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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here Comments? *** BTW, if the world doesn't end on Friday, I plan on posting as usual. If it does, I'll post my next six parts <and any others I have written by then> and my rough outline so you can have a general gist of where this story is going and don't have to die without knowing.  And if I have time I'll post Part 1 of Book 3 too, so you can see what that story would have been about. Personally, I'm hoping the world will survive. My outline is pretty dry stuff.  <<among other reasons, of course>>
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/16/14 12:57 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I have a feeling the world will be here after Friday. Lots of interesting stuff here. What is Lex up to with that watch? Some sort of tracking device or kryptonite? He's almost acting as if he's been exposed to the red stuff. And what timing for Miranda's perfume! I don't think either will resist at this point. Joan
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Lois felt miserable. She had the most boring story assignment of her life, fruit flies,  We are to PML. OK, I am really scarred that it is going to go horribly wrong in some horrendous way, but I am glad the anticipation is over. and that was saying something. The extra long hot summer combined with the extra short, mild winter had been the ideal conditions for fruit flies to survive and multiply. Finally an explanation for spraying for fruit flies in the middle of the winter. She wanted to tell Lex Luthor to take a long walk off a tall skyscraper, but she knew Superman would save even him, as if Lex would comply with her wishes anyway. Well, at least she does not want Luthor in any way. This is good.  she does not like Luthor at all. Either way, she had needed to investigate a floater down at the docks, so she had grabbed her briefcase and headed for the wharf. MPD had ruled the man a Christmas suicide. Lois wasn’t so sure. There were much better and less painful ways to kill one’s self. I hope this is someone Luthor had knocked off and Lois figures out that Luthor was responsible for it. OK, I do not have much hope that will happen, but it would be cool. While at the docks, though, she made sure to drop the watch into the murky grey waters, just in case it turned into one of those demonic pieces of jewelry, one always heard about in horror stories, that ended up reappearing after being properly disposed of.  she got rid of the watch. Although I am a bit worried about the Kryptonite being in the water. Now that Lois did know, she planned on researching exactly what is was.  more researching of Luthor. Lex had asked her specifically why she wasn’t wearing the watch he had given her. Clark: Luthor seems to be in great need of being a dictionary, especially the n section. He does not understand "no" and "I don't want that". [Qupte]Lois decided to play dumb. “I returned that watch to you, Lex; conflict of interest and all. Remember?”[/Quote] Lois: More like conflict of feelings. My feelings were in conflict with accepting it from a creep like Luthor. “Yes, my dear, but I slipped it into your briefcase before you left the Luthor House. Lois: This makes me so mad. He flaunts his disregard for my feelings. “You must be mistaken, Lex, because it wasn’t there when I did my first of the month inventory and restocking of supplies,” Lois replied. Chew on that one, why don’t you?
“No!” he sputtered in dismay,  she outbluffed Luthor. reaching for her briefcase, which was as always slung over her shoulder. This is not the way to win Lois' heart. Of course Luthor seems to have just continued to dig himself a bigger and bigger whole. “Lex! What has gotten into you?” Lois gasped, stepping away from him and holding onto her bag. “Are you feeling okay?” Clark: Obviously he is. He is acting like his normal self, and disrespecting you, Lois. First he shots you, then he buys you like a prostitute, and now he disregards your wish to not have his gift and invades your private space. He squared his shoulders from the few glances that their conversation received from the others at the luncheon. “Yes, of course. I’m never sick.” He took her elbow and pulled her into the hall. “I apologize, Lois. It’s only that the watch was irreplaceable, a one-of-a-kind item.” Because it had Kryptonite in it. Thank God for that miracle, Lois thought. He can't give her a new one. Aloud she said, “I don’t know what to say, Lex.” This was the truth. She chose to be honest with him. “I did accidentally leave my bag at the office that night. It’s entirely possible that someone removed it then or at the Daily Planet holiday party we had between Christmas and New Year’s.” Okay, mostly honest.  she is going to get Luthor to do a wild goose chase for the watch. Hmm, hopefully he does not think to dredge by the docks. “If you have a thief among your coworkers, it would be best to check the security tapes and see who the culprit is,” Lex suggested. Clark: Why is Luthor so quick to suggest security tapes. It would suggest maybe he is used to monitoring people in this way. “The Daily Planet doesn’t have security monitoring of the newsroom floor,” Lois said. Clark: Am I glad of that. Lois: Why? Clark: I can't tell you yet. Lois: Why not? Clark: Well I told you, and you didn't believe me. Lois: Tell me now! Clark: I am not there now. I can't tell you until I am actually there, at the earliest. Lois: Don't think you can get out of it this time. She would make sure never to be so desperate as to have to work for LexCorp, if that was what he considered of his employees’ privacy.  she is taking things to heart, even if only a little at a time. Lex was acting more strangely than usual. They had been out on several dates, but he had never complimented her so… emphatically. Usually his compliments were the general kind ‘you look lovely tonight’, etc.  Did Luthor already get exposed to Revenge?
John Pack Lambert
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She realized that she hadn’t responded. “Um… thank you?” she said, turning to head back to the luncheon. “Shall we return?” I do not think accepting Luthor's compliment was wise. “Perhaps it was that partner of yours, who took the watch,” Lex accused. Lois: Luthor is not winning any points. Whatever else Clark is, he is definately not a robber. Maybe Lois and the rest of the newsroom won't get exposed to Revenge. That would be so much better. “I do,” she lied, taking another sip of her juice. “I confronted Clark about it. He felt bad about the misunderstanding and produced documentation, proving his identity. I would now appreciate it if you would drop the matter. My partner’s past is of no concern to you.” Her concern, yes. Lex’s, not in this century… millennium… ever!  she stuck up for Clark. “Lois, I’m sorry if my motives are unclear. I’m worried about you, putting your trust in a man who might have ulterior motives concerning you,” Lex said calmly. Sounds like Luthor is describing himself. “It sounds to me as if you’re more worried that Clark and I have moved into a romantic relationship,” she retorted, recalling with clarity their conversation from Christmas Eve.  You tell him Lois. Had they? Not officially. “Clark and I are friends. We are partners at work. That is the extent of our relationship, if you must know,” Lois said. For now. Well, at least Lois wants a change. Lex beamed at these words and, for a second, Lois considered retracting them. Good. Although she would maybe have to lie. He had been much too interested in Clark, investigating his past and checking up on his current activities. No, it would be better, safer for Clark, if Lex Luthor dropped Clark as a person of interest or envy. Anyway, she didn’t need to be involved with another man as an excuse to say ‘no’ to Lex. It won't work anyway, since Luthor does not accept no. “I’ll send a car to pick you up at eight, my dear,” Lex said, taking her elbow and leading her back into the function. Lois you need to learn to just say no to Luthor. She would also keep quiet about it to Clark. This does not sound wise. She felt like a very lucky mouse escaping the jaws of that boa constrictor. She really should have just catagorically rejected Luthor. [Quote]Misery didn’t even touch on how horrible Lois felt. She dropped her head onto the conference table. The door opened and in walked her coworkers for their morning staff meeting. She lifted her head and caught sight of Clark as he slid into the seat next to her.[/Quote  Clark is hear.
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“Sorry, Lois. Something came up,” Clark murmured. “Anyway, I knew you could handle it on your own.” He really needs to tell Lois the truth. “I didn’t do it intentionally, Lois. I was on my way to the press conference when I heard about a fire in the diamond district. My source on the MFD arson squad told me that Superman found the body of a highly esteemed jeweler,” Clark murmured. “His neck had been broken and the fire started to cover it up. It spread through the neighborhood ‘like a child playing with matchsticks’. The arson investigator’s words, not mine.” At least he is telling her the truth, just leaving out one key piece. Lois pressed her lips together. “I read your story, Chuck, but thanks for the recap. It still doesn’t excuse you for dropping our boring story for an exciting Superman one of your own.” Clark needs to tell her the whole truth. “Pity,” she murmured, leaning closer to him. She tried not to make it obvious she was catching Clark’s ‘today’ scent. Unlike other men, who smelled like a gallon of cologne, or scented soap, Clark’s aroma was hard to pin down. Well, this does explain why she has not deduced Ck=SM with her olifactory senses. from time to time he had a smoky scent like danger or a fire, On the other hand, maybe she should be deducing Ck=SM. “Wake up, Lois!” Clark hissed, nudging her with his shoulder. “Perry’s talking to you.”  he is touching her. thinking about what she would do the next time she had Clark in bed, She really does like him. decided to choose this moment to escape. Everyone thought she was being facetious. I love how we get new explanations for familiar actions. Clark leaned towards Lois, and whispered, “That was a real yawn. Are you not sleeping well?”  Clark is truly perceptive. [Quote]“Of course,” Lois retorted, thrilled at even this little flirtatious conversation.[/Quote  Lois and Clark are flirting.
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“Kent, if you’re done nibbling on Lane’s neck, how about you tell me how the dock strike’s going?” Perry said, causing Lois to bolt upright.
“He wasn’t nibbling on my neck!” she said haughtily.  This is so much better than in canon. Lois blushed. “If you must know, I was telling Clark the name of the bear Santa gave me for Christmas.” This makes it sound like being even more flirtatious than it was. “What is the Sam Hill is going on out there?” Shouldn't it be "what in the Same Hill"? “We’re never going to get any work done around here today,” groaned Clark, gathering up his stuff. “Well, I better head off to my interviews.” No, you need to stay here Clark. If Miranda shows up, Lois needs you around. He smiled at her, and set his hand on her shoulder. “I get to watch someone even more beautiful than they are, every day, Lois. Lois: Who? Clark: You. Lois: Oh. Thankyou, I guess. [QuoteClark glanced up from his desk and over at Lois. She had taken off her jacket and started unbuttoning the top two buttons of her blouse.[/Quote]  Clark is here. The newsroom must have been a bit warmer than usual due to all the lights from the photo shoot. This actually makes sense. Thankfully, the photographers were starting to pack up, and the office was returning to normal. You have no idea Clark, no idea.
John Pack Lambert
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It had been twenty-four hours since his conversation with Padre Carlos in Brazil, and Clark was still at a loss on what he should do. He glanced back down at his notes from his interviews from that morning. Both sides of the dock strike were closer than either would admit, but Clark knew his mind wasn’t really on his notes. So Clark managed to be out of the office when Miranda actually sprayed people. Hmm, at least this Lois won't miss all the signs that CK=SM. He remembered Herb telling him once of how Tempus bragged that heroes didn’t plan; they only act or react. In this, Tempus had been correct. Clark had spent so much of his energy focused on finding the Jaguar, he hadn’t taken a moment to think about how or what he would say to the man once he had found him. I doubt there is anything he could have said to change Father Carlos' mind. While Padre Carlos had told him, essentially, what Clark had wanted to hear, he knew the man, like him, had only been reacting. It was entirely possible that, on reflection, Carlos might change his mind, especially once Clark introduced him to Lois. No, I don't think so. Father Carlos made his decision on his life long ago. Clark knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to take Lois into his arms and kiss her like there was no tomorrow, thankful to have been given a second chance. Unfortunately, he had promised Lois at Christmas that he wouldn’t kiss her again without her direct say-so. Why do I think that is not going to be a real problem over the next few days? Lois, on the other hand, seemed content to remain just friends for the foreseeable future. If you only knew Clark, if you only knew. He wanted to return to his five-point plan. He wanted to continue to slowly reveal his past and his abilities to Lois until he felt comfortable enough in her feelings towards him that he could finally tell her the truth. Regrettably, he doubted that was what he should do. He should be bold and tell her. The right thing to do would be to wait to progress his relationship with Lois until Herb returned and Clark could discuss the whole confusing situation with him. If Clark could save the true Clark of this dimension, should he? Carlos seemed to think Clark shouldn’t. If Clark didn’t even try, would the guilt of it rub on him for the rest of his life? It was a decision that would take much thought and deliberation. On this one thing, he refused to rush to judgment. I still think he should go with Father Carlos' request. However it is probably best to think it through. “Claaaark?” she practically purred.  See, I said she would not be minding his kissing any time soon. Clark swallowed. From this position, it was impossible not to look down her blouse. He leaned back, hoping the distance would allow him to keep his composure. Wise move. Lois had reapplied her lipstick Lois: See, it was worth doing. He noticed. and her mouth almost seemed to pucker in an invitation as she spoke. “Whatcha working on? Now.” Lois: The subtle invitation is not working. He has not kissed me. I need to be more blatant.
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“The dock strike,” he said, or at least he thought that was what he had said. He cleared his throat. Lois: I really need to try harder, if he can focus on the dock strike, instead of kissing me. “I’m sure that they want to make amends and put all of that nasty squabbling behind them,” Lois said, arching her back as she raised herself up to her palms. “Now.” Lois: Come to me Clark. Stop with your boring work. “I’ve been thinking that I’d like us to try the new Italian restaurant that opened near your apartment,” Lois whispered, practically climbing onto his desk to lean closer to him. “Now.” Lois: Comes on Clark. Let's go somewhere romantic. Out of this boring newsroom. “Anyway, you know what pasta does to me.” He fumbled with his notes and turned back to his computer screen.
“I know,” Lois murmured. “Pasta does the same thing for me, and I want to eat it. Now.”  I am loving this dialogue. Suddenly the fog in Clark’s brain parted, and her words sunk in. “Now? As in now now?” Lois: 
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Clark’s resolve crumbled at her direct words. He knew he would regret it later. But that was later; this was now. “Five minutes, and you can have me for the rest of the day,” he promised. Lois: I get to "have" Clark. I like this. I like this a lot. “Sold.” Her finger moved from his cheek to his lips. “But know this; I’m not going to settle for just the day, Clark.” Lois: The most fun things are done at night. She brought her finger to her lips kissed it and then pressed it back to his. “No.”  for almost kissing. Lois:  I am having effect on him. She sat down and exposed her leg out the slit in her long skirt. What was he supposed to be writing about again? Lois: It would be so much better if he were touching my leg. Clark couldn’t believe that Lois was being so blatantly sexual and obvious with her desire of him at work. He glanced quickly around the newsroom. Thankfully, nobody else seemed to have noticed Lois’s come-hither seduction of her partner. His gaze returned to Lois’s, and she grinned. I guess other people in the newsroom are not being too overt yet. “Four minutes, thirty seconds, Clark,” she said. Lois is still her impatient self. He jumped, turning to his computer and typing much faster than he knew he should in the busy newsroom and within Lois’s sight. Lois: I am so glad Clark is typing fast. Sooner to get my lips on him. And other things. He sent his article to print, cleaned up his papers, and put on his jacket. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ralph approach Lois’s desk. This, in itself, was a surprising turn of events. Though clearly interested in Clark’s partner, Ralph was usually too terrified of her to come within punching range. Oh no, oh no, oh no. His voice cracked. “With pleasure.” Lois: I like the sound of that. “I can’t wait that long to kiss you,” Lois said, grabbing his tie and tugging Clark against her body. “Lois!” Clark gasped in surprise, being that the elevator doors were still wide open. Lois: Clark, you promised once the five minutes were up I could have you. The five minutes are up, so I can have you now, kiss me. A blonde woman, holding a perfume aerator, stepped into the elevator with them. “Good afternoon,” she said. Well, at least Clark will see this person. The elevator doors closed, and Lois wrapped her arms around Clark’s neck, pressing her lips to his. She opened her mouth, deepening the kiss. “Finally,” she moaned. Lois:  This is so much better than my dreams. “It seems as if your friend here disagrees with you about my fragrance,” the perfumer said with a chuckle. Miranda is really bold and not afraid of getting caught. “Fast? Please, Chuck,” she said wryly, pulling him into the cab after her. “It’s been two months between each of our kisses. We can’t move any slower.” Lois: I am not willing to wait that long for the next kiss. Not at all. “That won’t happen this time, Clark. I’m ready to tell you…” She turned away from Clark and said to the driver. “Take us once around Centennial Park and then head to Clinton Ave. You’ll get a bigger tip, if you don’t get us there in a hurry.” Clark: I thought we were going to the restraunt. Lois: I much prefer to be with you in an apartment. I want you. Before he could ask that very question, Lois draped her legs over his and wrapped her arms around his neck again. “I love you, Clark,” she whispered, gently kissing his lips. “Wow! That was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I love you. I love you. I love you.” Each time she repeated it, the phrase came with another kiss.  She is speaking the truth.  I am a bit scared what will happen when the perfume wears off. His jaw dropped open in blissful surprise. She loved him? Loved loved, like he loved her? His heart soared with pleasure. Lois didn’t hesitate in taking advantage of Clark’s open mouth to deepen their kiss and pull him against her. He had to admit, she was doing a pretty thorough job of convincing him that her words were true. I am a little surprised he has not began to wonder about her change of feeling. The windows of the cab started to fog and the cabbie cracked them open. All of Clark’s good intentions, promises, and nobility flew straight out the window.  Although I probably should be a little more weary. Lois is not going to be happy when she comes out of this. Or maybe she will be. Hmm, this is hard to say.
John Pack Lambert
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Sheesh. The way you've set this up, I would expect Lois to be really, really mad - unless Clark decides to reveal The Secret to her before they - um, do the mattress mambo. That's the only thing I can think of that would jar her out of her perfume-induced insanity.
And I noticed that Miranda's perfume has morphed from "Revenge" to "Exclusive!" Interesting. I wonder if it makes people monogamous instead of lust-crazed?
Lex is acting like he's already been exposed. Maybe he's even been overdosed. One can only hope.
I suspect that the watch held both red and green K and also had a tracking device in it. Of course, now that it's at the bottom of the river, its power source might have shorted out and Lex may not be able to find it. That makes me wonder about just how much he knows about Superman and if a little time-traveling irony-loving birdie whispered it to him. I also wonder if Lois' little pale lie about Clark's birth certificate will come back to bite her in the future.
You know, if Clark and Lois don't slam on the brakes, Herb is going to be quite discomfited.
Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.
- Stephen King, from On Writing
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Exclusive is what they call the fragrance being tested in canon. It is a very different thing than Revenge. The testing of Revenge was not planned.
John Pack Lambert
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Sheesh Revenge now and where did the kyptonite watch go?
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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Joan: Yes, I agree the world will still be here after Friday. Otherwise, how will be destroyed by that new Nightfall type asteroid that's supposed to pass us by in February? Lots of interesting stuff here. What is Lex up to with that watch? Some sort of tracking device or kryptonite? Hmmm. Is Miranda not acting like she does in canon and sprayed Lex before Daily Planet? We'll have to see. He's almost acting as if he's been exposed to the red stuff. I don't think Red K would affect Lex at all. And what timing for Miranda's perfume! I don't think either will resist at this point. Sheesh Revenge now and where did the kyptonite watch go? Lois threw it into Hob's Bay when she went down the docks to check out a floater on Christmas morn. I mentioned that time would speed up once we left Smallville. Hopefully, no more 15 part episode rewrites. Phew.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: 7-Part FDK! We are to PML. OK, I am really scarred that it is going to go horribly wrong in some horrendous way, but I am glad the anticipation is over. Michael has really built up the anticipation beyond belief. I'm afraid I had to go over and beyond to make up for it. Finally an explanation for spraying for fruit flies in the middle of the winter. Yes, that always bothered me as well. We spray our fruit trees in fall and spring here. Winter makes no sense to me at all. Well, at least she does not want Luthor in any way. This is good. I thought you might like that line. Oh no. I am still convinved the watch has both Green and Red Kryptonite. This would be bad, very bad, if Clark ever gets anywhere close to it. I'll have to agree with you there. So she never thought Santa was Clark. Oh, right, I have to go back and fix that section for the people who didn't read "Jolly St. Clark". Thanks for the reminder. Well, if the watch was in there before, at least Clark was not exposed. she does not like Luthor at all. Yes, Lois is finally acknowledging all of her true feelings. I hope this is someone Luthor had knocked off and Lois figures out that Luthor was responsible for it. OK, I do not have much hope that will happen, but it would be cool. RANDOM PSYCHO KILLER: Yea! I got away with another one! she got rid of the watch. Although I am a bit worried about the Kryptonite being in the water. Good thing Hob's Bay isn't a great swimming hole for Clark. more researching of Luthor. LOIS: Well, he asked for it! Clark: Luthor seems to be in great need of being a dictionary, especially the n section. He does not understand "no" and "I don't want that". LEX: Some of us are too busy to sit around and read dictionaries. Lois: This makes me so mad. He flaunts his disregard for my feelings. LEX: There are my feelings and everyone else's either agree with mine or don't matter. This is not the way to win Lois' heart. Of course Luthor seems to have just continued to dig himself a bigger and bigger hole. Why is that? Clark: Obviously he is. He is acting like his normal self, and disrespecting you, Lois. First he shoots you, then he buys you like a prostitute, and now he disregards your wish to not have his gift and invades your private space. LOIS: You and your one-track mind, Clark. Because it had Kryptonite in it. He did have it specifically made for her. He can't give her a new one. Why would he? Obviously she didn't like the first one enough to push past this little flimsy excuse to accept it. she is going to get Luthor to do a wild goose chase for the watch. Hmm, hopefully he does not think to dredge by the docks. He would have to know it's there. Clark: Why is Luthor so quick to suggest security tapes. It would suggest maybe he is used to monitoring people in this way. Clearly Lex doesn't trust *his* employees. Clark: Am I glad of that.
Lois: Why?
Clark: I can't tell you yet.
Lois: Why not?
Clark: Well I told you, and you didn't believe me.
Lois: Tell me now!
Clark: I am not there now. I can't tell you until I am actually there, at the earliest.
Lois: Don't think you can get out of it this time. Well, at least Lois wants a change. She's decided to stop lying to herself. Good. Although she would maybe have to lie. CLARK: Hey, if she wants to tell Luthor she's my girlfriend, I'll back her up. It won't work anyway, since Luthor does not accept no. Sadly, true. Lois you need to learn to just say no to Luthor. Luthor is like a 5 year old child. He doesn't hear the word "no" unless he himself is speaking it. This does not sound wise. Communication or the lack thereof is a theme in this story, if you hadn't noticed. She really should have just catagorically rejected Luthor. She's trying not to burn any bridges she may want to use in the future. Um... John, Clark works there.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Response to John's FDK -- Cont. He really needs to tell Lois the truth. LOIS: That would be a nice change. At least he is telling her the truth, just leaving out one key piece. He's trying to be more truthful to Lois. Clark needs to tell her the whole truth. CLARK: This is so much better than in canon. They weren't whispering during the meeting in canon, but thank you. This makes it sound like being even more flirtatious than it was. Hence Perry's  expression after she said that. Shouldn't it be "what in the Sam Hill"? Yes, thanks. Fixed. No, you need to stay here Clark. If Miranda shows up, Lois needs you around. It was my impression from PML that the Exclusive! launch took several hours, so there was plenty of time for Clark to go out and do his interviews and come back, just as the party was ending, and shortly after Miranda sprayed everyone. He missed them being sprayed, so Miranda isn't on his mind later, when... well, you'll see. Lois: Who?
Clark: You.
Lois: Oh. Thankyou, I guess. CAT: No, he meant me! ME! ME! Me! LOIS: :rolleyes: See above note. This actually makes sense. Clark is good at finding rational explanations for the irrational happenings around him. You have no idea Clark, no idea. So Clark managed to be out of the office when Miranda actually sprayed people. Hmm, at least this Lois won't miss all the signs that CK=SM. I don't see how CK being out of the office when Miranda spray everyone will lead to Lois assuming CK=SM. It gives him an excuse for why the perfume didn't affect him. I doubt there is anything he could have said to change Father Carlos' mind. We'll have to see about that. No, I don't think so. Father Carlos made his decision on his life long ago. That's true. Why do I think that is not going to be a real problem over the next few days? If you only knew Clark, if you only knew. Did I mention enjoying a little CK torture? He should be bold and tell her. Hmmmmm. I still think he should go with Father Carlos' request. However it is probably best to think it through. This is a decision that Clark will not take lightly. See, I said she would not be minding his kissing any time soon. CLARK: Huh? What? Did someone say, 'Lois' and 'kissing'? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/s040.gif) Really, I need to work on this article. Doesn't work, anyway. Lois: See, it was worth doing. He noticed. CLARK: I notice everything about Lois. Lois: The subtle invitation is not working. He has not kissed me. I need to be more blatant. Clark is trying hard not to put his desires as an explanation for Lois's motivation. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Response to John's FDK -- Cont. Lois: I really need to try harder, if he can focus on the dock strike, instead of kissing me. CLARK: Luckily my brain works fast enough for me to think about the two topics at the same time. LATER, Perry reads Clark's dock strike article, and wonders why there are references to Lois's lips, bossom, and soft skin. Lois: Come to me Clark. Stop with your boring work. She makes a good Siren. Lois: Comes on Clark. Let's go somewhere romantic. Out of this boring newsroom. Pretty much. I am loving this dialogue. Clark's having a hard time resisting it as well. Lois: </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Lois: I am having effect on him. CLARK: Well, duh! I guess other people in the newsroom are not being too overt yet. He's just looking to see if any of them are noticing what Lois is doing. He's not really paying attention to what they're doing. Lois is still her impatient self. Lois: I am so glad Clark is typing fast. Sooner to get my lips on him. And other things. That's a good reason for Clark to type faster and get them out of the office and away from prying eyes sooner. Lois: Clark, you promised once the five minutes were up I could have you. The five minutes are up, so I can have you now, kiss me. Well, at least Clark will see this person. Yes, but he missed being sprayed. Lois: This is so much better than my dreams. Not quite. She has very vivid dreams, after all. Miranda is really bold and not afraid of getting caught. As far as Clark knows, it could be just a floral scent she's talking about. Lois: I am not willing to wait that long for the next kiss. Not at all. Nor will she have to. Clark: I thought we were going to the restraunt. It's down the street from his apartment. She is speaking the truth. Why wouldn't she? I am a bit scared what will happen when the perfume wears off. I am a little surprised he has not began to wonder about her change of feeling. If he starts to over-question this gift, he might lose it. Although I probably should be a little more wary. Lois is not going to be happy when she comes out of this. Or maybe she will be. Hmm, this is hard to say. That depends on lots of factors. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I mentioned that time would speed up once we left Smallville. Hopefully, no more 15 part episode rewrites. Phew.  I was hoping we could have 15 parts for this episode. Lois head-over-heels in love with Clark is so fun. OK, I doubted that would happen, but I would not complain.
John Pack Lambert
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Lois: Luthor is not winning any points. Whatever else Clark is, he is definately not a robber. Tell that to canon Lois from AtAi. Canon Lois: Hey, wait a minute. I saw Clark rob the place. And once he explained what was really going on, I protected him from Sergeant Zymack's inquiries in the matter. I mean, OK, maybe I should have not mistrusted him and not assumed he was a robber, but hey, he was robbing the place and I saw him do it. Maybe Lois and the rest of the newsroom won't get exposed to Revenge. That would be so much better. Michael would kill me. It's his favorite episode. I guess you do have a point. Still, it very much messes with everyone's mental well being. Luthor is like a 5 year old child. He doesn't hear the word "no" unless he himself is speaking it. So true, so very true. She really should have just catagorically rejected Luthor. She's trying not to burn any bridges she may want to use in the future. Clark: Well, that just shows she is still very far from seeing the truth of Luthor. Um... John, Clark works there. True, but I was afraid he would not be back from Brazil yet.
John Pack Lambert
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Lois and Clark are flirting. Yep, their relationship is becoming more about flirtatious banter again.  My thoughts exactly. This is so much better than in canon. They weren't whispering during the meeting in canon, but thank you.  That is why it is better than in canon. There they were not wispering to eachother at all. It was my impression from PML that the Exclusive! launch took several hours, so there was plenty of time for Clark to go out and do his interviews and come back, just as the party was ending, and shortly after Miranda sprayed everyone. He missed them being sprayed, so Miranda isn't on his mind later, when... well, you'll see. I guess it also gives Clark a reason for not being affected. Otherwise how no one got suspicious over his not being affected is very hard to explain. Lois: Who?
Clark: You.
Lois: Oh. Thankyou, I guess. CAT: No, he meant me! ME! ME! Me! LOIS: :rolleyes: Clark: I meant Lois and no one else. So Clark managed to be out of the office when Miranda actually sprayed people. Hmm, at least this Lois won't miss all the signs that CK=SM. I don't see how CK being out of the office when Miranda spray everyone will lead to Lois assuming CK=SM. It gives him an excuse for why the perfume didn't affect him. That is what I meant. Lois won't miss the sign that CK=SM, because there is no sign to miss. See, I said she would not be minding his kissing any time soon. CLARK: Huh? What? Did someone say, 'Lois' and 'kissing'? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/s040.gif) Really, I need to work on this article. Lois: No, I think you need to work on kissing me. Lois: See, it was worth doing. He noticed. CLARK: I notice everything about Lois. Lois:  He notices me.
John Pack Lambert
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Lois: Clark, I want to go all the way. Stop thinking, let's get going. In the office? Lois: If you want to. Clark: I don't think that is a good idea in trhe office. Lois: OK, then let's leave and go somewhere where we can go all the way. Now. Lois: Clark, stop thinking. Let's go. CLARK: I'm in trouble. Lois: I get to "have" Clark. I like this. I like this a lot. Thank you. Lois: Except I want it now. Lois: The most fun things are done at night. Is that so? But she could notice more things in the daylight. Lois: Actually, on further thought. I see no reason to wait until night to do all the fun things. No reason to wait at all. We can do them right now. Clarkie. Clark: Can we at least wait until we get out of the public. Lois: Not to kiss. Maybe on some other things. But not wait too long. Lois: This is so much better than my dreams. Not quite. She has very vivid dreams, after all. Lois: But in my dreams crazy Ralph went after me, and there was no Clark anywhere. Lois: I am not willing to wait that long for the next kiss. Not at all. Nor will she have to. Lois:  Although you better mean in the minute range, and not in the days range. No more days bewtween kisses from Clark. Clark: Sounds good to me. Clark: I thought we were going to the restraunt. It's down the street from his apartment. Oh. I was assuming that Lois had cut straight to going to the bedroom. It now makes sense to me why Clark has not started to see anything off. Clark: Well, Lois was flirting with me this morning. OK, she is coming on strong, but hey. I like this. Reader: Well, I am now wondering what will happen when they get out of the cab. I guess it is good that we only have a short time until the next post.
John Pack Lambert