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#91921 12/11/12 08:30 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

I promise you that I didn't write the Smallville arc so long and slow down my posting schedule, so that this part would post at Christmas, I was just lucky. laugh

Also, for any of those of you who haven't read Jolly St. Clark , please let me know if you got lost at all during that last scene? It isn't a prerequisite for understanding this story arc (I hope), but it does explain how Lois knew where Superman would be that night. If it is confusing, I'll know to add in a few lines explaining the transition in more detail. An extra shout out to my beta for "Jolly St. Clark": Joan! smile1 Who knew it was a gift that would keep on giving? wink


Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/16/14 01:02 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Yaaaay!!! Christmas part! This was one of my faves! Also, so close to some REALLY great parts in your near future that you do NOT want to miss, so don't fall behind wink

.talk nerdy to me.
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I'm wondering about the red and green crystals in that bracelet that Luther was trying to give Lois. Nice to see a glimpse of Jack. Leave it to Luther to do a lame version of Christmas.

Nice to see parts of your other Christmas story too! Maybe you'll give us a Christmas present and have Clark 'fess up to Lois??? One can hope.


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“I’m Denny.”

Denny ate with gusto as if he didn’t know when or where he would eat again.
*musing* Denny... Now where have I heard that name before?

His brow furrowed in thought. “About a month. My brother, Jack and I came here after the weather turned cold.”
So I guess Clark set them up with a good place to go if they didn't go here. It was pretty obvious that Clark had helped them get a leg up but I wonder how that happened. I know the Superman Foundation was in it's infancy at that point so I'm not even sure they would have had the connections to get him into a half-way house (which is what I would expect for a brother pairing, one of which is old enough to work in some jobs.)

She turned in time to see the last chocolate covered strawberry disappear. Her stomach growled with approval.
Wouldn't that have been disapproval? It's not happy she didn't grab a chocolate strawberry.

Denny replied, reaching across the table and grabbing a chocolate covered strawberry off the plate of a pre-teen girl, who had taken five, and handed it to Lois.
That's nice Denny, but it's still kinda mean. I know it was with good intent but still.

“Where’s Jack?” Lois asked.

“In solitary,” Denny mumbled. “He gets in trouble a lot because he expects more from this place.”

Solitary confinement for kids? What kind of place was this?
A penitentiary for unwanted kids. Or at least I'm sure that's part of Luthor's mindset. It will make them stronger for it.

Lois noticed that the other food he had placed there had disappeared. What happened to the apple and roll she had seen him put there a few minutes earlier?
Hiding away the long-term storage foods to fill in the gaps that come from very little unfulfilling food.

“There was a pretty blonde lady from the Metropolis Star here for Thanksgiving,” Britney said, grabbing a couple of tartlets and putting them on her plate. The chocolate covered strawberries had already disappeared. It would explain the brown streaks on her cheeks. “I got my picture taken.”

Lois pressed her lips together in annoyance. Apparently, this wasn’t as exclusive an honor as Lex had led her to believe. She’d have Jimmy check through archives on whom Luthor deemed her equivalent over at the Met. Star.
Methinks that Linda King's in town. That's not going to be fun for Lois.

“Thank you for talking with me,” Lois said loudly enough for Britney to hear and held out her hand to Denny. Pressed against her palm was her business card.

Denny once again thought her odd for this behavior.
One of those things he's never had to deal with. Most of the people Jack had to talk to probably never did have a business card.

There was something strange going on in this place. She knew of no charity who would throw out perfectly good food, when there were hungry mouths to feed.
I agree and impact statements are a major part of charity life these days. You can't get away with throwing away food like that without rebounding on the charity itself. Then again we're talking about a Luthor charity. I am guessing that he could probably prop it up on his own with no support for others with no great difficulty.

“I have brought each of you a gift,” Lex told them, turning to his assistant. “Final tally, Mrs. Cox?”

“Thirty-six children,” she told him.

“Only thirty-six made it to Santa’s good list?” Lex said with a click of his tongue. “Oh, dear. Well, the others will have to try harder next year.”

Lois’s jaw fell open in shock. How many children, like Jack, had been excluded from the celebrations, due to “bad” behavior, such as speaking up?
She may have just found her angle. It's still a fluff piece, but the kind of fluff piece she'd do well on.

“Now, remember if you don’t like the gift you receive, you may trade it with another child to get what you want,” Mrs. Cox said.
In other words, Barter.

“Isn’t that what the Santa Claus myth is all about?”

How could he talk about Santa Claus being a myth with young children not twenty feet away?

“No, Lex,” Lois corrected him, lowering her voice. “It’s about believing in magic, and about someone knowing that you’re good inside, even when no one else believes it. It’s about hope.
I love that this was part of Lois to begin with, even when she didn't show it off in "Season's Greedings" much.

“All these children have a roof over their heads, a bed to sleep in, clothing to wear, and an education that was denied them this time last year, Lois,” Lex defended himself.
Christina, who has taken WAY too many courses in business management lately: Um, that only covers PART of the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. I'm sure you know that Luthor.

Luthor: Ah, but no one actually GIVES you the rest. You have to work for the rest yourself.

I know my voice for him isn't quite right but I still wanted to write him for a sec.

Lex shrugged. “These children are used to trading to get what they want. They enjoy that part of the holiday tradition,” he said, once more dismissing her ideas.
That's a HALLOWEEN tradition in our household, not a Christmas one. Halloween you bartered for your favorite pieces after going over your haul.

Thank you, Lex, but I cannot accept such a lavish gift,” Lois said, trying to hand back the watch, and then added in a teasing tone, “Perry might accuse me of bias.”
clap clap

She took another look at the chunky green and red crystals, which adorned the watch. They seemed to catch the light and appeared almost to glow from within
A chill's running down my spine. Methinks this is going to be problematic. I know the red K wasn't found until the next season but the green could be what is contained in that watch.

Lois ran down the damp sidewalk, through the crisp night’s air, hoping that she wasn’t crazy, that this vision she had seen wasn’t insanity.
A huge tree teetered off in the corner, so tall it almost bent at the top where it scraped the ceiling. Other than that one comparison, it did not match the one at the Luthor House in the slightest. Handmade and bought ornaments covered from lowest boughs to tallest point; she could hardly see the pine needles. This was indeed the tree she had pictured earlier, the one, which had made the Luthor House children’s Christmas trees seem more sad, more fake, and less perfect.
Lois sighed into a smile. This was what her Christmas had been missing.
A vision from Season's Greedings I'm guessing. Going to see Clark's pet project I assume?

How could Clark not fear commitment when the dearest people in the world to him were torn from him so suddenly as a child? How could he not feel afraid to reveal the truth of his past to her, after bouncing around from home to home, being rejected time and time again? And what had she done? She had pushed him away. She had rejected him and told him he wasn’t worthy of her love.
I'm guessing she's accepted the "orphaned as a child" story fully. I know she overhead the Kents suggester cover story but it didn't seem like she had fully believed (as in faith believe not logically believe) the story until this moment.

How had she known Superman was going to be at the Metropolis City Orphanage? He shook his head. Had that been another one of those psychic visions, or had she followed Clark there from his apartment? Had she thought Santa was Clark not Superman?
I'm not sure on that one. I do know that in one of the previous cycles she had figured out Clark=Superman but this time she hadn't yet figured that out. Unless this is one story that we never heard. I don't remember him dressing up as Santa in the canon universe.

For now, you aren’t allowed to kiss me without my say so.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, bowing his head to hide his grin.

For now.

His smile faded.

So sweet until that end part. At least the rest of it helped mitigate this little bit of sad.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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“Is now,” he replied, glancing at her outstretched hand, as if she were weird. “I’m Denny.”
Is this Jack's brother Denny?

Denny ate with gusto as if he didn’t know when or where he would eat again. She also noticed that he ate some things, others he put into his napkin on his lap. He was wearing a loose windbreaker, several sizes too large, over his dress shirt and tie. Hoarding was a sure sign of possible homelessness. She was glad that Lex wouldn’t go so far as to hire actors for this strange party.
Much cheaper to bring in homeless children. They won't demand pay beyond the food.

His brow furrowed in thought. “About a month. My brother, Jack and I came here after the weather turned cold.”
Sounds like I was right. I guess conservation of detail still works in fanfic.

Solitary confinement for kids? What kind of place was this?
The type of place that Luthor would run.

“That instead of spending a fortune on this party, Jack thought Luthor should spread the money out over the course of the year, improving the food in general,” Denny said, taking two more tartlets off a passing tray. One he shoved in his mouth, the other he set in his lap.
But if the party is really good it will encorage donations which will lead to, oh wait, with Luthor, probably no inprovement.

“That didn’t go over well. Apparently, the Luthor House did the same thing on Thanksgiving. We saw the dumpsters full of still good food when we came to see if there was room for us. We thought we were going to be living the high life.” He shrugged, implying that usually they didn’t.
This does sound like very poor planning on someone's part.

“There was a pretty blonde lady from the Metropolis Star here for Thanksgiving,” Britney said, grabbing a couple of tartlets and putting them on her plate.
Linda King?

Lois pressed her lips together in annoyance. Apparently, this wasn’t as exclusive an honor as Lex had led her to believe. She’d have Jimmy check through archives on whom Luthor deemed her equivalent over at the Met. Star.
smile1 grumble I think spying devices are more likely.

John Pack Lambert
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She took another look at the chunky green and red crystals, which adorned the watch. They seemed to catch the light and appeared almost to glow from within.
smile1 hyper more rejection of Luthor.

Although, if she had to chose between them Lex would lose, every time.
Clark: I guess I like that. I am still jealous of Superman thogh.

“That’s true, I was.
Clark: Lois, he is lieing.

Lois: How can you tell.

Clark: His lips are moving.

“Of course, Lex. As I’ve stated before, my career is of upmost importance to me,” she replied. “If you were a humble, ordinary man of little importance to the city, and its impact on society or on news in general, then this would be a different conversation entirely.” Yes, then she wouldn’t be holding back how much she was growing to dislike and despise him.
clap Although sadly that is not what Lex hears.

Lois’s skin began to crawl. Lex was a little too much interested in her and Clark.
Clark: He also seems a little too knowledgable about it.

“What ‘relationship’, Lex? Clark is my partner. We work together.”
And sleep together.

“I understand that you two attended the Kerth Awards together,” Lex countered,
Lois: We didn't even arrive together. I brought Jimmy as my date.

“We were at the Kerth Awards at the same time, but we weren’t ‘together’. I took Jimmy,”
This is totally true. Hmm, she did not even make the "arrived seperately claim".

“Didn’t he take you to dinner before that?” Lex continued to probe.
How does Lex know this?

“I heard that he took you to eat at Amphora,” he said. “Their food is a bit pedestrian for me, but I’m sure it put Kent back a pretty penny. It’s not exactly a ‘dinner with friends or colleagues’ type establishment.”
Lois: It was for my birthday. Some people really lavish their friends on their birthdays.

Lex continuing to do so made alarm bells go off in her head.
clap alarms are finally going off.

Whether or not she and Clark were dating, she would be turning Lex down. Her private life was none of his business, and Clark’s private life was even less so.
I guess technically they have not been on any dates since the Keth Awards, despite having slept together.

Lois: We did not sleep together.

Reader: You were sleeping, and you were in the same bed.

Lois: That is not what the phrase means.

“All work and no play, makes for some very lonely nights, Lois, does it not?
Lois: Not when your work partner spends the nigth with you.

Lois cleared her throat and took another step away from him. “You have given me much to think about, Lex;
Now he thinks he is making headway. Of course Luthor does not know the meaning of the word no.

think of how much she could have accomplished on her investigation of Clark with a few hours in Italy itself.
Nothing if she was on a date with Luthor.

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How could Clark not fear commitment when the dearest people in the world to him were torn from him so suddenly as a child?
She is starting to truly understand Clark.

because he loved her.
At least she realizes this.

Santa reappeared out of his sack with a black and white fuzzy teddy bear and held it out for her. “So you never have to be alone, Ms. Lane,” he said, holding it out to her.
smile1 smile1 Clarkie bear has made his appearance.

How could he ever give up such a woman?
Hopefully he does not have to find out.

How had she known Superman was going to be at the Metropolis City Orphanage?
The same way she knows his name is Chuck.

Had she thought Santa was Clark not Superman?
Good question. I am unsure on the matter myself.

Clark stood up, took a leap into the air, and came back down spinning out of Jonathan’s old Santa suit,
He even borrowed Jonathan's suit like canon-Clark did (ok, in Virginia's own incarnation of canon, but there is no 1st season contradiction of that per se, so I will call it canon).

He walked into the dining room from the kitchen. He hadn’t taken more than five steps, before his favorite brunette approached him.
Lois: Who is this brunette?

Clark: You, of course.

Lois: Oh.

“Clark, I was so worried. He found you!” she said, giving him a hug. “Santa found you.”
Clark: So did Lois think Santa was Superman, or is she just acting for Samantha's benefit, and knew it was me all along?

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Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Yaaaay!!! Christmas part! This was one of my faves! Also, so close to some REALLY great parts in your near future that you do NOT want to miss, so don't fall behind wink
Thanks for the plug! clap Good luck on your exam!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by scifiJoan:
I'm wondering about the red and green crystals in that bracelet that Luther was trying to give Lois.
Hmmm. *Was* it just a Christmas watch? wink

Nice to see a glimpse of Jack.
I figured I'd give Denny and Jack a good reason to be out on the street come canon's Foundling. laugh

Leave it to Luther to do a lame version of Christmas.
Leave it to Luthor to promote himself as the savior of Christmas? wink

LEX: But I *am*!

Nice to see parts of your other Christmas story too!
As I mentioned before, when I originally wrote "Jolly St. Clark" I wrote it for this story, but then switched it to canon dimension, because I wanted to contribute *something* for my Christmas challenge (write a S1 Christmas episode). But so much has changed in Wrong Clark since my earliest inklings of it last year at this time, that I couldn't add it into this story as it had been. I also wanted to give another reason why canon Lois might have decided to continue to date Luthor after his treatment of her and Metropolis during MoSB. If Lois hadn't had all these bad feelings about Lex (also been shot by him, or had him buy her as a escort at the Metro Club), would she have fallen for his smooth persuavive lines on why they should date?

Maybe you'll give us a Christmas present and have Clark 'fess up to Lois??? One can hope.
I did give Clark a Christmas miracle, Lois's forgiveness. Perhaps I'll give him an extra gift in tomorrow night's part. The only Christmas gift I give you is another twist or turn on this roller coaster come Christmas Day. cool

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Christina: Thanks for the long FDK.
*musing* Denny... Now where have I heard that name before?
The Foundling. Jack's little brother.

So I guess Clark set them up with a good place to go if they didn't go here. It was pretty obvious that Clark had helped them get a leg up but I wonder how that happened. I know the Superman Foundation was in it's infancy at that point so I'm not even sure they would have had the connections to get him into a half-way house (which is what I would expect for a brother pairing, one of which is old enough to work in some jobs.)
Um... No. Clark hasn't met Jack and Denny in this story. Actually, I wasn't going to include them due to leaving the Globe in Smallville.

Wouldn't that have been disapproval? It's not happy she didn't grab a chocolate strawberry.
Approval of the desserts being served. I'm not going to have Lois taking food from homeless kids, Bobby Bigmouth, maybe, but not homeless kids.

That's nice Denny, but it's still kinda mean. I know it was with good intent but still.
Well, she did take 5 from the plate, leaving none for Lois.

A penitentiary for unwanted kids. Or at least I'm sure that's part of Luthor's mindset. It will make them stronger for it.
Let's train them to be minions from an early age. clap

Hiding away the long-term storage foods to fill in the gaps that come from very little unfulfilling food.
And table scraps for his brother.

Methinks that Linda King's in town. That's not going to be fun for Lois.
[Linked Image]

One of those things he's never had to deal with. Most of the people Jack had to talk to probably never did have a business card.
Actually, it was the shaking hands with him that he thought odd. He didn't know about the business card until she passed it to him in the handshake.

I agree and impact statements are a major part of charity life these days. You can't get away with throwing away food like that without rebounding on the charity itself. Then again we're talking about a Luthor charity. I am guessing that he could probably prop it up on his own with no support for others with no great difficulty.
Well, they throw out the food after a big catered party, so he wouldn't think of it as being any different, since this "gift" was over and above their usual.

She may have just found her angle. It's still a fluff piece, but the kind of fluff piece she'd do well on.
"Lex Luthor Plays Santa Only to Good Children" . I don't know. I think Lex could spin that as a positive.

In other words, Barter.
Pretty much. That's how it is on the streets.

I love that this was part of Lois to begin with, even when she didn't show it off in "Season's Greedings" much.
This Lois has more (repressed) life experience than S2 Lois. wink

Christina, who has taken WAY too many courses in business management lately: Um, that only covers PART of the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. I'm sure you know that Luthor.

Luthor: Ah, but no one actually GIVES you the rest. You have to work for the rest yourself.

I know my voice for him isn't quite right but I still wanted to write him for a sec.
Sounds like him. At least he got the bottom level covered, according to him.

That's a HALLOWEEN tradition in our household, not a Christmas one. Halloween you bartered for your favorite pieces after going over your haul.
Well, Lex was orphaned at age 10 like Clark. Where had *he* ended up to get where he is today?

A chill's running down my spine. Methinks this is going to be problematic. I know the red K wasn't found until the next season but the green could be what is contained in that watch.
Just because Red K wasn't found until Intergang looked for it in canon, doesn't mean that this Lex's minions haven't found it. [Linked Image]

A vision from Season's Greedings I'm guessing. Going to see Clark's pet project I assume?
Nope, visions from my last year's S1 Christmas story "Jolly St. Clark." Clearly, I need to add more for those people who didn't read that story (or remember it a year later).

I'm guessing she's accepted the "orphaned as a child" story fully. I know she overhead the Kents suggester cover story but it didn't seem like she had fully believed (as in faith believe not logically believe) the story until this moment.
She *wants* to believe it now. Superman gave her an excuse when he said that from a certain point of view Clark's story was true. So, she believes most of what Clark tells her is true, only WHERE it took place (and with major details missing) is the lie.

I'm not sure on that one. I do know that in one of the previous cycles she had figured out Clark=Superman but this time she hadn't yet figured that out. Unless this is one story that we never heard. I don't remember him dressing up as Santa in the canon universe.
Another flashback from "Jolly St. Clark." blush He mentinoned previously in his flashbacks to his earlier life that he used to stay on Campus at Kansas State and get a job as mall Santa before he started dating Lana. And after being included in the Lang family Christmas party, wished would have much rather have been back at the Mall as Santa than spend it with her family.

So sweet until that end part. At least the rest of it helped mitigate this little bit of sad.
Thanks. It had to be bitter-sweet due to where Clark is at the moment. sad Don't worry, the night's not over yet. cool

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: smile1 Another 3 part FDK. Have I been forgiven for bringing Lex into Lois's Christmas, then? wink

Is this Jack's brother Denny?
[Linked Image]

Much cheaper to bring in homeless children. They won't demand pay beyond the food.
In the Pilot, the White Orchid Ball was a fundraiser for this Luthor House for Homeless Children charity. I thought it might be fun to see what life was like at one of Luthor's charities.

Sounds like I was right. I guess conservation of detail still works in fanfic.
Conservataion of detail? confused Is that where you bump into familiar characters out of time and place? Well, in "Soul Mates" Lois and Clark kept bumping into the same set of people, no matter which place they landed on the timeline. If they are MEANT to be in your life, or you in theirs, I guess the universe will make it so.

The type of place that Luthor would run.
[Linked Image]

But if the party is really good it will encorage donations which will lead to, oh wait, with Luthor, probably no inprovement.
Also the "party" is for the kids, not the donors. It's about P.R., which is why he invited Lois, to give it a good spin for him.

This does sound like very poor planning on someone's part.
Was it? Or was it misunderstanding what they saw in the dumpsters?

Linda King?
Could have been.

Luthor is going down. Implying that Lois and Linda are equivalent is going to be his last big mistake.
clap No, don't worry. He'll make more.

If one is staged like everything else.
Pretty much.

Mrs. Cox and Lois seem to be arch-enemies.
Mrs. Cox doesn't like anyone to home in on her spot. She's jealous because Lex keeps paying Lois extra attention. Lois feels this animostity and mirrors it right back.

Of course someone else could come and throw the stuff out later.

she knows she likes Clark.

Even if she can forgive Clark fully, it will be hard for him to be back in that type of feeling, what with thinking he will have to leave soon.

At least she recognizes there is something wrong with Luthor.
After their third date (way back before he shot her), he kissed her and invited her to stay the night back at his place. She refused (i.e. challenge issued in Lex's mind), went back to her apartment and took long scalding hot shower to get the taste of him out of her mouth and to scrub herself clean of how he made her feel. What Lex saw on the video. Lois went home and took long hot shower after their date. Oooh-la-la. There are those that aren't so blind as will not see.

So now she is remembering the tree from "Jolly St. Clark"?

So the arguments were not direct personal attacks like most arguments in the Lane household?
I'm sure Ellen and Sam could make even those petty arguments personal.

Luthor is a Santa suit. This is just sick and wrong.
"It's a Wrong Christmas"? wink

At least he is not riding in the sleigh like Mrs. Church was in "Home is where the Hurt is".
He strides into the room like a benevolient dictator.

Maybe what Mrs. Cox meant was that Lois did not know who the vistor was.
Maybe she was just being facetious.

And she expects an honest answer why?
Because the number of children at an orphanage should be recorded somewhere publically, and can be double checked.

No, he just does not expect actual scrutiny of his actions.
That, and he really doesn't care.

How did Lois ever think herself attacked to a man who values her ideas so litte? Of wait, she never really has this go around.
[Linked Image]

Clark: Hey, Lois. I told you all about my parents dieing. I have told you lots about my past, in fact more than you have been willing to believe.
True. Clark's "lies" seem more believeable after Lex's misdirections.

She should have Superman check the watch for spying devices.

Clark: I think that is a wonderful idea.

Lois: Don'st start with that bizarre idea that Luthor was spying on me.
Nope. It's just a watch. Okay, it MIGHT include a tracking device on it, but it might not. I think to be on the safe side, best to keep Clark AWAY from the watch.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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- Response to John’s FDK – Cont.

Lois: Even if it does have spying devices, which is absurd, I won't wear it, so don't worry Clark.

Clark: I still don't trust Luthor as far as I can throw him.

Lois: ANd how far would that be?

Clark: You won't believe me if I told you.
smile1 I like these kind of games.

Clark: I guess I like that. I am still jealous of Superman thogh.
Possibly. Or maybe he doesn't really care HOW he spends time with Lois as long as he does.

Clark: Lois, he is lieing.

Lois: How can you tell.

Clark: His lips are moving.

LEX: Very funny, Kent, but I was trying to save Lois. Just not from Menken.

Although sadly that is not what Lex hears.
See, she doesn't only give Clark the ordinary man speech. laugh

Clark: He also seems a little too knowledgable about it.
Hence the skin crawling.

And sleep together.
LOIS: It was just that one time. Or was that the second time?

This is totally true. Hmm, she did not even make the "arrived seperately claim".
Doesn't need to.

How does Lex know this?
LEX: Everything about Lois is upmost of importance to me. <<he has spies everywhere>>

Lois: It was for my birthday. Some people really lavish their friends on their birthdays.
LEX: I took you out for a really lavish lunch.

alarms are finally going off.
LOIS: Damn, Clark. I can't concentrate since he installed these anti-BS detectors.

I guess technically they have not been on any dates since the Keth Awards, despite having slept together.

Lois: We did not sleep together.

Reader: You were sleeping, and you were in the same bed.

Lois: That is not what the phrase means.
CLARK: Yes, Reader, you are making my life sound much happier than it is.

Lois: Not when your work partner spends the nigth with you.
Hmmmm. It seems as if John really liked that scene from a couple of parts ago. I hope he doesn't self-combust when PML starts in a part or two. [Linked Image]

Now he thinks he is making headway. Of course Luthor does not know the meaning of the word no.
LEX: Of course, I do. When I say it, it means "Get away from me or you'll die an ugly death". When a woman says it to me, it means "I'm playing hard to get. Catch me if you can, and my screams will be of passion because I like it rough."

Nothing if she was on a date with Luthor.
She's thinking, if she were able to sneak away to the "rest room" once or twice.

She is starting to truly understand Clark.
Nothing like an evening with Lex to make her want to give Clark the benefit of the doubt.

At least she realizes this.
CLARK: Well, I've mentioned it once or twice.

LOIS: It could have been a lie. This is more hopeful optimism.

CLARK: You can be optismistic?

Clarkie bear has made his appearance.
Better late than never, apparently.

Hopefully he does not have to find out.

The same way she knows his name is Chuck.
Pretty much. clap

Good question. I am unsure on the matter myself.
I haven't prepped 70, yet, but I believe Lois may answer this at some point.

He even borrowed Jonathan's suit like canon-Clark did (ok, in Virginia's own incarnation of canon, but there is no 1st season contradiction of that per se, so I will call it canon).
Thank you. blush

Lois: Who is this brunette?

Clark: You, of course.

Lois: Oh.
CLARK: You're right. I shouldn't have thought "favorite brunette", instead "favorite person".

LOIS: Yes, that would have been much better.

Clark: So did Lois think Santa was Superman, or is she just acting for Samantha's benefit, and knew it was me all along?
It's also possible that she thought it was Clark and then when he disappeared up the chimney by just lying a finger beside his nose, she realized it wasn't Clark but Superman. But that might imply she might confuse the two men.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Maybe you'll give us a Christmas present and have Clark 'fess up to Lois??? One can hope.
I did give Clark a Christmas miracle, Lois's forgiveness. Perhaps I'll give him an extra gift in tomorrow night's part. The only Christmas gift I give you is another twist or turn on this roller coaster come Christmas Day. cool
You're right! I was being greedy, wanting more. But...I've been really good this year.


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Originally posted by scifiJoan:
Maybe you'll give us a Christmas present and have Clark 'fess up to Lois??? One can hope.
I did give Clark a Christmas miracle, Lois's forgiveness. Perhaps I'll give him an extra gift in tomorrow night's part. The only Christmas gift I give you is another twist or turn on this roller coaster come Christmas Day. cool
You're right! I was being greedy, wanting more. But...I've been really good this year.

clap Glad to hear it, Joan. I'll pass word to Super Santa that he needs to step up to the plate.

CLARK: shock What? Now?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
John: smile1 Another 3 part FDK. Have I been forgiven for bringing Lex into Lois's Christmas, then? wink
Well, since Lois rejected Lex, you are forgiven.

In the Pilot, the White Orchid Ball was a fundraiser for this Luthor House for Homeless Children charity. I thought it might be fun to see what life was like at one of Luthor's charities.
It makes sense to me. I also think you went with the logical balance between Luthor's awfulness on the one hand, and the fact that even Luthor can't get away with too open outrages on the other. Although since he did kill a man, maybe he can.

Conservataion of detail? confused Is that where you bump into familiar characters out of time and place? Well, in "Soul Mates" Lois and Clark kept bumping into the same set of people, no matter which place they landed on the timeline. If they are MEANT to be in your life, or you in theirs, I guess the universe will make it so.
I meant that general people and things that appear in a work of fiction matter, and totally extraneous things don't matter. I thought they went over-board with repeating characters in "Soul Mates" myself.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> smile1 again for Lois rejecting Luthor.

John Pack Lambert
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Luthor is a Santa suit. This is just sick and wrong.

I dig it wink

.talk nerdy to me.
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See, she doesn't only give Clark the ordinary man speech. laugh
This is the inverse of the odinary man speach. The ordinary man speach is "SM, I would love you the same even if you were an ordinary man." This is "Lex I would react differently to you if you were an ordinary man".

Clark: I will let Lex get this ordinanry man speach, I don't want to hear Lois tell me this, in or out of the suit.

Lois: I chose out of the suit, wait, no I did not say that, I am not implying I want to see you in less clothing.

Clark: The audience does not think "unclothered" when they see "Clark out of the suit".

Lois: Huh? Why?

Clark: Well, I could tell you, but then the EW would not have any more fun writing dialogue where we speak around each other.

And sleep together.
LOIS: It was just that one time. Or was that the second time?
Clark: Well, it depends how we define "sleep" and "together". However we have only once slept both of us in the same bed.

This is totally true. Hmm, she did not even make the "arrived seperately claim".
Doesn't need to.
Lois: I do not have to answer to Lex for whether or not I am dating Clark. Why am I even telling him this much?

How does Lex know this?
LEX: Everything about Lois is upmost of importance to me. <<he has spies everywhere>>
Reader: I know that. I am just pointing it out, hoping that Lois will take notice of it.

Lois: I am begining to wonder why Lex has been gathering so much information about me.

Reader: Will this Lois be properly creeped out by Lex having a facsimile of her apartment in ASU, or will we not get there?

Lois: It was for my birthday. Some people really lavish their friends on their birthdays.
LEX: I took you out for a really lavish lunch.
Lois: Relative to your income, you have never done such. It means more coming from Clark because he has to work longer to afford the lunch.

I guess technically they have not been on any dates since the Keth Awards, despite having slept together.

Lois: We did not sleep together.

Reader: You were sleeping, and you were in the same bed.

Lois: That is not what the phrase means.
CLARK: Yes, Reader, you are making my life sound much happier than it is.
Reader: Clark, I think you need to accept that it is happier than it is. Lois will trust you, now just tell her the truth already.

Lois: Not when your work partner spends the nigth with you.
Hmmmm. It seems as if John really liked that scene from a couple of parts ago. I hope he doesn't self-combust when PML starts in a part or two. [Linked Image]
I was going to ask for clarification, but I decided I really did not want to understand.

Nothing if she was on a date with Luthor.
She's thinking, if she were able to sneak away to the "rest room" once or twice.
I said a date with Luthor. He would not tolrate her leaving fotr an unreasonable amount of time.

Nothing like an evening with Lex to make her want to give Clark the benefit of the doubt.
Clark: smile1 she is giving me the benefit of the doubt.

CLARK: Well, I've mentioned it once or twice.

LOIS: It could have been a lie. This is more hopeful optimism.

CLARK: You can be optismistic?
Lois: Yes, otherwise I would have no hope you would ever tell me the truth. As it is I know I have to guide you to telling me the truth, but with enough nudging you probably will.

Clarkie bear has made his appearance.
Better late than never, apparently.
Lois: I still want the big bear. Wait, I did not say that out loud. None of you heard that. I like this Clarkie bear very much. Even if he does not produce warmth like the Clarkie, wait, I did not say that either. I like this very much.

Clark: So did Lois think Santa was Superman, or is she just acting for Samantha's benefit, and knew it was me all along?
It's also possible that she thought it was Clark and then when he disappeared up the chimney by just lying a finger beside his nose, she realized it wasn't Clark but Superman. But that might imply she might confuse the two men.
On the other hand, since Santa was not wearing glasses, he couln't possibly be Clark, now could he?

John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by scifiJoan:
Maybe you'll give us a Christmas present and have Clark 'fess up to Lois??? One can hope.
I did give Clark a Christmas miracle, Lois's forgiveness. Perhaps I'll give him an extra gift in tomorrow night's part. The only Christmas gift I give you is another twist or turn on this roller coaster come Christmas Day. cool
You're right! I was being greedy, wanting more. But...I've been really good this year.

clap Glad to hear it, Joan. I'll pass word to Super Santa that he needs to step up to the plate.

CLARK: shock What? Now? [/b]
Oh course now, there is no better time than the present. It would be a perfect Christmas, and a righting to all the wrongness Luthor has introduced into it.

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Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Luthor is a Santa suit. This is just sick and wrong.

I dig it wink
LOL! Mrs. L! rotflol

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
Joined: Aug 2011
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Joined: Aug 2011
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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
[b] quote:
Luthor is a Santa suit. This is just sick and wrong.

I dig it wink
LOL! Mrs. L! rotflol [/b]
No good? Perhaps this will be more to your liking:

[Linked Image]

.talk nerdy to me.
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