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#92020 12/14/12 08:28 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

How's that for a twisty turn? laugh


Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/16/14 01:00 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Clark caught her with one arm and pulled her against him to stop her from falling. After that, they continued walking; only now Lois held on to his arm. He wasn’t complaining.
smile1 they are touching eachother.

An idea struck him. It was wild, impetuous, and crazy.
Well, this is Lois, she just might go for it.

he decided to take the risk. “Let’s go to the store and get a carton of ice cream.”
clap she is going to be confused by his wanting sugar.

Lois looked at him as if he had lost his marbles. “Clark, you don’t eat ice cream.”

“I know. It’s not for me,” he replied, turning the corner and heading for the market down the block.
Lois: A carton of ice cream just for me seems a bit off.

Less than half hour later, their cab pulled up outside an old townhouse in the suburb of North Bridge, which looked as if it were overflowing with people.
clap just love this part.

“Yes, we work with Cat, and she invited us. I’m Clark Kent, and this is Lois Lane. I hope it’s okay that we came. We just finished a big story, and we weren’t sure we could make it,” Clark said, producing the gallon of ice cream. “We understand it’s pot luck.”
Lois: Cat never invited me.

Clark: She invited me, and knows I like you, therefore it is clear she invited you, she just never felt it was needed to either tell you or vocalize it to me. It was just that obvious you were invited.

Lois: And I have a bridge to sell you, Smallville.

As they followed, Lois hissed under her breath, “I can’t believe you brought me here! Cat’s going to be furious. I’m sure she invited you as her date, not to bring a date.”
Clark: Cat knows how I feel about you. She can't have really expected me to come alone.

Despite everything, Clark couldn’t be happier with Lois’s choice of words, even though he knew he had no right to be.
party Lois described herself as on a date with Clark.

Lois: I was more suckered into it. Anyway "being a date" and "being on a date" are not the same. Not at all. This is not a date.

John Pack Lambert
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“Anyway, with you here it proves to her family that Cat has more than just male friends,” he murmured.

“We’re not friends,”
clap I am loving this disalogue.

“I take back everything I said earlier. This party is going to be a riot.” Lois nudged Clark. “‘We’re working on that’?” she scoffed.
clap I guess she did not think through inviting Clark either.

Cat turned and enveloped Lois in their embrace. “And Lois, too. Wow! Thanks for coming, you guys. Have you met everyone? Let me give you the grand tour.”
Now I am shocked. I was expecting a negative reaction to Lois being there.

Maybe Lois and Cat would come out of this as friends.

Even Clark knew that wish would stretch this Christmas miracle to its breaking point.
Well, I am liking Christmas Eve so far.

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Of course, the pleasantness could also have had something to do with the fact that Lois had told him that Luthor would be out of town for the entire month.
Sounds like she neglected to tell him she refused Luthor's Christmas gift.

Without Luthor in Metropolis, it actually felt like Clark had more time to spend with Lois and less time needing to patrol the skies.
smile1 Clark is spending time with Lois.

Clark spent his free time, what little of it he had, flying to Brazil and searching each town and village of that region for the Jaguar. Weeks passed, blurring into the previous ones and still Clark found no sign of the man with his face. He was beginning to wonder if the Jaguar knew Superman was looking for him. Had he, too, seen the resemblance between the two of them?
It would be pretty surprising if he didn't.

January ended with a bang, which to Clark announced that Luthor must have returned to town. The CostMart chain, the biggest rival to LexDrug,
smile1 Although, if he does have to leave this will make it much sadder. He finally has a real friend, and will loose her.

He had started telling her stories of his childhood, from before his parents died. The characters had no names in his stories.
Well, as long as he just says "Mom" and "Dad" this might not be too troublesome.

The locations could have been in the clouds for his lack of place names.
I guess it is better than giving the place names and having her accuse him of lieing.

Still, Lois ate them up ravenously and begged, at least with her eyes and her whole expression, for more.
She still thinks this will help her in Italy.

She had stopped calling him ‘liar’ to his face, which he appreciated; although, ‘Smallville’ slipped out more regularly than he liked. He continued to search for an endearment that captured her whole essence.
At least if she calls him Smallville, it will make it easier when he tells her the truth.

Clark (after he tells her he is SM, which seems unlikely to ever happen, but I can hope): Lois, I let you call me Smallville, because I really did grow up there. Just not the one you visited.

On the other hand, should Clark discover he was in the free and clear, nothing would stop him from claiming Lois as his own. Well, except Lois, that was.
I think if he tells her the truth, she will eventually forgive him.

If Clark hadn’t met the Jaguar himself, he would have thought him a myth as well. He had best try the local paper for Manaus.
Sounds like a good plan to me.

It was coming on lunchtime, at least in Metropolis. Though Clark didn’t require sustenance to fuel his energy that tantalizing smell begged him to take a break. If no other reason was needed, Lois loved being introduced to new cuisine.
Lois: grumble it has taken me long enough to get this Clark to eat reasonable foods instead of his health-food limited. His food habits were so wrong when I first met him. I think we are moving him towards right though.

Within twenty minutes, Clark was sitting at a table at an outdoor café eating a delectable fried pastel, a chicken-filled pastry pie, and drinking a black coffee. The air was sweet, fresh, and not too hot, despite the season and humidity. He loved this little village hidden the forest, with its colonial style buildings, and good food. He would really have to bring Lois back here someday.
He still has hope.

His shoulders hunched, and he dropped his head into his hands. Once again, he had let himself forget, just for a second, that Lois wasn’t his to have a future with. Anguish once more washed over him.
Well, not much.

“You speak Portuguese very well, Clark. Are you from the United States or Canada?” Padre Jaco asked.
I'm surprised he did not think he was from Sao Paulo or Porto Algre. Although maybe Clark's Portuguese is not that good.

“We don’t meet many ‘Clarks’ around here,” Jaco said with a wink as they turned towards the church at the end of the street. “What do you do?”
Actually, I would not be surprised if there are people in Brazil named Clark.

They walked on in silence a minute before Jaco spoke again, “Is she here or back home, this woman who makes you miserable?”
I really like Father Jaco. It is good for Clark to have another friend.

That was a good question, to which Clark had no answer. In this timeline ‘no’, but ‘maybe’ in her true timeline. On the other hand, it was entirely possible that Lois wouldn’t have married or dated her true Clark yet in her true timeline, but in the future. Although, it seemed almost inconceivable that any version of himself could work so close to Lois and not try to ask her out.
clap Especially since in canon he hasn't. Well, I guess he tried in the Pilot, but she rejected him so firmly he did not try again for a long time.

While being best friends was better than just friends, which was an improvement over acquaintances, which was miles above her despising him, it was still nowhere near as wonderful as dating her had been.
Thus, his despair. He knows what he wants, but with the deadline, it seems to just be a recipe for more despair.

“No! No, thank God. We’re both single,” he rushed on. “I mean I’m available, and I just don’t know if she is.”
And again he speaks the truth, but not the full, truly complexed truth. Of course if he did that he might be heading into Dr. Carlin's care.

“No, I can’t do that. You see, she doesn’t know,” Clark explained, and rather badly at that.
clap I hope the priest has a good response.

“I’m just passing through,” Clark said, also moving to English, as Carlos’s words sunk in and brow furrowed at the strange coincidence. “This town’s name is ‘small town’?”
dance dance I just love it.

He shut his eyes, only now replaying the last real kiss under the mistletoe with this Lois, and how it had been a thousand times better.
At least he has no confusion about which Lois he loves.

Taking a quick look around the room to make sure that they were alone, Clark lifted his shaking fingers to his glasses. “I know another vigilante who also doesn’t exist,” he said softly, lowering his hand and taking his glasses with it. “I know, because in a former life the Jaguar used to be me.”

“Then how do you explain this?” Clark asked pointing between them. “I’m you from another dimension otherwise I couldn’t be here talking with you. You were me…” He lowered his voice to a low whisper. “— Superman in your previous life, Carlos. Someone went back in time and killed you off as an infant. Otherwise, you’d be living my life. You’d be Clark Kent in Metropolis in love with Lois Lane.”
dance I just knew Carlos would be the Jaguar. I am less convinced that Clark and I are right about him being Clark retruned.

“No!” Carlos said. “This whole discussion is preposterous. I am not this woman’s soul mate.” Once more he switched back to English. “She is not minha… mine.”
I have to say Carlos is being the more reasonable of the two. He is happy where he is at, and doing things he loves. I do not think he and Lois would ever be able to be happy together.

“I know this is whole lot to take in all at once, but believe me, it’s true.
I think that should be "a whole lot".

“How do you know that’s who I was meant to be? You don’t even know me!” Carlos argued back. “You’re telling me that I, Carlos, don’t matter.” He lowered his voice. “If you remember what I told you in the woods, Superman, I have people who depend on me. If you go back in time and change it, so that the current person I am today doesn’t exist, what will happen to all the people who depend on me?” He flung his hand out towards the door. “Do you think there is a line of people out there to take care of and teach these children? Those children need me. This community needs me to protect it, and the rainforest. I am asking you not to change time, even if you can.
dance dance Finally someone is talking in reasonable terms. This universe is here. There is no reason to end it. And with Superman here, Mr. Fences and neo-Noah won't destroy it.

Go home, marry the woman who you love, and have many children. I give you permission to take my place as father of Utopia,” he said, walking to his desk and taking off his scarf to reveal his clerical collar. “I, on the other hand, am already a father; I’m Padre Carlos. I have given my life to the Roman Catholic Church, senhor. These people may not need me to create Utopia, but they need me all the same.” He picked up his cassock from the back of his desk chair and put it on. Then he started to button up the front of his clerical robes. “If you’ll excuse me, my children are waiting for me to join them for lunch.” He marched out the door.
Well, hopefully Clark will accept this as the ned of any need to hook up Lois with Carlos.

Clark stood in the empty classroom with his jaw hanging open. This conversation hadn’t gone at all as he had thought it would. He was at a complete loss at what to do next.
Good, finally someone is causing him to think twice about making decisions based on very narrow goals.

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Father???? Yeah, definitely didn't expect that. I do think Clark just threw a wrench in Father Carlos's world though with both time travel and dimensional stuff (leaving aside the soulmate thing.). Wonder what Wells will think of this situation.

And this also throws a wrench into my concept of what could have happened (my idea was that the Jaguar would be making a trek with Wells to the Congo in Clark's place.).

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Hi Virginia,

Go home, marry the woman who you love, and have many children. I give you permission to take my place as father of Utopia,
Yes, it's a very good idea! wave


Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile !
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That's an interesting twist - Carlos is the reincarnation of this dimension's Clark. Sounds like Alt-Clark could be with Lois after all???


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John: Another multi-part FDK. You spoil me. smile1 Thank you.
<Happy bouncing Reader> they are touching eachother.
drool Okay, it can be a surprise.

she is going to be confused by his wanting sugar.
CLARK: I like to keep her on her toes, since she's always keeping me off mine.

Lois: A carton of ice cream just for me seems a bit off.
CLARK: Does it? Really?

LOIS: Okay, fine. It doesn't. But you don't have to rub it in.

CLARK: laugh

they are going to meet Cat's family. This is crazy.
I believe Clark mentioned that.

Is Clark determined to ruin Cat's Christmas Eve?
You don't think Lois could behave in front of Cat's family? I think she was raised better than that.

ELLEN: She *certainly* was!

just love this part.
Thanks. We learn about Cat during ASU's trip to confession. That she doesn't have many close friendships, something I bet she keeps from her family (mainly because she doesn't really discover it until ASU), but I'm sure they've noticed.

Lois: Cat never invited me.

Clark: She invited me, and knows I like you, therefore it is clear she invited you, she just never felt it was needed to either tell you or vocalize it to me. It was just that obvious you were invited.

Lois: And I have a bridge to sell you, Smallville.

CLARK: Why do I need a bridge?

LOIS: wallbash

Clark: Cat knows how I feel about you. She can't have really expected me to come alone.
[Linked Image]

<<very happy Reader>> Lois described herself as on a date with Clark.
LOIS: I meant, that's how it looked. Not that it was really a date.

Lois: I was more suckered into it. Anyway "being a date" and "being on a date" are not the same. Not at all. This is not a date.
CLARK: Why do I get the feeling like that Lois would describe her wedding day as "not a date"?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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<<very happy Reader>> Lois described herself as on a date with Clark.
LOIS: I meant, that's how it looked. Not that it was really a date.
Sure Lois. You just keep telling yourself that.

Lois: I was more suckered into it. Anyway "being a date" and "being on a date" are not the same. Not at all. This is not a date.
CLARK: Why do I get the feeling like that Lois would describe her wedding day as "not a date"?
Lois: Clark, to be a date you have to tell me before hand. No proposing for that day. You are not allowed to sneak plan a wedding without telling me. And you are not allowed to think about proposing before you tell me your secret. No proposing without having told me the whole truth.

Clark: Of course. Who would ever think of doing such a thing.

Canon Clark: huh Why are you guys all staring at me?

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-- Response to John's FDK -- cont.

I am loving this disalogue.
Thank you. Banter is always fun to write.

Clark can entertain Lois.
This is new?

I guess she did not think through inviting Clark either.
Clark said he wasn't coming so she didn't know who showed up, since he's the only one she invited.

Now I am shocked. I was expecting a negative reaction to Lois being there.
CAT: Hey, if Lois is what I have to deal with to get Clark to show up to my party, <<shrugs>> What can I do?

Well, I am liking Christmas Eve so far.
Christmas Day (at least Lois's) will be described briefly in 71. clap I love it! I didn't write that, but I love it! Or did I? Hmmm. Maybe I should refresh my memory and prep 71.

Well, hopefully Clark will accept this as the ned of any need to hook up Lois with Carlos.
Ah, but he's an honorable lunkhead. wink

Good, finally someone is causing him to think twice about making decisions based on very narrow goals.
Yep. Two sides (or is it three) to every coin. (That would be the two flat sides and the edge, BTW.) Hmmm. Clark's hasn't been using his big picture skills recently, has he? clap

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Christina: Thanks for reading and showing me your dropped jaw. laugh
Father???? Yeah, definitely didn't expect that.
clap Love all these guesses!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Sydney: Hi! wave Thanks for reading.

Go home, marry the woman who you love, and have many children. I give you permission to take my place as father of Utopia,
Yes, it's a very good idea! clap

But now, what our favorite lunkhead will do?

CLARK: A lunkhead? Who? Me?

Yes, WHAT will Clark do? Better yet, will he consult Lois first?

Great chapter, Virginia ! I like Padre Carlos .... and the party with Cat's mother!
Thanks. I like to keep my readers on their toes. wink

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Joan: Thanks for the comments.

That's an interesting twist - Carlos is the reincarnation of this dimension's Clark. Sounds like Alt-Clark could be with Lois after all???
Ah, but IS Carlos really True Clark's reincarnated soul? wink Also, what will Herb say when he returns from the past?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by John Lambert:
<strong>Lois: Clark, to be a date you have to tell me before hand. No proposing for that day. You are not allowed to sneak plan a wedding without telling me. And you are not allowed to think about proposing before you tell me your secret. No proposing without having told me the whole truth.

Clark: Of course. Who would ever think of doing such a thing.

Canon Clark: clap laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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The most wonderful fragrance of something deep fried and salty assaulted his senses.
I wonder what would that be...

Within twenty minutes, Clark was sitting at a table at an outdoor café eating a delectable fried pastel, a chicken-filled pastry pie, and drinking a black coffee.
oh, pastel and café.
[img]http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS26oua5jLVCwwk-_nfio3ukYXWgx0l0m3yBd3a7CTE7GeKu6NYLQ[/img] [img]http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRXiln4qmyyMpGnsF2cIhvEc3MWLTy2zo5_Iy8i7HVK8a-iE9gW[/img]

Nothing more Brazilian than that. laugh And he could take a Bat Pastel to Lois. goofy
[Linked Image]

I am Padre Jaco.
Just nit-picking, but in Portuguese the name is written Jacó . huh

As for the Jaguar being a vigilant, he is a masked vigilant. It would make him Batman. laugh


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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Ultra Woman: blush Thanks for the FDK. laugh
I wonder what would that be...
oh, pastel and café.

Nothing more Brazilian than that.
After researching Pasteis for this story, and looking at all those yummy photos, I started craving them. smile1

He must be thinking: Poor crazy man!
Jacó: [Linked Image]

Hummm... <<perplexed Reader>>
[Linked Image]

Don't do anything stupid and wait for Wells? <<Reader doesn't think this will happen, either that or hopes not>>
CLARK: Why do you think I'd do something stupid?

LOIS: History.

CLARK: What does that mean?

LOIS: :rolleyes:

I'm not sure the Jaguar is True Clark. If True Clark's soul could switch to another body, why didn't Ghost Clark do it in "Another Lois"? He didn't find another body in that reality, he remained as a ghost able to speak only to Lois and Star.
In my messed up logic (which I'll now try to explain), it makes sense. In "Another Lois" Clark's soul attached to Lois's when baby Kal-El died <being that they were soul mates and all>. Lois returned to the end of 1995 with Clark's soul attached to her's, which is why he could read her thoughts and communicate with her. Star's powers, well, she's STAR! She communicates with the dead all the time. laugh Anyway, when Star says that another Clark <alt-Clark> will come and rescue Lois from this fate, his <i.e. Wrong Clark> appearance would essentially remove this link between Lois and her true Clark, because he would arrive in time BEFORE this bonding of Lois and true Clark's souls. Therefore, his arrival paves the way for True Clark to be reincarnated.

TRUE CLARK: Thanks a lot, Herb.

This being said, it doesn't necessarily mean that Carlos / Jaguar is True Clark's reincarnated soul. That currently is a hypothesis supported only by Clark's delusion that he is unable to ever be happy; and, therefore, must find barriers to his happiness on the thread-barest rational <<i.e. Carlos looks like him and is a vigelante too>>.

CLARK: Thank you, Dr. Friskin.

As for the Jaguar being a vigilant, he is a masked vigilant. It would make him Batman.
Except that there's already a Batman in Gotham... of course, if Mr. and Mrs. Wayne got killed back in 1966 and little Brucie got shot too... clap

BATMAN: I don't think that kind of speculation is funny.

CAT: rotflol

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Christina: Thanks for reading and showing me your dropped jaw. laugh
Father???? Yeah, definitely didn't expect that.
clap Love all these guesses!
Thought you might like it.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Originally posted by Christina:
Hmmm... I guess I have to imagine that Carlos really is living the "going through life never knowing the one you are meant to love thing" (the storyline Lois originally had going before her deja-vu helped to change that) in his previous life-cycle and that affected things for this one. It broke his soul-connection I think.
*edit* And it looks like I'm at least partially correct there.
Possibly. That all depends on whether or not, he's really True Clark's reincarnated soul. He could still be a look-a-like. On the other hand, he could also be uncover <hiding out> at the orphanage as a priest, and not really one. smile1 So, it takes a non-super Clark reincarnate <if that's what Carlos is> to save alt-Lois? clap We shall see. [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Clark (after he tells her he is SM, which seems unlikely to ever happen, but I can hope): Lois, I let you call me Smallville, because I really did grow up there. Just not the one you visited.
I think that would need more than explaining CK=SM.
Well, I was figuring that he would have explained more. This is just a small snippet.

Lois: <grumble> it has taken me long enough to get this Clark to eat reasonable foods instead of his health-food limited. His food habits were so wrong when I first met him. I think we are moving him towards right though.
Now that he's getting Martha's "sugar-free" <<wink-wink>> pies, and deep fried pasteis?
Lois: Yes. I might even be able to have a realy wedding cake if things keep up. Wait, I did not say that. I am not thinking of marrying Clark. The thought has not crossed my mind. Ever.

I'm surprised he did not think he was from Sao Paulo or Porto Algre. Although maybe Clark's Portuguese is not that good.
Being that canon Clark spoke Spanish in the *Brazilian* rainforest, it's possible. wink
Maybe in canon they were supposed to be in the Venezualan or Peruvian part of the rainforest. I think they only ever refer to it as the Amazon Rainforest.

I just knew Carlos would be the Jaguar. I am less convinced that Clark and I are right about him being Clark retruned.
Actually, Carlos doesn't admit to it until the last paragraph.
And I was mainly sure when Father Jaco first mentioned him.

I have to say Carlos is being the more reasonable of the two. He is happy where he is at, and doing things he loves. I do not think he and Lois would ever be able to be happy together.
So, John thinks this version of Clark (if that is who Carlos is), *isn't* destined to be Lois's soul mate. Interesting. laugh
There is a reason why I though of the Rachel H. Kent story. I figure the idea that Clark and Lois are always and only destined to be with eachother is too restricting and makes it too easy for Tempus to ruin their lives.

Finally someone is talking in reasonable terms. This universe is here. There is no reason to end it. And with Superman here, Mr. Fences and neo-Noah won't destroy it.
So, they live happily ever after from this point onward. clap I love it! I didn't write that, but I love it! Or did I? Hmmm. Maybe I should refresh my memory and prep 71.
Except if they do, won't that eventually lead to the creation of Tempus, and then Tempus won't not exist. Hmm.

John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by John Lambert:
Well, I was figuring that he would have explained more. This is just a small snippet.
Oooops. Sorry. blush

Lois: Yes. I might even be able to have a realy wedding cake if things keep up. Wait, I did not say that. I am not thinking of marrying Clark. The thought has not crossed my mind. Ever.
After what Lana put him through with Wedding Cakes, which I'm sure he'd nix the idea of wedding cakes from the menu. I'm sure they could find another substitute for cake.

Maybe in canon they were supposed to be in the Venezualan or Peruvian part of the rainforest. I think they only ever refer to it as the Amazon Rainforest.
Nope. It's referred to as the "Brazilian rainforest" in canon.

And I was mainly sure when Father Jaco first mentioned him.
I was afraid his name might be a dead giveaway. laugh

There is a reason why I though of the Rachel H. Kent story. I figure the idea that Clark and Lois are always and only destined to be with eachother is too restricting and makes it too easy for Tempus to ruin their lives.
Ah. But that's part of the fun. I'm sure without a Herb Wells to take him to other dimensions, and the Lois of his dimension being dead, Clark could find love with someone else. I've heard about other stories (on the Archive) where Clark was happily married to Lana, but that she died before he met Lois. I haven't heard of him ever hooking up with Rachel (except that snippet of someone's story where they had made out on Prom night).

Except if they do, won't that eventually lead to the creation of Tempus, and then Tempus won't not exist. Hmm...
There is another possiblity for the timeline to be fixed and Tempus to be un-erased that doesn't involve Lois and Clark being married. evil I'm not saying that I went that direction, but it's out there.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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