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#92536 01/04/13 07:47 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Oooops. There I went and posted 15 minutes early again. I hope you can forgive me. laugh

Clark's line about couples getting married by checking into a hotel's honeymoon suite was inspired by Erin Klinger's epic fanfic The Accidental Husband .

Nothing like the romance of being in a honeymoon suite during Valentine's Day to put a couple in love in the mood to... talk.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/16/14 12:44 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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“No!” Lois said, stomping her foot and crossing her arms. “Absolutely not! I’m not staying in the honeymoon suite with Clark! I couldn’t possibly do that. We just got the rumors under control since Miranda sprayed us with Revenge, and now you want me to… to… to…” She waved her hand, unable to answer.
This reason to not do it makes a lot of sense.

Clark raised his hands in surrender. “What night…? Oh. No. No! I’d never talk about you behind your back, Lois.”
Clark: That would just be cruel and wrong.

Jimmy’s face seemed drawn. “Nightmare?”
Lois: Actually, it was your cousing, but close enough.

“So, Lois, are you going to let Cat and Kent here take lead on this story?” Perry asked, and Clark exhaled with relief, realizing the Chief’s plan.
Perry: I do understand how to get what needs to happen to happen.

“How would that look?” Lois exclaimed, raising her chin. “No, I can’t let you do that to Clark. It would ruin his reputation, spending three days in the honeymoon suite with… with… her!”
Clark: smile1 she cares about me. And she is jealous.

Lois glared at him. “Well, next time, Chuck, ask me yourself and maybe you’ll get an answer more to your liking,” she snapped.

Clark’s jaw dropped. What had she just said?
Clark: I would do this, if not for the curse.

Cat purred, “It sounds like someone is protesting too much.
hyper he is going to tell her all his secret. OK, I only have a little bit of hope of that happening.

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“More like, ‘don’t kill the bride,” Clark murmured to himself, with a smile at Lois as she turned back to glower at him. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”
He has no idea.

Right. She came in here to wake Clark, because the men had returned. She moved next to the bed.
I figured she had come to join Clark in bed.

“Are you insane?” she accused, as he picked her up and dropped her down on the bed. “This isn’t funny!”
Lois: Actually, it is wonderful, but I am not going to tell him that.

He lay down on top of her and joined their lips together in a very pleasant kiss.
smile1 They are kissing.

He tried to keep it innocent, yet believable enough that they could fool housekeeping, but not passionate enough for him to lose control. Her arms wrapped around his chest, deepening the kiss, and the hold on his desires slipped. He couldn’t help but melt against her body as she did this. He had missed this, kissing Lois.
hyper They are making out.

Clark stopped their kiss as soon as he heard the door close, but Lois’s arms tightened around his chest, keeping him pressed against her. He lowered his forehead to hers, trying to find the willpower to move. He wanted to continue, but he knew it was dangerous to do so.
I still think he should stop believing Wells.

Her hands moved down his back until they were at his waist, and slipped under his shirt to rub his bare skin. His eyes closed and his lips lowered to hers, restarting their kiss. Her hands continued to rub his lower back and work their way up his spine.
hyper and this time he can't blame it on the pheremone.

Her breath became more ragged and, on its own volition, his hand went to her waist to untuck her shirt. As soon as he touched the soft skin of her belly, he could feel it flutter under his fingers as if it were full of butterflies. Lois giggled slightly, as if she was nervous or he had tickled her, but then deepened their kiss. Clark could feel her nails scrape against the skin of his back as they tried to dig in. It was the most wonderful sensation he had ever felt.
I am glad they get this moment of happiness.

Her lips kissed along his jaw to his ear. “Stay with me tonight, Chuck,” she whispered.
dance she has forgiven him.

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Clark bolted upright, knowing they had gone too far. “No! I can’t,”
He will have to explain this soon. I think it is time for him to tell her the full truth.

Now, he even had a sober and undrugged Lois, wanting to love him, but he couldn’t have her without causing her death.
He is far too believing in Wells' theories.

Lois sat up on her elbows on the bed, watching Clark. He was practically shaking, as if their intimacy had rattled him somehow.
Well, at least she sees what is going on. The thing is, she has no way of knowing why.

“You’re right,” she said, lying through her teeth. “It’s too soon, and this is important.”
hyper she has admitted that Clark is right.

She had spoken the words that would calm him the quickest, and then rose to her feet. Seeing him exhale with relief, she did an inner fist pump at being right.
Oh, so she does not believe them. She is speaking the words to get him to talk. Well, I think it is her wisest move yet.

“Don’t be,” Clark said, leaning his elbows on his knees and rubbing his face with his hands. “I’m as much to blame, if not more so, than you.”
Good point. Hmm, he really should tell her everything.

“Have you ever lived with anyone? I mean, full time, a relationship with a member of the opposite sex,” she asked, hoping her tone sounded casual.
I just re-watched "Honeymoon in Metropolis" last night, and I was wondering if you would include this line. I am glad you did.

“No, not full time,” he admitted, glancing at her. He scooted closer and took her hand in his, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. “I was engaged once, but we never lived together.”
clap I love how Clark actually made a sensible response here.

“Nope,” he said with exasperation.
Why can't he use his x-ray vision to look through the wall?

He must have good distance vision because he kept pulling them down to see over to Apocalypse Consulting’s offices.
Again, Lois fails to notice what he looks like with his glasses down.

Bart had left his leather jacket on the coat rack, the leather jacket with the filing cabinet key sitting in the pocket.
Oh no, she is going to try sneaking over there.

“I’m sorry I never told you I had been engaged, Lois,” he said, picking up their previous conversation,
Lois: At least he is sorry about this.

asked him this question before, but his answer had been so wishy-washy,
Wait I though he had said he had sex but it was not making love because it was not with her. How exactly was that wishy washy?

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John: Thank you for reading, and the FDK. smile1

This reason to not do it makes a lot of sense.
It does?

Clark: That would just be cruel and wrong.
[Linked Image]

Lois: Actually, it was your cousing, but close enough.
I figured it was for the joke. wink

Perry: I do understand how to get what needs to happen to happen.
That's why he's the boss.

Clark: she cares about me. And she is jealous.

Clark: I would do this, if not for the curse.
Quite the conundrum, huh?

I think Cat is right.
I thought you might.

This will be really tough for Clark.
[Linked Image] Plus, canon Clark says something similar to Lois in HiM, although he's teasing.

I love this line.
Thanks. laugh <<see above note for story referral>>

Plus it would make it ever more annoying that he could not make love to her.
CLARK: Could you please stop rubbing that in?

She really does not want to be a bigamist.
She really doesn't want to be married to any of the men she went to the honeymoon suite with, let alone all of them.

It makes sense that they discussed this before going there.
Instead of Clark knowing he'd sleep on the couch and Lois assuming he'd just give her the bed?

That is his big hurdle, trusting her enough to tell her things.
Well, marriage vows aren't to be taken lightly, John.

Wait, he just promised to tell her the whole truth. he is going to tell her all his secret. OK, I only have a little bit of hope of that happening.
Clark's already broken that vow with that little white lie about Cat by the end of the scene.

He has no idea.
laugh No, he doesn't. clap Actually, that's what she said in canon.

They are kissing.
Oh, dear. Trouble ahead.

They are making out.
About as much as they did in canon at this point. The making out really starts AFTER the maid leaves.

I still think he should stop believing Wells.
CLARK: And risk Lois's life just to get sex? I don't think so, John.

and this time he can't blame it on the pheremone.
Nope. She's sober and she wants him.

I am glad they get this moment of happiness.
Yes, a moment, and then reality sets back in.

she has forgiven him.
LOIS: blush Clark's kisses have that affect on me.
He will have to explain this soon. I think it is time for him to tell her the full truth.
Patience, grasshopper. Patience.

He is far too believing in Wells' theories.
And he won't have any doubt in them without cause.

Well, at least she sees what is going on. The thing is, she has no way of knowing why.
[Linked Image]

“You’re right,” she said, lying through her teeth. “It’s too soon, and this is important.”
<<super excited reader>> she has admitted that Clark is right.
I think you missed something in that section. I highlighted it for you.

Oh, so she does not believe them. She is speaking the words to get him to talk. Well, I think it is her wisest move yet.
LOIS: Are you saying everything I've done up until now has been stupid? [Linked Image]

Good point. Hmm, he really should tell her everything.
laugh One track mind much, there, John? It makes me wonder if you'll keep reading AFTER she finds out. Don't worry, I won't reveal too much too soon. laugh

I just re-watched "Honeymoon in Metropolis" last night, and I was wondering if you would include this line. I am glad you did.
Thanks. I thought it a good segue into talking about Lana.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Response to John's FDK - Cont.

He has told her a very major part of his past. Still, he needs to tell her lots more.
CLARK: There's no winning here, is there? Do I even get a point for mentioning Lana? Well, not by name, but that really wasn't necessary...

Yep, he really hit her from left field.
Er... no, it was the 800 lbs gorilla. laugh

I am really glad that Lois is keeping focused on her goal.
Lois can be focused when she applies herself.

Clark looked at her and a word formed on his lips,

Was he about to say "you showed up" or mention Superman. Hmm, I wish he had mentioned Superman.
2 points for being close-enough. Actually, the word was "you".

He does Lois, he does.
[Linked Image] Well, yes, her and a new dimension to save, and that new houseplant to water. Oh, shucks, he left that in the other dimension. He'd have to mention it to Wells next time he popped in and tell him to go water it for him. <<ducking>>

Yes, this creates an unanswerable problem.
[Linked Image] Don't worry, answers will come, whether or not they are the correct answers though...

now they both know the other loves them. They just need to figure out what to do about it.
Um... No, Clark knows that Lois WANTS him sexually, but not that she loves him.

Well, he could want to wait until marriage. OK, that would not quite make his agreeing to make love to her when they were at the Metro Club make sense, but it could explain his actions so far, in theory, mostly. Assuming he also thought her last attempts were just a result of being drugged.
Hmmmm. Yes, how will he explain his previous actions?

On the other hand, she is right. There is lots he is not telling her about lots of things.
CLARK: One little thing or two, really.

I think she is using the right tactic by asking amorphous questions. Direct questions would put him on gaurd.
Good thing she's a professional interviewer then.

Anyway, what would he benefit from making up an insanely long engagement. Also, she didn't even ask him a time frame, so he is willingly opening up.
Good point.

She is mostly right, although her math is off because Clark has not told her one crucial detail. The marriage was meant to be in Febuary of 1996.
Hence the "if he was born in 1966" disclaimer to this theory.

Yes, this is a tough subject for him. Maybe he should have told her he is SM first.

She is right about that. CLark has avoided mentioning another reason why that try did not really work. I am slightly surprised Lois has not pressed to learn the name of his ex-fiancee.
Her name really isn't necessary at the moment and more likely to clam up.

Clark: Plus, it happened in a different dimension, so I try not bringing it up at all.
Right, that too.

Ah, why did that happen. Lois was making so much progress in this discussion.
evil Darn A Plot.

I love how Clark actually made a sensible response here.
I always thought Clark's response was lame-o and should have clued Lois in. Who else can't see through lead? Duh!

Again, Lois fails to notice what he looks like with his glasses down.
Nope, she only catches him pushing them back up.

Oh no, she is going to try sneaking over there.
Well, how else are they going to solve the A Plot? Clark goes?

Lois: At least he is sorry about this.
LOIS: Gee, Clark's apologizing. What a shocker. Please note sarcasm.

Wait I though he had said he had sex but it was not making love because it was not with her. How exactly was that wishy washy?
His initial response was:

Clark blushed at her assumption and directness, and enveloped her with his arms, kissing the top of her head. “No… well, yes… but, no.”
That's what she meant by "wishy-washy".

This entire scene was included in the first break up of parts. But when I shortened the extra long parts to reasonable lengths again, I had to break up this scene, so I picked this spot. Sorry about any confusion.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by meradaddy:
Cat and Jimmy were funny at Clark & Lois mark wedding very funny
Thanks for reading. I'm glad you liked the mock-wedding. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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This reason to not do it makes a lot of sense.
It does?
OK, maybe on the scale of "catch Harrington in a crime" verses "expose me and Clark to office gossip", it does not make sense that she objects. Still, I like how she is at least acknowledging the whole Revenge inicident. The failure to do so in the show made the episodes too close to no net change, zero-sum episodes.

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He will have to explain this soon. I think it is time for him to tell her the full truth.
Patience, grasshopper. Patience.
Hey, he was on the verge of telling her 4 sections ago or so, I lost most patience at that point. Actually, he almost told her 15 or so sections ago. So he has been so close, so often, I have just decided to constantly push for it.

“You’re right,” she said, lying through her teeth. “It’s too soon, and this is important.”
<<super excited reader>> she has admitted that Clark is right.
I think you missed something in that section. I highlighted it for you.[/Quote]

Even if she is lieing, she still admitted that Clark is right.

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Good point. Hmm, he really should tell her everything.
laugh One track mind much, there, John? It makes me wonder if you'll keep reading AFTER she finds out. Don't worry, I won't reveal too much too soon. laugh
Of course I still will read after she finds out. Even if they get married the next scene. Somehow I doubt that it will happen like that.

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On the issue of what Clark told Lois before, we had this back in part 72.

“I have had sex,” he clarified, resting his forehead against hers. “But never with you. Therefore, I’ve never made love.”
So, yes, his first response was wishy-washy, but then he added more clarification back there.

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
OK, maybe on the scale of "catch Harrington in a crime" verses "expose me and Clark to office gossip", it does not make sense that she objects.
That was Perry's point.

Still, I like how she is at least acknowledging the whole Revenge inicident. The failure to do so in the show made the episodes too close to no net change, zero-sum episodes.
Well, being that here it was only a week ago. Yes, I couldn't believe canon they just brushed that under the rug, before sending them off on a honeymoon. But, welcome to television, where a character can have a broken arm one episode and be off playing football (American style) the next.

Hey, he was on the verge of telling her 4 sections ago or so, I lost most patience at that point. Actually, he almost told her 15 or so sections ago. So he has been so close, so often, I have just decided to constantly push for it.
Actually, he first tried to tell her back about part 20, when he thought she had kissed him on Trask's plane because she liked him. So, what you're saying is that as a theme, this one bites the big one? Or has dragged on too long? Oh, dear. blush

Of course I still will read after she finds out. Even if they get married the next scene. Somehow I doubt that it will happen like that.
Thank you! sloppy And, no, it won't happen like that.

So, yes, his first response was wishy-washy, but then he added more clarification back there.
But he isn't supposed to know that she remembers that. As far as he knows (from what she told him), she had a total blackout of those two days.

LOIS: [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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But he isn't supposed to know that she remembers that. As far as he knows (from what she told him), she had a total blackout of those two days.
But it was Lois thinking that his previous response had been wishy-washy and unclear.

As far as Clark knows she has no memory of ever asking this question before, but we were discussing that Lois should have a clear answer, not what Clark thinks of the whole matter.

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
But he isn't supposed to know that she remembers that. As far as he knows (from what she told him), she had a total blackout of those two days.
But it was Lois thinking that his previous response had been wishy-washy and unclear.

As far as Clark knows she has no memory of ever asking this question before, but we were discussing that Lois should have a clear answer, not what Clark thinks of the whole matter.
LOIS: So, what you're saying is that I'm not allowed to think his previous answer sounded wishy-washy, and ask him the question again to see if he -- the great liar -- would give me another answer, being that HE doesn't know that I remember the first one?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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“No!” Lois said, stomping her foot and crossing her arms. “Absolutely not! I’m not staying in the honeymoon suite with Clark!
[Linked Image] What is Mr. Fredericks going to think when Lois and Clark Kent are now staying a couple more nights at the Honeymoon Suite after Lois got a cheap first night alone?

“All righty, then. If your reputation around the office is more important to you than a bribery scandal involving a Congressman, we can always put Clark up in the honeymoon suite with Cat,” Perry countered.
Lois: [Linked Image]
PERRY: Lois!
LOIS: I’m still *thinking* about it! Geeeeez…

He loved Cat; really, he did, like a best friend, or a sister, a really screwed up sister, whom he loved like a friend.
So, incest?

He was coming off two days of Lois, on pheromones, chasing him around. Cat was like that normally, on a good day. On a bad day, she spent forty-eight hours in the copy room with the copier repairman. Clark had rotten luck. He’d end up with one of Cat’s bad days.

He remembered doing a story about such a case back in his old Metropolis, where a woman couldn’t get married because she was still legally married to her previous boyfriend.
Alt Lois?

“I hope not,” Cat chuckled, still draped on Clark’s shoulder. “Or I’m a bigamist.”
clap /decides to just scrap any further ambitions of writing own fic/

“Trust?” Clark echoed, and Lois threw him a sour expression. He returned a sheepish smile.

“By the powers granted to me by this state and by the Church of the Blue Suede Deliverance, I now pronounce you man and wife,” Perry said, producing a form on his desk. “Oh, and I need you two to each sign for those rings.”
Uh-oh. Perry’s a licensed minister, isn’t he? Does that mean Lois and Clark are now accidentally legally married? There was once a comedy about a priest accidentally marrying the bride and the stand-in groom at a rehearsal ceremony.

“More like, ‘don’t kill the bride,” Clark murmured to himself, with a smile at Lois as she turned back to glower at him. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”
clap Also, mad Lois is always extra sexy, so all beds(sic) are off.

“It seems like just yesterday, Catherine, that they were at each other’s throats,” Jimmy said with a faux sigh.

“That was last week,” Cat corrected, leaning against Jimmy’s shoulder.

or cheated at the coin toss, so that he’d won.

They would kiss and…

Right! Surveillance.
Of Clark?

Clark reached to the far side of the bed and retrieved his glasses, putting them on before turning to face her. “Uh, Lois?”
Needing a moment before turning towards her?

Clark had taken it down to hide it from housekeeping that morning, when they had gone into the Daily Planet to update their team on their findings. This time they were going to film from over by the tub where Lois had gotten her first photographs.
I wonder what housekeeping would think about the well-built couple first setting up a video camera near the living room couch and then next to the Jacuzzi.

“I may have been slightly miffed that I ended up in the Poorhouse and you on Easy Street, but…”
She could always have sold her body…

Now that he thought about it, he vaguely remembered little chocolates on the pillows of the bed when they had arrived the day before, but they weren't there when he had gone to bed, so he hadn't thought twice about them.
[Linked Image] /wonders what happened to them/

Clark stopped their kiss as soon as he heard the door close, but Lois’s arms tightened around his chest, keeping him pressed against her.
I think that’s not in the script…

Her lips kissed along his jaw to his ear. “Stay with me tonight, Chuck,” she whispered.

Clark bolted upright, knowing they had gone too far. “No! I can’t,” he exclaimed, sliding off the bed.
[Linked Image]

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Now, he even had a sober and undrugged Lois, wanting to love him, but he couldn’t have her without causing her death.
Sucks to have killed many babies in a previous lifetime. And blown up a planet or two. I mean, that guy’s got worse karma than Tarkin.

I can’t, he had said, but then tried to cover it up with a flimsy excuse about their undercover assignment. Lois guessed that his first words had been the truthful ones.
[Linked Image] Poor dear. She’s finally found a guy who does it for her and then he *can’t*. Just her luck.

Tempting though that reaction was, Clark’s jitters and his history, as far as she knew, made him prone to bolting. If she reacted too strongly or too rashly, he’d disappear. She didn’t want that, she wanted answers.
Maybe if she tied him down with a tie of his?

“You’re right,” she said, lying through her teeth. “It’s too soon, and this is important.”
wave Michael

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What is Mr. Fredericks going to think when Lois and Clark Kent are now staying a couple more nights at the Honeymoon Suite after Lois got a cheap first night alone?
He will think it was worth charging her the lower rate to get her to actually show up, because obviously she liked it so much she went and got married so she could experience it more.

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Michael: Until I'm fully awake enough to write, I'll work on my FDK. [Linked Image] Looks like you've been updating your smilies list again. clap Thanks for the feedback.

What is Mr. Fredericks going to think when Lois and Clark Kent are now staying a couple more nights at the Honeymoon Suite after Lois got a cheap first night alone?
That they decided to get married after all?

Lois: <<thinking>>
PERRY: Lois!
LOIS: I’m still *thinking* about it! Geeeeez…

Oooooo funny!
PERRY: aw... shucks. Thanks. I like to rib my reporters so.

Alt Lois?
Alt-Lois wasn't married at the time of her death.

Why is she checking in as his wife?
She's not paying for the room, she's "and guest".

<<weeping>> <- didn’t find any tear-in-eyes-laughing smiley.
You mean this one? [Linked Image]

I did not expect that. <<spot on!>>
I try my best to surprise you. [Linked Image]

/decides to just scrap any further ambitions of writing own fic/
What? Why? I love your stories!

Uh-oh. Perry’s a licensed minister, isn’t he? Does that mean Lois and Clark are now accidentally legally married? There was once a comedy about a priest accidentally marrying the bride and the stand-in groom at a rehearsal ceremony.
I vaguely remember that plot somewhere. And... cool

Also, mad Lois is always extra sexy, so all beds(sic) are off.
Only couches, sofas, floors, and ceilings?

Of Clark?
Lois denies emphatically resembling that remark about spying on Clark.

Needing a moment before turning towards her?
Of course. He wasn't wearing his glasses. [Linked Image]

I wonder what housekeeping would think about the well-built couple first setting up a video camera near the living room couch and then next to the Jacuzzi.
Well, they took it down before going into the DP, after that first night, so housekeeping didn't notice.

She could always have sold her body…
Well, that would be a new way to play fake-Monopoly. /Michael runs off to pen a new scene for his HiM fic/

<<thinks he might have something but someone stole the chocolates from his mind>> /wonders what happened to them/
Duh! Lois ate them.

I think that’s not in the script…
Ooopps. Did Lois go off-canon again?

<<ER shocked that Clark would be so honest with Lois>>
It was bound to happen eventually.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to Michael's FDK --

Sucks to have killed many babies in a previous lifetime. And blown up a planet or two. I mean, that guy’s got worse karma than Tarkin.
And here I thought you were saying that Clark was the reincarnation of Anikan.

Poor dear. She’s finally found a guy who does it for her and then he *can’t*. Just her luck.
LOIS: <<sniffles>> Isn't it? Well... <<stretches her muscles>> we'll have to see about that. I do like a challenge.

Maybe if she tied him down with a tie of his?
Actually, there's a new fic about that...

ER: <<shocked to the point of tears>>
Really? Lois lying to him? Or Lois apologizing?

Ugh? Ugh-ugh.

ER: <<happily shows off his new bouncy smilie>>
I see that line about Clark living with someone from canon is one of your favs too.

ER: <<shouts with joy>>
huh Either ER is excited about Clark telling Lois about being engaged, or he's enjoying EW metaphor about the gorilla punching Lois in the face. Either that, or he's drunk and just popping in smilies willy-nilly for fun. I'm going with a).

LEX: Other people’s opinions? Isn’t that an oxymoron?
So, there's Lex's opinion and that's it? Not even a highway?

He likes the whip?
Clark shrugs adorably.

Collecting blonde scalps in his loft?
Good thing Lois is brunette.

Well, she usually broke it off when she caught him with another woman.
CLARK: I knew I shouldn't have hooked up with Rachel again, after she returned from her stint in the military... while I was still engaged to Lana.

Did he already mention that he’s not very good at this?
Yes, she's adding up details now: 2+2+1+1=9

Actually, it was more a ‘yes…?’
or a "yes, dear."

Well, considering the rest of the story, maybe he was the one who…umm…what he had explained earlier. Otherwise it would mean that his fiancée got assaulted during highschool and Clark also lost his virginity during highschool. And all that in rural Kansas.
[Linked Image]You aren't accusing Clark of rape of Lana are you?

Maybe the rapist came back?
And? She wanted *him*?... over Clark? No, impossible.

They’ve got bug planted in there?
No, a mic pointed in that direction.

ER: <<tries to think of what two possibilities that could be>>

ER: << passes out after Lois asks the question directly>>
Lois knew he had answered the question before, but since Clark has a habit of lying... And this is a subject on which grown men in their late twenties are apt to lie...

BTW: I also found: [Linked Image] and [Linked Image] and [Linked Image] on the cheeky page.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Until I'm fully awake enough to write, I'll work on my FDK.
I know that feeling.

Looks like you've been updating your smilies list again.
[Linked Image] Kinda sorta. Just opened the happy page and tried for some variety.

That they decided to get married after all?

quote: /decides to just scrap any further ambitions of writing own fic/

What? Why? I love your stories!
Yes, but after the gorilla I realized why should I even try. It’s like selling 5th-hand stuff in front of uuuu Macy’s? /mutters about needing to try and finish valentines vignette sitting on harddrive for 3-4 years…/

I vaguely remember that plot somewhere. And... <EWis playing it very close to the vest>
Hey! That was just a joke… [Linked Image]

quote: Also, mad Lois is always extra sexy, so all beds(sic) are off.

Only couches, sofas, floors, and ceilings?
Yeah. Well, not the ceilings, unless he wants to tell her a secret.

quote:Of Clark?

Lois denies emphatically resembling that remark about spying on Clark.

Of course. He wasn't wearing his glasses. <EW tries desperately for a gfic answer>

quote: She could always have sold her body…

Well, that would be a new way to play fake-Monopoly. /Michael runs off to pen a new scene for his HiM fic/
Hey! Actually… [Linked Image] /imagines Lois pulling a community card “you’ve spent all your rent money on shoes/computer stuff. To ensure you can pay your rent, you have to sell your body to another player for 500 monopoly dollars”/

quote: <<thinks he might have something but someone stole the chocolates from his mind>> /wonders what happened to them/

Duh! Lois ate them.
[Linked Image] I know. I was going for subtle recognition of joke to match subtly of joke-presentation.

quote: I think that’s not in the script…

Ooopps. Did Lois go off-canon again?
She’s a naughty girl!

quote: Sucks to have killed many babies in a previous lifetime. And blown up a planet or two. I mean, that guy’s got worse karma than Tarkin.

And here I thought you were saying that Clark was the reincarnation of Anikan.
laugh Also, Anakin.

LOIS: <<sniffles>> Isn't it? Well... <<stretches her muscles>> we'll have to see about that. I do like a challenge.
/goes and waits over yonder for scene to appear/

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I go by Michael on the Archives.
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