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#92183 12/21/12 07:49 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

laugh Merry Christmas? [Linked Image]

Feel free to start bashing Herb here. Or leave other comments.


Oooops. blush I posted slightly early. My apologies. laugh

Next posting (if possible, which it probably will be, unless sleep deprevation or weather intrudes) will be late Tues 12/25 or early Wed. 12/26.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/16/14 12:55 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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What a way to leave us! Can't poor Clark get a moment of happiness? Looking forward to seeing how you resolve this.


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I am going to post a more through response probably on Monday. However for now I just wanted to say smile1 smile1 smile1 .

I am a really worried about what Wells learned, actually super worried that they will have no easy way to break the curse and fear Clark may give up all hope for a time.

Still, Lois and Clark could not be in a better place, but since Lois is suffering from Revenge, it is probably best that Wells is intervening, assuming that the curse is not another potential problem.

I am thinking that Cat and Jimmy were messing with Wells, and that Lois and Clark were undercover at the Honeymoon Suite. Of course, that leads me to not understand how Clark managed to avoid consumating the relationship until then, unless Wells is wrong about the curse. And if he did, than Wells intervening just killed a chance for Clark to tell Lois he is Superman.

Still, even if CK and LL are at the honeymoon suite undercover, given their history I think it will be next to impossible for then to avoid activiating the curse. This is all the more true if they somehow did not activate it during Lois' time under Revenge.

Of course, I have to wonder if the curse applies. Since Clark is not the soul that is linked to Lois, he would not come under the curse, so maybe Wells is needlessly worried about them invoking the curse.

Yes I know you are asking "this is not the indepth FDK", but it isn't, I still want to do that.

I do have to wonder why Clark took off the super-suit. It is almost as if while he tells himself that he wants to tell Lois he is SM, he really does not want to. On the other hand, I guess he is right that it is better to tell her than to have her just find out.

I do not think Lois will be happy with herself for not getting him to tell her once she recovers from Revenge. Of course, she may figure out or be told during the next 36 hours or so, so we may never learn what she thinks about telling Clark not to tell her the truth, but we will see.

I am half hoping she figures it out as he is looking not through his glasses at the door, but I really do not expect her to.

John Pack Lambert
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I decided to do in-depth FDK to the first part. I won't get any further than that though for awhile.

From the first moment that Clark had sat down at his desk, after returning from conducting his interviews, Lois hadn’t been able to keep her eyes off him.
smile1 Lois loving Clark.

As she’d watched her adorable Clark,
grumble a lot of good it does me if I have to leave to rescue real Clark now.

Instead, Clark ran his hand through her hair and whispered, “I love you, too, Lois.”
Lois: dance dance He loves me. Hmm, Chuck, you don't have to wisper it though. I like you wispering in my ear, but you can also say it louder, if you want.

She should have known better. Clark would never hurt her. He could never hurt her. Well, he had, but that hadn’t been intentional. He was the most wonderful man ever.
I just hope she still thinks this when she recovers from the pheremone.

He was even better than Superman was. She exhaled. Too bad Clark couldn’t fly,
Clark: Well, actually.

Lois: Stop talking, keep kissing.

but he loved her, really, really loved her. He didn’t just say he loved her and have them only be words, which he didn’t mean, like that other man who flew.
Clark: dance She loves me.

NR: she also dislikes Superman.

Clark:Hmm, your right.

Lois: Kiss me, and stop talking with other people.

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When Clark said he loved her, he meant it. They would be together forever, she just knew it.
Clark: I just wish I could be sure I was the Clark she will be with.

Lois: Clark, you are the only Clark for me.

Lois leaned her head against his shoulder in contented bliss.
dance dance she has forgiven him.

Lois admitted, and then pointed at him, shaking her finger. “No more lying to me, Clark.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Well, this direct declaration is probably keeping him from realizing how totally off she is.
[quote]Clarkie. Clarkerino.” His name sounded funny on her tongue. “No, that won’t do. I need something more loving to call you, something special just for you.” She danced her fingers down his chest. She couldn’t wait until after lunch when she could finally get him alone again.
Lois: And then I can touch his chest without the annoying clothes in the way.

He laughed, taking hold of her hand. “I’ve been working for months to find an endearment for you, but nothing fits. I must admit that I like it when you call me ‘Chuck’. Nobody else could make that wrong name sound so wonderful.”
dance wrong Clark is now the new right.

“I know. Nicknames just don’t work on me. You’ll come up with something; I know you will. Nobody is as smart as you,”
dance she really does love him.

she said, which strangely enough made his brow furrow.
Clark: dance He winked at me.

Lois leaned over and kissed him. “There’s something else you can make… love,”
Clark: (fanning himself) Lois, maybe we should take this a little slower. We don't have to make love today.

Clark choked on his ravioli and needed to take a sip of water to clear his throat. “What are you saying, Lois?”
Clark: Please just be teasing me. I can't make love with you until I know I can stay here.

“You know.” She kept her voice low and set her hand on his leg. “I want you, Clark.”

His eyes popped out of his face. How could he be so surprised? He must have realized by now what he did to her.
Lois: Come on, all my bending over his desk and giving him good views of my chest and legs, and touching and kissing him in the cab and here and saying I love him should have clued him in by now.

“I want you too, Lois, but don’t you think we’re moving too quickly?” he said.

“Again with that word, my darling. Didn’t you promise to make love to me months ago?”
And this is why he has not clued in yet. They almost made love at the Metro Club, this is not Lois totally out of form, just more affectionate, and not holding her grudge, but even that had been lessening and the change from the morning was not too great.

Lois tossed back to him. “I don’t find this quick in the least.”

“Yes, Lois, but at the time you were angry and hurt. You needed time to heal,”
Lois: Not when we were in the Metro Club closet.

“Haven’t I healed?” she asked, batting her eyelashes rapidly in a way she knew all men liked.
Clark: Well, at least this man does.

“Yes, but I’m not one to make love, just because I’m physically able.”

Was Clark rejecting her? “Do you doubt that I love you, Clark?” she said, her eyes filling with tears.
Clark: No Lois, no, no, no. I am not rejecting you. I just want to do this right.

“But, what, Clark? We were interrupted; otherwise we’d already be lovers now.”
She does have a good point. It will even possibly overcome her anger once he recovers.

Lois: dance sloppy love for Clark. I am going to get to be with him.

She wiped her hands on her napkin and wrapped her arms around his neck again.
Lois: Why did I ever removed them? They feel so right here.

She leisurely kissed his lips. “I love you, Clark, body and soul. I want to share our bodies, and until we do, I won’t feel like you trust me, or truly love me.”
Clark: love Oh wait, still, better go slow.

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She could hear the skepticism in his voice. He didn’t believe her! True, other men had loved her physically without loving her, but Clark was different. She knew he was. With him, making love would show him he could trust her with the truth, because she trusted him.
Let's just hope she can still believe this in two days.

“Are you sure you feel all right, Lois?” Clark asked.

“Never better!
Hmm, this looks like canon in a new context.

You don’t know how much I have dreamed of this, Chuck,” she whispered into his ear.
A new context where he actually believes her. On the other hand, maybe he is right to believe her. Revenge does not create feelings, only magnify them and remove inhibitions.

“As have I, Lois, which is why I feel like we should slow down. We have all the time in the world. There’s no reason to rush,” he reminded her.
Although he only sort of believes this. Well, actually I guess he knows that if there time is limited they really should not act.

Lois nibbled on his ear.
Clark: smile1 You did not like our flirting this morning, I better do more of this hyper dance

“My body aches for you, Clark,” she murmured, before kissing across his cheek to his mouth.
party they are kissing, lots, all over the place.

“Let’s just enjoy each other’s company for now, Lois, and eat our lunch,” Clark said, taking another bite of his food, yet she saw with delight that his fork was shaking. “This isn’t the time or place for more.”
Clark: I hope this works, OK, deep down I want more, but not yet, and if I get more and then have to leave, well. Anyway, definately not here.

“Please, don’t make me beg,” she murmured, running her hands down his hard chest until she reached his hips. “Or is that what you want? Me, on my knees, in front of you?”
Clark: Not here. I mean, no Lois, that is not what I want. Not you begging.

It wasn’t really her style, but this was Clark, her love, her true love, the man she adored. She shrugged her acquiescence.
Clark: This is not good. OK, it is good, but no, I do not want that here, or anywhere really.

Clark grabbed her hands and held them in both of his. “What has gotten into you, Lois? Of course, that’s not what I want… well… No! Lois, you are being more forward than Cat has ever been. That isn’t like you.”
Clark: Not that I don't like it, but here in the restraunt Lois, come on, we want a relationship that will last, and we don't want to get arrested for indecent exposure.

Lois: I doubt they would if we do it in this restrarant.

Clark: No. This is not that kind of place.

“But you and Cat were never in a relationship, right? Never had sex, right?” Lois said, her lips pouting. Had he lied to her about that too? “Right?”

“I love you, and only you,” he said, kissing one of her hands, then the other, and not answering her question at all. “I have never had that kind of relationship with Cat nor have I wanted it.”
It seems that the pheremone makes lots of feelings hightened, including jealousy. Good thing that he can truthfully deny any and all sexual relations with Cat, in both heart and action.

That was better. Lois relaxed. She knew Clark wouldn’t cheat on her. Of course, he wouldn’t. His life depended on him being faithful.
Wait, is this a mental threat against Clark if he ever cheats on her?

“All I’m saying is, we should let nature takes it course. We’ll get there when we get there, okay?” he continued. “I’m happy with what I have, Lois, with this.”

He kissed her hand again, and then scooted closer to kiss her cheek. It was all very romantic, and she whole-heartedly approved.
Lois: Still, if he thinks he can avoid me this afternoon, well, hopefully he won't.

“I’m not going to force you to do anything you’re not ready for or comfortable with. I promise you that. Just because we say ‘I love you’ doesn’t mean I expect us to jump into bed right away; that’s not who we are. I want to prove to you that our relationship means more to me than our sexual attraction.” He brushed her hair out of her face in that way that Superman always did.
A clue. Although, will she figure from this clue, or does she need more?

She liked it better when Clark did it.
Clark: Why do my dreams always come true only after I learn something that makes them impossible?

“I need to prove to you, first, that I’m not like other men.”
Just float for her already Clark. Oh, he does not mean in that way.

Lois sat up and grinned at him, happily eating her food once more. “Okay, handsome. As long as I know you want me, I can wait until you’re ready.”
Lois: As long as your being ready happens very soon.

He stared at her for a long moment, and then shook his head. For a moment there, she had thought he had exhaled in relief.
Lois: Maybe I am going too fast. Need to slow down a little. No sex with Clark until we are back to his apartment. Yes, I think I can wait that long.

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Let me get this straight, even though this universe's true Clark was killed by Tempus the curse is still in effect and if Herb doesn't interfere Lois will die if they consummate their wedding and of course the same would apply if they didn't wait for the formalities.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

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Gah! Lost my last FDK!

I guess I'll just make a few notes and then move on right now.

*shakes fist at Wells*
I really think that he's trying to do a number for these two.

Herb knew Clark must have waited to consummate their relationship until after marriage, as the Clark from his universe had, since they were still both alive and well enough to marry on the fourteenth.
And how does he know the curse would hurt these two, hmm? *speaking to Wells, not to you* I mean the Clark from the different universe isn't the same soul, is it?

What if it had to do with a memory of her true Clark? That thought was like refreshing ice water on his resolve. He sighed. And on his libido.
Yeouch. I really don't think that's the case but that's just me.

He tried to remember why he wasn’t making love to her at this very moment, but for some reason his mind failed him.
I'm sure Canon Clark had this very thought a good number of times over the years. And probably the secret was one reason (hence, why we saw them getting more heated after she was in on the secret.)

She withdrew her arms. He opened his eyes to find out why, and saw her pushing herself up on the counter. She spread open her legs and pulled him between them, before taking him into her arms again. Clark had to admit he wasn’t adverse to this position. She licked his lips, and he hungrily deepened the kiss, their tongues caressing one another.
*fans self*

Before he realized it was happening Lois flung open his shirt and began to kiss down his neck to his chest. He had never had anyone touch him quite like that before, caress his body with love and attention. It had always been him giving the attention to the woman’s chest. This was a pleasant development. Making love with Lois would be the most sensual experience of his life.
It's interesting that for all the attraction to Clark they were never able to touch him like he seems to allow Lois to touch him.

Right! Delay. Delay. Delay! Tell Lois the truth. As her legs squeezed him tighter and she nibbled down his throat, he realized he didn’t want to delay, but he needed to tell her about Superman. How much better would making love to Lois be if he didn’t have to try to hide that side of himself? That in itself was worth chancing her ire, if afterwards he would be able to make love as himself.
Well that's an interesting development, at least with regards to his superpowers. He doesn't feel the absolute NEED to make love with her in the know (mostly because of his previous experiences with sex) but recognizes how much better it might be with her knowing.

Carlos had told Clark to go home, marry Lois, and create his own descendants for Utopia. “That woman isn’t minha,” Carlos had insisted. Lois wasn’t his. Well, the man was a priest after all.
I'm even more certain that IF Carlos is the reincarnated Clark, he's been split away from his soulmate so that he doesn't see Lois as his soul pairing.

He glanced up and scooted down his glasses to see who it was. H.G. Wells stood on the other side.
I really just think that Wells is being a prude. There really isn't anything to suggest that Alt-Clark instead of Carlos/Canon Clark is better than the other when it comes to this. If anything, the fact that Clark comes from a different universe makes his soul a different pairing issue than the Canon one. I doubt the soul-curse is in effect for them.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Originally posted by scifiJoan:
What a way to leave us! Can't poor Clark get a moment of happiness?
Um... sure. That was his moment. Time's up!

Looking forward to seeing how you resolve this.
evil Stick with me. Twists and turns ahead. Just when you'll think you know where this story is heading, that's when the next turn happens. laugh Forget I said that.... no spoilers to see here. Um... Keep reading. Thanks for the feedback. Merry Christmas?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Thanks for the FDK, no matter the length. laugh
I am going to post a more through response probably on Monday. However for now I just wanted to say <<I'm happy, very, very, very, very, happy>>
Yes, PML is a favorite for us romance fans. Lois doesn't disappoint. Clark caves beautifully. Lots of fun to be had... now back to reality. No?

I am a really worried about what Wells learned, actually super worried that they will have no easy way to break the curse and fear Clark may give up all hope for a time.
Well, as long as there are ?? for the total Parts ahead, Clark hasn't given up hope. wink

Still, Lois and Clark could not be in a better place, but since Lois is suffering from Revenge, it is probably best that Wells is intervening, assuming that the curse is not another potential problem.
[Linked Image]

I am thinking that Cat and Jimmy were messing with Wells, and that Lois and Clark were undercover at the Honeymoon Suite.
That's possible.

Of course, that leads me to not understand how Clark managed to avoid consumating the relationship until then, unless Wells is wrong about the curse.
That's also possible. Or it's possible that when Clark told Lois (in the future that will now not take place) CK=SM and Herb didn't interrupt, she got mad and stormed out. Anything's possible. But I'm not telling. laugh I'm leaving that up to the Reader.

And if he did, than Wells intervening just killed a chance for Clark to tell Lois he is Superman.
Also possible. clap Always acceptible. This is nice too. laugh Probably not the responces you were expecting though.

I do have to wonder why Clark took off the super-suit.
Because EW wanted Lois to take off Clark's shirt and it wouldn't have worked if she saw the Super suit? Nope. Don't accept that answer. Hmmmm. Perhaps Clark was having doubts about his willpower to tell Lois before they went too far, and he figured out of all the ways for her to learn that about it, while they were making out probably not a good one?

It is almost as if while he tells himself that he wants to tell Lois he is SM, he really does not want to. On the other hand, I guess he is right that it is better to tell her than to have her just find out.
CLARK: Yes, that sounds good. I'll go with that. I want to tell her, but not by her taking off my clothes.

I do not think Lois will be happy with herself for not getting him to tell her once she recovers from Revenge.
You mean if she finds out later that he's Superman and she doesn't get him to tell her through seduction?

Of course, she may figure out or be told during the next 36 hours or so, so we may never learn what she thinks about telling Clark not to tell her the truth, but we will see.
Lois will have another POV or two (or 600) before the end of this story. wink

I am half hoping she figures it out as he is looking not through his glasses at the door, but I really do not expect her to.
Nope, her eyes were closed in contented bliss. Sorry.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Response to John's FDK - Cont.

I decided to do in-depth FDK to the first part. I won't get any further than that though for awhile.
Oh, goody! More! smile1

At first I thought this was in his apartment. On thinking more I figured it was in the restarant, and I guess you do say the cab ride was to the restaurant, but I was still confused because in the last part they gave the driver Clark's address. Or I thought they did. Was that Clark's address or the restaurant address? I guess the "Followed him" line makes it sound like they are going to the same place, not equivalent places.
Well, this part starts out with "The restaurant was..."

Too bad Clark has not told her he is invulnerable yet.
Lois isn't. That's why he needs to clean his hands. Also, it's polite to wash one's hands before eating.

Clark: That is ok, I still prefer to eat food from Lois' hands when they are clean, although I will accept other ways.

Lois: he wants to eat out of my hands.
LOIS: Wait! He ALREADY eats out of my hands.

Lois: OK, maybe we did a little more than kiss in the cab. It still felt like "only kissing" compared to what I wanted to do with my hunky man Clarkie.
Making out is difficult when keeping one's hands to one's self.

Lois: Still, maybe he would have done more if my hair had been neater.

Clark: Your hair got messed up from us going at eachoter.

Lois: he was touching lots of me, although not enough without clothing.
CLARK: Geez, Lois. We were in public. Sure, in a cab, but the cabbie could see us and our first time in the backseat of a cab while the cabbie crashed, while memoriable, isn't exactly how I *want* to remember it.

Lois: Clark is so good. I was going to think of someone else who would have probably criticized, but I am not going to. Much more fun to think of how wonderful Clark is. Clark.
There's someone to think of other than Clark? clap

she really does love him.
LOIS: What's that supposed to mean? That I use sex to get information or something?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Response to John's FDK - Cont.

Clark: this is not Lois. What happened to the real Lois. Lois would never admit anyone was smarter than her.

Clark: Whew. That is so much better. This is Lois after all, build me up with a compliment, and then make it not quite so good. Still, it was a wonderful compliment even modified, why would this not be Lois. She might be a little odd today, but she is clearly her normal self. I mean, she is coming on stronger than this morning, but she was already flirting this morning, must be build up from Christmas.
Could be. Might be. Or something else.

Clark: I must be too jumpy. Lois is just really wanting me today, like I have been feeling since I first saw her back in May. Maybe she has for a while too, and it is just finally getting out.
Clark falls into my cleverly laid trap, laughs EW.

Lois: Especially since Clark has not let me really undress at all while we are still in the restaurant. I mean, I have a bra under this blouse, why do I need the blouse too. OK, maybe that would just be too much in public, which is why we should have gone to his place. Once there, I won't even need the bra anymore.
She doesn't undress in public in PML, so I doubt she'd do so here.

I just love how Lois is so with it under the pheremone, even if it is with it in the wrong way.
Why wouldn't she be herself? And thank you. laugh

Lois: Hey, I may feel more desire for Clark, but that does not make me stupid. Now if I just vapidly wanted some man who was just a hunk. True, Clark has the msot incredible body of any man, ever, without compare, better than that other flying guy, by far. But he also is so smart, and so caring, and kind, and patient, and he has saved my life on at least four occasions, probably five, because why would he ever be confused about something, although how he did not get hit by those bullets outside my aprtment, I don't know.
She didn't witness that.

Maybe some other times too, I am not sure. At least some other times he has saved my heart from total pain, which is just as good. I mean, what other guy who likes you would say no to sex because they knew it was not right yet. Clark is just the best. In every way possible.
CLARK: Well, if you insist. <<feels deeply guilty>>

Clark: Then why is my Chinese cooking so good.
clap THAT'S why she can't find any record of him. His mother's Italian and his father's Chinese and they grew up in China.

Lois: Well, you are just a great cook Clark, like everything else.
Or that. Right.

Lois: Actually, mainly for its location, atmosphere was OK, but not all that needed.
Pretty much.

Lois: We should have ordered only one dish. Then I could be sticking my fingers in his mouth already.
That might've been a dead giveaway that not all was right in Loisville.

Clark really did like that night.
Well, duh! Lois gave him a lapdance.

Lois: Just hope this time he does not figure a way to chicken out.
[Linked Image]

No wonder the pheremone worked, there were lots of feelings there to work with.
[Linked Image]

Lois: Clark, you are always that good.
CLARK: Huh? Um... Lois, you aren't eating... uh... Thank you?

Clark: (fanning himself) Lois, maybe we should take this a little slower. We don't have to make love today.
[Linked Image] Silly, naive boy.

Clark: Please just be teasing me. I can't make love with you until I know I can stay here.

Lois: Come on, all my bending over his desk and giving him good views of my chest and legs, and touching and kissing him in the cab and here and saying I love him should have clued him in by now.
CLARK: Er... that could have just been flirting?

And this is why he has not clued in yet. They almost made love at the Metro Club, this is not Lois totally out of form, just more affectionate, and not holding her grudge, but even that had been lessening and the change from the morning was not too great.
Yep, she had slowly been more flirty over the last several months.

Lois: Not when we were in the Metro Club closet.
But she's the one who put a 'slow-down' to their relationship then.

Clark: No Lois, no, no, no. I am not rejecting you. I just want to do this right.
He DOES keep saying that, doesn't he?

She does have a good point. It will even possibly overcome her anger once he recovers.
I figure Lois on pheromones doesn't mean she's lost her powers of negotation.
Let's just hope she can still believe this in two days.
[Linked Image]

Hmm, this looks like canon in a new context.
I might have mixed in some canon into these scenes.

A new context where he actually believes her. On the other hand, maybe he is right to believe her. Revenge does not create feelings, only magnify them and remove inhibitions.
Pretty much.

Although he only sort of believes this. Well, actually I guess he knows that if there time is limited they really should not act.
If they can be together, their time in infinite.

Clark: This is so much more enjoyable than what was happening when Perry thought she was nibbling my ear.
Actually that was 'neck' but detail, schmetails.

Lois: You did not like our flirting this morning, I better do more of this next meeting.

Clark: Oh Lois, I liked it. We don't want to disrupt the meeting too much. Just your nibbling is so much better than words.
CLARK: Meeting? We attended a meeting this morning? Was that only THIS morning?

Clark: I hope this works, OK, deep down I want more, but not yet, and if I get more and then have to leave, well. Anyway, definately not here.
Definitely *not* in the restaurant.

Clark: Not here. I mean, no Lois, that is not what I want. Not you begging...

Clark: This is not good. OK, it is good, but no, I do not want that here, or anywhere really.
I needed to throw in some doubts into Clark's mind.

Clark: Not that I don't like it, but here in the restraunt Lois, come on, we want a relationship that will last, and we don't want to get arrested for indecent exposure.

Lois: I doubt they would if we do it in this restrarant.

Clark: No. This is not that kind of place.
She never said that she'd do it THERE.

It seems that the pheremone makes lots of feelings hightened, including jealousy. Good thing that he can truthfully deny any and all sexual relations with Cat, in both heart and action.
Well, when Clark and Lex discussed what would happen to Metropolis on 100% pheromones, love wasn't the only emotion discussed. I thought I'd explore a few of those others.

Wait, is this a mental threat against Clark if he ever cheats on her?
Remember how Lois feels about cheaters, due to how Sam treated Ellen.

Lois: Still, if he thinks he can avoid me this afternoon, well, hopefully he won't.
He didn't say anything about avoidence.

A clue. Although, will she figure from this clue, or does she need more?
He drops as many clues as canon Clark does, just different ones.

Clark: Why do my dreams always come true only after I learn something that makes them impossible?

Just float for her already Clark. Oh, he does not mean in that way.
Yes, not in THAT way.

Lois: As long as your being ready happens very soon.

Lois: Maybe I am going too fast. Need to slow down a little. No sex with Clark until we are back to his apartment. Yes, I think I can wait that long.
Okay, Lois hasn't lost ALL her morals. She's not asking for Clark to do anything in the restaurant. It's just conversation.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Ken: Thanks for popping in with FDK. Somehow, I thought you might since Herb showed up. Glad I haven't scared you away, yet.

Let me get this straight, even though this universe's true Clark was killed by Tempus the curse is still in effect and if Herb doesn't interfere Lois will die if they consummate their wedding and of course the same would apply if they didn't wait for the formalities.
That seems to be Herb's theory. He'll elaborate in 73.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Christina: Ooooh. Another Long FDK. smile1
Gah! Lost my last FDK!

I guess I'll just make a few notes and then move on right now.
Oh! I hate it when that happens.

*shakes fist at Wells*
I really think that he's trying to do a number for these two.

I'm even more certain that IF Carlos is the reincarnated Clark, he's been split away from his soulmate so that he doesn't see Lois as his soul pairing.
It's hard for Carlos to see Lois as his "soul mate" when he's a priest. He's not actually looking for one.

I really just think that Wells is being a prude. There really isn't anything to suggest that Alt-Clark instead of Carlos/Canon Clark is better than the other when it comes to this. If anything, the fact that Clark comes from a different universe makes his soul a different pairing issue than the Canon one. I doubt the soul-curse is in effect for them.
So, you think he's just stopping them because Clark and Lois aren't married? Or because he thinks Lois should only be with her True Clark? We'll shall have to see what Herb says about that.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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clap Always acceptible. This is nice too. laugh Probably not the responces you were expecting though.
I didn't really expect my questions to be answered at all, so it is actually what I expected, maybe not what I hoped for, but what I expected.

I do have to wonder why Clark took off the super-suit.
Because EW wanted Lois to take off Clark's shirt and it wouldn't have worked if she saw the Super suit? Nope. Don't accept that answer. Hmmmm. Perhaps Clark was having doubts about his willpower to tell Lois before they went too far, and he figured out of all the ways for her to learn that about it, while they were making out probably not a good one?
Well, since Lois does not have to go that far to see the suit, it not being there may be very needful.

It is almost as if while he tells himself that he wants to tell Lois he is SM, he really does not want to. On the other hand, I guess he is right that it is better to tell her than to have her just find out.
CLARK: Yes, that sounds good. I'll go with that. I want to tell her, but not by her taking off my clothes.
Somehow I do not believe he believes this.

I do not think Lois will be happy with herself for not getting him to tell her once she recovers from Revenge.
You mean if she finds out later that he's Superman and she doesn't get him to tell her through seduction?
Hmm, maybe. It is hard to say.

Of course, she may figure out or be told during the next 36 hours or so, so we may never learn what she thinks about telling Clark not to tell her the truth, but we will see.
Lois will have another POV or two (or 600) before the end of this story. wink
I am just thinking her view of this will not really exist if she learns in the next 36 hours.

I am half hoping she figures it out as he is looking not through his glasses at the door, but I really do not expect her to.
Nope, her eyes were closed in contented bliss. Sorry.
It seems like she is never looking when he takes off his glasses.

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Lois: Well, maybe. However Clark looks extra hansome and sexy today, so it is worth it. Anyway, Ralph was being extra distrubing.
So true.
Clark: I am surprised she just kneed him after that totally creepy and distrubing line.

CLARK: I don't know. Personally, I like the making out. smile1
Lois: smile1 Clark likes this.

LOIS: Wait! He ALREADY eats out of my hands.

CLARK: Geez, Lois. We were in public. Sure, in a cab, but the cabbie could see us and our first time in the backseat of a cab while the cabbie crashed, while memoriable, isn't exactly how I *want* to remember it.
Lois: It does sound fun though.

Clark: she kissed me again. Hmm, wait, Lois is acting strange. Better not go too fast, I don't know if I can stay here.
Better than leaving Lois alone when she's acting like this.
Clark: I was thinking stay with Lois, but not get too close.

He's trying to be discrete. They are out in public. He's trying to keep their conversation private.
Lois: I don;t care if the whole world knows.

Lois: And then I can touch his chest without the annoying clothes in the way.
CLARK: Thank you for waiting until we were alone to undress me.
Lois: Just don't take too long to get us into a private place.

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She doesn't undress in public in PML, so I doubt she'd do so here.
That does not mean she does not think about doing it.

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Lois pushed Clark against the front door of his apartment, kissing him again.
hyper let's get moving along already.

“Take advantage?” he echoed, fearing he knew what she meant.
Clark: Maybe she disliked that meal so much that she wants me to make her something else. I can hope can't I?

“To drop off our doggie bags from the restaurant, silly,” she said with a grin.
Clark: I guess she is just being normal teasing Lois. I like this teasing though. laugh More of it Lois, please. wink

She bit her bottom lip again and stared into his eyes with an expression, to which he held no resistance. He cupped her jaw in his hand and kissed her.
Clark: Especially if I get to kiss you.

“Right, doggie bags,” he said, not fully believing this plausible excuse, as he came up for air.
Clark: hyper what will she do know?

So what, if they never made it back to the newsroom that afternoon.
Lois: evil I have no plans of going back there today.

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He had turned in his article.
Lois: smile1 see no reason to go back to the office today.

Knowing Lois, she had too.
Lois: hyper article, what article? I had too much fun watching Clark all day. hyper Clark is going along and I have not even started any of my real moves on him.

Where would be the harm in making out with the woman he loved?
Lois: hyper sounds great by me. At least as long as he does not try to stop at just "making out."

He pulled his keys out of his pocket.
Lois: I wish he had let me do that.

He knew where the harm lay. It lay in him dying a thousand deaths when he discovered that it didn’t matter what Carlos wanted. If Clark could save Lois’s true Clark, Clark would have to say goodbye to Lois forever, and that was where the harm lay. It was that one little pesky uncertainty, which had him reminding Lois that it would be better if they waited before they made love.
Lois: We have waited six months since I first asked you to make love to, Chuck.

She nibbled on his ear as he tried to unlock the door.
Clark: dance dance I like this. Although, no, no over thinking.

She was making it darn near impossible to hold onto that last little promise, which he had made to himself… well, second to last promise. She still didn’t know that Clark Kent also flew around Metropolis as Superman.
Lois: Why is Clark holding back at all? I guess I need to try harder to please him.

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“I still don’t know why you wanted doggie bags, Lois, when the food wasn’t that great,” he continued on, pushing open his door.
Lois: He is seeing through my plans. More smile1 smile1 That was a pretty good kiss two days before Christmas, OK, the best kiss ever. So maybe. Heck, the kiss on the plane with Trask was my best kiss to that point in my life, baring none.

They stumbled down the stairs leading into his living room and fell onto his couch with Lois underneath him.
Lois: Right now I am OK with not being on top.

He used a tiny bit of levitation to slow their descent.
Lois: Clark is stronger than I ever noticed before, and is setting me down so nice and gentle. hyper , now I just need him less dressed.

John Pack Lambert
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