?
Clark: I mean, that sounds good to me. Hands on education about Marilyn? Clark: With Lois filling the title role. Clark: No, I prefer not to have Lois go balistic on me. Plus, she might accept, and I really cannot sleep with him in good conscious, not when her Clark will be back soon. No, better not tempt fate. They haven't kissed in months. There was no reason for him to ask her to sleep with him. She might like being in charge with Clark, but she likes being swept off her feet by Superman, and romances (where that's more than often the norm). Clark: Well, I am not the right man for her. I will just be her friend, at least while I have no hope. And he doesn't have parents who tell him all the time. He's still working on that self-esteem.
LOIS: I *think* it. Doesn't that count for something? Clark: I'm not telepathic. It only works when you say it, outlouad.
John Pack Lambert
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We are getting more of that than in canon, although since in canon they skipped most of the night, and Clark did hold Lois right when she arrived, maybe there was as much holding and we just did not see it. They often went to black when we least wanted them to. Sometimes it is better to not show what is going on, and jsut leave it to the imagination. We can even infer kisses between Lois and Clark in PML from unshown scenes. Lois is doing an awful lot of protesting in this section. Hence my disclaimer of their journey through That River in Egypt. Clark: That would be nice. I mean, ah, it is OK by me, I won't be here, so it does not matter to me. That is all I meant, really.  In other words, if she sleeps naked, there will be a Clark sized hole in the wall? Clark: What? No. I am sleeping out here in the living room. Thus I will not be "there" in the bed. In the bedroom either. So her being naked is not affecting me. Lois: I like it when you look at my legs Clark. What, no, I did not say that. CLARK: The problem isn't the looking, but what the looking makes me want to do. Lois: Well, that won't be all bad. Wait, no, what did I say. Clark, I did not say anything at all. You did not hear me speak, I did not say anything. Not at all. <<John's excited>> he is there for her in reality as well as in her dream. Actually this dream sequence was taken pretty much vertabim from "Another Lois", but she wakes up and she's alone, no Clark. This time, he's there. There is a reason why I waited a long time to read "Another Lois", reading lots of "Wrong Clark" before I gave up during the Smallville arc to make sure I was not missing anything important. Well, no, and maybe Clark should suspect that it is more.
Clark: Why would the right Clark not have protected Lois as well as me? Good question. CANON CLARK: Differently. Not worse. ALT-CLARK: Yeah, buddy. You keep telling yourself that. CANON CLARK: Well, Lois and I had never been on a date. I did not feel like pushing her to let me stay overnight, and she was mad at me for pushing her to the ground in what she thought was over-reaction to the motorcycle backfiring. Anyway, I mad it in there really fast and saved her from Mr. Make-up, so I was there for her, just not as close as maybe she would have liked. They are going to sleep together.
Lois: Not the way I wa... I mean not the way people normally mean when they use that phrase. Yes, well, she's going to sleep. Clark: I can't trust myself to sleep, holding Lois who is just wearing my shirt, and no shorts. No I have to stay awake, if I fall asleep something awkward might happen. I guess this makes sense. It is not like she would believe that this memory is really real if he told her, and she might get scared if he started believing. Telling her that she might have known him, only not him, in a previous telling of her life might get him a one-way ticket to Luthor House for the Mentally Insane. Probably not if he also tells her he is Superman and from another dimension. However that would be a lot to tell her at any point, and when she just woke up from a nightmare is probably not a good time, even if he felt there was any point in telling her. Hopefully since he knowns the truth he can point her away from her thinking herself crazy. On the other hand the very fact that Superman exists makes her dreams about him and Clark not seem so crazy. In "Another Lois" people treated the stories of Superman as total craziness and her attraction to Clark as a sign of mental illness. Here, even if she tells someone her dreams in full, they will at least consider them within the range of believability.
John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by John Lambert: For the record I was sure it was not a pornographic film. Cat knows that Clark would not stay her friend if she tried schenanigans like that. CAT: Thank you for thinking of me as being a better friend than that. EW: I don't know. I could see Cat giving it to him as a joke, but Clark not watching it after realizing (2 minutes in) what kind of movie it was. It would be the kind of thing they would both laugh about later... much, much later. Lois: Just because I don't want you hovering like a bodygaurd on my walk home does not mean I don't want to see you. CLARK: So, I can walk you home as long as you're blind? CAT: What are you talking about, Clark? She IS blind. Clark: With Lois filling the title role. LOIS: You want me to play patty-cake?* Piggy the Snake - from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Watch the "clip" from the IMDb site to know what I'm referring to. <<which is spoofed in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" by Jessica Rabbit playing patty-cake with a someone and it being photographed to frame Roger Rabbit>> /I couldn't find a clip of that scene/ Clark: Well, I am not the right man for her. I will just be her friend, at least while I have no hope. Oh, Clark, *any* man can sweep a woman off her feet. He doesn't need super strength. Clark: I'm not telepathic. It only works when you say it, outloud. LOIS: It's more implied than said. CLARK: Still doesn't count. LOIS: Well, *you're* an investigative reporter! Figure it out! Sometimes it is better to not show what is going on, and jsut leave it to the imagination.
We can even infer kisses between Lois and Clark in PML from unshown scenes. You think they actually kissed? Is that why Clark is looking so sheepish when Lois is "humilated" after the night of the 7 veils? Clark: What? No. I am sleeping out here in the living room. Thus I will not be "there" in the bed. In the bedroom either. So her being naked is not affecting me. Knowing about it might. CLARK: Lois: Well, that won't be all bad. Wait, no, what did I say. Clark, I did not say anything at all. You did not hear me speak, I did not say anything. Not at all.  You really do like the over-protesting, don't you? There is a reason why I waited a long time to read "Another Lois", reading lots of "Wrong Clark" before I gave up during the Smallville arc to make sure I was not missing anything important. It's not necessary to read "Another Lois" but more stuff will pass you by if you don't. Clark: Why would the right Clark not have protected Lois as well as me?
CANON CLARK: Differently. Not worse.
ALT-CLARK: Yeah, buddy. You keep telling yourself that.
CANON CLARK: Well, Lois and I had never been on a date. I did not feel like pushing her to let me stay overnight, and she was mad at me for pushing her to the ground in what she thought was over-reaction to the motorcycle backfiring. Anyway, I mad it in there really fast and saved her from Mr. Make-up, so I was there for her, just not as close as maybe she would have liked. Canon LOIS: Nah, I didn't mind being choked until I passed out, Clark. :rolleyes: Clark: I can't trust myself to sleep, holding Lois who is just wearing my shirt, and no shorts. No I have to stay awake, if I fall asleep something awkward might happen. Floating? Probably not if he also tells her he is Superman and from another dimension. However that would be a lot to tell her at any point, and when she just woke up from a nightmare is probably not a good time, even if he felt there was any point in telling her. Hopefully since he knowns the truth he can point her away from her thinking herself crazy. He doesn't know either way, so best not to suggest it. On the other hand the very fact that Superman exists makes her dreams about him and Clark not seem so crazy. In "Another Lois" people treated the stories of Superman as total craziness and her attraction to Clark as a sign of mental illness. Here, even if she tells someone her dreams in full, they will at least consider them within the range of believability. Not any more real than your or my dreams / nightmares, unless she tells them that she sometimes has pyschic visions / feelings / dreams, then MAYBE.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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You think they actually kissed? Is that why Clark is looking so sheepish when Lois is "humilated" after the night of the 7 veils? Actually, I would not be surprised if he gave in that much at some point. However, actually I was more thinking of when Lois drags Clark below screen level at the end of the scenes from the first day. Lois: Well, that won't be all bad. Wait, no, what did I say. Clark, I did not say anything at all. You did not hear me speak, I did not say anything. Not at all.  You really do like the over-protesting, don't you? Well, until Lois and Clark start actually admitting to each other how they feel, yes. It's not necessary to read "Another Lois" but more stuff will pass you by if you don't.  Interestingly enough, the biggest issue that I was trying to learn about was not really addressed, so it didn't help me understand that. Although I guess I then realized that I was not missing any key information on that issue. Canon LOIS: Nah, I didn't mind being choked until I passed out, Clark. :rolleyes: Canon Clark: OK, you have a point. I am sorry about that. Canon Lois: Just don't let it happen again. Not that I normally need your protection. I will be fine. Mr. Makeups in jail. You go home, and don't let me catch you hanging outside the planet building when I leave. Clark: I can't trust myself to sleep, holding Lois who is just wearing my shirt, and no shorts. No I have to stay awake, if I fall asleep something awkward might happen. Floating?  Clark: I was more thinking of subconscious hand drifting while asleep, but floating probably would be bad too.
John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by John Lambert: Actually, I would not be surprised if he gave in that much at some point. However, actually I was more thinking of when Lois drags Clark below screen level at the end of the scenes from the first day. I don't recall that happening. She pulls him around by his tie, he notices that Perry is "drunk on love too", they end up in the conference room with Lois still attacking him, he sees Cat in the copier room, and then Lois drags him off by his tie. My guess, he never succombed. Well, until Lois and Clark start actually admitting to each other how they feel, yes. They've admitted it! Oh, to EACH other. Well, where's the fun in that? There's no UST in that. Interestingly enough, the biggest issue that I was trying to learn about was not really addressed, so it didn't help me understand that. Although I guess I then realized that I was not missing any key information on that issue. Now, you've got me curious what the "big issue" is that wasn't addressed was. Have I missed something? Canon Clark: OK, you have a point. I am sorry about that.
Canon Lois: Just don't let it happen again. Not that I normally need your protection. I will be fine. Mr. Makeups in jail. You go home, and don't let me catch you hanging outside the planet building when I leave. Canon CLARK: Okay, I won't let any more strangers choke you. Is it okay if Superman freezes you to death to save my folks? Canon LOIS: Next! Clark: I was more thinking of subconscious hand drifting while asleep, but floating probably would be bad too. Oh, yes, that would be dangerous as well, for a completely different reason.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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The Superman freesing Lois was entriely Lois' idea, she did not tell Clark what she had in mind at all, she just asked him to get Superman. In fact Superman tried to talk her out of that crazy scheme.
John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by John Lambert: The Superman freesing Lois was entriely Lois' idea, she did not tell Clark what she had in mind at all, she just asked him to get Superman. In fact Superman tried to talk her out of that crazy scheme. Detail schmetails. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Clark stopped the VCR and went to open the door. “Lois!” he said in shock. What was she doing there? “Is everything all right?” Oh, this déjà-vu is going to be fun during PML “A what?” he asked, not following.
She looked at him as if she couldn’t believe he didn’t know to what she was referring.  That came up before, didn’t it? “Where or how someone grows up shouldn’t have any bearing on their moral conduct,” he replied. So, you’re saying that someone born in a penal colony would not be used to lying and slitting people’s throats but instead should be aware that it’s not okay to do so? Or a Lois raised in a Kryptonian harem wouldn’t be expected to be a sexually adventurous person who’s main goal in life would be to please First Lord of Krypton Kal-El in every way he could imagine? She hated when he tore down her arguments before she made them. “I’ve got a deal for you, Chuck. I’ll stop lying when you do.” She thinks that’s a safe bet, huh? Clark went into his bedroom and returned with a blanket and pillow for the couch. Evidently, he wasn’t planning to invite her to his bed, which was good. Still, it would have been nice if he had asked her before casting her out to the couch. Umm… Not that she would’ve said ‘yes’ to a kiss, necking, petting, getting naked, taking a long hot steamy shower… Right. :rolleyes: